The Familiar of Zero (2006–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Meido no kiki - full transcript

Saito attempts to save Siesta after a noble chooses her to be his mistress.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I am grateful for the Institute's
understanding and cooperation.

When receiving an order
from the Palace,

there is no room for such concerns.


How about dinner sometime,
Miss Longueville?

That would be an honor, Count Mott.

I will look forward to it.


What kind of impossibility did
the Palace ask for this time?

Oh, they just came to warn us
to be careful of thieves.


Lately, a fellow named Fouquet
has been causing a stir

by using magic to steal treasures,

concentrating on those
of the nobility...

Fouquet the Sculptor?

In our Institute, there
is the sacred treasure

that we have borrowed
from the Palace,

the Staff of Destruction.

The Staff of Destruction...

What a troubling name.

I don't know how splendid
a mage this Fouquet is,

but the treasure vault here
is a special one,

layered with many spells
by Square-class mages.

They're being overly anxious about it.


A history of the couple's romance
that starts from the first kiss

You, the one who cast magic on
this destiny, suddenly appeared

The sky where two moons
never fade away

That's an impossibility, right?

This is the first time I've
felt anything like this

I'm feeling more and more
at ease with this place

Even if you trip and
become depressed

I will always hold you
tight with a squeeze

The story where we met that day
stays hot with a sweet kiss

See, you can cast magic, and
the wishes will surely come true

A history of the couple's romance
that starts from the first kiss

You, the one who cast magic on
this destiny, suddenly appeared

A Maid's Crisis

So cold...

Why am I doing this so late?

This is silk, you know?

You have to be more gentle
and careful in washing it!

Start over!

! What's with being
gentle and careful?

I'm sorry. Did I startle you?

Oh, it's just you, Siesta.


You have to make sure
to dry silk in the shade.


You're a lifesaver.

I've never washed anything
by hand before I came here.

Come to think of it, Mr. Saito,
where are you from?

Well... How do I put it...

Anyway, somewhere very far away.


Um, Mr. Saito?

Thank you so much.

What's this, out of the blue?

You never give up
no matter what happens,

and you stand up against nobility
even though you're a peasant.

Seeing you like that, Mr. Saito,
has given me lots of courage.

I can continue to do my best
all because of you, Mr. Saito.

Well, thanks...

Good night.

Yeah. Good night.

Somehow, she seemed
to be acting funny.


Hey, I have to get up early
tomorrow, so I'll see you later.

You know that sword
I bought the other day?

That huge, shiny one?

I don't need it,

and since I bought it, I might
as well give it to you.

Seriously? For free?

Of course.

For starters, let's talk inside.

Well, if it's just talk...

This is great after all!

It makes you feel like a hero

when you have something
like this on your back.

You don't have to be so reserved.

But Louise...

Don't worry about Vallière.
This is a sign of my love.

Hey, can I ask you something?

What is it?

Why me?

You have hordes of men
after you all the time.

You have lots of things
that none of them have.

There's just no comparison.

Do I really? For instance?


Speech and mannerisms that seem
to indicate an ill-bred childhood,

your shabby appearance, the
slight feeling of uncleanliness...

I'm gonna go home.

Oh, wait... Did I say something
that upset you?

All of it!

Wait a minute.

Well, then...

How about this?

What is it?

It's a talisman ring.
What is it?

It's a talisman ring.

It's very valuable.

Don't want it.

Then, how about this?

An earring of a fire-eater bird's blood.

Don't want it.

Then, what about this?

This book is our family heirloom.

You know, accepting anything
would be a problem.

You don't seem to get it...

I won't let you get away.


The von Zerbst's blood,

that of the hunter of love,
is getting excited.


Targets that are hardest to obtain
turn me on the most.


You always show up that way.

We're going home, Dog.


I've told you often enough.

You're stupid, to accept another
one of her offers so readily!


Since Kirche said that she would
give me that shiny gold sword...

I couldn't help it.

You were the one that said
you were fine with that one.

Well, that's true, but if
I can get it for free...

An ornament like that
means nothing to you!

A familiar that follows someone
so readily after being lured by bait

needs more punishment.

Wait, anything but that...

Stupid dog!

From now on, you can wait outside
with all the other familiars.


Why? You snore, peek up
other girls' skirts...

You couldn't embarrass me more!

Stay put until my class
is over. Understood?


Stop it!

Get off me! Ah...

I can't stay in a place like that!

Hey, it's Our Sword!
I can't stay in a place like that!

Hey, it's Our Sword!

Our Sword! Swing by
the kitchen again!

Sure thing!

