The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (1977–1979): Season 1, Episode 14 - Mystery of the Solid Gold Kicker - full transcript

At a party after a winning football game, the star feel discomfort. After party is over, Georgie forget her purse and goes back for it. Through the window she see a body on the floor. Nancy...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It all rests on
Garvey's foot.

You hit her too hard.
What're you doing?

I'm calling the police.
You're crazy!

George, here, claims that she saw
a girl's body on the den floor.

A body?

Listen, I don't care
what you think about me,

but I'd never
throw a game.

Nancy, what is it?

It's important.

The whole game
might depend on it.

Standby, four.

(director) Widen out
just a little bit, three.

(male narrator)
Tonight, Nancy Drew in

The Mystery of
the Solid Gold Kicker.

(male commentator) Ladies and
gentlemen, all of you absorbed

by this epic struggle
will have to agree

that Overton State's
grid-iron stalwarts

were taken much too
lightly in today's game

for no apparent
rhyme or cogent reason.

Underrated, underestimated,

and now, as so often
during this past season,

within striking distance

of pulling off
another major upset...

State, the David of the football
world, unsung, unheralded,

virtually unknown before
the season began and now,

here they are,
nationally ranked,

and with the game
almost over

behind by only
one point, seven to six.

And now,
at this critical moment,

they are in range
of Chip Garvey's toe

which instrument was
instrumental in winning

three of their last four games with
an incredible field-goal percentage,

eight out of his last
eight tries.

Two of which he performed in
heroic fashion in this contest

and placed the vital
six points on the scoreboard.

Will Garvey be able
to get the ball over

those last few yards of turf?

[people chattering]

[drum beating]

All right, take six.

Evan, you're gonna
have the ball,

widen out just a little bit
on three, and take three.

Camera two,
give me a shot of the kicker.

Number 92 red, Chip Garvey.

Camera one,
widen to a crowd shot.

We've, uh, got camera two
to slow-motion machine A.

One, give me 57, defenses and
linebacks One, slow-motion feed.

Widen out just
a little bit, three.

Video, help three.

Oh, man, I don't believe it.
You're fantastic.

Why do you think
I invited you in here?

I had to impress you

Did he call time-out?

All right, uh, four, five,
and six: crowd shots.

Take six. Tight on the girl,
Sal. Standby, four.

Take five.

Five? Five's got
just a guy on it.

Four's just
got a girl on it.

Pretty girls are more
interesting than guys.

Only to chauvinists.

Put four on the line.

Mike, squeeze into
a head shot.

[people chattering]

Camera four,
widen out to the play.

Put three back up.
Uh, all right, standby now.

(male commentator) All
right, Chip Garvey is waiting.

The center is over the ball.

And once more, an entire game
of men and muscle and equipment

all comes down to one thing,

the furthest extremity on
Chip Garvey's body, his toe.

(male commentator #2)
Seven to six. seconds to go.

The ball is snapped
and he connects.

And it's good.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the kick is good.

Wow! Chip was really hit.

[crowd cheering]

State wins the game,
nine to seven.

What a climax!

And let's look at
that great moment

once again
by way of replay.

(director) All right, let's replay that.

Put it on the line, Johnny.
And roll it. Gently.

What we want is

to see him get the ball off
and then get hit.

That's it.
That's the right speed.

Johnny, stand by
to mat the final score.

(male commentator)
But he's up on his feet,

shaken, triumphant,
as again he leads...

Mat the final score.

Boy, is he gonna
have a headache.

Next Saturday, between State
and Newton, both undefeated.

The winner of that game
to play in the ball game.

Now, play by play
for today's game with...

?[music playing]

[people chattering]

George is really
a great dancer, isn't she?

The younger
generation is pretty good.

Oh, compared to the older
generation like you?

You can laugh.
But I was playing pro-ball

before you
graduated high school.

I believe it.

You must really
like college ball

to come this far
for a game.

Well, Ben asked me
to help out Chip

with some pro owners
I know.

You see, I'm here scouting.
In the right hands,

I think that boy
has got a great future.

Oh, yeah?

She really gets into it.

Yeah, it's not too bad,
a little talent.

What's the matter?

Uh, nothing, I got, uh,

kind of woozy there
for a second.

