The Gods of Wheat Street (2013–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Gods of Wheat Street - full transcript

Odin Freeburn is being pulled in all directions and the mechanics workshop that keeps them housed and fed is up for sale. With the prospect of no job or home, his family wants to know what he plans to do.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(Thunder rumbles)


ARES: He won't come after us,

Where are we going, Mum?

Into the future.

We won't go back, eh, Mum?

No, Odie.
We're never going back.

(Baby babbles)

(Thunder rumbles)

(Birds caw)

Mum, what's that?


(Car crashes)

(Baby cries)

EDEN: Help the others, Odie.


ARES: What?

Get Tristan and I'll get Is.


Be a strong boy now.

You keep them safe, Odie.
Look here.

Be a strong boy now.

Don't let them get split up now.

You're my strong boy. Say it!

I'm your strong boy.
I'll keep us together, Mum.

ARES: Odie.

Odie, what are we going to do?

What are we gonna do, Odin?


With this place. We gonna be OK,
or they want us to leave?

Didn't say.

That's not something
you want to ask someone

at their father's funeral.

Yeah, went to pieces, did he?

That's why I can't do funerals.

Where did this come from?

Someone dumped it last night.

You don't see much of 'em
these days.

They're still good cars though.

Plenty of room for, you know.

You know what I mean?

Plenty of room in the back
to doorie around.

ODIN: Knuckles, I get it.
I'm not stupid.


Are we gonna lose it or what?
You got a hunch?

I got a hunch this Datsun's
seen better days.

EDEN: Hey.

Mum, what are you doing here?

We need to talk.

Hey, this'll do the job.

What exactly is it?

It's a family portrait
of you, me and Dad.

Those lines represent Uncle Ares.

Uncle Tristan's the ball, and
Aunty Is, she's the blue dress.

And that's Nan Freeburn
in the sky.

Of course.
How could I miss all of that?

It's abstract.

My work deals heavily
in metaphor,

so I'm not surprised
you missed it.

Reckon we can make it, Coco?

Paris, London, Milan.


I'm here!


Coming, Dad!

So what's gonna happen now that
old man Colpepper's gone?

Can we still live here, even
if they sell the workshop, Dad?

Yeah, I'll sort something out.
We'll be right.

Like what?

I said, 'We'll be right.'

How'd you go, little bro?

Made the tryout game
this Saturday.

Coach reckons if I do my job,

I get a permanent spot
in first grade.

Reckons I'm the fastest thing
since sliced bread.

Uh, I heard you only got in
because O'Neil injured his groin.

Hey! (Laughs)

So what's for dinner?

How about Vegemite on toast?

Guess not.

Are you mob hungry?
Hot pot coming through!

Aunty Lib, that smells nice.
What is it?

White wine osso bucco
on a bed of polenta.

What's that?
It's like stew.

How much was that stuff, Lib?
Let me give you the money for it.

Don't be ridiculous. There's been
a death in the family.

Colpepper was almost family.


What's gonna happen
about the garage?

And the house?

Whose turn is it to give thanks?

Thank you for this food
that we're about to receive,

and for making Uncle Tristan fast,
and for tearing O'Neil's groin.

Please look after Mr Colpepper,
'cause he's new up there,

and may we truly be grateful

for this food
that we're about to receive,

especially because
Aunty Libby cooked it, not Dad.

And Aunty Is,
if you're not too busy,

she could use
a little inspiration,

because you're the creator
and you know she needs it.

And Electra.

Well, she's my big sister
and I love her.

And of course Uncle Ares,
because he's locked up again.

(Prison bell rings)

(Inmates shout)

Ares, the McIntyres are back.

Yeah, good.
They want some more...

I'll give 'em some more.

Hey, stand down, McIntyres!

(Door knocks)

I'll get it.

Nathaniel. How are you going?

Good, thanks.

Glad Dad's funeral's
out of the way.

Listen, I was wondering if
I could take a look at the shop?


Going straight back?


Just got to wind up a few things
with Dad's estate.


Just what I thought -
gotta sell up.

(Clattering outside)

But look, my father
thought a lot of you.

He always said you were a good
mechanic and a hard worker,

so I'm going to make you an offer.

I've got a couple of shops
in Sydney.

I want you to
come down and work for me.

You won't start at the bottom.

God knows you kept
this place going.

You'll start on 70-75 grand a year
as a manager.

What do you reckon?
Mate, there's nothing in Casino.

Say no, Odin. Say no!

