Tell Me a Story (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Chapter 3: Greed - full transcript

Jordan's need for answers quickly veers towards obsession; Ethan's jealousy threatens to expose Kayla and Nick's secret; Hannah makes a stunning discovery about Dan.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Tell Me a Story...

Why'd you
kill those people, huh?

We're going to prison.

Nobody's going to prison.

But you got to be cool,
you understand me?

He needs a hospital. No hospital.

Do you recognize him?

That's him. 100%.

You're just gonna let him go? His
girlfriend confirmed his alibi.

The guy from the store,

he followed me
to the bar tonight.

I don't know how

he found me, but he did.

Calm down.

You're just being paranoid.

What happened last night
was an accident.

It was a one-time thing,
and now it's done.

I'm a teacher, you are
a student. This will ruin me.

I know you two left a dead man
in a hotel room.

The one your brother killed.

It was an accident.

Wipe down anything you touched.

We're gonna go.

Billy said
he was from out of town.

He's from Brooklyn.

Money laundering,


Dan Simmons' body was discovered

earlier this afternoon.
Someone moved his body.

Who? Why would they do that?

You're all I want.


are the best part of me.

You're all I want.

Please marry me, Jordan Evans.

We are the best part of me.

Everybody on the floor now!

Put your gun down!

♪ Crazy

♪ I'm crazy for feeling

♪ So lonely

♪ Crazy

♪ I'm crazy for feeling

♪ So lonely...

I may not
have known Beth Miller,

but I wish I had.

Speaking with her loved ones,

they shared with me
stories of a woman

who dedicated her life
to helping others,

to making the world
a better place...

I think I found you
a new client.

Do you remember Matt
from Bagram?

Well, he asked how much
you charge per hour

and I told him
you give vets a discount,

so he's gonna be giving you
a call.

Matt with the weird tattoos?


I need some rich clients, Terry.

Well, I cannot help you there.

Two people dead near Downtown
just this week.

The police have yet to release
any further information

at this time
but are confident they will find

the three men responsible
and bring some closure

for the families of the victims.

Hannah, what's
going on with you?

No, it's just my brother Gabe.

He's staying with me.

He's gotten
into some... trouble.

It's got me a little screwy.


Over there.


Hannah. I'm good.

All good.


Where's Dad?

He left early.

Um, did he leave my...?

Leave your phone?
Yes, he did.

Uh, he said that I could
give it back to you.

Great. But I have

decided to hold on to it.

Why? What for?

Insurance policy.

That's bullshit.

Everything is on that phone.
My entire life.

That is the most depressing
thing I've ever heard.

Oh, come on.

You know, I thought you wanted
to be the cool grandmother.

I never said that.

And, uh, I'm okay
with being uncool.

In fact, I'm okay
with being mean.

I'm really good at it.

So, here's the deal.

After school,

you are going to meet me
at the shop

and do a little free labor.

Now, where's my card
with the address?

Forget it.

Oh, this is nonnegotiable.

And do not test me, Kayla.

You will not win.

This is so fucked up.

Isn't it?

Hey. How many times

I got to tell you? Your
brother's not welcome here.

Yeah, I got it, Joe.

You know you're not supposed
to be here.

Joe's ready to shit bricks.

Oh, fuck Joe.
He's not my father-in-law.

What's wrong with you?

I'm freaking out, Mitch,
all right?

Between the cops on my ass
and this guy following me...

No one is following you.

I saw him.
He was in the club last night.

Maybe he is following you.
So what?

The guy knows less
than the police do.

He can't do anything. Listen,

I'm telling you, Eddie,
you're being paranoid.

I've seen you like this before.

I need my money, okay?

You know I owe people,
and it's time to pay.

Your dealer?

How much do you owe?
I'll front you.

20 grand.

Jesus Christ. Eddie.

I don't got that kind of money.

We got to talk to Sam.

We should've been paid by now.

I called him. He
hasn't called me back. See?

Something's wrong.

- Let's go talk to him.
- Mitch.

Back to work.

All right, we'll go tonight.

Get the fuck out of here.

You're back.

To get a few things.

So, you're... living
with your sister now?

Just away from you. I don't know why

you're blaming me.

You did the same thing.

I didn't leave you.

No, but you left
Dan on the floor,

dead, just like I did.