Everything kind of
went black on me.

A funny buzzing
in my ears.

Well, come on,
why don't you sit down?

No, it's okay.
It'll clear up.

[people chattering]

How would you like
a career in television?

Cool off. I'm busy.

You're really a flake,
aren't you?


First you invite me
down from Boston,

and now you make
like I'm not alive.

Oh, I'm not gonna let you push
me around like some football.

Well, cut it out, will you?

And what's that
supposed to be?

Another threat?

Look, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Who is that?

I don't know. Just met her
here at the party.

I recognize her
from someplace.

[people chattering]

Come on, Paula.

You're making
a scene nobody needs.

When will you let him
be a big boy

and take care of
his own problems?

All right, come on!

Chip, how could you
do this to me?

After all you promised.

After all we meant
to each other.

Come on.
Come on.

Boy, I just can't get
that fight out of my head.

Neither can I.

It just doesn't seem
like the Chip we know.

The Chip we thought
we knew, you mean.

You know about
those quiet ones.

No talk, all action.

Are you speaking
from experience?

No. I can dream,
can't I?


Where did you know
Paula from anyway?

Ah, I've seen her on TV.
She's one of those girls

they're always flashing on
the screen during the games.

Oh, no!

Well, it's not that bad.

No, not her. Me.
I forgot my purse.

I'll go back
to Ben's with you.

Uh, It's pretty late.
I'll go back, it'll be okay.



Good night.

See you later.

How much did you give him?

Just to knock him out
for a few minutes, that's all.

He'll come around
when we want him to.

You, madame, were terrific!

What a performance!

That was the hard part.

In front of
all those people.

Do you think
I convinced them?

Scared the socks off me.

He's the one
we've got to convince.

I'm afraid he's just
not going to buy it, Ben.

He'll buy it.
Don't worry about it.

I know him
like my own brother.

He'll be a little scared,
confused, frightened,

but, well, I'll just
keep him that way.

What's the matter?

How's he going to
come out of this?

He'll do just fine.

Look, we've gotta
go through with this.

It's the only
chance I've got.

If you think
this is playing rough,

let me tell you what happens
if I don't pull this off.

Come on, hurry.

[glass breaking]

Hey, wake up.

Chip, wake up. What happened,
huh? What happened?

Uh, uh, I don't know. A buzzing
in my ears, in my head...

What happened to Paula?

Paula? What are you...

You hit her.

I mean, you-you must
have hit her.


All right, look at her,
look at her!

I c-c-can't remember, Ben.
I-I don't remember.

All right, all right.

Oh, I-

All right, all right.
All right.

I couldn't have
done that, Ben.

Don't you remember, huh?

You were arguing with her.
And, uh, there was a crash,

then you must
have passed out.

Oh, uh,

uh, I don't remember.

All right. All right.
All right.

She was shouting.

Screaming like
someone crazy.

I'm-I'm sure
it was self-defense.

But, I can't believe...
I mean, uh...

My head,
I can't think clear.

Were you drinking
a lot at the party?

I never touched it.

Okay, maybe it was the tackle
you got during the game, huh?

What're you doing?
What're you doing?

I have to call
the police.

You're crazy! Chip!

It was an accident.

Fine. It was an accident.

But who is going to
believe you?

Especially after the scene
you had at the party with her.

I don't know
what got into her.

I mean,
we weren't that close.

How are you
going to prove that? Chip!

Don't you see,

you got nothing to gain
and everything to lose.

You got a scholarship...

You got three brothers
and a mother to help support.

And how much more weight,
how much more weight

do you want to carry
on your shoulders?

Worse yet, every
pro scout in the country's

gonna be
at that game next week.

Now do you think
you stand a chance at all

to play in that game until
you're proven innocent, huh?

It might take weeks,
months, or never!

[crickets chirping]

Hmm, they've all gone to bed.

Use your head now.
Come on.

It won't stop pounding.

I don't feel
very good, Ben.

I-I-I don't know
what to do.

First of all, get out of here.
Now, come on.

But what about her, Ben?

Come on,
I-I'll take care of it.

Just leave everything
to me, huh? Sit down.

I don't want you
to take the blame, Ben.

Chip, come on.

