Tengen toppa gurren lagann (2007–2008): Season 1, Episode 6 - There Are Some Things I just Have to See!! - full transcript

Having picked up new members in their last adventure, Team Gurren continues onwards to the Gunmen rallying point. However, not everything is as it seems to be at a slight pit stop at a hot springs getaway in the middle of nowhere.

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Gurren Lagann

- Boy, that was one nasty experience...
- What was?

That village, Adai.

It's a gloomy village full of gloomy
people living in the gloomy cold.

Whenever I think back to that place,
I get ticked off somehow.

Yeah, they were really
poor there, weren't they?

I thought to myself, back in Giha Village,
we had it a lot better than those people do.

We had electricity, and we
also had pig-moles.

That's for sure.

They drink some kinda
soup or broth...

...made outta something that might
or not be some kinda fish.

When kids eat stuff like that, they grow
into gloomy kids like Forehead Boy.

I understand Rossiu, though.

You understand why he has such
a big forehead at his young age?

I don't know about that.

But if I hadn't met you...
If I'd been born in that village...

...I might have
turned out like that.

You're right. You've got an
oversized forehead, too.

Could we please drop
the forehead thing?

Why did you try so hard to push
the High Priest's buttons?

Oh, that. Something about him
reminded me of our village chief.

Besides, that whole "worship Gunmen
as gods" thing really pisses me off.

Yeah, this is the guy!

Look! It's hard to tell
which one is the Gunmen!

Having more lines on your face isn't
necessarily a good thing, you know?

I wish you'd talk sense...

I bet it was rough for him. The village
didn't have much food or water.

To survive, don't you think he had
to find something to hold on to?

That's not it.

That Father Magin guy... He had
enough spirit to operate a Gunmen.

He had enough spirit to fight that
Gunmen that came down after us.

He should have put that
to good use!

Just because there's only enough
food for 50 down there...

...don't make it right to exile
any extra people to the surface!

He even rigged the lottery
to make sure that...

...a couple of kids like Gimmy
and Darry got picked!

I can't condone crap
like that, not ever.

Tell me, Simon. You know why
people have eyes in front?

It's 'cause you have to move forward
to see the landscape in the distance.

Move... forward.

Yeah, that's right.

If you have eyes in back, all you can see
is your hometown getting farther away.

You can't move forward
like that.

If your eyes are in front, what you see
in the distance keeps getting closer.

That's what lets people
move forward.

My dear departed dad
used to say that all the time.

What you see
off in the distance...

Yeah, that's right.

But that's not all of it.

Having eyes in front also lets you see the
backs of the people walking ahead of you.


That's why Rossiu came with us.
That's what I think.

Let's show them all. Let's show
Rossiu and Gimmy. And Darry.

All our new friends.
Let's show them new scenery.

Yeah, you're right.

Finding new friends
ain't bad at all.

Episode 6:
Sit In the Hot Tub 'Til You're Sick!

I don't see anything around here
that seems like a likely candidate.

No doubt about it.

Judging from this map, the recall
point ought to be right here.

Are you sure
we didn't pass it?

It's hard to believe that we could overlook
a facility large enough to launch Gunmen.

I suppose I need to look over
Gurren's data one more time.


What's wrong?

It's moving.

- Moving?
- How is that possible?

Beats me. But judging
from the data,

...it would mean that the recall
point itself is moving.

Is that even possible?

I haven't the slightest. It might mean
that this data isn't reliable.

Damn thing is useless!

Huh? What're you doing?

Point your face
somewhere else!

Huh? What? I can't hear
a word you're saying!

What's the matter?

Are you feeling ill?

It stinks!


What stinks?

You guys reek
to high heaven!

Try brushing your teeth and washing up
every once in a while, damn it!

It's some Gunmen!

You out there in the Gunmen!

Listen and be amazed!
Look and be amazed!

My angry flames burn to ash any Gunmen
brazen enough to cross my path!

You face the mighty Kamina, indomitable
leader of the invincible Team Gurren!

Geez, can't he fight without
running his mouth off?

Come at me
however you want!

They hardly put up
a fight at all!

