The A-Team (1983–1987): Season 3, Episode 21 - Waste 'Em! - full transcript

Former military helicopter pilot A.J. runs a delivery service, Speedy Express, with his blind sister Lisa Perry. Garbage collection company manager Ike Hagen wants them to sell to him, and ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In 1972,
a crack commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

1473, South Fairmont.

It crosses Colfax and Riverside.

You're sure
we got the right address?

I took it
right off the call order.

He said to turn in the
alleyway off of Riverside...

he'd be waiting for us
at the delivery entrance.

- Here, let me take a look.
- Stop.

I can look at it, A.J.
I know how to read it.

Okay, I know, I'm sorry.

Guess I'm just a little jumpy with
everything that's been going on lately.

1473, it's just up
past Riverside.

I think we missed it.

What the...

A.J., I hear another truck.


A.J., I'm scared.


Hey, back up, would you?

We want to back out of here.

Hey, stop!

A.J., what's going on?



All right,
hold it right there, fellas.

Lookee what we got here.

Big, bad fly boy
and his blind little sister.

Good thing
you can't see, Lisa...

'cause you're not gonna wanna watch
what we're gonna do to your brother.

No, please, leave him alone.

You know, you'd think, a smart,
young guy like yourself...

would take Hagen's advice
and sell out when you could.

Nobody forces us
to sell our business.

Now you tell Hagen this is a
free country, I fought for it...

and he's gonna have to kill me first
before I sell out to a scum like him.

I'll tell him you said that.

Put me down. A.J.!


I think you made
your last delivery.

Let's get out of here.


Are you all right?

- I think they broke a rib.
- We got to get you to a hospital.

I don't care what they do to me.

I am not selling to them.

There must be somebody
who can help us.

First it was a Chinese laundry
then a pizza parlor.

This is crazy.

That Chinese guy said Earl's
Paint and Shine, didn't he?

Yeah, that's what I heard.

I don't think you can just
open the yellow pages...

and expect to find a listing
for the A-Team, right?

I have a feeling they find you.

Yeah, well,
I guess you're right, Lisa.

I just hate the thought
of having to go for help.

Look at me, I can't even
take care of my own sister.

You take care of me fine.

Now, smile, come on.

Okay. That's better.

Let's find the A-Team, huh?

Howdy, folks.

Any car, any color,
any day, any week, anywhere.

I'll scrape it, I'll prime it,
I'll paint it. Name's Earl.

Yeah, well, I'm afraid--
You bet.

Just drive it right on up here.

Look, you don't understand. We were
told we could find the A-Team here.

A-Team? Never heard of 'em.

Just pull her up here.
All I know is color.

Speaking of which,
how about fire engine red?

Red's big this year.

Bring her in, come on.

Come on.

That's it. Okay, good.

Yeah, it looks pretty clean.

Nothing in there
but cardboard and paper.

Hannibal. They're clean.

Okay, back her out.

Let's go, come on.

That's good, keep coming.

Looking for the A-Team?
You've found them.

Face, B.A.
My name's Hannibal Smith.

We had to make sure you are
who you say you are.

Who are these two?

The big guy here is B.A.,
and I am Templeton Peck.

- Hi.
- Call me Face. It's nice to meet you.

My sister is sightless.

You had your hand out,
didn't you?

Yeah. I'm sorry, sometimes
I don't notice.

Well, what do you say
we get down to business?

I was able to support myself working as
a dispatcher for the delivery service.

I did that for almost five years until A.J.
lost his job.

You told Mr. Lee that you fought
in Vietnam in the 1st Air Cav.

I used to fly the Huey's.

Then I worked for the airline companies
till they cut back and I got laid off.

It's a rough market
for airline pilots.

So I figured
I gotta get something going...

and when Lisa came to me and said the
delivery company was up for sale...

we borrowed the money and took over.
- Yeah, we were doing fine.

We even got a second loan to build
an underground garage for our vans.

Then Ike Hagen came along.

Guy runs a rubbish company.

About a month ago he came by
and offered to buy us out.

And when you said no, it was as if you'd
just walked under a ladder, right?

Exactly. He scared off
our drivers, wrecked our vans.

He gave me this
and four broken ribs.

Dude seems to be pretty tough.
I think I'd like to meet him.

Yeah, but why would a guy who collects
garbage want to take over a delivery system?

I mean,
it doesn't make any sense.

That's what we can't figure out.

It's not like we're making
the Fortune 500 or anything.

Listen, if you guys can help us,
we'll find a way to pay you.

Face, you want to try
an estimate on that?

I figure it'd be about a week,
week and a half...

four of us,
possibly an extra vehicle...

weapons, ammunitions,
carry the one.


See, I have it all itemized.

- I'm sorry. I forgot--
- No, no, don't be sorry at all.

