The Affair (2014–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Noah's interest in Alison is intensified by conflicts with his in-laws. Alison tends a mysterious injury to her leg and hints at her family's links to Montauk's sordid past.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[silenced gunshots]

[silenced gunshot]

- Ah.
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Whoo!

[all cheering]

Oh, nice move.

- Oh, you're too fast, annie.
- [laughs]

- Sometimes I think
you're letting me get through.

This week my team's buying
the beers, so you have to come.

- You certainly take
the direct approach.

- Ah, well,
sometimes in soccer,

You have to score goals.

You know who said that?
- Thierry henry.

- Ay, you've just become
the ultimate woman.

Maybe we skip the drinks, huh?
- [laughs]

You know, I'd forgotten
how forward latin men can be.

- No, annie, wait.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Give me a reason to stay.


I'll do anything you ask me.

Of course I do.
You work for the smithsonian.

You play midfield
like juan arango.

And now-now you're bilingual-
very impressive.

- Do you know enough
to trust me?

- Is there a reason not to?
- I need you to do me a favor.

I told you...

Anything you ask me.

- I need you to help me get
to your sister julia.

My sister?

What-what do you know
about julia?

Actually quite a lot.

She raised you like a mother,
pays your tuition.

She still lives in the house
where you grew up in la dorita.

Uh, it's a favela-a slum.

- Which is why
she homeschooled you

And wants you to be a doctor.
- Pediatric surgeon.

- She lights a candle
every Sunday at mass

To be sure you do.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

How-how do you know this?

I have friends in caracas.


Is this a joke?

- My friends also tell me
she's the manager

At banco nacional.

In fact,
she's the personal banker

Of victor ponces.

- Oh, she handles the accounts
of many government officials.

She's also his mistress.

- Who, uh, gives you
this kind of information?

For the past three years,

Julia's helped ponces skim
over a hundred million dollars

To profits owed
u.S. Oil companies

Producing venezuelan oil.

They transfer the money
from a secure terminal

In her bank to a secret
offshore account in the caymans.

- There isn't
a government official

In caracas
who doesn't line his pockets.

Not that much, diego.

These are large dollars
that my friends believe

Are funding organizations

That want to destabilize
the region.

We need to look
into that account

And see exactly
where the money's going.

- And in order to do that,
you need julia.



And now I know who you are.

It was time, diego.

You can still trust me.

- And what if the money's
going somewhere

Your friends don't like, huh?

That's above my pay grade.

But I am authorized
to tell you

That we'll protect both you
and your sister.

We'll give you new lives here
and pay for your education.

- What if she doesn't want
to do it?

you don't know julia.

- That's why I'm talking
to the brother she adores.

You do know her.

You can introduce us to her,

Help her understand that this
is the right thing to do,

The smart thing.

Look, I know this is...

a lot to take in.

But if you help us,
you will be protected.

If not, my guess is julia's
gonna get pulled into this

Whether she wants to or not,

And you'll be
on the first flight home,

With a canceled student visa

And no chance
of getting back in.

I'm gonna need your answer
by tonight, diego.

And if it's yes,
next time I'll buy the beers.

- He sat there for 20 minutes
after she left.

No phone calls, no texts-
I would've heard.

Didn't say anything to anyone.

- We think he's clean.
- Or very careful.

And that still doesn't explain

What you were doing
out in the field with annie.

I ran into her at the game.

- Suddenly you're a fan
of intramural soccer?

- Only on sundays and just
for the past few weeks.

- How many times do we have
to go through this, auggie?

You are not sanctioned
for field duty, not anymore.

I can't afford
to lose you, okay?

I need you here.

Time to move on.


Is your smithsonian cover
in place?

- Uh, yeah.
Got my I.D. Yesterday.

Too bad about the photo.

Have travel book you
and the brother to caracas.

I'm sure you can come up
with something museum-worthy

To acquire there.

You're sending me?

- Just to hold his hand
on the plane.

Our station agent
will meet you at the airport.

You'll make the introductions,
and he'll take diego from there.

The kid knows you.
He trusts you.

That's what these past
three weeks have been about.

