The Curse of Oak Island: Drilling Down (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 3 - The Truth Behind the Curse - full transcript

If there's a curse on Oak Island, where does it come from? Some believe that there's a power at play that's fighting against the discovery of the Oak Island treasure. Others believe that dislodging the 90ft stone unleashed the curse.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
For 223 years now,

people have been searching
for an incredible treasure

on Oak Island.

- So far...
- Sinking can, making hole.

They've found
several compelling clues...

That looks like something.

Stop! There's a wall here!

Such as traces of gold...

There's lots of gold there.

- This would be considered actual treasure.
- Yeah.

It's another bobby-dazzler!

Semiprecious gemstones...

This is not your ordinary gem.


It does have some grain to it.

Human bones...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

And even a 700-year-old cross

with potential connections

to the Knights Templar.

But even with all these clues...

It appears to be Roman.

No way!

The treasure
has remained elusive.

And six men
have died violent deaths

trying to find it.

It all makes people wonder

Could there really be
something otherworldly

safeguarding this
as yet undiscovered fortune?

Well, over the next hour,

we're going to drill down
into the unknown

and explore the most mysterious,


and outright terrifying events

that have unfolded
over the past two centuries.

Is there a curse

of Oak Island?

We're about to find out.

Even before the tales
of buried treasure

put Oak Island on the map,

this tiny 140-acre plot of land
in the North Atlantic

had a reputation for being
a strange and eerie place.

There's been, stories
of the curse of Oak Island,

going way back,

even before 1795.

People talked about seeing

spooky lights there at night.

And, of course, people figured

the island was cursed.

According to legend,

it was those spooky lights

that drew teenager Daniel
McGinnis and his two friends,

John Smith and Anthony Vaughan,
to explore.

Oak Island
on that fateful day in 1795,

the day which led to
the discovery of the Money Pit.

And ever since then,

the legends
of what could be hidden below

and what might be protecting it

have only seemed to grow.

I think any time you have
stories of buried treasure,

you have a curse attached to it.

There's a number
of reasons for that.

(A) It builds up the legend,
it builds up the importance,

but it also sometimes
is told by other people

to frighten
other treasure seekers off.

If you can frighten
somebody so badly

that they're not going to dig
in the same place

that you're digging,
then that's a good thing.

Is the curse of Oak Island

simply a centuries-old ruse
perpetuated by

treasure hunters
to scare off their competition?

Or could there really be
a supernatural presence

protecting something
of extraordinary value?

Any serious discussion
of a curse on Oak Island

should come from a grounded,
practical place

of healthy skepticism.

That's why my first stop
is at the war room

and with brothers
Rick and Marty Lagina.

- Matty Blake! Good.
- Marty, how are you?

- Welcome back to Oak Island.
- How you doing?

It's great to be back.

Always love being here
with you guys.

I love being in the war room.

This time, I'm investigating

this supposed curse
of Oak Island.

And I'm talking to a lot
of people, but I want to start

with you two and get
your thoughts on this.

I mean, what do you know
about the origins

of this supposed curse?

I think Rick
is your source for that.

I have no idea where

- that came from.
- I think the-the curse,

the so-called curse,
is an amalgamation among

the 200 years of search.

I mean, early, early on,

the story of the two fishermen
coming across.

They're intrigued by the
strange lights on Oak Island,

and then they're
never heard from again.

The island looms large
to the people that go there

or have spent any time there,

because it's a very...

kind of eerie place.

There's a lot of fog
right in that area,

which was, I'm sure, great
for whatever was buried there

and to be buried there,

but there's also an eeriness
that you feel.

Anybody that goes on that
island says the same thing.

It's just weird.

A lot of people,
the locals, you know,

felt that the island was evil.

They felt that it was cursed...

and that they had seen
strange lights and fires

burning day and night.

I was 17
when the Restall tragedy

happened on-on Oak Island.

As you know,
seven are supposed to die

before they find the treasure.

Six have died so far.

I do look at the Laginas, who
are digging on the island now,

and I think, "Well, if it's
supposed to be seven deaths",

you guys better be
really careful there."

Marty, you have such
a rational mind.

As-as you do, too. But where do
you wrestle with that line

between rationality and
"I can't explain this stuff"?

I think we all have two brains,
don't we?

We've got this sort of
intellectual brain, you know,

that we analyze things with.