There's not gonna be
any blame, not on me

or anyone else.
Just trust me.

The important thing is that
you're free and clear.

You've worked too hard
and too long

to go down the tube
because of some girl

you barely even know, who got
drunk and flipped out at the party.


Don't blow everything
on something

that wasn't
even your fault. Come on.

It's not fair on you
or anyone else.

Come-come on.

H-h-how will you
handle it, Ben?


Just, uh, just
don't worry about it, huh?

Ben, I'm not sure this is
the right thing to do.

Chip, come on!

There's no other way.

And remember, you don't have
anything to feel guilty about

because you didn't do
anything wrong. Okay?


Go on.

[tires screeching]

[horn honking]

George, you said on the phone
it was urgent,

but this is ridiculous.

You got to slow down, we're
gonna get stopped by the sheriff.

No, he's meeting us.

At least, uh, uh,
Deputy Foley is.

He is? Where?

Ben's house.


Oh, Nancy.

What happened?


I'll start
and you just interrupt, okay?

George, what happened?
Oh, Nancy...

That girl that got
in the fight with, uh, Chip.

Paula Clark.

I went over there,
she was lying on the floor.

She wasn't moving.

What did you do?

I ran. And the first phone
booth I saw,

I called you and Foley.

She could've been
hurt badly.

Now, exactly what
did you see, George?

Hmm, Deputy Foley-

Now, cut that out.

I had enough of that
on the phone.

She saw a girl
lying on the floor.

She wasn't moving.
George thinks she was-

All right. All right.

[knocking on door]

Are you sure?

Of course she's sure.

Look at her, she's still
in a state of shock.

She looks the same
as always to me.

Foley, Nancy, George,
come on in.

What's this all about?

What, uh, seems
to be wrong?

Uh, Ben, I'm sorry
to bother you so late,

but George here
claims that she saw

a girl's body
on the den floor.

A body?

I'm sorry, Ben.

George, you must have really
gotten zonked at the party.

It's not funny.

I didn't have anything
to drink, and what I saw

was after the party,
in the den.

After the party.

After the party,
I went directly to bed.

Come on, Foley,
this is ridiculous.

There's no one
here but me.

Ben, if you think I don't
believe you, you're wrong.

But I gotta follow through
on all complaints,

even if it means I got to
wake up Judge Cochrane.

You know what I mean?

For a search warrant?


Don't be silly.

I know you have
to do your duty, Foley.

I just wish it wasn't
in the middle of the night.

Go ahead.
Search to your heart's desire.

Everything looks
in order to me.

What are you lookin' for?

George said she saw
pieces of smashed crystal

around the girl's head.

From a vase,
she thinks.

It's gotta be around here.

This is exactly
where it happened.

Well, that gives George
100 percent for consistency.

Number one, I've never owned
a crystal vase and number two,

there never was a body.

Well, I guess we've bothered
you enough for one night, Ben.

No problem.

Come on, girls, let's go.

Ben, could I see
your vacuum cleaner?

Vacuum cleaner?
What for?

Nancy, uh, you don't have to
apologize by cleaning up the place.

The maid will handle that
in the morning.

Look, maybe you and Foley
don't believe George, but I do.

If she says she saw
a girl lying on that floor

with broken glass
around her head,

she saw a girl
lying on the floor

with broken glass
around her head.

Ah, ah, I gotcha.

And then somebody vacuumed up
the pieces, right?



It's empty.

Now, why don't we
take Foley's advice

and get ourselves
some sleep.

Sorry again, Ben.

Wait a minute.

Don't you have
floodlights outside?

Yes. It lights up
the place like Times Square.

Yeah, I read once, you can
find out all about a person

just by what they leave
in their trashcan.

Uh, I don't think
I'm that interested in Ben.

Well, I haven't seen
anything out of the way.

And just what are you
two pack rats looking for?

A vacuum-cleaner bag.

Filled with those
pieces of crystal

George claims
to have seen?

She saw them, Foley.

Look, we've done about all
we can for one night.

So, as soon as you
clean up this mess,

I suggest you give up
this snipe hunt

and head on home before I get
a missing person's call.

[crickets chirping]

Well, maybe he's right.
Maybe we should just give up.

We can't, George.
We're the only ones

who believe a crime
took place here tonight.

