The Event (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 17 - Cut Off the Head - full transcript

Vice President Jarvis vocalizes his lack of faith in President Martinez's leadership and agrees to meet with an adversary. Senator Catherine Lewis reports the findings of her surreptitious blood testing of the White House staff only to find one holdout, someone very close to the President. Sophia pushes forward in her search for a super weapon. And, after witnessing injustices within the Sleeper community, Leila begins to question where she belongs. Elsewhere, Sean and Vicky find whom they've been hunting for, but it may be too late.

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Previously on The Event...

DEVON: We're safe.
These are Thomas' people.

You okay?

Your house is
back there, Leila.

Are you telling me
that I can't Ieave?

We will bring
all our people here
and make this planet our own.

Ifyou aren't with us,
then you're against us.

I'II never go
along with genocide.

I'm sorry, Simon.

I've asked everyone
with White House clearance

to sign the testing agreement.

You should know that
there was one holdout.

Your wife.

And how do you expect me
to find Dempsey
when he's in France?

You just get us there,
and I'II worry about the rest.

My contact tells me
he's taken a place
at the Chateau de Perrault.

Here in the town of Morez.



Run, Sean!


Nice to see you again,
Ms. Roberts.

Why do you care so
much about Walker?

Because every time
I've put
an obstacle in his path,

he has found some
way to surmount it.

Kill her.

What have you got, agent?

No signs of
security in the front

or back entrance
of the building,

other than CCTV cameras.

Listen up!

Local Iaw enforcement
has Iocked down the perimeter,

we're good to go.

Remember, we take them alive.





It's Herbert. They're coming.
They have me surrounded.

Stay calm.

First, send us everything
you have, right now.

Listen to me,
this is important.

They can't know
what you've been working on.

Do you understand?
Sophia, no.

Not a trace.

But Sophia,
I've worked so hard.

Please, I'm so close.

I'm sorry, Herbert.

You know what you have to do.



Herbert Mills,
you're under arrest!

Put your hands
behind your head
and get down on the ground!

Get down on the ground, now!

On the ground!

There isn't
room on this planet

to accommodate our
entire population
of 2.5 billion,

and their safety
is my only priority.

So, we will have to

(SIGHS) affect changes here.

The native population
will be winnowed

We're working on a weapon
to make that happen
quickly and efficiently.

Herbert Mills was close
to finding that weapon,

but the government
found him Iast night,

and then he killed
himself to avoid capture.

But before doing so,
he uploaded
the research that he'd found.


you'II be in
charge of analyzing
the data he sent.

The sooner we find
the weapon and use it,

the sooner our
people will be safe.

I'II get right on it.

If they can find Mills,
they can find any of us.

If that happens,
this whole thing
comes crashing down

along with the
future of our people.

You're right.
I've been thinking
a Iot about that.

We can't move
forward if we have to keep

Iooking over our
shoulders Iike this.

We need to
disrupt the government,
throw it into disarray,

so they stop hunting us.

At Ieast until we
find the weapon.


Cut off the head.

We will take out
President Martinez


There were no
survivors from
our attack

on the two
busloads of

but an analysis of clues
found on their bodies

Ied us to this man,
Herbert Mills.

A ground operation
was Iaunched
to apprehend him.

our agents did
not anticipate

how far he
would go to
avoid capture.

This man was in a Iab.
What was he doing there?

We're not sure.

Before he jumped,
he engaged a
comprehensive protocol

that destroyed most
of the evidence there.
Thank you.

AII we could determine
was that he was
studying ice-core samples.

Ice-core samples?

Do you have any idea why,
or where they were from?

No on both counts,
I'm afraid.

Well, I think it's
safe to assume it has

something to
do with their
overall goal

to bring more of
their own people here.

We can't assume

The game has changed,

With their attack
on the Washington Monument

and our counter strike,
we are now at war with
the non-terrestrials.

Which means,
it's possible Sophia
will go on the offensive.

And if she does,
we need to know

what she's going to
do and be ready for it.

This is a war we must win.

Maybe it's a war we
shouldn't fight alone.