And we've got the old
reptilian one back in there,

right, that's scared of things.

I mean, I don't believe
in any of that stuff.

I don't believe in the curse.

I don't believe in any of it.

I don't believe in the curse.

I don't believe in demons

and ghosts and all of that.

But I have been spooked
out here before.

You know, the-the sort of...

back office gets scar...
Gets scared once in a while,

- you know? Scary stuff happens,
- Primal fear.

And all of a sudden
you're nervous and your...

you know,
your skin is crawling and...

- What was that story?
- I don't remember how it started, but I think it...

I think it was kind of,
like, a brotherly dare.

I was always saying,
"What's the deal

"with people getting spooked
out here? Come on.

- "This is... this is baloney."
- Right.

And he said,
"Why don't you go out there

and try it for yourself?"

So, we drive out to 10-X,

and it's dark as can be.
And it gets

sort of, like...

misty out here, too, you know?

Lot of fog and stuff,
you know. It's a spoo...

A spooky place at night.

He walked off, and I'm kind of
sitting there, thinking,

"Well, this is silly."
And I got out of the car.

And I'm kind of leaning
against the car.

It's pitch-black.
And all of a sudden,

I heard the nastiest scream

you've ever heard in your life.

I mean, a bloodcurdling scream.

Scared the bejibbers out of me.

I jumped back in the car,
and I took off.

And-and I almost ran him over
coming back.

It was a scary, you know, "hair
on the back of your neck," - Yeah.

- What was that? Yeah.
- Yeah.

If I were gonna try
and make a court case and prove

that there is a curse
on Oak Island

or that there is
paranormal, strange activity

going on here, let's talk
about some of the "evidence"

that you could point to.

Everything seems to go wrong
here, you know?

And so I think then people, "... ".

See, how often have you said
it's the curse,

it's the curse, you know?

You know,
is that scientific? No.

Look out! Go!

Hold that!

Come on, baby,

you can do it.


How's it going?


Somebody got hurt.

And then there's other people's

- fear of whatever on this island.
- Yeah.

There's Fred Nolan.

Wait, Fred Nolan
was scared of something?

Fred never spent a n...
A night on the island,

- ever.
- Get out.

A surveyor by profession,

Fred Nolan spent
more than 50 years

searching the surface
of Oak Island

for what he thought
were critical clues

that could help
solve the mystery.

Among his most important finds

were six megalithic boulders

that form a giant,
perfectly symmetrical cross

near the center of the island,

which many believe
is an indication

that the treasure
is a priceless religious one.

But could Nolan's Cross
also be an indication

that a supernatural presence

protects whatever lies
buried below?

Fred Nolan
might have thought so.

He absolutely believed that

the ravens or crows were

the disembodied spirits
of the slaves

- that had done the work on the island.
- Wow.

But he was never,
ever gonna spend the night.

Fred always left at dusk.

So, anything paranormal,
I am not dismissive of.

Some things happen here
that are unexplainable.

I'll tell you
who you should talk to.

You should go talk
to David Blankenship,

because he's gone from being

a complete nonbeliever
in anything

sort of paranormal to...

pretty much convinced.
You should talk to him.

- That's exactly what I'm looking for.
- Yeah.

- Thanks, Marty. Thanks, Rick.
- Thank you, Matty.

- Now, don't go leaving me anywhere.
- Thank you.

On the island, okay?

Coming up,
Dave Blankenship tells me

about the chilling event
that has made him wonder

if the curse of Oak Island
is real.

If I had to put my money down
on the one person

who would dismiss the idea
of a curse on Oak Island,

it would be
my old pal Dave Blankenship.

But, from what I hear,

I'd lose my money,
because, believe it or not,

Dave might just be convinced
that the curse is real.

- David!
- Matty Blake!

- How are you, buddy?
- Great. And you?

Good. Good to see you
again, man.

A pleasure.
What are you doing back?

Well, I was just talking
to Rick and Marty.

- Yeah?
- And we were talking about some

of the more strange things that
have happened on the island,

and then they said
I should come see you

- and talk to you about it.
- There's all kinds

of strange things
that's happened here.

Yeah, there is.
I mean, I remember

from day one,
working on the show,

people would tell me,

if something strange
is gonna happen,

if something's gonna break,
or some weird thing

is gonna happen,
it's gonna happen on Oak Island.

