The 4400 (2004–2007): Season 2, Episode 8 - The 4400 - full transcript

A male 4400 originally from Rwanda repairs bad chromosomes of unborn. Kyle is utterly despaired as he suddenly remembers what he did during his blackout. Richard attends a co-veteran's funeral. Diana makes a hard family decision.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
As far as we knew
Maia had no visions.

She kept them secret
and she wrote in a diary.

It's a seizure.

-What do they want?
-Your journal.

Say nothing about your healing gift.

Because if you have a cure,
you should heal them all.

One day
this is all yours.

The papers are around,
the lawyers know what to do.

Everything is ready.

He had a vision
to save the future ...

and now he is not ...


to see how we succeed.
But it will succeed.

All this does not seem real.

Here we are changed,
I got the gift

in order to create the world
we live for 8 years.

I love you, Thomas.

Let's see whether I'm right.

You saw each other, fell in love
were together 8 years

in a parallel dimension.

And now you're here with 8 years
love and marriage behind

in what for us
was but a moment.

Yeah, that about says it.

I'll play along.

But if you "estimated bolt"
going to say, I'm gone.

-Exactly what I said, Thomas.

How did you know?

You see me
perhaps for the first time

but I know you very well.

You're smart,
your writer Alan Moore

and your favorite food is meatloaf.

But I'm not the same.

You said there was no 4400,
so that means

no coma, no lost time.

And no problems. That's right.
You were happy. Successful.

What do you mean?

You wanted to
to study medicine?

-There you went to Stanford.
-How did I do it there?

You graduated with honors.
You were neurologist.

You must have been proud.

I'm always proud of you.

Okay, but Dr. Kyle Baldwin
in that world where you tarried

that came out of your head, right?

Actually came out of my head.

With his memories.

Kyle, I'm just so proud
on which you perform here.

Even prouder.


Want to know
why lawyers are jerks?

Because they have their whole life
read this kind of junk.

What kind of shit right?

I can explain it.

I have 24 hours to Maia's diary
to give NTAC

and no chance to make legally
evade them.

-What are you doing?
-What NTAC want, get it.

My daughter of 9 home

counting on my protection.

-Can I do anything?
-Me 'n my ears turn to give

because I mentioned that diary.

It saved Collier's life, not
and now thrives fresh the mine.

I will
fresh coffee make you?

Thank you.


Murder Investigation jammed

Do you think they find the culprit?

You mean by "they" Thomas?
In that case, yes, probably.

My dad always. Captures the crook
Are you leaving?

Yes, I must not forget
I do not live here anymore.

Listen, Kyle,
your father and I love each other.

That is beautiful. There is no
enough love in the world.

But I know you just.

Give me a few days
I call for your mom.

Here's a day.
A good girlfriend is fine.

I keep your tresses with meatloaf
until you admit.

Disappeared: October 27, 1999

Day, Mr. Ross.
Had a good flight?

Yes, thank you.

I will guide you

or would you prefer to rest?

-Bring me to Mr. Farrell.
-This way.

-They have been waiting three days.
-Tell the pr that I do not know.

According to them, the deadline passed.

This press release has to go.

Should this come from me?

I do not understand half once.

-It does not sound like me.
-Change it. You're the boss.

Sign for juridici,
and no one is paid.

Also, the non-juridici.
-I can be only one thing at a time.

Then we start with 't press release.
Why not dictate what?

No press release.

If the press wants to know
what Mr. Farrell thinks

then they look at 60 Minutes,
like the rest of America.

I booked
'S exclusive interview

with the new face of 4400.

That's it for now.

Thank you.

I'm sorry to barge.
I thought I could help.

-I am Matthew Ross.

-What are you doing in Seattle?
-I go where I'm needed.

-Then you are at the right place.
That's no coincidence, Shawn.

Jordan said
that if he died

I had to come forward
to help you.

One of the many plans
where Jordan told me about.

Good to see you.
Jordan had a lot about you.

You will receive a new lobbyist
to hire.

I remain provisionally
at headquarters.

Choose your own office.
You can start right away.

These letters.
Everyone knows that I can heal.

Jordan wanted to healing gift

but he wanted to do it in steps.

We no longer have that luxury.
But we'll be fine.

I can not go outside.

There are sick, press,
they follow me everywhere.

That remains the rest of your life so.
The ground has shifted beneath you.

You rediscover your balance,
or you goes down.

This center is the new Lourdes.

No one will give us more
call a sect.

We send more people away
then we can enroll.

In 10 years, this movement

the greatest faith
on the planet.


I'm glad everything is going so well.

Last week I just wanted
Get it last level of Doom .