One of the biggest compliments we can get
is when someone forgets we can't see.

- Well, actually, see--
- No, really, it's okay. Don't worry.

B.A., come with me.
Face, go spring Murdock.


So everything is in order
for the patient's release?

Yes, Doctor.

We gave him the shot this morning and
his release papers are all here.

Very good. Tell me, did the
patient give you...

any kind of trouble
over the injection?

- No, not at all, Doctor.
- Excellent.

Aren't you coming?

Seymour Madison. Room 104.

Mr. Madison's in Room 114.

The patient assigned
to Room 104 is Murdock.

Wait a minute here.

You gave an injection to the patient
in Room 104, now am I correct?

- What is it?
- I'm not sure.

Please, stay back.

It's bad enough that
this is happenening to me...

I don't want it happening
to anybody else.

So please stay back.

Are you in pain?

It's my hand.

I know this sounds crazy,
but this is not my hand, no.

No way. This is not my hand and I
can show you for only a moment.

How do you do?
My name is Lefty.

It's very nice to meet you.

See what I mean? And my hand
is only the beginning.

Its real objective
is to get inside my head.

My head.

Never seen anything
quite like this.

Tell me, has this patient
had any medication today?

Murdock always has medication.
Takes it three times a day.

Good Lord. You gave a shot
to a man on medication?

Get a gurney in here immediately,
I've got to take him to ICU.

Now, uh...

It's not my fault.
Don't blame me.


Would you...

Just keep it away from my head. Promise
me you'll keep it away from my head.

Strap him down.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask for
your name and your employee number.

Believe you me...

this is going to come up at the
next hospital board meeting.

But the chart said the injection
was to go to Room 104.

All right. Hopefully, I can stabilize the
patient. I won't have to say anything.

Thank you, Doctor.

I don't know how this could've
gotten messed up the way it did.

That wasn't me, believe me.
I'm not that kind of person.

I'm telling you, Mr. Hagen,
we got nothing to worry about.

Nobody's seen any of their delivery
trucks for a couple of days.

They're closed down.

The bank's gotta pull the loan they gave
them to build that underground garage.

It's a shame when
you read the statistics...

about the rate of small
businesses going under, huh?

A real shame.

Guy's still
playing darts. Man.

He's sure got a lot of security for
someone who's just collecting garbage.

You know, Colonel,
it's not gonna be easy...

going in there to find out
what this guy's all about.

But you have a plan, right?

Well, Lieutenant, if you can't get
in, you gonna have to get him out.

You know, I have to tell you...

I find your small quotes
to be utterly inspirational.

As a matter of fact, it's the
most interesting part of my day.

Good, Captain.

B.A., I got something special
for you to make.

But first, let's go.

We're gonna
make some deliveries.

Here come the garbage boys.

- What?
- This is Archer.

We just picked up one of the Speedy
Express vans making deliveries.

He's at east on Pier Point,
just crossed Lincoln.

I thought you told me
they weren't rolling.

I thought you told me
it was all taken care of.

Yeah, I don't know, they must
have hired some new drivers.

Well, get on 'em
and cut 'em down.

All right.

They're coming your way, Sutter.
We'll catch them between us.

We're in to North Hill.
Hit it.

You really don't watch your driving,
you're gonna get a traffic ticket.

Let's get them back.

Didn't the Perrys tell you that driving for
them could be real hazardous to your health?

We didn't forget
to make a pick-up, did we?

Open it up.

You really don't want me
to open those doors.

You really don't want him
to open up these doors.

Don't make me
tell you pinballs again.

Now, you tell that dirtball,
Hagen, that you work for...

the Perrys no longer own the
delivery service. I bought 'em out.

I'm the new owner.

Now, if he's got problems
with that...

you tell him
to talk to me, okay?

My name's Smith.
Let's go, guys.

What does he think I am,
a piece of sludge?

You go bring me this new owner.
Get him here as quick as you can.

I'm gonna crush this guy.
Get going.

They just left, Colonel. Three of them.
They're heavily armed.

Can't wait to meet them.
B.A., you ready?

Almost got it.


Here it is, Hannibal,
I hope it matches.

Nice. Get out of here.


Lefty says
keep a stiff upper lip.

Carry on, Captain.

I'm gonna make some more coffee.

Why are you staring at me?

I wasn't staring, I just...

How'd you know I was staring?

When you've been blind
most of your life...

you develop perceptions
other people don't have.

Like you know when someone
is standing behind you.

You know when someone
is looking at you.

Can you tell
when they're smiling?

Most of the time.

- You're very handsome.
- And you are very beautiful.

I guess I'll just have to
take your word for it, huh?

You know, blind people kiss
just like everyone else.


Well, zoo out early?

Wise guy.

They've just taken him inside.

There's only one way in
and one way out.

Same as a pocket,
eh, Lefty? Absolutely.