Is it just me, or are these
Gunmen getting weaker?

Awesome! Awesome!

I think it means that
we're getting tougher.

Right, Simon?

Y-You really think so?

Wait a minute.
One of them is getting away.

Yeah, let's kill 'em all!

Kamina, do you suppose we might
arrive at the recall point...

...if we follow that
fleeing Gunmen?

That's it!

Come back here, you long-eared
Gunmen varmint!

Crap, where did it go?!

It's hopeless in this fog.

Hey! Bro!
Something's out there!

A Gunmen?

No, it's too small.

What're you doing
out here, Gramps?

Do you think he can
understand us?

I wonder if there's a village
somewhere around here.

You want us
to go that way?

Hey, pops! What's out here
in the mountains?

Huh? I can see something
up ahead, Bro.

This building is blatantly suspicious.

The air is warm.
And it's giving off steam.

Everyone, we've delivered the old man
safely, so we should leave, and--

You are going inside?

Well, he seems to want us
to follow him!

Maybe he's gonna give us
a reward or something.


This is getting more
and more suspicious.

Something fishy is going on!
Trust me!

Well, well, if it isn't
the mighty Kamina.

"How do you know who I am?"
you are about to ask?

There isn't a single human on the surface
who hasn't heard of Team Gurren.

Not a one!

Your many exploits have given hope
and courage to villagers far and wide,

...prompting them to take
to the surface themselves.

You are the hero of the
entire human race!

You're our hero!


Gimmy, you too?

You ladies and gentlemen
by the door, please, join us.

Come in, come in!

This is so fishy!

It may look delicious in one sense,
but in another,

...it might contain poison so deadly
it can kill with a single--

Hey, Rossiu!

You've already eaten
9/10ths of it...

Yeah, and if you don't hurry up,
I'm gonna eat the tenth that's left!

A man's stomach knows no limits!

Keep it coming!

How manly!

Is this safe?

Oh, my!


I knew it, it's Kamina!

- I missed you so!
- Um, who are you?

Don't you remember? We're the
three sisters of the Black Siblings.

Friends of yours?


Yoko, when did you
have kids?

No way!
Did you and Kamina--

As if!

Come to think of it,
where's Kittan?

He had some things to take care of.
We're on our own today.

Actually, we were waiting for him near here,
but then some Gunmen showed up.

Yes, that's right! And then while
we were chasing them,

...this odd haze sprang up,
and just when we got lost--

You were guided here
by a mysterious old man?


So... Who are you?

Ladies and gentlemen,
once you have eaten your fill,

...feel free to soak away your battle
fatigue in our prized hot spring.

Hot spring?!

Hot spring?
What the hell is that?

You see, hon, a hot spring
is a place where--

This is awesome...
Totally awesome!

Take your time
and enjoy yourselves!

- This hits the spot!
- This feels so wonderful!

Bro, where are Rossiu and Ron?

Don't know, don't care.

Gurren Lagann

Gurren Lagann

This hot spring is great...
Right, Bro?

Hey, Simon?

Yeah, what?

One of these days, you and me
need to try to go to the moon.

You mean this?


I don't think any amount of wishful
thinking will make that happen.


Reject common sense to make
the impossible possible!

We made it up here
to the surface, didn't we?

It can't be impossible
to go to the moon!

When you say it, I feel
like we really could.

Fate is a funny thing,
ain't it?

If you hadn't dug up
Lagann that day...

...and that Gunmen hadn't
come through the ceiling,

...who knows what we'd
be doing right now?

Look up!
That's the surface!

What did I tell you?
There's a surface, all right!

This big mug fell from the surface!
It fell from above!

Ain't that right, Mr. Chief?

Bro, this way!


You've got guts,
plowing into my village...

...with this big ugly mug
of yours, you know that?


The bad reputation of Team Gurren
echoes far and wide in Giha Village!

When they talk about
its badass leader,

...that man of indomitable spirit,
that paragon of masculinity,

...they're talking about ME,
the mighty Kamina!

All right, you two!
Get back!

Something else from the surface?

Yeah, it's a girl this time.