If we stop investigating,
the criminals could get away.



Why is Ben's car warm?

The obvious, Nancy.
It's been driven.

Ben said he went to bed
right after the party.

Oh, what do you figure?

The obvious.
Ben lied. Let's go.

(Nancy) George, everything
else around here is residential.

This is the most logical place
to get rid of the evidence.

Nancy, this is getting
to be a whole number with you

in all this
garbage all that time.

I don't want to know
about Henry that much.

Think about it, George,
there was not a sliver

of glass on that rug.
They got rid of it fast.

This place is only
five minutes from there.

I don't see
anything in these.

Watch out.

[both chattering]

Can you hand me
one of those things?

What? Yeah, yeah, here.

You're really
getting into that? Well...


(George) Nancy, the
body could be in here.

Oh, George.

Hey, put us down!
Hey, put us...


Ladies, get out of there.

What are you doing?

I found the vacuum bag.

It's loaded
with broken crystal.

Well, now what's wrong?

What are you doing?

What you said
before is right.

What did I say?

Well, if they dumped
the glass here,

why not the body?

[horn honking]

Uh, uh, uh, put us down!



Come on.


I've been trying to get
a hold of you all day.

Well, the flights to Boston
were grounded last night.

I just got in.
What's the problem?


The deputy sheriff was here last
night looking for Paula's body.

How did he know about it?

One of the girls
from the party

came back and spotted it
in the den and called him.

I'm sure they
didn't find a body.

So, that takes care of that.

Nancy Drew is involved.

So what?

She's a part-time investigator

with the instincts
of a bulldog.

I don't think she'll let go.

Ben, we might have to do
something about her.

[birds chirping]

It's like a nightmare.

How could she be dead?

Oh, I can't believe it.

What about her family?

There weren't any.

She didn't have
much of anything.

I feel awful.
She was so young.

Only in years, Chip.
Only in years.

Look, you insisted on coming
and seeing this for yourself.

All right, you did.
It's over.

Uh, you're wrong.
I'll never get over it. I...

What's he doing here?

Well, I couldn't handle it
by myself.

Don't worry. Pete's
one of my oldest friends.

He helped me out.

It's a dirty shame
what happened to you, Chip.

I'm sorry.

But it's inevitable,
I suppose.

What do you mean,

Let's face it,
Paula was wacko.

We're both grateful
you helped us out, Pete.

Hey, forget it.

I love football
and the people in it.

I wasn't about to sit around
and watch a coming star

go down the drain for something
that wasn't even his fault.

Then, everything else is,
is all right?

Yeah, I did what I could.

At least I got them
to compromise.

What happened?

Will you tell me
what's goin' on?

You see, Chip,

all this took a little more
muscle than I've got.

You mean there are others
that know about this?

Yeah, but
they won't run to the cops.

That's the important
thing, Chip.

That's important, anyway.

But they do want
a favor in return.

How much?


Ah, that's crazy. Where do they
expect me to get that kind of money?

On Saturday's game.

[birds chirping]

I'm going to the police.

Like I should've
in the first place.

This thing will never
stop snowballing.

I suppose that's one way
you can handle it.

You know, uh,

what happens once you do that,
don't you, Chip?

Yeah, we get this thing

straightened out
once and for all.

Even if it means
I go to jail for a while.

I won't implicate
any of you.

I'll take the whole rap.

But what about the mortuary?

We made a few payoffs.

When the police
start digging,

my friends might get hurt.

They won't like that.

Look, I can't help that.

We were wrong.
All of us.

If I'd been thinking clearly
it wouldn't have happened.

All right, Chip,
but it did happen.

Look, I don't think you know
what these people are like.

I mean, they're willing
to play rough.

I got myself into this mess

by not telling the truth
in the first place.

If that means they are
going to rough me up,

well, I guess
I have it coming.

But I'm not throwin'
a game on top of this.

All right, let's say
we all have it coming.

What about your younger brothers
and the rest of your family?

Ah, come on.
They wouldn't hurt them.

You do have a lot to learn.

You're in it with them,
aren't you?

Chip, you can't beat them,
join them.

Come on,
come on, all right.

Are you trying to
scare me?

Look, I know
what you're feeling, huh?

