The Girls at the Back (2022): Season 1, Episode 4 - The Girls at the Back - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

["Mi rival" playing]

[door closes heavily, echoes]

["Mi rival" fades]

- [Leo] "Take care of unfinished business."
- [Olga] Wait, no.

Hold on,
"take care of unfinished business"?

Like what?
Uh, finish paying off your mortgage?

[friends laugh]

No, not that.

See, I think that its intention is
for things that are kinda stuck in limbo.

Yeah, significant people
in your life who, uh,

because of anger or pride or some fear,

even laziness, whatever...
you've pushed out.

Well, I'm grateful for it.
I'm sick of all the transgressions.

[Sara sighs] Exactly.

It's about picking up the phone,
calling someone,

and having a conversation to clear it up.

Well, I think
we're opening a Pandora's box.

There's gonna be trouble.

You guys, we came here to have fun,

do a bunch of stuff
that we've never done before,

not get into any personal drama.

Oh jeez, that paper's really struck
a nerve with you, there, Leo.

I just think it's
some 17-year-old-at-summer-camp,

juvenile-type bullshit, ya know?

"Hey, let's get our little flags
and guitars and start singing 'Kumbaya.'"

[laughs] Oh, Leo,
you're squirming like a pig!

All right, look, girl,
we just want you to let go of that load

you're carrying in your backpack, eh?

[huffs] Don't touch me.
Okay? It's not a backpack.

- It's a fat lady's hunchback.
- [Carol] Come on.

You wanna know my issue?
All your metaphors.

I'm sick of all these metaphors, okay?

- There. I had to say it.
- [all laugh]

- You love me.
- Olga, hey!

I told you not to touch me.
Leave me alone.

- [Olga] Okay, fine.
- Okay?

I'm not the only one around here
who's got unfinished business.

Ah. So you admit that you do
have unfinished business. [laughs]

You too.

Of course.
We all have our own issues, yeah?

And everyone here...
has one thing in common.

[Olga] What's that?

- Palo's about an hour away.
- I'm sorry?

Pfft. Man.

Palo? How do you know that?

Well, because it's really easy
to find people nowadays.

[Alma] Yeah, but it's not
about how easy it is.

The question is, why would you go?

Because even though it's been six years,

every day, at some point,
I think about her.

I wonder what's happened.

It's hard to swallow,
and I don't understand.

It's really overwhelming.

- Have you spoken to her?
- No.

No, I haven't talked to her
or even tried to.

All I know is she lives in Vejer
and opened up a little restaurant.

And ever since we decided to come here,
I haven't stopped thinking about it.

Okay, fine. We go, and then what?
I'm not crawling back to her.

If you decide to up and leave like that,
well, you're done. That's it.

- So, why didn't you say anything earlier?
- 'Cause look at your reaction.

I wasn't gonna say anything,
but I don't know,

when that paper came up, mm...

But I mean, it's fine.
Okay, let's drop it. No more.

Well, ya know, the truth is
that we're not a group of five.

There's always been six of us here.

You know, I think about her a lot too.
And I feel really bad about what happened.

- Wouldn't you like to know what we did?
- That's the problem. What do you mean?

I don't think we did anything wrong.

She's the one who should be trying
to get us back, not the other way.

Sorry, but I... [sighs]

Okay, look. Hear me out.

Even if we try to avoid her,

out of the 40,000 stories
we remember every day,

she's in 30,999 of them.

All right, you guys. Vejer's stunning.

- Let's go on a day trip.
- There you go.

We can go for lunch
at Trafalgar Lighthouse.

It's on the way,
and we wanted to go anyway.

- And then we settle our scores.
- Think about it. Seriously.

Just to see the shocked look
on her face when she sees us all...

- [Carol] Yeah, true.
- ...will make it worthwhile.

Well, like we were saying,
we've always been a group of six.

Hey, this doesn't cancel out
the other thing, does it?

- Other thing?
- Each of our things.

No, this counts for all of us.

No. This is unfinished business
for the group.

But then we each have
our own stuff to deal with.

So it's a double because you feel like it?

No, it's a double challenge
because you need it.

And because if anyone here
needs it more than anyone, it's you.

The papers are meant for each of us alone,
not everyone as a group.

Yeah, but it also said,
"do drugs together,"

and we did do that all together.

We can't keep overcomplicating
everything, okay?

Fine. Okay, okay.

If you really feel
that going to visit Palo

will take care of
your unfinished business, that's okay.

Absolutely. I'm okay with it.
Let's move on.

