The Almighty Johnsons (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 6 - Goddesses, Axl, Come in All Forms - full transcript

It's hammer time, as a road trip to follow a falling star takes the God boys into uncharted territory; to a heartland of darkness where the usual rules no longer apply. The paths of the gods and goddesses cross at a rural funeral and both groups encounter the current incarnation of Thor. But will Axl mate with Derek Thor's daughter, Delphine? Meanwhile, Olaf and Ingrid bond, and Anders and Michele spar with one another.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Leaving big bags of drugs in other people's
car seems to be all the rage these days.


Thanks to you and your little prank,

I know where you live, I know where you work,

I know who and what you are,

and if you mess with my little brother again,

I will mess you up in a hundred different ways

I think you're a great guy,

but I just don't see you... that way

Do you know what I mean?

But I hope we can be friends.


Food turns cold in my mouth.

I live my whole life with everything
chilled down to nothing.

Want a drink while you're hiding?

They're free.

Yeah. No shit?

I have powers. At least in here.

I think I love you.

Grandma. What the fuck are you doing?

They're just bloody stars.

Now, get yourself inside, you old bat,

before you catch your death of cold.


I told you it wasn't one of my dreams.

I believe you, Olaf.

It's a sign.

A sign she was shit out of luck.

Not funny, Anders. A woman died.

oh come on, it is a little bit funny.

I mean

what is the odds of death by meteor
standing in your own lawn

Which is why it's a sign.

Of what?

Of Frigg, of course.

- You sure about this, Ingrid? - Oh, yes.

How is some old bat in...


...being obliterated by space debris a Frigg sign?

Look at her last name.


There were Hansons onboard the Hafting

when it brought the rulers of Asgard to New Zealand.

Is this Hanson woman the Frigg?

No. I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure the sign is telling us to get to...


Pretty sure?

We go to the funeral and find out.

Find out what?

What the sign meant.

I feel very good about this.

Then go. Go to the funeral.

If I take any more time off work, I'm going to get fired.

Oh, since when

your little job is more important than our quest...

Michelle and Ingrid, you go.


Mike, I'm questioning your commitment.

Don't you want Axl to get his powers?

All I'm saying is right now

I can't afford the time to go racing off down country.

Okay, you do what you do, and the rest of us will go.

Actually, I'll skip it too.


Axl's Odin.

He doesn't need me to sort out his life.

Is it possible that you're even gloomier than usual,

or has Mike got to you?

You don't need me,

and I have my own life to worry about.

Fine, good luck with that.

Now, there's one guy that needs to cheer the fuck up.

No, you can't.

Not today.

I have a million things to do.

None of which are as important to you as I am.

You have meetings.

And you will reschedule those meetings.

Anders, don't you dare do this.

I love it when you nag me.

Makes me kind of horny.

Disturbing, eh?

Hold the fort,keep everyone happy and feed my fish.

I don't have time to feed your fish today.

And if you tidied the apartment, that'd be great.

My housekeeper kind of quit.

What did you do to Mrs. Kwan?

Let's just say that she walked in at a bad time.

I love your work, feed the fish.

Why the surfboard?

Grandpa, there's no ocean within a hundred miles
of where we're going.

It's a road trip. You never know.

Back in the day,

the Viking berserkers would trip on mushrooms
before going into battle.

Are we going into battle?

Oh, it has that feel to it.

You tripping on mushrooms,Granddad?

Hard to say these days.

I think it committed suicide rather
than live with the abuse.

Does that tend to work?

No, but it makes you feel better.

I see what you mean.

Look, I have to go now

and try on the world's ugliest frock.

If it's ugly, don't buy it.

No choice. Bridesmaid's frock.

So, you'll be alright here by yourself?

I'll be back in, like, an hour.

I'll manage.

You are the best friend a girl could have.

Look at them, off to worship their god.

If they only knew.

So, how are we going to play this?

