The Famous Five (1978–1979): Season 1, Episode 10 - Five Go to Mystery Moor - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Georgina, the plaiting demonstration
starts in five minutes.

Captain Johnson won't be pleased
if you keep him waiting again.

I'm working as fast as I can, Henrietta.

Trouble is, Georgina, you're not really
keen enough for this son of work. Come on.

I'm supposed to be on holiday as
well as riding. And my name is George.

Telegram for you, George.

Thank you, William.

Looks like your friends back.

William, I warned you.
Sniffy is not my friend.

Not you again, Sniffy.

Afraid so, Captain Johnson.

Can you fix him up again? Give
him some of that stuff to rub on.

No Sniffy, I can't.

But we're moving up to
Mystery Moor tomorrow.

Clip can't pull a wagon in this state.
Pop him in the end box and we'll

But me dad doesn't

Your father knows perfectly well
that he cant work a lame horse.

If you like I'll have a word with him.
- No.

Clip must have at least 24 hours rest.

Captain Johnson, Captain Johnson!
- I'm not deaf, Georgina.


George, then.

It's my cousins, Dick and Julian. They
are coming here straight from camp.

Always glad of extra help.

Can I be excused of plaiting and
tell Anne her brothers are coming?

Thank you.

Put Clip in the end box, will you Henry.

Suppose I'll have to.

You forget about taking Clip up
to Mystery Moor until he's better.

Beats me what you want to
go up there again for anyway.

Hope Dick and Julian arrive in time
to ride on Mystery Moor with us.

But you said you wouldn't
ride on the moor. Too spooky.

It'll he different with Dick and Julian.

Anyway, it'll he much more
fun for you with the boys here.

At least Julian will put that
awful Henrietta in her place.

We all call her Henry.
Anyway. Timmy likes her.

And you always say he's a good judge.

Looks good, doesn't it?

Professor Kirin, Morning.

Captain. This is Julian and Dick.

How do you do? How do you do?
- How do you do?

You'll he on the straw out
in the stable I'm afraid.

We've rather a full house at the moment.

It'll he luxury for them
after the hard going.

Anyway, we prefer sleeping
outside. Hey, look, it's Timmy.

Hello! Hello, it's good to see you.

Hi everybody.

Hello girls. Enjoying your holidays?
Not been up to any mischief I hope.

Not managed to make a
horse mad, like you Anne.

I expect you to be at least as
good as her by now. Who is she?

I expect Henrietta will introduce
herself. I've got some work to do.

What did I say?

As soon as you're ready, we'll be off on
a hike. Can you walk, trot and canter?

Son of.

Trap up the ponies you brought
from the top field then.

We'll go straight onto
Ben's, the blacksmith.

Well, we're ready. Where's George?

Don't think she'll come with
us now that Henry's going.

You know how George likes
to be best at everything.

Hey! What's that?

I've come for Clip. My Dad didn't
know I brought him to the Captain.

He give me a good hiding.

You'll probably get another from
Captain Johnson if he catches you.

Tell your father to
wait till he's better.

Everybody's ready to move up to Mystery
Moor. It's orders. I've got to go.

I'll tell your father if you like.

No. We're not supposed to talk about it.

Talk about what.

You can't take Clip and that's final.

And for Pete's sake,
stop sniffing. Here.

We'd better go.

Are you coming, George?

No need, you've got
Henrietta for company.

They're old railway lines.

I wonder where they go'!

I think they go to the sea. Anyway, come
on, or we'll be late for the blacksmith.

Just have to remain a mystery for now.

Good name, Mystery Moor.

It certainly feels like
things happened here.

It's just a good place to ride. Come on.

On your way then, Sniffy?

I'm waiting for Clip.

On your own?

They'll leave patrins, so
I know which way to go.

Patrins? Sounds interesting.

I'll show you.

That must be his father.

Poor Sniffy.

I'd like to know what they are up
to, that Sniffy couldn't talk about.

You don't want to follow them,
gypsies. Get yourself lost on the moor.

We found some old railway lines.

Hear that, Jim. You want to end up
the same way as the Battle brothers?

Not that old story.

Who were the Bafile brothers?

The railway line you see was laid down
by the Bartle brothers to take sand

from their quarry down to the port.
And good sharp sand it was too.

And then they quarrelled, with
them gypsies up on the moor.

Aterrible mist came down and the Bafile
brothers, they was never seen again.

Oh, poo, that was ages ago. Probably
nothing to do with the gypsies.

Anyway, Sniffy and that
lot aren't proper gypsies.

What do they do on the
moor do you suppose?

Always been gypsies on the moor.
Folks round here just let 'em be.

And you'd be wise to do the same.
If you want to stay out of trouble.

We can lend you another tent
if that's what you want to do?

But I don't want to go camping on
Mystery Moor, not if we're going to...

Anne means, not if we
going to go without George.

I'm afraid Henry can't go with you.

She'll he watching for a foal
over the next couple of nights.

Oh, we'll be all right on our own.

