The A-Team (1983–1987): Season 3, Episode 15 - The Big Squeeze - full transcript

When loan shark Jack 'the Ripper' Lane, who is too violent even for his mob extortion boss Nathan Vincent's taste, breaks Italian restaurant owner Gino Giani's fingers, he and his daughter Theresa hire the A-team, but get cold feet after threats to their entire family. So Hannibal, alias Sean O'Shea, deliberately takes a loan from Lane to start an Irish pub cum restaurant, The Naked Lady (where busboy Murdock's new vocation is that of union representative), and then doesn't even give him a seat, thus provoke him to a sniper assault, and then takes on Vincent's by own (hard-hand enforced) juke-box business...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
In 1972,
a crack commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire the A-Team.

Jackie, you gotta know
when to and when not to.

If you hit him too hard,
you cause permanent damage.

You hit him too soft,
nobody pays any attention.

It's knowing the difference...

that's what makes a man

Mr. Vincent, I've been doing
real good out there...

with your money.

In a loan shark operation,
Jackie, that's no good.

You gotta have
just the right touch.

Sure you scare them...

but you gotta
keep them breathing.

You squeeze
but you don't strangle.


a dead horse, it can't run.

Mr. Vincent,
did somebody call you?

Did one of my accounts
come to you?

Because I got a right to know.

If a guy comes to me
and borrows money...

then goes over my head to you,
it makes me look weak.

I got a right to be protected.

All right, Jackie.

It's the little guy
with the Italian restaurant...

Gino Gianni.


But you be careful.

You know, most guys push
when they should lay back.

They talk
when they should listen.

You gotta know
when to and when not to.

You be a good boy.

Theresa, many reservations
for tonight.


You been flapping your gums
to the wrong guy, Gino.

I don't understand what
you say to me, Mr. Lane.

You went to Mr. Vincent,
didn't you?

Now you make it look like...

I lost control of my business.
That's what you did, Gino.

No. Vincent, he come here.
He ask me.

He say, "How you doing, Gino?
How is the business?"

So I tell him you make
me pay too much money.

I borrow $10,000.

I already, in 10 months,
I pay you back $20,000.

I still owe you $15,000.
He ask me. So I tell him.

- Stop it!
- Don't move.

From now on, I'm
accelerating your payments.

Excuse me.
Gino, I'm little early.

Who are you?

I am Claude.
I'm the violinist.


- Looks very nice.
- Thank you.

You were the violinist.
Get out of here.


No. Get out of here before
I break you into two.


from now on the American
Jukebox company...

is gonna be supplying
the music in this dump.

And did I tell you, Gino, they're
on their way over here right now?

The box is only gonna cost
you an extra $1,000 a month.

No! We don't want a jukebox.

It's not
that kind of restaurant.

I'm also putting in
the Nicholas Linen Company.

They're gonna supply the tablecloths, the
linen, the napkins, the cutlery etc.

Two weeks, Gino. Two weeks.

I can't come up with the money.

Travis, you wanna mark
Mr. Gianni's calendar...

make sure he don't forget.


One, two...


You cause me no more trouble.

If you do, I start raining
all over your family.

Do you understand?

I'll take your pretty little
daughter's face and rearrange it.

And the fat broad,
your sister...

the one who works on Van Nuys
Boulevard in the bakery shop...

she gets a special delivery
that goes tic, tic, tic, boom.

No, please, not my family.

You know
what my philosophy is, Gino?

What goes around, comes around.

Let's go.


Okay, look out.
Bus Murdock is back in town.

Okay, let's go.

Gino said this suckfish
turns up today about 12:30...

to make his collections.

Face, you gotta be ready
to insult him.

We gotta be ready to roll.

Oh, yeah, I can hardly wait.

What fun it will be looking down the
barrel of a sawed-off shotgun...

while he takes me away
in the trunk of his car.

Face, somebody's gotta be

Otherwise, how can we be sure...

we can tail him
all the way home?

You got your little transmitter?

Yeah, it's in my wallet here.

Don't put it in your wallet, man.
You'll crush it.