I never believed that,
but when you see a new machine

come on here
and blow the motor up...

Yeah. -...Need to
rebuild the motor, and...

Especially near the swamp.

The cameras won't work.

Equipment don't work.

But it's just weird.

Now, I seem to remember

you telling me early on,
when we first met,

about some sort of black mass.

Well, my wife has seen it,
I've seen it,

and a couple of others
have seen it.

So this black mass,

- what does it do, float...?
- It just floats across the...

- Wow.
- And it comes towards us.

- You can feel it coming around you.
- Wow.

A number of people
in recent years,

including Dave Blankenship,

have reported seeing
a black, cloud-like form

in the area near Borehole 10-X.

It seemed to appear
out of nowhere

and was seen moving
between the trees until,

just as quickly, it disappeared.

Witnesses have also described
a sudden drop in temperature

during these
mystifying encounters.

What's going through your mind
when you see a...

- a floating black mass?
- It's weird. It's something.

It's weird. I've never seen...

and I don't believe
in the paranormal.

- Well...
- And I don't believe in ghosts.

Well, but how would you
explain something like that?

I can't. That's just...
that's the weird part.

I can't explain it,
but it is there.

Before you came to this island,
I'm guessing you would think

- stuff like this is nonsense, right?
- Right.

- I mean, do you believe in this curse?
- I'm not really sure

I believe in the curse.

They say that seven have to die.

But we can't find out
where the saying came from.

Like many things on Oak Island,

the origin
of the infamous curse,

which states that seven must
die in search of the treasure

before the treasure
can be found,

is something of a mystery.

It seems the tale
may have entered

the public's imagination
with a 1967 article

in True magazine
in which the author quotes

an unnamed local woman
as his source.

But was the so-called curse
simply a story

concocted to impress
a visiting journalist?

Or is it something very real?

I mean, there are six
have died on the island.

And we've talked about
in the past,

- your dad almost was the seventh.
- Yeah, yeah.

- And you helped save him.
- Yeah, yeah.

I stopped him from being
the seventh one.

In 1976,

Dan Blankenship was suspended
on a cable harness

while working
more than 100 feet deep

in the borehole
that he drilled known as 10-X.

On that fateful day,
the narrow shaft

suddenly began to collapse
above where Dan was working.

Jumping into action,

Dan's son Dave
quickly got to the controls

and raised Dan
out of the hole just in time.

I pulled him up
in about 35 seconds,

and the whole thing
collapsed on him.

Another incident that made
Dave Blankenship wonder

if the stories of
an Oak Island curse were real

was the time
he and others on Dan's team

believed that Oak Island was
about to be engulfed by flames.

Well, one of Dad's partners

called Dad and said
"The island's on fire."

- The island's on fire?
- On fire, yeah.

Sure enough, there's
about a ten-, 15-foot fireball

over the water,
and it slowly moved onto shore

right at Triton Shaft, where
we were working at at the time.

And had you ever seen anything
like this before in your life?

I've never seen anything
like that. Nope.

But it was like the sun.

- Wow.
- Flames shooting out of it.

See, it was a fireball,
and it... Real fire.

This is incredible. What could
it... what could it have been?

I don't know. But it's one

of the weird things
that has happened on the island.

Could you take me
to where it actually happened,

- like, where you saw it? I want to see...
- Sure.

- The scale of it and the sco...
- Yeah, no problem. Yep.

I mean, 'cause, Dave,
I know you,

and if you say you saw
something, you saw something.

It was definitely real.

All right,
let's go check it out.

As we come upon the swamp here,

we were also talking
about how much equipment

won't work on Oak Island.

Right in here is
when it doesn't work.

It's really amazing.

All right, and this is Triton

- down here, right?
- Right. Right here, yep.


let's go down here and see
what happened that night.

What year was this?

- Early '70s.
- Early '70s. Okay.

So you had not been here
for very long.

- Nope.
- Right down here?

Yep. You came in a little
ways from the road.

Yep. To see if there was
anything burning.

All right, so, you had a line
on it from the mainland.

- Mainland.
- You see it coming

right over here
across the water.

- Yep.
- You know where it's gonna enter.

- Yep.
- So you get in your truck, you race over to the island.

- How long do you think it took?
- Two minutes, maybe.

So two minutes. In that
approximately two minutes,

- this huge...
- Had completely disappeared.