- He hasn't agreed
to do it yet.

- He's a 20-year-old kid
with a crush.

He'll come around.

Jai, you're hovering.

The caracas station agent.

- Mm-hmm, lopez-
have we heard from him?

- Not yet.
But the chief down there

Says he's been dropping out
for two or three days

While working this job.

- So we have a day or two
before we need to worry.

- You might get a little rain
this time of year.

- If you're talking caracas,
I still haven't closed the deal.

- Well, his hormones
will close it for you.


Why does everyone assume diego
has a crush on me?

- Maybe it has to do
with that little move

He made towards your knee-


You didn't think auggie

Was the only one covering you
today, did you?

[telephone rings]

Looks like
it's your smithsonian line.

Acquisitions, annie walker.

Hola, diego.

Well, I'm really glad
you called.


- "jupiter,
king of the planets.

Jupiter is the fifth planet
from our sun."

- Here you go, cuties.
Eat up.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- "1,300 earths
could fit inside.

What is it like on jupiter?"

- Chloe, that juice box
is for your lunch bag,

Not your cereal.
- Is this half-decaf?

First pot, nitro.

You want decaf?
Find a barista on the way.

- "jupiter's atmosphere
can crush..."

That was for the lunch bag.

Chloe, I'm serious.
Do not poke that straw

Into that hole.


Thank you.

Oh, there's eggs on the stove.

[sighs] girls, the bus leaves
in ten minutes. Hurry up.

Not gonna join us
for breakfast?

- [laughs] it's like
a love twister in there,

Like being caught
in a "momsoon."

- Put down roots,
you'll get through the weather.

- Put down roots,
you can't run from the storm.

Stop quoting mom.
- Let him go, annie.

You were always the one telling
me to let go when we moved.

- Well, if you want
to survive as an army brat...

- Well, take your own
advice now.

- You're right. It's stupid.
It's time to move on.

- Simobolivar
and james monroe-

Partners in liberty...

And in boredom, I'm sure.

- It's more interesting
than you think.

I'm studying it
for the museum.

- More interesting
than cleveland anyway.

Why are they sending you?

- We're thinking
about doing something

With the, um,
rock and roll hall of fame.

- And you'll be cage dancing
in a bikini?

It's for the hotel pool.

- Okay, first of all,
get your hand off my ass.

- I'm being your boyfriend.
It's my cover.

- Okay, be my boyfriend
without your hand on my ass.

Thank you.

We're looking for a driver
named lopez.

He's wearing a gold 20 bolivar
coin around his neck.

- You know him?
- No.

- And, uh, how can you
trust him?

He's a cpany man.

- He'll be the one talking
to julia.

- With your help.
- [laughs]

She'd like you better.

That's not an option.

Con permiso.

[cell phone rings]
- hello?

Wheels down?

- Wheels down and looking
for my ride.

- I'm guessing he's gonna be
pretty hard to find.

That's maria who gave you
the hip check and the phone.

And rodriguez is the man
by the door

With the questionable taste
in hats.

Got him.

- He'll be keeping an eye on you
if we decide to go ahead.

I- if we decide to go ahead?

- Lopez has been out of contact
for 72 hours.

The station chief's worried.

What does that mean?

- Well, it could mean
several things.

He's sick.
He's been compromised.

He's being followed.
- Or he's dead.

It could mean he's dead.

- Yeah, well, we're trying not
to go there yet.

But the bottom line is

You just might be doing this
on your own.

- He's been delayed?
- Maybe indefinitely.

Our people are trying
to decide what to do.

- Options?
- Cut our losses.

We bail and bring them home.

- It's the syrian arms thing
all over again.

Ponces will have time
to move his accounts,

And we'll be back
to square one.

- Agreed. If lopez
has been compromised,

We don't have much time.

- Have one of the other
station agents handle it.

Did lopez read them in?

- Just the bullet points.
Annie knows at least as much.


- She's fluent.
She knows caracas.

And she has a relationship
with diego.

But she's green.

It's her inexperience
versus a closing window.

- Might be a good idea
to notify the d.N.I.

Bring the bureau
into the loop.

