The Great Food Truck Race (2010–…): Season 4, Episode 3 - Pocatello Is All About Potatoes, You Dig? - full transcript

In Pocatello, Idaho, the teams face a potato (what else?) challenge.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
"The Great Food Truck Race,"

eight teams
of food‐truck rookies

"The Great Food Truck Race"

in Hollywood, California,
with one goal in mind ‐‐

To win their dream truck
and $50,000.

The team sold like mad
in Beverly Hills...

Two bowls.
...San Francisco...

With or without.

...and Portland, Oregon.

It's definitely worth
more than $7.

But Murphy's Spud Truck
and Boardwalk Breakfast Empire

made the long, lonely trip home,

narrowing the field
to six teams.

They are...

the trained chef who had to
close down his dream restaurant.

This is what
I live by, baby.

The best friends from Brooklyn
who just want to share

their love of hot dogs
and have fun doing it.

Hot dog parade!

The single moms who just want
security for their children.

Bowled and beautiful!

The electrician from Philly

whose career ended
in a car wreck.

We never disappoint.

The Hawaiians who want to
bring the spirit of Aloha

to food truck culture.

Seven more burgers left!

And the Army vet who just
wants to stake his claim

to the American dream.

Now, the race comes
to Pocatello, Idaho.

Six trucks remain,
but not for long.

Who will go home next?

I'm Tyler Florence, and this is
"The Great Food Truck Race."

Let's get rolling.

Food truck road trip!

‐‐Captions by VITAC‐‐

Closed Captions provided by
Scripps Networks, LLC.

Pocatello, Idaho.
Home of the potato.

Whatever we do, we better
include some potatoes.

Our truck is very versatile.

Us being chefs, we have
the chops to be inventive.

We can make great food out of
anything that's given to us.

I'm thinking this town
is really plain Jane.

Right, they don't want
anything too over‐the‐top.

They may not know
what it is.

They cannot get rid of us.
We're like cockroaches.

We'll always be at the bottom,
but you can't kill us.

We made it to the city
by the skin of our teeth,

but we did make it here, and if
we keep going at this rate,

even just beating one team,
we'll make it to the next city.

Everybody loves hot dogs.

I'm telling you,
we got this in the bag.

I don't even know
where we are.

I'm following Victoria.

I don't know where the hell
I'm going, yo.

I don't know.
But Pocatello is back thataway.

You know what one good
thing is about Pocatello?

Back in the 1800s, there was
a bunch of Hawaiian fur traders

came to Pocatello
and got lost.

So, there's a big
Polynesian‐Hawaiian community.

I'm excited because there's
some Hawaiians in Pocatello.

We're everywhere.
I think the only thing

we're gonna have to worry about
Pocatello is the price point.

I don't think we'll get away
with $25 here in Idaho.

We got to really sit down
and think about the price

and bring it down
a little bit.

What are we gonna do if Tyler
makes us cook with potatoes?

Potato tacos?

Tikka Tikka Tater Tots?

We might have to go
with more traditional stuff.

I'm a little bit nervous
about going to Pocatello.

It's kind of up there towards
the northern part of the country

where I'm not sure if there's
a lot of Indian food being sold.

What we really need to do
is just kind of be adaptable.

I know what goes good
with potatoes.

Meat and cheese.

First place in San Fran, fifth
place in Portland's no good.

Not happening again.

We crushed it the first week
in San Fran.

We struggled some in Portland.

I feel like Pocatello's
a little bit of a mountain town

with some blue‐collar people.

I think the meat, cheese,
bread type of thing

would go over well with them.

Everybody was looking up
at us in San Fran.

Now they're kind of
clowning us.

I'm thinking maybe
we stay away from potatoes.

Like, it's potatoes everything,
I imagine, here.

Maybe we can pull out
those buffalo chicken nachos

that we've been
dying to make.

I am dying to make those.
I'm ready to spice up things.

Jes, I stopped seeing signs
for Pocatello a while back.

I have no idea
where we're going.

All we see is, like,
green fields to our
left and our right.

Where does he have us going now?

This is the address
he gave us,

but where the heck
are we going?

What's up, teams?
How are you?

What's up?

Guys, welcome to the great state
of Idaho!

Guys, look around you.
There are only six teams left.

One of you will walk away
with $50,000

and your very own brand‐new
food truck.

You all should be very proud of
what you've accomplished so far.

Two weeks ago, you guys
were food truck rookies.

Now, you're all up and running
like pros.

But this is no time
to rest on your laurels,

and I think you guys know why.

At the end of this weekend,

one of you will hand me
your keys

and make the long,
lonely trip home.

People around here
love potatoes.

I'm sure they love steak, so,
steak and potatoes go together.