That's supposed to be
in your pocket.

Took me all night to build it.
I had to use tweezers.

Come on, we better check
with the receiver.

Speaking of tweezers...

they will not be used
to clear tables...

and they will not be used
to scrape dishes.


As shop steward
for B.B.D.W.O.G.H...

which is the mightiest little
culinary union in America...

I insist
that busboys bus tables...

that dishwashers wash dishes...

and all the general help do only
general type helpful things.

That means the tweezers, emery boards
and nail files are strictly prohibited.

Of course,
I will remain behind...

to make sure that all union
rules are observed...

etcetera and so forth,
etcetera, etcetera.

And I will handle
any general grievances.

I got a grievance.

That's why I'm here, big guy.
What is it, tell me?

My grievance is
I don't like you.

And I don't wanna listen to you.

And I'm getting ready
to knock you through a wall.

Can I get back to you
on that grievance?

This team isn't working.
Let's go.

I'll get back to you on that,
all right?

- Are you okay, Papa?
- I'm all right.

Yes, Theresa, I'm all right.

Get your fingers in there.

they broke Papa's fingers.

Sorry, Gino.

I must ask you to leave.
I make big mistake.

I never should've asked you
for your help.

Mr. Gianni, isn't it a little
late to change your mind?

They said
they'd hurt our family.

They're making us take their
jukeboxes and use their linen...

and now they're accelerating
the payments.

I didn't figure
he'd get here early.

From now on, one of us
will be here all the time.

You can't run from this man.
He's bad.

If you run,
he'll only squeeze tighter.

I no want your help no more.

I make mistake.
You go, please. You go away.

I solve problem myself.

Gino, you put everything
you have into this restaurant.

Now, you're not gonna
let this loan shark...

just take it away from you,
are you?


I will not risk my family
for my restaurant.

You go.
I no longer want your help.

You feel that way, we'll go.

I thought America
was answer to my dream.

My dreams become a nightmare.

It isn't America, Gino.

We're talking about tyrants.

Tyranny is a state of mind.
It's not a nationality.

And if you don't stand up against
tyranny, it will beat you every time.

I tell you, Hannibal...

it doesn't sound right
to this busboy.

Don't sound right
to this one, either.

All right.
Count me in.

But how're we gonna help him
if he won't take our help?

I did notice a big warehouse
for rent down the street.

We could open
our own restaurant...

borrow the money
from Jack the Ripper...

and then throw him a party.

I've always wanted
my own Irish pub...

ever since I was a wee one.

I'll call her "The Naked Lady"...

and the bar will have
a brass rail, sir.

And we will have
Irish stew, sir.

Excuse me, sir, if you're planning
to open up a restaurant...

let me to introduce myself.

My name is H.M. Murdock, and I
belong to the B.B.D.W.G.O.H.

Failure to hire our personnel
will lead to picketing...

bad press
and no cookies before bed.

If you are
a union representative, sir...

let me tell you that
in my establishment...

there will be no lollygagging.

And your workers
will work, sir...

or they will be sacked, sir.

Excuse me, fellows.

May I interrupt this farce,

Sure, Face.

Okay. We don't know anything
about running a restaurant.

It won't be a restaurant.
But it will be a place...

where Jackie Lane
can get his pants pressed.

Let's go. I can hardly wait.

What do you think?

Well, it's clever decor.

Unpainted walls,
exposed lighting.

Yeah, it's a sort of
industrial chic.

You've got to visualize
it, Face.

Mirrors, framed in oak,
all around the room.

A great bar along this wall.

A huge painting of a naked lady.

And at nights, a pool table...

green felt, green carpet...

and a superb upright piano
by the door.

Hannibal, do we have to
call it "The Naked Lady"?

- Absolutely.
- May I ask why?

Last month, I was working
on this picture called...

Snake From
the Center of the Earth.

- I don't like snakes, man.
- You would have loved this one.

I played the snake...

and I played it with a kind of
a charming, rakish lust.

I devoured the leading lady's
poodle in the last reel.

Hannibal, does this have anything
to do with opening a restaurant?

