The Great Indian Murder (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Rajneeti aur Pyaar - full transcript

Suraj actions an elaborate plan that puts many lives in danger. Sudha questions Suraj's intentions when he tries to discredit their suspects.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-Sir, give the order.

What order?

Sir, you had asked me
to call today.

You were going to give me
the number of the CM's secretary.

Oh, yes, the damn thing
slipped my mind.

Last night,
there was an earthquake here.

Oh! Is everything all right, sir?

-Any trouble, sir?
-No, no, it's good. All good.

Okay, listen.

I'm sending you two numbers.

One of those numbers

is that of the CM's
personal secretary Pranjal Dass.

Those four people you've caught,

take a cell phone from one of them
and feed the number into it.

And call Pranjal Dass
from that phone.

Okay, sir.

And the second number
that I'm sending,

send that number
to Pranjal Dass' cell phone.

-Will it be done?
-Yes, sir.

Yes, but listen.

There'll be an inquiry
over this case.

So, don't line them up
and shoot them in the back.

Okay, sir. I'll handle everything
and call you.

You just message me
the numbers, sir.


Sir, sir!

I'm a family man, sir.

I have small children, sir.

I have no idea about all this.

It was a mistake; forgive me, sir.

I don't know any Naxalites sir.

Please let us go.
We haven't done anything.

-Whose is this?
-Mine, sir.

It's mine, sir.

-Shut him up.
-I have a wife, sir!

Shut up, shut up.


Where are you?

I'm trying to reach you...

Greetings, sir.

No cameras, sir.

-Moreover, this note's--

You've kept the font size
of this note so small

that it can't be read
by any hidden camera.

Incredible, sir!

Whatever they say about you
is all true.

And on top of that,
you are also threatening me.

If you refuse,

then, yes.

But why me?

Because you have never shied away
from being critical,

whether it was about
our party or about me.

So, when you call him for
an interview, he'll readily agree.

Then you can ask
any question you like.

Just ask one question for me.

The one you just read.

You're dragging me

in this game of yours...


A good and successful journalist

becomes a successful politician

Take it as a golden opportunity
and grab it with both hands.

And I...

want to confirm again

that there are indeed...

no cameras there.

Put your phone away.
It's not allowed here.


Looks familiar?

Do you recognise this?


Don't lie.

Your fingerprints are all over it.

Where did this money come from?

Whom did you give it to last night?

My future...

My daughter's future father-in-law.

You told me your daughter's
wedding was called off

because you couldn't pay.

Where did this money come from?

-Boss gave it to me.


Look, Brijlal, you're about to get
in some serious trouble.

Your boss is involved
in a murder case.

If you give a false statement,

then this money will be confiscated,

your daughter's wedding
will be cancelled,

and you will go to jail.

Do you want to go to jail?

Do you?


You could have told me
if you needed something.


I can do my work myself.

Why should I trouble you?

Here, take your car keys.

He's dead, the motherfucker!

Brijlal, let's go, come on.

We should've never come here.

Sir, do you need to go somewhere?


didn't you need Rs. 1 lakh
for your daughter's wedding?


Sir, who are you right now?


I'm Mohandas, Brijlal, my brother.


No, you're Mohan Kumar.

When you entered the party,
that's when you were Mohandas.

Our very own Gandhi ji.

What happened after that,
who knows.

But I saw you take the revolver
out of the car.

Then there were shots fired inside.

Then, when you returned
and sat in the car,

you were Mohan Kumar then.

You're still Mohan Kumar now.

Mohan Kumar?

Which Mohan Kumar, son?


not just Rs. 3 lakh,

I'll take Rs. 5 lakh.

Rs. 5 lakh?

No, son, keep Rs. 1 lakh,

I'll give you another lakh;
keep Rs. 2 lakh.

Greed is not good, son.

Take only as much
as you need. Take it.

"Take only as much as you need."

You people don't think
the same way when it comes to you.

This is my house.

Sir, I'm just a driver.

But after spending time with you,

I have learned
the ways of the world.

I will not take a rupee less
than Rs. 5 lakh.

You want Rs. 5 lakh, asshole!
I'll give you five kicks!

Bastard! Exploiting me
when I'm helpless, fucker!

Yes, I am exploiting
your helplessness!

Because I need to.

Fucking shit! Brijlal, what has
happened to you, you fucker?

What... Listen, look.
Look, listen, listen.

So, on the night of the party,

Mohan Kumar was Mohan Kumar only.


That's your statement, right?

Sign it.

Here, take this.

Your father-in-law's cash.

Madam, it's his daughter's

Thanks, Manjot.

Here's your money.

Will boss be sentenced to death?

No idea.

But don't feel guilty about that.

Thank you.

Let's arrest Mohan Kumar.

Pen, pen.

Thank you for giving us your time
at such short notice, Mr. Vora.

