The Accidental Narco (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Unable to convince Yohan to take the new route, Ingu improvises by coming up with a solution of his own. David Julio Park prepares a handoff.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


What is he plotting?

Damn it.

Oh, this barbaric prick...

According to Chen Zhen,

if we use the Chinatown route
he uses to sell his meth,

we can sell one and a half tons of coke
in three weeks.

One and a half tons in three weeks?

What do you think, Byun? Is it doable?

As you know,
the Chinatowns in Europe are huge.

I think it's possible.

You know,

I'm worried I might end up helping
Chen Zhen's career grow by doing this.

Once we sell this batch,

we can keep working with him or stop.

Okay, then David thinks

we should work with the Chinese guys.

What do you two think?

Will you be able to trust the heathens
that worship other gods?

Especially when we have
the option of Puerto Rico.

If I'm being honest,

Chen Zhen and I aren't on good terms,

so I'd want to avoid working with him.

But since we're talking about money,

it would be petty
to let our issues get in the way.

Whatever best serves you,
I'll just say "amen" and follow you.

I need to speak with David in private.

Will you please excuse us,
Preacher and Deacon?

Yes, Pastor.


If we succeed in selling this batch,

your cocaine kingdom

will finally be complete.

After that, you'll be able to tear anyone
that bothers you into shreds.

I came here for Chen Zhen,
but he isn't here.

What is up with this bastard?
Not picking up my calls.

By the way,

if Jeon and Chen Zhen team up,

doesn't that mean our operation
will go down the drain?

If it doesn't work out,

I suggest you head to the US Embassy.

But if I disappear in this situation,

Jeon will find out I'm the rat.
Do you think he'll just leave me alone?

I'm sure he'll send someone
to Korea to harm my family.

And more importantly...

More importantly,

if I go back to Korea like this,
the anger will keep me up at night.

Then do this one last thing for me.

Please convince Jeon.

I'm sure he's hesitant to work with Chen.
They're enemies, after all.

Are you sure about that?

Yes, please trust me one last time.

All right, fine.
I'll try and trust you on this.

But what if I try to convince him,
and it doesn't work?

Then I'll completely trust
your judgment as a field agent.

Okay, I'll do as you ask
since you say this will be the last time.


Such a nice night
with the moonlight and the cool breeze.

Mr. Kang, come in
and get your blood circulating.

I bet getting our hands on some money
will help our circulation better,

considering the structure of our DNA.

That is the best, you're right.

Then, why don't you choose
the Puerto Rico route?

I heard there's a deadline.

Mr. Kang,

have you ever heard
of Pablo Escobar, by any chance?


Guess not.

He was the world's most powerful
drug lord 30 years ago.

At one point, his yearly income topped
that of General Motors,

a company that makes cars.

He even had Colombian politicians
in the palm of his hand.

He was basically a king.

But do you know how he ended up?

He was hunted down by the DEA

and got shot while being chased
on the street, wearing slippers.

Mr. Kang.

That's America.

And that's why I promised the president

I would never get involved with the US.

We won't be selling to the US.

We will only be passing by.

And you heard that Puerto Rico
isn't even part of the US.

Yes, I know.

But the Cali Cartel might get touchy

and blame us
for potentially invading their turf.

All of North America is their territory.

I'm considering all possibilities,
so let's just be patient.

Well, I talked to Goo earlier and...

He said

there's no other way into Korea
other than Puerto Rico.

I mean, do we really
need to be in this situation?

Just because someone
is being cowardly and anxious?

Do you have to touch the fire
to know it's hot?

Don't make me say it twice.

If you keep rejecting this,
I'll have to make a tough choice.

I mean, I can't keep doing this here...

I thought you were smarter than this.

Why do you keep saying the same thing?
Why is that?

Because you're too scared
to get what I'm saying, damn it!

What the fuck did you say?!

A demon's possessed you!
You've got a demon inside you!

You son of a bitch.

The demon should be killed.
Don't you think so?

I know you don't have any money.

If you kill me now, you'll be broke.
Are you ballsy enough for that?

Kill me!

You and I both would rather die here
than live like beggars. Am I wrong?

So kill me now and starve to death.

Let's fucking die together!

You've been possessed by a wicked demon.

That happens when one's spirit grows weak.

Go get some rest.

Your body must recover

for your spirit to recover.

You're fucking unbelievable!

I really hope you find happiness

that's tiny as a skate's dick,
you chicken!





My God.


I got a call from David.

They are handing over Byun.

That went too well
for Chen Zhen, that dirty bastard.

Something's off.

Make sure there's nothing

that'll put us in danger.

Excuse me, sir.

If you ask him about Chen Zhen now,
he'll find out we've been wiretapping him.

You know that, right?

Are you confessing to wiretapping me?

What am I plotting with Chen Zhen?

I bet you can find out yourself
with wiretapping, tailing, or whatever.

If you continue to act like this,
we cannot proceed with the operation.

Do you think I'm doing this
for the operation?

No, I'm doing it
because my neck is on the line.

If the operation goes haywire
and Jeon and Chen Zhen team up,

I will die!

Can't you just help me?

