The 4400 (2004–2007): Season 1, Episode 5 - White Light - full transcript

Agent Warren Lytell draws his own plan for the investigation into The 4400. He snatches Tom Baldwin's son Kyle from the hospital for interrogation about the disappearance of Shawn. He also starts interrogating Maia at the daycare center. With the help of Marco from the Theory Room, Baldwin and Diana Skouris find out where Lytell has hidden Kyle. Just when they are makings plan to pick him up, Maia has a premonition about Kyle being the answer to everything. Meanwhile the relationship between Shawn and Nikki is getting more complicated by the day and Lily and Richard get suspicious about the major interest Jordan Collier is having in the baby.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "The 4400".

We're not sure what happened.
Something's out there.

The light has gone and thousands
of people have appeared.

Diana Skouris, Tom Baldwin.

You'll be one of the teams investigating
what happened to the returnees.

We're letting them go.

We have no right to hold them.

I'm Warren Lytell. HomeSec
mentioned I was coming.

I'm here to clean up your mess.

There's gonna be a change around here.
Be part of it or get swept aside.

I'll provide a safe haven for any 4400.
You'll be our first residents.

- I'm in love with Richard.
- Why would I break you up?

If you're on the job, I feel safe.
So does the baby.

Two happy residents.
That's a start.

Maia Rutledge, aged eight.
Disappeared in '46.

She makes predictions.
Once they come true,

she's removed from quarantine
by one of our field agents.

You can't bring Maia
back to school any more.

We have to consider
the other students.

- It'll be OK.
- It's not OK.

Somebody will make
everything better.

Next case, Shawn
Farrell, aged 17.

Disappeared in April of 2001.
It's a little thin.

Me breaking up with
Danny is not about you.


I need to ask you
a few questions.

I don't know what happened.
I just put my hands on him.

Woke up...

Don't touch me.

I recognise you but I
don't know who you are.

- What are you doing?
- I'm looking.

- For what?
- For me.

I finally understand.
They're not the strangers.

I am.

I'm not Kyle Baldwin.


I'm not Kyle.

- Then who are you?
- I don't know.

- I need more screens.
- OK.

Your son is experiencing
a dissociative disorder.

That's common for newly
awakened coma patients.

He feels disconnected
from his personality.

We knew he'd need to adjust but
he doesn't know who he is.

This is frustrating but you did the
right thing bringing him back here.


- So what now?
- We need to do another cranial MRI.

They'll be here in an hour
to take him downstairs.

I know this is difficult, Tom.

But Kyle's come this far.
We can't give up now.

I think I've got
the exact change.

Hello, cutie.


- How long have you known that man?
- Tony? About two years.

- He's nice.
- He's very nice.

- Why do you say that?
- He's going to fall in love today.

Tony? My God. Good for him.

- It's not with me, is it?
- Nope.

I didn't think so.

Is there something else, Maia?

- How long am I going to be like this?
- Like what?

I don't want to know
things before they happen.

I want to be normal,
like I used to be.

It's gonna be OK, sweetie.

- Besides, who's normal anyway?
- You are.

Huh! You want to know a secret?

Normal people like me...

they just wish they
were special, like you.

Put the television back on.

Kyle, when you came home you spent all
that time looking through your books.

Then the maps, now the TV.
What are you looking for?

Maybe we can help you look, too.

Come here.

- You should go and get some rest.
- I'm not leaving him.

All right. I'll go and grab some stuff.
Be back in a half hour, OK?

What are you doing?
Leave him alone!

Who are you people?
I'm calling Security.

I'm Agent Lytell. I
work with your husband.

I don't care who you work with.

Tell Tom I figured it out.
I know where I have to be.

Don't worry. He's gonna be safe.

The government's gonna be supervising
his medical care from now on.


You snatched that kid from a hospital?
What were you thinking?

He's the only witness
to an abduction.

He can't remember his own name.

Then we'll help him remember.

His mother's upset.
It's understandable.

- But DC sent me...
- Tom!

- Where's my son?
- Whoa!

- Get your hands off me.
- I'll ask you one more time.

- Ryland? You wanna help me?
- It's a tough call.

- Where's Kyle?
- All right, Tom.

- Put the gun away.
- Dennis...

Tom, put the gun away.

- You should have let me pull the trigger.
- I was tempted.

But shooting Lytell
won't get Kyle back.

It'd make me feel a
hell of a lot better.

Why Kyle? Why didn't
he go after Shawn?

Our doctors went over
Shawn dozens of times.

- Kyle's new territory for them.
- New territory?

- That's my son.
- I know that.

- Can't you call DC?
- What good would that do?

DC put Lytell here
in the first place.

- They're backing his play.
- So we do nothing?