I was thinking scope out the crowd,
check out the Frigg possibilities

unleash the beast.

What about her?

Don't even joke.

It is said, I don't remember where, that she weeps.

Olaf, we're at a funeral.

That could cloud things.

Oh, shit.

They're not so useless after all.

Who's that, dear?

Behold the almighty gods.

Which one's Odin?

Scared-looking one.

I thought he'd be more godly.

We have to get out of here.


What if she tries to kill me again?

We're not doing that.

Why not?

Because it wouldn't be very godlike.

Come on, Ingrid.

Oh, shit, they're coming over.

You should leave now, while you can.


By the way I see it, this is not your quest,

this is our quest, of which you have no part,

so... you're the ones who need to leave.

Bragi, god of talking crap.

Sjofn, goddess who goes both ways.

Currently the goddess who isn't
going anywhere.

Are we meant to be scared off

because a minor goddess thrust
her tits in our direction?

Hi, I'm Olaf. Oracle.

Oh. Ingrid. Also an oracle.

Don't be nice to them.


Why not?

Because they're trying to kill me.

Oh, no, no, we're not doing that anymore.

Killing Odin won't do any good,

with earthquakes, eruptions,
tidal waves, that kind of thing.

- Really? - Brilliant.

You're here to find Frigg,
to turn her to your side.

Yes, we are.

Then I guess this goes one of two ways,
kind of like you.

Either you toddle off home like good girls...

Never going to happen.

or it's the best god wins.


Come on, Ingrid.

Let's get on. Axl, you're up.

It's what we in the trade call munted.

Seriously, it'll be cheaper to get a new fridge.

Oh, no.

Why are you worried? It's his bloody fridge.

Well, I feel responsible,that's all.

Well, you shouldn't, and you're not.

And it's wrong of him to make you feel that way.

How's the dress?


Then you better have a beer before they all get warm.

O, Jesus, blest redeemer

Sent away from the heart of God

Hold us who wait before thee

Near to the heart of God

Selma has gone to nearer to the heart of God,

a place of comfort sweet.

And for her it will be a happy place, I'm sure.

Angelica Hanson,

Selma's dearly beloved granddaughter,

will now share with us her memories of Selma.

Are you getting anything?

When my brother Derrick called to say

that Grammy had been killed by a meteorite,

I thought he was playing one of his jokes.

It was only when I actually saw the crater
for myself where Grammy used to be

that I knew it was real.

But the one thing about that night
that I'll always remember is

how I woke up and I went outside in my nightie,

and I didn't know why.

And then I saw a shooting star going over,

and so I made a wish on it just like
Grammy taught us to.

How was I to know that it was
the shooting star that would...

Weep tick

Why's he so important?

It's sort of cloudy.

Well, what about her?

Her, not so much.

Oh, come on, Olaf.

She did the weeping thing, she's beautiful,

she-- she-- shit.

Come on, Axl we're up.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

What you said before was just beautiful.

Thank you.

Didn't you think so?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was great.

Thank you. Are you coming
up to the farm for the wake?

Oh, yes.

You try stopping us.

What a bitch!

She's my best friend.

But yeah, she is kind of a bitch.

She steals your man and asks
you to be the bridesmaid.

Now, first of all, she didn't steal Stuart.

He had already dumped me when they hooked up.

And second... I love weddings.

I know it sounds old-fashioned,

but I love the idea that a man and a woman...

or two men or two women or so.

I love that they're willing to stand up and say,
"I love you" in front of all those people.

I would go to a wedding every week if I could.

Even though you're only ever the bridesmaid.

Hey, I am never only the bridesmaid.

I am the best bridesmaid ever.

When I bridesmaid, everything goes according to plan.

Mm, even when the groom is your ex?

I told you, I'm over him.

Seriously! I have no issues with Stuart.

I have many issues with the dress.

The bridesmaid's dress.