- Have they got justice
to approve the tap

On diego's phone yet?

- Not until we brief them
on the mission.

They're looking
for quid pro quo.

- Well,
they're not gonna get it.

Who else is at the airport?
- Maria and rodriguez.

- Keep them close.
Let's make this annie's show.

And tap the kid's phone.

Will you settle down?

- I think you're losing
your watchdogs.

They'll keep up.

- How long
have you been doing this?

Long enough.

So not very long.

But long enough.

[whistle blowing,
car horns honking]

Don't overdo it.

And keep your hands
where they belong.

[taps on desk]

- Diego?
- Julia.


- This is the girl
I was telling you about. Annie.

- You're the, uh-
the football player,

The smithsonian museum girl.
- Yes.

I have some business
here tomorrow,

And I used my mileage
to bring diego along.

Ah, she wanted to meet you.

Business in caracas?

- Mm. I'm looking at a letter
that james monroe wrote

To simon bolivar.

- Well, you must need
to freshen up.

Let me show you.

So how old are you-
26, 27?

- 28.
- Even worse.

How dare you date
a 20-year-old boy.

Oh, I-

- He needs to study,
to learn.

You american women
are all cougars with hot tubs.

Julia, I'm not-

- He's there
to get an education.

- I understand.
- A book education.

- [echoing] I'm not sleeping
with your brother.

So then what?

You're not here to look
at a letter to bolivar.

Actually, I am.

But my real business here
is with you.

- You didn't know cougars
like hot tubs?

- Well, I guess I do now.
Still no sign of lopez?

- At this point,
that might be a good thing.

We don't want to throw
too many people at her.

- Keep it calm
and simple, annie.

Don't give her
any wiggle room.

She means wiggle-free.

"wiggleless"- got it.

Was that you as a kid?

Ah, that was me.

- Your sister looks like
a popular girl.

- Yeah. It takes her an hour
to walk a couple of blocks.

Everyone wants to talk
to la madre de la favela.

- "the mother
of the neighborhood."

She loves it here.

I couldn't wait to get out.

The other kids, they would tag
all this hate graffiti

About the u.S.

Me, I used to dream about it.

[dog barking]

- Everyone in the government
takes a little cream.

- Victor takes
more than a little.

Our interest
is in what he's doing with it.

He likes cars.

- This goes way beyond cars.
You know that.

- What I know is that victor
is a good man,

A loving man.

- He's a criminal
with many enemies.

I don't believe that.

- And he's married
with many mistresses.

We see what we want
in the people we love.

Romance can be blinding.

You don't have to go down
with him, julia,

But he will go down.

All you'll be doing
is giving us a look

At where his money's going.

You put an electronic tag
on the account in the caymans

So we can get access to it.

It's a simple
three-digit identifier

That you type in
after the account number.

He'll find out.


But by then, you'll be safely
out of the country

And resettled.

You say that so easily.

Leave victor and my country,
leave la dorita.

You saw those kids.
They need me here.

When I was growing up,

We moved every three
or four years.

It's what you do
in the military.

It's hard at first.

But I learned to build a wall
around those emotions.


- I took the pictures
of all the friends

That I had made,
put them in a shoe box,

And buried them
in the backyard.

my sister thought I was crazy.

But it was something
I had to do to let go.

Staying wasn't an option.
I had no choice.

And ither do you.

- So I put victor
in a shoe box?

There's no future with him.

- Don't try to reason
with love.

Then don't get burned by it.

Because it happened to you.

I see. And now you are a woman
with walls.

[children shouting
in distance]

How long's it been?

About three hours.

- It's the toughest thing
we do...

Convincing people
to let go of their lives...

Even when they don't have
a choice.

- They call you
the mother of the favela.

They are all my children.

And diego...

Isn't he as much a son
as a brother?

You raised him,
homeschooled him.

Doesn't he count?

Doing this
guarantees his dream...

A medical degree from the u.S.,
citizenship for you both.

His dream is to come back,

To practice here.

You sure about that?

Why don't you ask him?

This is the door
to his future, to yours.

Walk through it.

You have to think of victor
and all this as your past.

