Temptation Island (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Rules Are Made to Be Broken - full transcript

After a couple of dates, couples consider whether the grass might be greener on the other side.

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If I'm gonna go on a date,

I would obviously prefer
to be with you.

I don't know if I can really
open up all the way

in this type of scenario.

Wynn, I need a man
who's stronger.

I think it was tough on Kady
at the beginning,

but now I think
she's settled in, comfortable,

and you may even see some
intimacy going on, honestly.

Honestly, I don't think I was
really fully mentally prepared

for what I've...
I got myself into.

Like, I only have eyes
for you right now.

Like, it's bottom line.

It's like torture.

- You're strong.
- You got this.

You're not gonna tempt me.

Captioned by Los Angeles
Distribution and Broadcasting, Inc.

- Kaci, you're not going last.
You're next.

Let's do this.

Okay, here we go.

Like, I only have eyes for yo
right now.

Like, it's bottom line.

- So you're in it?
- I think I'm in it.

- You're in it?
- Mm-hmm.

It's like torture.

- You're strong.
- You got this.

I'm literally being tortured.

I feel numb.

Like, all I wanna do
is just love him

in whatever capacity that is.

I don't need a title
or any of that shit.

I just want, like,
our traditions, our memories,

and I'm just hoping he's not
just, like, forgetting

all of that in, like,
a few... in a few weeks.

It's just, like, I'm so in love
with him, and, like, how...

I don't know if he's in love
with me.

I just wanna remind you that

so much can happen
from this point forward.

Okay? Nicole, are you ready?

- Yeah.
- Earbuds or together?

- Together, please.
- Together.

All right.

Here we go.

That's beautiful!

What'd you see
and what are you feeling?


Karl is a singer.

- Okay.
- So I knew that singing

was something he was
going to do.

- Does he sing to you at home?
- Yeah.

Him singing to her... Does that
bring up anything for you?

Honestly, I feel like
it doesn't bother me as much,

and I can't explain why.

Is it not great
if I am feeling this way?

That says something.

Karl and I didn't start
right off the bat, like,

"I'm so in love.
I wanna date you,"

fireworks, and I haven't felt
fireworks before in my life,

and I don't expect to
before I die.

I think that maybe brings out

a little bit of
the cold-heartedness in me.

But it makes me sad to think
you'd go through your whole life

without letting yourself
have butterflies,

and it's truly letting yourself,
'cause they're there.

Might have to take something
to kind of ignite that.

I think you're absolutely right.

Kady, you ready?
- I am.

I think.
- Girls watching?

- Yeah, of course.
- Here we go.

Okay. Here we go.

And may the licking begin.

- All right.
- Whoa!

I need some milk.


What was that?

It's funny,
'cause I was watching that,

and I was thinking, oh, he looks
so cute and I miss him,


I mean, yeah, it sucks.
I don't like it.

I feel a little dagger.
- Maybe there's somebody here

that can ease that pain
a little bit?

- Um, I mean, there's...
There's a few of them.

I'm starting to get to know
all the guys, actually,

and feeling closer to them,
so, yeah.

- Okay.
There's more to experience.

Keep it open
there's a possibility

of happiness on the other end
of this.

- Yep.

- Gonna watch with the girls?
- Yes.

All right, ladies, here we go.

- You kinda scare me sometimes.
I don't know.

- Me?
- You do have, like,

this sexual energy.
- 'Cause I'm an Aquarius, huh?

- I don't know what it is.
- Don't be scared.

Be sacred.

I'm trying. I have to go
through my phases

before I can be able to,
you know...

I respect that, and I look
forward to the unfolding.

It's just... it's hard to hear
someone say the same things

that they say to you.

I don't feel connected
with him anymore.

It's like I don't know
who he is right now.

I'm starting to regret
coming here and doing this,

but at the same time, I need to.

I can't make this any easier
for you,

except to remind all of you that

there's two possible endings...
One is it makes you

as a couple stronger,

or it makes you
as an individual stronger.

None of it
is going to make you weaker.