The only dress I'm ever likely to wear to a wedding.

That's so not true.

I should get back to the office.

I've got a million things to do, like find Anders a new fridge.

Ah, leave that with me.

Will you?

Oh, fridges are my thing, like being a bridesmaid is, yours.

Wow, aren't we a pair?

Aren't we?

How many women friends do you have?

Don't know.

Guess. And Valerie doesn't count.

Four or five.

And how many of those are actually Valerie's friends

who you happen to get on with?

What's your point, Ty?

I have 19.

Good for you.

And they're not just women I regard as a friend.

They're actual friends who call me and...

we have coffee and I give them advice and we talk.

We talk, Mike.

Yeah, well, maybe you're one of those guys
that gets on really well with women.

Do you know how many of these women
I've either slept with

or tried to sleep with?

I'm guessing 19.

And they're all still friends with me.

Because I'm such a great guy.

Look, Ty, I get that you're not happy with your lot, I truly do.

No, I don't think you truly do, Mike.

What happens to me

if Axl finds Frigg and lo and behold
we attain our glorious powers?

Don't go there.

Behold, Hod, god of all things cold and dark.

Well,there's a turn-on for the ladies.

Hey, hey, I'm a winter god, too

Of skiing! The cool bit of winter!

Try not to think about this shit and live in the here and now.

Yeah, well, in the here and in the now...

I don't want 20 women friends.

It's way too many for any self-respecting guy.

Then do something about it.

What do you think they actually put in the casket?

Jesus, Anders!

Seriously. She's already been cremated,

why have a casket?

Uh, Anders, there's a very large man with the goddess.

Don't worry about him. I'll deal with him.

What about her?

I'll deal with her.

Thought you were dealing with the big guy.

Axl. Work with me.

If what we're both thinking is right,

this could end very badly.

I have an idea.



Are you Thor?

Do I know you?


Sorry to trouble you.

When's the wedding?

Oh, we haven't set a date yet.

Taking it slowly, that's wise.

Sorry, um, need to steal these people.

Love what you said in church, by the way.

It was beautiful. Come,dear.

Sorry, who was Thor?

The farmer guy. This farm.

The brother. Angelica's brother.

Why are you even here? Why are we telling them?

It kind of affects us all.

Because he's Thor, god of war!


Axl's Odin, he's not exactly terrifying.

The thing about Thor is that traditionally he's barking mad.

Usually really rather demented.

We can deal with that.

Tell me about the sister,

and if you say it's cloudy I will punch you in the nuts.

Thor ahoy.

Who are you people? Tell me!

I'm Baldr, reborn.

I am the goddess Sjofn.

Uh, Snotra. Hello.

Goddesses? Don't trust them.

I'm Bragi.

The poet? Poetry's for puffs.

And you?

Uh, I'm Odin, god of everything.

No, seriously, he is.

He's returned?


My Lord.

Sweet-ass, man.

Well, believe it or not,

there was actual food in Anders'freezer.

Be a shame to let it go to waste.

So, instead you decided to cook it.

I'm a good cook, actually.

So I've heard.

If you're going to be stuck here because of my dick brother,

you should at least eat something.

When I looked in Anders' freezer,

there was nothing but vodka.

Well, food was hidden, uh,

way at the back, behind the vodka.

Is that the dress?


Can I see it?

Depends on how good your cooking is.


More goat kebabs, My lord Odin?

No, I'm good, thanks,Derrick.

Nonsense. Eat.

And call me Thor.

Should you be talking like this with them around?

What, mortals?

Who cares about them?

They know not to disturb Thor when he's at his high table.

His high picnic table.

It's a bloody table, isn't it?

So, um, getting back to the whole prophecy thing...

Odin will find his Frigg

and the full powers of Asgard will once again flow through our veins.

Tell us about your sister.

Angelica? She's not Frigg.

But she's your sister.


And you're a god,


I'm adopted, dickhead.