There's no need to thank me.

We exist because of
journalists like you.

Who practises fair journalism
these days?

At first, people salute you,

then they serve you.

And then, after some time,

all that is fair turns ugly.

Sir, I will do my utmost
to remain fair.

I don't want to do

a political interview.


Naturally, politics will be
a part of it.

So, let's start at the beginning.

What was your childhood like?

I mean, at various points
of your life,

who are the ones
who had an impact on you?

As a youngster,

I admired Sunil Gavaskar

and Dev Anand.

And I still do.

In college, Swami Vivekanand,

Jawaharlal Nehru,
and Subhash Chandra Bose.

These three caused
much churning within me.

Intellectual, emotional.

But their ideologies
were absolutely different.

Certainly, but their motives
were the same.

Nation-building, character-building.

I am sorry.
I did some research on you.

-On the Internet?

During your student days,

you were a member
of an ultra-left party.

Progressive People's Party.


as students,
we have all been rebellious.

There's fire, there's passion.

Yes, I was certainly a member
of that party.

Progressive People's Party.

But, when I grew up, I joined
the Nationalist Central Party.

So, are you still in touch with
your friends from university days?

I have many university friends

that I'm still in touch with today.

Friends who now may be

members of other political parties.

Yes, almost all my friends

are members of different parties.

Everyone has their own ideologies.

But there's a personal bonding
that will last forever.

And I strongly believe

all my friends feel
the same way too.

I am sure.

-Hello, Mr. Pranjal Dass?

Hello, it's from
the CM's office, sir.

-Hello, sir!

Sir, your voice
isn't reaching me clearly!

Sir, I have texted you
a number, sir.

Please call on that number, sir.
You'll get network.

Hello! Hello! Sir!

It's a little urgent, sir, urgent.


We spoke two hours ago.
Why haven't the bricks arrived yet?

Ma'am, it's on the way. It's coming.


-Hello, who's speaking?
-You tell me. You made the call.

I was asked to call on this number.

-Tell me your name.
-Pranjal Dass.

Personal Secretary to
the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister.

Oh, Greetings, sir!

Sir, it's like this,

we have filed several complaints.

We have written letters to
the Chief Minister's relief fund.

They said four lanes
will get latrines and--

-Who is this?
-Champi, sir. Champi?

Bishnoi sir knows me. He...

In Mehrauli. Bhagat--




You probably received a call from
Mr. Pranjal Dass.

Who's speaking?

I'm calling from the CM's office.

You received a call from
Mr. Pranjal Dass, right?

Yes, I did.

But who are you?




Go ahead. I'll follow shortly.

Yes, Shiv, tell me. Is it done?

Yes, sir, we're fully prepared.

We are awaiting your order, sir.

All connections
have been established, sir.

When do we finish the rest, sir?

Not yet. Do it when I tell you.

So, sir, shall I send you
my bank details?

Hey, don't get arrogant.

I am setting you up for life.

Hang up now.

Sir, are you a doctor?

I am Mohandas.

If you need anything, call me.

There was a Mohandas Gandhi, too.

Of the days gone by.


He did a lot for us.
Fought a lot for us.

-I'm still fighting.
-Madam, that's the one.

This is all because
of the earthquake.

He was screaming last night.

When the nurse came in,
he was under the bed.

The next morning, he gathered
everyone in the hospital

and got them to chant hymns.

And now he's asking
for goat's milk.

If I don't feed him horse piss,
my name's not Manjot Singh Sodhi.

-''I want goat's milk.''
-Hush! Shut up!

These medicines you are taking,
they are poison.

Don't take these. Toss them away.
I'll have to do something.

This is all rubbish.


I am Sudha.

I am Mohandas.

How are you?

If scaling the high walls
of progress

is accomplished by walking over
the corpse of humanity,

what would you call it?

Is this development?

People are suffering.

Look at this man.

We wanted to speak to you.

I had asked for
some goat's milk to drink.

What's the update on that?

One minute.

Please, if you can,

arrange a neurologist and
then record his statement.

I can't bear him much longer. Okay?

Come, sir.


Come with us.

-Come with you?

Let's go.

Have you got the goat
tied up outside?

Do you know Vicky Rai?

Vikram Rai.

Yes, I know him.

On the 23rd of November this year,
you had attended his party?

Vikram Rai's party?

Yes, I did.

Do you recognise these two boys?

What are their names?

Munna and Eketi.

Munna and Eketi?

No, I've never met them.

We should arrest him.

Look, he is not mentally stable.

There shouldn't be any stress
on the patient.

Please give your investigation
a break.

His wife is such a pain.

Madam, this is a court order.

You cannot arrest Mohan Kumar.

He will stay here
until he returns to normal.

They got Brijlal
to lie under duress

that he was Mohan Kumar
and not Gandhi ji that night.