When I was the pope,
and now no.

Who you are.
Get used to it firmly.

The FBI is leading the hunt
by Jordan Colliers murderer.

We are still involved,
NTAC and makes the arrest.

I do not let anyone else
our mess.

Then we need to work.

There's a time limit
in this type of raids.

The trail goes cold after 48 hours.

Give me the arriveerlijsten

of Oak office and every garage

within 10 blocks from downtown.

Everyone in those books
has been questioned.

Then we have
Find out the books.

He has in broad daylight
Slain a public figure.

There must be an eyewitness.

Until now, Tom, you're the only
who has seen the killer.


Thick lost.

Honey, what you do,
never go gambling.

It is wrong and stupid.

Why do you do it?

Not like me,

Aunt May has no steady income.

She is an artist,
and always need money.

What is so stupid,
because I always lose.

So that look into the future

that applies not only to
world-class things, right?

Not always.

-So if I asked Weik fate ...
-That one.

I'll take this.

Thank you.


Girl, you are
my new lucky charm.

-I'll get you the Collier case.
-What do you mean?

We have half the neighborhood
still questioning.

That will have to wait.
At 10.37

sent the FEMA

a disaster team to Granite Pass
in Oregon, 273 inhabitants

for a outbreak
of a deadly, highly infectious

and unknown virus.

By-distributed air?


But if you tonight
slept in Granite Pass

you lie now likely
in a body bag.

FEMA has only one resident
can not find.

DeLynn Jean Baker, 30 years.

Return Ling 0188.
Disappeared in '99.

Divorced, no children.
Profile says a loner.

She has struggled
since she's back.

Could not keep a job ...

Four times unemployed
in 1 year.

And now the only resident
Granite Pass

which was not found.

-There are two possibilities.
-Whether she is immune ...

so we can study its
find a cure.

Whether she is a carrier.

the task is the same.

Use what is needed
to find her.

Are you going to tell me where you're going?

I never
been able to weeping women.

That is why I never married.

Having problems?

Leave your family?
The police are after you?

I'm going to Seattle.

That is a big city.

Should I drop you off at the edge?

I go to the 4400 center.
There I go.

Why then? Will you join us?

Bring me so near
if you can, please.

If you are looking for salvation,
you will not find it there.

You can surrender yourself better
to your true Lord and Savior.

The day of treatment approaches.

The signs are everywhere.
Epidemics, plagues.

Tell me about it.

I woke up this morning
in a city full of dead people.

My mother, my father, everyone.

Why did you survive?

I think I am the cause.

You? You take me for a ride.

Go ahead.
Laugh to the Jesus Freak.

But I tell you, the world
is easily wiped clean.

I think you're not a freak.

I even believe everything you say.

The eyes and fingernails
but slightly discolored.

Rigor mortis has just occurred.
It turns out the autopsies?

Nothing we may appoint.

Their internal organs
are almost liquid. It works fast.

You put your helmet.
You want to die?

The virus is released, spreads
and evaporates in a half hour.

-Spacious enough.

So everyone
died here this morning

because they 't reach inside
were of the virus.

Did you drive an hour later along,
you had nothing.

But Orson Bailey,
Trent Appelbaum.

If a 4400 has a gift,
which is rapidly gaining strength.

So when Jean DeLynn Baker
the virus spreads ...

Is she might pass it to warm up.

The doctors say
my cancer is incurable.

-Aggressive chemo ...
- always worked ... .

Tuberculosis has
our savings eaten ...

married for 40 years ...
-Grandma said to pray ... me

so when I saw you on TV, I knew ...

Help me.
-Heal onsl


Shawn, it's Lucy.

Time for your speech.

Everyone is waiting for you. Shawn?


I'm flattered.

But I do not know
whether I can take a job.

Richard will now travel a lot.

The child here is quite good
and free.

But I do not know
if I'm qualified.

I mean,
Assistant Director staff.

I got my first child
right after my studies.

My whole resume
fit on half a page.

You are a 4400.

This is usually a very high degree.

-In addition, Jordan has called you.
-Oh, I guess.

He said you have empathy,
A born organizer are

and that you are the best in people
up can bring.

Jordan said that about me?

You are a return rail.
You're smart.

We encourage
people like you here.

Wipe your feet.

A Deadly virus is spread

and you complain about footprints.

It is someone's home.

So here lived DeLynn Jean Baker.

Until they took off.

Did she have a blog?
A weekly planner or something?

Yes, but that's probably
put upside

when she realized
that her city was leeggevaagd.

Has anyone contacted
with her parents?

This is their home.

They were sleeping
when the virus struck.