Someone adopted me when
my parents cacked it.

I only found out I was a god
from this one-armed guy in prison.

He turned out to be the god Tyr.

He explained a lot about what had been
happening to me since I turned 21

and started doing my Thor shit.

They all think I'm barking mad, but...

we're no different,eh?

So, you're saying

we can rule her out of any Frigg possibility.

Are you deaf as well as stupid, poet?

Forget about Angelica. She's as much
a goddess as this fucking table.

It's my daughter you're after.

There's your goddess Frigg.

Delphine, the fruit of my loins.

No one ever said that when you found
her she'd be drop-dead gorgeous.

You did!


All the times

you had me testing every bloody hot
blunt object in the fire.

Well, now here she is,

a nice... plain Kiwi chick.

Goddesses come in all forms, Axl.

Find the beauty within.

Who knows?

Maybe she's a firecracker in the sack.

Look,the important thing is, Axl,
is that you need to do the business

and get our powers back.

Then you can give her the flip

because... you're Odin.

We just, uh... family stuff.

You talk family stuff in the bach?


Must be an Auckland thing.

I need Odin, alone.

Uh, you know, Derrick,
we tend to roll as a group--

Just for the night,

so a father can get to know his future son.

Actually, we didn't plan on staying--

I've secured you rooms at the
Whangaparaoa Motor Lodge.

I sent the goddesses
ahead to warm your beds.

Come on, My Lord.

We shall walk.

Having second thoughts here.

Don't be such a girly blouse.

Don't you dare laugh.


Oh, don't.

You need to find a new BFF
on the grounds of mental cruelty.

It is a truly awful dress, right?

Truly... truly.

That apparently sets off the wedding dress.

Stuart has no problem marrying
a woman with no...

visible taste?

He seems very happy.

You are so lucky he dumped you.

You are the best friend a girl could have.

Yeah, I've been told.

I need to get out of this thing.

And I need to shoot through,find Anders a new fridge.

Oh, you are a saint.


Shouldn't you be warming my bed?

You want living proof of why we're trying to stop you?


Feeling powerless must really piss you off.

Oh, and you must be so happy

leaving Axl up there all alone to screw things up.

As long as screwing's involved, I'm happy.

I don't see that happening...

given how your boy almost burst into tears
when he clapped eyes on the alluring Delphine.

Time will tell.

It will.

Fancy a drink while it does?

So, you-- you farm goats?

That's pretty out there.

Easiest bloody thing in the world to farm, eat any shit.

Fucking rabbits are the problem.

Bloody root bags. .

Delphine.She's the wind beneath my wings,you know.


So, how am I meant to know you're on the level,

that you're actually even Odin,

not just some... rabbit looking to get your end away?

Yeah, well, how am I meant to know you're actually even Thor?

I fucking hate rabbits.

So, before I grant you access to my
beautiful daughter's holy of holies,

I need to know that you're the real deal.

Holy shit.


I doubted the word of Odin.

I paid the price.

Time you met the daughter.

My Lord Odin.

I'll leave you two to get to know each other.

I'm making stew for afters.

Would My Lord like a refreshment?

Oh, shit, yeah.

you want one?

How would My Lord like--

The first thing My Lord would like
is for you to stop calling him My Lord.

My name's Axl.

Did you know that this motor lodge has got a hot pool?

I didn't know.

I can also tell you where the laundry is

and that valuables can be stored in the safe at the office

and where to assemble in case of fire.

Over there.

All good stuff to know.

I'm Snotra, goddess of prudence.

I always thought prudence was, like, being tight-ass with money.

It's really about knowing stuff

and being prepared,planning ahead.

I have vodka.

Tell me more about the hot pool.

It's hot. And I have vodka.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm not usually a crybaby,

but this is such a big thing for my dad

and it's so hard to say no to him.

Not only because he's the god of war.

I can see that.

His powers are awesome, eh?

