The Deep (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 11 - Monster Hunter - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's a giant monster!

Ant -

"If you call something

a monster...?"

"...It becomes a monster".

You're right.

It's some sort of awesome



I've never seen anything

like it.

And it's already

all over the internet.

Look! It's famous!

And since I discovered it,

I'm calling it...



You mean everyone on

the internet can see this?


I set up all our underwater

location cameras to live stream

and maybe next year,

in 3-D!

Ant, what's the prime

directive of our mission?

To protect all life

in the sea.

You don't think maybe

you've violated it?


Your video has had 1.2 million

hits so far.

And that's not even

the worst part.

There are two types of people:

the hunter and the hunted.

Now, thanks to a post from...

...Ant Nekton, we've been

warned of a huge,

ravenous, monster

threatening our shores.

It's time for you to choose

a side!

I've made my choice.

My name is Devil Daniels

and I hunt monsters.

Uh oh.

My family are explorers.

We have been for generations.

While others look up

to the stars...

...we know there are an infinite

number of things

that shine in the darkness


There are things lurking

in the seas

that long ago vanished

into myth.

My family are explorers.

And we explore...


Name me any savage beast

from any of the seven seas...

and chances are I've looked it

in the eye.

Is this guy for real?

I have no idea.

You haven't seen any of his

tacky shows?

"Devil Daniels versus Jaws"

"Devil Daniels head-butts

a Barracuda"

"Devil Daniels-Fairy Penguins"

Fluffy, cute, deadly.


I have a broad,

general knowledge.

Is that bad?

Thanks to celebrity blogger

'Ant Nekton',

I tracked this beast,

but it proved a formidable


Its razor sharp claws

almost took my favourite leg!

Instead, the monster took

a chunk of my boat!

But it won't happen again.

In the next 48 hours,

I will catch it...

Maybe he's going to take it

to a conservation park?

...and mount it in

my trophy room.


Not if we get there first.

There's the camera.


No sign of the creature.

No sign of the Creature

Hunter either.

There's definitely

nothing here...



The monster-footage

has four million hits.

But look at the bright side...

There's a bright side?

If Devil Daniels had captured

that creature,

it would be all over the Net

by now.


So we can still save it.

No pressure.


We covered around

ten square nautical miles --

and no sign of the creature.

Maybe Devil Daniels

won't find it either?

Don't count on it.


It's been three hours.

Are you still mad at me?

When I say "mad" -

I'm assuming more...


"Mad" is accurate.


Every day more unusual

and prehistoric creatures

are appearing in our oceans.

Why is that?

I don't know.

But we can't afford to have

them exposed to the world

until people are ready.


I'm really sorry Dad.


I know.

This big guy is a real mystery,


You like him, huh?

That's good enough for me.

As your best friend,

I believe you're an excellent

judge of character.

Uh, uh, the monster came

and destroyed everything!

It was huge!

Like a...

like a huge...


But much huger!

It smashed me boat

into tiny little pieces!

What we wants ta know is -

who is looking out for us?!!

Ahh, simple, humble,


Did he call us 'simple'...?

The latest victims of a cruel

and vicious attack

by an untamed monster

from the deep.

Oh no...

These people need

a champion.

A hero.

I believe one man can make

a difference.

And I humbly offer myself

as that hero.

I doubt this guy has ever done

anything 'humbly'.

That doesn't seem to matter

to people.

He's got over six million


We can't help it if people

believe everything they see

on the internet.


I don't.

You joined a forum discussing

invisible time travelers.

They exist!

They're the ones who hide

my socks

and then put them back where

I just looked!



Do you see your monster?

Not really.


Shaky cameras.

Cheesy dramatic music.

Strange edits that cut away

before we see

any of the creature.

Daniels just uses these things

to sell more Devil Daniels

T-Shirts, caps,

and action figures.

He has action figures?!

Why don't we have

action figures?

Ant. Focus.

I'm thinking, if he can use

viral videos to scare people...

Why can't we?!

Okay - going "live"

in three - two - one -


Hi, we're the Nektons coming

to you live from the Aronnax

with an important message.