- Yep.
- And no trace of it?

- No burns?
- There was no burn mark, no nothing.

That, I can't explain.

Because I've seen it,
and there are

two other people
that can confirm it.

And... nothing.

You just saw a...

ten-or 15-foot fireball

Are you spooked at all?

- No. No.
- Like, what are you thinking?

- What's going through your mind?
- I don't know what to think.

I mean, you see it, then you get
over here and there's nothing.

Then you start
doubting yourself,

did you see it or not?

So many weird things have
happened right around this area.

We've got black masses,
and now a fireball.

And didn't Dan Henskee have
a really,

- spooky experience right around here?
- The way I can put it

- is he became possessed.
- Right over here?


In the early 1970s,
Dan Henskee came to Oak Island

and began working
for Dan Blankenship.

He helped him dig,
and later widen,

the 10-X shaft to nearly
eight feet in diameter

using hollowed-out railway cars.

But on a dark day in 1973,

simply terrifying occurred.

I don't actually know
if what's happened to me

on Oak Island was real
or imaginary.

It was quite strange.

It involved what appeared to be

possession by a spirit
of someone long dead.

I thought that the spirit
of a dead priest

had entered my body

and that the priest
had his throat cut.

I do remember falling down

and feeling
that I was experiencing

the death of this person.

There is this
long-standing legend

about pirates killing somebody
in such a way

that the spirit
of the dead person

would guard
the treasure forever.

Could there be any basis in fact

for such a bizarre story?

During season three
of The Curse of Oak Island,

underwater visualization
experts Brian Abbott

and Nick Burchill
showed Marty and Rick

scanning sonar data taken
from the bottom of 10-X.

It suggested
that Dan Henskee's fears

that the island is haunted
by the restless spirit

of a murdered priest
might be more than justified.

- Where are you going with this, Brian?
- Yeah, I know.

You know where
I'm going with this.

- You're saying that...
- I'm saying

this is a body
laying across here.

- Really?
- Yeah. There's an object

down there that
looks like human remains.

You know, Dave,
I can't help but think

that with all this
unexplained stuff going on here,

it might be helpful
to bring out an expert,

someone who knows
about this stuff, to help us

- try and explain it.
- I'd like to find out

what the hell's
happening here myself.

All right, you know what,

I think I know some people who
understand this type of stuff,

- or at least try to investigate.
- Get ahold... bring 'em out.

- Let's find the boogeyman.
- All right.

I don't know if I want
to find the boogeyman.

When we come back, I'm going
to drill down on true stories

of reported ghosts,
red-eyed devil dogs,

and even a tragedy...

that nearly scared
one treasure-hunting company

off the island.

We've now heard from the Laginas

and members of their team
about the strange things

they've experienced
on Oak Island.

But looking back
over the past two centuries,

those eerie tales
only scratch the surface.

There have been
all kinds of stories

about the dog with fiery eyes.

And, people have told me stories

of their father
or their grandfather

wandering across the island
and seeing this dog.

Although all kinds
of wildlife inhabits

the deep woods
on and around Oak Island,

the multiple reports
of this creature

with fiery, glowing eyes
is beyond unsettling.

Many people swear

that it's this huge dog
with these glowing,

red eyes,
a very ominous-looking dog

that seems to be...

protecting something here
on Oak Island.

Some of the children of...

of early settlers had visions
or experiences

that really spooked
their parents and spooked them.

Ghost stories and visions and...

paranormal experiences
have been part

of Oak Island forever.

In 1940,
a young girl named Peggy Adams,

the daughter
of island caretaker Jack Adams,

saw what she claimed
were the ghosts

of 18th-century British soldiers

lurking ominously
around Smith's Cove.

She was four years old
at the time,

and her father was
basically the caretaker

on... on the island

in the late '30s, early '40s.

And at some point, she's out on
the eastern end of the island,

and she sees these men
in red coats,

and she runs back
and she tells her father.

Were these visions
simply the figment

of a child's imagination?

Or might they be connected
to numerous discoveries

that Rick, Marty
and their team have made?

Artifacts, like uniform buttons,

musket balls...

and even coins that indicate

that members
of the British military

were on Oak Island at some time
during the 18th century.

Six people have been killed

looking for the treasure,

that, people believe this
island is cursed,

that if you get a little
too close to the truth,

to the treasure,
your life was in danger.