I'm feeling pretty confident
about Pocatello.

So, guys, let's talk
about Pocatello.

It's one of the largest cities
in Idaho,

and it tops out
at almost 55,000 people.

That's a far cry from
San Francisco or even Portland,

where you had 10 times
the amount of people to sell to.

That means you're gonna have to
think long and hard

about your prizes,
your strategy, your food,

and how you communicate
with people.

I think coming into a smaller
town is actually better for us.

It's not like a big city

where there's things that happen
all the time.

This is something
that's exciting coming to town,

and I think that will play
towards our advantage.

Okay, guys.
You all know how this goes.

You start totally even.

You have your basic staples
and an empty cash box.

So, guys, I've got
your seed money right here.

It's $300.

That's good.

I'm pretty excited about $300
because as a single mom,

I can make $300
stretch really far.

So, you guys ready to make
some money in Pocatello?


So, wait a second.

None of you are wondering
why I've brought you

all the way out here
to a potato farm?

For a tractor ride?

Well, the reason is...

...Just in case some time
this weekend

you need to find yourself
a potato farm,

you happen to be
standing in one.

So, now you know.

It's called Wada Farms,

and it's one of the largest
potato farms in the state.

And I'm just saying.

Okay, Tyler, we get it.

You want us to remember
this potato farm.

I have no idea why,
but when I get to the truck,

I'm definitely gonna
drop a pin here

because this is gonna be
needed some time later.

So, you guys ready to shop
and sell, or what?

Get your trucks,
and let's get rolling!


Let's go, go, go, go!

There's a farmers market
going on.

I think that's the perfect place
to sell our food.

Debra is the point of contact
for the farmers market here,

so let me give her
a call.

I've learned that foot traffic
isn't everything.

You need hungry foot traffic,

and that's what
this farmers market will have

is people walking around,
looking at food,

money in their pockets,
ready to eat.

Thank you very much.
I'm glad you're excited.

Thank you. All right.
See you soon. Bye‐bye.

Dude, she's stoked
to have us there.

Let's get those Philly guys
on the phone

and see if they want to
team up this weekend.

In a small town like this,

I think having
a couple trucks together is huge

because I think that's where
people are gonna go first.

Hey, did you already have a plan
of where you're gonna park?

We actually
just called them.

We heard Bowled and Beautiful
is already gonna be there.

You guys
want to join up there?

It looks like there's
a farmers market here.

That's good. Everybody
loves farmers markets.

Farmers markets
are always good,

when the weather is warm.

Farmers market,
here we come.

All right, guys.
Let's get what we need.

Oh, look, it's like
a dollar cheaper here.

So, 17 times 4.
98 pieces.

We'll start
with four bags.

How many come in a ‐‐


Why don't we just get
a bunch of these

and do wraps and nachos?

See what's happening.
Look on the calendar.

There's a huge motocross event
going on 10:00 a. M. To 2:00 p. m.

That's perfect.

Selling at the motocross race
is a great move

because they're guaranteed to
have at least 100 people there,

so we are going
straight to PMX Park.

That's huge.

So, is that what
we're gonna bank on?


All right,
I think we're good. Whoo!

Nothing makes me happier
than looking out

and seeing all these hungry
people waiting for our food.

We just got to get
our food out there

before anyone else
shows up.

This is all the bread
you have?

They have the bread from
the vendors on the other side.

We need, like, a roll.
That's more like a bun.

This is like
a hot dog bun.

Are you serious?
We can't find bread right now?

This is absolutely ridiculous.

I'm calling every supermarket
in the area.

I think you guys call them
submarine sandwiches?

They have no idea
what I'm talking about.

I say a hoagie roll,
and they think it's a bun.

This is not gonna work.

If we put our cheesesteaks
on a bun,

it's gonna get all soggy
and fall right through.

We need to find bread.

We really need some good bread
to make Philly cheesesteaks on.

Do you have any bread
like that?

Where can we meet you?
Where are you?


We're coming there.

He is at the farmers market
right now.

All I have to do
is walk 50 feet,

buy the bread,
open for business.

Thanks a lot.

I love you guys, Pocatello!

Oh, yes.

So, all of our teams have made
it down here to Pocatello.

They have shopped,
and now they're prepping
like mad for a big weekend.

But here's the thing
about smaller cities ‐‐

Sometimes our trucks get huge
crowds simply by word of mouth,

not that they've done anything

to actually earn
those customers.

It's my job
to keep these guys honest.

I'm not gonna give a food truck
and $50,000 away

to a team that just shows up
and slings hash.

I want to make sure
these guys can cook.

I'm gonna take
their safety net away.

We got a phone call.