Uh, some of you may

have seen footage

of an unidentified creature-

Perhaps called Ant-zilla!

It's not called Ant-zilla.

I streamed the footage

by mistake

and now some people want to hurt

this innocent creature.


Uh, we just want to say that

hunting is not the answer.

All sea creatures

deserve protection.


Did I mess up the last line?

Do you want us to do

another take?


this is live.

Oh, oh!

It's too easy to expect

the worst.

Most ocean creatures

are more afraid of us,

than we are of...




Grab whatever you can!

[grunting and yelling]

Ugh, okay - let me get

us stable again.


Don't look so happy,


I'm gonna have to talk to

you about stranger-danger...

[low roar]



Activate the shields...

No, wait!

Come back!


Uh oh...

this is still going out live.

Terrifying LIVE scenes as

the famous Nekton family

were attacked by a

bloodthirsty sea monster...

seconds after telling the world

it was harmless.

Is no-one safe?


no, not really.


I heard it has acid for blood

and fangs inside its gills!

What have we learned?

Don't do a live-to-air video.


That's the obvious one.


Set the sonar to warn us

before an imminent collision.


We need more handles.

When we tip.

We need more things

to hold onto.

There are dents and scrapes

- but the hull looks sound.


small crack.

You know, maybe

we've also learnt

that this creature is erratic

and unpredictable.

It's dangerous.

It's not dangerous.

It did attack us, Ant.


Just because the creature

hit us,

doesn't mean it

was attacking us.

We're supposed to protect

all creatures.

People are creatures too,


This creature is acting

very odd.

See? Jeffrey agrees with me.

He likes the creature.

I'm sure the creature

would like Jeffrey too.

A nice light snack.

It wasn't attacking us.

I-It was trying to tell me


"Have you seen my

extra-extra-large contact lens?"

I think it's...



That sneaky monster hunter!

I don't see talons anywhere.

Or even arms!


Me neither.

There are no scratch marks

on the Aronnax.

And he said it had claws!


I told you he was up

to something.

What's that?

There's something shiny

near the...

I need you back inside.

The creature's been

sighted again!

The sea monster

has just been spotted

returning to tiny,

defenseless Tweed Island.

And I am in transit.

Uh, save us Devil Daniels!


Monster Hunter!

Monster Hunter!

He has action figures?

Why don't we have

action figures?

Will. Focus.

People of Tweed Island.

The day of reckoning

has arrived.

I offer nothing but my toil,

sweat, tears

and a promise...

Oh, here we go.

Cue the dramatic music.

I shall fight it

on the beaches,

I shall fight it on the seas

and oceans.

I shall defend your island

and never surrender!

That's it.

Let's go!

Hello viewers.

A question here from

"Monster hater eight,

eight, six"

who asks: "Hunting: Is

it more preparation or luck?"

Excellent question.

I would say it's all about

good preparation.

Which is, of course, another way

of saying I make my own luck.


Thar she blows!!

Oh no...

We're not gonna make it.

Almost too easy.

Come on...come ON...

Say goodbye, Monster.



A plot twist.


How dare you!

I'll head him off.







Devil Daniels--

We need to talk.

Did he just run and hide?


Some 'champion'.

Excuse me.

Mr Daniels?



Don't say "Excuse me."


Stop apologizing.

Take charge!

Kick down my door!

[exasperated sigh]

...must I do everything myself?

Huh, I guess it's true,

the camera really does

add ten pounds.

[American accent] Just

look at you, Nektons!


Ideal adversaries!

We have the bookish giant.

Excuse me?

The fiery conservationist.


The skeptical teen.

I don't know about that.

And, finally, the excitable,

impulsive, non-stop child.


I have a fast metabolism.

Ho-ho, you guys

are perfect casting

for the villains of my story.



Not quite villainous enough

for modern audiences.

So how about we re-shoot

your entrance, huh?

Mr Daniels, we need to talk-

Be more "aggressive"

for the camera!

Hey, hey, if kicking the

door down doesn't work for you,

we can workshop

something else...?

