The Assets (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - What's Done Is Done - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on The Assets...

A KGB colonel
defected today in Rome.

There is a mole in the CIA!

Howard fits the
profile of the traitor.

Everything's gonna be great, Rosario.

Just great.

Why did you re-defect to the Soviet Union?

I was abducted

by agents of Central Intelligence Agency.

The agency has
suffered too many losses.

I'm inaugurating a task force.

I'm bringing in one officer

to investigate how we lost these people.




Jeanne Vertefeuille here to see O'Neill.

- Oh, thank you.
- Jeanne.

Hello, Aldrich.

You're back.

Yes, I'm back.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to bag an elephant.

Hey, who's that?

Jeanne Vertefeuille.

She's the officer O'Neill
called back from Africa.


Okay, so, what's her title?

Deputy Chief of Bitch.

This footage came to us

through West German Intelligence.

Our asset, G.T. Fitness,

was abducted off the streets two weeks ago.

A source at the BND says that he was...

executed yesterday.

Another asset compromised,

which brings me to Jeanne Vertefeuille.

No one knows the ins and outs

of counterintelligence like Jeanne does.

She will run this investigation.

What? What investigation?

What... to our asset losses?

Yes, exactly.

Uh, uh, I... I thought we determined that

that was Howard, right?

Edward Lee Howard was fired 14 months ago.

G.T. Fitness was recruited
13 months and 7 days ago.

Howard could not have
known about that asset...

therefore, the problem remains.



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Did you want to stay in America?

N... no.

No. Of course not.

Come now, Vitaly.

What is it?

I am ashamed...

ashamed of what I did.

It was wrong...

running away.


This is a confusing game
we play, men like you and I.

And occasionally, yes,
we lose our bearings.

But what is important

is that you found your
way back on your own.

Yes. Yes.

In Moscow, you will
receive a hero's welcome...

an honor guard, a motorcade.

There is talk of Order of the Red Star.

I don't know what to say.

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Do you know Valery Martynov?

The o... officer here in the embassy?


I thought he could help you out,

be your assistant, pack
your things, you know?


Y... yes.

It's a good idea.


No, and I cannot believe...

I'm right next door.


I wanted to introduce you

to one of our new officers, Louisa Tilton.

Nice to meet you.

Uh, we've missed you around here.

Yes, you have. Things have really slipped.

Well, I don't know about that.

I do know. They have.


You got home pretty late last night.

I stopped at the bar.

You shouldn't drink so much, Rick.

I worry about you.



Would you ever think about...

going back home, you know what I mean?

To... to Colombia.

You're kidding me, right?


How much do you think it would cost to...

you know, retire there?

Well, it's pretty cheap
down there, you know?

Something you want to tell me?


No. No.

I'm just, um...

I'm just fantasizing.


About Colombia.


About someplace where we
could be happy together.

A million bucks.

Excuse me?

To retire to Colombia... comfortably.

A million dollars.


- Is John Sr. there?
- No.

No, I'm sorry. Wrong number.

I'll be back late tonight.

I received your note.

You've been killing everyone I gave you.

And what did you think

was going to happen, huh?

What I didn't think would happen

is that your people
would trap Gennady Varenik

like an animal!

And what should we have done

to your G.T. Fitness, huh...

give him a harsh talking-to?

Dock his pay?

Let me explain what you have done.

You've hung a sign above the CIA saying,

"Mole here. Hunt him down."

Well, the hunt has begun.

They've brought in someone,

a woman named Jeanne Vertefeuille.

How well do you know
her, this Vertefeuille?

No one really knows her.

She's a loner.

Does she suspect you?

She suspects everybody.

Probably suspects her own mother.

And can she link you to Varenik?

I don't know, but maybe you
should've thought of that

before you shot him in the head.


I want money.

What is it your boy scouts say, huh...

"be prepared"?

Not enough.

I know you're troubled, but
the most important thing...

I want a million dollars.

That's quite a lot of money.

It's my life we're talking about.

I think you're getting off cheap.

- I'll see what I can do...
- To be clear...

I'm not asking, I'm telling.

I've got a lot more information

you would find very helpful.

But if you want it,

you're gonna have to pay for it.


Jeanne, I'm having the office of security

drop an overview for you as
a way to get you familiar.

I don't want an overview. I want log books.

I'm sorry?

Log books from all the case officers

who had any access to any of the assets

who've been compromised.

I'd like to start there.

But don't you need some
context before you...

Just bring me the books. Please?

I'll get right on it.

- And Yurchenko?
- He wanted to see the woman he loved,

went to Montreal, she rejected him.

There was nothing for him in America.

Well, what a man won't do for... you know.