Damn, you got a fine body!
Surface chicks are a breed apart!

Do I need to tell you again to run?
Do you have a death wish?

This is it? The face you
wanted to show me?


This is TWO awesome things
you've dug up now, kid.

Bro, let's use this to take out
that thing up there! That big face!

Let's waste it.

You did it, Simon!

Yeah, Bro!

Here we go!

You weren't expecting THIS,
were ya, you Gunmen S.O.B.?

Even if heaven itself tolerates your
brutality, the mighty Lagann doesn't!

- A drill?
- It just sorta popped out.

That's your kind of weapon!
It's a perfect match!

All right, then! Smash us
into that big mug!

Give it a taste of the power
of Team Gurren's mighty drill!


Farewell, Giha Village!
We're off to the surface!

Off to the surface
I saw as a kid!

I remember that sight as if
it were only yesterday.


But we found out that the surface
belonged to the Gunmen.

All the humans on the surface were
to be exterminated by the Gunmen.

That was the law of the land
up on the surface.

Even your dad was killed...

It is what it is.
That's the kind of harsh world it is.

But we'll survive it.

It was that fighting spirit
that won us Gurren.

Huh? This character
was in the show?

You forgot him already?!

A white sands gator-bunny?

No, that's this.

Oh! A slime grape hippo!

That's this.

I've got it!
It's a flying raccoon!


Human Race Eradication Forces,
Far East Theater Commander Viral.

How could you forget him?
He was one seriously tough opponent!

Dumbass! Working together,
a bozo like him is no match for us!

And that's the series of adventures
that brought us here...

We even met other humans who
were fighting the Gunmen.

Say, Bro... Isn't it kinda quiet
next door?

This is fishy...

Very fishy...

Too suspicious by half...

I don't hear any signs
of life over there...

Something might have happened!

You okay in there?!

Nobody's here...

Where did the girls go?!

T-This bathhouse was a Gunmen?!

Now, I believe it's time
to begin our human hunt!

Hey, you're a Beastman! Coming out
at night is against the rules!

Sorry, but my kind is nocturnal!

This way! I set them up so they
could be used at a moment's notice!

Thank you!

Let's combine, Simon!

Bro, look!

You Gurren-nappers!

That was horrible...

The whole bathhouse started
moving all of a sudden.

Where in the world did Kamina
and the others get to?

Why, this is Gurren!

She's holding the girls hostage!
What're we gonna do, Bro?

- Save us, Kamina!
- Save us, Kamina!

Right! Jump up and latch
onto its face, Simon!

How dare you take delicious food
and a hot bath, the two greatest...

...pleasures in life for girls,
and use them as a trap!

You sleazy Beastmen!

Even if heaven itself forgives
your brutality, Yoko won't!

I am so dead, Bro!

Suck it up!


Welcome, welcome!



Welcome, welcome!

Get outta my way, toadies!

You're history!

What happened?!

Engine room here! Those women
that escaped are--

Damn them!

- Right! Ready to go?
- I think not!

You have had your fun
for long enough, Kamina.

The next time you move,
you die!


Your threats won't work
on the mighty Kamina!

My wrath is at
the boiling point!

Sit in the tub 'til you're
all red as lobsters!



Pile in, everybody!

- We can't all fit!
- I'm falling out!

Close the canopy,
and we'll fit!

It's so cramped...

Won't this make it
too heavy to move?

No, it'll work!

Look! It's Gurren!

Just like you said, Kamina, I was able
to power it with fighting spirit.

Way to go, Forehead Boy!

Okay, let's combine!

Um, shall I get out?

There's no time!

- Man's Wrath...
- What?!

...Explosive Slash!

We did it! We did it!
We did it!

Good mornin', sunshine...

W-What was that?!

It's been a long time,
naked ape!

Um, who's this guy again?

To Be Continued...

Next Time

There are times when a man's gotta do
what a man's gotta do.

Sometime, somewhere,
maybe here, maybe there,

...you might come across
a golden opportunity.

Whether you live or die
is up to your ability!

Next time on Gurren Lagann,
"You're Gonna Do It!"

You're Gonna Do It!