I pity any rabbit who crosses his path.

But you're Odin. You're,like, heaps more powerful than him.


And you're Frigg.

I'm daddy's special goddess.

He's never really been clear on which one I am, until now.

So how did you find out you were Odin?

On my 21st. After the lightning hit me.


What happened to you on your 21st?

Is it the same for goddesses?

I got Clomid and

spewed in the cab back after the happenning

No lightning bolts from above ?

Everything went a bit spinny.


And then I got pregnant.

You're pregnant? You don't look pregnant.

I only turned 21 six weeks ago.

Is that a problem with you and me hooking up as god and goddess?

Yeah, I think it might be.

Shit, I am useless

You get the feeling they don't like us?

You. They don't like you.

They sense I'm a god. They're jealous.

No, they sense you're a prick.

That's not very nice,

especially after I bought you a glass of the house white.

Got any cocaine to go with it?

That's more your department as a medical professional.

Tell me, do you tend to scare more

patients to death than you save?

I try to avoid patients when possible.

So needy.

To me, you seem like a cheap children's party magician.

I see them, in the kids' ward,

harassing the poor little bastards with their repertoire of less-than-amazing tricks.

You're the god equivalent of them.


Talking some bimbo into spreading her legs.


Do you do balloon animals as well?

The mythologies describe you as a minor goddess.

So you're not exactly one to talk, are you?

Myths are there to be rewritten aren't they?

You're telling the story.

Look at our history.

Every stupid decision that got us where we are today,

as far from Asgard as it is possible to fall,

made by gods.

Not by this god.

My point exactly. 

If only the old gods had worked with us goddesses,

even the minor ones,

instead of always doing the dirty on us,

things could be very different,

don't you think?

The trouble with goddesses is you can't trust them.

Trust can be earned, Anders.

Starting with another glass of the house white.

They so don't get what it is to be an oracle.

Oh yeah.

I mean, it's not like it's an exact science.


And is there ever any gratitude when we do get it right?

I never seem to get it right.

Well, there isn't. And it makes me want to scream.

Usually when it gets too much,

I get wasted and go surfing.

I can't surf.

I can teach you.

That's be so cool.

Until then,

we're just going to

have to get wasted.

Oh drugs.

I can do bad things on drugs.

So I'm at work, right?

And this courier turns up bearing these.

They're tickets.

They were sent to me by a woman.

Go you. Who is she?

Not important. Look at what the ticket's for.

Sing-a-long A Sound Of Music.

Is that like the movie?

The Sing-a-long Sound Of Music, Mike,

is a bunch of people dressed up like nuns and Nazis

in a theatre singing along.

It's the gayest thing ever.

Well, maybe she likes that sort of thing.

But what makes her think I like that sort of thing?

I don't know. Ask her, not me

I mean, it's great that she wants to go out with me.

But to this?

What message is she sending?

Have I gone beyond being a friend to being a.

you know.

Gay friend?


Oh, but how do you broach that question with a woman?

Don't know.

Just come straight out with it.

I'm sorry, but... enjoy.

His name's Ross.

He's a sheep milker down the valley.

He's so choice and I love saying his name.




Isn't it?

Does your dad know about this?

Fuck no. He'd kill me.


Actually, he'd kill Ross first, then me.

Which is why I haven't told him.

We could say it's yours


So that dad doesn't kill Ross, or me

I don't think that'll work.

Why not?

No offense,

but I don't want to stick around and raise someone else's kid with you.

Yeah, no offense,

I don't actually find you attractive.

Not compared to Ross.

And besides, dad says gods never stay around anyway

'cause gods do what gods have to do.

Hence you not having a mum around

Mum's dead, actually.



She died in a tragic accident when I was way young.


Just out of interest,

which goddess was she?



She wasn't a goddess.

She worked on the line at the freezing works before it shut down.

She and dad met slaughtering.

She wasn't an actual goddess?