Look, let's relax
and all just mull it over for a while.

- No pressure.
- [Olga] Mm.

There's no need to talk about it
or come to an agreement.

We'll see how we feel about it... and go.

[Sara chuckles]

[Alma] And that's it.
We'll all do our best.

[Sara] Okay. We'll all do our best.

- [Leo] If it were up to me, this'd be it.
- [Sara chuckles]

- [door closes heavily, echoes]
- ["Animal" playing]

♪ We the sun, yeah, I'm coming up ♪

♪ I got it fine, got the wage ♪

♪ I'm growing up, I'm going far ♪

♪ Pretty easy when I find ya ♪

♪ Crazy shitty when I lose ya ♪

- ♪ Yeah, and I told ya, I'm coming up ♪
- [sighs]

♪ Comes from his heart... ♪

[Leo] Incredible.
What a truly amazing lighthouse.

Really glad that we came, eh, ladies?

I mean, so yeah, it looks
as if we can now beep in peace, huh?

[Carol chuckles]


[Olga] Okay. But let's think about this.

- Do we tell her or not?
- What's that?

You know, the thing.

- The thing we can't say.
- [Sara] No, let's not.

Okay. So how's this gonna go?

"Hello. We came to see you."
And what? That's it?

Yeah. Yeah, that's it.

Because it's actually something
we already wanted to resolve.

Hold on. I mean, not actually.

But if we're doing this now,
it's for a reason.

And we can't leave that reason out.

What are we gonna tell her
when she asks what we're doing here?

- "We wanted to see you."
- All right. But why now, though?

Well, maybe she won't ask that.

Maybe she'll just be glad
we made the first move.

[Leo] I would ask.

Besides, I'd feel
like it was an ambush, you know?

I'd be like, "What the hell's wrong?
One of you dying, or what?"

That's gonna happen.

Yeah, it will.

[Leo] For sure. It's gonna happen, sister.

[gentle breeze blowing]

- And you?
- Me, what?

Oh, I... What's your unfinished business?

- With Palo.
- [Alma] I know.

But you're the one
who's been pushing to do it,

both alone and all together.

Yeah, okay, but I did it
mainly thinking of Leo and Carol and Olga.

And me, Sara. Hmm?

- Just not you.
- Yeah.

[clicks tongue] I'm just that generous.

[scoffs] You've got nerve.

And you?

No. I think I asked first.

Yeah. [takes a deep breath]

Um... well, I'm thinking it's myself.

- With yourself?
- [Sara] Mm-hmm.

Oh, well, in that case,
if you want, I'll give you your number.

[both chuckle]

Yeah, but don't you think
all unfinished business is with yourself?

[tuts] It's kind of cheating, yeah?

Yep, I know. I'm avoiding the issue.

According to the therapist.

- Why can't we talk?
- [Sara] What do you mean?

- We talk all the time.
- [Alma] I don't know.

Sometimes I don't understand us at all.

We've had it so easy.

It's so simple.

I'm tired of us playing dumb.

- Aren't you?
- A bit, yeah.

Pass me a tissue?

Hey, there's no need to cry.

- No, it's to wipe my pussy. Pass it.
- [laughs] Okay.

- Ooh, good.
- [chuckles]

Hi. If you're getting this message,

it's because, at some point,
we had a special relationship...

...and I decided to end it
without explanation.

But I want you to know

it wasn't because I didn't care
about you or all you gave.

That's not true.

So now, I just wanna say
I regret it, and I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for myself and for all...

- [Olga] What you doing?
- Goddammit! Olga. Jesus. You scared me.

Carol, who are you gonna send
that shitty message you just recorded to?

- Tell me.
- What do you mean, shitty message?

- It's from the heart.
- Well, listen.

If you're gonna take care of
unfinished business,

they should be personal.

Not some dry,
official-sounding public statement.

Uh, it's for a big group.

How many is it? Let's see.

Oh damn.

Yeesh, that is a shit ton.

Why do you have all these people here?

To save me the hassle.

Hassle with who?

With Rubén?

[sighs] It was very thoughtful
of you to put chairs out.

I can't do this. I'm out.

Hey, hey, hey! Uh, uh... Hold on!

Hold on. Come here. Listen to me.

Only start with one, okay?

Go through your blocked contacts list,
and then just pick one.

All right? Pick an easy one to start with.

- An easy one to start with.
- That's it. Very easy.


[Carol] Oh, look. Inés.

- Who's that?
- My therapist.

Wait, you went to a therapist?