The first notion
that an actual curse

was protecting whatever lies
buried on Oak Island

began on March 26, 1897.

It was on that day
that Maynard Kaiser,

who had spent the day working
deep in a shaft

in the Money Pit area,
decided to ride back up

to the surface in a
pulley-rigged bucket.

But just before he reached
the top,

the rope inexplicably snapped...

causing the 47-year-old
treasure hunter

to fall more than 100 feet
to his death.

Kaiser's fellow crew members

were so frightened,

they refused to come back
to work.

People in the treasure hunt

got the idea that this was...
Island was cursed,

that the treasure was cursed.

I mean, entire crews quit.

A number of the crew said
that they had visions

or dreams of something
and they all quit.

But of all the chilling
tales told about Oak Island,

perhaps the most frightening

comes from former treasure
hunter Jimmy Keiser.

Jimmy was a member
of Robert Restall's crew

in the 1960s, and later worked

for both Robert Dunfield
and Dan Blankenship.

But in late 1965, while working

as a night watchman on the
island, something happened

that changed Jimmy Keiser's
life forever.

He'd been out here about
a couple of nights when,

he abruptly abandoned the island
and went home.

And his family, who knew him
only as the guy who, like,

never feared anything,
real super tough guy,

fearsome bar fighter,

everybody was afraid of him
in this whole area.

And they didn't know
what had happened

until finally he told his wife

that he'd been laying
in the bunk

in what had been
the Restall's shed.

And, suddenly was awoken
by this creature,

like a man covered with
black hair, with red eyes,

right on top of him,
holding him down,

telling him leave now
and never come back.

So he, woke up the next day
after going back to sleep,

he found that there were bruises
all over his body

and there was one in particular

where it had four fingers
over his hand

and the thumb had left
an imprint.

You know, pretty scary stuff.

He refused to ever set foot
on Oak Island again.

This particular event, I think,

from all accounts,

really affected him
for the rest of his life.

Tragic, bizarre accidents...

ghostly apparitions...

and terrifying encounters
with otherworldly beings.

Are the legends about
a deadly curse really true?

Or could there be
a scientific explanation

for such chilling stories?

Don't go anywhere,
because when we come back,

I'm putting the island
to the test

to see what dark secrets
we can reveal.

With its history of
supernatural encounters,

Oak Island has become a magnet
for paranormal investigators.

Six years ago,

members of the Chester Area
Paranormal Society

requested permission to study
and record mysterious energies

that seemed to be concentrated
in the vicinity

of the island's
triangle-shaped swamp.

That is an indication

that there's something here

trying to communicate with us.

Although the data they
collected was inconclusive,

it convinced Rick,
Marty and the team

that further research in this
area should be conducted.

Today I've arranged

for an expert in the field
of supernatural phenomena

to visit the island and help me

try to figure out what's
actually going on here.

- Hey, Matty.
- Brian.

- Good to finally meet you.
- Good to meet you in person.

Born and raised
in New York City,

Brian Cano is
a paranormal researcher

and lecturer with more
than 15 years

of experience under his belt.

I think you're the right guy
for the job.

We've got weird things happening
here on the island.

They've been happening
for a long time.

And it's great to have a
parapsychologist on the island.

What's your expertise
that you can bring

to bear here on the island?

I brought some gear and gadgets
that we can use.

Essentially, what we're going
to try to do

is tag the phenomena by using
thermal infrared,

we're gonna do some
electronic voice phenomena.

There's no bias when it comes
to a device, it just measures.

It beeps, it gives us
some information

to help us measure
and isolate this activity.

Fantastic. So there are some
areas on the island that,

I think, if anywhere had some
residual energy

left behind,
it would be up here.

- Want to check it out?
- Okay. Let's do it.

- All right, let's go.
- All right. Cool, man.

So the first hotspot
I want to take you to

is what many believe
to be man-made swamp.

And if you just pull over
right here,

this is a perfect spot.

Now, people believe everything
can be buried in here

from a pirate ship
to the Ark of the Covenant.

A lot of history here.

They've drained it; Usually,
this is filled with water.

Very hard to access.

Typically, what we do in
an investigation

is take baseline readings.

So I've got my handy-dandy
Mel meter here.

This particular gadget is what
I call the Swiss Army knife

of gear because there's a lot of
functionality built into it.