I don't like
being pushed around...

by people who think they're
a little tougher than me.

So I guess that makes you
a little less tougher than me.


I usually get
what I want, Mr. Smith...

and I especially don't like being told
I can't have something that I want.

I can understand that. You're
going to sell me that building.

I'm making a final offer.

Sell or die.

Well, I've considered
your proposal, Mr. Hagen...

but I can't sell you
that building.

You see, I'm going to build...

a six-story building on the
site of my delivery service.

And I'm going to put my name
on it, across the top.

Get him out of here
and put him in the ground.

Do it slow.

Hey, man, they're going outside.

They're getting in the car.

All right, let's hit the vans.

You guys don't mind
if I light my cigar, do you?

You ought to take a look
at that right front wheel.

It's got a shimmy.

Where you're going I really
wouldn't worry about it.

It's your car.

Uh-oh, we got company.

These guys are my friends.

Coming through that wall
was nice.

If you're ever out of work,
call me.

We could use some extra drivers.

Well, I guess
we rumpled his hair.

- That dart bug was a pretty clever idea.
- That was nothing.

You should've seen this barbequed
chicken leg that we planted...

I think he's making a call.

- I'm not surprised.
- They're not doing so well.

So they're gonna be a little
more trouble than I expected.

They're punks, Durcell.

Me and the boys
will shut them down.

Well, you know the
consequences if you don't?

By the time
they get the specs through...

and start digging in the basement,
it'll be a couple of months.

I'll have plenty of time,
believe me.


Hey, listen...

the boys are still coming by Oxem
Chemical tonight to make the pick-up.

We're still on for tonight, huh?

Yeah. Terrific.

And Louis will have
the envelope?

It'll all be there.


We're gonna do it, boys.

- Oxem Chemical?
- Beats me.

A.J., you and your sister
keep listening.

We'll give you a call.

What about us, Colonel?

We're gonna go see Louis
and his envelope.

Hi. I'm looking for Artie.

There's no Artie here.

Look, buddy,
this is a restricted area.

Go look for him some place else.

Now, wait. Wait a minute.
I don't mean to be a pest.

But are you sure
Artie isn't here?

Look, pal, I told you once.
There's no Artie--

The paint's still wet.

Whatever this stuff is, it'll take
the shine right off a diamond.

You think it'll take
the leather off a glove?

That we'll find out.

Lefty, give me the envelope.
Give me the envelope.

Colonel, I found Louis.

And Lefty found the envelope.

Got about $5,000 in cash here.

What'd you come up with, Face?

Well, so far PCB...

a little aldrin,
traces of dioxins.

The stuff's a regular
witch's brew.

So this is
the chemical company...

that's paying Hagen
to dump his waste.

Yeah, big business, fast
bucks, and all highly illegal.

Hagen's dumping his stuff
somewhere he's not supposed to.

Maybe some little kid
will find it.

Hannibal, we got to stop him
and put him out of business.

Lefty seconds that.

All right, let's take
these barrels...

switch them for empty ones,
fill them with water...

and then see
where they take them.

Come on, guys. We got to get out of here.
We'll go out the back way.

Does it work?

- Works like a charm.
- Okay.

Murdock, tape that envelope
on one of these barrels.

Face, start the van.

Come on, B.A., give me a
hand to drag this guy off.

Where's Louis?

He's on a coffee break
around here somewhere.

There's the envelope.

Let's get this stuff loaded,
fast, okay?


Green stuff, just
the way we like it.

Come on, hurry it up.

Okay, Hannibal,
they're on the move.

Made a left turn
at the next street.

Oh, yes, I can feel it.

The sense of chicanery
is afoot in the night.

You, up there.

You will stop them from
making this evil delivery.

The mail may go through,
but the garbage won't.

Hannibal, this crazy fool...

is talking to his hand again.

Beginning to get on my nerves.

Come on, B.A.

It's up to you
to make sure the A-Team...

gets to their appointed rounds.

I mean, you're sort of
like our mailman in gold.

You got to stay loose and cool.

Yeah. Loose and cool.

Yeah, that's the way, B.A.

Then I'll take my fist and put
my initials on your brain.

They're putting it
in a manhole cover.

That was a good thing
we switched drums, huh?

I don't get it.

What's a manhole cover
doing way out here?

Don't make sense.

Since when does something have
to make sense to be logical?

They're putting it
into the city's sewer system.

Hannibal, do you know
how many miles of sewer...

there are beneath this city?

No, but they're all mapped.
Let's go, B.A.

We're going to pay
a little visit to City Hall.

You got a lot of trouble, pal.

What is this, a robbery?


This is a map of the city's sewer
system, circa 1923 when it was built.

It's been closed since.

Now, most of it ran
under downtown L.A.