- I didn't say that. We'll get Kyle back.
- When?

For Christ's sake, I don't know.
I just heard an hour ago.

I don't know where
Lytell put him.

Not good enough, Dennis.

I'm not sitting around
while you play phone tag.

- I'm getting my son. Get your hands off.
- Tom!

We go back a long way.

If you try to go around me
on this, none of it matters.

I know.

Tom, what happened
between you and Lytell?

Ask Ryland.


- Tom!
- What?

- If you're in trouble, I need to know.
- Why?

- Cos I might be able to help.
- Just stay out of it, all right?

Drive the car.

Blood work looks fine, the
RH factor levels are normal

and your calcium's OK.

So how do you feel, Lily?

- It's hard sometimes.
- That's to be expected.

Now, where was I?

Oh, right. I'll have to draw
some more amniotic fluid.

Why? Is something wrong?

What kind of genetic anomaly?

All I know is she wants to grow one
of the baby's chromosomes in a lab.

It'll be OK.

It's gonna be a beautiful 18 holes.
Either of you play golf?

- I'm afraid not.
- That's too bad.

Listen, about that
doctor you sent us to.

Roxanne Kern. She's the best
OBGYN in the Pacific northwest.

You're in good hands. So how did
that support group meeting go?

- It went well, thank you.
- Nobody complain about the catering?

I have to admit, the lobster
sushi was a great idea.

You see? You just
have to trust me.

Your girlfriend has
quite an imagination.

She thought I was trying to
steal her away from you.

- Can you believe that?
- Er... not really.

I like your confidence. See? You
were worried about nothing.

I wasn't worried.

- We've gotta tell him.
- I'll do it. It should be me.


Soon. I can't take all
this sneaking around.

- Besides, I miss seeing you.
- I miss you, too.

You suspected that Shawn had these
abilities since his coming home party

and you never told me.

- I never told Linda.
- You're divorcing her.

- I'm your partner.
- I know.

When we were assigned to the 4400,
you were calling them viruses.

Have you noticed
any change in me?

Maybe because I have one of
them living in my apartment.

- Point taken.
- I would have told you.

I heard you, all right?

- Can we continue the reprimand later?
- Fine.

- What are we going to do about Kyle?
- "we"?

Of course "we" -.

We are gonna go find him
and bring him home.

Then we better get to work.

Mr Collier is not
available right now.

I'll have him return your call.
Thank you, Dr Kern.

Dr Kern, the OBGYN?

- Mm-hm.
- Jordan about to have a baby?

- I wouldn't know.
- Huh.

Here's the security
logs he asked to see.

I'll put them on his desk.

Can I see Jordan's phone logs
for the last couple of weeks?

What for?

He's been receiving
some threatening mail.

I want to crosscheck it
with his incoming calls.

It doesn't leave this office.

I need to see Dr Kern right now.

Mr Tyler, she can't
be disturbed.

- Mr Tyler!
- This won't take long. Dr Kern.

- She's busy.
- Does Lily have an appointment?

No. Why do you call Jordan Collier
every time she comes to see you?

- My phone habits don't concern you.
- I think they do.

What does Collier know about
Lily's baby that she doesn't?

Sickle cell anaemia?

How can my baby have the trait
for sickle cell anaemia?

Unless the father's black.

Maybe he is.

- What are you saying, Richard?
- I don't know.

Maybe whoever took us used
me as some kind of donor.

The question is, why would Jordan
have Dr Kern keep this from us?

The baby's carrying the
sickle cell trait.

That brings us closer. Maybe he
doesn't want that to happen.


I think it's time me
and him had a talk.

Michelle Hickock,
returnee number 938.

She's coming in at 4:00 for counselling
and I want to see her afterwards, OK?

He's logged on.

Lytell's on the network.
You good to go?

Tom really appreciates
you helping him.

I'm not doing it for Tom.

Come on.

Kyle's being held at the quarantine
Centre, building 9, sub-basement 3.

That's great. I owe you.

OK. Well...

- Marco, thanks for your help.
- No worries.

- You ready to roll?
- We should wait for the nightshift.

- They're half staff.
- OK. I'll pick you up at 4:00.

See you.

This is the place. It's just outside
of the city in West Belleview.

The seller won't be there?

He's in Spain. Another
realtor told me.

- It'll be a perfect safe house.
- Set it up.

- Make sure you're not followed.
- I'm being watched?

If I was Lytell, I'd
keep an eye on you.

Check your mirrors
and stay cool.

I never thought I'd have
to use what you taught me.

You'll do fine.

- I'll get Kyle and I'll meet you up there.
- I'll be waiting.

- You be careful.
- I will.