Hey, guys, it's Tyler.


Did everybody have a nice visit

to the potato farm?

Oh, we love
the potato farm.

Listen, I got
a little speed bump for you.

We have a speed bump.

What's the speed bump,

As of right now,
you guys aren't allowed

to serve anything
that's high in starch.

We can't serve anything
that's high in starch.

No bread, no rice,
no pasta, no corn.


And no potatoes.

No potatoes in Idaho, huh?

Listen, I want to see
what you guys are made of.

Let me see your range.
I want to see some good food.

You are absolutely
killing me, dude.

It's not that big of a deal.

You can make a lot
of delicious meals

any of those ingredients,

and I want to see
who has the chops to adapt.

And as soon
as this phone call ends,

you have five minutes to get all
those starches off your truck.

Five minutes to get all
the starches off our truck?

Where are we
putting 'em, Tyler?

Listen, I know you just bought
this stuff, but believe me.

I'm the last person in the world
that will ever waste food.

That's why you're all gonna
shut down for a couple minutes

and donate everything you
discard to the Idaho Food Bank.

They're on First Avenue.

Let's feed some needy people
in Pocatello this weekend, too.

Sounds good.
Let's do it.

You can leave your truck.
Just jump in your car.

Your five minutes starts now.

Five minutes starts now.

We're a cheesesteak truck.

We serve cheesesteaks
and French fries.

This is unbelievable.

We can't serve cheesesteaks.
We can't serve French fries.

We might as well just switch
the burners off and take a nap.

No pasta, no bread,
no potatoes.

Come on, come on.
Yeah, one more bag.

We have all these people
who paid us.

We have so many orders in,

and we have to shut down
in five minutes.

This is horrible.

Pull those out and sell 'em.
Just get rid of 'em.

Let's go!

Coming up
on "The Great Food Truck Race."

This is the longest line
we've ever had.

We should have just

We got a situation.
Now we got to deal with it.




Our six remaining food trucks

are open for business
in Pocatello,

and the lines are staggering.

But I've just given them one of
our toughest speed bumps ever.

They must take all starches
off their trucks

and donate them
to a local food bank.

We are giving them
all to you.

Enjoy it.
Thank you so much.

The Frankfootas are hoping

the motocross crowd can
do without carbs for a day.

We're gonna open up
in about 15 minutes, okay?

And it's business as usual
for Aloha Plate,

who have found a spot at a local
bank owned by a fellow Hawaiian.

No potatoes today.
We got steak and vegetables.

Everyone else is settled in
at the farmers market...

I got a Poky
and a buffalo for Chris.

...except for Philly's Finest,
who can't quite figure out

how to sell cheesesteaks and
fries without potato and bread.

We're gonna be serving
chicken cheesesteak bowls

and steak bowls.

Still gonna be delicious,
just not gonna be ‐‐

Tell 'em to go down
to Ranae's and buy bread.

My man, Joey,
right now just came up with

the best idea ever ‐‐ BYOB.

This is genius.

Everything on the menu
is gonna be 8 bucks.

We throw in a bottle of water
with the deal.

I think everyone in there up
right now has their own bread.

We are gonna get
this entire thing filled.

All right,
salad and a tray.

The signature portion
of our food

is that spice on the chicken.

We just take the pita out.
We make it a salad.

It's just all meat.

This is the longest line
we've ever had.

It's curving all the way around.

We have
our slider meatballs today

with roasted garlic
and chili sauce,

barbecued chicken and bacon,

bunless sliders
with creamy coleslaw.

After doing research
on this city,

we found out that the average
income is not that high,

so, we want to keep
our prices fair.

May I have your name?


I had a restaurant
in West Hollywood.

We went down in flames
a little bit.
Little bit?

Now we're in Pocatello,

and we probably
got more customers than we had

in one day.

Thank you so much for waiting.
Here are your fried pickles.

30 orders of meatballs, guys,
32 orders of chicken.

Let's start
knocking 'em out.

Go ahead
and get in line, guys.

Do you know
what's on the menu?

One thing ‐‐ it's the best thing
we've ever made,

so we made it the only thing
on the menu today.

We got a steak lettuce wrap.

It has some nice herbs
and vegetables in it.

Since we can't use starch
in this challenge,

I use lettuce wraps.

We took some butter lettuce,
sprouts, cilantro, green onions,

and we just got
some nice, marinated,
chopped teriyaki steak.

Look at this meat.
Are you serious?

Shakas, one, two, three.
Everybody put 'em up.

Thank you, guys.

All right, guys,
who's hungry?

Can I get the Finish Line
and the Big and Juicy?


This is crazy. We've never
had a line like this

in Beverly Hills,
San Francisco, Portland,

so, we're doing good.
I'm pretty happy.