Are you going to start
to be a baby again?

Course not.

Well you're not going to be on the
moor on your own. You've got us.

And Timmy.

Julian, Julian! Wake up! Quick!

I definitely saw red lights last night.

There's no sign of anything now.

I still can't understand why we didn't
hear anything. Even Timmy didn't wake up.

It was a plane all right, but
no red lights when I looked.

At least we found where
the railway lines lead to.

Come on then.

Must be bits an of old
engine or something.

I wonder what really happened
to the Bafile brothers.

Oh, don't start on that again.

Sniffy, how long have you been there?

Not long, I saw you this
morning on my way over the moor.

What about Clip?

Captain Johnson said I could bring
him at a walk. So I did, honest.


I've still got it.

You didn't happen to hear a plane
last night? Not a jet, a little one.

What? Up here?

Well, I thought I saw a little plane
that looked like it was trying to land.

I wasn't up here last night, was
I? Do you want to see some patrins?

Oh, the way you can find
the road. Yes please.

Oh yes.

This means we've been along this
way. The long hit shows the direction.

These four, four of us.

How clever.

These, me and my dog.

We could make up our own secret signs.

Course. It's easy.

Try and guess what this means.

Two men on a horse.

No,you're dog.

Sniffy and his caravan.

Me dad. Got to go. Whatever
you do, keep out of sight.

What's up with him?

Shall we follow?

What did Sniffy mean? Keep out of sight.

I don't know. But there's
something funny going on around here

and I'm going to find out what it is.

Half past three.

Maybe the plane's not coming tonight.

Feels like its starting
to rain. Why don't we...


I told you.

We'd better wake the girls.
- We're here.

Has the plane gone?

I don't think so, watch.

Oh, I don't like this.

Keep down.

What is it?

I don't know, but it's heavy.

Hurry up, Julian.

Money. American money?


And all in hundreds.

It couldn't have come from America
in a little plane like that.

Well, where?

Feels like its starting to rain.

It's not rain, it's the mist.

The blacksmith was right, we'll
be lost like the Bafile brothers.

Don't be such a baby.

It's got to around here somewhere.
Come on, let's look for it.


They're coming. Quick, quick.

George, back to the stables as quick
as you can. Follow the railway lines.

Go and get help.

This lots going to be too heavy.

We'll hide it under the
old engine. Catch you up.

Come on, Timmy, come on.

Go on.

Timmy, Timmy.

Shut up, or I'll finish
the dog off properly.

They were boys I saw, not girls.

But, I thought.

Since when did you think. They
must be out there somewhere.

Get out there, get after them.

No, don't please. Timmy, my dog,
he'll find them if I tell him.

It's no use. Can't see a thing.

Here, I've found the railway
lines again. We'll be alright now.

But we don't know which
way is back any more.

We'll just have to chance it. Come on.

So, you're Georgina, are you? Here.

Now tell him.

Go home, Timmy, find Henry. Go
home, Timmy. Go. Find Henry. Go.

It's no good, Julian.

Come on, Dick, I'm sure we're all right.

Henrietta. Henry, wake up.

Is it the mare?

No, its Timmy. He woke
me up with the scratching

and whining to get into the house.
This was tied to his collar. Look.

"We are prisoners. Follow Timmy
and you can save us. Georgina"

Must be for you. No one else
around here called Henry.

Well, George never calls
herself Georgina, not ever.

She never calls me Henry
either. Timmy's been hurt

I'm sure somethings wrong.
I'm going to follow him.

Tack up Prince and Barney
while I check on the mare.

Captain Johnson, Captain Johnson.

Captain Johnson, call the
police quick, it's urgent.

Julian, Dick. What the devil's going on?

We'll be left here forever.

No, somebody will come. I know it.

Supposing its rats.


Have you seen Dick and Julian?

Heard the men are out looking
for them, and the money.

So you did know about the plane.

Got to go. Here's a knife. Cut
yourself free when they've gone.

Don't go.

George, it's us. William and Henrietta.

Here's a knife.

Come on, Timmy! Quickly!

Come on. Hurry. We'll
never make it. Come on!

There he goes.

I do not require
assistance, my good man.

I think you'll find that plane's been
coming over from France. A nice easy run.

I've never seen so much money.

And all of it forged.

It wouldn't have done our economy any
good if they had unloaded this lot.

And to think we thought poor Sniffy and
his father had something to do with it.

I do hope Sniffy's all right. He was so
brave leading the forgers away from us.

We are satisfied they knew nothing
about what was really going on.

They were just being used.

Come along everybody. Help yourself.

Ah. Hungry work catching forgers.

Quick! Everybody! The mare's foaled.

It's been quite a busy
night, one way and another.

If it hadnt been for Henry.

It was thanks to William
really. And Timmy.

And Sniffy too, don't forget.


Well, what shall we call him.

How about silver dollar,
after all that money?

What about Misty, after Mystery Moor.

Right, Misty it shall he.

Do you think I can
come and work for you?

Of course.