The best set in the movie...

was an Irish pub
called "The Naked Lady."

Now that particular set was folded
and stacked in a scene dock...

at Allied Pictures
in the Valley.

The art director
is a friend of mine.

Now with any luck...

I can get him to set it
up here for a modest fee.

Does it by any chance
have a kitchen?

Complete in every detail
but nothing works.

We'll have to get the food
at Gino's...

and zip it down the alley.

If nothing works, then you ought
to fit right in, Murdock.

As my dear departed father
once said...

"Laugh only after
your sting has been inserted."

Is this what we're gonna
have to put up with...

listening to you rattle
these silly Irish proverbs?

You astonish me, Face.

Why should I have
to remind you...

that musical is the mouth
that won't be closed.

How about this one?

A closed mouth makes no enemies.

But it catches no flies.

That's right.

The Irish are a witless breed,
don't you think, B.A.?

Hey, Hannibal, what do you
want me to do, man?

I want you to hang
outside Jack Lane's office.

Find out who his collector is.

Follow him. See who's
on his account sheet.

I'll call the art director and make
arrangements to pick up the set.

You guys get a truck and do it.

All right.

Hannibal, what're you gonna do?

I think it's about time...

for Sean O'Shay III
to borrow some money...

from Mr. Jack-The-Ripper Lane.

They say that he has lunch...

at the Fairview every afternoon.

Excuse me, Mr. Lane.

There is a gentleman here
to see you.

Ramon, I'm right in the middle
of lunch.

Yes, sir.

No, wait a second.
Give him three minutes.

When the entree comes, he goes.

Mr. Lane says you have
all but three minutes.

Thank you, sir.

Time is a fine storyteller...

and history, a fond student.

What do you want?

Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Sean O'Shay
of the Dublin O'Shays...

and I've been led to believe
that you're a man...

who'd invest in a business
that might need money.

No, I don't invest in spit.

Every now and then,
I loan some guy some money.

I'm opening a new pub.

It's one where you can
drink ale and sing songs...

and dine on Irish stories.

I haven't touched
the Blarney Stone.

But she'll be
a beautiful restaurant.

I'm gonna call her
"The Naked Lady."

She's on Beaker Street,
I've rented a building.

Look, if you wanna
borrow some money...

why don't you just spit it out?

I don't have a lot of time
here, you understand?

I can understand
your irritability, sir.

As my dear,
departed father once said...

"There is no welcome
for one who borrows."

You came here to borrow money
from me, is that right?

Here's the deal.

I loan up to $10,000,
I don't ask for collateral.

If you don't pay me back,
I break your head in two.


That is indeed a stiff penalty.

I get high interest,
on $10,000...

I collect $1,000 a week.

That is very high interest.

Like my dear father
used to say...

"if you got the gelt...

"you don't give it away cheap...

"or else everybody thinks
you're a dummy."

Your father was a wise man.

No, my father was a bum,
you understand?

He worked all of his life
in a gas station.

I'm the one
who takes care of him...

and pays for an old folks' home.

The man moans and groans,
moans and groans.

Yes, well, let me tell you
about the kind of place--

Wait, wait a second.

I never said
you could sit down, did I?


If you wanna borrow my money,
right? Those are the terms.

If you don't, hit the road.

There are no papers to sign?

Are you kidding?

I'm not even gonna
shake your hand.

Look, once a week,
myself or Travis will--

Mr. Travis,
and how are you, sir?

Myself or Travis will come
around to collect the money.

If you don't have
the vigorish...

then I'm gonna personally sign my
name on your forehead with my fist.

There is no need
to make threats, sir.

I'm a cook.

All of my family are cooks. I
mean we are restaurant people.

You were just leaving?

Yes, but do I get the money?

Travis will bring it by.

No. You were leaving. Now!

Yeah. Allow me
to help you, sir.

Right in the center of his
lap and it's boiling hot!

- Get him out of here. Get out of my sight!
- I'm sorry, sir.

In the words of my dear,
departed father...

"Bring on the suckers."

Good evening.

I believe
I have your reservation here.

