The Greatest Love (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

You rejected Se-ri's invitation

and you're joining me in picking up women?

I sent her flowers instead.

Don't you have more patients
since you went on the show?

That's why I escaped with you.

I can't tell if I'm seeing patients

or if I'm on a blind date these days.


I guess Ae-jeong is doing a show
at a nightclub.

So she's singing over there?


It's the tenth anniversary
of her debut, too.

But one sings at a concert hall,

and one sings at a nightclub.


Hey, over there.

Welcome, are you here alone?

Ae-jeong is singing here tonight, right?


I'm an acquaintance.
Could I see her for a moment?

She was supposed to perform,

but it was canceled, so she left.

-It was suddenly canceled.

Hey! I told you to take down that banner.

Hey, go take that order.

Excuse me...


Where am I?

It must feel like you're dreaming
since you're here

with me instead of your dreadful reality.

Did you bring me here?

I was waiting to do a performance
in front of the nightclub.

I bought that performance.

That performance you were waiting to do

while eating cheap food
on the day of your tenth anniversary.

I bought that.


I was about to see how low you'd go,

but I just couldn't stand it.

-I hate seeing you like that.


I don't even get myself,

so of course, you wouldn't understand.

There's one simple explanation
to everything.

What do you think it is?

Jin, do you...

Do you like me?

Ding dong.

You really like me?


That's why I'm so

ashamed of myself.

You said you were meeting someone.
Did you see them?

No, I just missed her.

You didn't even see her then?

Who is it?


Did she go back to Seoul?


I guess you're really upset
that you didn't get to see her.

Eun-ho, that guy is Dokgo Jin, right?

I guess he really is famous,
seeing how you recognize him.

He's dating Se-ri, the host of our show.


But why did you mention him?

I just think I saw him a while ago.

No way.

They'll probably be together since it's
Se-ri's tenth anniversary of her debut.

Why would he be here?


So you're telling me
that you have feelings for me?

I'm making a confession.

You kept giving me butterflies
and tortured me by continuously

lurking around with your pitiful looks,

so I'm finally giving up and confessing.

Well, whatever it is,

you're saying you like me, right?

-How many times are you asking me that?
-It's just hard to believe you.

I know it's unbelievable,

but according to the numbers, it's true.

It's over 110.

It's 20 beats past the safe range.

-My heart is pounding.
-Let me see.

Maybe this monitor is just broken.

If you can't believe this,
try touching it yourself.

All right. Say something.


Is this too overwhelming
to say it's an honor

and that you're grateful right away?

Of course, you wouldn't be
that shameless to accept right away.

Are you at a loss for words
from getting butterflies?

It really is an honor,
and I'm really grateful.

But I'm not getting butterflies.

-I feel bad to say this

after I hearing your heart beat so fast.

But my heart isn't beating any faster.

Of course, you should try everything out.

Playing hard to get
in a situation like this isn't a bad idea.

-That's not what I'm doing.
-Then what is it?

There's only one answer.
What do you think it is?

I don't have any feelings for you.

I'm sorry.

Is there

something wrong with you?

Are you still not fully awake?

This situation does feel like a dream.

You're right.

It's a dreamlike situation for you.

People can't just come in here.

But you're here. Why?

Because I'm Dokgo Jin. Get it?

Do you know why the lights
at the amusement park over there

are still on when it's already closed?

The best actor in Korea
said he had business here,

so the best amusement park
in Korea turned on the lights,

so it wouldn't be dark.

So I could do business
in a well-lit environment.

But how dare you

ruin this dreamlike situation?

It's a dream, so I have to wake up.

You know, Jin,

I don't want to get butterflies
in a dream.

I have to keep my eyes wide open
and live diligently.

So why don't you tell people
to close up this place now

and tell them to turn off the lights?

Let's just pretend
I didn't dream this dream.

Then you won't be ashamed.

Why did Dokgo Jin do that?

It was nothing.
I'll tell you when I get home.

Yes, I'm going home right now.

My goodness.

Are you crazy?