You do not go away

before everything is searched.

Letters, bills, lists.
Marco, listen.

Find a pattern.
How they think.

She's on the run.
I want to catch her.

-You heard what he said.

4400 center.
What can I do?

I did not mean.

I did not want to kill them, I ...

-Those blisters, they itch so.
-Who kill?

-You have to help me.
-Who is this?

I am a 4400
and there is something wrong with me.

Everyone in my neighborhood dies,
and I just can not stop.

I can not stop.

Tell me your name and where you are.

How many dead are there?

She said hundreds,
but it is not on the news.

Maybe they want it stop.
And Jean Baker is one of the 4400?

She is in a motel near
Squirrel Hill exit on 65.

Call at NTAC.

You were right.
Philadelphia has preserved them.

How much did you win?
- $ 200 for aunt April.

All thanks to you,
my little genius.

Now Chicago at New York,
on paper a similar struggle.

Chicago plays at home,
so that is an advantage

but New York has
won his last three races.

So who do you choose?

How do you put in?

All 200 dollars.

That's not enough for a pension,
but you have to start somewhere.

So, do you feel anything?

Do you like me?

What do you mean it do with this?

I mean, for who I am

or because I know
what will happen?

Honey, listen.

I love you for who you are,
not for what you can.



I would choose Chicago.

Then it Chicago.

Okay, come on.

Aunt May takes you for pizza.

Go wash
and do your mother's clothes.

You know she does hard on ...


This is my mother's engagement ring.
How did you get here?

I always play with it.

This is a very valuable ring

it is not a toy.

Go wash well,
otherwise I order anchovies.


Do not take it the wrong way,
but how did you get in?

Your father gave me a key.

A little early for supper.

For food, perhaps,
not for cooking.

Can you cook?

I'm a famous brain surgeon,
no chef.

But I can just as well as they
unpacking groceries.

I warn you,
you forget Dad's main line.

And that is?

The longer and better
're preparing a family party ...

The greater the chance
he's not coming.

So you know him really.

What does
that you know me so

which is weird, sorry.

For me it is quite strange.

We have
for 8 year relationship

which I still have to think
that does not exist.

Say, I was the best in the class
with medications?

What does it matter, Kyle?

-It's not a competition with yourself.
-I am curious.

You're always on.
That's more than curiosity.

And so what?

If you knew
of a parallel universe

with a smarter version

what did you think of it?

He was no better or smarter.
He was you.

He had options
I will never have.

No 4400. No coma.
He could study medicine.

-Who says you can not?
-I am 21 and only freshman.

You're a little late getting started.

You think I know two Kyles.
But I only know you.

Do you want to be a doctor?

I'm sure you
the entrance examination can get.

Jean Baker is in a motel
15 km away.

Half NTAC is on his way there.

Mortimer and Falcone

Crazy, huh?

Responding to a tip
from the 4400 center.

Shawn said he with us
wanted to work.

He meant it.

Excuse me. We're from NTAC.
We have lined.

-I let you cycle.
-What is going on here?

Dead truck.
It looks to have. Quickly struck

Jean-DeLynn Baker?
-What are you doing?

-I called for help.
-We know that. Come on.

No, you're scaring me.

Please stop.
It itches when I'm scared.

Please, let me go.

Oh, God.

That driver
is dead. less than 3 hours

Jean has not previously been picked up

than two hours before.

It is exposed,
infected and slain

within 120 minutes.

Such rapid virus
I've never seen.

Mortimer and Falcone there before.

-It's not my fault.

-Who is this?
-I called for help.

-You threw tear gas.
Jean Baker.

How do you get Mortimers phone?

What do you think?

They made me afraid.
She stormed into my room.

What did you do with them?

You thought they were safe
deal with that?

Well, you were wrong.

No one is safe.
Therefore I warn you.

Stay away from me, okay?
Keep everyone away from me.

-Where are you?
-At the drive.

They have their car.
Call Jarvis. Let her follow.

Jean, tell me where you are,
where you go.

We want to help you.

No. That does not work.

No one can help me.
Why would it be different now?

I know you want to kill anyone,
but listen.

The virus that you have in you,
is extremely deadly.

I've always been toxic.
I poisoned all my relationships.

-This is different.

Through them it's now reality.

My parents always
I was a walking disaster.

If she's knew
how similar they were.

Jean, it does not have to go.
If you want, this may be over.

Find a deserted place, stop the car
and waiting for us.

I do not need you.

-I'll do it myself.
-What are you doing?

I make an end to
before there is a dead.

An end-what?
-This conversation these days. Everything.

No, Jean, wait.