That is all I've got for you

You can head back to the villa.
I'll see you soon.

It makes me feel really bad...

that Javen
is saying things to another girl

that he normally says to me.

I just feel like his experience
is going a lot different

compared to mine,
and I'm trying my best,

but at this point,
I don't really know anymore

about me and Javen's future.

This bonfire, though, was
definitely something else.

- What'd y'all think?
- What she said...

She feels like she didn't know
what she was signing up for...

It's just, uh, it's just
a bummer just to hear that.

I just try to think about
all these future bonfires

we gotta go to,
and how it's gonna affect

how I experience
this whole thing.

I feel like that's my big,
you know, thing

that's gonna basically make me
maybe open up.

Like, I'm gonna hate to see
my girl cheating on me,

you know? But if she does,
it's like, I kinda feel like

it's gonna be fair game,
you know?

You think that... You think that
if she kisses somebody,

that she's cheating, bro?

I would think that was
cheating for sure.

If I see that she cheats on me,
I might completely go savage.

- Hey.
- What up, though?

- You look sad.
- Oh!

Tonight's bonfire was hard.

It's really hard for me
to see the girls, um, crying.

It's really hard for me
to see them hurting.

It seems like the guys are
having a really good time.

Too good of a time, obviously.

- So what happened?
If you don't mind.

I don't even understand.

I've never even heard
of such a thing,

but he was licking peanut butter
off this girl's chest.

- Oh, sh...
- Like, a really busty girl.

And he had his hands tied.

They tied his hands
behind his back.

My biggest connection
is with Kady.

She went on a date with Carlos.

Can't lie.
I was a little jealous.

I heard you talking about

milking some titties
or something.

I'm not trying to worry
about what he's doing.

I'm here because I have
questions of my own.

Who knew?

Kady is very much here
to be tempted,

and I'm pretty sure
she already is.

- Hey.
- And I respect that.

That's awesome.
As far as I know,

that's part of the experience
for them, so I like that.

- Good night, you guys.
Good night.

- You going to bed?
- Yeah, I am.

Back home with Evan, I'd just,
like, stay up all night.

But this experience has,
like, absolutely, like,

taken the life out of me.

I just get exhausted.

Like, I'm mentally,
emotionally exhausted.

Like, my mind is, like,
in overdrive.

This really is, like, my life.
Like, it's not just a game

and, like,
I wanna go be single. Like...

my whole life could change,
and it's really scary.

- Good morning, ladies.
How are you?

- Good morning.
- Gentlemen.

All right. You guys are about
halfway through the process,

and at this point,
we're past the superficial,

first impression stuff,

and it's all about
making connections.

So, gentlemen, you're going to
pick the dates.

However, we're gonna add you
guys into that decision process

'cause that's the only way that
we can make sure

that you're finding connections,
so what I'm gonna do

is I'm gonna ask the ladies
who they'd prefer

to go on dates with.
- Oh, wow.

And based on
who they respond to,

that's who you get to choose
from to select a date.

Mark throws us a curveball.

Kinda nerve-racking, you know?
Like, part of my ego's kind of

feeling a little bit questioned,
and I was a little...

You know, you had kind of
the concern,

what if no one raises
their hand?

- So we'll start with Javen.

Who would like to go on a date
with Javen today?

Hannah, Kayla, and Tara.
Of these three ladies,

who gets to go on a date
with you?

I'm gonna try something
different this time.

And I might try to take
Hannah on a date.


There's just something
about Javen. He's so sweet.

I think that the one thing
that keeps girls

from being more infatuated
with him

is the fact that he is
so committed to his girlfriend,

which is a bit of a hindrance.
- Karl, you're next.

Who would like to go on a date
with Karl today?

Oh, my.
- Wow!

It's tough.

- Brittney. Okay.
- I'm so excited.

a very good-looking girl.

She floats around the house
and just kind of

just gives those looks. I don't
know if they're just to me

or to everybody,

but I am open to getting
to know Brittney more.


Raise your hand if you'd like
to go out with Evan.