Gianni. Yes.

For two.

- May I?
- Thank you.

Go right on ahead.

Welcome to The Naked Lady,
my friends.

Hannibal, you be careful.

Gino, I'm always careful.
Come, sit down.

Monsieur Murdock...

a bottle of our finest Mont
Crochet on the house...

for our guests here.
- Thank you.

would you care to sit here?

It's very good.

Lane, party for two.


Yes, Lane. I'm sorry, sir,
I just don't have you down.

You don't understand.
I don't need reservations.

Just find a seat.

Well, I'd like to, sir...

but as you see,
I just don't have any tables.

Come here.

Sure. Excuse me.

What about the booth
in the back?

Reservations for four. Alas,
you, sir, just a party of two.

Unreserve it
right now. Now.

Perhaps there's a problem.

Sean O'Shay might be
of some small assistance.

Just wait by here.

Sweet guy.

What are you trying to pull,

As my dear, departed father
used to say...

"A cow dung is widened
when trodden upon."

You trying to make
some kind of joke here?

No. You see,
you are a brute...

and a bit of a bully and
I have nay reservations.

Now, the combination of deficiencies
adds up to the old "Goodbye."

Let me get this straight.

You think you're gonna try
and throw me out of here?

It is far more a certainty
than a thought, sir.

You see,
I've invited all the people...

that you've been terrorizing...

and as my father used to say...

"Always listen
to the flow of the river...

"and you'll always catch
a trout."

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

I don't know.
I never figured it out...

but I've always liked it.

I say, if we stand up to this
man, we can do anything.

We are the many,
he is the one...

and the law is on our side.

And I say I will not pay...

10% interest per week to you...

and I say that there is
nothing you can do about it.



Sit down!

And now, since you have
no reservations...

perhaps I could ask you
to leave.

You just made a fatal mistake.

As my dear departed father
used to say...

"The doorstep of a great house
is often slippery."

Oh, the devils need it.

Nice, B.A.

He's dead.

Look, Mr. Lane,
let's not move...

without thinking it out.

I mean it. He is dead.

All I'm saying, sir, is--

Travis, he spit in my face,
don't you understand...

in a room full of people
who we gotta keep scared.

If we don't, we lose everything.

I'm just saying I think we should
take a few days to set it up right.

Maybe he's got a couple of
hours but the man is dead.


here goes nothing.

Goodbye, Irish.

Say hello to your dear departed
father from Jack Lane.

Are you friends
of the bride or the groom?

Murdock, this is a funeral,
not a wedding.

Friends of the groom.

Go to the front then.


Thank you all
for coming here today.

You'll find information on the
deceased in your hymnal pamphlet.

Hannibal wanted you
to have this.

I just feel like
if I hadn't come to him...

none of this
would have happened.

He died trying to help us.

He died trying
to help all of us.

Follow me, down this way.

Hannibal never looked so good.

Dearly beloved,
I do believe that...

the deceased would appreciate the swift
commencement of this brief ceremony...

that marks his final day...

among those of us...

who appeared to be
at least cognizant of life.

He came to us like a
shamrock on a sunny day.

He graced our lives like a...

like an avocado salad.

He was a man
given to feeding people.

He saw empty stomachs
everywhere he went.

Let's give a hand
for the deceased--

Or a moment of silent prayer.

It'll be better,
a silent prayer.

Graced our lives
like an avocado salad?

Yeah. Sort of lacks the right
degree of sentiment, doesn't it?

Just a babbling fool.

You sure
you wanna do this, Jack?

We need an alibi, Travis.

Cops will never pin
the lrishman on me.

Besides, I want these
storeowners to know...

that I'm the one
who sent the meatball over.

You wait here.
I gotta do this alone.

"My dear, departed father
once told me...

"Two people who never believe
the reports of your death...

"are the one who loves you
and the one who hates you."

And now...

if there be any man here
who wishes to speak...

let him speak...


or forever hold his peace.

On behalf of the American
Jukebox Company...

I'd like to say,
I spit in this man's face.

Hi, there. I'm back.

