Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008–2009): Season 2, Episode 9 - Complications - full transcript

Sarah turns to Dr. Sherman when she begins having nightmares, Jesse tries to convince Derek that she has captured an important figure from the future, and John and Cameron discover that Cromartie's body is missing.

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Previously on Terminator:
The Sarah Connor Chronicles:

Dr. Boyd Sherman,
child psychologist, family therapist.

What's his link to Skynet,
friend or foe?

-Hey, baby.

Are you AWOL, Jesse?
Did you run from the war?

I need a place to rest.

What's next?

We'll come back down here,
bring something with us to destroy it.

I'm gonna be sick.

What's wrong with her?

-I don't know. She's burning up.
-I'm fine.

Is she pregnant?

Why in the hell
would you even ask that?

Kacy vomited when she was pregnant.

You're vomiting. It's morning.

-That's when it happens.
-Shut up.

It's a bug or something.

Stomach flu or something.

We'll be home soon, okay? Here.


How are you feeling?

How do I look?

Like crap.

I wish I felt that good.

-What's that?
-It's rehydration fluid.

Drink one cup every half hour
or right after you vomit.

No, no, no. Where you going?

-We have to go back now.
-Back where?

Mexico. There's thermite in the garage.
We need to burn Cromartie's body.

He's dead. You destroyed his chip.

You have to incinerate him.
It's the only way.

He's in a hole in the middle
of the desert. His chip is obliterated.

-I think we're pretty--

It's not safe.

Oh, God,
she's starting to sound like you.

She's right.


I need to see you. Now.

Bring a gun.



I was at the mall this morning, right?
And I just--

I can't stop eating the crappy
Chinese food in the food court.

So I'm there,
and I'm just waiting for my food...

...and I look across the way,
and I see him.

I just see him.

You see "him" who?

Fischer. I see Fischer.

Who's Fischer?

Charles Fischer.

I don't know who you're talking about.

You do. You know him.

Charles Fischer.

Sent back from the future
and he works for the machines.

And he's gonna die.

What are you doing?

Feeling what it's like
to get away from it all.

I don't think you are.

-If by "feelings" you mean "emotions" ...

...I'm pretty sure you still don't have
any of those.

And if by "feeling"
you mean what it feels like...

...to have the wind
blow through your toes or your hair...

...I'm pretty sure
you can't feel that either.

I don't think you understand
how we work.

I have sensation. I feel.

I wouldn't be worth much
if I couldn't feel.

So go through this again.

-I've gone through it again.
-One more time.

I told you, I'm at the mall--

Just skip to where you follow this man
to the garage and hit him with a brick.

He's a Grey, Derek.
At least tell me you remember the Greys.

Of course I remember the Greys.

They were traitors.
They worked for Skynet.

-Helped the Trip-8s act more human.
-You don't remember him?

He was on the top of the list.

Tell him.

Tell him who you are
and why you're here.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

My name is Paul Stewart.
That's my license. Look at it. Please.

-I'm not who she says I am.

It's a mistake.

For your sake, brother,
I hope you're right.

I told you.

Paul Stewart. I-- I repair watches.

I have a shop in Pasadena.
That's my license.

What are you doing here, Fischer?

Paul Stewart.

I was looking
for an Omega 321 movement.

There's a secondhand store--

Tin cans didn't send him back here
to fix watches.

I think we all know that.

Why don't you save us the trouble
and tell us the truth?

Why are you here?

I'm Paul Stewart,
I live on Blackburn Avenue.

-Your name is Fischer.

-You work for Skynet.
-Skynet? No.

What are you doing here,
you murdering bastard?

Hey, hey, hey.

Do I know you?

No, you don't know me.
And I don't know her. I-- I don't.

For the love of God,
I'm not Charles Fischer.

I'm not.

I need you to be sure.

-Sure of what?

-I am sure. You don't trust me?
-It's not that I don't trust you.


I knew the Greys, Jesse. I knew them
just like you did.

They were war criminals.
We caught four.

