The Amazing World of Gumball (2011–…): Season 5, Episode 21 - The Cycle - full transcript

Gumball, Darwin and Anais discover that Mr. Wilson has been picking on their Dad for most of his life; ever since he humiliated Richard with a high school prank.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Corrected & Synced by Bakugan



All right, Richard.

I'm going to need you
to move her every hour

to keep her in the shade, okay?

Sure thing, Harry.

- Uh, Harold.
- Hmm?

- Mr. Wilson.
- Oh, by the way,

you must have heard about
my birthday party, I guess.

Oh, sure.
Uh, where is it?

Yeah, I've, uh, booked a table
at that new Mexican restaurant.

- It starts at 7:00. Got it?
- Yeah!

Great! Then make sure
you don't turn up by mistake.

- Oh.
- [ LAUGHS ]


You buying new pants
for your wife?

Well, she's the one wearing them
in your relationship, right?



Try these on.

- I think they're more you.
- Dad, is it me,

or is this guy kind of being
a total thunder jerk to you?

He's not that bad.

Then why did he
steal your pants?

HAROLD: ♪ Do do do ♪
Can Richard Watterson

please come to collect his
dignity from the front desk?


I'm sorry. That's not
just friendly teasing.


He's being really mean to you.

No, he's not.

- [ GROANS ]
- [ LAUGHS ]


- Uh?
- What?

I just didn't want to have
a visible panty line.

N-Not that!
You need to tell Mom about this.

I can't. Your mom sees me
as an average-looking,

underachieving slob.
It would break her heart

to think it was all
too good to be true.

Dad, you need to deal with this
like an adult.

I am dealing with it
like an adult.

I'm pretending
nothing's wrong

until I get a chance
to cry about when I'm alone.

She means you need
to put an end to the situation

and deal with it
in a mature way.

- How?
- Well...

you're old enough
to purchase a chain saw.

What?! What exactly do you think
being mature means?

- I don't know. "R" -rated?
- [ SIGHS ]

- Well, what do you suggest?
- Legal advice.

Well, Mr Watterson,

I've reviewed
the evidence thoroughly,

and I'm pleased to say
that we ca...



...can place a restraining order
on Harold Wilson,

effective immediately.
All you need to do is...

follow the legal precedent
in the case of...

Can you just talk faster,

...the case of The State versus
Antonio Chavez, Article 13,

Section 1, Amendment 19,
Subsection 4, Paragraph 11,

Verse 2, Stanza 6, Sentence 9,
pertaining to the victims...

I'm out.
You guys got any money?


[ HIGH-PITCHED ] ♪ Ongoing
trauma due to workplace stress ♪

♪ Which had left her life
in an awful mess ♪

♪ She built up evidence,
and from that moment hence ♪

♪ She was given legal... ♪

What was that about?

That was Daisyland money.

[ SIGHING ] Right. I don't think
we can afford your services.

I completely understand.
Please, let me show you ou...

Aw, come on! Doesn't anything
happen for free in here?





That was as easy as taking candy
from a b... uh, ba...

What was
the expression, again?

Oh, yes.
A brainless man-child.

- [ LAUGHS ]

You know, I think
there's a lesson in all this.

People riding those things
are all butt-hats?

Okay, I guess there are
two lessons in all this.

And the second one is,
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

But Dad doesn't have it in him
to be bad.

What you talking about?
I'm all about the thug life.

You carry "get well soon"
balloons in your trunk

so you can tie them
to roadkill.

You guys want to see
how real I can get?

Well, break out
the aloe vera,

'cause you
about to get burned!

Hey, Gumball, you blue-faced
potato on a stick,

how glad are you

to not have inherited
your father's metabolism

and be allowed to eat
whatever you want

without feeling
a thick sack of shame?

You just got "P" -double-youn'd!

How about you, Darwin,
you mutant weirdo?

How does it feel
to have evolved

beyond anything your species
could ever have dreamed of,

you disgustingly adorable
pride and joy of my life?


Bring me the tartar sauce.

That fish just got cooked!

I think
you're missing the point.

"I think you're missing
the point, Dad.

I think you shouldn't lick
that electrical outlet, Dad.

I think you should remember

your appointment
at the cardiologist, Dad."

How does it feel to be better
than everybody else, Anais?

I mean this because
I genuinely think you are.


[ CRYING ] I'm so sorry

for hurting your feelings
with my mean-spirited jokes!

Please forgive me!

I think he needs
professional help.

Well, Doctor,
I think this cycle of shame

started the day
I was elected prom king.


"Dear Richard,
you have been elected prom king.

Make sure to attend the ceremony
tomorrow night.

Please keep this a secret
from your fellow students."

This must be a joke.

No, wait.
It's signed by Principal Brown!






I spent the whole of the next
day trying to look my best.