Let's get the little kids'
two plain dogs out.

So, you want a Finish Line?

With extra chicken.

We're gonna get around
not having starches

by serving our hot dogs
on skewers.

It's actually helping us out.

Because the people
aren't getting

completely filled up on bread,
they keep coming back for more.

I'm thinking we should have went
a lot higher on our pricing.

We could have charged more
if we wanted to rip people off,

but at least people are gonna
get their money's worth.


That's good.

Thanks, you guys,
for supporting us.

Even though we had to get rid
of all our tortillas

that were gonna make
our chips ‐‐

Tyler! Darn you!

So, we lost our starches.

You can't really make nachos
without chips.

So now we have to
serve pork chili verde

and buffalo chili on its own,
just meat in a bowl.

Thank you so much.

It's the best cuts that you can
get of these two kinds of meat,

and the Pokies are totally
willing to support us.

$20 even.

It's amazing.
Very bold.

Thanks, brother.

The farmers market
is dying down.

We're talking to Tikka.
We're on to the next spot.

Let's start getting things
cleaned up,

and then we can
get out of here.

Someone told me in town that
if you go over to Center Street,

there's a bar this way,
there's a bar this way.

If there's gonna be foot traffic
anywhere, it's gonna be there.

There it is, Center Ave.
Right there, make a right.

So, we park here?
Why not?

I'm gonna do the same thing
they're doing.

Right behind Philly!

Hey, my name is Das.

I'm with The Slide Show
food truck.

Do you have any available
parking space for us?


Oh, that's awesome.

I think we found
the perfect spot.

Center St. Bar, one of the most
happening bars in town.

Tell all your friends
we're here.

All right.

Is this a good area,
you think?

Yeah, pretty busy here.

- Perfect.
- Good.

Hi, may I speak
with Joe, please?

Luckily, this morning,
when we were at farmers market,

Liza made a contact with someone
who works at a car dealership.

We're on our way now,

and we just want to make sure
it's still okay for us to come.


Okay, thank you so much.
I really, really appreciate it.


Who's hungry?

How come you're here
and not there?

Because we're in the best spot
in Pocatello.

How much you got
ordered left?

Two, we got three.
All right.

So, we just finished
the lunch rush, and we figured,

"Let's move locations
50, 60 yards

in front of this big warehouse
that has a lot of foot traffic.

Let's get the groceries.
I need to start cutting.

We'll finish up
this last order,

and we'll go see
what Aloha's up to.

We did have a huge crowd today,

but the crowd is
thinning out at this point.

We're thinking about calling
Aloha Plate

just to see where they're at

and maybe joining forces
with them today.

Hello, Mirlinda
from The Frankfootas.

We just left our destination
that we were at all day.

We wanted to do a drive‐by
and see where you guys are at.

Stop by. Hope everything
is good for you guys.

This new location
is really good.

Aloha's got a long line
in front of them.

We're right off the highway.

I'm feeling really good
about this.


Order up!

This car dealership's
kind of weird.

It's kind of just
a big lot of cars,

but it is on the main drag.

Come on, guys!
Come on!

I'm out on the street.
I'm waving people in.

Come on, are you hungry!

Stop, stop!

Did we get them?
Did they turn around for us?

They came in.

If it brings in
a couple people, great.

Are you guys coming in
for a bowl?

One of those Finish Lines
is without sauerkraut.

Yeah, I didn't make
that one yet.



Aloha Plate and Frankfootas,

this call is just
for the two of you.

We've got a situation here, and
now we've got to deal with it.


Aloha Plate and Frankfootas,

this call is just
for the two of you.

We've got a situation here, and
now we've got to deal with it.


What is the situation?

Both of you are outside
the Pocatello city limits.

We're not in Pocatello,

You're actually
in the town of Chubbuck,

where you're not allowed
to sell.

This is somewhere
just outside of city limits.

Trust me. Check your GPS.
You're out of bounds.

Knowing that
is your responsibility.

So, what happens now?

Both of you need to pack up
and leave immediately,

and I'm docking you $50 for
every hour you're out of bounds.

$50 for every hour
that we've been here

because this is
not Pocatello.

Aloha, that's three hours
for you.

Frankfootas, it's one.

That will cost you $150 and 50,

He's gonna take away $150
from us.

This costs us $50.


And keep your phones on

because we are far from done
this weekend.

Let's get out of here
as fast as possible.

Well, that was
a fun waste of time.

We just got fined $50.

We have no food to sell,
and we have no place to sell.

This day just went
from great to miserable.

So, listen,
we got to get out of here.

We moved our location 60 yards,

and we went from being in
Pocatello and not in Pocatello.