Sydney could be good for the girls.
Isn't their mum down there?

Nathaniel, I...
I appreciate the offer.

I've put the place up for auction.

That was quick.

I've got no choice.

You have a serious think
about the job.

I'll need to know by the
end of the week, alright?

Yeah, sure.


You let 'em get to you.

Those McIntyres have had it in
for my family for years.

You know why that is.

I'm not gonna be
the one to back down.

Your parole's coming up soon.

I thought you were smarter
than that.

Look alive, boy.

We don't need to finish you off,

Your brother's gonna do
that for us.

Old man Colpepper's dead.

He's going under.

Keep it moving. They'll piss off,
leave you to rot.

(Jimmy laughs)

(Odin sighs)

Haven't seen you for a while.

What am I getting wrong?

Maybe I come back to tell you
what a good job you're doing.

Did you ever think of that?

Ares wouldn't be in jail
if I was doing a good job.

Ares has to walk his own path.


So, what do you want?

You never come back
without a reason.

Last time you were here,
everything went to hell.

Is that what you come back
to tell me?

It's nice to see you too.

I can't tell you exactly, Odie,
but you'll need to be strong.

Big trials are coming.

What else is new?

Talking to yourself now?


I lost track of time.

Well, the girls are in bed, and
Isolde's up in her room, sewing.

You know, she's going to launch a
fashion label from her bedroom.


No, thanks.

You off, then?

Yeah, I guess so.

Hey, Harry Hamilton
might give you a job.

You know, if you're ever
looking for a change.

Harry is not exactly
our biggest fan.

Besides being the competition, Ares
did try and knock his block off.

And what am I going to do
about Knuckles?

I can't just leave him behind.

Yeah, he's big enough and ugly
enough to look after himself.

Nuh, I don't need a job
from Harry.

Or anyone else.

I've got a job.

Whatever you say.

You been at Odin's?

Why do you wanna know?

'Cause Gladys Ames said you went
there instead of going down

and doing accounts
at the nursing home.


So he's married to your sister.

And she abandoned him, not to
mention your granddaughters.

They're still married, Libby.
That's like incest or something.

It's not like incest, Mum.

I just don't want you
to get your hopes up, Lib.

Did you put the remotes

No, you're saying that he
belongs to Jamie, and he doesn't.

(Door slams, then opens)

I knew it.

(Door slams)

FABLES: Hey, brother.

Hey, Fables. Bucky.

Hey, where you going?

Ah, nowhere, just going downtown
here to get some...

Get some what?
Trailed off there, brother.

Nah, milk, eh? Get some milk.

Yep-yep, some milk. Yep.
We're out of milk.

Yeah, brother. We get it.
You need milk.

Yeah, well, we do.
Yeah, that's why you said it.

What, you don't believe me?

We certainly don't think you're
going to see a certain someone.

We don't think that,
if that's what you think we think,

'cause we don't.

Who would I be going to see?

If I was even going
to see somebody!

We think you're going to get milk.

Yeah, well, the shop's gonna shut.
Oh, yeah.

So I'm gonna go get that milk.
You'd better go.

Yeah, better get the milk.

Don't do it, lover boy!
You're still a young man!

MAN:..the same fucking thing
over and over again!

WOMAN: We're not talking
about this in front of...

(Man and woman
shout indistinctly)

MAN: Don't walk away from me.

WOMAN: Don't you touch me. Don't!
MAN: Don't ever!

You understand?

Come back inside, Anastasia.

Come back inside and eat your
dinner, please. Come on.

(Speaks to Anastasia
in Russian)

Come on. It's alright.
Come inside.

Oh, don't.

(Twigs snap)

ELECTRA: Aunty Is!

You're supposed to knock,
then wait.

Well, sorry. I forgot
to tell you something.

The old lady at the dress shop
stopped me today.



She said your job's still there
when you finish TAFE.

Is that my mother's dress?

You want me
to put it back the way it was?

Do what you want with it.

Listen, mate,

you're not looking for an extra
set of hands over there, are you?

I got me own tools.

Yeah. No worries.

Thanks, mate.


How are you?

Macca! Good, brother.
How are you?

Can't complain.

Getting some good interest,
you know?

Who'd have thought people
would want this old dump?



Dad, it's ready.

I boiled them for you, Daddy,
but it broke. So it's egg soup.

Mmm. Looks delicious.



Tricky, but good!

(Both giggle)

Who's coming to the jail?

I told you -
I don't want to see Ares

caged up like a wild animal.

