The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 21 - The Treasure Hunt: Part 3 - full transcript

The family bonds are particularly strong as Christmas approaches and sentiments are mixed with each member of the family reflecting on the life they once had back in Boston - and a life in the natural world. Christina and Billy are concerned if St. Nicholas can never find their island home and the family improvise the making of gifts and preparations. For all that the situation seems tragically hopeless, David and Elizabeth rally the family and they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - and Christmas in their island home with the improvised tree and presents. Ernst gets the ship's sextant, and Joanna the old treasure map. Other members of the family exchange their home made gifts and decorate the tree house (and pet animals). Parsons and Ben, on their nearby island, hear the family singing carols. Ben is wistful, but Parsons is still bent on revenge. Over the ensuing days , the fort is damaged by a raging storm and David insists that everyone must help repair. Joanna is annoyed. She wants to hunt for treasure ( and sees if her map is of substance ). Early next day Joanna takes the raft and goes off alone. Joanna sees pirates and tries to get home, but she is captured by Parsons and Ben. Leaving Ernst caring for Elizabeth and organizing the fort defenses, David goes off in search of Joanna. Parsons offers Scaggs, the Pirate Captain, the treasure map and Joanna, in return for a passage. Scaggs agrees. But while the pirates sleep, David arrives and with Ben's help releases Joanna. Fleeing the pirates through the forest, Joanna is scared by a human skull nailed to a tree. Trying to hide she, Ben and David fall into a concealed hole. Unable to climb out, they explore a tunnel leading from the hole. They are almost killed by a booby trap before reaching a high-roofed cavern with a treasure chest in the center. Ben is caught in a net which whisks him up to the roof. As he swings there, helpless, the pirates discover the tunnel. David and Joanna escape, but Joanna persuades David to return to try and rescue young Ben, who has clearly come over to their side. As they rescue Ben the group are surprised by the pirates returning. Ben rescues the situation by blowing up the tunnel with a small keg of gunpowder that was another booby trap. Scaggs is killed in the explosion and Parsons joins forces with Bonnie Mary, the new captain. The Robinsons are threatened by the pirates sailing into their bay. The family have only one shot for the cannon in their fort, but Ben makes it count, sinking the ship's boat in which the pirates are about to come ashore. Unaware that the family have no more cannonballs, the pirates turn tail and sail away - and the Robinsons celebrate the successful conclusion to yet another adventure and certainly a Christmas that they will always remember.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -



The map!

Where's the map?

- There's gold doubloon for the
- man who brings me that back.


Anybody you know?


There were a trail of

skulls on the map leading

the way to the treasure.

The treasure chest.

Joanna... no, don't!

They're here, mate.

We got them.


Ben, can you catch my knife?


I can't get my hands free.

Come on out.

We know you're in there.


It'll be harder on you if we

was to come in and get you.

They're coming, sir.

You must get away.



Not me, captain.

Pitch black down there.

Get in there.

Hold on, Sam.

There's no rush.

If there's treasure down there,

well, it ain't going anywhere

is it?

What are you saying?

What you got to do, Sam, is

get the ropes and the lanterns

from the ship.

Then we can go down all proper.


Thank you.

ERNST: You just rest safely now.

We can hold off a whole

army with a musket,

pistol, good supply of rocks.

BILLY: Come on, Christina.

Let's get some more rocks.

I only hope your father

and Joanna are safe.

That chest.

Father, you could stand on it.

Joanna, be careful.

There could be another trap.


There's something there.

It feels like a fuse.

Powder keg.

It was ready to blow.

Well it should be safe now.

Joanna, no!



Are you all right?

Yes, papa.

I'm sorry.

A flintlock to light the fuse.


[? Volcano!?]

BEN: Mr. Robinson, get out!

[? You'll be?] buried alive!

Come on, let's go.


- We can't leave Ben.
- Joanna!

You can't save me!

Save yourself!

Go on!

Ben, we'll be back for you.

You all right?




It's a dead end.






There, there.

It's all right.

Don't worry, the volcano

can't harm us here.

But what about papa,

and Bruno, and Joanna?

- We must just pray
- to the good Lord

To keep us all safe from

volcanoes and pirates.





All you all right?

Yes, papa.


Papa, look.

We're saved.

Where are we?

We must be west of where

we entered the tunnel.

Can you walk?

A little.

Poor Ben.


Poor Ben.

But we must get you

home safe, and then I'll

come back and look for him.

Come on.








