The Deep (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 19 - The Proteus Factor - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

What is it?

Our least-favourite

attention-seeking showman,

Devil Daniels.


Behold, loyal viewers!

My underwater drone camera

recently discovered an ancient

Viking shipwreck!

Laden with Treasure!

A good day to be Devil Daniels!


Monster Hunter,

Man of Action!



Man of Annoyance.

It's hidden deep within

the hydrothermal vents

in the North Atlantic,

known as Loki's Castle.

But only I know exactly where!

The local government have wisely

entrusted me, "Devil Daniels",

with the task

of raising the treasure.

Devil Daniels?!

Trusted with something priceless

and fragile?!

That's pretty much the worst

idea ever.

Time to call the monster hunter.

Ah! William Nekton!

Mister Daniels.

We'd like to help you raise

that Viking treasure.


And why would a charismatic,

solo-adventurer like me

need help?

Because we have experience

with this sort of delicate


And... how do I put this?

We're worried you'll turn

an incredible,

ancient ship into little broken

pieces of ancient ship.

Ugh, do they call me

"Devil Daniels the clumsy?"

No - I'm "Devil Daniels

Treasure Hunter".

At least I am this week.

Daniels, look out!

Is that a threat, Fontaine?


( muffled grunts )

( gasps )


Mad Madeline!

That's right!

And there's nothin'

you can do

'cause us pirates is smarter

than you!


My fish is smarter than you!

Why, you little...

( straining )

Forget about that treasure,


It belongs to Captain

Hammerhead now.

( evil laughter )

My family are explorers.

We have been for generations.

While others look up

to the stars...

...we know there are an

infinite number of things

that shine in the darkness


There are things lurking

in the seas

that long ago

vanished into myth.

My family are explorers.

And we explore...


We won't stand by...

...while you kidnap someone.


This ain't about the treasure?

You want Devil Daniels?

( muffled pleas )

Um... have you met him?

People are more important than


Even Daniels.


Now that's funny!


Excuse me - I got plunder to...

well, you know... plunder.

Can we track the Dark Orca?


Their sonar evasion technology

is too effective.

Well, we may not know exactly

where the treasure is,

but we do know it's somewhere

within Loki's Castle.

Setting a course there now.

Uh, Mister Hammerhead,

excuse me.

Look, if this isn't going to be

about me rescuing the treasure

perhaps we could focus on

the antagonistic relationship

between you

and the Nektons.


"Man of Action" brings arch

enemies face-to-face

in mammoth, underwater


Get him out of here!

I've already got me own plans

for the Nektons!

Get that treasure now!

And load it up quick if you want

to earn your one percent share!

Loki's Castle covers

a large area.

We could be searching

for days.

Can we track those traces

of diesel fuel

the Dark Orca's always leaking?

Analyzing the water outside...




and Alkylbenzines -

all the elements found

in Diesel!

Follow that trail!


A single piece of treasure

gets left behind -

so do you!


( alarm wailing )

Heads up Captain...

...The Aronnax is on its way.


They're doing just

what we want them to do.

Everyone clear on the plan?

You board the Orca

and grab Daniels.

I return him to the Aronnax.

I disable the Orca's propellers

to hold it

until the authorities arrive.

And I'll sit here piloting just

because it's Fontaine's "turn"

to have fun.

We're not "having fun", Ant.

We're on a mission.

The most fun mission ever.


Not helping, Fontaine.

( straining )

Hey! Guys?!

I'm trapped!


( straining )


Release Kaiko now!


I'm coming, dad!

Looks like you'll need

my help after all.

Auto-pilot on.

( evil laugh )

Welcome aboard.

( evil laugh )

For a job like this, you'll need

the Mag Knight.

( straining )

Danny Boy -- hail Finn,

and give us eyes in

the Orca Moon-pool.

Hmm, you don't look

so smart.

( straining )

I'm coming mum!

At least I've got a good

vantage point on the treasure.


Ooohhhh, well done Nektons.

You opened a door.

Um, guys...

Hammerhead's on the Aronnax.

