The Great Jang-Geum (2003–2004): Season 2, Episode 21 - THE CLIFF, REWARDS and PUNISHMENTS - full transcript

The supposedly dead Head Doctor returns to clear the conflicting testimonies of Lady Choi and Lady Oh. Lady Choi attempts to run away and succumbs into self-reflection.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(Episode 48)

I don't know why he's trying to
implicate me in this...

but he shouldn't do such thing

And I heard that he told you...

that I had forged the written will?

What loser could forge
a dead person's document?!

I couldn't even have thought of it!

I don't know what the will says...

but could the dying person
have written down lies?

He probably wrote with
the conscience of a dying person

How could he...?!

What's going on?

His life was in jeopardy
so we hid him for a while

His life in jeopardy?

He is the only person who knows
everything about the sulfur duck case

When I had visited his house
to ask him to disclose the truth

I found an assassin there
so I followed him, but I lost him

An assassin? Who could've
sent an assassin to him?

Probably people who are
afraid of the truth

Then why did you hide him rather than
reporting it to the police?

I'm sorry to say this
but it's because of me

I needed some time to prepare
myself to pay for the crime

So I asked him for more time

You see! Didn't I tell you
that it was a forged document?

What's this about?!

I'm asking you a question!

the head lady instigated...

You see! What did I tell you?!

That girl is crazy! Never!

I've never done such thing!

How dare you lie in this place?!

Lady Choi, be quiet!

This is a setup!

So "the thief turns on
the master with a club"

As you know now
from observing everything...

it's clear Lady Choi made this up and
the sulfur duck case was caused...

by the grudges of the kitchen ladies
just as I had told you

Repent and tell the truth!

Sir! You shouldn't be
saying such words!


It is something both of you have done


What are you talking about?

Choi Pan-Sul, the brother of
the head lady plotted it first

so the Royal Physician and
I blamed the kitchen...

for our misdiagnosis,
when it was being investigated...

Sir Oh who was the head of
investigations at the time...

kept silent even though
he knew about it and...

charged Sir Jo
with treason in the process

You rascal! What are you babbling
about as a misdiagnosing physician?!

Do you expect to keep your life?

Sir Min is scheming to implicate
me into Lady Choi's crime...

that's why he hid him
to plot against me

Everything was Lady Choi's doing
and I only followed...

the order of the King to administer
with justice with fairness

That's not so, sir! This happened
because the physician lady...

Jang-Geum still hates me
from that last event

That's why she's trying to
implicate me into Sir Oh's crime

What?! Didn't I tell you that...

I wasn't even in the palace
when that happened

Everyone knows that!

Isn't that right, sir?

Isn't that right, Lady Min?

You heard what Lady Han said!

Isn't that right? Why can't you speak?

Though you weren't in
the palace when it happened

you were here when
we were checking the ducks

Why you...?! You're still lying!

Lying to the end!

You only have to tell what happened

Who is she?

The labor girl in the kitchen
at the time

She's the one who
sampled the duck dish

Tell us. Was Lady Choi
in the palace at the time?

Yes... she was in the palace

When they called for me
I saw the head lady and Lady Yoon

And Lady Yoon quietly
called for me later...

and gave me a King's dish that
I've never tasted before

And she gave me a letter to deliver
to the head lady who was testing...

the duck dishes, so I only...

You rascal! Do you know where
you're right now?! Tell the truth!

Just because Lady Yoon has died
it doesn't mean the truth is hidden!

The heaven and earth know this!

This is a setup to get rid of me!

How could I be in the palace?!

Who could've freed me that Lady Han
had tied me in the Guesthouse?

Didn't I free you?

Did Lady Park make a decision?


Why didn't she come herself?

She has said, as a criminal already
I will now enter the Song-Duk Temple

And she has given me all of them

What did she give you?

It was delivered
secretly to Lady Choi...

who was at the place where
they tested the duck on Hong

She told her to give it to Hong and...

you'll find who wrote it by
reading the name on the last line

And the person who was in charge
of the investigation is Sir Oh

The head lady, and Sir Oh
please tell the truth now

I don't know! I know nothing of this!