They're nice, huh? I remember how much
you told me you liked moonstones.

I do. But I can't accept these.

Why not? I mean, I
got them for you.

Come on, Nikki. Look,
I know I messed up.

- Didn't Shawn talk to you?
- What does he have to do with it?


- Hey.
- Maia ready?

Maia's talking with one
of your colleagues.

Some of the clothes look funny.
And the cars.

But I don't know. Video
games are kind of fun.

Did you like the video
games at quarantine?

I hardly ever got
a chance to play.

Lytell, what are you doing here?

Just talking with Maia. I
thought it was time we met.

- Stay away from her.
- That's not really your call, is it?

Maia, it was nice
talking with you.

We'll do it again soon.

I don't like him. And he
doesn't really like me either.

Well, don't you worry about him.

- Are you sure?
- Oh! You listen to me, Maia.

I am absolutely sure. I am not gonna let
anything bad happen to you. Hear me?

- All right?
- OK.

Jordan, do you have a minute?

I know why you're here.

Roxanne Kern called me as
soon as you left her office.

I hope you and Lily aren't blowing this
up into something bigger than it is,

cos a doctor's trying
to get on my good side.

We appreciate everything you've
done, from the house to my job.

Our lives have been a lot more
comfortable since we met.

- You're gonna hurt me now, aren't you?
- It's time you back off.

Let us run our own lives.

Whatever you want.

Tell Lily I said hi, will you?

I'll do that.

- You good to go?
- Just give me a sec.

Gloria, don't answer the door
to anyone you don't know, OK?


- Are you leaving now?
- Yeah. I'll be back before you wake up.


Better go. Bye.

- Diana.
- Don't worry.

- You'll find him.
- Find who?

Your son, Kyle.

He's the answer.

- The answer to what?
- Everything.

I want to see Kyle
Baldwin, please.

- You're not on the list.
- I'm a friend of the family.

I want to know that
he's all right.

He's not even one of the 4400
and his father works with me

and if you could just give me
something I could tell him cos...

Come on, we're both supposed
to be on the same side, right?

- I'll see what I can find out.
- Thank you so much. That's great.

You won't even have a
headache when you wake up.

Well, maybe a little headache.

Come on in.

Kyle. Hey, buddy.
It's me, buddy.

- Highland Beach.
- What about it?

- That's where I have to go.
- Highland Beach.

Let's get you out of here first.
Come on. Up.

We got him. He's sitting
right here next to me.

He's about the same.
No worse, anyway.

See you in a little while.

- How far away is this safe house?
- It's about 30 miles.

Your mom's waiting
for you, buddy.

No. Highland Beach.

- Hey!
- Kyle! Let go!

- Kyle!
- Highland Beach!

- Let go! Let go!
- Calm down!

- We have to go there now.
- What's at Highland Beach?

- That's where Shawn disappeared.
- I have to go back there.

Just calm down, buddy. Just...

- If that's what you want, we'll take you.
- Are you sure about that?

Kyle's the answer, right?

Two agents are
operating outside us.

I noticed. It's because you pulled
the Baldwin kid out of the hospital.

- DC wouldn't see it that way.
- DC decided to send you here.

Are we gonna bring
him in or not?

Find him.

These people are coming
to the next meeting.

It's bigger than the last so we
may need a couple more tables.

- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.


Can I see you for a minute?

- I have a few errands to run.
- This won't take long.

Where did you get this?

I've been doing security checks on
everyone who's moved into the complex.

Don't look shocked, Lily.

A lot of people would love to
see me fall on my face here.

A scandal like this would allow them
to force me out of the company.

- Richard wouldn't do this.
- I'd have thought so, too.

I guess we were both wrong.

Do you really think this is going
to change the way I feel about him?

That's up to you.

But Lily... you really
have to ask yourself...

Is this the man you
want raising your baby?

Aren't you gonna say something?

It was my 23rd birthday.

A bunch of guys from the barracks
invited me out to a bar.

- You don't drink.
- Didn't then either.

But it was a big deal them
asking me to come along.

In those days, Negroes and whites
didn't do much socialising.

So I went.

It was kind of nice, you know?

Then this woman started coming onto me.
People started staring.

So I figured it was time for
me to get out of there.

She followed me outside and
asked me to go home with her.

I declined respectfully.

That's when she
started screaming.

- That's all that happened?
- That's all it took in 1945.

But the statement the woman
made to the police. I mean...

- It's so detailed.
- But Lily, none of it's true.

If I hadn't been exonerated
of those charges,

would the air force have sent me
to flight school? Made me a pilot?

The woman lied. The
charges got dropped.

- Why would Jordan bring this up?
- He wants you doubt me.

Doubt us.

Do you?

