Tell Me a Story (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Tell Me a Story - full transcript

An anonymous delivery sends Ashley into a dark tailspin; Jackson and Simone's deeply-rooted family troubles bring them closer together; Tucker continues to hold a terrified Olivia hostage.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Help me! Please help me!

Previously on Tell Me a Story...

-Someone tried to kill me.
-We'll be with you all the time.

Everything I knew, everything I was,
is just gone.

I don't even know
if I can sing anymore.

You're gonna get through this.

Whoever your mystery employer
is, she's lucky to have you.

You want to give me a call sometime?

-Bye, Daddy.
-He was a healthy man.

The only thing wrong with him
was his choice in women.

-You're very nice.
-And you're very drunk.

You're the last thing I need right now.

How'd you find me?

Did you ever second-guess the
whole "getting married" thing?

I don't want to do this.
The late nights

and constant excuses...
what is going on?

It's my publisher.
They're not happy with my pages.

She wandered right into my yard.

Come here...

Come on, just two more.


Two. That's it.

It really hurts today.
Damien call?

Yep, and I ignored him
and his 30 PR requests.

On camera? I told him I don't want
people seeing me like this.

I told him, too. He knows.

Ashley Rose is at home now,

on her way to recovery,
and that's largely thanks to you.

I just did
what anyone would've done.

Not a lot of people
would run towards

-...a car that's engulfed in flames.
-Why don't we turn that off.

Were you at any point
afraid for your life?

I didn't really think about it.
I just knew she needed help.

Have you heard from Ashley
since this happened?

Uh, no, but,
uh, she sent some flowers.

I've heard from a lot of her fans,
though, thanking me.

You know what?
That's enough of that.

Why don't we focus
on happier things, Ash.

Like your song.
It's in the top ten. It's a hit.

It's a novelty, like me.

Freak du jour.

When the song goes away, so do I.

You're not a freak.
You're super talented.

I can only take the pep talks
for so long.

Sometimes I need reality.

Or gratitude.

Excuse me?
What did you just say?

Okay, I just mean
it could've been so much worse, Ash.

Okay, but you made it. You survived.
You should be grateful.

I-I know I certainly am.

Why don't you finish up
your work and go home, okay?

Ash, don't...

This stays between us
until we have answers.

Once police get the prints,
we'll see who's done it.

-How long is that gonna take?
-What's going on?

Just a-a wrong delivery.

-She needs to know.

-I need to know what?
-I told you...

-It's for her safety.
-That's not your call.

-You work for me.
-No, Mom. He works for me.

Now, what the hell is going on?

This came with a note.


"Soon we will be together.
Our hearts and souls will burn as one."

-He's coming after me again.

-Yes, he's coming after me.

We're not gonna let that happen.

-Nobody saw anyone drop it off?
-They used a delivery service.

We contacted the service. It was
dropped off anonymously, paid in cash.

Police are pulling
surveillance footage.

They're on their way here to collect
the package, run it for prints.

Maybe now... now
they'll finally catch him, hmm?

Oh, morning.

-Good morning.

-Ah, such an up-and-at-it early bird.
-I am today.

I have somewhere to be,
so you need to, you know, go.

-So polite, too.
-I'm sorry.

I had fun,
but now it's time to un-fun.

Where you going looking
so, um, smart and sexy?

The reading of my father's trust.

-Are you for real?
-For reals. Yeah.

I went to his funeral yesterday.
That's why I'm in town.

-I'm sorry.
-Thank you.

-Are you okay?
-Do I look okay?

Yeah, you do.


Yeah, when we first met,
you were this...

mysterious enigma,
who wouldn't answer any questions,

and now it feels like Christmas.

-Well, we had sex.


It was a bonding experience.

I'm really sorry about your dad.

How'd he die?

It's a long story.

She's shutting down again.

My dad died when I was 15.

He, uh, wrapped his truck
around a tree.

He... he drank a lot.

-That sucks.

He screwed everything up.

Me... and my family.
You got any family in town?

Step-family. No mom.