You want to take a smack
at me, go ahead,

if it'll make you
feel better.

It's not going
to change a thing.

My friends are going to
bet a wad on the game.

And if they don't win,

then your family loses.

Chip, uh, look at it
this way.

What if the game
doesn't even depend on you?

I mean, it could happen.
The game could bust wide open,

where a field goal
or an extra point

won't make a bit
of difference, huh?

I must admit, Foley,
that on occasion,

Nancy's enthusiasm
does get the better of her.

Well, it certainly does, sir.

Hi, Officer Foley.

Dad, you wanted to see me?

Yeah, I did Nance.

Foley's been
telling me

about your little
escapade last night.

A snipe hunt,
he calls it.

Snipe hunt?


Look, George saw a body lying
on Ben Fialstead's den floor.

When the sheriff
checks out Paula Clark,

I think you'll know that, too.

No need to wait
for the sheriff.

I did a little
checking myself.

Oh, great.
What did you find out?

Only one thing.

There is no girl
called Paula Clark.

But there has to be.
I met her at Ben's.

We all did.

Ben told me that.

Neither Ben nor anybody else
knows much about her.

He could be lying again.

Nancy, that's a pretty serious
charge to level against Ben.

Well, it proved he was lying

when I found
those glass crystals.

It proved that somebody
broke a crystal vase

and hid it
behind the market.

There's still no proof that
it was in Ben's house.

Oh, I bet there will be proof

when Dr. Hull
finishes those tests.

Besides, I found strands
of carpet on that glass.

Those can be
checked out, too.

And I bet those are
from Ben's house also.

Nancy, I suggest
we kind of take a breather

until the results of them
tests are known.

But the criminal
could be getting away.

Nancy, I'm in charge here.

You know what I mean?

Yes, I do.


Is that you, Louise?
Back so soon?

I won't be much
longer with you.

Who are you?

What do you want?

Dr. Hull.

Dr. Hull, are you in there?

It's me, Nancy.

Dr. Hull!

[glass shattering]

Dr. Hull.

Are you all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Here, let me get this.

What was that?

I don't know.

I'll call you
a doctor!

No, no, I'm all right.

He wasn't out to hurt me.

He only wanted
the evidence.

Oh, looks like
he got it.

So, Chip's gone to Boston.
With Ben? I see.

Is there anywhere
I can get in touch with him?

Oh. Thanks, Mrs. Garvey.

One thing's for sure.

There's not
a sliver of evidence.

I don't see that
it matters if there were.

I mean, Doc Hull had a lot
of time to look at the glass.

And, uh, there was no
evidence of blood protein

or hemoglobin.
No red-cell debris.

Not even hair fibers
or epithelial tissue.

What does it all mean?

That particular vase
didn't hit anybody,

on the head
or anywhere else.

They couldn't have wiped
the crystals clean?

Not enough to hide
from the microscope.

I just don't understand.

If there was nothing

to find out
from the broken vase,

why would someone
go to all the trouble

of getting rid of it and then taking
the chance of stealing it again?

That's a good question,


And I do believe my daughter
thinks she has the answer.

They knew Dr. Hull wouldn't
find anything on the crystals,

so they had to steal it
back before he didn't.

What did she say?

I'm still working on it.
Where are you off to?

I've got to put all these
loose pieces together.

What pieces?

All the new evidence.

What evidence?
Nothing's been found!


Still working on
what she said before.

Dad, I'm going
out of town.

So, don't wait up.

W-Wait, do you mind telling me
where you're going?



Pete, I'm sorry to
bother you like this-

Hey, no problem.
How did you locate me?

I was looking for Chip.
He was staying here.

Well, he already
left the hotel.

Yeah, I know.

I happened to notice
you were registered here, too.

Happened to?

Pete, I need help.

Hey, anything I can do,
you got it.

I don't know where to begin.
It's about Ben.

Well, maybe I can give you
a hand. Is it Paula?

Ben told me about
George's wild allegations.

I don't think
they're so wild,

or that they're allegations.

Pete, when you led Paula
away from the party

after her argument with Chip,

did she leave
the party right away?

As far as I know,
she did.

I walked her out
to her car

and that's the last
I saw of her.

Did you stay until
the end of the party?