- No.
- Julia.

- No. I will not do this
to prove victor's guilt.

- Then do it to prove
his innocence.

Prove us wrong.

We will go away.

[thunder rumbles]

Julia's in.

There's only one problem.

Ponces needs a password
to access the cayman account,

And the password changes
every minute for security.

- So he carries a coded fob.
- You know about the fob?

- Yeah, yeah.
They're-they're pretty common.

It's, uh-it's about the size
of a jump drive

With a small screen.

When the fob gets close
to the bank terminal,

The terminal sends the correct
account password to the fob.

Ponces reads it.
- [speaking spanish]

- Julia types it into
the terminal, and they're in.

Bottom line-we need it.

- And I'm betting
he's never without it,

Probably showers with it.

This is one of those jobs

Where nothing's ever easy,
isn't it?

- Yeah, but look at the pension
and the medical.

- And the chance
to spend tropical nights

With 20-year-old men.


- He's sleeping
on the couch.

The fob, please.

Uh, right.

We're switching his for julia's
after lunch tomorrow.

Julia has one too?

- All the bank managers
have them

For their
other restricted accounts.

They're coded differently,
but they look the same.

Where are you gonna do it?

- Julia and victor
have a standing lunch date

At his beach club,

Followed by a siesta after
in a private room.

Diego and I are invited along
for the lunch part,

And julia will pull the switch
after, when he's sleeping.


Look at you now.

Ah, you leave here a boy,
and you return a man,

With a woman you don't deserve.
Victor ponces.

Annie walker. Pleasure.

- Julia tells me
you're in caracas

To look at a bolivar letter
for the smithsonian.

- Actually, it's a letter
james monroe wrote

To simon bolivar,
thanking him for the statue

Of the harpy eagle he sent

After the signing
of the monroe ctrine.

We have the statue
at the smithsonian,

And we'd like to display
the thank-you letter

Along with it.

- Well, I would love it
if you would do me the honor

Of accompanying you
this afternoon.

Diego can drive julia back
in your rental car.

I would gladly skip a siesta

To look at a letter
from the last american president

To care about anything
south of his own border.

- Is rodriquez sure
it's lopez's necklace?

- Well, they minted
half a million of those coins.

There must be thousands
like it.

- He recognizes the chain.
- From across the room?

- Apparently
from across the room.

Caracas p.D. Found lopez's body
20 minutes ago

In several pieces.

We should call it.

If lopez has been compromised,
she's been compromised.

- No, you can't make
that jump.

- Julia called ponces
last night?

- Just to make the lunch date.
Analysts say it was clean.

No calls outut
from the kid either.

- So we have no reason
to believe he's made her.

Ponces has to be suspicious.

- Why? She's 28 and looks
like a cheerleader.

So you hear.

Point taken.

Annie doesn't look
like a foreign op.

He'll test her.
He'll try to draw her out.

But we've got people
all around her.

There's no reason
to call it off now.

- They were both opposed
to imperialism-

Great allies in the fight.

Not exactly.

Bolivar greatly admired monroe
for the doctrine.

But in later years,
he considered the United States

Just as bad as Spain.


What was his quote?

- "the United States appear
to be destined by providen

To plague america with misery
in the name of liberty."


So nice to be with a yankee
who can quote more than lincoln.

Shall we? I want to leave time
for the drive.

- I should probably use
the powder room first.

I'll join you.


He likes blonds.

Maybe you'll have
an opportunity.

- The ride back
isn't about sex, julia.

The gold piece
around your neck,

Is that a recent gift
from victor?

He gave it to me Sunday.

- Pretty sure it belonged
to a colleague of mine.

- And what's
that supposed to mean-

victor stole it from him?


I think it means
he killed him.

Have you said anything to him
that could compromise me?

I need you to tell me
the truth.

No. Nothing.

- I need you and diego
to go back to the bank

And wait for me there.

- What if victor
drives you back?

I'll make sure he doesn't.

Our flight's at 5:30.

Your flight, annie.

In my heart,
I know you're wrong.

- But in your head,
I think you know I'm right.

I can come by tonight.

The door will be open.