So we've got Lindsay,
Morgan... shocker, and Jeffri.

- Come here, girl.
- Yes.

Okay. So who wants to go on
a date with John?

So Katheryn, Lindsay,
and Sheldyn.

Although I wanna remind you that
while Katheryn's hand is up

and would love to go on
a date with you,

she is a block for you
and you alone.

So, um, now you get to make
your choice

of who you'd like to date.
- Lindsay.

- Yay!
- All right.

Our new girl, Lindsay,
is going on a date.

- Yay!

- You guys can head on out.
We're ready.

- All right. Sounds good.
- Thanks for asking me.

- Yeah, of course.
- I wanna get out of this house

and I wanna get out of it
with John.

It just really sucks for me.

I want to rip
this damn necklace off.

This is a curse!

- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning, Mark.

- How you feeling today?
- Pretty good.

Looking good. Ladies, how are
we feeling this morning?


Yeah? You feeling
a little better, Kaci?

Yeah, I'm feeling
a little better.

- Very good.
I'm glad to hear that.

- Thank you.
- Well, it is time

for another date, which means
another date selection.

So, gentlemen, who would like
to go on a date with Kaci today?

- This is so awkward.
- Oh, my.

- Oh, wow.
- I'm definitely flattered that

all these guys raised
their hands for me.

I'm kind of blown away,
and it feels amazing.

Um... Jack.

- Jack.
- Ah.

I wish Evan could see that
right now,

and I just wish...
I don't wanna cry,

but I wish he could see,
like, the girl I am

with these guys.

Kady is next. Raise your hand
if you're hoping

for a date with Kady.

Of those guys, go over there
and invite somebody on a date.



- There you go.
- I could see it written

all over Wynn's face
when I didn't pick him.

I could tell he was really hurt.
Things are getting real.

I definitely don't wanna hurt
Wynn's feelings,

but at the same time,
Johnny is somebody that

I'm genuinely looking forward
to spending more time with.

Next up is Shari.

I think I'm gonna get the date
with Shari.

I took the time to pull her off
to the side

several times and have
conversations with her,

and I said,
"I want that next date."

Who wants to go on a date
with Shari?

All right.
- Aw.

Um, I feel like I'll take James.

- Okay, James. Have fun.
- Thank you, man.

- All right.
This was a surprise for you,

who responded to you
and who didn't?

- Um, I mean, not really.
I'm pretty reserved,

so I feel like a lot of the guys
are intimidated by me.

- Intimidated by you?
- Yeah.

- No.
- All right.

I understand if you don't
feel any of us.

Then that's cool,
but why are you here still?

You're stuck. You're stuck
in your own little bubble.


- Nicole.
- Yeah.

- It's up to you now.
- Okay.

Who wants to go out with Nicole?

So we've got Val, John,
and Tyler.

Tyler. Okay.

I was definitely expecting
to be picked for a date.

I didn't get picked by Kady.

Kady's the only person that I
have a romantic connection with.

I mean, it sucks.
- Have fun on your dates.

You guys can head on out.
Have a great date.

I'll check with you later.
- This is bullshit!

- Hey, that's bullshit.
You laughing at that bullshit.

That's bullshit.
- It's... ing nonsense.

He's been reacting. You saw.

I know that some guys were salty

that they didn't get picked,
but at the end of the day,

it's like, there's four girls,
and these four girls

might not be attracted to you.

And you either sink or swim.

Uh-oh. My man is mad.



- You ready for this?
- Yeah.

Let's see what happens.

- I'm scared.
- Really?

I'm, like, genuinely
super stoked

to go on this date with Karl.

I think Karl's awesome.
I feel his vibe,

so, like, hopefully,
he feels it, too.



- Aah!
- Whoo-hoo!



A little bit tired of talking
about all the serious stuff

that's happened in my life,
so I'm ready to just

kinda let loose
and just kinda have more

of a casual date with Lindsay
this time.

I'm wet.


- Hannah's awesome.
She has a nice personality.