I stayed until
after Chip left.

Then I was
the last one to go.

So there was nobody
there with Ben?

No. I'm sure not.

[phone ringing]

Go ahead. I have
a plane to catch. Thanks.



You sound low.

You want me to come by
and cheer you up?

Sure. A little sympathy
never hurt anyone.

Go get your door open.
I'm two rooms away.

Hi, is everything
still all right?

Nancy Drew came to town
and asked a lot of questions.

Did you have the answers?


(male commentator) It's been
a bone-cracking game so far.

The teams as evenly matched

as any I've seen
this entire season.

Scoreless, with only
minutes until half-time.

It's State's ball
at midfield.

Jeffries takes the hand-off,
he fades.

Deep downfield amidst...
What a catch!

Oh, what a game!

Nancy, what I went through
to get these tickets.

I mean, they're
the 50-yard-line.

I know, George.
I'm really sorry,

but I just think it's
important we stay on this case.

I know.

Camera five,
cover the point.

(male commentator)
The ball is snapped. It's up.

No good. No good.

Your father
works Saturdays, too?


You remember Skipper,
don't you?

Oh, boy, do I.

I'm not really
in the mood

to listen to old
sea stories, though.

Nancy, you know, we have been
rushing around like crazy

ever since you got
back from Boston.

I still don't see any light
at the end of the tunnel.

But we're on
the right track, George.

But the question is,
to what?

To proving Paula
is still alive.

Now wait a minute.

I thought we're trying
to prove she was dead.

Then, what do I think
I saw?

That was before Dr. Hull.

Ever since I found out
there wasn't anything

on the glass crystals,
I've been suspicious.

What did I see at Ben's?

I think that was
a planned scene

to make somebody believe
that Paula was killed.

For me?

No, for Chip.

That's why we went
back to Ben's house?

That's why
nobody was there.

He sent them away.

Why would someone play a trick
like that on Chip?

Hmm, blackmail is the only
thing I can think of.

But he hasn't any money.

What would anyone
have to gain from it?

[male commentator chattering]

The football game?


That's what it adds up to.

But how did Chip think
he killed Paula

if he really didn't?

That's what
we're here for.

(male commentator)
The snap comes from center.

Harrison hands of to Bule.

Hits the center of the line.

He's in there.
Touchdown for Newton.

Harrison will hold.
Bradley to kick.

The kick is up. It's good.

Newton takes the lead,
seven to six.

[crowd cheering]

From the 23 of Newton,
Jeffries brings them out.


How about some of
that hard tack and rum?

Well, I'll be blown off
course by a Northwester

if it isn't little Nancy.

Oh, I was just cleaning
up your father's-

Avast, mate, you don't have to
apologize about anything to me.

And this is
soda pop, you know?

Dad keeps it
stocked just for you.

How are you, Skipper?

Oh, good as ever.

You know, I miss you
and the other kids

that used to
hang around here.

I'll never forget all
those stories you told us.

I even remember the places.

Hong Kong, Bangkok, Manila.


Oh, I'll never
forget that one.

Oh, I remember you
telling me a story

about how you and some of your
shipmates went ashore,

and you ended by
wrecking up some bar.

Oh, I had a headache
for a week afterward.

Tell me about that again,
would you?

Well, it really started out
in Bangkok and then we went-

What about the part
about Manila?

You know,
when you passed out.

Passed out?

Knocked out
is more like it.

Why would you want to
know that story for?

Look, the part
about the mickey?

What mickey?

The knock-out drops
they slipped you.

Now what would you want
to know about that for?

Do they make you
feel woozy?

Everything goes dark,

and there's a strange
buzzing in your ears?

Strange buzzing! No.

It's more like, uh, a sail
ripping apart in a typhoon.

It screams through your ears.

Tell me everything
you know about them.

It's very important.

[crowd cheering]

Get set on camera six.

The kicking team's
coming in.

Camera four, you stay tied
on number 92, red, the kicker.

That's it, camera four.
Stay right with him.

(male commentator) The stage is
set one more time for Chip Garvey.

The run by Pullen has put
the ball on the 18-yard line

with time left for only
one more play

before the half-time whistle.

And, as has been the case
so often this past season,

it all rests on
Garvey's foot.

