Tell Me Lies (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Tell Me Lies - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You don't hate me.

You're extra friendly.

I'm always friendly.

What is it?

Your heart is beating really fast.


I, uh, I have to get
on the road by 9:00.

I told Bree I'd be there early.

You sure you don't want me to come?

It's fine. I'm sure
it's going to be boring.

It's going to be more
like a college reunion

than an actual engagement party.

It's not really a reunion. You see
your college friends all the time.

Yeah, some of them.

You're a liability.

Do you still love me?

I promise,

I begged Evan not to invite him today.

Oh, Bree, stop, stop.

You won't even have to speak to him.

There's going to be so many people here.

And I already told Evan
to keep him away from you.

I am fine.


- Okay.
- I'm good.

- Okay.
- Yes.

Besides, you're doing so much
better than you were back then.


Are we talking about Stephen already?

- Oh!
- You look so fucking beautiful.

I'm so happy you're here.

Hi, Pippa.

- Hi. Hi.
- Hi.

It's been ages.


Bree, can you come out here?

Go. That's your cue.

You look so fucking pretty.

So, so pretty.

You want me to do it?


You still seeing that architect?

Oh, no, that ended.

I don't know how I'd prioritize
another person right now.

Yeah, I mean, it's just time management.

Time management? You make it
sound so sexy, Lucy. Pervert.

No, I'm just saying. I, I make it work.

Speaking of, is Max coming today?

No, no, he couldn't make it.

Yeah, it's probably smart
to keep him away today.

I really wanted him to
come. He just had work.

Okay. I'm, I'm just
going to say this once,

and then I'm going to drop it.

I really hope that you
can avoid going down

the whole Stephen rabbit hole today.

Jesus Christ, there's no rabbit hole.

It's been four years.

I can handle seeing him for two hours

at a fucking engagement luncheon thing.

Just saying it for
Bree's sake. It's her day.

And if ever there were a time for
us to not be shitty friends to her,

this is her moment.

So let's just subvert
expectations, shall we?

I said I was fine, and
I meant it. Let's...

- Thank you.
- Yup.

The good news is we can't fuck
up more than we already have.

I don't want to talk
about it. Any of it.

♪ I remember when ♪

♪ I remember, I remember
when I lost my mind ♪

♪ There was something so
pleasant about that place ♪

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Good to see you.

♪ In so much space ♪

- Whew.
- Whoo!

That's good. So beautiful.

- I love you.
- I hope so.

- So, Lucy...
- It's the fucking bride!

- I'm stealing your wife.
- No...

- I am stealing your wife.
- All right, all right.


This is a very fancy-dancy
party we got here, huh?

- Fancy-dancy?
- Yeah.

- Hey, Lucy!
- Hi, Wrigley.

Lucy. Oh, you're looking good.

Looking so good.

- And bring it in.
- Aww.

The bride gets an extra -long one.

Oh, thank you.

Dude, are you high?

Am I what? No.

Don't tell Pippa.

Where's Pippa, by the way? Is she here?

Think she...

- I don't know if she's come in yet?
- She is right over there.

- See her?
- Hey, Pippa!

Wrigley, just...

- Don't harass her please.
- Wrigley, walk. Walk, please.

- He's like a child.
- You're so mean, Lucy.

What are you talking about?

It's like every girl's dream

to be chased around a
party by a coked-up gorilla.

It was his brother's birthday yesterday,

so maybe take it easy on him.

All right. I'm sorry.

I'll be right back. Love you.

I'm so sorry. It's okay.

Thanks for the heads up, guys.

You two have a good catch-up?

Yeah, it's funny unless you're the
one who has to clean up his mess.

You don't have to clean
up his mess anymore.

I should go help Evan with Wrigley.


You know I'm really,
really happy for you, right?

Yeah. Yeah, of course, I know that.


I can keep a secret.

I wish I could fuck you all day.

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You don't hate me.

I, I just don't think it
makes sense to start college

in a long-distance relationship.

Why wouldn't you tell me that sooner,

like, instead of the day that you leave?

Because I'm an avoidant
asshole. I don't, I don't know.

What is wrong with you?
You don't even seem upset.

What? I, I don't know
what you want me to say.

I'm sorry I'm not, like,
upset enough for you.

Well, I am upset. I just...

No, you're, like, fucking broken inside.

Do you think I'm "broken inside"?

No. You-you're just
not a "feelings" girl.

Not that you don't have feelings.
Just that they're not very visible.

Okay, just stop talking, please.

Don't worry, someday some guy is
going to get so far under your skin,

he's going to rot there,
and I'm going to laugh.

- Ah, Lydia, hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

But your daughter might be a sociopath.

- I don't get it.
- It's nothing. It's a joke.

No, I, I broke up
with Parker. That's it.

Just now?

- Yeah. It's not, it's not a big deal.
- Why?

Well, I just, I just don't understand.

I'm sure Lucy knows
what's best for her, Mom.

I know, but, ah, but you love Parker.

Can we not talk about it?

Well, um, I'm going to go.

But call me from campus?

- Yes.
- Okay.

- I love you.
- I love you.

So, um, have you given any more thought

to signing up for some business classes?

It's not really necessary
for an English degree.