(Ares laughs)

Harry Hamilton
giving a Freeburn a job?

That'll be the day.

He mightn't see all Freeburns
the same way,

if you know what I mean.

So Tristan had footy again, hey?

What about Is?

Too much study.

So, you right for money, then?

Why? You got some?

Hmm? Are you gonna take care of
everything from in here, are you?

Just asking
if everything's alright.


I got us through before.
I'll do it again.

(Men laugh)

I see the McIntyre boys
are back in.

You got anyone watching
your back?

Ah, don't worry.
I can handle that pair.

Catch you later, then, brother.

Bye, sweetheart.
Be careful. We love you.

You keep your head down,

What do you want?

Just a question, really.

You gonna ask it?

Would you be...

..looking to put anybody on
in the near future?

You want a job?


A Freeburn asking me for a job.
That's rich.

You know I can do the work.
And you know I work hard.

You know your way around a car,
I'll give you that.

Can't say it wouldn't amuse me
being your boss.

Think about it, will you?


Be sad to see them Freeburns go.

Especially that Odin.


Who said they're going anywhere?

Oh, a little birdy told me.

Oh, he can put his shoes
under my bed any time.

A man like that.

Fixes things. Walks around
being ruggedly rugged.

Oh, and the way he looks after
those two little angels.

The man's like... a rock.

Just a big, solid hunk
of a rock.

Weird name that, 'Odin'.

Whole family's got
them funny names.

But I could get used to that.

Keep the change, Shaz.

You like what you see?

You heard me.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I got your number, son.

Number one - you're a dog,
just like your brother.

Just relax, Harry.


I've always wanted to have a go
at you, Odin.

Get out of it, Spanner.

He'd knock you on your arse before
you shat yourself. Get out.

You know your big problem,

Let me go.
Let your father handle it.

Your family.

While they're dragging you down,
you're going nowhere.

Are you finished?

Yeah, I'm finished. You are too.
This place is done.

And it'll be a cold day in hell
before you get a job from me.

Come on.

What did you do?

I didn't do anything.
What are you blaming me for?

Alright. Everyone, back inside.
It's between me and him.

No, it's between you and you.
I haven't done anything!

Keep an eye on him.

Go on, back inside now.

Not blaming you, mate.

Could have fooled me.

The first place he goes.
'What did you do, Tristan?'

Yeah, well, you gotta see it
from his point of view.

Harry and his crew
were in our front yard,

ready to go at it
hammer and tongs.

Odin doesn't know
what's going on.

But he wades in, ready to give
as good as he gets for you.

Yeah, I suppose.

Yeah, well that's all
Knuckles is saying.

Knuckles is here for you.

Knuckles is as Knuckles does.

I got it, Knuckles.

So, what did you do?

(Both giggle)

What was all that about?

Another day, another drama.

Dad, wait till we cook it!
It's too good to eat.

(Odin laughs)

Leccie, what are you doing?

That's my personal mail!

Oh, I was just looking.

It's personal. I don't go
through your stuff, do I?

Electra. Apologise.

Oh, jeez. Sorry.

Just trying to be like Jamie.
No, I'm not!

I'm nothing like your mum. Yes,
you are! It's a fashion thing.

First you fix up her wedding dress
and now you wanna run away too.

No, I don't.

Do you want to tell us
what it's about?

It's a fashion school
in Sydney.

I sent away for the application,
but I'm not going to apply.

They get people from all over
and only a few get in.

And I couldn't afford it

What are you worried about?

The competition or the money?

Because we can find the money,
if that's what you really want.

Is it what you really want?

It's a four-year course
and it costs 20 grand...

..a year.


Don't worry.
I wouldn't get in anyway.

I'm just a little black girl
from the bush.

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Them city girls
got much more style.

RADIO: ♪ Like a shining light
You shine so bright... ♪

Come on...

Do it for Daddy!

(Engine revs)

Bloody thing.

Couldn't spot me 80 grand or so,
could you?

I'll just run to the ATM.

Hundreds be OK?

So, enjoying the show, hmm?
Watching from afar? Can't help.

I get it.

Try the carby, sooky bum.

Since when did you actually start
giving me straight answers?

I always give you
straight answers.

Righto, then.

What's gonna happen
if I take that job in Sydney?

You know I can't tell you that.

Yeah. But you know.

I know that if you keep
fixing bike chains

and servicing lawnmowers
you won't get too far.

That's not the question
I asked you. Go or stay?

Mum, I'm doing it tough here.