You're no better than me.

You're just slower. Fuck you.

Nobody cares. Come on.

We're in the clear.
It was...

one big accident.

Let it go.

I'll be back
for the rest of my things.


There was that time

in the Catskills, remember?

Beth convinced us
to go skinny-dipping.

How she got us in that freezing
water, I still don't know.

Beth... she could charm anyone.

Even the cop that showed up.

Yeah. By the time
the officer left,

he had ripped up the citation
and was asking Beth for tips

on conflict resolution.

Your parents looked great.

I haven't seen them in so long.

Not since they moved to Denver.

I'm gonna take them to the
airport in the morning.

I went in for a voice lineup.

I identified one of the pigs.

So it's only a matter of time
before they find the other two.

No. Guy had
an alibi.

They said I was wrong.

Did they check out his alibi?

So they say.

Mm. They'll find the guys.
They always find them.

Only 62% of all murder cases in
the United States are solved.

Only 31% in New York City.

You hungry?

Need something to eat?

Yeah, we can make you a plate.


Is that the answer?

No. No, goddamn it,
I'm not hungry.

I'm sorry.

Sorry, it's just...

been a very long day.

Thank you all for coming.

Really. But I-I think

I'd like to be alone
for a little while.

Yeah. Of course.

We'll help you clean
up a little bit.

Hey. The, um...

the restaurant's in good hands.

You need anything else...

I found him.


The guy.

The pig.

After the lineup,

I followed him to his job.

To his trailer in Queens.

I know where he lives.

So, about the other night...

Very lame of you,
bailing on us like that.

Things were just getting

Yeah, well, I'm sure you
and Laney found a way

to keep yourselves entertained.

Yeah, but I was thinking
about you the entire time.

Because that's not creepy.

Seriously. Things were
just getting three-way steamy

and you take off? So,

you Oakland chicks too cool
to answer your texts?

No, it's not like that.
My dad lost his shit because

of our little impromptu
and took my phone.

That is such an antiquated
form of punishment.

Your phone is a necessity.
A breathing apparatus.

An extension of your hand.
A sixth finger.

Yeah, I have
to work after school now.


My grandmother owns
a costume shop.

Who is this woman and what does
she have against Jacuzzi sex?

Do you mind?


Kayla was there, too, remember?

For some of it, anyway.

Why are we here?

I haven't heard anything.

Not since they found
Simmons' body in the Hudson.

I've been watching the news,

reading the police blogs.

That's a good thing,
though, isn't it?

Doesn't it bug you?

Someone came to that room after
we left and moved his body.

But if it means that it's over,
then why should we care?

Oh. Dan Simmons' cell phone.
I want to turn it on.

You said we couldn't,
that someone could trace it.

I want to know who
moved his body

and why.

Probably be locked.

It's a burner phone.

Jesus, Hannah,
what are you doing? Shh.

Hang up.

Uh... hey.


Okay, let's cut the shit.

I know about Dan.

Who is this?

Yeah, okay, let's start again.

I don't give a shit about Dan.

I just want what's owed me.

So whoever this is,
just so we're clear,

I am not someone
to be fucked with!

You feel better now?
'Cause that was fucking crazy.

He said he was owed.

I found this...

in Dan's wallet.

What is it?

You see the emblem
and number on it?

I looked it up.

It's a storage place.

Oh, hell no.
Don't even think about it.

Why not?

We have the key. Yeah,

and he, they, whoever,
they probably know that.

It could be a setup.

And what if it's not?

This could be leverage.

A way for us
to protect ourselves.

Or get ourselves killed.
What is wrong with you?

Aren't you curious?
We need to know

what we're dealing with here.

No. I-I just want
this to go away.

I am trying
to figure this out, Gabe.

I am trying to protect you.

Let's check it out.

I killed a man, Hannah.

Me. I did it.

I am not gonna steal
from him, too.

I never should have called you.

Nick. Hey, Nick, wait up.

I... Not... not a
good idea, please.

To walk down a street?

Don't play dumb, please.

There's two,
maybe three feet between us.

You're my teacher. We don't
have to ignore each other

just 'cause we're not
in a classroom.

Yes, I'm sorry,
I'm-I'm just a...

little uptight.
How are you doing?

You mean since the other night

when I puked up my sad life
all over your apartment?

Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed,

I won't lie. No, no, I-it's okay.

I... I'm glad you did.

It's just, I've never really
talked about my mom before.

Okay? Not like that.

It's a big deal, Kayla.

You're allowed
to not be over it.

Yeah. I-I do have to say

it was good for me, too.

It allowed...

allowed us to reset and
redefine the boundary

of you and me. Uh, yeah:

you teacher, me student.

Quick learner, yes.

Um, a substitute teacher
isn't permanent.

Yeah, I am aware of that,

but I would like to
land a permanent job.

So you're all in.
Teaching's your thing.

She says with disdain.

I didn't mean it like that.

Nah, it's all right.
My mother would agree.

Well, she's right.
It's a shit job.

Pays bad.
Total loser career.

Yes. Yes, but it allows
me to write, so...

Oh, a writer!
See, that works.

Much sexier way to starve.

Stop. What?

Flirting. I'm not.

You... No, you're
reading into it.

I'm just being me.
I come this way.

Um... okay, now, listen,
you need to go that way.

I'm glad you're doing okay.

I will see you in class.

Later, loser.

Uh, this was, like...

Oh, you showed up.
I'm impressed.

You have my phone.

Okay, this is way cool.

Very gypsy bohemian.

Oh, don't label me.
I hate labels.

I think of it as...
timeless chic.

I'm pretty sure that's a label.

Come on.
I'll give you the tour.

We're a costume rental house.

We do Broadway and off Broadway.

We do film, we do television.

But our bread and butter,
that's all online.

Wow. This place
is all yours?

Yeah. Your grandfather and I
bought it together.

Dad said you opened this place
when your dancing career failed.

Your dad doesn't know shit.

I quit dancing
because I got knocked up.

It's like my parents.

Your dad told you that?

I overhead it in
one of their fights.

Did they fight often?

Got pretty bad sometimes.

My, uh, my dad can be
pretty uptight. You know?

Well, of course you do.
You raised him.

Oh, that uptight
has nothing to do with me.

His short temper, all of that,

those traits, they came
from your grandfather.

I, on the other hand,
am perfect.

He was a real hottie.

He was, wasn't he?

Dad said he died
of a heart attack.


Oh, God, that was...

that was ten years ago
this January.

Does it still hurt?

Well, sometimes,
when you have a...

a sad day or a moment.

Anyway, I'm gonna
put you to work.

Oh, I have got to go to FedEx,

and I have forwarded
all the calls here to my cell.

What, you're just gonna
leave me here alone?

Against all reason...

I'm trusting you.

What... what
if a-a customer comes in?

Oh, it's a slow day today.

But if you need me, call me.
I'm a block away.

You can't go back there.

I cannot stress that enough.

What if this guy leads me
to the others?

I have to find the man
who killed Beth.

I owe her that.

And then what?

The world...

is angry.

So much hate and rage.

Beth saw that.

But I couldn't.

I didn't want to.

Listen to me.

You can't take this on yourself.

What if it was Abby?
What if she hadn't died

in a car accident?

What if someone had
shot her point-blank?

That's not fair.


When was the last time
that word meant anything?

You need...

to let the police handle this.


Yeah, you're right.





Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
It's me, it's me,

it's me, it's me.

Ow, that really hurt.

What are you doing here?

Wow, you're really uptight.

Good news is I can fix that.

How did you know
where to find me?

Well, you said your grandma
had a costume shop.

Google last name Powell,
costume shop, LinkedIn,

small business owner... do
I need to finish this question?

And does Laney know you're here?

Laney doesn't own me.

We're not a thing.
We just hang out sometimes.

Yeah, well, Laney likes you.

And I like you.

It's like we're a triangle

on one of those teen shows
on that network I don't watch.

In dramatic terms,
it's what's known as a trope.

You need to go now.


I appreciate the whole
"hos before bros" loyalty,

but... Laney's just Laney.

But you...

you're special.

Oh, look, the door.

Look, I'm not a bad guy, Kayla.

You just act like one. See? You get me.

Look, I'll be your friend,
Ethan, but that's it.

This really is
one of those teen shows.

This is not some triangle.
I'm talking about

the part where you're
fucking the teacher.

Oops. Another trope.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Nice try. Laney
told me everything.

You two getting high
at the club.

