The Great Jang-Geum (2003–2004): Season 1, Episode 6 - The Golden Pheasant - full transcript

The princess is sick and refuses to eat, and King Jung Jong's birthday keeps the entire kitchen busy preparing important meals.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(Episode 6)

Shake your head



You've been here all these years
and you still can't do this right?

Didn't I tell you to tie it hard
so it doesn't untie while cooking?


Who made the mess in the
residential kitchen last night?

I'm asking, who made all the
burn marks in all the fireplaces?

It is I

What were you doing?

I was trying to find out
which wood was good for cooking

so I tried oak, zelkova, paulownia,
nettle tree, pine and bamboo…

How foolish of you! Don't you know…

that we only use oak and zelkova?

Yes, but I wanted to see what happens
if you use different wood

Then did you boil down
all the water we use too?

Yes, because I wanted to know
how long it takes for it to evaporate

And you're the one
who sent the new girls up

on the tree to make
a "pine nut oven?"


Wash dishes with the new brides
for another 10 days

But I'll be learning how to prepare
the ingredients starting today

You're doing that again?

What? You said you'll learn how to…

prepare the ingredients
starting today

I have Yeun-Seng
She'll give me her notes

Don't you complain?
Keum-Young has been making food

in the Royal Kitchen for 5 years

Yeah, I heard Lady Choi
and Keum-Young

are making the princess'
special food today

Princess' special food?

Haven't you heard?
There's a great commotion

over that at the Royal Kitchen

Oh… That…
But Keum-Young's doing it?


The Princess hasn't eaten
for 6 days now

The kitchen at the
princess' palace couldn't…

handle it anymore
so Lady Choi is making it herself

Lady Choi must know
the secrets that have been…

passed down to the
Highest Kitchen Ladies

I heard the medicines from
Ming China arrived today

That must be the secret recipe
What could it be?

Keum-Young! What was that spice?
How do you make it?

I don't know

Acting as if she's all that…

Now, get up

Princess Hyohye

Go ahead and eat



Why don't you eat some more?

Just how did you cook this food
that she's like this?

You said it was going
to be sure this time

I'm sorry

We had high expectations
What happened?

It was well-made

Well-made? She stopped eating
so how can it be well-made?

It takes time for
her appetite to come back

Please wait a few more days. She took
2 spoonfuls, and she'll take more

After about 5 days,
she should return to normal

It takes 5 more days? His Majesty
has been very worried about her

If it takes another 5 days…

what's going to happen
to His Majesty's health?

It's not just His Majesty
What about…

Her Majesty, the Queen
and the King's Mother?

Madam! Madam!

What's wrong?

The Princess fainted with dizziness!

Oh my…!

5 days is too long
Try to shorten it. Do it!

Sure, I will try my best

What happened?

We'll have to use stronger spice
She stopped eating…

But using stronger spice…
since it's only temporary…

Even so, there are some additives
that help to increase her appetite

so if she has more of it,
her appetite should come back

What else can we do?
She's shy, so she doesn't complain

or talk much, so it's hard
to tell what's wrong

Anyhow, you go to the sauce pantry
and bring the oldest bean paste

I'll try seasoning it
with that this time

Yes, ma'am

What are you doing?

Oh… it's you, Keum-Young

What did you take out
from the bean paste pot?

Oh, this…?

It's charcoal


Lady Han told me to study,
so I was trying out different things

I put it in the bean paste, soy sauce
and vinegar to see what happens

That's why you always
get in trouble with Lady Choi

Yeah… You want to try it too?

The sharp vinegar taste is all gone

The soy sauce tastes much better

Yes. I broke the charcoal
and found many holes in it

I think that's why it's
good for absorbing smells

The bad soy sauce taste is gone,
so it tastes much better

Yes, it's good. We can tell Lady Han

so we can put it
in other soy sauces too

Really? You think so?


I have to get going…

We have no choice
but to try all the alternatives

Lady Choi, you keep
making the food your way

Yes, ma'am

She may not eat it,
so Lady Han should make…

hemp-root porridge with
dried orange peel, cardamom and nutmeg

She won't even eat tasty dishes
Will she eat medicinal ingredients?

But what else can we do?
There are no other alternatives

The doctors said it's not an illness

but she's so quiet and fainthearted

so it could be stress
Lady Min, roast dried dates

and pulverize them and
add some beefsteak plant leaves

But she doesn't eat anything roasted

She only eats rice and
we can't add anything to the rice

What is it?