What are you doing?
You nearly caused an accident!

-Get in.

-Leave your car and get in this one.

We finished talking about this.

-I want to go home.
-You're not going to get in?

Should I say you hit me
from behind this time

-and stay in the hospital?
-Are you crazy?

I did that when I got rejected by Peter.

Do you think I wouldn't do it
after getting rejected by you?

Get in!

I didn't tell anyone when I heard

you got rejected by Peter.

I won't tell anyone about this, either.

How considerate.

Why did you follow me?
It's just more awkward and embarrassing.

I'll just forget everything.

I'll just remember this as a day
I saw pretty flowers thanks to you.

You saw pretty flowers thanks to me?

Fine, then I'll tell you something
about pretty flowers.

You have to listen carefully,
so I'll pull over for a minute.

The title is The Camellias.

The title is nice.

The story is nice too, so listen.

The main character is a pretty decent guy.

He's from a decent family,
and he's handsome.

He's a decent guy
that doesn't have any flaws.

But that decent guy

happened to fall for someone lame.


She was very lame and pathetic.

Anyway, that guy handed the girl
a very tasty-looking potato,

showing her his love.

But that lame girl refused the potato,

not knowing her place.

How would he have felt?

It wouldn't have been just
embarrassing and awkward, right?

-That lame girl

had a chicken she really cared for.

-A chicken?
-Yes. A chicken.

The main character who got rejected

started bullying the chicken
that the lame girl cared for.

He bullied that chicken endlessly,
mercilessly, and violently!

So what happened?

That lame girl cried lamely,

begging for forgiveness

under the deep red camellia flowers.

I'm looking for it right now.

Gu Ae-jeong.

I wonder what your chicken is.

The shameful cherry blossoms
of my heart have withered

and now the deep red camellia flowers

of revenge are blooming.

They're blooming.

It's him again.


It's me, Kang Se-ri.

I got the flowers you sent me.

You must have been busy.

I went somewhere with Eun-ho.

What are you doing now?

I just came back home.

Do you want to join the after-party
of my fan meeting?

Mr. Kim said he'd come.

I should get some rest
since I'll be busy tomorrow.

I didn't mean you have to come,

I was just asking out of courtesy.

Can I ask you something as well?

What is it?

This man named Dokgo Jin,
is he there with you right now?

Why do you want to know that?

You weren't with him
earlier either, right?

He's not with me right now.

He went somewhere on business.

You're not a reporter or anything.
Why do you want to know?

It's my privacy.

I'm sorry if I offended you.

Have fun at the after-party.

He just hung up.

Was he embarrassed about asking that?

Why is he curious about
whether I'm with my boyfriend?

This is your house.
Why are you stopping here?

What's wrong with parking my car
in front of my house?

Aren't you going to get off?

Why are you doing this?

-I can't go there.

Do I look that easy to you?

You don't look that difficult.

Get out.

I'm not going in that house.

Who told you to come in?

Go to your house.

Didn't you bring me here
to take me to your house?

I didn't. Get off.

You could've dropped me off
in front of my house.

You made me misunderstand
because you stopped here.

I'm going to seem too easy
if I drive you home.

I'm going to make things difficult for you
from now on.

Did you already forget
how I told you to listen

to that story carefully?

Jin, do you know
what a weird person you are?

Normally, if a man gets rejected
by a woman,

he'd be cool with it and give up,

or he'd try hard to get her to like him.

I'm as uncool as I am tall.

And I can't be nice
after getting rejected.

I'm going to make your heart beat faster

-with the method I'm best at.

You should be anxious about
what I'm going to do

from now on.

I'm going to make your heart beat faster

whenever you think of me,
whether I'm near you or not.

You're so strange.

All right, then.

I'm fine with all sorts of weird things,

so I can tolerate all your
childish tantrums.

I'll just treat you like my nephew

and show you affection.

"Show me affection"?

Okay, then. Try showing me affection.


you look beautiful tonight.

You told my impostor at the nightclub
that if I said that,

you'd show me lots of affection.

Try showing me affection.