Apparently, we were sitting
on the border at the bank,

and now we're not.

Hey, everybody, we're going
across the street.

We need to sell in Pocatello,

so back to the bank parking lot
we go.

Okay, we're open
for business.

Two for Chris, please.
They need some drinks, too.

all we made here was $17.

Every dollar counts
in this race,

and this $50 could
potentially send us home.

We should have
just left.

We have another plan.
Did you make another plan?

No, but we could have
figured that out

before we got fined $50
and got rid of all of our food.

The only place we go is that one
grocery store to get more food

and then look for somewhere
else to park,

or we close up shop
right now.

Our plan now is to restock
and try to make that $50 back.


Come and get
some food, baby!

Cathy? Yo. Enjoy.

$5 change, man.
10 minutes, okay?

Fresh chicken
off the grill.

Farmers market was great.
People came to us.

This street
is like a ghost town.

We got food.
It's delicious, I promise!

But here we are. We're trying to
make the best of it.

A few people coming in and out.

If we get a dinner rush,
awesome, it's great.

If not, we have chicken
marinated when we hit a rush.


This second location

is definitely not as popular
as the farmers market.

We've done a good amount of
sales, but we are a little slow.

I think the time
that it'd take us

to move
to another location,

set up shop and restart,
that's 20, 30 minutes.

But there are
some people coming.

Hi, how are you?

So, Tiffany, would you mind
if we sold in your parking lot?

No, that's great.

And then when people
check out,

you can let them know
to come check out our truck.

And when you have
a break, you can
check out our truck.

We decided to just stay and sell
at the grocery store parking lot

because we don't have enough
time to drive around this town

and find a better location.

Come get your hot dogs
before you go home!

Business isn't great here, but
what are we gonna do, really?

We have to make the best of it.

As long as people
are coming up to the truck,

I have no problem
staying here.

There you go.

Order up!

Order up.

We definitely did well here.

We had a lot of people that work
at this car dealership

come and buy from us,
which saved us.

Think we can even
do better than this?

I don't. I don't think
anyone did better.

I want number‐one spot.

I can taste it,
I want it so bad.

Yeah, I've been tasting it,
since Day One.

It's starting
to slow down now.

We really need to slow down
the amount that we're cooking.

Let's just do cook‐to‐order.
It's slowing up.

Get a few more tickets in here,
and then we jet.

What do you say?

All right.

I did a backflip
off that speed bump.

I might never serve another roll
for the rest of my life,

you know
what I'm saying?

Good job, mama.
Let's go home!

We made $150.

Should we go?

I think we did all right.
We made our money back.

It was a good day.
Team Aloha.

It's dying out over here.

If we return these items, this
is about 12 bucks right here.

It's not much, but hey,
I'll take it over zero bucks.

Coming up...

I want you serving
100% genuine russets

that you pull out of the ground


So, it's Day 2
here in Pocatello, Idaho,

and our teams have endured what
must feel like an eternity

without French fries and buns
and potato chips and pasta.

Well, I'm about to cut them
a break.

I'm gonna call them
and lift that restriction.

But you remember when I told
them it might be a good idea

to know where
a local potato farm is?

Well, I hope
they were paying attention.


Hey, guys, it's Tyler.
T. Flo.

Well, guys, I'm calling you
with the news

that you all want to hear.

He has news for us.

You guys are free to shop
and stock up on starches.


Is there bad news,

There's always bad news
with you, dude.

Oh, you want to know
the bad news?

You guys know me too well.

There is some bad news, if you
choose to look at it that way.

So, what does that mean?

As of now, you are
all a potato truck.

I knew it!
Of course. We're in Idaho.
What else would it be?

This is your truck stop
cooking challenge.

Starting right now,
you can only sell dishes

that have potato
as a primary ingredient.

It can be one potato dish
or many,

but if it's not mostly potato,
it's out.

I think it's doable.

But here's the thing ‐‐

I don't want you guys
selling just any old potato.

This is Idaho, and potatoes
are serious business here.

I want you serving
100% genuine russets

that you pull
out of the ground yourself.

That we pull out
of the ground?

We're farmers today,
huh, Tyler?

Yep, you guessed it.

I want you to drive
back here to Wada Farms

and dig up as many potatoes
as you think you're gonna need.

I'm glad you wore
your white sneakers.

I got mine.

What you leave with
is all you get,

so make sure
you plan accordingly.

Once you get back to Pocatello,

you're gonna reopen
as a potato truck

and then race
to make $750 in sales.

Are you serious? $750?
That's tough.

Once you make $750,
close your truck

and then drive
to the City Creek trailhead.

There will be
three tokens there.

The large one
is worth $500 in your till.