She died when I was six.
This was her bracelet.

That's so young to lose your mom.

Yes, it is.

It was nice to meet you, Jackson.

Polite and formal.
Should we shake hands?

You're really cute.

You're really special.

-What makes you say that?
-I just get this feeling about you.

Well, if you need anything
while you're in town...

moral support, dinner,

booty call.

Third time's a charm.


Somebody, help me!

Help me!


Help me!

Help me!




It's okay.

I know you must be hungry.

You usually order the raisin scone

from Pete's Corner,
so I got you one.


Wait, you're the guy
who returned my cat.

Did you drug me?

Don't be afraid.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

-What the fuck, dude?!
-No, no.

-What are you doing?!

Don't fucking touch me!

There's no need to struggle.
You're gonna hurt yourself.

You are making a big mistake!
My boyfriend...

he's a cop, and when he finds you,
he's gonna kill you!

Your boyfriend Grant
lives in Oklahoma

and works in sales.

You guys broke up a month ago.
It's why you moved to Nashville.

Please, let's not lie to one another.

It's a... terrible way
to start a relationship.

Look, I-I know this is a shock
and you need to work through it,

but if you just...
if you give it a chance,

this could be a great experience

for the both of us.

Help me!

-Help me! Help me!
-Hey, Olivia, Olivia.

No one can hear you!

No one can hear you.

Where the fuck am I?

You're upset.

Why don't you take a beat,
collect yourself.

-We'll do this later.

No. No. No.

No! No! No!

No! No! No! Please!


-Thank you for coming so quickly.
-Hey, Beau.

Well, someone sure
landed on his feet.

They, uh, doll you up
in that outfit, too?

Why don't you go wait
in the living room.

I'll get Miss Rose.

It's good to see you, Beau.

Yeah, you, too.

So, how are you?

Well, you know, uh,
can't complain.

I've got this job,
a little more free time.

You really are
the worst goddamn liar.

Thought I had the right job for that.
Guess I was wrong, huh?

Hey, nobody asked you to lie...
just say you don't remember.

But I do remember, Gwen.
I remember everything.

I understand you are
a man of your principles.

Jesus, don't throw away
your whole career.

I mean, babysitting a pop star?

This isn't you.

You're better than this.

The detectives are here.

Sorry. She's not talking
to any press right now.

Call her publicist,
she's just gonna tell you the same.

No, I don't know how long.
But I wouldn't hold your breath.

You can't use that, either.

Uh, I have to take another call.
Okay? I'm hanging up.

-Hey, it's Kyle.

I-I was just thinking about you.

Oh, yeah? How come?

I was thinking maybe we could
get together. Like a-a date.

You said I could call anytime.
Well, it's anytime.

-You free tonight?

I guess I'm supposed
to pretend I have plans.

I really want to see you.

-Do you?

Meet you at Blue Sunset Lounge
at 8:00?

It's my favorite bar.
How did you know?

Lucky guess.

See you tonight.

Okay. See you.

Did you recognize the handwriting?
Any of the phrasing?

Did anything else arrive in the box?
Something you forgot to put back inside?

No. Of course not.

Any significance to this type of cookie?

Yeah. They're my favorite.
Blue velvet white chocolate chip.

Who would have that information?

Just everyone
on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

We'll see what we can pull from this.
Might be a few days.

We'll be in touch. If anything occurs
to you, we're a phone call away.

-That's it?

It's been three months and you haven't
made any arrests.

Do you even have
a person of interest?

How is she to feel safe
if you're not doing your job?

You're a public figure,
which makes this a complicated case.

We're still pursuing leads.

But you have the Nashville Police
working for you.

The actual police.

We'll compare the card
to the other threats,

to see if there's a connection.

-Thank you.
-Hang on.

Thank you so much.

What threats?

We'll see ourselves out.

What threats?

What aren't you telling me?

-People hate me.
-Okay, these are crazy people.

Most of these are idle threats.

Does this look idle to you?

-My life is never gonna be the same.
-It's only been a few months.

How could you keep this from me?