Right, but we couldn't find Fischer. They
kept him hidden. He was too valuable.

You really don't remember?

Listen, if he is who you say he is...

...he deserves whatever
is gonna happen to him.

But not until he tells us who he is
and what he's doing here.

Do you understand?

-He is who I say he is.
-I wanna hear him say it.

He will.

I'll show you.

-Where's the rest of him?
-It's not here.

Not possible. We destroyed his chip.

He didn't walk out of here,
but he's gone.

There's only one other person
who knew about this.

And only one other person
crazy enough to dig him up.

You hungry?

-Not hungry.
-You a vegetarian?

No, I just--
I don't know what's in that.

Cheeseburger's in that.


Where's your friend?


I'm not who she thinks I am.

Well, I sure hope not.

I fix watches.

I used to be an engineer.

But it got old.

I was just a guy in a cubicle
with a bunch of other guys in cubicles.

So I decided to go to Bern
to learn watch repair.

It's in Switzerland.
You ever been to Switzerland?

That's a nice story.

You don't believe me.

I've told a few myself.

Is she your girlfriend, this, um, woman?

Do you love her?

It's complicated.


I know complication,
I'm a watchmaker.

It's a watch joke.

If I were you, I'd eat.

Listen to me.

People do crazy things
when they're in love.

Well, I do.

But this is insane.

She says that you know me
and clearly you don't know me.

There's something wrong with her.

So, what'd they get you for?

Did you hear what I just said?

That's prison ink.

Where'd you do time?

-I haven't done any time.
-Yes, you have.

No. It's a tattoo.

I-- I fix watches. It's a clock.

With no hands.

It means "till the end of time. "

Life sentence.

If I had a life sentence,
what would I be doing here?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Lunch is over.

-Hey. It's Derek.

Is it?

I know. Shocks the
hell out of me too. Listen, I need to talk--


I need to talk to you.

-So talk.
-I'm sending a picture to your phone.

-I got it.
-Who is it?

I don't know.

Never seen him?
Not in your memory banks...

...or whatever?
There's no record of him?

No. Who is he?

He's.... He's just this guy.
I thought maybe I knew him.

He looks hurt.

Don't worry about it.

-Who was that?


What did he say? Is everything okay?
Is Mom okay?

Everything's okay.
Don't worry about it.

Can I help you?

I was waiting. I heard....

-Do you remember me?
-Of course I remember you.

I have a....

It's possible I have an emergency.

You came to my office
over a month ago.

You said your son
needed help. Therapy.

I never saw either of you again.

Wait. Dr. Sherman, please.
I've had some bad luck with shrinks.

Well, you could stop
calling them shrinks.

That might help.

-It's okay.

My assistant will be here
tomorrow morning at 7 .

Make an appointment.

-I'm here now.

Make an appointment, please.
We'll see what we can do.

I've been sick.

Flu or something.
I'm exhausted. I can't sleep.

And when I do, I have dreams.

Nightmares, actually.
I walk in my sleep.

Where are you walking to?

-What do you mean?
-Where do you go when you walk?

I'm chasing someone,
or I'm being chased.

But where do you go?


I get the hell out.

You're here. Come on in.

There are many things
I don't understand.

Like what?

The tortoise.

What tortoise?

It was on its back
by the side of the road in Mexico.

-Your mother turned it over.
-She was helping it.

I know, but why?

Because that's what we do.

When we, uh....

When we see something
that's in pain...

...or in trouble or whatever,
we try and help it.


Something like that.

But not everyone
would turn the tortoise over.


Some would just leave it there.

Some would probably drive over it
and crush it.

Yeah, I guess they would.

Is that what you'd do?

It didn't seem like much of a threat.

We're not built to be cruel.

Yeah, that's one for cyborgs.


That's one for us.


What are you doing?

-The body is gone.

Cromartie's body is gone.

That's impossible.

You're the one who knew
where we buried it. We need it.

-We have to destroy it.
-What would I possibly want with it?