Your night of hot sex

with Mr. Sullivan. Laney doesn't know shit.

I wonder what happens
to a teacher who sleeps

with their students these days.

It's such
a flagrant abuse of power.

Good-bye, Ethan. Well,

great chat.
Lovely store.

I know where to come
for Halloween.

I'm off.

Later, sexy.

It's looking good there,
little man.

No, it's not. It's crooked.
Hey, hey, hey, take your time.

Don't be in such a hurry,
all right?

I know it's hard work,

but it'll pay off.

Hard work always pays off.

Try it again.

Hey, it's,
uh, it's almost dinnertime,

so why don't you get washed up,
we'll finish this later, okay?


Pay the toll.

Love you. Love you, too.

I have an errand to run.

I'll be back in a few.


What the fuck
are you doing here?

We got to talk.

Mitch, this your idea?

Just wondering what the deal is.

Cops brought me in, Sam.
They're on to me.

Nah. They're not on to you,
they're just fishing.

So, y-you know something? I asked around.

They got nothing,

so calm the fuck down. Where's our money?

I'm still waiting on the buyer.

All right, then you got
to front me the money.

I need some money.

I owe people.

This is my problem?

Hey, Sam, look.

We're not here to gripe, man.

You know, y-you ain't been
calling me back, so...

we're just worried, that's it.

You're the one who killed
those people.

Not us... you.

I'm not going down for that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You don't threaten me.

Hey, enough!

Aah! My arm!

My fucking arm. Okay.

Easy. Easy.

Don't move.

Don't do it.

You'll get your money
when I get mine.

If you two ever
come back here, yes,

I will kill you.

In a statement made
by the New York City Police,

the three suspects in the
Downtown robbery-homicide

are still at large and have yet
to be brought in.

The police are encouraging
any eyewitnesses

from around the jewelry store
that day

to step forward to aid
in the investigation.

Two people dead near Downtown...

Hi, Detective Garcia.

This is Jordan Evans.

I was calling to see if there
had been any new information.

If you could call me back.

Detective, this is Jordan Evans.

I was calling to see

if there had been
any new information.

If you could please
call me back.


Detective Garcia, I-I-I-I know
I just...

I want you to know that I know

that you're sending my calls
to voice mail.

I'm not stupid.

You had me stand in a lineup.

You had me recognize someone,
and you don't call me.

♪ Crazy

♪ I'm crazy for feeling

♪ So lonely

♪ I'm crazy

♪ Crazy for feeling

♪ I knew

♪ So blue

♪ You'd love me as long

♪ As you wanted

♪ I knew

♪ You'd love me as long

♪ As you wanted...


What the hell is wrong with you?

You're gonna need
to be more specific.

You swore that you wouldn't
say anything about Nick.

I didn't. I wouldn't.

Well, then how the hell
does Ethan know?

I'm sorry, Kayla,
it was the pot.

Loose lips. What did he do? He
came to my grandmother's shop

and started talking shit
about me and Nick.

He came to her shop?
Why would he do that?

Why do you think?
He's a guy.

That piece of shit.

Laney, this could
ruin Nick's career.

Don't worry.
I got you.

What are you doing? You fucking asshole.

Dipshit. I told you that
in confidence. Whoa! Hey! Hey!

And you couldn't keep
your mouth shut! What the hell, Laney?

Stop. Stop. What's the big deal?

Stop it. He's not
even worth it. It's very sweet.

But your loyalty's wasting
on Laney.

You should have seen the shit
she was talking about you.

Hands off. Hands off. Hey! Hey!

What the hell is going on here?
What's going on here?

Want to tell everybody,
Mr. Substitute Teacher?


Are you part of this?
Then get to class.

Go, go, go.

I can handle this, okay.
No, I got this, Nick.

Break it up.
There's nothing to see here.

Let's go.

Principal's office.
You know the way, Ethan.

Come on.

If you need anything, I can...
No, thank you.

Please tell me that had
nothing to do with us.

I'm-I'm sorry, Nick.

I'm so sorry. I...


I didn't think
I'd see you back here.

My options are limited.

You or Billy.

One's a dick
and the other one's a dick.

I... I don't want to fight
with you, Gabe.

I-I know. I know.

And, um, I'm sorry for being
such a bitch earlier.

