The Big O (1999–2003): Season 2, Episode 2 - Negotiations with the Dead - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This city, Paradigm City,
is a city of Amnesia.

One day 40 years ago,
every human and every robot here...

...lost all memory of events
prior to that day.

But just like nightmares, Memories can
appear when you least expect them.

What on earth
are you wearing?

I was helping Norman with
his repair work on Big O.

I appreciate that, but it's
not really necessary for you... come up here looking like that
to play the piano to wake me up.

It's a tradition.

Traditions are important,
R. Dorothy.

But they mustn't govern
a person's actions.

Traditions and rules
are different.

For instance, I myself like to sleep
into the afternoon from time to--



I think you have a visitor.

A visitor?

Norman can't see
to it right now.

I'll go check.

Listen, Dorothy!

I have a rule about letting
people into this mansion!

I know.

Roger's Rule states that only women may be
let into this mansion without my permission.

Rules are rules.

R. Dorothy obeyed
the rules, all right.

Now, then.
Mrs. Fitzgerald, was it?

How may I be
of service to you?

Call me Kelly, Roger Smith,
Paradigm City's top Negotiator.

Naturally, the job I'd like you
to do is a negotiation.

Before you go into any details, might
I first ask who I'll be negotiating with?

An assassin.

My husband, Roscoe Fitzgerald,
is a member of the senate.

His friends were assassinated
one after another.

Why can't the old men
who tried to bring order... Paradigm City
40 years ago get any peace?

Probably because the members
of the senate are hiding something.

Some Memory from
prior to 40 years ago.

There are those who
think that, at any rate.

However, the assassin has already
been dealt with by the Military Police.

Roscoe was killed after that.

J-Just a moment!

Isn't your request for me to protect
your husband from an assassin?

That's right.

This way.

Allow me to introduce you.
Roger Smith, this is my husband.


Welcome to the Study of
the Dead, Mr. Negotiator.

I had heard that
you were dead.

Yes. Or to be more precise, the
alter egos of us senators are dead.

I beg your pardon?

Those youngsters were killed
in cold blood one by one.

Yes, I'm familiar
with the incident.

Why do you suppose
they were killed?

I'd heard that each had told
the people around them...

...that they had recovered
memories of 40 years ago.

Isn't it terrible?

Youngsters barely in
their 20s couldn't possibly...

...have memories
from 40 years ago.

Naturally, those weren't
their own memories.

So what you're telling me
is that the memories...

...those murdered young people
belonged to you senators.

Do you suppose there's some value
to our rusty old memories'?

Who could be so fixated on Memories
that we ourselves were unable to revive?

The assassin who killed those people
is no longer in Paradigm City.

R.D. ..


However rusty they may be,
your Memories belong to you.

It's only natural that you
should cherish them.

Thank you, Kelly.

We've both had to endure a lot
over the years, haven't we?


I know that the assassin
was an android.

But did this android awaken
on her own and act on her own?

If that's the case,
we'll never know the truth.

But if someone awakened
the android...

I'll have to find the person
I'll be negotiating with, won't I?

R.D. ..

An android that looked like
R. Dorothy, and was able to kill.

It's pretty unusual for you to bring
a woman here with you, Negotiator.

This is why I didn't want
to bring you along.

Look, Dorothy, could
you wait in the car?

There are some things
that I want to learn, too.

So, what do you want
to know, Negotiator?

The city has been
pretty quiet recently.

This isn't about
anything recent.

Was that android built recently?
Or was it--

It may be that 40 years ago, androids
that looked just like humans...

...were nothing unusual and they lived
ordinary lives right alongside humans.

But there probably isn't anyone
in Paradigm City now...

...who could build
something like that.

Aside from that man
who died a while ago.

The man who constructed Dorothy
as well as her Megadeus alter ego.

No one will ever know why
Wayneright had enough Memories... construct an android
and a Megadeus.

But I should have
been more suspicious...

...of why R.D.
looked like Dorothy.

I'm terribly sorry,
Master Roger.

I lost track of time
while working on Big O.

That's all right.
How is he?

Repairs are complete.

Incidentally, what shall
I do about dinner?

I'm sorry, it looks like
I won't be back until late.

Is that so, sir?

So, this is the house
where you were born...

Not me.

This is where the Dorothy Wayneright
I was modeled after was born, Roger.

Feeling nostalgic, Dorothy?

I'm grateful to Dr. Wayneright
for designing me... that I wouldn't have
emotions like that.


This is a scientist's apartment?

This entire floor is encased
in 1-inch thick copper plating.

What for?

I don't know.
He didn't tell me.

But it's obvious that Dr. Wayneright
was afraid of something.

It doesn't look like it's been all
that long since some kind soul...

...cleaned these
rooms spotless.

So, this is where she was born...



Ro... ger...

Looks like another
one's woken up.

Who's there?!

Isn't it about time you reconsidered
your "no guns" policy, Negotiator?


Part of Wayneright's legacy, huh?

So, did you forget
something here?

Don't get the wrong idea.
Wayneright's patron was--

Someone from where you're from.
A place other than Paradigm City.

Is that what you
were going to say?

I'm a human being.

No matter where I was born
or where I am now,

I act of my own free will.

You're free, in other words.

Could you get me down
from here one of these days?

Sorry, Dorothy.
I forgot all about you.

You really are a louse,
Roger Smith.

Is that safe, Dorothy?



Now running through the list of senators
and young people with identical Memories.

Aside from one pair, everyone
possessing the same Memories... the assassinated
senators has been killed.

You're saying that the person with Roscoe
Fitzgerald's Memories is still alive?!

There was never anyone sharing
Roscoe Fitzgerald's Memories.

Why is Roscoe the exception?



Because Roscoe Fitzgerald
never lost his Memories.

What are you saying?!

Master Roger, it seems that
a Megadeus has appeared... the Upper East Side Dome.

Roscoe Fitzgerald!

The Megadeus has entered
the Upper East Side Dome!

Damn it, where did
this one come from?


It looks like the Negotiator you found
for me has done his job just fine.

Thank you, Kelly.

Why bring out
a Megadeus now?

Because you learned that Roscoe
Fitzgerald doesn't have an alter ego.

Or more to the point, because someone
else found that out at the same time.

And you suspect me, do you?
That's not very nice of you.

If you have proof to the contrary,
I'd like to see it.

Who do you think values Wayneright's legacy
more than anyone else, Roger Smith?

What did you say?

Aren't you going to call that big
alter ego of yours, Roger?

Michaelson! Fire!
Force it back into the river!


What the--?

Is that the only thing
that stands a chance?

We can't get the
job done ourselves?

Big O! Action!

You've always hidden
your Memories,

and you wanted to let someone
know that you had them.

Good evening, ladies.

Why now? Why would you
do something like that?

I don't understand.

I'm the same as you,
but I still don't understand.

What does she mean,
she's the same as you?

Our bodies last longer
than those of humans,

but we get our share of aches
and pains when we grow old.

You're an android...

So, you're another one
of Wayneright's creations?

I feel sorry for you!

And those who are using you
as their tool will pay for it!

Count on it!

Human or robot, everyone wants
to protect their Memories.

Even if your body dies.

Is that something a robot
itself would hope for?

Memories are eternal.

Or is that a fantasy that robots
shouldn't indulge in, Roger Smith?

Please, accept the truth.
That is your payment, Negotiator.

Get down!

You bastard...!

What a joke!

Does Paradigm City's Negotiator
only have android clients?

Alan Gabriel...

Who is he?!



Shoot him, Colonel!

Now I see you for what
you really are, little tabby.