( All ): He's what?!

Get off our ship Hammerhead!

Oh, I don't think so

Miss Nek-ton.

In fact, I think it could use

a new name.

Is calling it "The Hammerhead"

too modest?

I like it, Captain.

Sounds strong.

We'll show you strong,


Ant. Will.

( straining )

What in the blazes

are they doing?

Nektons! Get off my Dark Orca!

Your Dark Orca?

Not anymore.

Finn -- call the guards!

Aye-aye Captain!

( laughs )

Stop right there!

Finn -- we got the Nektons.


Captain, the guards say

they've apprehended the--

What the...?

( distant screams )

Back off!

I'll defend my home to... the point where

I'm clearly outnumbered.

Ah, Fontaine.

( chuckles )

My favorite Nekton.

( sighs )

Where'd you put my crew?

The brig.

We don't have a brig.

A dark, dirty room

with no windows

that smelled of old,

dead things...?

Ah. That's the kitchen.

Where's Devil Daniels?

I don't know.

Probably somewhere

he can't be heard.

He got pretty annoying

pretty quickly.

Yeah. He does that.

Don't worry.

I'll find him.


Loose wire.

It does that.

Ant -- I need to figure out

how to work this heap.

See if there's a manual.

Is this the end

of Devil Daniels?

Imprisoned without

a glimmer of hope.

When suddenly,

a daring rescue by

my favorite Nekton.

Ugh, I can un-rescue you just

as easily if you keep talking.


What do you think

you're doing?

Surrender now and we may decide

to leave your precious home

in one piece.

That treasure doesn't belong

to you,

or your pirates, Hammerhead.

You think you're gonna' take

me treasure away?!

Do I have to remind you about

your treasure, Nekton?

I know you keep something

rare and valuable in your safe,

and soon it'll be mine.

Do you wanna' play

the hard way?

Let's play the hard way!!!

Will, what if Hammerhead

gets his hands

on the Chronicle of the Deep?

I've upgraded

the security system.

Nobody could get

into that safe.

( laughs )

Watch and learn fish!

There's no safe in the world

that Mad Madeline can't crack!



there's no safe in the world

that Mad Madeline can't crack...

Hmm, maybe I don't have

to crack it.

Maybe I can get them

to open it for me.

All I need is a bargaining chip.

Come here you!




We need to find an advantage.

I've already found one.

What's that?

A list of every type of torpedo

on board!

Find something that won't damage

our home.

I already have!

It's called...

The Gooper.


We're under attack!

The Gooper?

Th-those scoundrels!

Danny Boy, return fire!

Returning fire, captain!


umm... Captain?

This sub's got nothing.

No torpedoes, no lasers,

no well-trained sharks.


But how do they take

whatever they want

and destroy anyone

in their path?

Maybe they don't.

But... with our weapons,

they can now.

( gasps )




"Gooped" them again.

( laughs )

Attention, everyone!

Your Director is here!

Devil Daniels discovers

ancient treasure,

gets captured by a horde

of ruthless pirates,

escapes imprisonment,

and arrives just in time to save

the day!

All we need is... An explosion!


What torpedo was that?!

Agh! The Squid-Inker!

( gasps )

( sighs )

You give rescuing people

a bad name.

We'll be as good as blind

in that cloud.

We are not losing our home.

Look at you.

Completely oblivious

to the fact

that you're about

to be captured.

Who's the smartest one now?

The human, that's who.

I don't want to leave the Orca

and that treasure behind.

( gasps )

Stop now!






Sorry, Captain.

The reverse thrusters on the

Orca never worked that well!

Ugh, or at all.


Stop, stop, stop!

This thing...doesn't stop!



Are these leaks normal?!


...a bit worse than normal?

You have to admit...

...this is a great cliffhanger!

Do you have a welding gun?!


What do you use

when there's a leak?!

Is anyone else worried that

the pirates could get away?

Not much excitement

without our adversaries.





( grunt )

What were you thinking?

I was just thinking we needed

to up the stakes.

When we get out of here,

you are going to answer

for this!