-He's lying.
-You don't know that.

Please. John.

If you know,
you better tell me right now.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Let him go.

-He's telling the truth.

-We could find out for certain.
-Let him go.


What the hell?

He doesn't wanna tell us who he is?

-I brought proof.

Please. Please don't hurt me.
Don't hurt me, please.

-It's up to him.
-Who is he?

-Who are you?
-My name is Charlie Fischer.

You were at my job. SRF .
We do seismic retrofitting.

I'm a service technician, that's all.
I'm nobody.

I don't even know
what I'm doing here.

Tell him who you are.

I've already told you who I am.

This is a trick.

Some crazy trick,
and you're all in on it.

And you too.

What do you want from me?

I want you to tell the truth.

Oh, God.

-If he is who you say he is--
-He is.

All right, fine. He is.

We need to know
what he's doing here.

-Unless he's AWOL like you.
-He's not.

Not this guy. Not Charles Fischer.

He's been sent back by them
for a reason.

You need to beat the hell out of him.

You need to get him to talk.

-Please. No, please. Please.
-I'm sorry. Really.

-Don't hurt the boy. Don't--

Some people, you can beat them
and beat them, and they'll take it.

Whatever pain you give them,
they absorb it.

Like it was theirs all along...

...and all you're doing
is giving it back to them.

You see, deep down,
they hate themselves...

...and they use that hate
to eat the pain.

See, we were all good once.

We all loved ourselves once.

As young men.

Trying to get through the day.
Or as kids.

Playing in the park.

-Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.

My name is Charles Fischer.

I'm Charles Fischer.

Now let him go.
He's got nothing to do with this.

Just let him go.

This is impossible.

Can't you people see
that this is insane?

Why are you here?

-Why did they send you back?
-They didn't.

-I'm not here on a mission.
-Nobody comes back without a mission.

This is my reward.

When the bombs dropped,
I was locked up in Pelican Bay.

Solitary confinement.

Life sentence.

If I hadn't been in prison...

...I never would've made it
through Judgement Day.

Once they got their hands on me...

...it was either I teach them
everything I learned inside...

...or say goodbye.

And what did you learn?

I learned what makes people tick.

So the fever that brought
on the dreams...

...was caused by something
you ate, you think, in Mexico.


-What were you doing in Mexico?

-Family vacation?

Has anything happened
since I saw you last?

What do you mean?

I mean, have you suffered a trauma?

A crisis in the family...

...something more between you
and John since I've seen you last.

I came to you for help
in understanding my dreams.

Well, the problem is, without
knowing the details of your life...

...I'm not sure what I can tell you
beyond generalities.

I can tell you that dreams tend to mirror
the central conflict in the dreamer.

Would it be accurate to say that the
central conflict in your life is your son?


And your daughter,
you have less conflict with.

-It's different with her.
-What is?

Conflict, the type of conflict,
the nature of your relationship, what?


-I don't wanna talk about her.

Then why are you here?

You come in here pretending to
wanna talk about your dreams...

...and refusing to talk about John
and Cameron.

Which, in my opinion, is what
your obsession with the three dots...

...is all about.

So if you only wanna talk about one
of those dots...

...there's not much I can do.

I have no one else to talk to.

Nothing is going to happen in here
until you decide to be honest.

You seem surprised.

Judgement Day.


You have no idea what you'd do.

What's the hardest decision
you've ever had to make?


Whether to stay with Rebecca
or take a chance on Christine?

Whether to ask for time off
for Grandfather's funeral...

...because you're too afraid
you'll be fired if you just take it?

You think you know who you are?

You don't have a clue.

Can't you just tell them
what they wanna know?

What's it matter now?

You're here. You're safe.

Are you?

No. He's playing with us.
He's making us think he's weak.

-He's not weak.
-How do you know?

I know, all right? I know.

You may not remember, but I know.
He is the worst of them.

He's the worst.

He needs to die, Derek.
Forget why he's here.

Forget whatever the mission is.

He just needs to die.