I was only doing my work
I didn't know anything!

Everything was done by Lady Choi!

Oh, no! It's a setup! It's a setup!

Jang-Geum has fabricated
this against me!

It's all her fabrication!

Sir, listening and seeing all the
evidence, the head physician is right

We can't prove any more than this

We're going to tell this to the King
and wait for his order

Detain Lady Choi under
the supervision of eunuchs...

and put Sir Oh under house arrest


Detain me?! I've done nothing wrong!

I am innocent!

Why you...?! I will not forgive you!!

I won't forgive you!

I'm not going to end up like this!

They don't know my family
I won't go away like this!

Your Majesty, please appoint a judge
and punish them for treason

And you should disclose everything
so such thing won't happen again

Your Majesty, it hasn't been long
since the court has known peace

Many people will get hurt
if you do that

I believe it's best for the police
to take care of the situation

Your Majesty, please understand...

Your Majesty, please understand...

Listen. I'm appointing the
Left Prime Minister as the judge...

so let the truth be known and
severely punish the criminals

Your grace is immeasurable
Your Majesty

Take Sir Oh into custody

Seize all of merchant Choi's assets

Arrest the head lady and
all other criminals!

Tie-up the criminal!

Sir... please allow me to
walk out of the kitchen at least

Release her

Sir! My Lord... Father...

Return to the house

Sir! My Lord... Father...

Open the door

You, this way. You, that way

Let's go this way!

What are you doing?
Why aren't you leaving?!

What are you doing?!

Start rowing! Hurry! Hurry!!

You're so noisy! You aren't going to
say you don't know me, are you?

Where do you think you're going?

Stay right there!

Let go!

You should at least pay me
the overdue balance!

Let go! Let go!

Let's go

What did I tell you? I told you
he'd try to run away like this

Thank you for your help

I'll send you the report
of expenses later

Sure, make sure you get enough


I only followed the order of King
so I have nothing to do with this

Unless ignorance is a crime
how can I be charged with anything?


Listen, how could you do this just
because we have different opinions?

Other criminals are here with you

As a person who held a high office
stop lying for your name's sake


We found that you've diverted
the funds through the fields of...

Sung-Gyun College as
a paid high official of the court

And you gave merchant Choi Pan-Sul
the monopoly over important products

that come into the court
and you've been paid with land

It was under your son's
and grandson's name

But that has nothing to do with this!


Just the fact that you've secretly
traded with the enemy state...

is more than enough
to charge you with crime

Secret trade with an enemy...?!

Are you going to deny this too?

Please keep your decency!


What is it?

The head lady has disappeared

What are you saying? We locked
her up so how could she disappear?

We didn't think she would run away
so we sent her to the restroom...

Find her immediately
She couldn't have gone far

Yes, sir

She's not far away
You get to Mapo port

You, Mu-Ak-Jae and you, Kwang port

Move quickly!

There's still time... There is...


You're here, please let me
meet the King's Mother

Even if I have to go away, I'd like
to see her before I go. Please...

Here, keep this

Please help me see the King's Mother
and I'll take care of the rest

Hurry... Hurry

What? I'm feeling guilty
giving them...

responsibility of protecting
the Crown Prince...

so what more does she want
to say by meeting me?

Tell the police and get her arrested!

Right now!

Yes, Your Majesty

Go to the police immediately


King's Mother is very angry
She told me to report to the police

but I came to you because
of our past friendship

Please go to the police yourself
I'm headed to the eunuchs right now

Lady Kim! Lady Kim!

Ma... madam!

Be quiet!

Ho... how did you get...?

You go out quietly from here and
tell the attendant lady of the King

Excuse me?

I must be presented to the King

Just tell her that

But right now...

Hurry! What are you doing?

Go tell her right now!

How rude... When I get my power back,
you'll be the first one to go

Our family can't end like this and
I'm won't be the one ending it!