You don't have to give me
all the answers.

Just give me a heads up.

Son, I can't tell you that.

But I can tell you
that trouble's coming to town.

You need to be ready.


Fat lot of help you are.

Don't give your mother cheek,

You know why I gave you
those names?

Because names have power.

I didn't name you after a god

so you could go around thinking
you're like everyone else.

What's up?

I just wanted to, um...

About before when I...

You know.

Apology accepted.



I owe you one.

Pay me back by carving up
this Saturday

and making it
into the big league.

Three weeks to the auction.
What are you going to do?

Nathaniel offered me
a job in Sydney.

City's not really a good place
to raise kids.

Full of trouble.

There are benefits too.
Like what?

I don't know, restaurants,
museums, art stuff.

Isolde could do her course.

Yeah, Leccie and Athena

suddenly culture vultures
or something?

There are other things. Like
being close to their mother.

Leccy's reaching that age
where she might need her mother.

Yeah, she seems real keen
on that!

Jamie might be a good thing.
For them.

No-one's going to want
to leave Casino.

There's nothing else I can do,
short of buying the shop myself.

Well, why don't you, then?

Buy the shop and the house.

What if I get in too deep?

What if you make it work?

So, you'd like to borrow
around 300,000?

That's right.

And you've got,
let's see, um...

..$1,438.90 in your account.

Exactly what were you thinking
of using for the deposit?

Your piggy bank?

(Dials phone)

Nathaniel? Odin Freeburn here.

Phillips is an arsehole, Odie.

Go back to the bank, tell 'em
you want to speak to head office.

Hey, you never backed down
from a fight before.

Ares, it's a bit more
complicated than that.

Yeah, OK.

I'll catch up with you.

You know this place
is gonna be sold

and I've been offered a job.

A good job with good money.

And I'm gonna take it.

So, what do you lot think
about moving to Sydney?

What? No! I got a shot
at making the team.

I'm not going anywhere.
I don't wanna go anywhere.

Give it a chance.
Sydney's got a lot to offer.

ELECTRA: Like what?

I don't know, the whole thing.
City life.

Did you mean
what you said before?

That we could find the money
for that course?

Yeah, of course, sis.

I'm gonna do it.
Put in an application, I mean.

I don't think I'll get in,
but I can try.


You'd better go after her.

Just wait.
I didn't have a choice.

You've always got a choice.

How am I gonna feed everyone?
Clothe 'em? Keep the lights on?

I got bills, you know.

Get a different job.
Work as a stop-go man.

Work at the council,
work at the tip. Clean toilets.

I don't know, but don't say
you haven't got a choice.

I'm a trained mechanic.

Still coming to the footy

Yeah, I'll be there.

For Tristan.
Certainly not for you.

(Crows caw)

Phillips got a son in here.
Do you know that?


I'll tell you what you have to do.
I already know what to do.

What? Slap him round,
get him to tell...

No, no, no.
Shut up and listen to this.

What you gotta do is
you gotta go up to him

and offer him protection.

MAN: What you looking at, buddy?

He's new in here.
He can do with it.


Your father's that bank fella,

You, Me, Backseat

♪ I'll take you
We'll take off

♪ Don't make me ask you, please

♪ I've got no inhibitions
You've got your parents' car keys

♪ This town's so pretty

♪ It's prettier with you

♪ Let's drive out to the lookout
and waste this perfect view

♪ Let's make these car windows
get foggy

♪ Let's make 'em worry... ♪

♪ 'Cause we're out all night... ♪

Dad, hurry.
They started already!

♪ You, me, backseat

♪ You get me
You got me

♪ I love the way that we flirt

♪ It's just you and my hand with
a fistful of your T-shirt

♪ We don't play no sappy
'I miss you, my love' ballad

♪ Tonight I'll be happy tossed
around just like a salad... ♪

Oh, knock 'em down, Casino!

♪ Let's make these car windows
get foggy

♪ Let's make 'em worry
'cause we're out all night... ♪

Oh, he's been doing that all day,
ref! Your eyes are painted on!

Listen, you lot,
some things just can't be done.

Dad, can't you find the money

Where, Leccie?

I looked everywhere. The bottom
line is it can't be done.

And anyway, Sydney's got stuff
that you might like.

You could see your mum.

Why would I want to see her?

(Man cheers)

Better go after her, Odin.

Let her cool down.

(Crowd cheers)

WOMAN: Come on! Good job, guys!
Let's go!