Answer for what?

My only crime is my commitment

to great entertainment.

Perfect, because this will be

very entertaining.

Y-you can't do this!

I'm the director!

You're deluded.

Ha-ha! This is perfect.

Danny Boy, force

the Dark Orca down,

towards the lava.

( gasps )

Our crew are still on board!

And Finn!

Finn loves the heat!

I'm not going to fry them.

Just make 'em uncomfortable

enough to surrender!

Oh Nektons!

The Orca might be colder and

steelier than you're used to.

I thought you might appreciate

a little bit of heat!



what are you doing?!

This is crazy!


When you've got treasure,

you're eccentric!

Call me when you're ready

to surrender.

Will, we have to get free

of these cables.

I'm on it.

I'll cut through them

with the Knight.

Ant, come with me to open

the Orca Moon-pool.

Did you think someone

just left food in your tank?


Come out fish.

Mad Madeline's

got food for you.

You like food, don't you?


Not so smart now, fish!

Madeline, come to the bridge.

It won't be long now

before we get to see

the Nektons surrender.

Time to cut us loose!

Open the Moon-pool, Ant.


Oh, no you don't, Nekton.

Guards! Get out there

and stop him!



Ohh! What's wrong?

You don't have internal

cooling systems in your suits?

Ohh! Ahh!



What? What are you doing?

Get out there and stop him!

We can't!

It's too hot, Captain!


We're clear!

Mum. Dad.

I have a plan to get us back

on the Aronnax.


Those lousy, resourceful,


I want our ship and

our treasure back now!

I think I can help with that.

Their fish.

They wouldn't give up a whole

submarine and treasure

for a fish would they?

I don't know, Captain.

They're so good natured.

I can't relate to them at all.



We were just about to call you,


It's over.

We have your fish.



You thought he was so smart,

but I outsmarted him.

Let him go!

Um... no.

Th-that's not how this works.

You surrender and then

you get your fish back.

Ugh, if you hurt him,



You'll what?

W-why have you stopped talking?

( laughs )





Humiliated by a fish.

Hah-hah, told you he was smarter

than you.

Now. let's talk about what

you care about, Hammerhead.

You said this was over.

Oh, it is.


Why would we surrender

to you?

Because, if you don't,

we destroy the treasure.

Hah, the Nektons would never-

( gasps )

You're- you're bluffing.

You might sacrifice one coin on

a bluff but you'd never-


Nektons! Stop this madness!

Ant. Hammerhead isn't agreeing

to our demands.

Feel free to continue

this madness.

Goodbye, precious treasure.


All crew. Get out there!

Don't let them destroy

my treasure!

Alone and friendless

once more -

apart from thousands of internet

followers -

C'mon! We're leaving.

I was just in the middle

of a pathetic

but somewhat touching monologue.

Mind if I finish up?


Don't let it fall

into that lava!


They're getting away!

It's okay.

Danny Boy has got 'em covered.

I take it they left you

to guard?

Ummm... yeah.


Why don't you go guard

something else.

Ummm... yeah.

( scared panting )

And so, Devil Daniels...

...frees himself,

and the Nektons,

from the Pirate horde.

How exciting was that?!

We know about the treasure.

We would never destroy

historic artifacts.

That treasure was all fake,

planted by you to make your show

more exciting.

Hnnh, balderdash!

Fake Ducats!

Fake Pieces of Eight!

They're not even from the right

time period!

Ugh, boo-hoo.

So what?

It's classic drama!

But you can't prove

any of this.

Heh, I'm too smart to ever

be caught!

Maybe we can get your loyal

viewers to weigh in on that.

We caught all that

on Fish-Cam!

( sighs )

Making a phony documentary

about a phony treasure is fraud,

Devil Daniels!

So we're delivering a phony

treasure hunter

to the authorities!

Now that's...

...a happy ending!


The smell of home!


I've re-claimed the Orca

and I've rescued enough

Viking treasure

to buy ten of those

fancy subs!


Um... actually, you don't.


You're not going to like this,


( gasps )