Maybe we should
come clean about

the aliens' existence
to other world Ieaders

and ask for some help.

When I want your opinion,
I'II ask for it.

Mr. President,
I'm only trying to...

Am I understood?

Yes, Mr. President.

I'm sorry to

but Senator
Lewis has asked
to see you.

She says it's urgent.

We're done here.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Lower Ninth,
after Hurricane Katrina.

We went down to
rebuild 14 homes
in 30 days.

The First Lady
Iooks Iovely, as always.

I have five minutes, Senator.

Of course.

The test results of
our blood screenings

for all White House
personnel came back.

Everyone who took the test

came back negative
for non-terrestrial DNA.

Good. Good work.

We can at Ieast rule
out the possibility

of more SIeepers
within our ranks.

Not exactly, Mr. President.

Everyone who took the test
came back negative.

There is still one hold out.

Your wife.

Once again, I'm comfortable
with the First
Lady's decision.

She's taking a moral stand,
I respect that.
And so should you, Senator.

My job,
the job you tasked me with,

has been compromised.
Obstructed even.

And I can't
allow that to happen.

What is that?

I took the Iiberty of
digging a Iittle deeper
into your wife's past.

Family history, records.

You did what?

And there are

There are dates and places
that don't correspond.

You can't be serious.

People that
don't exist.

AII right, stop.

You're suggesting my
wife is one of them.

So, she, what,
she married me
15 years ago,

in hopes that I
would become president
one day,

and then she'd be able
to infiltrate my

Explain to me how any of that
makes any sense.

This woman, Sophia,
is a brilliant strategist.

Maybe early on
they identified you
as promising,

a political up-and-comer.

Once you were together,
didn't Christina

encourage your
political career?

Advise you?
Support, even suggest

your decision to
free Sophia's people...


Listen, it's my wife
you're talking about.

Any attack on her
is an attack on me.

And that is
a fight you will Iose.

Hurricane Katrina
was six years ago,
wasn't it?

Christina hasn't aged a day.

Get out.

Eva, did I
have any calls?

Just your wife,
Mr. Vice President.

How about my schedule
for the rest of the day?

You're wide open.
Except for a
photo op at 3:00.

Photo op?

With the Iocal
fire-fighters' union,

in honor of their
service during the
attacks on the monument.

Vice President Jarvis?

Yes. Who is this?

How did you get this number?

It's not important.
It's Sophia.

Don't bother trying
to trace this call.

The hell I won't try.

PIease, Mr. Vice
President. Don't.

neutralized any intercepts
on your phone.

Are you alone?

I'm asking you, are you alone?

Yes, I'm alone.
Look, what the hell
is this all about?

You expect me
to have
a conversation with you?

You murdered
innocent Americans!

And it broke my
heart to do so.

President Martinez
forced my hand.

If he'd been
willing to negotiate,
no one would have gotten hurt.

believe that.

We will find you
and we will punish you
for what you have done.

Think about it.

It was Martinez's actions,
not my own,
that escalated the conflict,

caused this senseless
and tragic loss of life.

Why are you calling me?

We both know that
if things continue
down this path,

more of your people
will end up dying.

That's a threat.
It's a plea

to avoid more bloodshed.

Which is what will happen
ifMartinez has his way.

Avoid it how?

By the two of us
working together.

I'd Iike to meet
with you in person
to talk about it.

You and me working together?

What exactly are
you talking about?

I'm talking about
making you President.












Come on.




(HUFFING) One, two, three.

Come on. Come back.



Come on.



Impressive, Mr. Walker.

I think it's time
we had a Iittle talk.



Luis! Luis! Help!


did you do?

It was an accident.

I was just trying to cut that
and it just slipped.


Here. Press it
against the wound.

We have a medic.
She can take care
ofyou. AII right?

Come this way.

That should heal
without much of a scar,

but you need to
change your dressings
at Ieast two times a day.


AII done.

Do you think I could
stay here for a bit?

I'm still feeling
a Iittle nauseous.

Of course.


can you talk?

I know my father
is the one who
turned you in,

so I know what
you must think,

but I had
nothing to
do with it.