Why are you acting so childishly?

There's nothing I like about you.
How could I?

What do you mean?

I'm perfect from head to toe.

That's how I earn billions of won
for a single ad.

All you do is show off.

You touched the fake Dokgo Jin so easily,

but I guess you just can't bring
yourself to touch the real one.

That's the kind of guy I am.

You can tolerate my actions?

You really want me to show you affection?

Good boy, Jin. My little Jin...

Good boy.

Do you think I'm your nephew Ding Dong?

The way to show affection
for a seven-year-old

and a 37-year-old are totally different.

Why don't you show me affection properly?


Even if I'm cool about most things,

throwing yourself at me like this
makes me uncomfortable.

If you keep feeling uncomfortable
while watching someone,

you might eventually see flowers
blooming behind that someone.


Keep watching me carefully from now on.

One day,

you'll see camellia flowers blooming
behind me.

See? You're already forgetting to go home
because you're thinking about me.

Go home.

What am I going to do?

My eyes, nose, and mouth almost
disappeared from embarrassment,

but I've recovered.

I've recovered from it well.

I'm tired.

I'm so tired.


That's a lot of bullying just for
rejecting one potato.

How does it end?

You promise not to do that anymore?

I do.

If you do that again,

I'm going to keep bullying you.

I won't. I'll never do that again.

Don't worry about the dead chicken.

I won't tell anyone.

And as if he was pushed by something,

he fell down, holding my shoulder.

So I fell down with him,

and we got buried beneath
the yellow camellia flowers.

What was Dokgo Jin implying to me?

Does he want to fall down with me?

The sweet and strong scent of the flowers

made me feel dizzy,
as if the ground was sinking beneath me.

"An amusement park event

for Kang Se-ri's tenth debut anniversary"?

I didn't even go near an amusement park.

What is this?

It's better than an article saying
that you broke up

since he didn't attend your fan meeting.

Is Jin dating someone?

What are you talking about?

Even if he's dating someone,

he wouldn't do a cheesy thing like this.

There's no way.

Are you reading the paper?


Now that you're on TV,

you should start having an interest
in this field.

Oh, my.

Your friend Se-ri is on the front page.

There's always talk of them
breaking up and getting back together.

I don't know what's real.

The one he was with was probably not her.

Did you hear something from Se-ri?

Tell me, so I can tell my friends.

Give me your ear.

Mother, I'm not really close to Se-ri.

That Dokgo Jin guy is busy dating someone,

but he still has time to meddle
in Ae-jeong's business?

That jerk.

Dad, there's something weird about this.

I'm sure Dokgo Jin canceled Ae-jeong's
performance to take her somewhere.

Ae-jeong said he was bullying her

about doing that performance.

How dare he do that when
he isn't even the CEO?

Se-ri really improved a lot
in the last ten years.

She wasn't much back then.

She even got a special surprise
from Jin at a place like this.


Would it be nice to be asked out by a guy
like Jin at a place like this?

Wouldn't it be overwhelming
if the guy is too famous?

I don't want to admit it,

but Se-ri is also a top celebrity,
so she matches his level.

If it was someone like me,
our levels would be too different, right?

Then he would fall with you

down to the bottom level and get ruined.


No, it's fine. That would never
happen to me anyway.

If I get involved with someone like him,

I'd be totally ruined
and just get cursed at by everyone.

Is Jin seeing someone these days?


Could it really be a woman?

He's not the guy who would
do such a thing for a woman.



I have something to say,
so wait in my office for a minute.

What do I do?

It's awkward to be with him.

Should I just leave?

No, if I leave like this,
it'll seem like it's bothering me.

Let's just pretend I'm totally fine.

Excuse me.


Did you sleep well?

Yes. I slept very well
with nothing on my mind.

I didn't.

I was thinking about you.

To be more specific,

I was thinking about your chicken.

-My chicken?
-I told you I'd catch it.

I found one already. Do you want to see?

What is that?



It's a flyer for my gig at the nightclub.


It's a breach of contract to do a gig

behind the agency's back.