His Majesty has ordered
not to prepare tonight's supper


He's angry that the Princess fainted
and said, how could he call himself

her father when he can't
even feed her one meal

and told us not to bring him any food

until the princess starts to eat
He said all the ladies…

ought to give all their time
and effort to princess' meals

And even the King's Mother
and Her Majesty the Queen…

have declined to accept food as well,
so the kitchen is in panic

This is big trouble, indeed


There is no need to wait
We should just hurry

and bring the food
as soon as it's prepared

Bean paste?



Can't you let me
make the meal this time?

Why? Any good ideas?

What's this?

She didn't even eat the special meals

How could you bring
such a simple meal to her?

I'm sorry. But please allow her
to try the porridge

How dare you!
Prepare another meal right now!

Take that table out right now!

Yes, Madam

Her Majesty the Princess
is eating! She's eating!

Can you eat now?

If you were going to eat like this,
why did you make them worry?

Do you know His Majesty
has been worrying about you?


Yes, Your Majesty
What was the reason?

This porridge doesn't smell



What is it?

The rice storehouse was flooded

so the rice is different from usual

Though we may not smell it,
she may find it disagreeable

She is ill with
a sensitive sense of taste

Is that right?

Please do speak, Your Majesty

How could I say such a thing when…

my Father eats without any complaints

This happened because of
the Princess' delicate palate

She couldn't take the rice at all

But Lady Choi solved it
by removing the smell…

that no one else could detect
What did you do to remove the smell?

No, Madam, it was Keum-Young
who thought of it, not me

Really? How did you do it?

It was charcoal


Yes, when I put in charcoal,
the smell in the rice was gone

How did you find that out?

I saw Jang-Geum removing the smell
from soy sauce using charcoal

That's how I came up with the idea

Add charcoal to the soy sauce?

Yes, Madam. It tastes much better

because all the bad smell is gone

Please taste it once

Really? I will try it

I'm happy to see you all here
Learn from Keum-Young

learning and practicing all the time

to find out how to make things better

Yes, ma'am

Madam! Madam!

What is it?

The Cabinet Minister wants
to see you right now

What's the hurry?

I'm not sure, but I think it has to do
with an envoy from Ming China

Really? An envoy is here?

Though His Majesty has previously
told us to prepare a small meal

for his birthday feast, the situation
has changed with this visit

The envoy is sent by
the emperor of Ming China

to congratulate the King
on his birthday

and he brought a golden pheasant
that was raised in their palace

A golden pheasant?

Isn't that regarded as a holy animal
that brings health and long life

that only the emperor
and high officials

eat on their birthdays?

Yes, and he says it was raised right
in their Imperial House

But His Majesty is worried
that they might be here

to request a huge amount
of silver money again

for dethroning the former King
The ministers have same worries too

So His Majesty has ordered
that we make no mistakes

in our formalities and food so that
he can't find any fault with us

The Head Eunuch should
go over the formalities

of serving him once more
with the female officers

Eunuchs & Kitchen ladies,
don't make any mistakes

Did you look at the rules
for cooking birthday dishes?

So golden pheasant is the menu
for this birthday feast?

Golden pheasant…

It's from Sichuan, China
It's known to protect a house

from calamities and
it's also known to be used

as elixir of life
offered to Emperor Jinxi

Lady Choi, have you ever
seen a golden pheasant?

I've seen it twice because
my brother trades with China

Besides, the Emperor offered us
this golden pheasant

And the King is worried
that there might be…

another mistake like last time,
so there must not be any errors

Lady Choi will be in charge of cooking
the golden pheasant as the main dish

Lady Han will be in charge of
steamed & roasted dishes

Lady Min will do the vegetables

Yes, Madam

All the rest should follow the orders

and Keum-Young will assist
in making the main dish

since her work for the Princess
has been acknowledged

Everything's going her way
It's been 5 years for me now

and I've just started
on the steamed dishes

and she's already
doing birthday feasts

You should distinguish yourself too

I just need an opportunity first

Opportunities only come

when you have the right skills

It's like that with
this golden pheasant too

You need experience to be chosen

How can we ever get experience?

Is the King's food there
for you to test it?

Why waste time criticizing others
instead of working hard?