What do you want?

Why were you gonna
tell the government
where we are?

Because Sophia,
she's bringing all
of our people here.

But in order to do that,
she needs to
make room for them.

It means genocide
for humans, Leila.

Wiping them out.

There's seven billion people
on Earth, that's...

She can't.
That's not possible.

But it's already begun.

I managed to Iook
through Thomas' house.

There were maps
of Siberia,
near Murmansk.

They're Iooking
for some kind of
weapon there.

A woman's name
had been written

on one of the maps.
Irina Bogdanov.

You need to get
word out. We have
to stop her.

They took my cell.
I tried using the phone
at the house, it's dead.

Sophia's Iieutenants.
They have phones.

I want you to
call the authorities.

Anyone you can get a hold of,
you need to warn them.

Go. Get help.


We'II need to
sweep the room.

That won't be


The room
is clear.


I trust you won't
mention this to anyone.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Vice President,
I'm so glad you
agreed to meet.

We have much to discuss.

The only reason why
I'm here is to put
an end to this.

Somehow I suspect
that's not entirely true.

You're a murderer
and a war criminal.

Give me one reason not
to pull this trigger.

If you kill me,
you'II make me
a martyr for my people.

More Americans
will end up dying.

Why should I
believe a word you say?

My people are coming
here in great numbers.

The human population
will have to be
substantially reduced.

We will fight back.

And you will Iose.

You saw the destruction
that we are capable of.

Believe me when I tell you,
that was only the beginning.

Why are you telling me this?

It's regrettable,
but some countries
will have to be destroyed

while others will be allowed
to coexist with us.

I'm offering you the chance
to save your country.

You think we'II just sit back
and allow you to
take over the world?

That is not America.
That is not who we are.

No, no one is
suggesting that
you sit back.

I want you to
take an active role
in the new order.

I have always believed
that through
cooperation and trust,

our people can
Iive together.

Unfortunately, your
president no Ionger
shares this vision.

He is blinded by hatred,
intent on war.

But the tragic fact remains
that Martinez
won't Iisten to reason.

Not from you, not from anyone.

So we are Ieft with a more

permanent solution.


With a more
rational Ieader
in power,

we can negotiate the terms
of our coexistence
without violence.

You are that Ieader,
Mr. Vice President.

You hold the future of America
in your hands.

This is insane.
We will
help you.

It will be


A culmination of
your Iifelong devotion
to this country.

I tried waiting up.
I really did.


I Iove you.

So much.

Me, too.

We barely see
each other anymore,

and the time we
have is fraught.

I am sorry.
I wanna be the man
you fell in Iove with.

No matter how hard times are,
whenever I Iook at you,
EIias, you are.

You really are.

I can picture
us in Belize.


Where I fell in
Iove with you.


Your head was all
in those guidebooks.

(LAUGHS) Meanwhile,
the sights were all
around you.

Yeah, well, I didn't
want to miss anything.

SIide over.

You had
everything all
planned out.

And you were not
having any of it.
That's what I remember of it.

'Cause I didn't care
about seeing the sights.

I'd seen them all
before. I only cared
about being with you.


What do you mean?

About what?

You said you had
seen everything before.

But how could you?
You'd never been
before that trip.

I meant pictures.

It sounded Iike you
had been there before.



You also said, at the time,
that your family was there.

We never saw them.

It was so Iong ago,
I don't remember.

Let's just go
to sleep. It's
getting Iate.

Uh-huh. Okay.

Got it. I'II have
the senator call you
as soon as she's available.

Can I help you?

I'm here to see

The President is here.


If this is
about the other day,
please forgive me.

Sometimes I don't
know when to stop.

Where's the file?

Why? Did something happen?

Where's the file?

How many people
know about this?

Nobody but me.

Let's keep it that way.

Mr. President?

I'm sorry.


BIake, we
need to talk.

Aren't you supposed
to be giving a tour
to someone?

I will not just shut up
and keep my head down.

Not when the future
of our country
hangs in the balance.


The President's
hatred for Sophia
is clouding his judgment.

Is that right?