Mr. Lane!

Why are you people smiling?

You guys see Mr. Lane?

Follow that hearse.

Stand on it, B.A.

Don't you think this guy in the
caddy is getting a little tiresome?

Honking, honking, honking.
It's giving me a headache.


- Is that better?
- Yeah.

Mr. Lane, sir...

we can't find anybody
to read the last rites.

So we're gonna leave that part
of your burial ceremony out.

However, we will sing you
a merry tune or hum one.

Now, before we throw you
in the water here...

suffice it to say
that you'll be missed...

and that all over town there
will be wild celebrations...

in your honor.

It's kinda incoherent.

If you can tell us
who runs your action...

we might delay the burial.

But I'd have to have a name
right away.

I can't make this out.

This is hysterical.
It's hysterical.

Mr. Ripper, sir, now we
know you run the action...

for some bigshot loan shark.

And if we're gonna close this down,
we gotta take off the man at the top.

Now you tell us who he is...

me and my friends
would take it...

as a great
piece of cooperation...

and we might not drop you
in the deep water here.

Nathan Vincent.

He says it's Nathan Vincent.

Nathan Vincent.

I love it
when a corpse comes apart.

"Dear Nathan,
I just ratted you out.

"Please bury me. Jack."

Open this up.

He's dead. That man is dead.

It bothers me, Jackie, that
he knew to bring you here.

Don't worry about it.
That Irish man is dead.

I'm gonna bring his head
to you in a box.

It's just our way of telling...

the wonderful men
at the police department...

how much
we really appreciate them.

So you'll post that then
on the bulletin board?

- Thank you.
- One other thing, brother.

If any of this film equipment...

should be taken in
or out of the kitchen...

or if it should be set up...

in the vicinity
of the kitchen...

it will then be deemed
to be kitchen equipment...

and it can only be handled by authorized
members of the B.B.D.W.O.G.H.

if any fool starts making

in the vicinity of the general
headquarters of the A.O.A.M.S...

which happens to be
wherever I'm standing...

then we're gonna take
immediate action...

and you ain't gonna like it,

I never heard of it.

We are not amused,
frightened or upset.

Stands for Association
of Angry Mud Suckers...

and we ain't a very funny union.

As a matter of fact,
we don't file grievances...

we file death reports.

Hey, guys, can we get
the cameras set up, huh?

Listen to me, I want
everybody, you understand?

I want the lrishman,
his pretty-boy maitre d'...

the guy behind the bar, and I want
the black man. I really want him.

But I want everybody.

This isn't smart, Jackie.

Travis, I had it with you.

This isn't some kind of a
glee club, you understand?

If you don't like it, you can
get gut shot right here.

Are you gonna blow in there
in broad daylight...

and kidnap four people?

And guess what, Travis...

you're coming, you understand?

Or else you get you card
punched right here.

All right.

What the hell is this?

Come on, let's go.

No! Don't go!

You haven't tasted our fine Irish
coffee and our fine Irish layer cake.

No. No.

Forget it. They're gone.

Why don't we pull out one of those
good old-fashioned labor songs...

while we cleaning the tables.

How about a round of "I've been
working on the dish line"?

Oh, Mr. Murdock,
can we sing that song?

Can we, really?

It's such a great song.

Of course.

♪ I've been working
on the dish line ♪

♪ All the live long day ♪

♪ I've been working
on the dish line ♪

♪ Just to scrape
the scraps away ♪

♪ Can't you hear
the washer running ♪

♪ Cleaning the plates happily ♪

♪ Can't you hear
the bus boy singing ♪

♪ Take those scraps ♪

♪ from me ♪

All right, Jack,
what do we do now?

Where is he, huh?
Where is the Irish puke?

I will stand up to him,
no matter--

No, Gino,
you leave that up to us.

We are in the standup business.

All you have to do is be sure
that when he gets over here...

he's not late getting
to The Naked Lady.

I will do that.

I really appreciate
all you've done for us.

I'd love to stick around and
help you peel an onion or two.

But unfortunately we have 10 more
jukeboxes to pick up this afternoon.