A Mel meter is a device

that measures
both temperature and EMFs,

or electromagnetic frequencies,
in an environment.

Should any kind of temperature
changes or disturbances

in the normal electrical fields
of the environment occur,

the Mel meter should be able
to record it.

Many ghost hunters believe that
at the moment of death,

a person's electromagnetic
energy becomes embedded

in the environment around it,
and that this invisible force

can be detected
with the right equipment.

So right now,
we're at a zero variance.


68.5 Fahrenheit.


- We just... Did you just see?
- All right.

- That went to a two.
- I saw it moved to 2.0.

So why,
in the swamp was there two?

It's getting slight variances.

We can actually get closer to
the swamp right through here.

There's planks
they've laid down.

Hopefully we can measure

All right..

Couple of little variances
here and there.

We, want to do an EVP session?

Sure, I would love to.

or electronic voice phenomena,

refers to disembodied
spoken words,

or brief statements that, while
not audible to the naked ear,

have been documented
by recording devices.

EVPs have been reported
by parapsychologists

to be the voices of spirits
of the deceased connected

to that particular place
or environment.

To test this phenomenon
on Oak Island,

Brian and I will ask questions

while operating voice recorders.

Once we collect data
at numerous points

around the island,
we can process the files,

and play them back to see what
we might have captured.

And hit record.


Okay, first EVP session,
we're here at the swamp.

It's Matty and Brian,

and we just want to say hello
to whoever is with us.

Just go ahead
and ask a question.

Is there a ship buried
in the swamp?

Are you angry that we're
searching in the swamp?

Should we stay out of the swamp?

Although we heard nothing
in the moment,

there's a possibility

that something
may have been recorded

during our session at
the Oak Island swamp.

But as weird and eerie
as the swamp is,

the next location on our list
really has me anxious.

It's a place where numerous
people, including Marty Lagina,

claim to have had some very
chilling experiences.

So we're coming up on an area

that might be
the heaviest traffic

in terms of paranormal,

- unexplained activity.
- Okay.

To my right is 10-X.

Also, this is where people are
seeing that black mass,

- even at night.
- Okay. I'm feeling it here.

Okay. You know the drill,
my friend.

Think I got it by now.

All right.

And recording.

We're here just up from 10-X,

and we're looking to find out

any information about
the black mass.

Were you chained down
the bottom of 10-X?

Were you murdered?

What's your name?

Could you make a noise
so we know it's you?


All right,
I'm a little freaked out.

I want to get out of here,
let's get back to the car.

I want to take you to where

this whole treasure hunt
started, the Money Pit.

- Sounds great.
- All right.

You're on hallowed
Oak Island ground right here,

and all this you're seeing
is just an effort

to try to locate
that original Money Pit.

But I should tell you,
as far as you're concerned,

there has been loss
of life here.

What do you make of that?

Last year,

Rick, Marty
and the Oak Island team

two bone fragment remains...

- It's bone.
- It's bone.

That were
scientifically verified

to be from two different
17th-century individuals,

one from Europe, and the other
from the Middle East.

Let's get right
to the EVP session.

- Let's-let's build on this.
- All right, let's do it.

And... we're go.

Take it away.

We would love
to make contact with you

if you are down here.

Do you have any more information
about what's down there now?

Are you the person
whose remains we found

of Middle Eastern descent?

Do you have any messages
for anyone?

What do you want us to do?

What the was that?

What do you want us to do?

What the was that?

I don't know what's going on
right now at the Money Pit,

but parapsychologist Brian Cano
and I may have just gotten

our first in the moment
response from Oak Island

while investigating
for paranormal activity.

That scared...
the blank out of me.

My God. That sounded like
it came from down there, man.

That did not... Right? I mean,
that didn't sound like...

Matty, you've been
officially initiated

into the world
of paranormal investigating.

- Man.
- You have arrived.


It was deep and down there.

Thank you for doing this,
but I would love

to cap this right now, okay?

- Okay.
- Whatever it is there, I think we want to...

Keep down there.

- Yeah, for now.
- All right.

Now that we have
completed our investigation

and night has fallen
on Oak Island...

Okay, this is what we call

evidence review.

Brian Cano and I
are now going to listen

to our recordings
in the research center.

I'm nervous.

I don't know why,
but I'm nervous.

All right.
We're gonna be listening

for things
that aren't our voices.