I'm sorry

Lady Han, Jo-Bang, and Young-Ro,
go to the Guesthouse immediately

What is it?

The Head Lady can't trust
the ladies at the Guesthouse

so she wants you to go there
to prepare the dishes for the envoy

Yes, ma'am

You'll have to come back tomorrow,
so prepare everything before you go

Yes, Madam

This is very important,
so you must keep it well

Yes, sir

Bye now

I'll go out of the palace to purchase
the necessary ingredients

so keep this in the farm
and take good care of it

until the morning of
the birthday feast. OK?

Yes, Madam. Don't worry

Though you spoke otherwise,
you thought…

"I know how to make
pheasant food too," huh?

Madam, are you saying I say
one thing and think another?

OK, OK, you can't take a joke, huh?

I must go out of the palace
and get a golden pheasant

I can probably get one
if I go to my uncle's home

Court ladies who leave
the palace without permission

will be severely punished,
so how much more severe would it be

for a new bride like me?
No. But I must get one

before any superiors
find out about it

I'm their hope. I can't lose
the golden pheasant. No way

If I ask Uncle,
he'll get it by tonight

I will go out of the palace
Even if it means being cast out

of the palace as punishment,
I must get a golden pheasant

Who's there?

I'm sure I heard someone

Hey, Tae-Bok, bring some people
over here! Something's odd…

Hurry up! Something's odd here!

They guard the palace
outside the gate

I was wondering
why they weren't around

Of course, they guard it

What brings you here?

I will help you

I saw you searching all day
for the lost golden pheasant

Luckily, Lady Han isn't here and
I asked Yeun-Seng to cover for me

Let's go together

It'll be better than you going alone

We can ask Duk-Gu
for a golden pheasant too

Follow me. We may be able
to go out successfully

I know this path…

This way. I found this accidentally
when I was washing dishes

a couple of days ago
The iron gate is broken

so we can get out through there

You're right!

Let's go

Who's there?!



What is it?

There's a fire near Young-Hwa room

No movement of other troops?

No. It's only a small fire
We have to put it out asap

before it spreads. Let's go!

Stop right there! Stop right there!

Excuse us…

Where do you think you're going?

How dare you wake us up?

We're sorry if we woke you up

Hey! You can't leave
after waking us up

We barely managed to fall asleep
on our empty stomachs

Then what do you want us to do?

Give us money,
or if you don't have any…

Stop it! Take your hands off!

Oh! They came into our house
without permission

It's true, sir!

Stop it!

2 people ran away from the palace
Are you them?

No way… We, we came from Yangju…

Iooking for a relative…
and we got lost

Oh… really?


Who is that relative?

Mr. Choi Pan-Sul. I heard he's
a wealthy merchant in Hanyang

Yes. He's a famous wealthy merchant

What? You're related to
the pre, premier merchant?

Yes. He's a close relative
He wanted to see us…

Is that true?

You'll see if you go with us

It's right past the mar,
market street


Excuse us then…

Wait a minute!

Take the ladies
to the wealthy merchant

It's OK. He was going to hurt us

He didn't know better. He's not evil

Hey, escort the ladies
I'll kill you if you try something


Yes, sir

Please go on… Hey! Just go to sleep

Oh this stink! Where could they be?

It's not that way

You know well

You came from the palace, huh?
I don't care

if you came from the palace
or fell from the sky

But give our family something to eat

If you treat us well,
you don't have to worry

Uh, let's go… You…

Keum-Young! What brings you
here at this hour?

Is Uncle here?

No… He went out…
Who the heck are you?!

Don't. He brought us here
Don't do that

Is your family well?


Keum-Young, what brings you
here at this hour?

Where's Uncle?

He went to meet another merchant

When will he be back?

Well… he said he might have a drink

But what brings you here?

First buy that guy
some food and clothes

He brought us here

He knows we secretly came out
of the palace. Don't disappoint him

Then are you saying,
this isn't Lady Choi's order

but you came out secretly?


What do you mean? A lady who enters
the palace only leaves

as a dead person. How can that be?

How are you going to manage this?

If they find out
it'll be the end of you

You'll be kicked out of the palace

That's why you must help me

Help? How?