-I thought I was protecting you.
-Yeah. Well, look how that turned out.

I'm so sorry. I wish that there was
something that I could do to fix it, make you feel better.
-You can't fix this. Not with a hug!

I see you've calmed down.

How are you?

I'm not gonna hurt you.

It's not like that.

What do you want from me?

You're gonna help me.

And I'm gonna help you.

Fuck you.

It's all right. Get it out.

I know this is hard to accept.

You know, they're gonna find me.

It's 2020. People don't
just disappear anymore.

-There are cameras fucking everywhere.

There are eight cameras between your
house and mine. Two of them don't work.

The city hasn't bothered
to replace them in months.

And we avoided the other ones.
I made certain.

I have friends. I have a full-time job.
People are gonna look for me.

You have one friend: Tanya.

And a few acquaintances.

And a part-time job at
a strip mall barbecue shack.

Don't worry, you quit this morning.

I e-mailed Chad.

-I go to Vanderbilt, and I...
-And you majored in comparative lit,

but you dropped out this semester.

I didn't even
have to do that for you.

What happened, Olivia?

You didn't just drop out of school,
you dropped out of life.

I know you've been depressed,
but you stopped taking your meds.

I'm not judging.

I suffer from anxiety
and depression myself.

I couldn't handle what that shit
was doing to my head, either.

You can't do this.

People are gonna be looking for me.

I think we both know
that's not true.

That's why I chose you.

You see, I'm a writer, and I research
my subjects carefully.

No one is going to miss you, Olivia.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Think of this as an opportunity.

And you're safe here.

I really mean that.

I just have one rule.

Do not try to escape.

The car is safe.

I check it myself every morning.

I know, but...

Why don't you let me.

Where were you going?

I don't know.

Didn't really think it through.
I just...

I really want to get out of here.

Want to go for a drive?

MAN: Here she comes.

-Ashley. Over here!

Ah, it's just the bodyguard.

-She's not there.
-Nah, she's not in there.

-Have you finished the estate overview?
-Yep. I've got it right here.


You want to join in?
We're in conference room two.

-I thought you said you didn't need me.
-I always need you.

I'm meeting Tucker.

How's that going?

-It's not.
-Want to talk?

-I can spare a few.
-Maybe later.

You coming to the company party tonight?

See you there.

Why do we have to wait for her?

-We're early.
-She's late.

-Why are you defending her?
-Why do you care?

Enough. She's here.


Good to see you, too, Ron.

Hey, Simone.

Hey. Veronica.

Thank you for coming.

You must be Simone.
I'm Brendan, your dad's estate lawyer.

-We spoke on the phone.
-Nice to meet you.

Let's begin.

Each beneficiary is entitled
to a copy of the trust.

Veronica, Frank appointed you
as his successor trustee,

and as such, you will manage
all assets of his estate.

Assets including,
but not limited to,

the house in Brentwood
that you currently reside in,

the second home
in Ocracoke, North Carolina,

and the Garland Creek Distillery.

In addition, the successor
trustee will be granted

sole legal and financial
ownership of stated assets.

Wait. This can't be right.

-Sounds right to me.

-Shut up.
-Shut up.

My dad left me nothing?

As outlined on page three,

the grantor leaves behind
a cash amount

of $25,000 to his daughter Simone.

He wouldn't have cut me
out of our family business.

That was his legacy.

"Our" business? You haven't stepped foot
in the distillery in over ten years

and you think you're entitled
to a piece of it?

-Selfish child.
-I'm selfish?

You're a fucking gold digger

who slithered her way into
my family and ripped us apart.

I don't believe
this is what my dad wanted.

I want to contest it.

And you're within your right to,
but you should know

your father has a no-contest clause,

which would automatically remove
you from the trust if you do.

Brendan, could you, uh,
please give us a minute?


Take the money and go
before you do something you'll regret.

-Regrets aren't my problem. You are.
-I am sorry

that my love for your father
has caused you so much hurt.

If you really loved him,
where were you the night he fell?