We've gotta pack whatever
we can in five minutes.

We're getting out of here.

They're heading
west on Sandburg.

There are no freeways
in that direction.

Highland Beach. That's where they're going.
Have my car brought around.

I don't care what you do, just keep
your mouth shut and stay out of my way.

Come on, Mom. Are you serious? The movies?
Like, you and me?

Is that so weird? We used to
go to the movies all the time.

When I was six.


You prick!

- Danny!
- Danny!

- Listen to me...
- You goddamn freak!

Danny, stop this!

Boys, please!
Danny, Shawn, stop!

Stop blaming me for Nikki!

Don't you see it's
over between you two?

That's enough! Shawn, stop it!
You're killing him!

- What did you do?
- I didn't mean to do anything!

- Danny!
- Get away from him!


- I heard you guys shouting.
- Don't touch me.


Don't touch me.

You're the only good thing that's
happened to me since I've been back.

But I can't stay here and you
can't come where I'm going.


I love you, Nikki.

- I love you.
- What are you doing? Shawn!

No! Stay here and
talk about this.

Shawn! Shawn, what
are you doing?


- What's all this?
- What's it look like?

Have you thought about
what you're doing?

- It is dangerous outside those gates.
- We'll risk it.

- Lily, think about the baby.
- What has the baby to do with this?

That baby could be the
key to the future

and I can protect it better
than Richard or anyone.

- Lily, get in the car.
- I can't let you do that.

Stay away from her.


Go ahead! Run!

It won't do you any good.

I will find you.

That baby belongs with me.


Kyle, we've been walking for ten minutes.
What are you looking for?

Maybe we can help you, Kyle.

This is where we found him.

We're running out of time.

Kyle, I brought you
here like you asked.

But if there's something you need
to do, you better do it fast.

I belong here.

I tried really hard and...

no matter what I've done, which
way I've turned, it just...

It sucks.

I need to clear my head
and get away for a while.

I guess what I'm asking is if I
could stay here for a while.

Shawn, you're one of the 4400.

As far as I'm concerned, you can
stay here as long as you want.

That's great, man. Thanks.
Thank you.

So, erm... tell me a little bit
more about this ability of yours.

- Any idea where we're headed?
- I'll know it when I see it.

He's gonna come after us.

The baby likes that.

You know... It really
wouldn't be so bad, would it?

If you were the father?

No, it wouldn't be bad at all.

That's their car. Let's go.

Listen, these are not criminals.
They're two of our own.

Keep your gun holstered. There's
no cause for anybody to get hurt.

Kyle, they're coming for you.
They want to take you away.

They're too late.

- Kyle!
- No! Tom, don't!



- You're not my son, are you?
- No.

Kyle was meant to be a
channel, a way to communicate.

- Communicate with who?
- With you.

To guide you in your
dealings with the returnees.

But something went wrong. Shawn
interrupted the process.

That's what put him in a coma.

He was like that
for three years.




Who are you? What are you?

I'm human.

- Like you.
- No. You're nothing like me.

I come from a different time.

That is all.

Your future.

Is that where you took them?

My nephew and all the others?

- We needed them.
- For what?

To survive.



In my time, humanity
is dying out.

You mean it's all going to end?

- What is going on?
- Kyle brought us out here.

- Like he knew it was going to happen.
- Maybe he's not Kyle Baldwin.

He said he wasn't. Maybe
he's telling the truth.

Tom? Tom, are you all right?

We've got to do something. He could
take Baldwin with him. Or kill him.

Nobody's doing anything until
we know what's going on.

Only those we took could prevent
the catastrophe from happening.

That's why they've been altered and
seeded back into the timeline.

Why here? Why now?

Because history tells us this is
where the path to oblivion began.

And the people you took are gonna
stop that from happening? How?

They've begun their work.
And you have begun yours.

- Tom, come on.
- Do something or I will.

I need you out of there.

I don't understand. What
are we supposed to do?

- You have to help them.
- How?



You're bleeding.

Oh, God. Get an ambulance. Now!

Kyle! Kyle!

Kyle! Kyle! Kyle!

Kyle! Stay with me, Kyle!
Stay with me!

Stay with me! Look at me!
Look at me! Stay! Stay!

NO! No!

Kyle! Kyle! Look at me!
Look at me!

Stay with me, Kyle!
Stay with me!

Stay with me! Come on! Come on!

- No!
- Tom...

; Gjff.

What are you doing here?

- Where's Shawn?
- Kyle?

- I can explain about the beer.
- No!

Forget the beer. You don't
have to explain anything.

What's going on?

Tom. Tom.

What did you see?

L 90f you, Kyle.

The baby.

It's time?

I'll get the car.