We must get a golden pheasant
We must get it now

If we can't get one, Madam and I
will get into big trouble

Then you go back to the palace first

I'll get it by all means and
bring it to the palace tomorrow

A court lady leaving
without permission is a crime

You must go back

I will still get it and go back
There's no difference between…

the sin of leaving the palace
and losing the golden pheasant

that the envoy has brought
If I can't get a golden pheasant

it's not just my problem, but…

all the kitchens and
even the court itself

So I will get it with
my own hands and go back

OK, I'll try to get it, but…

It's already too late, so I think
it'll be difficult to get it now

Do anything…
we must get it no matter what!

Yes, ma'am

Keum-Young, I think it'll
be hard to get it now

so I'll go to Duk-Gu's place
and try to find it

I don't think he'll have it

Though he may not have it himself

he may know a merchant
who sells special ingredients

I'll be back

Then I'll see you
around 6:00 tomorrow


You must come back before 6:00
We must be back before 8:00


I'll find a way to get back in

OK, I won't be late



What are you doing? Hurry!

It's because there's
a lump on my back

Your legs hurt yesterday,
and a headache two days ago

and it's your back today
When are you not sick? When?

I still haven't taken off
the patch from here…

You always disappear
whenever I tell you to work

If you don't even do this

how can you call yourself my husband?

The boil on my back…

Boil my foot

I still have the patch on

I don't care whether your back
breaks or your head cracks…

Stop it…

I'm Jang-Geum…

Someone's here

It's Jang-Geum!

Jang-Geum, what brings you
here at this hour?

Just how long has it been?

I saw you only two days ago
in the palace

What brings you here?
You probably didn't come…

with your court lady at this time
Did you run away by any chance?

Or did you get kicked out?


Oh, my! Do you know
how great of a crime that is?

Go back quickly! Now!

I had no choice. I have to
look for a golden pheasant

and meet up with Keum-Young
to go back tomorrow

Yes, you should just
spend the night here

and go with me tomorrow to look…

Wait! This is urgent

We should go right now
to the poultry shop!

What? At this hour?
Where do you think you're going?!

No, it's different
The color's different

I finally found it

This isn't it either

You come here, too

You should've asked for a pheasant!

Why'd you ask for a golden chicken?!

Do you know what
a golden pheasant is?

I saw it before

Really? Can we buy it somewhere?

You don't come to a place like
this poulterer to buy such a thing

When merchants who trade with
China sometimes bring in…

1 or 2 servants from
noble houses buy them

I saw them when a merchant ship
came in at Songpa

Great. I heard a merchant ship
is coming to Songpa today

I was going to buy
ground plum from Mapo today

It's a very expensive medicinal herb
that comes through these merchants

If you add it to the drinks
you can sell them…

at 10 times the original price

Let's go

Duk-Gu, did you find out?

He said the ship
will come in at about 4:00

4:00… we need to hurry
I have to go back

to Choi Pan-Sul's residence by 6:00

If it comes by 4:00,
we should have plenty of time

Don't worry
I told people around here

so as soon as they come in,
you can just take it and go

In order to do that however,
I would need some money for drinks

and I forgot to bring my wallet today

This is all of my money…

It's better than nothing…

I'm sorry

It's all right. Bye now

Why am I running with
Jang-Geum's money?

I run whenever I see money
because of my wife. I can just walk

Check her!

What are you doing?!

Let go!

Where did you hide it?

Who are you that you're treating
a lady like this during the daytime?

Where did you hide the thing
you received from the bamboo hat?

What are you saying?
I have not hidden anything!

Why you…!

Put down your sword!

It wasn't her, but another woman
in a blue dress beside her

I'm sorry

She's probably trying
to get on a ship

so try to search for her again

Yes, sir

You have to find the person
who has the map

so you can find the map drawer
and other related people

The bamboo hat seems to have good
martial arts skills, so be careful

Yes, sir

I'm very sorry

Where have you been?

Why? Has the ship come in?

A golden pheasant came in

Huh? Really?

Yes. I made the merchant
go to the tavern

so he can't sell it
to anyone else. Let's go


Hong! Hong!

Yes, Madam

Have you seen Keum-Young?

No. She wasn't here when I came in

That's strange
Today's not even her shift

The golden pheasant isn't in the farm

Should I look for her?

No. I'll check the kitchen,
so you keep doing your job

Yes, ma'am

You said she's in the sauce pantry

Yes, Madam

So I told you to look for her there
What are you doing here?

When I went there
she was there at the pantry…

and… she said she was headed
somewhere to learn more things…

Really? There's a lot of work today

Everyone is working. So look for her

Yes, Madam

Have you seen Keum-Young?