Wouldn't you be in trouble

if Ms. Moon sees this?

Did you bring that all the way here

to threaten me about telling her?

Seeing your face,

I guess I got the right chicken.

You canceled all that anyway.

I'll pay you back. Give that to me.

Give me that.

Where do you think you're touching?

-You were here.

And why are you standing there like that?
Sit down.

It seems like you did something
pretty interesting last night.

What happened?

I just looked at some flowers.

That's all? You just looked at flowers?


Things just ended with me
looking at pretty flowers.

I'll go now. You two can talk.

Ms. Moon.


What is it? Do you have
something else to say?


What is it? Tell me.

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

You should go see them
when you have the time.

He's never going to tell me
who he went to see the flowers with.

You saw the article too, right?

You must have a hard time
blocking all his scandals.

There's never been such
a romantic one, though.

-It's the first time?
-Yes. It's the first.

The one with Se-ri got out
because she was following him around

and the paparazzi took a photo
of them together.

And I didn't block the articles

because there were ridiculous rumors
about him being gay at the time.

Anyway, they're not officially broken up,

and there's a huge commercial contract
with them as a couple.

I'm worried he might cause trouble.

Why did you want to see me?

It's hard to get a hold
of your solo album.

Bring me any if you have some.


Don't you want to sing again?

You're going to get me a record deal?

This is excellent!

She's really going to get
a record deal for you?

She said we'll think about it.

Ae-jeong, your career is starting
to blossom again.

Appearing on a show as a fixed member,
and now a record deal?


If my career is blossoming again,

I'm going to water it well
and make great results.

I should keep my mind off things
that would ruin me,

and come to my senses.


-Are you leaving now?

Are you going to perform
at another nightclub today?

How did you know about that?

I went to that area to pick up women
and I saw the flyer.

You saw that.

Please don't tell my agency about that.

So you did it in secret.

I get it.

But Pil-joo saw it, too.

Please don't tell anyone.

I'm a celebrity that desperately needs
to earn money.

Please understand my situation.

All right.

I won't tell anyone.
There's no one to tell anyway.

But it was your tenth debut anniversary,
wasn't it?

Did you have a good time?

I got to see flowers, thanks to someone.

The flowers were pretty.

You should try going to that nightclub.

If you mention my name,

they'll shoot up more flames for you.

They shoot up flames at nightclubs?

Yes, with the lights.

I've never seen it.
I haven't been to a nightclub.

You never went to a nightclub before?

It's really fun if you go there
once in a while.

I enjoy studying more.


Your mother must be really proud of you.

She has a son who enjoys studying.

I should have a son like that someday.

If you want a son like that,
you should marry a man who's like that.


But men like that
are very obedient to their mothers,

so they won't marry someone like me.

I sometimes rebel against
my mother, though.


I purposely do things
that my mother hates.

Like drinking, smoking, and gambling?

No, not like that.

It's actually a secret.

-I eat ramyeon.

Yes. My father who passed away

used to tell me I should listen to
what women say and make them happy.

But sometimes, you don't understand them
and get angry.

Then my father and I would eat
ramyeon together.

The only way we rebelled against my mother
was eating that ramyeon

and not enjoying the food she cooked.

I should really have a son like you.

Who did you go see the flowers with?

You should've told me.

We're supposed to be a couple, you know.

We're only pretending.

If I meet someone that I want to date,

I'm going to show you who he is.

Don't be too cool about it if I do.

Show me a little jealousy.

I'll do the same.

You don't have to.

I guess you do have someone.

She better be really decent.

Or else I'm never going to let you go.

I promise to let you go

even if you meet someone lame.

He's an up-and-coming composer.

Just think of this as getting to know
each other over dinner.


Yes. What is it?


All right. I'll be there.

We have to stop by the studio
where Jin is shooting.


Dokgo Jin. Let's shave it.

I will absolutely not shave it.

I look the best

when I have this.

Shaving will reduce
the quality of my looks.

The advertisers earnestly asked
for you to shave it.

They want you to show people a new look.