Sorry that I'm always
mooching off you guys.

You don't need to be modest.

These are all leftovers of
those nobles, anyway.

By the way, where is Siesta?

Oh, that's right.

She's not on the kitchen staff,
so she's not always here...

Siesta didn't tell you?

She quit?!

Yeah. It was sudden,
but it was decided

that she would be a servant for
this nobleman called Count Mott.

She was picked up and taken away
in a carriage early this morning.

You're kidding! Why so suddenly?

In the end,

peasants can do nothing but
obey every word of the nobles.

Now, work... Back to work.


Why didn't you tell me?

Count Mott is a messenger
from the Palace,

and comes by the
Institute occasionally.

I don't like him, because
he always acts so cocky.

But why would Siesta be sent to
work for someone with that rank?

When a nobleman requests
a young girl by name,

it's usually an order for her
to become his mistress.

You don't even know that much?


Is that for real?!

I hear stories like that.
Nobles come in all sorts.


How wonderful! A mythril brooch.

Don't you think it will look good
on you, Montmorency?

And with this, I'm supposed to
pretend nothing ever happened?

Don't tell me you believe what
that vulgar familiar said...

Sorry for being so vulgar.


Are you going to get in the way
of someone's romance again?!

I just want to ask something.

He's not back for dinner either?

Oh, where's Saito?

What's that?

Oh, this?

I feel sorry for him, having
such crude meals all the time,

so I thought about giving him
a bit of my meal.

You're trying to catch his
heart through bait now?

Don't you feed someone else's
familiar without permission!

I can't bait him if he's not here.

Where did he go?

He went to go wash dust cloths,
and still hasn't come back.

Where is he wasting time?

By the way, earlier he asked me for
directions to Count Mott's manor.

Count Mott?!

Maybe he got fed up with you and
decided to serve a different noble?

Though I've never heard of
a familiar switching masters.

But this is Louise's familiar.

Oh, that's right!

Though I can't possibly
imagine Count Mott,

someone who works in the Palace,
using someone like him...


This is it...

that snob.

He didn't tell me that it was
a full hour's walk away!

Who are you?


How is the work?
Have you gotten used to it?

Yes. For the most part.

I see, I see.

Well, don't overexert
yourself too much.

Yes, sir.

I didn't hire you just for
household chores, Siesta.


What is it?

A Saito is here to see you!
What is it?

A Saito is here to see you!

Saito? Never heard of him.


I wondered what it could be,
but how meaningless...

Go home!

Just be thankful that I went out
of my way to see a peasant!


If you let Siesta go back to
the Institute, I'll do anything!

What kind of relationship
do you have with Siesta?

Well, we're coworkers that
work in the same place,

though we work in
different departments.

A servant of the Institute?


I heard that when a nobleman
requests a young girl by name,

it's usually her job to be
something like a mistress.

Siesta is an official servant
of the Mott household now.

The master is free to do whatever
he wishes to his servants.

Just as I thought!

What of it, say you?

A nameless peasant like you,

providing services to
a valuable nobleman like me...

There is no greater honor!

That's full of crap!

You're just doing
whatever pleases you

because you know Siesta can't say no!

That's just unfair, you old baboon!

You, a mere peasant,
dare to insult a nobleman?!

Sit down right there!

Stop it, Mr. Saito!

Siesta! You were there?

Count, please forgive this
individual's rudeness!

I will not have it!

If I leave such
a peasant's rudeness be,

I will tarnish the name
of Jour de Mott!

Stand aside, Siesta!

I cannot!

I cannot!


Count Mott, I beg of you.
I will accept any punishment...

Siesta! Out of the way!

Saito, wasn't it? You said
you would do anything?

Is that really so?


My hobby is to collect printed matter.

Actually, there is a book that
I cannot cease to desire.

What book is it?

A book that a certain mage chanced
to summon in an experiment.

I hear that it is the heirloom of an
established family in Germania.

The daughter of that family
is currently at the Institute.

Germania? I think I've
heard of that place before.

I am not certain whether or not you,
a peasant, know of her,

but she is the daughter
of the Zerbst family.


If you want Siesta back,

you must bring me the
Zerbst family heirloom.

Kirche, of all people...


What in the world were you thinking?


I don't care, just get on! Sheesh!

You're dealing with one of the
higher-ups from the Palace.

You can't even begin to make a
comparison between him and Guiche.

But don't you feel sorry for Siesta?

Of course I take pity for her
situation, but it can't be helped!

You can't just brush it off!

Don't scream right behind me!

Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, just give up about Siesta.

Got it?

Yeah... Got it.