The police will drive him
totally insane!

Actually, let me tell you something.

You people are wasting your time
with this guy.

He didn't get along with Vicky Rai;
he may have fired a gun.

But from where he was standing...

Wait, I'll show you.

Come. You're Vicky Rai.

Come here.

Further behind, right here.

Mohan Kumar was standing here.

Even if he fired, there's no way
it could have struck him.

Haven't you people watched
the CCTV footage?

Even if he had,
it would've hit the last table

-where the food was served.
-Calm down.

And your Munna,
he wasn't even present at the time.

He ran from the lawn
towards the house.

Still, all three
could be together in this.

We can't rule out that possibility.

That doesn't make sense.

Munna was at the wrong place
at the wrong time

with a gun in his hand. That's it.

And this bloody Mohan Kumar

is the clown in this entire mess.
Nothing more.

The biggest culprit is that tribal.

-Still, I mean we should--

I know he's not been spotted
in any CCTV footage.

Before jumping to conclusions,

we should wait for the ballistics
and forensics reports, I think.

I don't need any report.

I will prove it.

Do you have an agenda?


Do you have an agenda?

For so many days, I've been
noticing you twist this case

and take it in another direction.

You had this theory
even before the investigation.


What's going on, Suraj?

Ms. Sudha,

because you're my senior,
I respect you.

But don't forget
this case belongs to the CBI.

You're only here to assist.

If I want,

I can have you removed
from the case.

You carry on.
I have to go somewhere.

You two follow in that car.


Finish the work
and send your account details.

Yes, sir, sending right away.

And please do something
about my promotion, sir.

I'm rotting in this wilderness.


Thank you, sir.

Come on, go.



Move, move.


Take it there.

Come on, move.

Keep your guns there.

Oh, sir!

-What's going on here?

How did the media
get here before us?

Sir, you're concerned
about the media.

We were attacked.
Doesn't that bother you?

There were at least 20 people
swooping on us at once!

We returned fire,
and four of them were killed.

Now, how do we know
how the media got here?

The walls are ridden
with bullet holes!

Just look! Come, take a look.

Come, sir. Look, grenades.

Look at this.

Come, sir, take a picture.
Such opportunities are rare.

Come, sir, please.

Please come.

Hey, take a picture with sir.


[in Punjabi] When we were little,
we used to listen to this music.

Yes, Jeevanram?

Madam, that Billu Biryani guy,

-the one caught in the Munna case?

-Kidnapping and murder.
-Yes, yes, I recall.

He's due in court tomorrow;

the evidence must be presented.

That's why
I was checking this mobile.

Look at this.

Don't breathe a word about this
to anyone. Send it to me quickly.

-Yes, madam.

Hello, madam, how are you?

What's your relationship
with Vicky Rai's sister, Ritu Rai?


This is you, isn't it?

There are two-three stories
running parallelly in your life.

First, you sent us on
a wild goose chase over the money.

And now this!


please, I won't waste time on this.

Tell us the truth. Okay?

And we got this video
from Billu Biryani's cell phone.

Tell us. What is your connection
with her?

Don't waste my time.

How do you know her? Tell me.


Stand up!

Are you my brother-in-law...

that I should wait on you
all the time?

One more lie and I'll kill you.

Let me speak, sir.


Ritu and I were in love
with each other.



We loved each other.

You and Jagannath Rai's daughter.


Why? Can't it happen?


It can never happen.

Pick up the chair.

Put it here.

Sit, sit.

And now, Munna,
you will tell the truth.


Ma'am, that night,
I went to get Ritu out.

They locked her in the house.

With a gun?

The gun was for my protection. You--

How dare you raise your voice?

The night of the party,
she had a flight to Dubai.

She was moving to London for good.

I had arranged for her tickets
and everything.

You bought tickets?

My ear is ringing
because you hit me there!

The ticket was for the night
of the party?

Yes, obviously, Manjot.

How do you expect me
to believe there's something

between a pickpocket
and the daughter of Jagannath Rai?

How did you woo her?


Can't the poor have a heart?

No, of course they can,

but it would be difficult for her
to see your heart, wouldn't it?

Okay, fine, she is your girlfriend.
Tell me the rest.

What a sizzling item!

The latest piece, dude.

I really feel like taking it.

Don't you see that rhino?
He has his eyes on her.


Dude, what are you doing?

Dude, what is this?
Do I look like a thief to you?


I have never stolen anything
in my life!

I'll die of hunger, but...

Did you get anything? Did you?

Piece of shit.

Bro! It's awesome, right?

It's locked, asshole.

Let's get it unlocked.

-We'll get 30 grand.

We'll get so much more for this!

We're going to party today!

How is it going?

All good. We need some dry cleaning.

This time the stuff is expensive.

Wait, I'm doing it.