What did he do?
Jess, what did he do to you?

There was a raid on a bunker.

Metal was everywhere.

They took out our command.

Killed everyone over 30.
Killed the children.

They took the prisoners
to this place.

He was there.

Said he was going to teach them
how to talk to people...

...how to get information
from people...

...how to be people.

It was a kind of perverse theater...

...like he was teaching them.

How long did it go on?



There were drugs...

...and starvation.

And he talked to you...

...for hours...

...for days.

Just to break you down...

...just to get to your inner....

To get to you.

How'd you get out?

I don't know.

You never told me.


It wasn't me Fischer had, baby.

It was you.

Go to hell. Go to hell.

You don't remember.

I can't believe you don't remember.

But it was you.

My name is Derek Reese.
First lieutenant, 132nd S.O.C.

-Yeah, well, good for you.
-Not for you.

-Told you I'm not on a mission.
-I don't care.

Oh, yeah. You remember.

You remember now. I was wondering
how long that was gonna take.

No. I don't remember. But she does.

And that's good enough for me.

So. You gonna kill me?

Not you.

Oh, God. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.

I wasn't sleeping.

I just needed to close my eyes
for a few minutes.

How're you feeling?

What does this mean to you?

I keep seeing it in my dreams, John.
It means something.

Mom, you're tired. You've been sick.

Chasing killer robots
will do that to you.

We couldn't find Cromartie's body.

It wasn't there. It's gone.


-He doesn't have it.
-Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Cromartie was in my dreams.
It's connected. It's all connected.

Mom, you had a dream.

It was my fault.

What was your fault?

Cromartie. I led him to you.

What are you talking about?

There was this kid, a boy...

...in the bowling alley. He was with
the guys who broke into our house.

And I should....

I knew what I had to do, John.
I didn't do it. I let him go.

Cromartie must have found him.

We are not murderers.

You're not.

Tell that to the boy.

I'm sure he's dead.

We have to find that body, John.

You don't think he'll talk...

...young Fischer?

We had to let him go.

-He's not the monster we just buried.
-Let's hope he doesn't become one.

Do you remember any of it?

Even a flash?



It was all we talked about, Derek.

What he'd done.

How you were gonna find him
one day.

You were obsessed.

It was a trauma. You've blocked it.

Maybe. Maybe not.

-Maybe it never happened to me.

I was there.

Maybe I came from a future
where it never happened...

...and now you've come
from a future where it did.

Is that possible?

Ever since I've been back here,
I've done...

...things. I've changed things.

Maybe I changed the future.

That's why we're here, isn't it?
To change the future.

Do you think there's a version of
the future where we're not together?


-Charles Fischer?

FBI, Department of Homeland Security.
Need you to come with us, please.

Two nights ago, you entered
the building, unauthorized, at 4: 16 a.m.

What were you doing here?

That's a mistake.

Two nights ago? No.

I wasn't there. I would have no reason
to be there at that time.

Computers don't lie, Mr. Fischer.

At 4:23, seven minutes
after you entered the building...

...there was an unauthorized access
to the computer networking system.

-That wasn't me.
-This system allows the user access...

...to all primary military-industrial
complex computer systems.

I'm telling you
that this is all a big mistake.

I do seismic retrofitting.

I don't know how
to access a computer system.

Why would I do that?

I don't know, Mr. Fischer.

You tell me.

Why would you install a roving
backdoor into those computer systems?

One that we can't dismantle so far.
You wanna tell us how to do that?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I wasn't there.

What happened to you?
You look a little banged up.

You wanna explain that?

I don't know if I can.



...what is it you wanted to show me?

We need to learn how they work.

How to fight them.

We can't allow history
to repeat itself...

...not when we have the power
to stop it.

It's up to us now.

The two of us.


It is.

What am I doing here?

I don't know.

It's a waste of time.
You just lie and lie.

It's a waste of time. I just lie and lie.

-Don't you have things to do?
-Yes. I do. I have things to do.

I should get back to work.