Since you came,
my father is a changed man.

He feels like a man again.

He says in America
there are true heroes.

And he's talking about Hannibal,
B.A., Murdock and you.

All I can do, Theresa, is...

tell you to hold that thought
until I get off work.

Come along, Lieutenant.

I've got something heavy for
you to pick up in the alley.



It bothers me. I think
Jackie's coming unraveled.

He hasn't got a grip
on things no more.

I talked to his man, Travis.

I think maybe
Travis should be moved up...

to take over
some of Jackie's operations.

- Mr. Vincent?
- What do you want?

Where would you like
your jukeboxes?

What're you talking about?
I didn't order no jukebox.

These machines
belong to your company...

American Jukebox.

And we're not delivering,
we're returning.

How about right here?

We come from
The Naked Lady restaurant.

From now on, Mr. Jack
Lane's debts are cancelled.

If you send any of your boys
on that route...

we'll pull the plug on
and drop them in the water...

right on top of these machines
and that's a promise...

or my name isn't Sean O'Shay.

You can't come down here and
dump my equipment in the water!

What are you guys, crazy?

If you're that upset...

you probably don't want even to hear
about your Nicholas Linen truck.

Mr. Vincent, this is Nicholas
Linen Company on the phone.

Somebody just blew up
one of their trucks.

What is this? War, huh?

What are you, making war on me?

No, I'm closing you down,
Mr. Vincent.

Of course, I could be persuaded
to let you run for your life.

You could untie The Pride
of Guacamora there...

and let it drift out to sea...

because as my dear,
departed father used to say...

"Far better a hasty retreat
than a bad stand."

Think it over, sir.

Let's go, guys.

You listen to me.
This guy came down here...

and dump $100,000 worth of
my jukeboxes into the water.

Then he blows up
one of my linen trucks.

I found out that lrishman
used to work over at Gino's.

Gino was the one
who came to you about Jack.

I think he's behind
the whole thing.

You're a good soldier, Travis.
You give me things I can use.

Thank you, sir. Give me a day,
I'll set something up.

No. I don't wait.

This man spit in my face.

What does he think,
I'm some kinda fish seller?

I don't make mistakes, Travis,
not like your boss.

I don't go after the lrishman.
I go after his friends.

We do it now.

Yes, sir.

You and the pretty girl
are coming with us.

No, please, that's my daughter!

Come on, move it.

Let's go. Come!

Get in there, come on.
Move it.

Get in here.
Come on, move!

What are you doing?
I do nothing.

I pay you what you want.

You hired four men.

They come in here...

they act like they're invincible.
Who are they?

Who are they, old man?

Who are they, or I'm gonna mess
up this pretty girl's face.

No. Please.
They're called the A-Team.

The A-Team?

I'll be damned.

B.A., be sure you hold a good
view of these front tables...

especially this one.
- Ready for the mirror.

Gino, you made a big mistake.

Now you're gonna pay for it.

Leave him alone.
Mr. Vincent...

- Shut up, I wanna talk to you.
- No, you don't--

Shut up!

Shut up? This is the guy who
called the A-Team, Mr. Vincent.

That's right.
Do you know why he did it?

Because you squeezed too hard.
Shut up.

How many times have I tried to tell you,
you gotta know when to and when not to.

But you, you don't listen.

- No, I listen.
- That's good.

Because from now on, Travis
is taking over your action.

Mr. Vincent, that's...

And if you make any trouble
this time...

your body decorates
the bottom of a lake.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

All right. These guys
are at their restaurant.

You, take Gino and his
daughter, put them in my limo.

All right. Let's move,
come on.


Gin? Are you kidding me?

I thought
we were playing Scotch.

I'm not gonna ask
what Scotch is, Murdock...

because if I do,
I know I'll curse myself...

when you tell me it's a light,
blended whiskey. Right?

Scotch is a game that's played
in the Scottish highlands.

In the game of Scotch...

kings, queens, jacks
and number cards are wild.

The only card that is not wild
is the three of spades...

which is removed from the deck
prior to the deal...

which renders
that particular card useless.