You promised to trust
my judgment as a field agent.

Well, what do you need me to do?

You can track Jeon's movements
and whereabouts, right?

Jeon is on the move right now.

As I told you before, the operation
won't go according to how you want.

Staying alive
is my top priority right now.

Whatever you end up doing,

I hope you succeed.

For now, focus on tracking Jeon's location

and ask the US Embassy
for cooperation, just in case.


Quickly, get in!

Three green vans have just left Chinatown
through the main entrance.

No unusual sightings.

Good work.

Stay focused and keep watch.

Call Chen Zhen.
Tell him to get ready to finish this.

We'll move the goods up first.



Go, get out of the car!

Move! Hurry up!

Those fucking bastards!


Out of the way!



Those fucking pricks!


Get up!


Chase him! Quickly!

Damn it. Where did they all go?

Ah fuck!


Fuck! You fucking idiot!

Don't worry about them.

Hurry up.

I heard there was
a mass killing in Paramaribo.

Is this what you planned, Mr. Kang?

Things didn't go as I planned.

Jeon survived.

Head to the US Embassy immediately.

We can't continue
with this operation anymore.

I'll take care of the incident
and make sure

your family stays safe.

Hold on.

No. Jeon and Chen Zhen
can never be on good terms after this.

Jeon's only option now is Puerto Rico.

I think I should stay here.

There's no way I can help you.
It's just too dangerous.

Tell me something I don't know.

I'll go meet with that bastard Jeon again.

I'll call you again, Sangman.
Make sure you eat well.


Mr. Kang, the pastor has called you.

What an honor.

On the way here,
I heard that all hell broke loose today.

Then you probably know

the Chinese punks got to the warehouse.

Yeah, I heard they took everything.

So we gathered everyone
who knew of the location of the warehouse.


But I don't know it.

Come on.

You've been there before.

Hey, you guys covered my eyes.
How would I have known where it is?

It's not like I have X-ray vision.

Why did you leave without telling me?

I'm flustered to hear you ask me that
since it was your fault.

Is this the army? Do I need
your permission to go to the hospital?


Dealing with him peacefully
is never going to work.

If you let me, I'll beat a confession
out of this son of a bitch.

You psycho fuck. Have you lost it?

Hey, it's not my fault
you got beaten up like a freaking idiot.

The warehouse? Huh?

You put a bag on my head,
affecting my high blood pressure.

Only you guys know the exact location!

So you can go around tormenting
and killing each other, for all I care!

Both business-wise and character-wise,

I'm disappointed on all fronts.

Let's not ever meet again.
Well, we don't have a reason to.

You should witness God's will
before you go.

Why are you in such a rush?

Pastor, didn't I tell you
that there was someone I suspected?

Who planned the route
when the Brazil incident happened?

You didn't let the same person
plan the route this time, did you?

Then we have the answer.

We know who the rat is,
so why are you dragging this on?


You're asking the wrong question.


who benefits the most
if our deal with Chen Zhen falls through?


The only person who wants Puerto Rico
to be the only option for the pastor...

Who is it?


How dare you raise your voice,
you fucking rat?

I had Sangjun do something for me
when I left the mansion today.

I'm sorry to say that I had him
go through the cars and the rooms...

of everyone that's here.

Of course...

that includes you, Mr. Kang, okay?


who is this rat?

Do away with him, once and for all.

Mr. Kang, what do you think of God's will?

Do you like it?

This classless prick

had conspired with Chen Zhen to kill me.

This was hidden inside
a secret compartment in David's trunk.

A phone that was never surrendered to us.

We looked up the call history
to find the most frequently dialed number.


It was from Chinatown.

Well, David was the most suspicious one.

But the thing is,

no matter how much I think about it,
it's strange.

The David I know
is a spineless piece of shit,

and he would never do something
like this on his own.

He probably just did as Chen Zhen said.

But Chen Zhen has shit for brains too.

There's got to be one more person
who is controlling everything.

Whether there are one or two more people,
sort it out for yourself.

Can we please start wrapping up
our business now?

How do we do that?

Puerto Rico?


If we had just gone with Puerto Rico
from the beginning...

How do we do that?
Don't you know Chen Zhen took the coke?

Then we get it back! No?

Are you just going to let him have it?

I heard you have some Chinese friends.

Make some calls,
and see if they know anything!


Don't be ridiculous.

What? Is it that hard to go around
and make a few calls?

Are you all going to sit back
and be so unproductive?

So frustrating.


Suriname is tiny, right?

If we poke around,
we'll get something eventually.

The pastor isn't done talking.

You can go when he's done.

I can't believe this.

Are you sure you're Koreans?
Why are you slacking off?

There isn't a second to waste.
Let's go get the coke back.

Are we not going to?


Let him go.
He says he'll get our coke back.



Hey, go back!

Move back!

Go back. Only Chinese can enter.

What is he saying?

You motherfucker.

I was going to wait a while

and tell Jeon
where Chen Zhen had hidden the goods.

But the bastard's
suddenly acting all weird.

Yes, we were checking that
through a different channel.

And you know David,
Jeon's legal advisor, right?

He's dead.

Jeon shot him.