His refusal to
negotiate with her

will only Iead
to massive death
and destruction.

You honestly expect him
to negotiate with a terrorist

responsible for hundreds
of American casualties?

Hundreds will
turn into millions.

You saw what
they're capable of.

We can't back down

at their first
show of strength.

I shouldn't need
to tell you...

BIake, we will Iose this war.

We will Iose everything.

Compromise, diplomacy,
that's what's needed here.

The President's
relationship with Sophia
is poisoned.

But maybe I can talk to her.


I have diplomatic experience.

Let me see if I can
come up with some
kind of an agreement.

A treaty for coexistence.

You can't be serious.

This country means
everything to me, BIake.

Just give me a chance

to preserve
our nation and
our way of Iife.

I can help, I promise you.

You promise?

You think a promise from you
means anything?

After everything you've done,

you expect to
Iead negotiations
with a non-terrestrial enemy.

Just one more chance,
that's all...

You used your Iast
chance a Iong time ago.

As far as I'm concerned,

you should be in prison.

The President is
Ietting you play out

your term for
appearances only.

No one trusts you.

And no one forgives you.

You have a year
and a half Ieft.

So, please, Raymond,

just shut up and
keep your head down.

Mills used soil
frozen in the ice cores

to help pinpoint the
Iocation of the weapon.

The shifts in
mineral composition

and desiccation
Ied him to focus on

a 1.8 square kilometer region
near the Dolgan Coast.

Thank you, Aaron.

We're close to
finding it.
So close.


Mr. Vice President.

I've thought
about your proposal.


I Iove this country.

I know.
That's why I came to you.

I don't think I could Iive
with myself, knowing I...

I could have prevented
the death of millions.

The end of our nation,

the end of our
civilization as we know it.

I don't see any other way

but to work together.

You made the right decision.
Your people will
thank you one day.

My God,
I pray that you're right.

Follow my instructions
and by this time tomorrow,

you'II be Ieader
of the free world.

Everything okay?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Would you Iike
to come in?

I could really
use a drink.

Yeah, you and me both.

Do you want me to
take your jacket?

Sure. Thanks.

Listen, I'm gonna go
use the bathroom
real quick.

I'II be right back.


911 operator,
what is your emergency?

PIease, you have to help me.

I'm being held by
the people who blew up
the Washington Monument

and they're
planning something else.

Ma'am, just relax and
tell me where you are.

I don't know.

It's a housing development
and there's woods.

That's all I know.

LUIS: Open this damn door!

Ma'am, are you okay?

LUIS: I need my phone back!
PIease, can't you
trace this call?

I've already tried
a location track,

but the GPS on your
phone is deactivated.

You don't understand!
They're going to kill...

LUIS: Open the door!

He's kicking the door down!
PIease, you have to...


Give me the phone, Leila.
Give me the...





Mr. Walker,

I can see in your eyes
how you feel about me,

but you should know
that everything I've done

was with the best
of intentions.

So I could stop
what's about to happen.

He's insane, Sean.
Don't Iisten to him.

The non-terrestrials
have been coming here
for thousands of years.

I am part of a
tribe of sentinels,

who have been
here just as Iong

trying to protect
humanity from them.

Right now,
the biggest
threat we face,

is from a woman that
you know as Sophia.

You're wrong.

She's trying to protect us
from her own people.

She may have been.

But it became clear to us

that eventually she
would dedicate herself
to our extinction.

How could you know that?

Our sentinels

have been around

for more than
three millennia.

We can see the real
tapestry of history,

the Iarger sweeping
events to come.

This tells us
that someone outside

of our group might be
able to stop Sophia.

It seems obvious to me now

that someone is you.

Look at the path
that you've carved

for yourself
since the beginning.

A young man without
resources taking on
the government and myself,

to the point where you've
tracked me way out here.

Managed to save
Ms. Roberts' Iife.

That was
the point where your place
in the tapestry of events

was clear.

What do you say
to that, Mr. Walker?
The truth.

The truth is
you're a monster.

An evil, crazy
old man with enough
money and power

to force everyone to
pay for your delusions.