No way! No way!
I must think... think...

what must I do... think what must I do

Lady Choi is in the storage room

Are you sure?

Yes, Madam

Madam, what is it? What is it?

OK! I'll meet the King myself!

I'll die before him if I have to...

I gave you more than enough chances

What chance? Chance to die?

No, a chance to keep your honor

A chance to go away with honor

Honor? What?

Just what has made you like this?

Why did you do such things...

that put you in this kind
of danger and wretchedness?

Just what has made you like this?

It's wealth, power, and my household!

Are they more important than yourself?

Are they more important
than your life and honor?

Have you ever thought about how
your name would stay in this palace?

If you win, I will be dishonored;
if I win, my name will be honored

That's wealth. That's power
Those without power don't know!

That's why I'm not letting go
of my hand of power

That's why I'm helping you
to release your clenched hand

For once, open up that clenched fist
which you think is wealth and power

In it you'll only find the blood
and tears of innocent people...

instead of wealth and power

That's your hand

The King has already made the decision

so all of Choi Pan-Sul's assets
have been seized and Choi Pan-Sul

Sir Oh Kyum-Ho and Keum-Young
have been arrested

If you don't go to the police...

Keum-Young will be
charged with everything

Lady Han falsely accused herself
of a crime in order to save me

I believe you'll be like her
at least in that way

I believe there is at least one thing
that's similar between us

Please turn yourself in

Keum... Keum-Young... is innocent

You should've just reported it,
why did you come here?

I know... Madam, should I go tell them?

Please don't


She'll turn herself in

I wish she'd turn herself in

It's you! It's you!


It is you! Myeong, myself...

and Jang-Geum...
you drove us to death!

No. You brought to yourselves to it

Lady Choi!
I told you many times already!

You had to do such detestable thing?!

I cannot forgive you
You should've kept it to yourself

but you had to tell the taster lady,
didn't you?

I don't know why it was you
who had to witness it that day

And that wasn't enough...

you had to send your
own daughter to the palace...

how stubborn of you

I resented it a hundred
no, a thousand times

I wished you'd never seen it...

How I wished you and I wouldn't
run into another over that

How I wished...

If I was born as Park Myeong and
you as Choi Sung-Geum...

would we have been different?

If you or Baek-Yeong
were born in my family...

would you still have been that free?

I'm really curious
So I had no choice...

So I came back to you,
since my evil ways started with you

Though I made Baek-Yeong leave,
she had become the highest lady...

and she had a chance to irritate me

she even found joy with your daughter

so she probably left without regrets

But you never had the chance
to say a thing

you died because of trusting me
someone you never expected

If I have to kneel before someone,
it's you

I ask you for forgiveness

Forgive me for coming from such family

Forgive me for not being able to
free myself from my family

Forgive my aunt for making me
do such things...

and the aunt before that... and...

the aunt before that...
and the aunt before...

and the rest of my family
who used them

Would you?

You can't?


That's why I'm headed to the police
not to ask for forgiveness

but to try to save the
last hope of my family...

to try to save Keum-Young

Just as you had saved one
to send her to me

I'm going to do the same

I'm not going to give up on this fight

It's OK. Come down

It's not scary. Hurry!

I'm tired! My arms are hurting

Just jump down!

What are you doing? Come down quickly!

Let go of the tie first and come down!

I'm scared... I can't...

Then we'll catch you. How about it?

It won't hurt a bit. If you keep
hanging there you'll get hurt

It won't hurt!

Then I'm going to let go...

OK. One, two, three

We're not sure if she was running
away or if it was a suicide...

but we found her body at Mt. Dong-In

What is it?

That's the place where
my mother's tomb is

After hearing what happened to her
I feel somewhat sad for her...

Me, too, if she committed suicide...

What are you saying right now?

You know who made Lady Jung
and Lady Han to suffer...

Did you forget already?

She's the one who made our madams
and Jang-Geum suffer

She even did the same to
her subordinate Young-Ro

It's right for her to die this way...

paying for what she has done

Madam... madam...