Yeah, but it was a while ago.
Right after I had Olivia.

Okay, but why didn't you tell us, Carol?

I don't know. I didn't want you guys
thinking I was crazy or something.

I just tried it out.

I went there
for a month or two and then quit.

And was it you
that didn't like it or Rubén?

"That fucking woman's brainwashing you."

"You'll be all right."

"This is just
your typical postpartum depression."

"You're worse each time you go."

"She's putting problems in your head.
Can't you see? She wants your money."

Rubén didn't like it.

No, he... didn't like it.

But the main reason
she stopped was she got scared.

She got scared?

Were you afraid?

The last time I went,
she asked me to draw a rosebush.

Funnily enough, I have one in my garden.
I love roses.

And when I started drawing one,
I thought, "Yeah, I'm gonna nail it."

And while I was drawing it, we talked.

And she asked me all about Rubén
and how long we'd known each other.

You know, for me
to tell her a bit about our life.

And when I was finished,
I showed her the rose, and she said...

It's not for me to see. It's for you.

I never went back.

I redrew the picture over and over...
until I convinced myself it was perfect.

Mm. That's really nice.

[Inés] Stunning.

But it's fake.

And the frame is awful.

Downright hideous.

[Carol] Hi, Inés.

It's Carolina.

I'm not sure that you remember me.
I was a patient of yours.

So, I just wanted to say
I was sorry for disappearing like that

and not answering
your phone calls and messages.

But I wanted you to know
that you really helped me.

And that you taught me
how to listen to myself.

You see, the truth is,
I didn't like what I was hearing.

- And I got scared.
- Say you wanna go back.

Ask for a session.

Anyway, so I hope you're doing great.
Take care, now.

No. Uh, that's enough for now.

[Olga] That's great. One down.

See? Piece of cake.

[Alma] Okay. Let's go over some theories.

What led Palo to walk out of our lives?

[Sara] No, let's not start with that.
We never get anywhere.

[Leo] It's crystal clear.
Sara had just become a mom.

Carol was on her second child.

Those were some really tough months.

All we did was talk about poop and babies.

You know what I'm saying?

She'd just gotten out of a divorce
and spent years trying for a baby.

So we were all being really boring,
and she just wanted to party,

not have us remind her
that her life was fallin' apart.

She was like, "See ya."

I mean, the only reason why I stuck around
is you're the only ones who can stand me.

- [Carol] Okay. And Olga?
- [Olga] What about me?

She got divorced around the same time
that you broke up with Jon.

You were always on Tinder.

And since Palo was having a shitty time,

poor thing, you two
became party buddies, right?

Oh my God. Are we really on that again?

- [Carol] Uh-huh.
- Both fucking left, right, and center.

- Trying to regain their independence.
- What? I never lost it.

Until one day,
all of a sudden... [mock gasps] learned that Palo's been seeing Jon.

I mean, yeah, I was upset.
She had broken a cardinal rule.

But in the end,
it really wasn't that big of a deal.

And eventually, we met up and fixed things
before she took off and left.

It was all fine at the time.

Palo fucked Jon, and she got pregnant.

She moved to the beach to raise her kid,
a long ways away from your judgy eyes.

I'll tell ya what,
she fucked him good. [laughs]

[Olga] You are such a pain. Jesus.

[Alma] What happened to Jon?
Anyone heard from him?

[Olga] No.

[Alma] Okay. Maybe that's
your unfinished business.

[Olga] Excuse me.
There's no unfinished business.

We stopped seeing each other
way before the Palo thing.

All right, that's enough of this shit.

Would ya quit bugging me
and busting my balls?

[Carol] Don't worry.
When you see him, if we do,

then that'll be two birds with one stone.

I mean, I think I'd freak out

if we bumped into Palo and Jon
walkin' around with a six-year-old girl.

- She'd actually be five.
- That's what I said. Five.

[Leo] Nobody there?



- Totally empty.
- It's empty?

[Carol] Mm-hmm.

Well, maybe the fact
that it's closed is a sign.

Yeah, that we should wait
and that, oh, what a coincidence,

we happened to get here
right when the place is closed.

[Olga] No, but seriously, you guys,

doesn't it suddenly seem
like a really awful idea?

Mm-hmm. Thank you.

Maybe we thought
she'd say something to us,

but if she hasn't in six years,
why would she do it now? Seriously.

Because it's not the same
as it was six years ago.

And everything she couldn't say
back then, maybe she can say now. Okay?

- [Leo sighs]
- What's going on?

[group] Um...


- Hey.
- [Olga and Sara] Hello.