Right. I saw a photo where your fans
photoshopped your mustache off.

You looked really handsome.

You're already handsome,

and without your mustache and beard,
girls will go crazy over you.


What do you think, Gu Ae-jeong?


How would I look if I shaved
my mustache and beard?

I'm not sure...

-Is she serious?

She's unbelievable.

"I'm not sure"?

-How could she say that?
-What's wrong with her?

See? Some people might not like
the idea of me shaving.

I will not shave my beard and mustache!

"I'm not sure"?

Dokgo Jin.

You put me in a tight spot.

Just shave it off.

I'm not sure.

I think you're going
to look great if you shave.

You'll be really handsome.

Girls will go crazy.

-Are you happy now?
-I'm not sure.

You're doing this to me
on purpose, aren't you?

You're playing a prank on me, right?

-Ding dong!
-Do you think you're a doorbell?

Stop saying "ding dong" all the time.

That's how I can go inside.

-Go where?
-Your chicken coop.

Ding dong. Cock-a-doodle-doo.

I have to catch your chicken.

I read that story, The Camellias.

Even if you keep bullying my chicken,

I will never fall down with you.

-I'm going to be totally fine with it.

I told you, I'm cool
with pretty much everything.

Hearing that takes away all the fun
out of chasing a chicken.

Fine, Ae-jeong, who is cool
with pretty much everything

and will never fall down with me,

how will I look if I shave?

You have to shave,
it's a billion won contract.

Forget all that.
What do you think, personally?


I think you'll look good.


I'll shave, then.

-I'm shaving because of you.

If I tell you not to,
are you going to keep it?

Of course.

Should I not?

Of course you should shave.

The whole staff is waiting
for you downstairs.

You should get ready now.

Since I'm shaving because of you,

you have to do something, too.


I can't believe it. You look so great.

You're the best!

You never cease to amaze me.

You should've tried shaving it earlier.

You really are the best.

Did you expect such results?

Shaving it looks so much better.
You look more handsome.

All right. Everything is perfect.

You just need that makeup.


The photographer says
your lips would be perfect.

And Jin says he'd feel more comfortable
if you did it.

It's just for the makeup,

so don't feel too awkward about it.
Help him out.

For his fans, this is something

only someone who did something
amazing in their past life could do.

All right. Kevin?

Are you nervous?

Then just close your eyes and stay still.

Hurry up, everyone.

I'm going to make your heart beat faster

whenever you think of me,
whether I'm near you or not.

This is driving me crazy.

I should wash up and pull myself together.

My gosh.

I'm going to make your heart beat faster

whenever you think of me,
whether I'm near you or not.

Why am I seeing this?

I should get some fresh air
and pull myself together.

I must be crazy.



-There's someplace we need to go.

Come out.

Do you think I'd go anywhere with you?

Your heart is beating fast right now.

When that happens, you need to go
all the way to confirm it.

I did that, too.

I came to your house
so I'd seem easy today.

So come down.

What are you doing?
This is exhausting, come on.

Okay, fine.

If I go all the way and see the end,

I'll be able to come back
to my place, right?

Jin left by himself again.

I think he went to see a movie
with that someone.

A movie?

Jin always goes to the theater

to see the first and last screening
of his films, saying it's etiquette.

Is today the last screening
of his movie Fighter?

Yes, so he rented an entire VIP theater.

He always forced me to join him
even when I begged not to,

but today he said I didn't need to come.

That's strange, right?

I'm sure he's taking someone else
instead of me.


Why in the world do I like you?

-You look cheap

and have a poor background.

What do you think is the reason?

How would I know the mind
of someone who has

an elegant exterior
and a luxurious background?

Why are you asking me that?

Who else could I talk about this with?

I only have you to talk about it with.

So you're talking to me about this

because you're too ashamed
to tell anyone else?

Yes. So keep this secret.

If you go around bragging about this,
I'm going to report you.

Anyway, I feel much better
after talking to you about it.

But I still have doubts.

So I've thought about this
seriously, and...


Do you have some kind of magical powers?

Magical powers?