What we're listening for

are those voices that are
just below or just above.

Something that is either
an answer to us

or just a-a phrase from nowhere,

where you might listen to this
and go, "Did you say that?"

'Cause I know I didn't say it."

- Okay.
- We're listening for those disembodied voices.

- Okay. Okay.
- And that's what EVPs are.

Okay, first EVP session.
We're here at the swamp.

Go ahead and ask a question.

Is there a ship

buried in the swamp?

Try this.

- What did you hear?
- I definitely heard a noise,

but I-I dismissed it
thinking it was just us.

Sometimes, you know,
when I do this, I hear chatter.

Chatter, like, just like...

- Okay. Okay.
- I hear, like, a background noise.

- Okay.
- I don't always flag it because it's..

It's not present
in the forefront,

but a lot of times
they do chat...

I'm glad
you're hearing that, too.

- Okay.
- You're-you're open.

- Yeah, yeah.
- You're open.

All right,
EVP session number two.

We're here just up from 10-X.

And we're looking to find out

any information
about the black mass.

What's your name?

- Yeah.
- That's-that's me asking if you heard something

- or you asking me, I think. I hope.
- No.

- No, no, 'cause other than the-the...
- I hope.

- With the chills.
- I said I got the chills.

Neither of us whispered,

- 'cause I made it a point.
- Hold on.

I think I know what I heard.

- Okay.
- I'm not gonna say it

- until you hear it so we don't...
- Okay, okay, okay.

Do you know who Marty is?

Okay, what did you ask before?

- About being chained to the thing?
- Yeah? Yeah, yeah?

I hear "chain them."

- Don't say that.
- "Chain them."

Hold on.

Do you know who...

- Chain them.
- Chain them. Chain them.

There's a lot more syllables
in "did you hear something"

- than-than "chain them."
- Hold on. One more time.

Do you know who Marty is?

Yeah. For my money,

it's "chain them"
or "change them" or...

It sounds like "chain them."

Who would say that?

Well, Dan believes
one of the images he saw...

And that's why I specifically
asked, "Were you murdered"

or were you chained
down there"... he thought he saw

the end of a chain around a post

- and then near where that body was, where he...
- That's why...

So his theory was maybe someone

was chained down there
either as a punishment

or a slave left behind
or something or a curse.

So maybe if this person
is saying "chain them,"

this is an echo of that thing,

which is why it's connected
to a black mass,

- which everyone feels is negative.
- Aw, man. Yeah.

No, I'm being very careful,
you know,

to not leap to conclusions.

And there's other things that
I'm not sure what they were,

but they definitely sound
like human voices.

And it wasn't us, again.

- Absolutely.
- And that bang.

- I just don't know how you can explain that bang.
- The bang.

- That's beautiful.
- There would have to be something

way down deep that slammed
into the side of the...

What the was that?

There's a documented history

of-of spirit rapping,
spirit tappings.

And usually it's just,
like, a little...

- you know, a knock on the door.
- Okay.

This, we gave them
the perfect sound chamber to...

to give a-a rapping.

I hope I get a chance
to play this for the brothers

before I leave the island
this time,

because I'd love to hear
what they hear.

I got to tell you, just,
you know, in-in talking to you

leading up to coming
to the island,

I wasn't sure
what was gonna happen.

I wasn't sure
what we were gonna experience,

but I'm amazed.

Brian, thank you so much.

Thanks for having me, man.

Wow. That was intense.

When we come back,
I'll meet with the two guys

who have risked everything
to solve the Oak Island mystery,

Rick and Marty Lagina.

After my night of investigating

possible paranormal activity
on Oak Island,

I'm sitting down one last time

with brothers Rick
and Marty Lagina.

I'm eagedence

we've collected so far.

So, I've done a lot of research
into this curse.

I talked to Dave, for example,

about his experiences
with that fireball.

We've talked
about the black mass

and all the strange anomalies
on the island.

I also got together
with a fellow named Brian Cano,

who is an expert
in these matters.

And he tries to apply
scientific methods to trying

to find proof
of some of these anomalies.

Let's dive right in.
And, I won't...

I won't bias the material.

Real quick, I want to ask you
if you know what an EVP is.

Have you ever heard
that term? Okay.

It basically stands for
"electronic voice phenomena."

And you'll hear the
investigators ask a question,

and in real time,
nobody hears anything.