As Iong as I'm alive,
I'm gonna do whatever
it takes to stop you

and make you
pay for everything
that you've done.

I would expect no Iess.

But I have to move
you away from that now

and on to what
really needs to be done.

I see only one
way to do that.

This man

will give you something that

should be helpful.

It's not clear ifyou'II
be able to stop Sophia,

or how,

but you have the best chance.


My God!

Come on,
we gotta go.

Let's go.

You okay?

Careful, it may be
rigged with a charge.

He had plenty of
opportunity to kill us.

What is it?
I don't know.


I'm just trying to
make everything add up.

Why? What he
told you doesn't
make any sense.

(SCOFFS) I know that,
but it did to him. Otherwise,
why kill himself?

(STUTTERING) Why give us this?

I don't know,
but insane people

never think
they're insane, Sean.

Anything else to
do with Dempsey,

with what he said,
you have to forget it.

There's nothing
else to do here
but get the hell out.


VICKY: Who is that?


Sean, there's so much to say

but I can't right now.

What's going on?

They want to take over.

What? Who?

My father's people.

Even if it means killing
everyone. She's the one
who's responsible

for blowing up
the Washington Monument.

I was there when
she gave the order.

Who are you talking about?


Thomas, her son,

died, and she's trying
to save her people.

They're looking for some kind
of weapon in Siberia,

near a place called Murmansk.

Okay, just tell me
where you are and I can...
I don't know where I am.

Forget about me,
you have to stop her.

I don't know how
much time you have,
but not long.

I also have a woman's name,

Irina Bogdanov.

She may be involved.
I don't know anything else.
I just...





Where did you get this?
Leila, talk to me.

I know what
Sophia is trying to do.

Who did you call?
What did you tell them?

How could you be
a part of this?

I don't know
what kind of damage
you may have just caused,

but if Sophia finds out,
I won't be able
to protect you.


I'm wide awake.

AII I needed
was a better book.

What's wrong?

What's that?

It's a file

on you.

On your family.

I didn't commission it.

Senator Lewis did on her own.

Because I wouldn't
take a blood test?

Because she was suspicious.
Because she had
good reason to be.

You read it?

I couldn't.

I couldn't because I
need you to tell me.

Christina, Iook at me.

Is there something about you
that I need to know?

Tell me.

I can't.

As your husband, as the man

you Iove, tell me.

I wanted to.

From the moment I knew
that we would spend
our Iives together.

I wanted to
tell you, but

the words just
never came.

(STUTTERING) I thought
they would destroy us.


So, every year I
just buried it,
deeper and deeper,

until I thought it
was gone and I was safe.

And we were safe.


My parents are not from Cuba.

Where are they from?

The Dominican.


They're here illegally.

America would have
turned them away.

The Dominicans, the Haitians,

only the Cubans
were getting amnesty,
so my parents Iied.

They forged these documents,
and found their way to Cuba,

and came here on the boats.

so that I could be free.

I'm sorry, EIias.

(SOBBING) I'm so sorry.

What will this do to
you if it comes out?

We'II figure that out.
It's okay.


Everything is okay,
it's done. It's done.

Vice President Jarvis,
this is Dr. Lu.

She's the acupuncturist
you requested.

Dr. Lu, thank you for seeing me
on such short notice.

It's my pleasure
to be of service
to such an important man.

Those Iook sharp.
Very sharp.

But you won't even feel it.
Quick and painless.

And the problem will be
eliminated, for good.

Hey, Jake, give me
a minute to get dressed.

WOMAN: Good morning.


Jarvis has it.

Will he use it?

He's naive enough to think
he can save his country,

but once we have our weapon,
nothing can.


Let's go! Let's get
it out of the ground!


To the right!

Good morning,
Mr. Vice President.

Good morning.

I guess I'm
a Iittle early.

Only by a few
minutes. Can I get
you some coffee?

No, thanks. I'II help myself.

Do you have any more
of those croissants
you had yesterday?

I'II get those
right away.

Thank you.


Good morning,
Mr. President.

ELIAS: AII right.
Let's deal with any
issues on the hill first.

Let's get that
out of the way.