-Wait, listen to me ...
Day, Baldwin.

-She wants to commit suicide.
-I do not know if that helps.

Who knows spreading the virus again.

-Do we have her location?

She goes westward at 99.

Jarvis has three helicopters
in the air.

If they do not stop,
she is burned.


-How long?
-A month or two. I do not know.

Would the center, the movement
that can be used?

I do not know ...

but I'm sure
that l can use.

I think a long weekend
should be enough.

-Puget Sound is fun.
-You do not listen.

I ignore you. That's different.

I'm not saying I can not do this.

I will lead this movement.

But Jordan just died

and I need time
in order to deal with.

You have to move but mourn,
like the rest.

That hot mature.

Not lecture me
my responsibilities.

You just got here.

And if I'm needed here

like you always say

then you need sometimes
around me work.

Around you? You can.

Mary O'Connell. Disappeared in 1972.
Promising empath.

Robert Fields, 1987.

Genius with numbers
and pattern recognition.

-John Gersten.
-Who are they?

Alternates. Possibly.

No one is as capable as you

but I want to forward,
with you or another.

Jordan sometimes also spoke to me like that.

He could persuade me well.

But you?

You're not quite there yet.

You healing gift makes you unique.

Jordan knew. I believed it.

I came here to work with you.

You ask me to you
to work around that can not.

Then you'll have a lot of time
stop in your list

because I'm going.

It will not be difficult.

Be in demand
pattern recognition.

That's impossible.

Mortimer and Falcone contributed
the latest antibiotic stuff.

That are made to anthrax
to stop.

They're dead, Marco.

What it spreads is ingenious
than the anthrax virus.

If it comes through that address

, the antigen
work on subatomic level.

-Making it is unstoppable.
-Yeah, pretty much.

Mortimer and Falcone
Jean were afraid

with their entry.

Can the spread of the virus
have to do with emotions?

That is possible,
even likely.

Her medicine cabinet
is just a flashing neon sign:


She cortisone creams
for stress rash

an assortment
of the better psycho-pharmaceuticals

Xanax, Prozac

Yeah, we get it, Marco.
She's a wreck.

And wreck whose body works
as a delivery

for the virus that they create,
like flowers spreading pollen.

What? She spreads spores?

Something like that.

Spores are reproductive organs
spread by a circulatory system.

The human body
is a large vascular system.

It works with a blood flow.

Which can speed up or slow
by moods, feelings ...

If Jeans blood faster

if she is angry, confused, upset
or whatever

a deadly virus spread.

We are close to her car.
Do you have any tips?

Make her get hurt.


-How are you, Lily?

I heard that you're leaving for a while.

That was fast.

I ...

I do not know how long I be gone.

What will you do?

Firstly, I disappear for a while

and then ...

I do not know. We'll see.

I do not work here
to heal people

so I can go anywhere.

So you go around the world roam
as in Kung Fu?

I do not walk
with a bald head and a robe

but seems it out further.

You can take this.

View the return address, stop
in Gloucester, Massachusetts

rapid healing
and then on again.

-You know the letters.
-Shawn, they are everywhere.

One sadder than the other.

It's almost too much.

I got an idea of.

But you go away so we discuss
'T do when you get back.

No, Lily, I meant it,
I do not know when that is.

So I'd like to hear
what you have to say.

Well, I thought ...

We have no hospital
or charity

but come every day
thousands of requests.

No wonder it overwhelms you.

-We are not furnished.

Therefore I have to leave here.

What if we set up a foundation?
Associated, yet separate.

With a staff whose job it is
to open those letters

and search. worst cases of

People who only we can help.

Then we have to say no
against thousands of others.

That's right, Shawn, but what if we
against one say yes?

You can find a person
healed per day

every day.

It is difficult to find
who most deserves.

Then you need to form a committee

containing doctors
and social workers.

And you.

I mean, it's your idea.

Then you have to be there
to accomplish it.

But I've just taken a job
by staff.

I can I think about places.


Al-'s body?
-We can not reach it.

Once that is possible,
we must have it.

She said she
it wanted to make. 's end

Then Marco and the boys
back to the basement.

Show them the domino effect here
but on finding.

Excuse me.


I was almost done,
but I do not know.

-I could not.

Nobody wants you dead.
Tell me where you are.

No, you can not help me.

The 4400 center can not help me,
but that does not matter.

I finally know where to go.

Tell me where, I'll see you there.

-Have you read the Bible, Baldwin?
-I went to Sunday school.

I read it today,
in that motel.

"The time is at hand."

Is not that from Revelation?

But you know what it means?
Probably not.