- Rick?
- Yep.

Do you have a minute?


You take all these?

I did.


It's fantastic.

I bet you waited all
day for her to show up.

I waited four weeks.

You sat in one spot for four weeks?

Could you take a look at this?

It's your log book.


I want to make sure that you have logged

all of your meetings
with the Soviet embassy.

You... you know someone there?


His name is Victor.

Scientific attaché.

I'm, uh... I'm trying to recruit him.

A precise accounting
of all foreign contacts

is essential to our work.

Well, yes. I am aware of that, uh, Jeanne.

Yeah, I mean, this...

Yeah, all looks right.

You sure?

Well, uh, I think so.

I... I could check my notes.

Yeah, please do that.

Right. I'll get on with that.

And get me photocopies, as well.



We've met before.

Uh... I don't...

Embassy ball, Mexico City.

Yes! Yes, we did! Absolutely!


- I'm Rick. Rick Ames.
- I'm...

... Rosario Casas Dupuy.

Small world, huh?

I know.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Oh, I love Acapulco.


Come down and relax...
you know, work and all.

You work for state, right?

For the state department.

- Yes.
- How'd you know?

Remembering what people
do is part of my job.

I'm the cultural attaché for
the Colombian embassy, so...

I remember.

You remember.

Well, I remember you looked
very handsome in your tuxedo.


Can I buy you a drink?

Is there a Mrs. Ames?

- Yes.
- Oh.

But we're separated.

- Oh.
- She didn't want to move to Mexico.


It was over a while ago...

A long while ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Do you read a lot?

A lot, a lot.

So do I.


A lot, a lot.

I'm actually pretty boring.

So am I.

That was...

That was fantastic.

Oh, God.

For me, too. I...

I've never met anyone quite like you.

You're so...

You're not boring at all.


Let's see each other in Mexico City.


So, when is it that you're leaving?

Two weeks.


Come with me.


- To D.C.?
- I want to take you there.

Okay. I'll come with you.

Yeah, but you you mean it.

Yes. Shh.



What, Rick?

What is it?

I don't work for the state department.

I work for the CIA.

I just...

You lied to me.

How could you lie to me?!

- Rosario!
- Oh, God!

Rosario, wait.

- Look. Please.
- Let me go!

Please! Listen to me!

I couldn't tell you.
National security rules.

You work at an embassy, Rosario.

You understand.

Rosario, wait. Wait.

What else have you lied about, huh?

Nothing. Nothing. I promise.

I can't abide lying.

I will never lie to you again.

How do I know I can believe you?

It's because I swear to you.

I promise.


... I've never loved
anyone like I love you.


Come back to America with me.

... And label both
sides equally at fault,

to ignore the facts of history

and the aggressive
impulses of an evil empire,

to simply call the arms
race a giant misunderstanding

and thereby remove
yourself from the struggle

- between right and wrong and good and evil.

- I ask you to resist the attempts...
- Hey, honey.


... of those who would have
you withhold your support...

... withhold your
support for our efforts...

- ... this administration's efforts...
- I got you some presents.

- ... to keep America strong and free...
- Whoa.

I can see that.

... while we negotiate real
and verifiable reductions...

Am I spending too much money?


- ... and one day, with God's help, their total elimination.
- Not at all. It's okay.

Well, look, I...

Let me add here that I've always maintained

- ... that the struggle now going on for the world...
- I just paid 16,000 bucks to the lawyers,

- ... will never be decided by bombs or rockets...
- but the divorce has gone through.

- ... by armies or military might.
- Really?


I'm gonna call my mother.

Uh, hey.

You called her yesterday and
twice the day before and...

... it was $1,400 last month,

- $1,800 the month before, and you...
- She's gonna be so happy.

- It'll take one minute,
- I promise. All right.

- Yes?
- Okay.

... "ye shall be as gods."

I believe we shall rise to the challenge.

I believe that communism

is another sad, bizarre
chapter in human history

whose last pages even
now are being written.


The room is soundproofed, right?

Then why the note?

Russians are cautious people.

I like cautious.


Tell me something.

Why are you doing this, huh?

Are you a communist sympathizer?

Oh, good lord. No. Your
system's a disaster.

Uh, my future wife spends a lot of money,

and I'm going through an expensive divorce.

To your wives, then.


Something's wrong?

Let's talk about your information, hmm?

- What?
- It's good.

But perhaps not good enough.

You threw us a bone,

told us the names of the
people we already knew about.

And for that, we paid you well.

I suspect you're out of debt now, huh?

But if you want more money from us,

you have to give us real information,

valuable information.

The choice is yours.

But remember...