-Why does that matter?
-You don't have to answer that.

I dozed off on the couch downstairs.

-Any more questions?
-Why didn't you wake up?

-How could you not have heard?
-I took a sleeping pill.

Now, I'm sure this is hard
for you to accept,

and that is why I will ignore
your less than subtle accusations,

but your father loved me

and he left his estate to me.

-Mmm. I miss this so much.
-All right, I'll give it to you.

This is, no contest, the best
ice cream I've ever had.

-And the most expensive.
-You got to get out more.

You know, my dad and I were more

pints from the store
kind of guys, you know?

He'd pick up two on his way home
whenever he was working late.

Mm, I can go for that, too.

So you and your dad are close?

Yeah, he's my guy.

I grew up in a tough neighborhood.

People there were afraid of cops,

if they straight-up didn't hate them.

And-and for good reason, but...

everybody loved my dad.

Respected him.

He's the reason I became a cop.

Wanted to be just like him.

Are you gonna go back to it
when your leave is over?

Yeah, if I got a career
to go back to.

What happened?

Sorry. Probably not even
supposed to talk about it.

No. No, it's not like that. I...

I responded to a call
at a pharmacy downtown.

A big deal detective
called for backup.

Things got crazy with the perp.

Everybody had their guns out.
We were trying to get the guy to comply.

The detective shot him.

Killed him?

Thing is the guy was unarmed.

And so the detective
just planted a gun on him.

If he planted the gun,
then why are you the one in trouble?

'Cause I told I.A. what I saw.

I broke the code, you know?

Bunch of the guys trying to get me
to retract my statement, but I won't.

Now that guy's...
facing a murder charge.

So they put you on leave
for telling the truth?

Look, don't get me wrong.
Nashville P.D. is full of great cops.

My dad was one of them for years.
But yeah.

There is an investigation,
and I'm on leave.

Detective Roberts
still seems to like you.


-You picked up on that, huh?
-It's kind of hard to miss.

We were a thing for a minute,

but we were having issues
before everything with I.A.

-That just pushed us over the edge.
-I'm sorry.

For what it's worth,
I think you did the right thing.

Come on.

-I'm so glad you called.

I didn't think I'd see you till tonight.
Must be my lucky day.

I don't know about that.

Something wrong?

Maddie. Don't tell me
this is still about the tasting.

I thought we were past that.

It's not just about the cake tasting,
Tucker. It's... uh, it's everything.

Well, listen, things are changing.

I'm writing.
I'm sleeping again.

I'm in a good place.

-No bullshit this time.
-Every time it's no bullshit,

and then it's bullshit
all over again.

You know, the truth is, I just...

I think that
we got engaged too fast.

-That's not true.
-It is true, but it's okay.

Are you sure
you want to do this?

-Because I really need to know.

I want to marry you now
more than I did then.

-I love you.
-I love you, too.

I just, I keep waiting
for you to show up

and be a part of this relationship,
and it's wearing me down.

All right. Well, let's fix that.
Let's start tonight.

Let's go to your work party,
and then let's go out after.

Let's go to the Tin Roof.
Let's get a couple drinks, just us.

It'll be fun.
What do you think?

Oh, God.

Maybe you shouldn't come tonight.

-You don't want me there?
-No, it's not like that. I just...

I need a breather.

Maybe you should concentrate
on your writing.

Concentrate on you.


Hey, Mom.
I was just looking for Ashley.

-Know where she is?
-She went out.

-I don't want to get into it.

I'll-I'll let her know
that you stopped by.

So how you doing?

Same as always.

I don't know when she's gonna
be back. I wouldn't wait around.


I'm sorry about
missing those rehearsals

and those sound checks.

I'm sorry that I let you
and Ashley and the band down.

I'm sorry.

I know you are.

You always are.

What can I do to get you
to not hate me, Mom?

We are not doing this right now.

-Is it because I remind you of him?
-Jackson, today has already been a day,

and I-I don't have it in me
to deal with your issues as well.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

When you look at me,

you see Dad, right?
Admit it.