A successful drive...


Hey, you sure
you don't have nothin'

to do with that mickey
I told you about?

Only good things, Skipper,
only good things. Thanks.

[man whistling]

[crowd cheering]

(male commentator)
There's the snap.

Garvey's kicked.
Off to the left. No good.

[crowd cheering]

Lousy break.

...after a season
of perfect kicks.

So at half-time
the score remains,

Newton-seven, State-six.

State behind seven to six
in light of those

two missed kicks
by Chip Garvey.

Where to now?

The game.

Oh, poor Chip.
He's been way off.

We all have.

[car engine starting]

(Nancy) Park it for
me, will you, George?

I'll meet you
in the stands later.

(director) Uh, camera one,
give me a shot of the crowd.

Camera two, hold that shot of
Harrison on the bench.

Come back, five.

Uh, you can include both
huddles on your opening shot.

Four, stand by tight
with the quarterback in a mat.

Little tighter on four.
Stand by to mat now.

Excuse me.
Uh, uh, Nancy, what is it?

It's important.

I don't have time. I have
to wait until after the game.

Take four, mat.
That might be too late.

It involves Chip Garvey.

Nancy, it's gonna
have to wait. I'm busy now.

Videotape two
is breaking up.

Let me check.

Engineering, watch tape two.
I'm worried about it.

(man) I'll go back and see what's wrong.

Put three on the line.

(male commentator)
From his own 42 line,

Jeffries wants to get
something going.

He takes the snap. Fades.

[crowd cheering]

10 seconds to commercial.

Drift to the right
on that shot.

Do it on the count.

8, 7, 6, a little faster.

4, 3, 2, 1.

Freeze, seven.
Tape black.

Commercial rolling.

Look, I know how busy you are,
but it's terribly important.

I have to see that girl you showed
on TV during last week's game.

What's it, Ms. Lib
talking to me again?

What's up?

Please, is it possible
to rerun a shot of her for me?

It's possible. We've got the history
tapes back in the videotape room.

But I haven't the time.

The whole game
might depend on it!

What're you telling me, Nancy?

Today's game depends
on a spectator shot

of some girl
in last week's game?

Well, sort of,
I have to see

if I can recognize any of
the people that were with her.

It's very important.
It's vital.

If you don't show-

Who brings people
like this into my life?

All right, Nancy. Tell me
exactly when it took place.

It was just before
Chip Garvey's last field goal.

It was the final
minute of the game.

Okay, sit down over there.

Put up the videotape
reel from last week's

game spin all the way down
to the end of the game,

one minute before
the sound of the gun

and screen the field goal
for Nancy. Help Nancy.

[crowd cheering]

It's in the bag.

You can start
spending your money.


We're watching
the game here, too, Pete.

We're getting
a little worried.

What do you mean worried?

He missed
the field goal, didn't he?

Yeah, but we just got word

that he hustled
his whole family out of town.

Where to?

That's what
we want to know.

Maybe this girl Nancy Drew,

you know, the one you told us
not to worry about,

maybe she knows why he sent
his whole family away.

He's scared, that's all.

He's probably
just making sure

that we don't ask him
to throw another game.

Pete, there's enough money
riding on Newton

to win this game
to finance Chicago.

You said you had
the whole thing handled.

Everybody believed you.

It better be true, Pete.

Don't worry about it.

We're ahead,
thanks to Garvey.

If it came down to
another field goal,

we own him.

Johnny, put Merritt slow-mo

on the preview
monitor for Nancy.

All right, camera one,
tight on the quarterback.

Okay, move in slower.

Camera three,
on the clock.

Camera six,
stay with Chip Garvey.

Isolate camera two
to videotape machine one.

Stop. Back it up again.

Stop! He did know Paula.
He was lying.

What's the fastest
way to the field?

The blimp, my dear.

You drop straight down.

I'll show you how
to get to the field.

Oh, thank you.

It sounded important.

It is.

Here, you need this
to get past the guard.

I'll show you how to
get down to the field.

[crowd cheering]

You just keep your eye
on that girl Nancy Drew, hmm?

(assistant) Just follow
the arrows down there.

Be careful, they keep the
lights low to conserve power.


?[band music playing]

(male commentator)
... fourth quarter.