She makes me feel comfortable,

so I wanted to try
something different this time,

and that's why I chose her.
She's a cool girl.

Remember when we were first
in the house the first time,

you were like,
"Don't touch me at all,"

and I, like, barely touched
your arm, and you were like...

- Yeah.
- Like, as if I had

the freaking plague
or something.

What was that all about?

I'm kind of more reserved when
it comes to things like that.

I just... I'm used to touching
only one girl for a long time,

and so...
- Not even to, like,

protect me from skin cancer
in the sun?

- I can do that.
- Okay.

I can give you some... I think
this is pretty okay to do.

- Okay. Thank you.
I appreciate it.

Hannah and my date is
a lot more intimate

than any date I've been on.
It's up close and personal.

I stepped out of my comfort zone
and I actually applied

some suntan lotion
to Hannah's shoulders.

That was pretty big for me.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- We're like, what's happening?
Like, this is a lot.

- See? You are warming up.
See, that wasn't so bad.

- No, it wasn't so bad.
- I'm not gonna, like,

jump your bones.
- I know.

I mean, you're cute,
but, like, come on now.

- I understand.
- I'm a... I'm a lady.

I understand. All right.

- Is this a grapefruit?
- It is a grapefruit.

- I've actually never eaten one.
- Shut up.

- I swear.
- Oh, my goodness.

I've been deprived
of a lot of things.

It's just... It's just...


It's weird... It's weird
wanting you... wanting you.

You were the reason why
I came to "Temptation Island."

It's just... You gotta...
You gotta dive in, too.

- Promise.
- Okay. All right.

Do you wanna get wet?
- Yeah.

Let's go.

It definitely feels like
Evan is my boyfriend.

Everything's, like, great
right now.

I can't even think of
another word but "great."

Like, I'm happy.


The chemistry
between Morgan and I,

it's to the point of, like,
scaring the shit out of me.

It's just insane.

I knew you were trouble.
I knew it.


- Luau time.
- We're here for the luau.

- Aloha!
- Aloha! How we doing?

I've never been
to a luau before.

This is an amazing experience.

I mean, this is what I expected
to do when I came to the island.

That, and tempting women,

- Oh, my gosh. And drinks.
Thank you.

I've been wanting to spend time
with Jack.

He's a really smart guy.

He's sweet. He wears his heart
on his sleeve.

I'm ready to have, like,
a good date with him.

- Aloha, friends.
How's it going?

'Ulu maika is our version
of lawn bowling.

You wanna roll it underhand
and try and get it

in between the two sticks.
- This is gonna be easy.

Game on.

Oh, my gosh. You're so close.

This is going in for sure.

Aah! Good job.

Johnny possesses a leadership
quality about him

that John doesn't. I feel like
he's good at everything,

and that's what I like in a guy.

They're like the dynamic duo
over there.

- Game over. Here we go.
- Uh, uh, hip bump.

I like to take initiative
and kind of be the ringleader,

and I feel like that's how
Johnny is, too.

He's like a winner.
Mm, perfect.

Dang, you got
some forceful hips there.

- Yeah.
- Damn.

Damn, girl.

- Are you glad that we did this?
- I'm so happy

that we did that together.
- Yes.

That was so much fun.

Did you think I'd pick you
for this or...

- For the date?
- I mean, were you surprised?

Like, when I look at you,

I feel, like, really silly
and, like, smile and kinda giddy

- Yeah.

Vulnerable, I guess.

I think you're beautiful,

Um... I'd say you are...

best-looking in the house.

Definitely some "magnetictism"
between Karl and I.

It's crazy.
I'm trying to figure it out.

Maybe we should go on
another date,

just to see how that feels.

All right,

should we go in the ocean
and swim far, far away?

Let's go.

- Hey, hey.
You gotta stop all that.

- Hey.
- That was a nice day.

- She is so annoying.
- She looks like a wet poodle.

- What up?
- Hi!

- How's it going?
Y'all doing all right?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

I'm annoyed. Hell, no,
would he ever go for her.

Are they talking now?

- To a great day.
- It was fun. Yeah.