The medium one is worth $250,

and the small one
is worth 50 bucks.

So, our goal is to be there
first and get the $500 chip.

They're gonna be
your last sales of the weekend,

so make them count.

If you haven't made $750
by 8:30 p. M.,

you know what to do.

Just pack it up because you are
done in Pocatello.

You just ruined my day.

Okay, that's it.

Finish prepping your trucks

and get ready to dig.

I'll see you
at elimination.
All right, mahalo.

I don't care
what anybody else does.

I'm worried
about our truck.

The main ingredient's
the potato.

That's what's gonna be
the filler of that sandwich.

We're gonna have to go
to the supermarket, grab what?

Cheese, fried onions...

Who isn't gonna love
our cheesesteak fries?

This is our challenge.

We practically have it
in the bag.

I can have the baskets
full of fries at all times.

$750. What the heck
are we gonna make?

Let's go! Let's go!

Our goal
is to pick 10 each.

You pick potatoes

You did?

What does it look like?
A potato.

Coming from Hawaii,
we don't mind getting dirty.

De‐earthing potatoes
is great.

Watching the other teams
do it ‐‐ even better.

Come on, girls!

There's definitely
no potato fields in Brooklyn,

and I'm definitely not
a potato professional.

I see one,
but I can't get it out.

But I feel like
potatoes are in the dirt,

so let's just keep digging.

See, you have to go
where the roots are.
There's one here.

This is crazy.

I got four.

...are in the hump.

In the hump.

These suckers is hard.



Let's go ahead.

Adam, let's go.

You notice that everybody
was digging in one spot?

You got to go
down the line.

No, what they were digging is,
they were digging in the trench.

That's not where
the fruit lies.

The fruit, vegetable
lies in the mound.

Yeah, they were all digging
in the wrong spot.

'Cause grandpa taught us
how to garden.

You walk in the path, and you
leave the food in the lumps.

How many do we have?

We have 37.

We good?

No, no, not at all.

At no part
during my college days

working on a finance degree

did I ever study
the art of potato unearthing.

It's gonna be at least
a potato per order.

Let's go, Heather.

One more.
Let's go.

Good measure.
All right.

Mother truckers,
let's head out!

Don't worry about counting 'em.
Just fill the sack.

Let's go, guys.
Come on, that's enough.

That's enough.
We don't need any more.

You're gonna keep
finding the potatoes.

I know, it's exciting.

We're gonna be last
out of here, after all.

How is Bowled and Frankfoota
already on their way to prep,

and we're still digging around?

Hell, yeah, dude.
Yeah, they might have let early,

but they didn't get
as many potatoes as we did.

Aloha left
with ten potatoes.

We got our location lined up on
the busiest street in Pocatello.

Close, right?

If there is anyone out
on Sundays,

they're gonna be on Yellowstone.


Oh, my God.

Are you kidding me?



Idaho potato.

It's Day 2 in Pocatello,

and our teams are wrestling

with an ambitious
truck stop cooking challenge.

There are huge potatoes.

They need to sell $750 worth
of potato dishes

and then race
to the City Creek trailhead.

The first three teams to arrive
win a bonus in their till.

The theory today is more prep,
fast pickup.

Bowled and Beautiful
is parked at a hamburger joint

on Yellowstone Avenue.

When our doors open,
I want to sell out,

75 people in 15 minutes.

And The Slide Show
is in front

of a discount department store
down the street.

We're fighting for our lives
right now.

Aloha Plate is back
at their lucky bank,

just barely inside
the Pocatello city limits.

I think we're in the clear.

And The Frankfootas are posted
up safely at a hardware store.

If we don't win, I feel like we
could definitely be in trouble.

Tikka Tikka Taco
has a great spot

in front of a Mediterranean
supply store,

and they've even secured a spot
for Philly's Finest.

They can go on that end.

But the Samboni Boys
have a lot more than potatoes

on their minds right now.

That's our whole till,

I feel like the biggest idiot
in the world right now.

I feel about this big.

Now we got to get that $500.
We need the $500 now.

I don't know
if I'm gonna be able to sleep.

I'm gonna be having nightmares
of that crunching sound.

We might as well
pack our bags, dude.

That's an expensive sign.
We're leaving.

We want to report an accident.

We have some property damage

out front
of the Deleta Skating Rink.

What are we gonna do,
look at it all day?

What's done is done.
We still got to sell.

Hopefully, we can sell enough
to not have to worry about that.

At this point, you know,
it's not right to profit

on a location that I just
smashed up, so we got to roll.

I can't believe
that just happened.

Thank God for Tikka.

Without them right now,
we're lost.

Put it behind us, dude.
Let's sell. Let's prep.