What's up, Palo?

- Hello.
- [Sara] Uh...

It's just that we were here
for a few days, and we wanted to see you.

How did you know I live here?

[Leo] Hmm?

[takes a deep breath]
You wanna catch up over a cocktail?

How about it?

Jesus, Palo.
We're here to fix things, okay?

Fix what things?

There's nothing to fix. Besides, why now?

[chuckles] I mean, our haircuts
might give you an idea, y'know?

Sorry. It's not fair for you guys
to just show up like this without warning.

Excuse me.

[Sara] Warn you how, Palo?

You blocked us.
There wasn't any way to warn you.

Don't you think that after so many years,
we deserve a conversation?

Listen, we're not trying to pretend
it'll be just like how it used to. No.

Of course it won't.
But let's clear the air.

Yeah, but I don't have any air to clear.

If you're doing this to feel better,
that's great. Good job.

You've made your move and gave it a shot.
You can go on with your lives now.

Don't you feel anything for us?

I'm sorry for whatever it is that made you
shave your heads, though I can guess.

It made you come all the way here.

But you're not gonna find
what you're looking for.

No, maybe that is what we're looking for.

Seeing you being so dismissive
will help us move on once and for all

and stop us from talking about you.

One of you's got cancer. Who is it?

We're on this trip with two conditions.

We don't talk
about what you just mentioned,

and each day, we all have to do something
that's a challenge, something that has...

- [Leo] Mm.
- A real...

- And you came all this way because...?
- For our unfinished business.

So I'm unfinished business?

Mm-hmm. That's the general consensus.

- You want me back?
- It's not about getting you back.

I mean, it would be great, but...

Listen, we miss you.

- Yeah.
- That's it.

[scoffs, quietly] I don't know.

It feels like I'm just an excuse
for you to avoid facing what you need to.

No doubt about it.


I think we should take a pause.
This has been a shock for all of us.

Um... We're gonna take a walk
and come back in a while.

Yeah? How about it?

Two hours.

- Okay.
- See you then.

[door closes]

[quietly] Two hours.

There's a good chance
she'll skip town while we're gone.

- [Carol] Mm.
- For real.

Wow, such a great idea. [sighs]

- For the love of God.
- I thought she looked great.

- That's some good hair.
- Yeah.

- [Alma] Frustrating.
- [Carol] Yeah.

I thought we were all gonna,
like, start tearing up

and then have a big laugh and celebrate.

[Olga] Yeah, but it's not like
we broke down crying either, you know?

It's always the domino effect, every time.

All it takes is one person to open
the floodgates, and then everyone follows.

See, I think this
is an example of what not to do.

Burying things
until they stop affecting you,

and you stop caring.

- That's the worst.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

- I think Palo might be right.
- About what?

About the fact
that coming here was just an excuse.

- Well, not to fix what needs fixing.
- Well...

- [Leo] Hmm.
- We've got two hours.

Yeah, we got two hours
to get drunk as shit.

- And then set things straight with Palo.
- No, I'm serious.

Wanna meet back in two hours?

- Okay.
- [Olga] Mm.

- All right.
- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.
- See ya later.

Well, let's go.

- See ya.
- Ciao.

All right.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, I'm gettin' some beers then.

[intercom rings]


[line ringing]

[woman on intercom] Yes?

[on phone] Who is it?

Ah, fuck this bullshit. [sighs] No way.

[woman on intercom] Hello?

Who is this?

[on phone] Leonora, is that you?

It's been three years, and the first thing
you do is tell me to fuck off?

I see you're as fucked up as always.

- [call disconnects]
- But...


[birds singing]

[both chuckle]

Well, now. This is a surprise.

Uh, good or bad?

- Mm, not sure.
- [laughs]

- Very good. [chuckles]
- [Olga] I didn't intend to call.

- Okay. [chuckles]
- But... I did, but I didn't.

- I was gonna call someone else...
- And you got the wrong number.

I miss you. [gasps]

[giggles] Sorry, I mean that...
I mean, I missed your number.

Dialing the right number.

I think maybe you missed
more than my number.


- [chuckles]
- You wanna meet up?

I can't. We're over in Vejer,
settling unfinished business.

[David] Unfinished business?

Yeah, things
that you still haven't dealt with.

Conversations, confrontations.
Or the total opposite.

Thanking someone,

asking forgiveness
for all the various fuck-ups you've had.

Things that weigh on you,
that you need to let go of.

- Beautiful and necessary.
- Yeah, I guess so. [chuckles]

Who were you gonna call?