When you go back and play it,
you hear voices.

Disembodied voices.

So, this happened
at the Money Pit area.

And I'm just gonna play
the video for you

and get your reactions.
Here we go.

What do you want us to do?

What the was that?

What do you want us to do?
Go away?

Stop asking questions? I mean,
clearly it startled you.

It absolutely, you know, in a
real sense startled you, right?

- No question.
- You heard that.

- You just said you heard it downhole. Really?
- Downhole.

So I ask you guys...
You work in these holes,

you've been doing this
for over ten years...

Is there anything
besides a rock falling,

which clearly didn't happen,
that could bang deep?

It was under the surface
of the water,

because we didn't see
anything ripple.

I mean, what could happen
that could bang

the side of that caisson
like that?

It could be
any number of things.

Could be subsidence
outside the can.

- Yeah. From outside the can?
- Expansion.

Expansion, contraction.

You know,
the thing's sitting there.

It's getting cold.
It's getting warm. Boing!

- Understood. Okay.
- Yeah.

Um, well, to that end,
let me play you something else.

This was recorded
up by the 10-X area.

What you're gonna hear
is me ask a question.

Then there'll be some silence,
and I want to see

if you guys hear anything.
Here we go.

What's your name?

Did you hear anything?

I heard something, but I...

I'll give it to you again.

What's your name?

It sounded like "Jason."

- It sounded like "Jason."
- You-you hear "Jason"?

- I hear "Jason."
- Yeah. Yeah, I...

- Both of you?
- I do, too.

I hear it, but, I mean,

- I don't know what to make of that.
- It's interesting

that you both heard "Jason."

What Brian heard
was "chain them."

Chain them. Chain them.

But I hear "Jason."

I don't know what
to make of that.

I mean, I'll tell you what
I'd be willing to do.

I'd be willing to take that...
What is that...

Tape or disc or whatever it is
and give it to an audiologist

and have them tell me
what that is.

All right, so,
we had some other hits, too.

All that's being analyzed.
I'll let you know

- if something pops up that's interesting.
- Okay, great.

That would be...
that would be great.

Where do you guys stand
on this notion of a curse now?

The only thing I see here

that you could
call this place cursed

is what it has done to lives

in the last 225 years.

Yeah. So, call that a
curse if you want.


maybe there's something to that.
I don't know.

But I am willing to accept

that there are a lot of things
I can't explain.

- Rick?
- I don't know about the curse,

but I-I take a bit
of an exception to that

because it has not ruined
everyone's life.

The intrigue that is Oak Island
has impacted young minds

to the point where it stimulates
their interest in science,

in archaeology
and in mathematics.

I mean, that's a real plus.

That's a real positive.

So be there a curse or not,
I don't... I don't know.

There's certainly a chance here
to do positive things.

- Yeah, no question about that.
- And that's a good thing.

I certainly agree with that.

If there is a curse,
I think you guys

have far outweighed
whatever that might be.

- We have beaten the curse.
- Yeah.

- In that sense, you have, Marty.
- All right, fine.

You know what?
I'm willing to accept that.

Certainly the positive
has outweighed the negative,

- as you just said.
- No doubt.

Well, with your permission,
I'll keep trying

to dig around in this area.

- I think it's great.
- Thanks, guys.

- You're always fun, Matty.
- Thank you, Marty.

- Thank you, Rick. All right.
- Take care, Matty.

It's getting dark.
I'm getting creeped out.

Let's get out of here.

You've heard the stories,

and you've seen the evidence.

But is Oak Island really haunted

by a centuries-old curse,

and if it is,
can that curse ever be broken?

Let's just say
I don't want to be stuck

on this island late at night...

At least, not without a really
good ghost hunter by my side.

In fact, it's getting dark
out here right now,

so if you'll excu...

What was that?

I'm getting out of here.
Good night.

- Next time on.
- The Curse of Oak Island...

We'll find it.
Should be in this area.

- Start recording.
- We're recording. That thing might be man-made.

It almost looks like an anchor.

We're gonna find out,

how old these bits of paper are.

Is that red dye? It does seem to
have something printed on it.

This is from a medieval book.

See how
the ground's gone? It's caving.

This is very dangerous place.

The whole Money Pit
could collapse.

- Whoa, baby.
- Be careful.

- Geez.
- Look out!

No, no!

- Rick!
- No!