No, it's okay.

What is that?

My first count was $2 million.

It's not too late.

You can still take that back.

Hear me out.

Hannah. Hannah.

The money isn't ours.

I know.

It belongs to Dan Simmons,

a piece of shit ex-con,
who is now dead.

It's not Dan's money,
you know that.

More bad people. Who will want it back.

That's why we need
to leave the city.

No. No.

How do you know we weren't
supposed to find this money?

Maybe it's finally our turn.

The world finally giving
something back to us.

It doesn't work that way.

Well, it's time it should.

We have been starving

our whole lives,
and you know it.

You are six years old
when Mom abandons us.

Dad dies of some fucking rare
cancer no one's ever heard of.

Let's take the money as a gift

for every bad thing
that's ever happened.

And go.


Wherever we want.

We write our own story.

Let's just pack up and go.

Who the fuck cares?

This isn't you, Hannah.

Well, that's where you're wrong.

You have no idea
what I've been through.


is very much me.

I'm keeping the money.


I'll take it back myself.

Not happening.

Are you for real?

Fuck this.

♪ High speed rolling,
playing to win ♪

♪ A ball made
of hard shining steel ♪

♪ Free for all

♪ Who enter the field

♪ Human extinction

♪ On wheels

♪ For the ball, a victim is...

The wall color in here is...

so drab.

I mean, I...

I've even forgotten what
the name of it was.

Oh, "depressive gray."

Oh, I loved it in the '90s,

but now it's just depressing.

I was gonna have it painted,

why don't you do it?

You want me to paint my room?

Have at it. I'd, uh...

be interested to see
what you come up with.

You know, I hate to ask,
but can I take off for a few?

I have to see a friend. A friend?

Where does this friend
come from?

A new friend from school.

You do realize that you haven't
used a pronoun for this friend.

Because a friend is a friend
regardless of gender.

I wouldn't ask

if it wasn't important.

I could just sneak off
if you want.

Why didn't you?

Because against all reason,
I'm trusting you.

You've got two hours.

The clock starts now.

♪ Riding against the wind

♪ You're sailing
against the tide ♪

♪ Fighting for the cause

♪ Do or die

♪ Yearning

♪ To shake it off

♪ When it gets too heavy

♪ You have the power

♪ In your mind

♪ You still believe it

♪ And I bet you always will

♪ No time to conceal it...


What are you doing here?
I came to check on you.

Make sure you're okay.

You could have just
called or texted.

Can I come in for a sec?


I just... I wanted to explain.

Laney has this big fucking
mouth, and she told Ethan and...

I-I don't need the play-by-play.

Am I in trouble or not?

I think you're good.

You think? You...
What-what happened?

Nothing. Okay?
Ethan got suspended,

but he didn't say
anything about us.

Are you sure? Look, Laney and Ethan,

they have
this weird relationship.

They go at each other,

they get off on it. I...
They're not gonna tell.

Our secret's safe.

Thanks for letting me know.


You're really pissed.

Yeah, um, I'm not pissed at you.

I'm mad at myself.

This, us, it's...

It isn't me.

It's not in my DNA

to do this with you.

I-I get that.

I just want to teach.
That's it.

See, I don't get that.

It's you, too.
You don't need this.

You got enough to deal with.

It's just... you're the only
person that I want to talk to.

That I cantalk to.

You're not playing fair.


But it's true.


Don't what?

Tempt fate.

This is wrong.

I know.

I just don't care.




Oh, G...

You know, I'm serious
about leaving, so you...

He's dead, Hannah! He's dead. Wh-What?

Billy's dead.
Billy is dead.

Some-someone got in there.

Someone killed him,
tortured him. Jesus Christ.

How do you know?

I saw him.
He was covered in blood!

Billy knows
where you live, Hannah.

You need to get out of there.Shit. Shit.


What are we gonna do?

Go to Queens.

Take the B to Fulton Street.

We need to give back the money.

Fulton Street exit.
Wait for me.

Okay. Okay.

Who are you?

Where's the money?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Don't lie to me,
and I won't lie to you.

Where's the money?

I-I give you the
money, and then what?

I leave.

What happens to me?

The money, Hannah.


Top shelf, far right.

Please, please don't.

The-the money's on the bed.


Oh, my God...

Touch By Hootoh Team