He's an actual god. Does it matter?

Actually, it's kind of important to my whole prophecy thing.

Yeah, well, me hooking up with a god is real important to my dad

so what say you just play along for a bit

Say the kid's yours until me

and Ross can shoot through to the south island.

That way dad doesn't kill Ross,

me or you.

What do you recon?

I been waiting... for the god power to surge through my veins.

Yeah, about that.

Uh, me and Delphine have decided to take things slowly.

You what?

This is such an important meeting of our two god-like families,

so we need to take things,

you know,


I've given you my permission.

You can do what you want to the girl

as long as it gets us our powers back.

I don't think it works like that

The way I see it,

this is a race of men and a race of gods

and we must ascend.

And I'm sure that'll happen.

And me and Delph have made a connection

which I'm sure over time will grow.

You just can't expect it all to happen overnight.

If you were a true god,

it would happen on the table in front of my eyes.

Okay, that's not really good parenting, Derrick.

My name is Thor!

Okay, and I need to get back to my family now.

The gods brought you to this for a reason

And until you come through on that reason,you're not going anywhere.

I refuse to be a fucking goat refuse to be a fucking goat farmer for the rest of my life!

Stew's ready

Oh! Sorry, I wasn't expecting there'd be anyone here.

Just picking up the munted fridge

Yay. I couldn't remember if I'd fed the fish.

Did you get the tickets?

I did.

Bit of a cheap, really.

We're doing the publicity for it,

so they were free,

but I'd love to have someone to go with.

You're already going, aren't you?

And I've made things awkward.

Dawn... why would you think that dressing up

and singing along to the Sound of bloody Music is my cup of tea?

Oh, well, you don't have to dress up if you don't want to.

I mean, at all.

Why? What is it about me that makes you think that I'm...

you know.

Oh no.

Oh no what?

Anders warned me that you'd

What about Anders?

Well, when he told me.

Told you what?

So if you could do it all again, that'd be great.

Why aren't you nice to me like your brother?

Do you have "feelings" for him?


That's okay, Dawn.

Plenty of women have made the same mistake before you.

What mistake?

Let's just say that Ty has a lot of women friends.

No way.

Look at the evidence, Dawn:

he goes to the gym,

he dresses neatly,

his place is fiendishly tidy,

he's a great cook

and, yeah, it's true, he never has a girlfriend

yet he has lots of women friends who think that he's amazing.

Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.

He'll deny it,

but Ty isn't waiting to come out of the closet, he is the closet.

No, I'm not gay.

That's okay. There's really nothing wrong with being gay.

I am not gay. I never have been, never will be.

Anders was lying to you.

Why would he do that?

Because he knows you're a woman I could fall for in a really big way

and that pisses him off

because he wants you all to himself.

I have to go.

I have a wedding dinner-- pre-wedding thing.

You keep using the word "we"

when you're abusing me and my family,

but who is this "we" that you keep talking about?

I'm sure there's not just you and Snotty.


That's the worst goddess name ever.

We are a group of like-minded beings.

But not all that like-minded is what I'm hearing.

I'm busy now, Dawn, so whatever it is you're doing--

You wanker.


Why did you do it?

Why are you in my house?

Why did you tell her I was gay?


You know who.

I tell everyone you're gay.

Dawn! You told her I was gay

Aren't you?

You know I'm not!

You might as well be, for all the use you are to women.

Why are we talking about this?

Because you have no fucking right interfering in my life!

I know. I do it because I can

and because it's fun.

Fuck you, Anders!

You called just to tell me that?

A text would have been quicker.

God, you're a dick!

But at least I'm a god.

Did I forget the fish?

Don't worry about the fish. I'll deal with the fish.

Right. Okay. What you said before--

I'm not gay.

About me being the woman you could fall for in a really big way

It wasn't a heat-of-the- moment thing, was it?


I mean, it came out in the heat of the moment,

but it had occurred to me ages ago.

