T@gged (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 12 - Snaked - full transcript

Unsure of Ash's fate, Rowan, Hailey, and Elisia attend a heart-wrenching funeral service. With their number one suspect in police custody, the girls enjoy a fleeting respite..

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- [Female Voiceover]
Previously on T@gged.

- Monkeyman's dead, Rowan.

Now there's this bigger
group coming after us,

all different animals.

- I'm a bad guy,
Rowan, all right?

Stay away from me.

- I'm trying to figure out
why you're such a dick.

- You know the video of Dunbar?

He stepped in to defend me and I

didn't even remember I knew him.

- [Rowan] I didn't
remember him either.

- Can I tell you something?

- [Rowan] Jake's leaving?

- [Elisia] He's joining
the police academy upstate.

- [Hailey] Sean has a red
hoodie, like Pigmania.

- [Female Speaker] I know
Brandon was your friend,

but it really could be him.
It could be Trevor, too.

- Something's going on with Ash.

Stinger said there
were four girls

that Dunbar wanted to punish.

You're the fourth.

- [Elisia] What if
she started working

with Monkeyman or something?

- Stinger says
Nicki's cause of death

was officially ruled a suicide.

- [Rowan] I don't believe that.
She promised me.

- Last time Monkeyman
was right in front

of you and you
didn't even see him.

- The police report said they
never found Dunbar's phone.

Can you track a
phone that's off?

Dunbar Rakes, why
do you have that?

- I went to camp with
him when I was little.

- I saw a photo in
Sean's room from a camp

when he was a kid and
I recognize Dunbar.

Trevor and Brandon
were there, too.

I know that symbol
of the two snakes.

- King Cobra's looking for
members in the deep web.

He's looking for people
that will kill you guys.

- If we can meet him,
we can expose him.

I have a plan.

- [Stinger] Dear
Staghead, want to meet?

Sure, if you prove your loyalty.

Kill one of the girls.

[powerful explosion]

- You're dead.

I asked him to meet me.

[phone beeps]

You have to stay here, OK?

No one can see you.

- [Hailey] If they
realize that you're alive,

Rowan will be in danger.

- No calls, no
lights, no contact.

- [Elisia] Ash.

They're watching us.


- Elisia, open up!

- [Rowan] Brandon?

[gun fires]

- Please wake up!

- [Female Voiceover]
I tagged you guys.

[ominous music]

- Hey.


Hey, come here.

[siren wailing]

How's Ash?

- He's in surgery.

It was his stomach or heart.

I don't know.

There was just so much blood.

- He's gonna be OK.

I'm sure he'll be OK.

- [Elisia] They don't know
if he's gonna make it.

- It was Brandon.

Brandon's King Cobra.

- Did he shoot Ash?

- First Nicki,

now Ash.

We're next.

[dark gloomy music]

[phone chimes]

- It's from Stinger.

He wants to meet.

[ominous music]

- I can get rid of Brandon.

All you guys gotta
do is say the word.

I planted a bunch
of illegal files.

I wrote a terrifying
online manifesto.

And I falsified some
online purchase orders.

Looks like this guys
planning another Columbine.

All I have to do is send an

anonymous tip to
the authorities.

Should I do it?

[suspenseful music]

- Yeah, do it.

- As long as their
leader gets locked up,

hopefully all the others
will stay underground.

- Fingers crossed.

[suspenseful music]

- Such good folk [mumbles] take

that luck away from him.

Pat it down.

Bury them with the dirt.

We're almost rock.

- Dad?

- The gates of hell shall
not come against us.

We're building our church
now, just like Peter.

[mysterious music]

[phone beeps]

[ominous music]

- [Brandon] Rowan.

- Brandon.

- I wanted to bring
this back to you.

Just listen to me.

Put the phone please.


Rowan, please, just listen,
I can't explain myself.

Rowan, come on.
- You're trying to kill us!

- No, I'm not, just
listen to me, OK?



- [Rowan] OK, OK.

- A couple years I logged
onto the Zoo website

to talk shit about my
dad and I met Monkeyman.

We bonded over our shitty dads

and I gave him advice
about his bullies.

- [Rowan] Stop, you're a liar!
- No, I'm not, OK?

I thought it was all your fault.

I found Dunbar's phone
at Nicki's party.

I was going to get my bag back
before the cops came and...

Look, I was so pissed
off because I thought it

was all your fault that
he killed himself, OK?

That's why I took his
phone and I sent you

that message that we
finish what we start.

- [Rowan] God,
you're an asshole.

- I felt so guilty, OK?

That's why when I got the phone,

I logged onto
Monkeyman's account.

I told them all
that we should make

you suffer and make you pay.

We came up with this
stupid hunting idea.

And when Hailey got
out, I texted you.

But when I saw Hailey's
face after audition,

I felt...