I think it'll explain things
if you had magical powers.

You know how there are stories
about shamans using their powers

to change the hearts of men
who've cheated on their wives.

Maybe you have powers like that,

and you're using them to control my mind.

Are you saying that I'm a shaman

and that I made you fall for me?

Well, this situation is really mysterious.

I'm just saying it could be a possibility.

If it's not that, then...

Maybe you have a lot of special energy,
or stuff like that.

Special energy?

Sexual energy?

Try to be more discreet.

You know how people say men are drawn
to women with that energy.

You're the one who said you liked me,
and now you're blaming me.

I might not have magical or sexual energy,

but I have some crazy energy.

Be quiet before that crazy energy
starts exploding.

Of course, your crazy energy
is well-known.

You slapped Se-ri with that crazy
energy and lost your popularity.

And now you're in this state
ten years later.

How is it that whenever you open
your mouth, you always say stuff

that seems as if
it's coming out of your asshole?

What? "Asshole"?

I made a huge decision to come outside,
so don't make me upset.

Just don't say anything.

Gosh, you're always so rude.


You're so clumsy.

It's dirty. Wipe it off.

You're blaming everything on me
when it's your fault.

I mean, wipe yourself, not the car.

Forget it!

During the studio shooting,

the kind of date you'll be doing
with each woman will be decided.

Then you just have to shoot
the outdoor dates.

All right.

We worked really hard to get
this cruise date.

Ae-jeong shouldn't get this one.

Why shouldn't she?

We prepared the cruise date

to be a really elegant and luxurious one.

But with Ae-jeong there,
she'll make it look kind of cheap.

We paid the most for this one.

But still, if she acts a bit silly

in such an elegant environment,
it could be quite funny.

If she gets this,
she could do a parody of Titanic!

I should tell her to do this
to look funny.

Don't play along,

just show her a bit of reaction.

You know what that parody
of Titanic is, right?

I don't know.

Your order is here.

Please bring it here.

-It looks delicious!
-How much is it?

-It's 20,000 won.

-Enjoy your meal.

Let's eat first.

Join us, this place has great kimbap.

No, thanks. I'm not eating.

Does he hate kimbap?

No, he's not picky.
I'm sure he eats everything.

Then why isn't he eating?

How weird. Whatever.

Go have dinner
while I'm in the meeting room.


Hey, Se-ri.
You only had chicken breast all day.

Should I buy you a sandwich or something?

Don't you know that I'm careful

with my diet before a shooting
in case I bloat?

Are you trying to tease me?

I'll be back later.

You recognize me well now.

What's that?

-It's ramyeon.


You have kimchi, too.

Yes. Fried kimchi.

Do you want some?

I have a shooting tomorrow.

Ramyeon will make me bloated, so I can't.

I'm really just going to have one bite.

All right.

Aren't you going to eat this?


Then, should I just have one more bite
with the kimchi?


I ate everything...

Why didn't you stop me?
I ate the whole thing!

I didn't get the chance to stop you.
You just kept eating.

I must be crazy!

Is it such a big deal to eat one ramyeon?

What would you know about this?

If my bloated face gets shown on TV,

people will take screenshots
and upload it online, mocking me.

Do you know how many people

would say things like "She got fat"
or "She got an injection"?

Darn it. What was I thinking?

-What do I do?
-Ms. Kim.

I'll send you a prescription right now.

Can you make it and...


Where should we send it?

To my house. Nonhyeon-dong, 234-5.

I'll send you the address as well.

Please send it early in the morning.

All right.

The medicine will help
reduce the bloating.

I guess you just found out
my home address.

I don't tell that to just anyone.

Should I have it sent somewhere else
if it's uncomfortable for you?

No, it's fine.

But make sure you're the only one
who knows my address.


Then, I'll get going.

Mr. Yun. I ate your ramyeon,

so I'll buy you a meal next time.

Instead of a meal,
could I ask you for one favor?

-What is it?
-For that cruise date,

can you make sure I don't have
to do that Titanic parody?

-All right.
-Thank you.