Ugh. She is not
the Southern belle

that he likes or wants.

If you really know that you
wanna get to know him better,

set up like a full-blown date
on the patio.

What do you mean?

You can't go on a date
with him outside of the house,

so set up a date at the house.

This is a hard situation
to be in.

I have genuine feelings for him,

and I don't know what to do
at this point

because with each day, I get to
know him more and more and more

and I like what I see.

I'll confirm Evan to let me
use his patio,

and we'll get you. 'Kay? 'Kay.
Okay, I'm gonna go get...

Okay, okay, okay. I'm scared.

So how's it going
on "Temptation Island"?

Um, it's a little bit more
than I expected.

How is, uh, the other guys
in the house?

I mean, I feel like
they expected more out of me

than I presented just because

they didn't really know
my story.

- Mm-hmm.
- But I feel like when

I told them my story, they,
like, kind of attacked me

in a way, 'cause they were
expecting a lot more

out of all of us girls.

We all assume that, yes,

you're in real relationships...
- Yeah.

But you're in real relationships

that have some source of doubt
that you are here to tempt

your relationship to see if,
you know,

it can go forward or if it needs
to come to an end.

- Okay.
- You know?

I guess, yeah, I can see
why you guys would think that.

If you openly, you know,
come on "Temptation Island,"

you are openly knowing that

you're gonna allow temptation
to happen,

and if you fall into it or not,
it's kind of like...

- That's your choice.
- Yes. Yes.


I had a pretty long conversation
with James,

and James was able to just
talk to me and just

let down my walls more.
I mean,

I'm gonna try to open up more

I can't be so closed off
the whole time.

I'm just gonna take a while
to warm up

and listen to myself
and not push myself too hard.

- That was a first date.
I'm like, if I throw up

on this first date, I'm gonna...
This is embarrassing.

Yeah, I definitely, like,
feel more comfortable now

just because I feel like
you stood up for me,

like, multiple times.
- Yeah.

And the other girls, which is
also, like, cool to know that

it doesn't matter who it is.

Like, you would treat
everyone the same way,

which is, like, a good aspect
to have in a person.

I think my date with Tyler
is going great. Um...

I just feel, like, really
respected and comfortable

when I'm in his presence.

I think that tells a lot
about a person in general.

I know if I was gonna spend
a full day with somebody again,

it's either you or I don't
wanna go on a date,

you know what I mean?
- Yeah. I feel you.

But, you know, this is the...

This is my favorite date yet,

Nicole's an amazing girl.

If somebody meets her,
like myself,

they're gonna be interested

because of what she brings
to the table.

I just wanna see her smile

and really just take
this whole experience in.

- I judge you all the time.
All the time.

- John, me, you, pool table now.
- Okay.

I gotta beat her in pool.
I'll be back.

Oh, my gosh. My mind is blown.

In this house, I definitely
have the strongest attraction

and connection towards John.

Just, we can't date
outside of this house,

so I'm going to bring the date
to him.

Since you beat me last time,
I'm like...

I beat you the last two
and the last one.

I think that John would be
a great dad.

Every day, it's like he gets
more and more attractive to me.

Oh! Damn!

And I think that he would be
an amazing husband.

- What's up?

Can I talk to you for a second?

- That's one huge glass of wine.
Holy shit.

Actually, I want the bigger one.

- Okay.
- But hopefully,

I can get through to him
and, you know,

let him know that these feelings
are real.

- Oh, wow.
- Over here.

- I like this. You did all this?
- Yeah.

- This is pretty good.
This is, like, very romantic

for a first date for sure.

Kady's never done anything
like this for me, so...

Katheryn will.

So you ready to make
some babies or what?


- Oh.
- But I feel like with each day

that I get to know you, like,
I just like you more and more.

I just hope that you
understand, like,

it's hard for me
to really be 100% open

to the whole single thing
unless Kady does something

that makes me go,
"Okay, we're done."

- You know, that's...
That's how I feel.

Like, I don't want to
give up on something.