I figured out a while ago that you were special too.

By special, do you mean...

Not in a gay way! So not gay.

I don't want to be your friend, Dawn.

I've got way too many friends.

There's a wee problem with the motor lodge.


We all kind of got kicked out.

But we weren't even here.

But someone was being bad.

Damn cried the fantail

As he flew into,as he flew into the sky

Where the fuck are we meant to sleep?

Well, on the ground. See?

Have you done the deed yet?

You have to get me out of here.

Oh, come on. She can't be that bad.

Anders, she's not the Frigg.

Are you sure?

Yes. And he's a mad man who wants to kill me.

And you remember what happens to you if I die, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I had a good feeling about this.


Hey, don't get your knickers in a twist. We're coming.

Oh, dear. So she's not the Frigg after all.

What a shame.

Come on, you. Wild goose chase.

We're out of here. Up you get.

You alright?

Bit of a dodgy tummy

Goat. Not everyone's cup of tea.

So you want to tell me the real problem?

My daughter not good enough for the Lord High Odin?

No, it's not that.

Delphie's a good girl.

I know she is.

Then what's your fucking problem?

She's not a goddess,therefore--

She's the daughter of a god.

That makes her a goddess in my book

Thor, me and Delphine hooking up is not going to get you your powers.

It might.

It won't. That's not the way it works.

What do you know? You don't know bloody anything.

You're off your head, I know that much.

What did you say?

Daddy, don't.

What did you say to me?

You little bastard!

Daddy, don't kill him!

He's nice!

Daddy, stop it! Run!

Bring back my hammer!

Yeah, like that's going to happen.

Dad, there are things you need to know!

Give me my hammer, boy.

I'm Odin, not boy.

Derrick, killing Odin is a really bad idea.

My name is Thor!

Whatever. You need to know if you kill Odin--

Fool me not with your words,poet!

Leave my brother alone.

Yeah, that's right.

You saw what I did to that goat, remember?

What goat?

Not now, Anders.

Please don't kill him.

He only does this stuff because he loves me.

And that's good, mostly.

But I'm Odin and I'm in charge here.

Not just because I've got your hammer.

But because I'm Odin,

which makes me boss, right?

And what we're going to do is this,Thor.

Me and Delphine, not going to happen '

cause Frigg is my destiny

and Delphine is a really nice girl

but she's not Frigg.

She's a goddess. That's good enough.

No, she's not. And no, it isn't.

And you've got to stop trying to mate her off with other gods

'cause that's just disturbing.

She's mortal and she needs a mortal bloke,

like Ross, the sheep milker.

But he's a simpleton.

He's a good man

and I love him

and I'm going to have his baby.

Thor, hey, over here. Look at me.

That is a great thing, right ?

It's a bloody miracle.

Never thought she'd land anyone.


Then Odin has spoken.

We're all cool.

Me and my brother are going to leave now,

but we'll be back to check up on you

because I am Odin, okay,

and what I say goes.

We clear on that?

Odin's got some balls after all.

Can I have my hammer back?

Only use it for good? And rabbits?

We're not really coming back,are we?

Shit no.

Oh no.

Do not worry about the fish.

They're dead.

Yes. Yes, they are.

I killed them.

I overfed them or

underfed them, or--

No, I killed them.

When I was working on the fridge
their thermostat must have gone.

It's cold.

They're pretty susceptible to cold,
being tropical and all.

Poor fish.

Don't worry. I'll replace them.

Here, might need warming up.

Why? I'm not cold.

Really? I hardly ever feel the cold.

Want to be my date to a wedding ?

And see you in all your bridesmaid glory?

Heck, yeah.

So, grandpa, what was it a sign of?

That grandma Hanson was shit out of luck.

Oh well, you live and you learn. Worth a shot.

I love that board, man.

Get over it.

See you later, goat killer.

What the fuck?

Oh, you prick.