Sell hard.
Let's go.

Welcome to Idaho.

A lot of dirt up in here,

so we got to just clean
these bad boys off.

Luckily for us,
our Big and Juicy

already comes with potatoes,
so what we're gonna do

is make it slightly more filled
with potatoes

and use our maple glaze pork
as a topper.

Give me
the Big and Juicy.

The Big and Juicy?


Our very first
Big and Juicy of the day.

We're also gonna be making my
mom's infamous potato salad.

Tomato, onions,
capers, pesto.

Everybody goes crazy for it
back home,

and I'm certain
that the people of Pocatello

are gonna be in love with it.

We almost hit $100.

Two for Terry, please.

Our dish today
is a potato cake,

homestyle, some fresh herbs,

a little bit of fresh corn
in there, seared it off,

stack it up
with some sliced steak,

nice salad, a little dressing.

Gonna be a winner.

This is good.

Yeah, it's tasty.

We're serving today a bacon
and chicken potato‐crusted hash.

We're gonna take the potatoes.
We're gonna cut 'em down.

We're gonna use some shredded‐up
chicken, bacon bits,

and some shredded cheddar cheese

and serve it up with a little
bit of coleslaw on top.

Excellent dish,
as far as I'm concerned.

I think
it's a great representation

of what can be done
with an Idaho potato.

Hello, Pocatello!

Today we're gonna be serving up
our Philly fries.

One of our signature things
is cheesesteak fries.

It's incredible.

Fresh potatoes that we dug up
today, fry 'em up.

Making Philly cheesesteak,
sprinkle that across the top.

With or without onions,
however you like it.

You're welcome, America.

Seven orders.

I love you.

We got to win this, dude.
We got to.

We have to.
We have no choice.

After that sign fiasco.

Who's ready
for some Idaho potato chips

topped with chicken Tikka?

We're gonna get
fresh‐cut potato chips,

top 'em with some spinach,
some chicken,

raita, and some feta cheese
and cilantro.

So, basically, you're getting
Indian‐lrish nachos, I guess.

Look at these bad boys.

Two potato tacos.
What's your name?

We're gonna do tacos
on the flat top,

kind of like a stuffed potato,
but inside of a tortilla.

Bacon and black beans,
a little cheese.

And, of course,
our fabulous sauce on top.

Call your friends,
tell 'em to come.

I will.

Come on, you guys!
Who's gonna take the last four?

We're getting close to $750.
I feel good about it.

I think we have a fair chance
of winning this thing.

Can you make three?

You're our last customers
in Pocatello.

Go get that $500, dog!

One more!
We need one more, guys!

Oh, man, looks like
they're leaving, dude.

We're not gonna get
first now.


Let us be ‐‐ let us be it.

I want that truck,
and I want it so bad.

We need eight more.
Tell your friends.

We've got a $60 goal to meet,
and then we're out of here.

That's our last two,

Let's get out of here.

You know what, bra,
we need this $500 so bad

because yesterday,
we got a little penalty.

We got to count on
someone getting lost, dude.

If they get lost, dude,
we got this.

The suspense is too much,
and I'm so tired,

and I just want to be
the ones.

Oh, my God.
Is there no trucks here?

Not right now.

Hell, yeah.
Hell, yeah!

Girls, girls, girls!

What are we doing?

Come on!

I don't know!

I don't see any trucks
in front of us.

Come on!

There's a table.

Oh, please don't tell me
that's them.

It is them.
I see their car.

Aloha's here.

Come on.

Oh, my God!

There's three.
Which one?

This is
the biggest potato.

This is
the biggest potato.

It's still here!

This potato's worth $500!

It feels so good
to be here first.

We wanted to win this challenge

more than we've wanted to win
anything in this race.

We are number one,
at least for now.

This feels familiar,

Aloha, Aloha.

Not done yet.

Well, what'd we get?

We would love to get
first place,

but the $250 in our till really
helps out with the penalty.

Like a heavyweight fight.
Heavyweight fight.

We'll get 'em
in the last round.


They already got it
and left.

We needed that $500 bad,
not them. Not Bowled.

I see Aloha, dude.
I don't see a third car.

I don't see a third,
but I'll tell you what.

That 50 bucks
ain't paying for a sign.

$250's out the window.
Now we can win $50.

We're definitely not last.


50 bucks is 50 bucks.
We'll take it.

Every dollar counts
at this point.

Better than an empty table.


Nothing left?


What is this?

There's nothing.

I felt so good about finishing
as quickly as we did,

and then seeing
that empty table there,

coming to the realization
that we're the last team.

We did a great job.

I'm definitely scared
that we might go home.

So, we might as well start
walking back to the car.