Bule takes the hand-off,
up the middle.

It's a tie ballgame,
13 to 13.

A kick can change
the situation right now.

And let's not forget the
earlier mis-kicks by State

gaining importance
with every passing minute.

Bradley's kick is good.

There you have it.

Newton have assumed
a 14 to 13 lead.

Nancy, wait up. It's me.

Nancy, where are you?

All right,
put camera five on the line.

Cameras one and two,
freeze right there.

Go quickly
between camera one and two.

What is happening
on camera four?

Preview camera four.

What's Nancy up to now?

Four, stay away from that.

Get away from and stay
away from it. Take six.

(male commentator) A little less
than one minute left to the end

of the season
for one of these teams

and a trip on New Year's Day

to the Big Bowl
for the other.

[players chanting]

In play. Pitched out
by Jeffries to Rowat.

Left side, he's inside,
he finally hits out-of-bounds

on the 32-yard line.

25 secs to go.

[referee whistling]

[crowd cheering]

There's the hand-off
to Peters.

He moves up the middle.
Good drive.

All right,
guys, 10 seconds left.

...letting the clock run out.
Time out...

what're you doing here?

I've to tell you something.

Paula Clark
might not be dead.

But I saw her grave.

Is that why you sent your
mother and brother out of town?

Is that why
you missed that kick?

Listen, I don't care
what you think about me,

but I didn't miss
that kick on purpose.

I'd never throw a game.

Some people miss sometimes.
That was just my time.

It's all yours. The coach says
we're going for three.

It's only second down.

Coach doesn't want to take
a chance on a fumble.

Good luck on the kick.

If I miss,
who's gonna believe me?

And so, here we are, folks.
Just 10 seconds left.

State calling upon
its ace, its trump card,

its mainstay of the season,

Chip Garvey for one
last field-goal attempt.

The three points
an absolute must now.

All other options
have run out.

Chip Garvey's toe will tell
the difference for State.

A 14 to 13 loss
if he misses,

but a 16 to 14 victory,

if he can come through
and make it.

There's the stand. The kick.

He scores!

[crowd roaring]

Overton State goes out front,
16 to 14 over Newton.

What a football game!

This stadium is going crazy.

He has done it.

As the clock runs out,
State wins 16 to 14.

What's going on?

Maybe you can fill us in
on what Pete left out.

I don't know what
you're talking about, Nancy.

Look, I know
how you framed Chip.

You slipped him a mickey

and you made him think
that he killed Paula here.

Pete told us
about the gambling.

What I don't figure is how
you could do that to Chip.

I was broke.

But what about
your inheritance?

Your house?

In hock.
Up to my attic.

I blew it all gambling.

I didn't know

how to get out of the mess
I got myself into.

So you framed
your best friend.

?[band music playing]

[crowd cheering]

You're back.
How did it go?

I feel a lot better.

I told the school everything.

Good for you.

It looks like Ben and Pete
did the same to the police.

What's gonna
happen to them?

Well, they and Paula Clark
face some serious charges:

a death certificate,

lying to the police, trying
to fix a football game.

It won't go easy
with 'em.

What about Chip?

Uh, you were
an accessory to all of this,

but, uh, at least you didn't
compound the mistake

by attempting
to throw the game.

And since you're going
State's evidence,

and there was
no real harm done,

my guess is that
you'll get off

with a suspended sentence
and a long probation.

Oh, you'll be able
to finish school.

And the big game's
only in two weeks.

Uh, I'm out of that.

The school won't let me play
in the bowl game.

I don't really deserve it.

I should've called the police

as soon as I thought
Paula was dead.

And then reported
the attempt to fix the game.

I don't think
I'll ever get over it.

You already have.

You know,
there's an old saying:

"When you swim with sharks,
you either get eaten

or you become
a shark yourself. "

You've gone one
better than that.

You've become your own man.

It's much more important than
any point after touchdown.

Reminds me of
the old salt

who found himself a young
wench in Hong Kong-

we're not out to sea.

Right, Mr. Drew.

Now back to
the Hong Kong story,

oh, don't worry, Mr. Drew,

I'm gonna clean it
up here and there.


There was this old salt

who'd been out in the brine
for eight months...