Gravity will help me
fit inside the pants.

But my face is still too fat.

- You should try contouring.
- What's that?

It's kind of like lying,
but with your face.

- What about my suit?
- Don't worry, sweetie.

We'll figure
something out.

And a cape?

Eh... and a cape.

It was the happiest moment
of my life.


I never felt so beautiful.

I could feel everyone
looking at me in admiration.

It's now the moment
you've all been waiting for.

Time to announce
this year's prom king!

Yes, I'm here!

Thank you!
Yes, it's me! Yes!

Thank you! Thank you!

This moment
is much bigger than me.

MAN: Uh, hardly.

I just want to say
to all the losers out there,

there's gonna be
people along the way

who will try to take things away
from you,

- but don't let them, because...
- Watterson, we're gonna have to

- take the crown away from you.
- But I'm the king!

It says so right here in this
letter. It's got your signature!

Did you take a good look
at this letter?

It is literally signed
"Pwencipul Bron."

But who would do this?



From that moment on,

he kept on making fun of me
at every opportunity.

It caused me
quite a few stress problems.

- Tell me more.
- Well, for a long time,

I thought every food
came with Parmesan

until I realized
it was dandruff.

Also, I get such bad acid reflux

that my tongue's
hanging on by a thread.

And I've been losing my hair,

so I'm forced to dab the patches
with pink paint.

Oh, and gas. I'm so gassy...

GUMBALL: Okay, how long is it
going to take you to realize?

Realize what?

That Harold Wilson
is the therapist.

What?! That's Harold?

It was me all along, sucker!




Told you we should have gone
with the "R" -rated option.

Yeah, we should try
something else.

- So we just run him over, then.
- No.

I meant we were wrong to try
dealing with this like adults.

That guy is so mean. We need
to help Dad put a stop to this.

Okay. So, what's even better
than being prom king?

Having enough self-respect

to not believe in vacuous
popularity contests?

Mm, another good point.

But I mean what does
every adult dream of? Dad?

Mm, can't say that.
Can't say that.

Two of those at the same time...
Can't say that, either.

- Money?
- Perfect!

- [ LAUGHS ]
- Dad, that's still zero dollars.

Oh. Of course.

[ GROANS ] You need to put
something in front of it.


Ah! I meant put a 1
in front of the zeroes!

It's not my fault if Gumball's
plan is too complicated.

What's so complicated?!

Harold finds a signed blank
check for a billion dollars,

thinks he's rich. We jump out
and tell him it was fake.

We laugh. He cries.
We laugh some more. The end.

Aah! Here he comes!

- Aah! Aah!
- Aah!

A check for a billion dollars?

And all I have to do is add my


Hey, you!
You're my butler now.

Take this cash and throw it
on the floor wherever I walk.

Oh, yes, I don't mind.

Wait. This doesn't feel
decadent enough.

Mm, still not enough.

That's more like it.



[ GASPS ] Wait! He's gone!

Well, good. He's gonna spend all
kinds of money he doesn't have

- and ruin his life.
- We have to stop him.

- What?! Why?
- [ SIGHS ]

Because, unfortunately,
it's the mature thing to do.


Oh. Uh, e-excuse me, sir.
I-I hope I'm not interrupting.

I don't want to burn any bridges
with such a good employer.

I obviously hope that we can
remain on friendly terms,

but I'm afraid
I found a better position

as a billionaire player,
so I hand you my resignation.

There you go. And here's
a token of my gratitude

for all these years
of service.


Oh, one last thing.

Does it come gold-plated?

Just put it on my credit card.
I gotta go.

Aren't you worried
about maxing it out?

I'll cash
the check in later!

Jackie, meet Jazelle. Jazelle,
this is my first wife, Jackie.

Jackie, I'm afraid
I will no longer be requiring

your services as a life partner.
You should leave now.

I'm destroying this house
to replace it

with a 70-foot-tall
statue of myself.

The dynamite
is in place, sir.

Mr. Wilson, you need to...

Wait, son.
I think it is time

for your father
to speak for himself.

Harold, you and I
have never been friends,

but there's something
you need to know.

Oh, wait.
First, you have to see that.

Sorry we couldn't fit
all of you in there.

There wasn't enough space
on the canvas.

- [ LAUGHS ]


Harold, I need to talk to you
in private.

- What?

Oh, I-I see.
Uh, sorry, Richard.

I-I apologize for thinking you
were a buffoon all these years.

You've really...
Well, you've taught me something

very important today,

and I'll make sure not to make
the same mistake again.

- Thank you.
- Goodbye, Harold.

See, kids? That's how adults
deal with their problems.

- I'm impressed, Dad.
- But what did you say to him?

I told him if he stacks
his dynamite closer together,

he'll get
a more intensive blast.


Corrected & Synced by Bakugan