Carroll shelby used to do this
to his passengers

When he gave them a ride
in his cobra.

If you can take those bills
in the next ten seconds,

They're yours.

[engine revs, tires squeal]

[intense music]

??? ???

You must tell me, annie,

What does a worldly,
educated woman like you

See in someone like diego?

You must have many men
at your beck and call.

I like how ambitious he is,

That he wants to do something
with his life.

[engine whirs, tires squeal]

- A doctor of some kind,
isn't it?

- Pediatric surgeon.
- That's right.

It's admirable.

Still, young men...

Make such bad lovers.

I think you should be dating
someone closer to your own age,

Maybe older.

Your turn.
- My turn?

- Mm-hmm.
To drive.

- Oh...
[both laugh]

I couldn't.
I- I'd ruin it.

Somehow I doubt that.

Please. These roads
were meant for this car.

Sure you want to do this?


That way I can keep my eye
on you

Instead of the road.

It's your car.

[engine revving loudly,
gears grinding]

Ooh. My bad.

[tires screech]


So, so sorry.

Third gear.

- Please. I-I can't.

I think you can, annie.

I had my men search your car
at lunch.

Strange how many
of your answers

Seem to come straight
from this book.

You even highlighted
the bolivar quote.

[car horn honks]

- Smithsonian employees
have to bone up.

It's part of the job.

- Particularly new employees,
I'm sure.

This looks like
it was made yesterday.

Faster-fourth gear now.
[gears grind]

Please, I can't.

- I just don't think
you're trying.

[gears grind]



- You see,
no one can do that

Without considerable training.

Now, please,
get out of the car.

My associates
will take you back into town.

They'll be right here.

Ow! Ooh!


- I think we better skip
the whole museum thing.

I don't want to bleed
on the bolivar letter.

- Yeah, we'll send your regrets.
How bad is it?

- It's a surface wound,
but messy.

I'm ruining the inside
of his car.


Where are julia and diego?

In the bank.

We have a guy outside-
a cabbie with a beard.

He'll take you
to the airport.

- Does he have
an extra dress?

- Annie.
- I'm okay.

Let's do it.

Julia, we have to hurry.

- What did you do to him?
- It's not the time.

- Is he alive?
- Yes.

That's why we have to hurry.

- There's a first-aid kit
around the corner.

Wait by the ladies' room.

Bring your purse.

We're not coming back.

- entonces.

[tires screech]

- All right, our cabbie reports
that elvis is in the building.

- Damn. Give me
the tag digits again.

9 bravo 7.

Nueve be siete.

- We're in.
- We got it, annie. We're in.

Thank you, julia.

Victor's here, isn't he?

- Please tell me
there's a side way out of here.

It trigger's the alarm.

- They're coming back
for you, annie.

- Julia, we have to go.
- Is it bad?

Is victor
what you say he is?

He shot me, julia.

- The red hits
are the flagged accounts

Of known organizations.

That one's farc.

- This account's tied
to the hezbollah in asuncion.

It's all actionable.


[buzzer sounds]

He's coming back here.

You have to get out, annie.

We have to go.

[alarm blaring]

- Por favor,
mantengan la calma.

Calma, por favor.

- Your car.
- We leave it.

[tires squealing]
- what about diego?

- We have a man out front.
He'll get him.

Get in! Get in!

Julia, don't do this.
- No.

- He's your enemy.
It-it's over.

It's over, julia.

- Annie,
we just texted diego.

He's on his way
to our guy out front.

Thanks, auggie.

Don't want to leave
the boyfriend behind.

- Confiscate their phones
before they get on the plane.

We need this intel analyzed
before ponces shuts it down.

No one goes home tonight.

- Go, go, go.
- You gonna miss it?

- I'm sure there's a pickup game
where we're going.

I'll adjust.

And julia?

- It's been
a tough couple of days.

She doesn't let go easily.

All roots, no walls.

- She loved it
back there, annie.

And I keep asking myself
if, uh...

I did the right thing.

- They tell you
where you're going yet?

- Mm. Only that
we're going tomorrow.

We should probably get
back to the safe house, huh?