If you just stop talking

for a second, I can-

Oh, lightbulb moment!

You drive a jet-ski

through the window!!

We are not going to be

a part of your ridiculous video!

Yeeeaaah, that's what

I'm talking about!

Work that anger!

Call off your hunt. Now!

Uh, let me think

for a second.

Ah -


I am the most downloaded sea

adventurer on the planet.

I can't let down my fans.

Sometimes I care too much.

A true sea adventurer is

a guardian of the deep,

not a hunter.

"Guardian of the deep"!

Oh, that's great!

Very marketable!

You own

that catchphrase?

So either the monster

has these things for hands -

which would be totally cool

- or I'd say you were

lying about

how dangerous

this creature is.

Okay, so I exaggerate a tad.

The damage to those

fishing boats?

Old footage.

Great editing though.

And the fishermen?

Paid extras.

And paid way too much for those

lackluster performances.

So, you shoot, edit,

and broadcast everything

by yourself.

Ambitious little monster

hunter aren't you?

Okay, let's see what else

isn't real.

Listen, I give people

what they want,

danger and drama!

Cue the monster!


C'mon big guy,

we're not the enemy...

It's okay, we'll help you.

[British accent]

Farewell, my valiant foes!




He's taking the rover!

Not if I can help it!




He's coming for you!

Ugh, come on.

Come on!

Ha ha!

I love this machine!

Net launcher

verses monster!

And we'll be right back

for the thrilling climax.

[British accent]

And now

it's my net-launcher

against your colossal bulk!

Time for the Final Act

you magnificent,

but sadly doomed, beast!

[pained wail]

What is that thing...?

I can't let this happen!

I've got a plan but

you'll really hate it.

That's normal.


We're going nowhere,

the intake valve is flooded.

Hold on tight.

Hit it!

Hang on!

Ahh, ahhhh.


It's too dangerous!

How else can I get to him

in time?

It's a foolproof plan!

I'm thinking there could be

holes in the plan.

Personal opinion.

Have you got the slightest

idea what you're doing?

Technically? No.

Here - you're the pilot.

Dad let me show you something.


Eugh, sorry!


Note to self.

Swimming: good.

Flying: bad.


What's that?

More video from

a few days ago.

He kept this quiet.

[pained whine]

I knew that shiny thing

wasn't natural....

Daniels attacked

the creature,

not the other way around.

Ant was right.

The creature was

never dangerous-

Daniels just makes

it dangerous.

What? Please repeat.

I said it wasn't dangerous.

No, the first sentence.


"Ant was right".

Please repeat!

Ant! Listen up.

Daniels is electro-shocking

the creature.

What? How?

A device in its skin!

Activated by his bracelet.

Ant, can you hear me?!

Can't talk, have to take

a deep breath.

What? Why...?

I'm coming big guy!

It's a giant sea horse.

Innocent boy in a world

of trouble.

His only hope - Devil Daniels,

Guardian of the Deep!

[pained whine]

Ohhh no you don't.


Surely it's only a matter of

time before the beast prevails.

The boy's eyes plead...

"Save me Devil!"

But now at last...

the end-game!





Uh oh.



[muffled scream]

This is still going out live

and it's getting

a bit too real.

[muffled yelling]

[muffled yelling]

It saved him?

Huh, even I wouldn't

do that.

Well, maybe I would,

but I'd sure have

to think about it.






See? That's why we need

action figures.


I-i-it saved him!

After he tried to make

a trophy out of it!

I love that monster!

[American accent]

As I've always said...

[British accent] ...this

magnificent giant sea-horse

must be protected.

So vote to "save" on

my on-line petition.

This is Devil Daniels -

Guardian of the Deep.

He stole my catchphrase!

Oh well, at least

that's all he got.

Are we there yet?

Not for a few more hours.

It's a long way to the most

remote spot I know.

You think he'll be happy

way out there?

Will there be any

cameras around?

No way.

He'll be happy.

You'll see when we get there.

Or...maybe...I could

keep him?

Forget it.