Oh, no! I haven't seen her!
I haven't seen Keum-Young!

That's strange
She's not in the residence

and the golden pheasant is missing

When did you see her last?

I saw her yesterday… I mean,
this morning at the residence

Were they together?

Yes… Madam

Tell me the truth?!

Huh? Madam?

If they were together,
how could you have seen Jang-Geum

just now and Keum-Young this morning?

No… I meant…
I told them they shouldn't…

How foolish of them!
If such a thing had happened

they should've reported it first!

If the ministers or the Head Lady
finds out about this…

It's my fault for leaving
such an important task

to the young thing and
leaving the palace. I'm sorry

Where did they say they were going?

They said they should be
able to get it

through Lady Choi's brother

I don't think the kids
are the problem right now

We have to prepare
the golden pheasant dish

tomorrow morning,
so what should we do?

I think we have to get a golden
pheasant right now, and get the kids

Yes, you're right. We can't
tell them the truth right now

I'll tell the Head Lady
that Lady Choi needs…

to go out of the palace
for more ingredients

Lady Choi can get the pass
and go straight home

Yes, ma'am

You must get a golden pheasant
and bring the girls back

Yes, Madam

You must be back by 8:00
even with a pass, so it's a problem

Let's move quickly. We have no time!
Yes, Madam

You should've told
Lady Jung about it!

Just what were you thinking
doing such a foolish thing?!

Losing the pheasant is bad enough

but you left the palace?!
What are we going to do?!

I was ready to face the
consequences of leaving

You were ready?
You and I are not just on our own

I told you that we must be
very careful of our conduct and speech

for our ancestors and
previous court ladies from our family

How can you be so rash?!

But I lost the golden pheasant

If we can't get another one
we would've been in deep trouble

Then you should've told me,
Lady Han or Lady Jung about it!

If you just walk out
and something happened

the fire could spread
not only to the kitchens

but the Head Lady
and even the Royal Guards!

That's enough
I already scolded her enough

I think she was confused after
losing the envoy's golden pheasant

Sir, it's Kang

Come in

So did you get it?

Yes, luckily we did get one

That's a relief

Let's go back to the palace now

Please wait a little bit more
Jang-Geum promised to be back by 6:00

We must go back with her

I know you're a spy
Surrender yourself

Hey… Hey…

We must go back now

It's only 6:00 now
Please wait a little more

I only have a pass for one
It's already hard enough

to bring you back inside
Everyone might get in trouble

if we take Jang-Geum too

But we have to wait for her
She came out because of me

She's a friend who tried to help
We can't go back in like this

You must come back before 6:00
We must be back before 8:00

You can get kicked out
if you leave the palace

We can't wait any longer
Let's go back

No. I can't leave my friend out here

Do you want to get kicked out too?
Let's go back now!

She'll be back
Please wait a bit more

We must go back! We must go back!

Just a little more, please
Let's wait a bit more

Hello? Hello?

Why are you late?
Do you know how long Lady Choi

and Keum-Young
had been waiting for you?

Lady Choi came out?

Yes, she came to take you two back

They just left,
so start going right now

If you hurry, you can catch up

OK, got it

Wait! Let me ask you a question

Is she a new bride of the kitchen?

She was caught this morning
trying to break into the palace

Is she really a new bride
of the kitchen?

Yes, she is

What's going on?
She should've been in the palace

Why would she be trying to break in?

Now that we've confirmed it

we'll take her to the Royal Guards

Let's go!

Yes, sir! Let's go!

We have the important task
of preparing for…

His Majesty's birthday feast
So do your work for now

I'll find out about this later
Do you understand?

Yes Hurry!

The rules of court ladies
have always been stricter

than the rules of the nation
But what new bride…

goes in and out of the palace
as if it was her own house?

I'm sorry

Just how are you
disciplining them? You think…

the Highest Kitchen Lady's job
is to compliment them all the time?


Lady Jung will have her pay
decreased for 6 months

Lady Han who's been with Jang-Geum,
and Lady Choi who is in charge…

of training the kitchen girls
will be demoted

from the High Ladies to Middle Ladies

And Jang-Geum will
no longer be a new bride

regardless of what
the Royal Guards decide

Whip her 20 times and
cast her out of the palace!

Yes, sir!