This is the order of the King!

Criminal Oh Kyum-Ho is let go from
office and exiled to Huksan Island

Criminal Park Bu-Kyum is discharged
from office and exiled to Jeju

Criminal Choi Pan-Sul
will receive 20 floggings...

and sent to a mine
in Hamkyung as a laborer

Criminal Choi Keum-Young
have her position taken away

Criminal Jung Yoon-Su will be
discharged from office...

and forbidden to
practice medicine anymore

Criminal Park Yeul-Yee will be
discharged from office...

and forbidden to
practice medicine anymore


Check him!

Sa-Ryun, go to the pharmacy
and get Jang-Geum

I have something to give you

The letter your mother left you...

Aunt asked me to burn it but I didn't

That's me...

I can't be fully devoted to my family
and yet I don't have my own ways

I have no perfect confidence and
I have no sense of self-accusation

I have no perfect talent
and I have no perfect diligence

I've never received perfect love
and I've never given perfect love

I'm sorry

That's all I can say to you

If we meet in our next lives
speak anything but those words

Honey... honey...

Everyone, may I get your attention!

What is today? It's when the
swallow starts to build its nest...

and shortly after
the flowers blossomed

Then what is today?

What is today? It's the day Jang-Geum
can start relax and sleep well!

Jang-Geum wasn't able to go to sleep
because my wife bothered her so much

And Lady Choi made her very anxious!

And she was sick of Sir Oh
and her nerves were wrecked

What are you saying?

What is good for wrecked nerves?

It is ginseng!

What are you saying?

I filled the stomach of chicken with
ginseng along with dates and rice...


This soup warms the cold person,
and cools the hot person

and ladies and gentlemen
can have stronger bladders!

You were opposed to her at first
but you're rejoicing more than I do

Right, I did oppose her because
it's a very difficult thing to do...

and I was afraid she might turn out
to become like one of them

But Jang-Geum didn't follow their ways

I know... She's remarkable indeed

Yes... though I told her to
accomplish the two, I expect this

Sir, we've made some pancakes for you
Is there anything else you need?

No, we're fine

It's not so exciting here
with Jang-Geum

When will she come back?

It's not time for her to be back yet

I don't know why I miss her
so much today

Since finding out my chronic disease
is no small achievement...

and you also uncovered
many shameful things

I should give you a reward

Your Majesty...

Don't be hesitant to receive it
since you deserve it

Grant Jang-Geum with
77 bushels of rice

77 bushels of beans and
3 lbs of ginseng

Yes, Your Majesty

Your grace is immeasurable
Your Majesty

You said you had a wish, didn't you?

Yes, Your Majesty

Tell me your wish

You said you came into
the palace for that. It's alright

Go ahead and tell us

I'm sorry to tell you this but I have
three wishes. May I tell them all?


Yes, Your Majesty

Sure, go ahead

Please restore the status of
Lady Han who died an unfair death

Of course, we should do that

Isn't that right, Queen?

Yes, Your Majesty

And please restore
my mother's status as well

Your mother?

Yes. Actually, my mother was
a court lady in the Royal Kitchen

But how?

She was punished by rules...

after she was falsely charged
for being intimate with a man

when she witnessed someone
put something harmful...

in a dish of In-Su King's Mother
when she was a kitchen lady


What?! To whom?

The Highest Kitchen Lady...

but my mother managed to survive
and lived long enough to have me

and when they found out
that she was still alive...

So that's why Lady Choi threatened you

Yes. Though she did violate the rule
of staying virgin as a court lady...

she has suffered undeserved death

OK. How could I blame her
for that in such a situation?

We shouldn't have court ladies
settling such matters...

their own that way anymore

Yes, Your Majesty. I'll put more work
in managing the court ladies

OK. You have one more wish
to tell me. What is it?

Your Majesty, it is...

So who became the
Highest Kitchen Lady?

I'm not sure either, who would it be?

That's Jang-Geum, right?

Isn't she a physician lady?

Yes... she used to massage us

What happened?