Okay, so you're telling me
that the only way

you would have something with me
is if she messed up?

I'm annoyed.

What is John thinking?
Like, how on earth

could he possibly defend
a woman that put him

in a position to hurt him?

No, you're, like, constantly
defending her for no reason.

- And is it gonna get worse?
Is it gonna get worse?

Yes, of course it's gonna
get worse!

You're 35 years old.
You know it's gonna get worse.

It's just hard because
it's like emotions

are coming from me
that I never thought I had.

I need a second.

And that's the realest...

I know I'm supposed to just
act single, but it's hard,

'cause, you know,
in the back of my head,

yeah, I'm definitely thinking
about Kady.

I miss her. I don't know if
she's missing me or what, but...

Okay, back to where we were.

You know, it's tough.

It just irritates me
because I feel like

you aren't letting go
of someone who is willing

to let you go.
Does that make sense?

- I get it.
- And then you could possibly

lose someone who, like, has
a genuine connection with you.

Things could change any second.
That's the scariest part.

But it's also
the most exciting part.

I'm serious... seriously sorry.

Like, what's going on?

What's going on?

I'm sorry. I can't kiss you.

- What? You just did.
- I did not.

Cheers to the best date so far.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Tonight, hands down
the best night I've had

since I've gotten
to this island.

This is exactly how I want

every night to go
from here on out.


'cause you don't even know.

I just gravitate to Johnny
and vice versa.

There is just this chemistry
that I can't ignore.

It is hard to stay away
from him.

- You had fun today, though?
- Yeah.

It was the best date for sure.

You're the only person that I
would wanna go on a date with.

I'm not... hiding how I feel.

- Yeah.
- Like, in terms of, like,

I'm always talking to you,
you know what I mean?

Like, I'm not doing
gray areas right now.

Like, you know where
my head's at.

Like, if I met you at the bar...

- Right.
- We'd get into this depth

of conversation,
I don't think so.

I think I would literally
just go home with you.

You know what I mean?
- Right.

Not done, but just, like,
this is gonna be the first step.


I don't know. I feel, like,
overwhelmed in a way

with all the shit
that's happening with Evan.

It's so unexpected, and, like,
just weird for me,

and I'm being a freakin' weirdo.

Oh, my God.

I don't know
what to do with you.

We're going up to my room
right now.

We're what?

We're going up to my room
right now.


I don't know what's going on
in my brain, but it's so odd.

Should I go down to my room
and then come back up?

I don't want to.

It's just so weird
that he has a girlfriend.

Like, what? Mm, that's usually
not my style at all.

I just need, to, like, regroup
and think about things,

like, slowly.
I'm just gonna go to bed,


I know.

Brittney took me by surprise,
um, completely.

I think she's very good-looking,

and she has
a very friendly personality.

Brittney definitely
tests limits.

Like, it's pressure because
I can see that she

just wants to jump on me and be
by me and just have touch,

and just my body wants
to do certain things,

and that's... that's tough.



Last night, I think
Evan was waiting up for me.

I was gonna, like, go upstairs
with him,

but I ended up just going
to sleep.

So I hope he's not mad at me

'cause he was supposed to
be waiting.


I'm thinking, you know, maybe
she thought

that I was trying to, you know,
actually, like, sleep with her.

It wasn't like that either,
like, with me.

Like, we definitely have, like,

a super crazy sexual attraction,
too, though,

so I did think about that.
I was like,

"If I go back up there, like..."

No, swear to God, girl,
I would've...

If you fell asleep on my bed,

I would have slept
on my balcony.

- Really?
- Honest to God.

I just wanted to know
what happened,

and I know everything's okay
by the way she looks at me.

I got eyes for only her
in this house,

and I can't wait to see
what happens.

- Hi, John.
- Hey.

We were just talking
about you. Come on over.

Oh, yeah?

We were talking
about your date last night.

Yeah, I drank too much.

I just told her depending
on what I see on these bonfires,

these little videos,
might determine how I act.

- Why, though?
- Because I'm not

gonna be the first to cheat.