Teams, here we are ‐‐
Elimination number three.

Now, I got to say, this was
a weekend to remember.

You all competed at a level

that was inconceivable
a few short weeks ago.

The wide‐eyed dreamers
that oohed and ahhed

over their trucks
back in Hollywood

operated in Pocatello
like seasoned veterans.

All six trucks together
earned over $14,000.


That said,
this weekend was not flawless.

Aloha Plate, you spent three
hours selling in a parking lot

that was outside
the Pocatello city limits,

and, Frankfootas, you just
blindly followed them there.

Just for the record,
those two teams were docked $50

for every hour they were outside
the city limits.

Bra, this is not good.

Even as well as we did, it's
still something to worry about.

So, Aloha Plate lost $150
from their till,

and The Frankfootas lost $50.

All I can say is, I would hate
for that to be the reason

that you go home this week.

But rules are rules,

and all the other teams
managed not to break them.

And now,
speaking of breaking things...

Our friends from Philly
managed to break a sign

that belonged to one of the
local shop owners here in town.

I don't know about you guys,

but I actually enjoy
coming to new cities and towns

on this race, so, I really frown
upon wrecking their stuff.

Lucky for you,

the property owner will put the
damage through his insurance,

but you are responsible
for the deductible.

It's $500.

That could be a very, very
unfortunate mistake.

500 bucks?

I knew that we had to win
that truck stop challenge

'cause at least, that would
have wiped that clean.

So, let's see how
this all washes out.

Who made the most,
who made the least,

and who's going home right now.

In first place

with an amazing total of $3,643,

Bowled and Beautiful.

You won the potato truck stop
and the whole weekend.

Thank you, Pocatello!

We're number one!

This is amazing, and it's what
we worked so hard for.

Thank you, Pocatello.

Congratulations, you're safe.

Now, in second place and safe,

with $2,744,

Aloha Plate.


You guys are safe.

Mahalo, Pocatello.

Now, the third‐highest
sales total

belongs to
Philly's Finest Sambonis,

but, guys, look at me.

You are not safe,
so let's move on.

In third place and safe,

with $2,339,

Tikka Tikka Taco.

Guys, nice.

Mike, Shawn, Sam,
take a step back.

You were just given a gift.
Thanks, Philly.

Pbht. This sucks.

In fourth place and safe,

with $2,004,

The Slide Show.

If it wasn't for Philly's,

you guys would be
in the bottom two right now.

That being said, you're safe.
Enjoy it for now.

So, Frankfootas,
Philly's Finest,

you are the bottom two,

and one of you
is going home today.

I might have to break
every mirror in my house

'cause I won't be able
to look at myself if
I lose to Frankfootas.

Eric, Chris is the blood
and guts of your team,

but he made a very, very costly
mistake this weekend.

We all take

None of us saw it.
It wasn't just him.

If we beat them
because they were fined $500,

it'll just mean we're getting by

because of somebody else's
careless mistake,

and that's not the way
I want to win.

Okay. In fifth place,

and moving on
to the next city...

...Philly's Finest Sambonis.

After deducting the $500,
you made $1,912.

What, dude?

We just caught a huge break,
and I'll tell you right now.

If something like this happens
next week, we're gone.

Any more mistakes,
you get punched in the face.

New team rule.


I am so sorry, but your luck
has finally run out.

You made $1,668.

But, girls,
let me tell you something,

and I really mean this.

You were an unforgettable team
in every sense of the word.

Three sassy girls
from Brooklyn

decked out
in red, white, and blue.

What could be more awesome
than that?

Dana, Mirlinda, Victoria,

please step forward
and hand me your keys.

Thank you.
Give me a hug.

Come on, girls,
bring it in.

This has been
the best thing

that ever happened to me.

When I get back home, I'm gonna
get a truck some way, some how,

and it's gonna be the best damn
truck New York has ever seen.

The hardest thing
is gonna be going home

and not going
to take care of our truck.

Well, you have
your team here, and we love you.

Well, guys,
we got five teams left.

One of you will win $50,000
and your very own food truck.


Who's ready to roll
to the next city?

Well, I can tell you one thing.
It's gonna be a drive.

It's just under 700 miles away.

It's Rapid City, South Dakota.

Fourth place.

I'm happy to be moving on,

but this is the last time

this will ever happen
to The Slide Show.

Let's get rolling!

Let's get rolling!

Next time on
"The Great Food Truck Race"...

What's up, Rapid City?

Make sure you bring your knives

because you are gonna butcher
your own buffalo.

We look like idiots
right now.

You are all a buffalo truck.

All right, man!


Hold on.
Let's go, let's go.

No one wants to listen
to anything I say.

Did you say anything
about the money?!