- Well, someone who called me a whore.
- Ooh, that's a rough one.

To be fair, that's the only bad thing
he did in five years.

Five years?

- Yeah, five years.
- You were with someone for five years?

[laughing] Yeah, I was
in a relationship for five years.

Jesus. Is it that shocking?

Kinda, to be honest. But who cares?
Why were you gonna call him?

Well, I guess to say thanks
and also to give him a piece of my mind.

Because he was someone
who showed me a type of relationship

based on respect and independence,

sharing, living together,
and trusting each other.

Then he called you a whore?

- Yeah. One day he called me a whore.
- And it was over?

- Mm-hmm.
- Why'd he call you that?

Uh, I'm not sure.
But he crossed a line for me.

And that was it.

- Huh.
- [Olga] Mm.

I'm not trying to minimize
the fact that someone insulted you.

But if it only happened once
in five years,

I'm guessing it was
in the heat of the moment.

You could ask him to clarify.
Maybe explain.

I mean, the five years
that we were together,

they were mostly amazing,
but I also really suffered.

We avoided any steps towards a commitment.

And then I found myself pushing away
and rejecting normal feelings.

Like, you know, affection or support.

That feeling of a home.

So all of that became excess baggage,
and it was toxic.

We couldn't separate
the good side of our relationship

from the bad side of our codependence.

Okay, so, yeah.

It didn't have much to do with
the awful time that he called me a whore.

[David] And that was
your excuse to take off.

[Olga] I suppose
that more than thanking him

or giving him a piece of my mind...

[laughs] ...I want to apologize
to him for leaving in the way that I did

and give him the hug we never had.

- Right.
- [Olga] Oh my God!

- I mean, that was a lot to unload.
- No, no, no, no. It's fine.

I just got really freaked out
'cause of that "miss you" thing, y'know?

I gave you the full lowdown, and...

It's fine. Don't worry.

I'll let you go call him.

- 'Kay.
- Okay.

Hey, I, uh...

- Yeah?
- [both chuckle]

[sighs] I've really been missing you too.

- [Olga laughs]
- I'm serious. I miss you a lot.

[Olga chuckles, sighs]


I loved the portraits
you drew of me in class.

I loved that you trusted my notes enough
to study from them and get better grades.

Sorry I didn't invite you to my wedding.
I'm thinking of you.

I've written to you so many times.
In my head, of course.

Sorry I went silent.
I didn't want to block you.

I still remember our conversations.

The tears and the laughs we'd have
when we'd meet up in the park.

And how we'd get hammered for no reason

at midday on a glass of white wine
on a terrace,

while we were failing as mothers.

I think what you did was very brave.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

I've often masturbated
thinking of your massages.

Nope, nope. I'd better not text you.

[cell phone vibrating]


[woman] I think you're drunk enough now
to answer the call.

- Are you gonna use that tone if I do?
- No, of course not.


- [call connects]
- [sighs deeply]


[mom] What's happening?
Why did you call me?

You could've started with a hello
or something like that to break the ice.

Well, you're the one
who doesn't wanna talk to me.

Yeah, and I still don't want to.

They made me do it.

I've had to drink three beers
to be able to call.

Then call me in half an hour,
and we'll both be in the same mindset.

I'm not gonna sober up in half an hour.

Ah. That's what you meant.

[slurps loudly]

[gulps, burps]

[gasps softly] Should I wait, um,
or will you call me later, or what?

Hello, my dear.

How are you?

[scoffs] So fucking great.

Yeah, you look it.

Okay, what's wrong?

Nothing is wrong.

The only thing
I wanted to say was that... that...

[sighs deeply]

I just need your recipe for French toast.

- French toast?
- Yeah, your French toast. I need it.

I wrote you a recipe book
for when you left the house.

The recipe's in there.

"When I left the house," she says.
[inhales sharply] You made it easy for me.

Totally easy.
You just had to follow my lead.

And forget about Dad?

The recipe, I'll share it.

- You got a pen?
- [Leo huffs]

Okay, look, no. I don't want the recipe.

I don't want anything.
I threw it all out when you left.

I didn't leave your dad.
I separated with your dad.

At his lowest point.

At our lowest point.

Okay, fine.

You separated with Dad.

But you abandoned me.

That's not true.

What did you want me to do?
Get up and go, leaving Dad all alone?

No. I wanted you to live your life.

[sighs] Yeah, of course.
Like you, right? Just livin' la vida loca?

Look, you forced me to take care of him.

