The Big O (1999–2003): Season 1, Episode 3 - Electric City - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

R. Dorothy Wayneright.

What's the big idea?

The scrambled eggs Norman
made for you will get cold.

You stayed in bed fifteen
minutes later than usual.

And that makes it okay
to wake me up like this?!

Okay, now I get it.
You're just mimicking us.

That's why you seem so unnatural.

Could you be more specific?

Now matter how "human" your piano
playing is, you're just imitating us.

That's why your playing can't
make people feel good.

An alarm bell never
makes you feel good.

That's not--

This has been happening quite
a lot recently, hasn't it?

I'll switch us over to
our private generator.

Please, continue eating.

Would you stop that?!

Oh, my! How convenient!

Norman! What's the power situation?

I'm sorry, sir, but you have a guest.

You let in a guest?
Without my permission?

Yes, sir.

I see.

I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
I'm Roger Smith.

How may I be of service, Miss--

Casey Jenkins.

I'm on contract with Power Management
to oversee investigations.

So, you're with the Paradigm Group.

There have certainly been a lot of
outages, haven't there, Miss Casey?

Do you know where we get
our electricity from?

So, how may I help you?

I was hired to see that a hydroelectric
powerplant that's remained unused…

…was brought back online.

It's only natural to ask yourself,
"Why a Negotiator?"

The residents of the Electric City, the
decayed town where the plant is located,

are apparently obstructing the power
company that's redeveloping the area.

Why did I take this job?

Normally, I'd never take a job from
Paradigm, the business that rules this city.

Electric supply deficiencies...
Let Paradigm worry about it.

It's not like they care if there's a steady
supply of electricity outside the domes.

Then, why...?

I'm well aware of your reputation,
Roger the Negotiator.

Where's the power plant?

Over there, huh?

Whoever chained this up...

...sure must hate electricity, huh?

I don 't know if "Electric City"
was always the name of this place,

but it's ironic, that's for sure.

What's the matter?

Doesn't anybody here understand me?

Call us primitives if you like.

"God will rain down His
lightning of wrath"?

I'm no atheist, but I'm not
so naive as to believe...

…there's a god here who gets
angry when electricity is used.

There's no evidence that the tunnels
leading there have been destroyed.

It's connected underground…!

Oh, man...

If I'd have known it'd be like this,
I would've brought Dorothy along.

She could've made herself
useful by lighting up the path.

This is it, huh?

It's not my style to carry a gun.

I'm not too fond of being
slugged from behind, either.

You sure like to sleep in.

I can't wake up unless someone's
playing the blues on the piano.

I can't see why Paradigm
hired a loafer like you.

I may be a loafer, but I'm not so
impolite as to not help my elders.

Plus, I don't work for Paradigm.

My scrambled eggs are pretty good.

By the way, why don't you live
with the others down in town?

That's none of your concern.

I've failed in my
job as a negotiator.

I ask purely out of curiosity.

Please, dig in.

What's this?

This isn't an ordinary facility...

I didn't touch anything!

D-Did somebody connect the power?

Old man! The power, it's--

Somebody started the turbines!

You had friends here, didn't you?!

I came here alone. I'm not
working with anyone.

This guy's good

I have to stop the turbines!

If I don't hurry, something
terrible will happen!

Please, leave this to me.

Whoever did this is a professional.

You were a professional scientist.
You should understand.

Jobs should be left to
the professionals, right?

I've seen those curves before.

You were just using me,
weren't you, Miss Casey?

Not bad, Mr. Negotiator.

Thanks to you, I was able
to find a wonderful route.

I thought I told you I don't
take jobs from unfair clients.

You accomplished what
I wanted you to do.

And then some.

So you aren't with Power
Management, Miss--

Call me Angel.

A fallen one, I see.

The wrath of God...

It's too dangerous to stay here!

But why?! All I did was
reactivate the turbines!

Where'd the old man go?

Who? What old man?

Damn...! He started up the turbines?

God is...

What is that?! Nobody said
anything about this!

That lab... That giant tank...

W-What is that?


This is none of my business!

My job is done!

Hey! It's dangerous down there!

I have a car!

Talk about your fallen angels...

Big O!

As you instructed,
I shipped it over last night.

It should arrive in 15 seconds.

Thanks, Norman.

If you live through this,
let's get together sometime.

What a--

Oh, no!

Big O! Showtime!


My car!

A Megadeus!

What's that black giant?

Now I know why a little dam like this
was so important to the power supply!

You must be a manmade god.

Rest in peace!


All right, then!

If I fire my Chromebuster now, I'd--

Damn! What's that old
man doing out there?!

Old man!

Now I get it!
He's shutting it down!


T-This is the city's true form,
just like the legends said...

It really was a god...!

I left the area after first
destroying the power plant… that it could
never be reactivated.

That was my way of
concluding negotiations...

…with the old man who
created that monster.

A manmade god that
gives off electricity...

It was unfortunate that Sven
Maurisky, that old scientist,

had the Memories that created
that artificial life form.

It looks like Paradigm retrieved
a sample from that monster,

but I doubt they'll ever
try to create another.

How many times do I have to tell you
that it's pointless to just imitate us?!

Anyway, how come you're
playing the blues?

Even I sometimes feel
like playing them.


If you say so.