The emotional part of it
doesn't mean anything to you?

No, yeah. I mean, definitely,
I feel like

I've really connected to a lot
of people here at the house.

But then that's where I also
question your intentions.

You're like, "Yeah, I'm coming
here for this experience

"and blah-blah-blah,
but my girlfriend's

"the one who pushed me
into this in the first place,

"and, like, you know,
I'm just waiting to see

if she cheats first,"
which, by the way,

like, makes us all

I don't think that
that's fair to use other people

and say, "Oh, okay, well,
if Kady cheats first,

then it's fair game,"
and then it's like,

you might be hurting
other people in the process.

Do you think of that?
- So do you think that I've been

closed-minded or not...

No. I don't know
your intentions.

This experience has been
pretty tough.

Just being away from Kady,
not knowing what she's doing

is driving me crazy,

and then Hannah came at me
a little aggressively

about the reasons I'm here.
She's upset that I don't wanna

have a romantic involvement,

and that's not really for her
to judge.

- Mark!
- Mark!

Mark is here.

- What's up, everybody?
- Did he bring beer?

Ladies, I need you
for five minutes.

You got five minutes for me?

So Mark comes in tonight,
surprises us all in the kitchen.

- Come on in, you guys.
- It kind of takes our mindset

out of our current vibe
with the guys in the house.

Well, I came by quickly
just to drop in and let you know

that we're not having
a bonfire tonight.

Oh, my God. That's like
the best news I've heard.

- I know.
- Thank God.

- I feel so relieved.
- I love you.

Tonight, I implore you
to embrace your own journey.

You guys have a great time.
I'll check in with you soon.

- High fives.
- High fives all around.

Let's just enjoy
our... ing time here.


All righty.

I'm stoked.
There's no bonfire.

- Dance off.
Dance off all this heat.

All the girls are letting loose.

- Loose, dude.
- Hey-o!

Ah, ah.

Whoo! Get it, girl!

I definitely feel like
I'm starting to feel

more comfortable
around everyone.

Shari, your ass looks
so fire in those pants.

I know how to have a good time.

Like, I feel like they're
finally starting to see

the good side of me.

Oh! Oh!


Let's go, boys. Let's go.

- Uhh!
- What's up?

Here we go. Let's go.

I have not been this loose
and having fun

and free and just doing
my thing. It feels good.

Whoo! I got your ballot. Hey!

Kady's my girl, but she's
in a pickle right now.

It seems... I don't wanna say
she's forgetting about John,

but "Temptation Island"

is starting to get to Kady
for sure.

- Hold me up. Hold me up.
Hold me up!

I mean, you're seeing her
just let her hair down.

You know what I'm saying?
She was dancing on me.

At one point, she was even, uh,
sitting on my knee.

She said, "Do you think
Johnny's jealous?"

And I said, "... him."

Yeah, but you don't have
to worry about that.

Yeah, don't worry about that
right now,

'cause you don't know if that's
gonna happen.

I think Carlos is his own fool.

You know,
I'm laser-focused on Kady,

but then also,
it's a little tough

when there's 11 other guys
to talk over.

Okay, a kiss on the cheek.

- A kiss on the cheek?
- Yeah.

- There we go.
- No, I need one.

- Give him a kiss on the cheek.
There you go.

And that's a good one.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Wait, shit, hold on.

You got, like, five kisses
on the forehead.

Bro, bro, bro.

- Johnny.
- Johnny, you got it.

Johnny is probably getting
a little jealous right now,

but, I mean,
it's all fun and games.

It's just innocent flirting.

You know, it's something that
he's gonna have to be cool with

if anything's gonna come
of this.

Shut the... up, please,

before I bop you
and break that deep.

Hey, guys!

- Hey, guys.
- So, listen up.

We've been in our bikinis,
our cute shorts,

beach-bumming it like, too much.
- So we need to...

- Up the ante.
- Have a cocktail party.

- You can't say no.
- Dress code required.

Yes, dress to impress

like you're about to run
into your ex.

Mark says no bonfire,
so I'm ready to have fun.