You want to know what I see
when I look at you?

You drink until you can't feel
anything because that's easier.

You waste your talent sabotaging your
career because that's easier.

You make one bad decision after another
because it's easier that way.

No matter how many times
you hit rock bottom

and how many people you hurt,

you are never gonna change.

Because that would be hard!

You don't just remind me of your father.
You are exactly like him.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, just surveilling.
How about you?

-How you feeling?
-Okay. Just sore.

Physical therapy.

Did it hurt?



You know what's weird?

Nobody ever asked me that.

I think they're too afraid to.

The weird part is I-I

don't remember any pain.

Apparently, your nerve endings
are the first to go.

It's everything since then
that hurts.

Hydrotherapy to wash out my wounds.

Lasers to break up scar tissue.

Surgeries to remove the tissue
that's literally still dying on my body.

-Sorry, didn't mean to lay that on you.
-No. No, don't be, not about that.

Everything's different now.

I feel different.

-You're still healing.
-What if this is as good as it gets?

I lost my voice. I can barely stand
to look at myself in the mirror.

I'm angry all the time,
and when I'm not angry...

I'm scared.

Sometimes I wish
that valet never pulled me out.

Hey. Please don't wish that.

No, I've-I've felt that way.

After it happened, when I woke up,

I thought I was dead.

And you know what I felt?


Then I realized I was still alive,
which meant I had to go on.

Like this.

You'd rather have died than be sitting
here with me, enjoying this view?

Screw you.

You want to know what I see
when I look at you?


I see a beautiful, talented,

very lucky woman

who has her whole life ahead of her.

A lot of good people in your corner
you should be grateful for.

Spare me
the glass-half-full bullshit.

If I had a half-full glass right now,
I'd tip it on your head.

I don't know
what you're going through.

Maybe what happened to you made you
a different person, maybe it didn't,

but if it did, then maybe now
you get a chance to decide

what kind of person
you actually want to be.


You need to eat.

Also tells me you're starting to accept
how this is gonna work.



I'm gonna head out for a little bit.

Can I get you
anything else before I go?

It's gonna get easier,
I promise you.

See you later.

-Let's get you home.
-I need to make a stop on the way.


Thank you.

-I don't believe it.
-I could've sworn that judge

-...was gonna leap right over the bench.

-I won't ruin your evening.

I'm strictly arm candy.

-I'm so sorry for interrupting.
-Not at all.

-Tucker, you remember...
-Mr. Callaway, of course.

-Good to see you again. Mrs. Callaway...

I think the last time I saw you two
was at the company picnic.

How are Courtney and Grace doing?

Did Grace get into Columbia?
I know she was so worried about that.

-Yes. Yeah, she did get in.
-I had no doubt.

-Are you still painting, Mrs. Callaway?
-Every chance I get.

The memory on this one.

He is something, isn't he?

So what about you two?

-Big date's coming up soon, isn't it?

Yes. Mm-hmm.

In, uh, in two months.

-Well, I am delighted.
-Well, that makes two of us, at least.


-Oh, boy.


Damn. I swear
I'm usually better at this.

I'm hearing a lot of talking,
but not a lot of backing it up.

That's another one to you,
which means you drink twice now.

Not that I've been counting.

You're a bad influence.

-I never usually drink this much.
-I don't believe that.

-You calling me a lush?
-What I mean is, a girl like you,

beautiful, fun, full of life,

you should be out every night.

How do you keep doing this?

You, like, hustling me or something?

Or something.

Fuck. I'm gonna be
so hungover tomorrow.

-My boss is gonna be pissed.
-So what?

Let whoever she is
get her own guitars fixed.

Yeah, well,
that's not gonna happen.

Can I tell you a secret?

I work for Ashley Rose.

The singer.

You know, boom.

No shit.
I know who she is.

-And there it is.
-There what is?

The part where whoever I'm talking to
is more interested in her than in me.

-Come on.
-All in the eyes.

It's not like that.

I shouldn't be complaining.

The two of us have been best friends
since we were stuffing our shirts

to look like Dolly Parton,

singing together at food festivals.