- [sighs]
- was that a sigh?

It sounded like a sigh,

Like a troubled, guilty sigh.

This is the business, annie.
It's what we do.

Fact is, you should be feeling
pretty good.

- Yeah, well,
my shoulder's still sore.

And my sister can't understand
how a car accident

Would cause me to lose
the $300 carry-on

She gave me for my birthday.

And I've got
a 20-year-old lothario

Bragging that he spent the night
with me in caracas.

- Oh, aside from that...
- Aside from that, I'm fine.

And you shouldn't be here.

- Oh, Sunday's I'm drawn to
the sound of a thundering herd.

Sue me.

Still, if joan found out...

- She knows what it's like
to jones to fieldwork.

I think she envies you.

- I bet she was pretty good.
- One of the best.

I bet you were pretty good.

Still am.

And I envy you too.

All that "time to move on" crap
joan preaches,

I don't buy into it
for a second.

Every step forward begins
with a firmly planted foot

In the past.


Were you able to trace
all of victor's skim money?

- Mm-mm. There were a couple
of personal accounts

In the caymans
we couldn't get into.

Small change-we figure victor
was taking a cut for himself.

- And where does
diego's tuition money come from?

- From julia's account
in venezuela.

I can bring it up.

- What funds that account,
anything besides her job?

Money from one
of the cayman accounts...

From ponces.

- Can I get you guys anything?
- I'm not hungry.

I'll be in the shower.

- So ponces
was giving her a cut?

- Yeah, she's using
the funds to pay

For neighborhood kids'
education-ten in all.

- Also a food bank
and a free clinic.

They call her
la madre de la favela.

- "the mother
of the favela"- sweet.

You going somewhere
with this?

- Part of the reason
she didn't want to leave

Is she didn't want
to give it up.

It's more
than just loving ponces.

She doesn't want to stop
funding the kids.

And she hasn't.

There were payments
made out of her account

As recent as yesterday.

- By her?
- Looks that way.

- How? She doesn't have access
to a phone or a computer.

- But she could've borrowed one
or stole one.

- She wouldn't try
to contact ponces, would she?

- The station in caracas
said he went underground.

We're betting she already did.
- I'll be at the safe house.

- Let's get her backup.
And alert the airports.

[cell phone beeps]

- [clears throat]
I'm going downstairs

For some coffee.

Would you like me to, uh,
bring you back a latte?

- I'll come with you.
- No. No.

It's in the building,
mr. Hughes.

I'll be gone five minutes.

- She wasn't
at the coffee shop.

- We ran a four-block grid.
Texts on my phone are deleted.

- I never
should've done this.

I never
should've made her come.

We'll find her.

No, you stay, diego.

No, no, not now.

- We might need him
to talk to her.

- [sighs] did you contact
the cab companies?

- Excellent call on the taxis-
we got a hit.

Where was the pickup?

Fairfax and wessling.

The fare was wearing
a purple shirt

And a tan trench coat.
- That's her.

- Well, drop-off
was about five minutes ago

Near the band shell
at east potomac park.

- P.D.'s got to have
a unit close.

Park rangers, fbi.
- On it.

- Annie, stand down.
Units are on the way.

- I'm less than five away.
- Let somebody else do it.

- I have hughes in the car.
- Then let him do it.

Good luck with that.

- You might want to hold on
to your gun.

[tires squeal]

Oh, mi victor.

- How much further?
- Just past the tidal basin.

I knew you'd forgive me.

You had no choice.

- Do you have my passport?
- It's in the car.

[plane flies overhead]
we should go.

Our flight's in an hour.

- Slow down.
- There it is.

Stay behind it.

What do we do?

We wait and say our prayers.

No, w-we can't.

- Diego, do not get
out of this car.

- No, it's my fault
she's here.

[plane flies overhead]


- Hector's gonna help us
get through the airport.


- Julia!
- Is that diego?


- There's no
going back, julia.

You should know that.

- [coughs]



[car horn honking]

Victor. Victor.




- No!


[julia sobbing]

I loved him, diego.

What was I supposed to do
with it?

Just bury it in a shoe box?