But some of it ran
along these streets...

including the 1,600 Block
which happens to be under...

the Speedy Express
Delivery Service.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Oh, sure you do.

You figured that if Speedy Express
started digging for their basement...

and found the old city sewer,
they'd also find the toxic waste...

you were dumping there.

Hey, fool.
That stuff is dangerous.

It'll burn your face right off.

B.A. likes to get
right to the point.

What do you want?

Uh-uh. A confession. Face?

It's got a clause in it about
Hagen's involvement and everything.

No, I won't sign anything.

If you know what's good for
you, you better do it.


Now, you're familiar
with toxic waste, aren't you?


Oh, my God!

Get that stuff away from me!

That stuff is poison.
It could kill me!


All right!

I'll sign it!

Just get that stuff
away from me.

Here. Use my pen.

Boy, you're so cooperative.

Imagine what you
would have done...

if we'd actually had
toxic waste in that drum.


Not bad.

- Molasses?
- Maple syrup.

You know, Face, the only
mistake you made is that...

your typewriter
doesn't dot the I's.

- Really?
- Here.

Speedy Express.

How are Hagen and his boys?

Still in the office
playing darts.

Okay, we're coming over there
to pick him up.

Now if you get in any trouble...

call us on our mobile phone.


- Pull the dart.
- 555-6162. You got it.


The A-Team did it. They're
going to pick up Hagen now.

30 points to Blake.
Okay, Archer, your shot.

Nice. Not bad. 25 points.
Now Blake.

This looks like
a bull's eye to me.

Well, well. I see that we both
have each other at a disadvantage.

Yeah, we got a stalemate.

Yeah, I think we should come
to some kind of an agreement.

You've got something I want.
I've got something you want.

Yeah, go ahead.

You come over here
with the signed confession...

and I'll trade you
the kid and his sister.

What's our guarantee?

You keep your men with Durcell.
That'll be your guarantee.

Okay, I'll be there in an hour.

Alone and unarmed.

The beginning of a partnership.

Hannibal, you're not serious?

You're going there unarmed,
you'll be leaving in a casket.

Well, I said I'd be unarmed,
I didn't say you'd be unarmed.

Now we got an hour, and a
warehouse to use. Let's go.


Now, I'll be in there
about four minutes.

Murdock, you're gonna
have to drive Face in...

and then get to B.A.

Face, you're gonna have
about two minutes...

to create a diversion
while the guys make the raid.

- Just give me the signal, and we'll be in there.
- All the way.

How am I going to light
this thing, Colonel.

Oh, here, take this.

Throw it out in front of you,
then hit the gas.

It'll be great.

All the way.

He's clean.

Where's the confession?

Well, don't you think we ought
to see the hostages first, pal?

Bring them in.

I think we got more trouble
than we planned.

They took him
to the second floor.

I think Lefty's
spotted something.

We sure could use
that cherry picker.

- Yeah, you think?
- Got no choice, man.

Once you crash
through the gate...

it's all gonna break loose.

Me, crash through the gate?

Listen, buddy, B.A. and I have
to do some fence climbing.

I don't see anybody else
left here to drive this van.


Don't hurt my van, man.

Oh, stop worrying
about your van.


Looks like we've got a deal.

Here goes nothing.

You ready to pick a cherry?
Pick, pick.

Shut up, fool!

What the hell is that?

Get down there
and see what's going on.

Faster, faster.
Keep it moving, fool.

Get down.

Take this with you.

What people don't throw away
these days, huh?

What would it take
to keep you guys...

on the payroll full time?

I'll tell you the truth,

It's awful hard to keep us
in one place.

I just got a call from the
Department of Toxic Wastes.

They're sending a special unit
out here to clean up...

and close off the old sewer.


Now you can build
your underground garage.

Hagen and Durcell have been
put away for good.

Thanks to you guys.

Well, I guess this is goodbye.

Oh, I guess.

You know
when you're sightless...

you tend to associate
people with feelings...

instead of physical things.

I don't know what any of you
look like...

but you all feel
wonderful to me.

That's one of the nicest
compliments I've ever had.

Yeah and that goes for me, too.

You'll come and visit soon?

You bet I will.

And that's a promise.


I hold in my hands a package.

Upon it is written, your name...

and the name
of this establishment.

I therefore conclude
that this belongs to you.

It came. About time.

- "It came"? What did you get?
- Give me that.

No, you tell me what is it.

Tell me what it is
and I shall give it to you.

You mind
your own business, fool.

Lefty wants to know
what that is.

Man, forget Lefty, man.

What is that little box?

- It's a tuxedo.
- A tuxedo in a little box?

Must be a silly little tuxedo.

- Get off me, fool. Get off me, fool.
- What secrets are you hiding?

Little Lefty...

meet Big Lefty!

I figured Little Lefty
was lonely...

and needed some company.

I capitulate.