Dad doesn't know
how to survive without you.

Ha! He's still alive?

Of course. He's still alive.

- See? He can survive without me.
- No. No, he can't.

- [mom] Hmm.
- After you left, he checked out, okay?

He really started to lose it.

Right. He was doing that
way before we separated.

He's got Alzheimer's.

And every fucking day,
he says, "Where's your mom?"

"Can she make me French toast?"

Because he thinks
it's permanently Easter Sunday, you know?

[chuckles] He's relentless about it,
so I make it for him.

Of course I do.
I found them online. Every single recipe.

I've made every damn one.

But then he'll always say,

"This isn't your mom's French toast.
Where the hell's your mom?"

[crying] And he goes into a rage.

It's really fucked up, you know?
It's fucked up.

- I can't do it anymore.
- Why didn't you tell me?

'Cause you don't deserve it.

'Cause I wanted you to suffer,

imagining me there,
dealing with that shit show.

You've succeeded.

Well, I'm glad.

I'm sorry, honey.

You're not fucking sorry.

- And you don't fucking care.
- No, no, no. I do care.

I do care about you.

[sighs] Listen, honestly,
I don't want to make up with you.

I swear to God. I really don't.

I just wanna learn the French toast recipe
so that Dad can stop asking me about you,

and then maybe we can finally
move past this Easter phase.

That's all I want from you.


- Oh God. I fucking knew it.
- Come on. Off your ass.

And where do you want me to go?

To the kitchen.
We're gonna make them together.

So... But I...

[scoffs] Where the hell
am I supposed to find a kitchen?

I need to borrow your kitchen
for a minute.

No, not for a minute.

This will take at least an hour.

For old times' sake, Paloma.

[bell rings]

[line ringing]

[ringtone playing
and cell phone vibrating]

- Are you procrastinating?
- Mm, no. Quite the opposite.

[scoffs] Are you done
with all your unfinished business?

No, I haven't started.

So then you're procrastinating.

Can you talk?

Yeah, sure. Where you at? I'll meet you.

No, no. I'd rather talk on the phone.

- 'Cause?
- [Sara] I'm afraid to do it face-to-face.

What do you mean?

I haven't done it in 20 years,
so I won't start now.

Twenty years? You're scaring me.
What is it?

It scares me you don't know.

Are we really doing this?

- Yes. We don't have a choice.
- Okay.

Tell me where you are.
Let's do this in person.

No, no. It's better this way, honestly.

It's up to you. You wanna start?

All right. I'm such a mess.

It's just... [sighs]

I don't know. I feel like I'm going crazy.
I'm out of my body.

I guess it's what we're going through
and everything that's happening.

But I'm 36 years old,
and I've been tiptoeing through life.

Never bothering anyone
or straying from the path.

And I know I'm privileged.
And that my world is amazing.

Daniela, my career path,
Mario, you, all you guys.

But I'm sick of myself.
Of trying to do everything right.

- I just feel small.
- Well, you are very small.

You're the smallest,
most amazing woman in the world.

My Sarita.

[chuckles] See, you say that to me...

- [sighs]
- And what?

And suddenly, you go, "You wanna try?"

And then... you kissed me.

- You went for it, and I was shocked.
- Uh, I'm not so sure about that.

I don't know.
But you weren't that into it.

- It's not that I wasn't into it...
- No, you weren't into it.

- I don't know, Sara.
- There weren't butterflies.

I felt them, though.

I'm sure it was the nerves
or the heat of the moment.

'Cause we were 17-year-old kids,
finding out about life

and doing something crazy,
but... they stayed.

They're still there.

And it's fine, you know?
Because I love them. I've tamed them now.

I swear it's not something
I obsess over, honestly. Never.

But when that first slip of paper
came out, and it got into my mind,

and it keeps growing and staying... [sighs]

I don't understand what's happening.
I don't get it. I don't recognize myself.

And shit, you said earlier.
We've had it so easy.

Hook up with a chick.
Do drugs together. Commit a crime.

- Commit a crime? How's that related?
- It's related.

It's a crime for me.
For me, all this stuff's impossible.

Totally impossible.
It just couldn't happen.

[sighs] And when the paper came out,
I said, "That's it. I can't take it."

It's pretty crazy.

[doves cooing]

[birds singing]

["Keep on Fallin'" playing]

Remember that night
at the bar, when you went to the bathroom?

I knew what would happen
between both of us.

I'm a little buzzed, so I'm gonna
take advantage of that to tell you

I love you way more than all the others.