I don't know why
I hang out with you guys.

I'm beginning to lose
my grip on reality.

It's about time.

Sounds like company.

Stand by. Stand by, B.A.

I came to talk.

Well, do we talk
or don't we talk?

Would you like to sit down?

Thank you.

Right here.

I would guess you got
somebody behind the bar.

Why don't you ask him
to stand up?

I'm unarmed.


Bar's closed.

You got a nice watch.
What else?

I checked you out.
You are the A-Team.

You never lost a client.

However we think that Mr. Pepperoni
Pizza here hired you.

Because he did,
he's about to become history.

He is?
That's right.

You see,
that watch is synchronized...

with one of my associates

He's got orders to put a bullet
in Gino and his daughter...

at exactly 4:00 p.m...

which is in exactly...

You help me out.
I haven't got my glasses.

Thirty seconds.
What do you want?

I want you
to drop your weapons...

put your hands on your head.

You at the bar, get over here.

Colonel, what do we do now?

Fifteen seconds.


Ten, nine, eight, seven...


Hold it.

I think we have
an understanding here.

Bring them in.

- Theresa, you all right?
- I'm sorry.

No. It's not
your fault.

They come into our restaurant.

They fire guns. They say
they're gonna kill my Theresa.

Where's the other guy?
The guy with all the gold?

Right here, sucker.

He went out for a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich.

You have to die, Mr. Smith...

otherwise all those people
who had accounts with...

Mr. Lane here might think
they can borrow money...

and they don't have
to pay it back.

Mr. Lane is an idiot.
He squeezes too hard.

No. You shut your mouth
or I'll waste you right here.

Jack, as my dear,
departed father used to say...

"Promise too much and there
will be many in search of you."

Listen to him, Mr. Vincent?
Just listen to him.

You know what?

I'm gonna do you right here,
right now.

Shut up and put that thing away.

Vincent, I run your loan shark operation.
I make you a lot of money.

- This man comes in here--
- I told you to shut up! Shut up!

Are you gonna continue? Huh?


All right.

I hope you don't mind, Mr. Smith, but
I'm gonna shoot you with your own gun.

You see, that saves me
the trouble of using...

an untraceable weapon.

I've always been
in favor of tidy endings.

If I could just have
one more puff on my cigar.



That's good, B.A.
Back her down.


Look out the window.

Nice, huh? Get over there.

As soon as we're out of here...

I'm afraid
Gino is gonna call the cops.

And when he does...

show him his little film you've made,
which should add up nicely, huh, Face?

Yeah, the list of verifiable
charges would seem to include...

extortion, money lending,

and five or six counts of
assault and attempted murder.

Plus several grievances
against the B.B.D.W.O.G.H...

such as removing kitchen equipment
from unsanitary vehicles.

Okay, Gino?

Okay, guys, let's go.

In what is termed...

one of the most
wide-reaching attacks...

on organized crime
in state history...

key members of
Nathan Vincent's family...

have been arrested and indicted.

Arrests include Jack Lane,
known as Jack The Ripper...

Travis Mason...

crime boss Nathan Vincent
as well as his top aides.

The district attorney says that film
provided by the fugitive A-Team...

was responsible for getting
indictments handed down.

As this story unfolds, shop and
restaurant owners who were victimized...

by the illegal
loan-sharking operations...

are now stepping forward
to testify.

Once again the A-Team has escaped
capture, but they have left behind...

another chapter in their growing
folk legend. Updates as they occur.

A folk legend.

I never thought of myself
as a folk legend.

That's because
you're a folk moron.

I would've liked to stay.

Theresa, she had
some great possibilities.

I feel called upon to quote
my dear, departed father.

Oh, Hannibal,
I had enough of you...

and your dearly departed father.

- I don't like Irish proverbs.
- You'll like this one.

- No, I won't.
- Yes, you will.

The proverb says...

that seldom
is the last of anything...

better than the first.

Seldom is the last of anything
better than the first.

That doesn't make any sense.

Of course, it does.
It means...

I love it
when a plan comes together.