What is done is done...

And cannot be undone.


Hey, Rick.

Hey, Sandy.

Long time since we carpooled, huh?

Oh, yeah. God. A long time.

Well, I'll see you inside, huh?


Yep, that's why I wrote it down that way.

- Hey, Eric.
- Hey, Rick.

- Hold on.
- Sorry to, um sorry to interrupt.

I just need to get a document over there.

Here. No problem, Rick.

Just, uh, sign for me.

Yes, yes. That is the same.

Having a bit of trouble, huh?

Got it. I'll be up there in a second.

They need me upstairs. Do you
need help finding it, or...

No, no, no. Just the one file, really.

Have fun.




From now on, we don't meet in public,

or the embassy.

It was you who wanted to meet.

This is everyone.

What do you mean, "everyone"?

I mean... everyone.

All our assets.

Everyone who could burn me...

anyone who could possibly
know about me is in that bag.

So, now, slowly, carefully,

so you don't draw attention to me,

you need to take care of it...

Every one of them.

What's done is done.

Thank you very much for
staying open late, David.

I really appreciate it.

Do you like it?

It's nice.

- Rick...
- What?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

It's very nice.

- I know you don't like the CIA.
- What?

I never said that.

You never said it, but I know it.

Look at you, honey.

- What?
- You look terrible.

The secrets, the lies,
keeping everything bottled up.

It's just not a healthy
way to live your life,

- for anyone.
- Well, uh...

It's my job.

It's an awful job.

Pays the bills.

It'll pay for our honeymoon.




















It's me. It's me. It's me.

I'm taking Yurchenko
back to Moscow tomorrow.

Hey, could you
tell Eric that I'm done

with the first three files,
and he could just bring...

Yeah, I got to go.

Martynov broke protocol yesterday.

He contacted his FBI
handler in broad daylight

while she was walking her dog.

They're taking Yurchenko
back to Moscow... today.

Oh, boy.

KGB's gonna kill him.

And there's nothing we can do about it.

This was Yurchenko's choice, Art.

It could've been a dangle all along.

I don't think so,

and neither do you,
which is why you're upset.

Yeah. You're right. Okay.

Let me ask you...

What about Martynov?

Are we worried about his safety, as well?

I'm worried about everyone's safety.









Please be careful, okay?

I can't even imagine

what they will do to that man Yurchenko.

It will be fine.


Call me the second you
step out of the plane, okay?

Call me and let me know

that everything is all right, okay?

I... I will.

- _
- Da.





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In his log book,

Arthur has you meeting
at the Soviet embassy

in early April of '85,

but you don't have a record
of that meeting in your log,

the one you just signed off on.

Did you meet with them in April?


Well, if, uh, A... Art says
I was there, I'm sure I was.

Rick, this is an extremely serious problem.

I understand that, but, uh...

But what?

That was a difficult period for me.

Rosario and I were fighting,

and I thought that maybe she would...

The truth is, I'm just
so afraid of being alone.

Loneliness is such a curse.

Terrifies me, Jeanne...

More than anything.

And I was drinking...

... to drown the fear.

I think I just f...

I think I
just forgot to write it down.

I'm sorry.

Don't let it happen again.

You have my word.

















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Thanks to you, Martynov is gone.

Gone where?

Officially, he's been
transferred to Moscow.

And unofficially?


... you're a millionaire.


Martynov is missing.

What do you mean, "missing"?

He accompanied Yurchenko back to Moscow.

He got off the plane. There was a parade.

Now he's gone.

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Rick, do you remember where...

- Oh, my God.
- Rosario...

What are you doing?

I, uh... Rosario, I can
explain everything, okay?

How did you get that money?

Um... I had a friend from college.

- I helped him out, and now he's made a lot of money.
- Stop it. Stop it, Rick!

You swore to me.

No more lies.

Now, how
did you get that money?

I want you to listen to
me very carefully, okay?

I make around 70 grand a year.

In that bag is a million dollars.

$1 million.

Now, I earned the money...

but in ways that are complicated.

And I am prepared right
now to tell you everything,

but once I do, I can't take it back.

Once I do, you become my accomplice,

and your life will be in grave danger,

and I cannot live with that risk.

So I would insist that
we flee the country...


No goodbyes, no packing.

Just you and me and this bag of money.

Are you prepared for that?

And if I believe that story
about your friend from college?

Well, then, we go on
just as we were before,

like nothing's happened.

- But how are we gonna explain this...
- There's no buts, Rosario.

I tell you this,

and it's for your own good
that... we would have to leave.

I was thinking about
cooking fish for dinner.

Would you like that?

I would love that.

It'll take me about half an hour.