Well, then.

It was so good.

I must have gobbled it up so fast.

What if I looked disgusting?

I should've eaten it slowly.

Then I could have talked with him more.

Mr. Yun!

Instead of a meal,
I'll take you to the movies.


There we go.

The last screening of Fighter is today,
but I haven't seen it yet.

Mr. Yun, what movies did you see
that my boyfriend starred in?

I haven't seen any
that Dokgo Jin starred in.

There are two films that had
over 10 million viewers.

I'm not that interested in movies.

Did you just come with me

because I asked you to
when you don't even like watching movies?

Pil-joo's not the guy who would
do something he doesn't want to.

Nowadays, it seems like he's become
Dokgo Jin's fan. He kept asking about him.

Is that true, Mr. Yun?


Yes. I'm curious about what he's like.

It's the VIP theater, right?

I'll go inside first.

I'll get drinks and stuff to eat.

No. What I hate the most in the world

is people who make noises
while watching a movie.

Then I'll just get some coke.

We have to sit there for over two hours.
I think we'll get thirsty.

No. The slurping sound is the most
annoying thing in the world.

Can't I at least get some dried squid?

I won't make any noise eating it.

No. Don't get anything.

Why is she so obsessed with eating stuff?

He always tries to get everything his way.

Ms. Moon, I'm at the theater.


Just check who it is from far away.
Don't let Jin see you.

I'll wait in front of the VIP theater
and see who it is.


Should I take a photo, too?


The others went to get drinks
and snacks to eat.


Mr. Yun.

I'm curious about something.

Last time, on the day of my fan meeting,

you asked me if I was with my boyfriend.


Why were you curious about that?

You said you didn't have any interest
in celebrities.

But you seem a bit interested in Jin.

Are you curious about what my boyfriend

is like?

If we have the chance,
let's all meet together.

With Dokgo Jin?

Isn't that Ae-jeong?

Why is she going in there?

It was Ae-jeong?

I can see a movie with him.

It'll be fine up to this point.

Oh, no.

Look at my hair.

My hair's all crazy from wearing that hat.

What should I do?

Should I tell Ms. Moon?


Are you here to see a movie?

You must be here to see Fighter
since it's the last day.

Great, I came with my team.

We can watch together.

Mr. Yun, I'll show you my boyfriend.
Is that okay with you?


Where's Jin?

Is he inside?

-He's in the VIP theater, right?
-You can't!

I don't think we can watch together.

Is he with someone?


Excuse us for a moment.

He's with that woman from before, right?

-I don't know.
-Don't say you don't know.

Who is it?

I don't know.

-Who is it?
-I don't know.

-Who is it?
-I don't know.

I can just go inside and check.

I won't tell him you told me.

Tell me who it is.

-Who is it?
-I don't know.

-He has a woman, right?

-A woman?
-There's a woman, right?

It's not? It's not a woman?

Who is it?

I said, who is it?

Are you sure this is enough?

-Are you buying, Ms. Han?
-I am.

You haven't done that in a while.

I'll buy again next time.

-Here's your snack.
-Okay. Wow.

This looks delicious.

It looks good.

Thank you.


I'm a bit...

Can you pretend you didn't see me?
I'm sorry.

What are you doing, Ae-jeong?


Where are you?

Watch the movie by yourself.
I'm not going inside.

Coming here is the farthest I can go.

I'm going to come to my senses
and go back.

I even bought the coke and popcorn
you talked about,

I even bought potatoes.

Why are you doing this?

Those potatoes really scare me.

Are you avoiding me because you’re afraid

I'll catch your chicken and harass you?

Yes, I'm scared.

I'm scared that I don't avoid you.

Honestly, I'm scared
because I don't feel harassed by you.

I want to be cool
about this whole situation.

I went through a lot during the ten years
and I learned my lesson.

I'm scared I'll forget

what I learned just
from getting butterflies at my age.

I think you're not afraid of anything
since you're mad at me.

But what will you do
if I ask you to not let go of me?

Subtitle translation by Ju-young Park