You see those blisters

forming on my hands.

-Do you understand?
-I do not believe it.

They talk about me in that book.

-Do you have a family?
-Jean, where are you talking about?

Go to them.

Keep them very tightly.

I finally understand
why I was sent. back

I'm a part of their plan.
They want me to do this.

That you do what?

Purify humanity.

They quoted Revelation?
That's never a good sign.

First they wanted to help,
stop all this, but now

she thinks she is the Apocalypse.

What will they do?

They said they want
she does this, right?

So the hair is taken out of your hands.

She's not responsible.

So you can handle
to be. a walking plague

Pretend you do not decide.

She wants to firmly
no more about it.

She just wants
it's over.

We know how they think,
but not where it is going.

She goes on autopilot.
You know what I think?

They will do what they wanted to do

appear before it started to rain.


Is it today Tuesday?

"Tuesday: Robs dog wash"

It's Wednesday, Marco.

My mistake.

She only has a plan
for today.

They will apply for unemployment benefits
in downtown Portland.

Damn. I can not believe.

I dream or not said
that Chicago would win?

-You know how much I have? Bet
- $ 200.

Earlier my mother
diamond engagement ring.

And now it's gone,
because I believed you

because I trusted you.

And you have disappointed me.

You lied to me.

You said it did not matter.
You said you liked me anyway.

Oh, so you knew
that Chicago would lose?

From the beginning this was a test.

A foundation?

Do not you think
that there is enough to do?

It is one per day.

Once it runs
does not have to cost. much time

I thought you wanted privacy.

Allows you step
right in the spotlight.

Yes, but on my terms.

It would be good PR.
Not too hard to start.

We can get big names
filter for that committee.

-It seems like a good idea.
-I'm glad you approve

but I was not
for your permission.

I should hope not.




-That's right.
-You should have stayed away.

Look around you.

These people have done nothing
to hurt you.

They also did nothing
to help me.

But it does not matter.
I do not have a choice.

I do what they want.

You don 't accept.
You have a choice.

Especially like when I was kidnapped.

I never had a choice.

They have the right person.

What are you doing here anyway?

You should go back
to your family.

No, I'm just
where I wanna be.

You must have a desire to die.

You think you have to kill people
I must stop.

You are infected,
and that is wrong

but you do not
mass murderer to be.

I have been a killer.

You have no
killed deliberately.

That you're doing now.

Whatever you think about the fate

you're wrong.

You do not have to do.

Do not be.

Want to hear something funny? I ...

I believe you.

But it's too late.

They are about to explode.

I can not stop.

-It itches so.


What a day. How are you?

Well ...

I have Monday
a psychiatric interview.

Thousands of people rescued.
But I have someone slain.

You did what you had to do.

I do not know
if this is the right time

but I made you something.

It is a kind ...


A Nepversie of Maia's diary.
Fopt almost everyone.

You have this distorted
to keep me away from NTAC

I know that's not allowed,
but you were so into a corner, so ...

Here I can
experience have many problems.

Here you can
experience have many problems.

You do not need to use
if you do not want.

I'll give you only one option.

This is insane.

And moreover it is

one of the nicest things
who have ever done for me.

I want to thank
you've done so well.

You must have been very convincing.

I said what I thought.
Your idea for a foundation was good.

You mean your idea?

We do not need it anyway
secretive about it?

Now you and Shawn
what you want

and get sick much help.

You have a lot today
done for the center

and that I will not forget.

Hey, Matthew.

Do you know what the center is for me?

Free-rent and childcare.

I'm not a 18-year-old child.

I do not need magic
discover forces.

So, in other words,
you are not a believer.

Is that a problem?

Not at all.

That not. I am

-You look tired.
-Just ask nothing.

-You should not do.
I will not. Deed Your son is the cook.


He must have had some help.

Not really. We became
talking, it was fun.

How was your day, Alana?

I have some pieces bought
a young artist.

A girl of Bed-Stuy.

She has a little garden
painted in her backyard.

It is night,
and the air is so full and deep

you can swim in it.

And the stars ...

Is it?

Just about.
This was your permanent password.


But after what happened today,
I wanted to give you some more time.

That is not necessary.
It is an exciting book.

Many nice about SpongeBob.

Thank you.

Maia's diary

Where Held-ETHlEK-KENNlS


works with state and police

about the murder of Jordan Collier.

Introduction to Medicine

Although no arrests

says NTAC
to have made. progress

Federal authorities say
that the study

the right direction,
and think it will lead ...

His eyes were narrowed.

Yes, that's him.

His mouth was flatter, no laughter.

That's him.

HD Sync: Reign