I felt so guilty because

I was just trying to
make things better

and she was so scared and all
I do is make things worse.

Remember my knuckles?

I felt so shitty I
just punched a wall.

I can't do anything right.

Rowan, I tried.

I tried to tell
everyone to stop online.

But King Cobra was...

He was telling people to do
really bad things to you, Rowan.

I tried to make it better.

I tried to stop everyone,
but it was too late.

- [Rowan] You were
wearing the mask.

- [Brandon] It was a trick.

I wanted to find out who he was.

- You're King Cobra.

- Rowan, I started it, but I...

I can't stop it.

- I should have
stayed away from you.

You told me to
stay away from you.


[ominous music]

[dog barking]

[thunder rumbling]

[siren wails]

- Brandon Darrow?

- First of all, I found that
camp photo you mentioned.

- Girls went, too.

- [Hailey] Oh my gosh.
I think that's Hawk.

They all went.

- Second on the
list, I took down

this zoo's website myself.

Cleared the servers and backups.

You know I love a little
internet sabotage,

so I replaced it with this.

But I have some bad news.

King Cobra's site and the onion.

Some seriously weird shit
is going on down there.

Every member on the site changed
their name to King Cobra.

I swear there were,
like, ten members,

but there's no way to
know for sure because

every single one
changed their name.

- It's perfectly anonymous.

Has there been any activity?

- [Stinger] Not since the party.

But now that your boy
Brandon's locked up,

I hope the site stays dark.

- [Rowan] Brandon said
he couldn't stop it.

- [Hailey] Well,
let's hope he's wrong.

[suspenseful music]

- You all know that Nicki
would've wanted something small

with close friends rather
than that big formal show.

Those of you who
were so lucky to get

to know her knew
that she was shy

and silly,

and just so, so sweet.

I only got to know
her recently, but

I wanted to do something
special for her.

Just the other day she was
telling me about these flowers.

You plant them in one
place and then they

pop up randomly all
over the garden.

The roots spread really
deep under ground, so

you can't kill them.

I was thinking today we
could plant a few of these in

the park, and then when you
see a purple flower in town,

you'll think of her.

[somber music]

["You Knew Me When"]

♪ I still know you
and you still know me

♪ But we don't really
know each other do we

♪ Anymore, you're so buttoned up

♪ And I'm faking
every single

♪ Little exchange

♪ But you knew me when

♪ And you know me

♪ Better than

♪ Anyone else

♪ Sold my soul for
a different story

♪ For a life that I
have never lived before

♪ I realize time is moving
faster than I thought

♪ Hey, I just want
to feel it all

♪ But you knew me when

♪ And you know me

♪ Better than

♪ Anyone else

♪ How long can we

♪ Go on like this

♪ Darling

♪ Is it something
maybe we can fix

♪ 'Cause you knew me when

♪ You knew me when

♪ You knew me when

♪ You know me when

♪ And you know me

♪ Better than

♪ Anyone else

- Mom.

["Written in Red"]

- [Rowan] So how long
are you here for?

- [Jake] Just 24 hours.

- [Rowan] Should I
call you officer?

- Not quite yet.

So what happened with Ash?

- Someone shot him.

We don't know who.

- Did it have anything to
do with Elisia or with you?

- There's a lot that
I want to tell you.

But for right now we're safe.

- Well, you think he'll be OK?

Elisia won't talk about it.

She spends every
day at the hospital

waiting for him to wake up.

- We don't really know.

- Yeah.

Well, I was thinking
while I'm gone

we could write each other

old-fashioned letters.

- Like pen pals?
- Like pen pals.

Look, Row, I promise to
be your friend and to

not take it out on you that
I can't be more than that.

- And I promise to
take it seriously

and not try to tempt you.

I would never want to do

to get you into trouble.

- I'll take what I can get,

even if it's through a
fence or through the mail.

You said I was leaving
town because of you,

like I wanted to get away
from you or something.

It's not true.

I left because I
want to protect you.

I've never felt as helpless
as that night at Nicki's party

and I don't ever want to let
anything happen to you again.

Not that I won't
secretly be counting down

the days until
your 18th birthday.

- 429.

♪ There was nothing
underneath us

♪ I took my chances instead

♪ I took my chances instead

- Well, also, what
happened to my truck?

[phone beeps]

[phone beeps]

[ominous music]

- Hey.

- Did you get Elisia's message?

- Yeah, I did, where is she?

- I don't know.

- [Elisia] Hailey.

- You're OK?

What do you need?

- I got your text
saying you needed help.

- We got the exact
same message from you.

[metal clanging]

What is that?

[suspenseful music]

[dog barking]

Who are they?

[phones beeping]

- [speaking in
foreign language]

[suspenseful music]

- [Male Speaker] Idiot.

[ominous music]

- [Female Voiceover]
I tagged you guys.