I'm talking... I'm talking so much.
So, so much more, okay?

- It's on another level.
- [Alma] I saw it clearly.

It was so clear, I freaked out

and went straight for that other girl.

I'm scared of doing something
that'll change things with us.

Even if it's positive?

Even if it's positive.

♪ Will you come back? ♪

- ♪ I won't be back... ♪
- [line ringing]

[Jon] Hello? Hello?

Hey, Jon.

How's it going? It's Olga. [sniffles]

I'm sorry.

Sorry. Thank you.


I'm sorry. Thank you!

[chuckles] Thanks. Sorry.

I'm sorry. Thank you.

♪ For when the flood comes in again... ♪

- [Leo] Hold on.
- [mom] You add sugar?

Sugar? Of course I added sugar.
Two hundred grams.

- That's what it says on the Internet!
- Internet? Internet!

- 250, or they end up bland.
- [Leo] Right, hold on.

Okay! Okay. Did you add cloves?

- The spice, cloves.
- It never said to add cloves online.

I add cloves.
That's what your dad's missing. Cloves!

Paloma, do you happen to have cloves?

Let me see you pour the milk in.
Okay, slower. You're too rough.

No, that's way too much!
How long do you leave them in milk for?

- One hour. Be patient.
- One hour?

But it's already absorbed.

- All right, let me see.
- [sighs]

- See it?
- A half hour, turn them over.

Start cleaning up. This kitchen's filthy.

I'm sure you're only doing it
'cause I'm here.

- Now the rind.
- [groans]

- [Alma] What do you wanna do?
- [Sara] Anything other than talk.

- You?
- [Alma] The same.

["Keep on Fallin'" fades]

[Paloma] There's this thing
where childhood friends

turn into your core group, into family.

Your sense of home,
belonging, your shared experience,

the fact that they know you so well.

A bond that can't be broken,
no matter how much you change.

Well, I always thought
that was really stupid.

Why stay connected to people
who you have less and less in common with?

Well, because among other things...
it's a place where you can be yourself.

- You don't need to pretend.
- I lost interest.

It seems like it was sudden,
but it was gradual.

I just... I got tired of being around you.

Even when we weren't together, I felt it.

I was sick of always having you
in my head.

Every time I did something,

I could feel you guys
watching and judging.

And it caused this awful self-talk.
I couldn't breathe.

[sighs] I'm not your unfinished business.

Whatever you have to deal with
doesn't involve me.

And you're not my unfinished business.

My unfinished business
was doing what I did.

Was I wrong? Yeah, for sure. It sucked.

But I did it.

And I'm sorry. Believe that.

You were all an important part of my life.

The most important.

But I'm no longer there.

I've moved on from it.

I don't know if for better or worse.
It's different. It's mine.

I respect what you guys are doing.
But respect me too.

[Carol sighs]

- Okay.
- [Alma] Mm-hmm.

- Thank you.
- [Olga] Mm.

I'm not trying to disagree with it
or to change your mind,

but you know, it happens to me too.

I also have you here
all day long, inside my head.

Creating arguments and opinions
before I even talk to you about it.

- [chuckles]
- Yeah. The same.

You have no idea
how many times I've told you to fuck off

before telling you anything.

- Hey.
- [Leo chuckles]

[Sara] But I love it.

I really need it.

Mm. It makes me feel safe.

And not alone.

- You're my council of elders.
- [Leo chuckles]

[laughs] Or of wiseasses.

No, seriously.

I would die without you with me.
You're my compass.

- My little Jiminy Cricket posse.
- [group chuckles]

Never without my Jiminy Crickets.

Well, how about a group hug now? Now! Now!

God, you're so annoying
with your fucking hugs.

[girl] Mom, who are these girls?

Why is their hair like that?

- Are they your friends?
- Wait inside. I'll be right in.

Hello, cutie.

- What's your name?
- Lola.

- And how old are you?
- Five.


[Leo] She's the spitting image of him.

You spoken to Jon?

If we'd stayed any longer,
he would've come around the corner.

- [all chuckle]
- I mean, could you imagine? [sighs]

[sighs] This is the first time we finished
a challenge before the crack of dawn.

And sober. Well, almost all of us.

So are we finished?

I gave my all.


- Shall we go home and get drunk?
- Till the crack of dawn, that's for sure.

[Leo] Let the alcohol
run through our veins, ladies!

- [imitates trumpet fanfare]
- [all laughing]

[crickets chirping]

[Leo] Raúl Ramírez Recio,

Carmen Rodríguez Mena,
Manuel Sánchez Calvo...