Are you feeling better?


So thirsty and hot.

Strong enough to go on?

No, we can't.

We can't leave Ben.

I have to get you home first.


I can't.

Joanna, your mother is

seriously ill with a fever.

- She's worried to
- death about you.

Oh, poor mama.

Oh, I'm sorry.

But I didn't know the

pirates would come back.

Ben helped us escape,

he saved your life.

You can't leave him.

They may be after us now.

It's not the time, Joanna.

- I have to make sure
- that you're safe first.

- Well if anything
- should happen to him,

It would be all my fault.

I caused all this trouble.


I'll be all right.

Bruno will protect me.

You must try and rescue him.

Well, we're close

to the beach now.

- Can you find your way
- home along the shoreline?



Bruno knows the way.

I'll see what I can do.

Where the blazes you been?

- Came as quick as
- we could, captain.


I thought you turned yellow

and was skulking on the ship.


On your feet you lot, now.

Let's get down that hole

and get that treasure.


I think I'll stop here

and keep an eye on things

from this end in

case of any mischief.

- Right?
- Oh.

Yeah, yeah.


Now get that rope down the hole.

Come on, boy.


- No, Bruno.
- This way.

Right, lads.

In you go.

Keep your eyes peeled.

I heard tell old Black

Jake liked to set

traps to guard his treasure.

Deadly traps.

Oh, I'll tell you what.

Mr. Parsons, you'll

lead the way.


Won't you, Mr. Parsons?


father returned to somehow

try and save Ben, he

found the entrance

to the cavern totally blocked.

Skaggs and Parsons, meanwhile,

were closing in nearby

- and found themselves confronted
- with a different problem.

Friend of yours?

Now I knows we be

on the right track.

- I told you Black Jake would
- have guarded his loot.


What are you a-feared of?

A dead man can't do you no harm.


- In fact, he done
- us a good turn.

- He set off the trap
- for us, didn't he?

What if there be more?

More what?

Dead men or deathtraps?

All you got to do is

keep your wits about you.

Walk, be careful.



What are you doing here?

Papa, I'm sorry.

I couldn't go.

I couldn't leave Ben.

Can we get through?

It could take hours.

We could go the other way.

DAVID: The pirates are there.

I know.

We have to be very careful.

There it is, lads.

Jake's treasure,

just waiting for us.


Captain's privilege, lads.

Captain's privilege.



What's this?


You knowed about this, Parson!


No, Sam, I swear.

What's that?



Another of Black Jake's

bits at jollification.

Well I might of knowed.

What have you done

with the treasure, eh?

I haven't seen any treasure.

- You're lying, you
- young blackguard.

Where is it?

What about the wench?

Where is she?

She got the treasure?


Where'd she go?

Oh, Ben.

Ben, you can tell me.

After all I've done for you,

I've been like a father to you.

Saved you from the wreck, took

care of you all these months.

Fed you, sheltered you...

Just like a father.

And this is how you repay me?


The roof's fell in.


She were a pretty little thing.

MR. PARSON: You see

what you've done, Ben?

That poor, innocent child.

All you're doing.

What are we going to

do with him then, eh?

- String him from a tree with
- a rope around his neck?


Make him walk the

plank for shark's meat?

Crew always enjoys that,

or a nice keelhauling.

Of course, if he was to tell us

where the treasure really is...

I don't know.

I might even cut him down

and forget what he'd done.

- After all, anybody
- can make a mistake.

I don't know anything.

And you just made another one!

All right, [INAUDIBLE].

Stay there!

Stay there and rot!

Come on!

What's keeping you?


No treasure?

No, nothing.

Not a single gold ducat.

WOMAN: No rings?

No jewelry?


Only an empty old

chest, and a lad.

Did you cut his throat?

I'll give him a few

days hanging there.

He'll be ready to talk.

Come on, lads.

Back to "The Viper."

They're going.

Now's your chance, papa.

I know.

- I just hope they
- don't come back.



Are you all right?


Yes, I'm fine.

I always got my hand free.

We'll get you down somehow.

Hold on.

Hold on, everybody.

What is it?

I ain't tramping all

the way back to the ship,

- then tramping all the
- way back here again.

Just think of the treasure.

- I am thinking of the
- treasure, and I wants it now...

Not in a week's time.

Anything can happen in a week.

But the lad won't cough.

There's more than

one way to crack a nut.

You can roast it for a start.

Roast it?

What do mean?

We light a fire under him.