Then hurry up and go to sleep.


Honest as always, so they say.

Our family heirloom?

Oh, that.

I'm not Tabitha, so I don't really care.

I've never even opened the book.

You had it the whole time?

They made me bring it,
to prepare for my wedding.

Prepare for your wedding?

I heard that it has the effect of
stimulating men's sexual desires.

No wonder why that
old baboon wants it.

I don't need something
like this in the first place.

Don't you agree?

Well, yeah.

So I don't mind giving it to you.


But in return, you have
to go out with me.

Hey, isn't that a good deal?

You know...

You nobles are all rotten!


What's he so upset about?

Come on, do what I'm telling you to!

Miss Siesta...


The Count is waiting in his
bedchamber. Please hurry.


Mr. Saito...

Hey, wake up!

What are you doing?

Stupid dog...


Wait, why are you here?

There's no time for that!

Vallière, your familiar...

Why do these things happen
one after another?

But that's part of Saito's charm.

You've got to be kidding!

Think about the one that has
to take care of that familiar!

A noble's mansion.

If a peasant were to draw a sword...

Oh, brother.

It really was a short relationship
with this partner.

Is there anywhere I can get in?

Who's there?


Thanks for everything earlier today.


Come on, let go.

Let him go.

Man, that hurts.

What were you planning to do,
with such a thing on your back?

The roads are dangerous at night.

No noble is whimsical
enough to simply

hand over a treasure
to a mere peasant.

I wanted to enjoy your struggles,

but you certainly gave up quickly.
How boring.

I didn't give up.

I'm going to rescue Siesta!

You drew?

If he draws a sword in
a nobleman's mansion,

a peasant can't complain if
he gets executed on the spot!

I know that.

It won't just be your familiar.
You'll be responsible too.

I know that!

Tabitha, hurry.

Mansion. Landing.

I have never seen such
a foolish peasant as you.

People tell me that a lot.

Something's wrong.

When I was fighting Guiche...

I am known as Mott the Surge,
a Triangle-class mage.

So what?

My body is shaking... !


I can do something like this as well.




The level of conduct of the
Institute's pupils has fallen so.

I must impose a severe penalty
on Old Osman over this.

My apologies for entering the
estate without permission,

as the situation required me
to act swiftly.


The misconduct of the familiar
is the misconduct of his master,

yours truly, Louise de la Vallière.

I am willing to accept
any form of punishment.


Pointing a sword at an official
of the Palace is a serious crime.

Be prepared to have your entire
family face the consequences.

Hold on, I'm the one at fault here!

Count Mott,

how about we make a deal with this?

What are you...

I hear that you have a tremendous
desire to possess this, Count.

Pardon my belated introduction.

My name is Kirche von Zerbst.


Then that is...

Yes, it is our family heirloom,
the summoned book.


This is that famed book...

Is it all right? It's your
family heirloom, right?

I peeked inside it, but I don't
need anything of that sort.


Anyway... First off,
give Siesta back to us!

Hand Siesta over to them.

Yes, sir!

It opened!

This is...

I don't know what language
these letters are in,

but to think there was such
a thing in this world...

Erotic PUNCH
April '75 issue


April '75 issue

April '75 issue

It's an old porn magazine.

Porn magazine?

Hey, you said earlier that
the book was summoned?


My grandfather just happened
to summon that book.


The same thing that happened to me.


The same?

Honestly, thank you so very much.

No, in the end, it was
all thanks to Kirche.

But it was all because you
did your best, Mr. Saito.

Besides, Louise also...

Good night!

Good night.

You know...

We're going back to our room.

Thanks, Louise.

I'm really sorry about this.

You stay quiet for a bit!

I'm thinking about how heavily
I need to punish you right now!

So there's going to be
something after all?

Of course!

A hundred lashes with the whip
is too easy on you.

Oh! Maybe no meals
until you almost die?

Wait a minute, can't you show
a tiny bit of mercy...

That's impossible!

Forgive me!
That's impossible!

Forgive me!

Can't! That's impossible!

No way!

As if I were under a real magic spell

A bright smile is burnt onto my heart

But each time I see you, I give you
a pointy, cold shoulder

Why do I act mean towards the one
that I think about the most?

My true feelings,
the shards of loneliness

In the deepest part of my heart,
I'm calling for you

For the day to start from zero

However you look at my familiar,
there's nothing good about him.

But we have to have
the entire Institute

judge every one of our familiars?!

It's so depressing.

Next Episode: Tristein's Princess
It's so depressing.

Next Episode: Tristein's Princess
Next episode: Tristein's Princess