Yes, I'm aware.

Was he...



Jeon's guys are on my tail.

You have to take care
of this quickly, okay?

Chen Zhen keeps calling

and urging me to find a way to kill Jeon.

What the...

-Mr. Kang, what's going on?
-What the fuck?

What the fuck are you doing?

-Son of a bitch. You're the one to ask!
-What do you mean?

I was on a business call!

Business, huh? I like business too.

This is Kim Heewon.

Our business is a mess, Agent Choi.

Is this a W3 situation?

Yes. I'll put K on the phone again.


Mr. Kang.

He is the NIS agent I told you about.

I ask that you cooperate with him.

I don't know what's going on.

But okay.

I will contact you again.

Let's talk on the way.

We can't be seen.

Lee and I are here to tail you
on Jeon's order.

You started off in Chen Zhen's gang
and made your way to work for Jeon?

It's a long story.

Were you the one
behind the ambush at the warehouse?


Killing Jeon solves nothing.

If it were that easy,
I would've already done it!

Wow, if you guys are that smart,

why do you need a civilian
to do this dangerous job?

How ungrateful.
I'm helping you at a cheap price.

I led Jeon to shoot someone else
in order to save your life.

How ungrateful.

You're the one who should be thanking me.

You will only do
as Mr. Choi and I say from now on.

Your dogmatic behavior
can affect the lives of the captives

and even all of Suriname. Are we clear?

Yes, I get what you're saying,

but I don't like your tone.

Just how old are you?

What? I'm being more respectful
than when I'm being Byun.

We're the same age.

You were gonna tell Jeon
where Chen Zhen hid the coke, right?

So you could lead him to Puerto Rico.

Yes, but Chen Zhen chickened out.
Things got annoying.

I was also told to find
the location of the coke

using my past Chinese connections.

Is there any place in Chinatown
where he might have hidden the cocaine?

There are about five or six places.

But Chinatown is blocked off now,
so there's no way to go in and check.

So I was thinking,

Chen Zhen still answers your calls, right?


Come up.

Come in!

General Henk, this is the president.

Which troop is available
to be mobilized now?

To Chinatown.

Everybody, fire!

Boss! Soldiers have barged into Chinatown!

They're killing our brothers down there!

Hurry up!

-Get more things!
-Find your places!

This is an operation to root out the gang
that is involved in murders and drugs.

We will not harm innocent civilians,
so stay in your homes.

I repeat.

This is an operation to root out the gang
involved in murders and drugs.

We will not harm innocent civilians,

so stay in your homes.

Shoot them!


The drug ring that has persecuted

and killed the people of Suriname

has been rooted out.

Innocent lives have been sacrificed
due to this war,

but we won in the end.

Remind yourself of the motto of Suriname.

Justice, piety, and fidelity.

Today, we made a statement.

With piety, we found justice
and protected our fidelity.

We thank God for protecting us.

Fellow citizens, let us all pray

for Suriname tonight.



Today, the Lord of Hosts
took revenge on His enemies.

Today is the day
of vengeance for our Lord.

The Lord's sword shall be full
with the enemies it devoured!


Today, everything happened

as I had prophesized
and as God had promised.

Our good brothers
who sacrificed their lives

have passed through the gates of heaven.

Suriname has now become
the land of God and no one else,

so let's lift our praises to the Lord!


I heard you played a big role in luring
that Chen Zhen bastard out of hiding?

I did help.

Many upsetting things happened,
but you stood your ground.

I'll give you that.

What tree is more firmly rooted
than the tree of money?

But after a few big storms,

it's gotten harder to hold out.


How did it go?

Of Chen Zhen's Western Europe dealers,

the mainland Chinese are uncooperative.

If we get rid of those guys
and find a new route,

we will need more time.

So how long will it take
to sell all our goods?

At least

three to four months.

Hey there, Kang.

What's up? Have you been eating well?

Hey, I had so much for breakfast
that my stomach's about to burst.

Sangman, Pastor Jeon would like
to speak with you.

It's been a while, Elder Goo.

Oh, yes.

So, what is it?


I'll make it simple.

Is the Puerto Rico route still available?

Why do you ask?

I was wondering
if we could let bygones be bygones

and work together again.

How could I trust you?

You might back out again
at the last minute.

I understand your concern.

So I'm going to do something
that will restore your trust in me.

I don't think it'll be easy
to trust each other again.

I know that.

Let me just confirm one thing.

If I send all the goods at once,
will I be paid immediately?

Well, after our deal fell through,
the funds were sent elsewhere.

So I would need to check.

But by the time Kang arrives
with the goods,

I should have the cash
to send back with him.

But before that,

what's this something
you're saying you'll do?

If you confirm that for me,

I will send the goods
to Puerto Rico immediately.


Just how soon is that?

It isn't that hard to ask for a plane
from the Surinamese government, so...

I can get it shipped in three hours.

Will you accept the goods?

You have a deal.

Good, it's settled.

Great work, Sihyeon.

You did great.

-Good work.
-Great work!

Mr. Kang, let's get ready.


The deep-rooted tree
finally bears some fruit.

Subtitle translation by: Daham Yoon