He'll soon start squealing

when he starts a-cooking.


No, it's no good.

We need more height.

Joanna, take this.

Get away from there.

Bad dog!


Bruno's found the treasure.

There's somebody

coming down the tunnel.

What was that?

It's them.

Come on, lads.


Watch out.

Go careful now.

Ah, come on.

We've got him now.

The pirates are coming.

We're trapped!

Get the powder keg.

Bruno, down.


Come on, lads.

We've got them.

I'll chop them to bits,

I'll cut them to strip...

MAN: Captain, look.

Oh no.



Well, they'll never

get in here now.

They'll never get in,

and we'll never get out.

Yes we can, the other tunnel.

Didn't that collapse?

- Well we'll have to dig
- our way out, won't we?



Where's Sam?

He's gone.


Gone to meet his maker.

God help him.

We'll be needing

a new captain now.

We've got a captain.



Right, lads?


One Eye?

Aye-aye, Bonnie Mary.

Aye-aye, captain.

ALL: Aye.

Can you navigate a ship?

I can.

Then you better come along

with us, then, hadn't you?

As my mate.

[? Tate, ?] [? Paul, ?]

someone's coming!


I see them!


DAVID: Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!

It's father.


Oh, mama, I'm so sorry.

I thought I might

never see you again.

- But here I am, safe and sound.

- Thanks be to God.

Amen to that.

And thanks be to Ben, too.


It was Ben who helped

rescue me from the pirates,

and that awful man, Parsons.

- I thought you
- were with Parsons?

Not anymore, ma'am.

Pull the weight up!

Pull the weight!

Put your backs into it, lads!

The sooner we're away from this

accursed place, the better.

Haven't we got a

score to settle first?

The Robinsons will keep.

We haven't got enough men.


Beat a bunch of women

and children with nothing

more than a single

musket between them?

Never tooks you

for a coward, Mary.


I was so hungry.

- Are you sure
- you've had enough?

I think so, thank you.

How about you, Ben?

Thank you, ma'am.

- That was the most
- delicious meal I've

Had since we were shipwrecked.

Ben, why don't

you stay with us?

He could stay with us.

Couldn't he, papa?

Look, everybody!


The pirates!

They're coming!

BONNIE: Man the cannon!

On the alert.

Come on, lads!

They're getting

ready to come ashore.

Oh, David.

If only we could stop

them before they do.

What about the cannon?

We've only got one cannonball.

And only enough

powder for one shot.

Well they don't know that.

You're right, Ben.

- If we just make
- that one shot count.

- Are you a skilled
- gunner, Mr. Robinson?

Ben, I was an

accountant in Boston.

What about you been, Ben?

I've seen it done.

Well then, let's hope

you've learned something.

- And you're sure
- you can help yourself

To anything what's there, but do

I want Robinson and young Ben.

I'm gonna make both

of them dance on air.

BONNIE: Standby to go ashore!

Aye-aye, captain.


That looks about right, sir.


Stand back.





Good shot!



We did it!

One musket, you said!

Strikes me that musket

fires a damn big shot!

I can't understand it.

- Where the devil
- did they get that?

- I don't care where
- they got it, they got it!

And I'm not stopping

here and risking my ship

so's you can have your fun.

Make sail!

Make sail now!

ERNST (VOICEOVER): Once again,

we had outwitted Parsons.

But this time, with

the assistance of Ben.


We fooled them.

- Well done, Ben.
- Yes.

Well done, indeed.

- You think you've
- got the best of me,

David Robinson, but I'll

be back... damn your eyes.

I'll The back!

So, now what?

Well, I was just thinking

about the treasure.

- Oh, lay not up your
- treasure on the earth, Joanna.


Your father's right, Joanna.

What use is treasure to us here?

We can't eat it.


It's quite safe where it is.

But our dowries, mama.

Christina... you're kind,

brave, steadfast girls.

All of you.

That's all the dowry you need.

Mr. Beak's my dowry.




I did manage to

pick this up, though,

before we left the cabin...

To replace the one you lost.


Thank you.

It's beautiful.

But we have all the treasure

we need right here, in family.

- Our first Christmas

On the island was a memorable

one, and certainly one Joanna

and Ben would never forget.



love, comfort, and support

- of the family had also
- brought inner strength

And resolve for us all.

Although the immediate

danger had passed,

- I couldn't help but feel
- there would be new adventures

For the family to encounter

as the sun on our island home

for another day.