I don't know. It's just
hard sometimes, you know.


I'm here with you.


show-stopping you.


Oh. Sor...
That was the floor.

It's very uneven. We should, um,
really tell someone about that.

Let's get you home.

What are we doing here?

That's Ashley Rose.

Miss Rose.

Mr. Mayfield.

-I don't know what to say.
-You don't have to say anything.

I should have done this
a long time ago.

How do you say thank you... the person
who saved your life?

Just feels like
"thank you" doesn't cut it.

I'd do it again.

Every time.

Thank you.

What's Tweedledum doing here?

-Fuck you.

This won't take long.

Came here to give you this.

It's your mother's jewelry box.

Found it in Dad's things.
Thought you'd want it.

Thank you.

Try not to pawn it all at once.

And one more thing.


-Mom wanted you to have it.
-Are you trying to pay me off?

Be grateful.
That's twice the amount Dad left you.

-This is blood money.
-Excuse me?

I think we all know my dad
didn't fall down the stairs.

-Watch your fucking mouth.
-Guys, calm down.

Hey, Simone? You don't know
what you're talking about.

Okay, maybe just
take the money and go.

There's no reasoning with her.
This was a waste of time. Let's go.

Hey, Ron.

Give Veronica a message from me.

-Whoa, guys, both you guys...
-Get the fuck out of here!

-I'm not going any-fucking-where.
-Yes, we are. Go!

Simone? Simone.

Listen, if you don't go,
things are gonna get bad.

And there won't be anything
I can do to stop it.


-Did I do something wrong?
-It's me.

I think I overdid it at the gym.

Some guys were being guys,
and I was stupid

to try to keep up.

You're funny.

Well, I, um,

I give a pretty mean massage
if you... want to come up.



Hey, man.

Long time, no see.


-Brendan. How's it going?

Hey, Maddie's killing it tonight, huh?
Sh-She's a superstar.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Really lucky to have her.

You know you've got to get
your shit together, right?

-What was that?
-Maddie sees something in you.

She's a smart girl,
and I'm not gonna second-guess her.

But she deserves to be with someone
who will actually be there for her.

Thank you, Brendan.

For being such a good friend to her.

Now get the fuck out of my face.

Back in one piece.

Can I see you a minute?

Have a good night, Miss Rose.

-What are you doing?
-I'm just gonna try and run some plates.

I saw a car tailing us today.

-Might've been paparazzi, but...
-Where were you? I called.

-And I texted you back. We were fine.
-Not good enough.

What were you thinking?
Or were you not thinking?

Excuse me. Mr. Morris?

I just wanted to thank you
for letting Beau come with me today.

It's been almost a week since I got out
of the hospital, and it was...

the first really good day I've had.

So thanks... for that.


-Thank you.
-Have a good night.

Miss Rose.

You look amazing.

Why, Mr. Reed,
are you coming on to me?

Do you know what this place
kind of reminds me of?

Our second date.

Well, it was our third,
but who's counting?

I think it ended with us outside,

looking at the stars.


Because all I remember

is that

we almost got caught.

-Everything okay?

Everything's great.

I have to get back inside,
say goodbye to people.

-Are you gonna go write tonight?
-I'm inspired.

Thank you for a wonderful evening.

Robbie Pruitt, vocals and guitar.
Here's a brand-new song.

It's called "The Story of My Life."
Hope you like it.

Okay. Here we go.


Who is it?

It's Simone.


I didn't know where else to go.

What happened?

It's been a long day.
I need a drink.

That I got.


-I had one rule.
-I'm sorry.

-I'm sorry.
-One! Do not try to escape!

One fucking rule!

-You want out?
-No. I don't want out.

-You want out? You want out?

Let's fucking go.

I'm sorry!
I won't break the rules again!

Actions have consequences!

But you promised
you wouldn't hurt me!

You did this to yourself.
This is my rose garden.

These rose bushes
are very special to me.

They're so special,
I gave each one of them a name.



I would hate to have to add...