- Uh, Paloma Tejero Dobón.
- [all] Boo!

- [Leo] Carol Urquijo Muñoz.
- Hey!

[Leo] Alma Valiente Pineda,
Olga Van den Brandt,

Sara Yuste Bielsa.

And finally, we have Leonora Zamora Peña.

- Freshman year, class of 2000. Boom!
- [Carol] Boom!

- [Sara] Wow, cool.
- [Alma] Wow.

- Unbelievable.
- I don't know. Shouldn't we be grieving?

We already grieved for six years.

The fact that we're having fun,

I mean, after all the shit
we've been through, only makes Palo right.

Okay. Yep, maybe it makes Palo right,
but it also makes us right, so...

- Junior year. And one, two, three, go!
- Ugh!

- Come on! You got this!
- Yes.

Uh, Javier Aldana Díaz.

- Luis Miguel Arias Román.
- [Olga] It's unbelievable.

[Leo] Elena Baquero Ortega.

[crickets chirping]

[Carol] Who are you?

- [man] You don't know who I am?
- I changed your name.

- [man] You changed my name?
- Yeah, I changed your name.

[man] What did you change it to?

- "Don't answer."
- [man] "Don't answer"?

Mm. And I'm not really sure why that is.

Plus, you don't have a picture.
Who are you?

- Ratoncito.
- Sorry?

[Ratoncito] You were Ratoncita,
and I was Ratoncito.

You were Ratoncito.

José Ramón Polo Sabau.

- Oscar Ratón Sobrado.
- Ratoncito.

Ratoncito, yeah.


Oh. It's you, Ratoncito.
Oh my God, Ratoncito.

[chuckles] Let me see your face.

[gasps] Holy...

- [Ratoncito] Holy what?
- Oh, nothing. You look the same.

[Olga] What?

[inhales sharply] Holy shit, Ratoncito.

[Leo] Let me see.

- You dodged a bullet.
- [Carol] Give it here.

- [group chuckles]
- That was your first boyfriend, right?

Her first boyfriend, spicy.

Well, I think he looks pretty good.
Attractive enough.

[Olga] So, what's your unfinished business
with him?

Well, she was with him
for almost two years,

and she didn't let him touch her boobs.

[Carol] Of course I did!

- Over my clothes.
- [Carol] What are you doing?

- In general terms or at this moment?
- Right now.

Texting with you.

I've kinda been drinking.

So, why am I down as "don't answer"?

Well, it's just, uh...

Well, I don't really know.
Um... [clicks tongue]

- Are you alone?
- In general terms or at this moment?

- Right now.
- Yeah.

And how's your reception?
Yes, right now, not in general terms.

Full-blown 5G.

I need the bathroom.

You're horny as hell, huh?
Like, look at her face.

[laughs] She's crazy.

- Where are Sara and Alma at?
- They were "tired."


- That's too bad, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

- These are just so fucking good.
- Thank you.

- Mm-mm-mm.
- You can take off.

- And why's that?
- You don't need to stay here with me.

I'm sure that you're also feeling
"really exhausted."

All right. [giggles]

- Can I have a couple of these?
- [sighs]

Take what you need. It's all good.

Ah, thanks.

- [inhales sharply] I love you.
- Ugh, no. Come on.

- Gimme a kiss.
- Don't be annoying. Not right now.

Ugh, there's never a good time with you.

- Yeah.
- What a grouch.

- Yep.
- [Olga] Anyway, I love you.


[crickets chirping]

I know you're likely gonna turn into
unfinished business.

"Hi. You good? How are ya? I'm good."

[laughs] Hi there.

I know I'll remember you fondly
in a few years.

And... I'll wonder
if there could've been something more.

If I should've let myself turn loose
a little more.

Well, we're almost
at four nights in a row.

- You can't let yourself go much more.
- [chuckles]

- What's that?
- French toast.

Breakfast tomorrow.

- French toast to have for breakfast?
- Yeah.

[David] That means
you're not dashing off tomorrow.

Um, probably, yeah.


don't worry. I'll leave you some.

Thank you very much.

I'm always prepared.

Of course you are. [sighs]

[David exhales]

To not us.

To not us.

[Olga sighs]

["Mi rival" playing]

[Sara chuckles softly]

- I don't know how to do this.
- Neither do I.

[both laugh nervously]

[both breathing heavily]

[Sara gasps softly]

["Mi rival" fades out]

["Planeando el tiempo" playing]

- [gentle chimes ring]
- [orchestral music playing]