You know, I was told to
dress up, come strong,

come correct, and that's
right up my alley.

Oh, hello!

Look at you.

So dapper.

Oh, my God.

Oh, damn!

Tonight is a cocktail party.

- Oh!
- Wow!

Karl just walked in in a suit

and has me rethinking
everything. Damn.

- I need another party.
You all ain't live enough.

Let's go!

I wish I could actually dance.

I dance like an old man.

- Forget it.
- White boy. I can't dance.

Do you want me to dab
the sweat off your chest?

'Cause I'll happily do it.

I'm surprised to see Tara
opening up.

I can definitely see she was
coming out of her shell,

and I was like, "You know what,
Tara? Yeah. Let's have fun."

- I'm gonna just...
Whoops, there's some down there.

Whoops. All right. Guys,
I gotta go. I'll be right back.

- I might take this shirt off.
Let's go!

- He is so... ing hot.
Oh, my God.

Is that the one I dabbed
his chest with?

Yeah, what do you got in there?

- What do you want?
- No, stop it. Let me try.

There's some serious
sexual chemistry there,

and that's mixed
with a playfulness

that I've never experienced
as an adult,

so that's really, really

Okay, so half
of the male population...

- So beautiful.
- Has changed into swimwear,

so I suggest that we do
swimsuit and heels.

I'm changing. Let's go.

Johnny makes me feel
really comfortable

and really good
and really warm and fuzzy,

and, yeah, I just wanna spend
all my time with Johnny.

I'm not thinking about John,
so, yes,

he makes me forget about things.

I don't know what you want
out of this.

I don't know what you want.

- I'm tired. I'm tired.


- I'll see you.
- It's confusing.

I'm away from John,
and I miss him and I love him,

but at the same time,
I've got Johnny here,

and I'm drawn to him
and I always wanna be with him.

Ready to go to sleep?



I feel like I'm going to fall.


I do think that Nicole and I
are starting to have

a connection, and I do think
that that is starting

to worry her a little bit.

I'm interested in her,
and she knows that,

and, uh, I don't feel bad
for the guy at all

if he does lose her.

I truly do think that
he will lose her.

- I like you.
- I know.

It's very clear that Brittney
is super into me.

Um, she hasn't held that back.

You know, we do have
a strong physical connection.

Sweet dreams.

Friendly hug.

I really felt Karl, like,
pull away from me

and not want to be close to me

or not honoring that he wanted
to be close to me.

No, I'm, like, kind of insulted.

It really brought up feelings
of rejection

and I'm being challenged in ways
that I literally could not

have imagined or prepared for.

It's so stupid.
I just wanna go home.

- I think... I think you...
Hey. Come here.

Like, why is he not
paying attention to this?

You put your heart out there,
and, you, like,

feel emotions towards Karl,
and you feel like

he's, like, holding back,
and I get it, you know?

I just, like,

I don't think there's any reason
that any of us

should have to not
look at those feelings.

Like... why do we have to
all pretend that

that doesn't exist?

Why can't I just go to your bed?

- Okay, come on.
- Thank you.

I feel like
I'd rather sleep there.

I came into this experience
with, you know,

some ground rules with Kaci,

and I'm learning that
some of those ground rules

are going out the window
because I didn't expect to have,

like, feelings for someone
like this, you know, so quick.

What are you thinking about?

Absolutely nothing.

What about you?

Definitely not nothing.



- Mm.
- You know, I came here to prove

that I wanted to be with Kaci,

and now I'm feeling things
that are proving,

you know, otherwise.

I'm trying to build
a foundation with Morgan

through the pain of someone
I... ing love.

I've said I'm not going to
ing have anybody in my bed.

I'm not going to do
these things,

and guess what I... ing did?
I didn't see this happening.

- Yeah, we can't.
- We can't. We're not doing that.

And it's great,
and it's amazing,

but on that amazing side,
it's completely... ed

for somebody else that has
been in my life forever.

It hurts so much, no matter
how good it feels with Morgan,

this hurts.