There's eye retina scan, patterns
and passwords on this.

Wait, I'm on it.


I've unlocked it. Okay?

But when you get home,
change the ID.

Or you'll be in trouble, okay?

-This is some good stuff!
-Looking to sell?

Yes, name your price.

-No, no, it's not for sale.

What's up?

I'll give a good price.

-No, man, it's not for sale.
-The price will be A-one.

-Listen up, bro. Stop.
-I'll come tomorrow!

♪ Two fun-loving guys
Are seeking fame and fortune ♪

♪ From beautiful
And gorgeous women ♪

♪ From beautiful
And gorgeous women ♪

♪ They guard their hearts
Even as they eye them ♪

♪ Even as they eye them ♪

♪ Bom-bom ♪

♪ Bom-bom ♪

It'll come.

Sir, when the call comes,
please call me.

Ma'am, it's come, it's come!

Who is this?

Hi, I'm Ritu here.
This is my phone. And you are?

Ma'am, I'm from Toxic.

I found your phone in the toilet.

I tried calling many times.
The phone was switched off.

Ma'am, I just charged the phone
and tried you and you called.


-Where are you now?
-I'm at Ambience Mall.

Can I send someone
to pick the phone up?

Ma'am, I'll send your phone there.

You're great!

-Thank you, sir.

Thank you, sir.

I don't know. I can't spot her.

There, look! She's standing there.

There she is. Come, come, come!

-Hey! Where, where?
-Phone, phone, your phone.


Thank you.

Give him 500 bucks.

-Rs. 500 is good?
-No, no, there's no need for money.

-Okay. Thanks.

This one.

Thank you. JD.

Hello, yes... your phone.
I had stolen it.


So, I wanted to meet you
and say sorry.

Or it looks rude, no?

I thought I should look you
in the eye and say sorry.

-It's okay. Don't call me again.
-By the way...

I decoded your phone.

Decoding a phone is so easy.

Biometric is the best.


Why are you yelling?

You steal my phone,
and then you give me advice!

But I returned your phone, right?

Do you know who I am?

Do you have any idea?

Yes, I know. You are Ritu Rai.
Daughter of Jagannath Rai.

I've seen your phone,
your videos, your photos.

Bloody, bloody thief!

Disgusting human being!

Ms. Ritu, hello?

Yes, you can't speak to me
like this.

I'm educated. I'm a graduate.


So, the floor manager here

is a graduate too!

He roams with a tie,
but he won't get anywhere in life.

I have no boss, do you understand?
I run multiple businesses.

And as for your...

It's not from the fear of your dad
that I returned your phone.

I was getting Rs. 30,000.
I could've sold it, but I didn't.

Why? Because I have ethics.

Are you done?


Now what?

You're still yelling.

It's okay. It's your life.

Your life your choice. I've saved
my number under "Munna mobile."



Why? Because you...

haven't properly thanked me yet.

I may be a thief...

but an ethical one.

Look, I won't force you.

Whenever you're in a good mood,

a thank-you is due.

My mood is always good.

If it's always good, then why were
you crying in the pub yesterday?

I zoomed in on the CCTV footage
and saw you.


So, that's when love bloomed

and you hatched a plan

to help her escape on the night
of the party,

but you couldn't.

You couldn't, and you got caught.

Isn't it, Munna?

I'm right, am I not?

I couldn't.

[singing in French]
♪ You are my love ♪

♪ You are my love, girl ♪

♪ Come on, do you want to come? ♪

♪ Yes? ♪


♪ The sun is so clear ♪

♪ Your eyes ♪

Excuse me.

♪ You're so beautiful ♪

♪ You are my love, girl ♪

♪ You are my love... ♪

I can't see you.

Okay, okay. No problem.

-Wait here. Don't go that way.
-Yes, yes, hurry up.

Which car?


My passport and ticket are inside.

-Hold this.
-Wait! I'll get it. Where?

Go to the first floor. The first door
on the right, the blue one.

There's a big table,
the first drawer.

-Big table, first drawer. Big...

-I'm getting the car there.
-Get it!

That side of the main gate.

-The first drawer of the big...

Vicky? I need help!

Vicky! Vicky! What happened? Vicky!

-Who are you?
-Sir, I was sent to get a drink.

To whom were you serving the drink?

-Sir, he's got a gun! A gun!

If you're lying,

I'll kill you myself
in an encounter.

Think it over.


There's a booking
on an Air Urasia flight

for 24th November
under Ritu Rai's name.

This story is difficult to swallow.

I think we'll have to speak to Ritu.


Don't reveal these details
to her family.

Don't tell them
she was running away.

-But it's true, right?

-don't tell them.
-Is it true or not?

-Just don't tell.

Will you decide what we should
or shouldn't say?

Those people will kill me.

You're going to get killed anyway.

They'll kill Ritu too.