What happened?

Greet her. She's the new
Highest Lady of the Kitchen

We're going to prepare
the King's table

Go back to your stations
and start the preparation

Chang-Yee, come and help me

Yes, ma'am

Then are you saying that Jang-Geum
became the Highest Lady of Kitchen?

For only next few days until
we choose the next highest lady


The King has ordered for it
for some reason

So head physician lady, please
rearrange the physician ladies...

including Jang-Geum

The assistant lady can recruit
more people if needed

Selecting the head physician
is more urgent...

than arranging the Pharmacy

Yes, I've talked to my superior and...

he told me that the pharmacy
should decide & report back

So Physician Shin can be in charge
of the treatment of the King

And Physician Jung can
take charge of Sir Shin's post...

at the King's Mother's
and the Queen's palace

Then how should we refer to
Jang-Geum from now on?

What do you mean?

Her court lady status
has been restored

She's also the Highest Kitchen Lady

Even so, at the pharmacy
she's subordinate to me

But, I don't think I could
call her as a superior

Don't worry, she wouldn't mind at all

I did enjoy your food during
the competition some time ago

You probably haven't been
able to cook for a while

but your cooking skills
haven't diminished at all

I'm grateful, Your Majesty

You must've gone through a lot of
hardships and difficulties as a child

but you've grown up as a smart
and honorable person

Your Majesty, I don't deserve
such praise & I'm ashamed to hear it

No, I had realized something because
of you during the competition...

and I've realized something great
through this as well

What's going on?

I don't know

What happened?

How could you just appear like this?

You should've given us an
earlier notice or something

Just speak casually

How could we when you appeared
like this all of sudden?

It's all right...

So you're the Highest Kitchen Lady
from now on?

How about being the physician lady?
So what's your identity?

She's the Highest Kitchen Lady
until they choose a new lady


I heard there's a story to it

What story?

This fits you well too

What story?

I have something to do

What is it?

Jang-Geum, become the Highest Kitchen
Lady and write down my grievances...

in the book that is passed down
to the Highest Kitchen Lady

Mother... I miss you... I miss you

Why are you doing
all these by yourself?

I kept asking many questions
and they said I annoyed them...

so they told me to do all of these

I have to see how they
make shapes with dried meat

Don't rush,
you shouldn't do a hasty job

But I must get there quickly

You can learn how to make
shapes later, but if you...

don't clean these right, the person
who eats from it would feel bad

And bad things can get in
the food as well

That's what sisters tell me
every day, too

How can you cook with
such a quick temper?

Hey! This is the kitchen
where we make food

If you run around like that
we'll have dust on the food

Have you forgotten how you were
when you were young?


When did I do that?

You can't deny that

You would've been expelled
if you weren't so obedient to my words

Everyday, you ran around
dug up fireplace

and broke off pine twigs
from the trees

Myeong says she doesn't know how
she managed to have a child like you

My mother did?

Yes... she says thank you

And I thank you as well

Thank you, Jang-Geum


I've felt guilty ever since
I did that to my father

I started to miss my mother
since she left that way

And I felt guilty

I've felt that it was
all because of me

When the guilt and the longing to
see her again would sink in my mind...

I wanted to quit even more

You told me you even wanted
to kidnap me once, right?

I probably wanted it more

I remember, even though
my parents were lowly class...

even though they were fugitives
I was happiest at the time

The bean paste soup my mother
made me was so tasty

The trinket my father made me
was so pretty

I smiled in the blanket hearing
my parents talk about me...

whenever they shared their worries
for me during the night

So did you complete your work
as the Highest Kitchen Lady?

Yes, by your great grace
I was able to complete it

OK, that's good

By the way... by the way...

Go ahead and inquire, Your Majesty

It was before I was enthroned...

when I was at my parent's home
a little girl came to me with drinks

She didn't recognize me and
she bowed to the court lady there...

and asked to become a court lady

Wasn't it you?

You're correct, Your Majesty

So it was you! It was you!

Yes, Your Majesty