Dad? Who will visit Uncle Ares
on visiting days?

He can look after himself.

Well, what about Uncle Tristan?

If he makes it into the team,

he can't be in the team
if we're all in Sydney.

There's plenty of teams
in Sydney.

What about our house?

Will we get one as nice
as what we've got now,

big enough for everyone?

And what about my friends?

And if Aunty Libby doesn't come,

that means you'll have
to do all the cooking.

Athena, enough.

I'm hungry.

I'm going to get something
to eat.

You're not a coach!
You're a coach's buggered aim!

Shut up, Knuckles! Shut up!

I saw you, you know.

Yeah, and?

You had that knife.

Looked like you thought you were
gonna do something.

Yeah. Like you were gonna do

Still think you're gonna do

Maybe we might be the ones
who do something.

(Crowd cheers)

Where's Leccie?

Leave the magic!

(Boys speak indistinctly)



What's going on?

These two won't let me
go back to Dad and them, Fables.

Little bit edgy now that the
cavalry's arrived, eh, boys?

If you can call two skinny guys

You think you're a match for us?

Maybe not.

But I reckon I can get to Odin
and back before you can get away.

And Bucky here can hold his own
till we get back.

What makes you think that?

My State and national records

in the 100m and 200m
and long jump.

And Bucky's welterweight
State and national titles.

Four years running.

Ah! Oh! Ah!
Ease off!



You want some?
Come and get some, then.

You'll get yours,
don't worry about that.

All of youse.

Come on, Weasel!

You must be ready
for the Olympics, eh?

What, you think we're bluffing?
Youse always bluffing.

Electra? We've been looking
for you. What happened?

Nah, nothing, Dad.
Just watch the game.

Leccie, we were worried.

And you two, spill your guts.

We were coming out the scrub.

Spanner and Weasel
were there with a screwdriver.

I started bluffing.
They thought I was fast.

And then Leccie hit him.

Did he threaten you?

It was nothing, Dad. I'm OK.

I was worried about you, bub.

COACH: Come on, out the back way.
BOY: Bring it out, bring it out!

(Crowd cheers)

LIBBY: Good game, good game.

How did you go, big fella?

Spoke to Coach.

He reckons I can stay with him
when youse go to Sydney.

I'm staying with you, then.

Mm, we'll see.

Oi, see you at training.
Righto, see you.

MAN: Cheers, brother.

Good game, boys.

(Laughs) Whose shout? Your shout!

Come on, get in.

RADIO: ♪ Thoughts of you

♪ You were always on my mind

♪ But I'm out here working... ♪

(Switches radio off)

Come on, Mum.

I know you can't tell me
what to do,

but can you give me a hint...

..if I should stay or go?

I'd really appreciate it.

Give me a sign.


It was worth a shot.

(Radio plays)

Does that mean go or stay?

If I should go,
do that thing now.


Mr Freeburn, how are you?

Ah, listen, I think
I was a bit hasty earlier

in regards to your bank loan?

May I come in?

I had a think
about your situation.

I can't guarantee anything,

but maybe we can find
a way to help you.

What do you say about setting up
something this week?

Just like that?

After you made a fool of me
at your bank?

Listen, I'm sorry for that,
really I am. I was...

Well, every application should be
assessed on its own merits.

What's past is past, eh?

(Phone buzzes)

Did you do that, Mum?



It's final.

We're staying.

About time!

How'd you talk Phillips

Don't know, Lib. Natural charm.

Well, what about the deposit?

How're you going
to get the money?

Don't worry. It's all sorted.

I'm glad you're staying.

Me too.

I think everything's
going to be alright.

TRISTAN: Oi, let's have ice-cream!

EDEN: You keep them safe, Odie.

Look here.

You gotta be a strong boy now.

Don't let them get split up,

You're my strong boy. Say it!

I'm your strong boy.

I'll keep us together, Mum.

Nobody else can see ya.

I could be losing the plot

You look good. You look like...
A domestic goddess.

If you wanna know
how he feels about you,

there's this real tricky way
of going about it.

Odie, I want to ask you something.

It hurts just to look at her.

Just walk straight up to her
and say, 'Hi, I'm Tristan.'

Her look will tell you everything.

We have unfinished business
you and me.


I know you?

Who's Jonesy Brown?

You know Jonesy's back? You probably
do, seeing you know the future.

When is he gonna leave?

After he's done his job.

I'll sort him out
for the both of us, Brucie.

I'll make him pay.

That's my family! You touch them,
you answer to me!