I know but, I don't know, as a backup.

You don't go very far
doing the bare minimum.

That's what your dad used
to say. You remember that?

Yeah, but Dad was
talking about high school.

Everyone does extra stuff in high school

so that they can get into college.

But I am in college now.

I don't need to impress anyone anymore.

I don't know if I'd go that far.

Well, I'm aware we have
different opinions on the subject.

Oh, what subject is that?

Impressing people?

I do not appreciate that comment.

Well, I don't appreciate
you bringing Dad up

every time I don't comply
with your exact expectations.

Well, I'm trying to help.

And I have no idea.

what happened to the sweet
girl that you used to be.

But speaking of your dad, if
he saw how much you've changed,

he would be very disappointed.


I guess I'm not as nice as I used to be.

Of course, you're nice.

Hopefully, college will be good for you.

Maybe we just need a little space.

Oh my God.


Hey. I'm Macy.

Are you my roommate?

I, I think I must be. I'm, I'm Lucy.


- Hi.
- I've been so excited to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

Uh, is it cool if I hang some posters?

No, that's great.

I forgot to bring anything like that.

So, yes, please.

Hey, where are you from?

Bayville. It's on Long Island.

Yeah, I know Bayville. I
live 20 minutes from there.

I'm from Cold Spring Harbor.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah.

I drive through there all the time.

It's nice.

It's so boring.

We're back!

Oh. Your roommate's here.

- Hi.
- Hi.

This is Pippa and Bree
from across the hall.

Yeah. So we're going to
be bothering you nonstop.

I'm Lucy.

Oh. Who brought the booze?

Oh, that is a parting gift from my mom

along with the cookies.

Uh, this is nice champagne.

Yeah, it's bribery.

I need caffeine. Let's go.

There's a bunch of parties tonight.

They all sound pretty
good, except apparently

we don't want to go to Gamma Pi
because they're kind of rapey.

- Kind of rapey, how?
- Like, they rape people.

Oh, and then Saturday,
there's the bonfire,

which everybody goes to, so
that should be pretty good.

Um, and I don't know...

Oh my God, you scared me.

Sorry. That's my signature move.

This is...

- Hi.
- Hi.


Okay, this is my roommate Bree
and my friends Macy and Lucy.

- Hey.
- I'm Wrigley.

We met when I toured campus last year.

Wrigley's a junior.

Oh, my friends and I are
having a party tonight.

You guys should come.

Yeah, maybe. There's
a few parties, so...

Yeah, but ours is the only good one.

- I said maybe.
- Yeah.

All right. I better
get back to my friends,

uh, but I'm going to blow up your phone.

It was a pleasure meeting all of you.


- See you.
- See you.

He's like the top football player.
I mean, we've only hooked up once,

but we've been texting all summer.

He's definitely gonna
be my first semester guy.

I like having a plan.

But I'm not sure about this top.

Is it, is it making me look too like...

Like a person wearing a low-cut top

but who's actually still a virgin?


I got her to admit it
within minutes of meeting.

I could just tell. I'm like
kind of a witch like that.

Everyone from California
thinks they're kind of a witch.

I'm serious. I can always tell.

Like, I can tell that
Lucy isn't a virgin.

Okay, I'm not.


Honestly, like, I'm
just so ready to lose it.

I'm not, like, sentimental about it.

I just want to get it over with.

I don't know how you managed
to go to boarding school

and stay a virgin.

All of my friends who went to
boarding school just got drunk

and had sex all the time.

Oh, I was on financial aid,

so I had to make sure that
I kept my shit together.

I'm still on financial aid, actually.

Okay, so we know Macy's boy situation.

What's your deal, Lucy?

Oh, um, I actually just broke up
with my boyfriend this morning.

Oh, dude.

No, no, no, it's not,
it's not like that.

I'm, I'm not upset.

Were you not together very long?

Uh, two years.

I know. I know I should be more upset,

but honestly, I think I
only started dating him

because all my friends
were getting boyfriends

and I just really
wanted to like somebody.

So you dated for two years,
but you didn't like him?

I don't know. I'm
honestly just not someone

who gets very excited about things.

You don't get excited about things?

You mean, like ever?



Well, it's like,

it's like when you were a kid, you know,

and, and everything seemed
super exciting and fun.

And, and now I just feel like
everything is just kind of,

like, steady, you know.

Unless it's just totally
overwhelming, you know.

Or maybe I'm just a freak
who needs some water.

I hate all this stuff I brought.

I feel like I left all
my fun stuff at home.

Do you want to borrow something?

Yes. Can I? Please.

- Yeah, of course.
- Thank you.

Yeah, I'll grab a few
things. I'll be back.

Evan and I were roommates freshman year.

But now we're just soulmates
who don't live together.

No one can live with
Wrigley longer than one year.

- That's a fucking lie.
- That's the fucking truth.

That's why I don't
live with you anymore.

I'm going to go to the bathroom.

Whoa! Hey, you just went,
like, 10 minutes ago.

Why are you keeping track?

Because you're trying to pretend
like you're not doing coke.

Do I seriously look like I'm doing coke?

Uh, they do this every time we drink.

Evan can't function
unless he has a girlfriend

ruining his fucking life.

He seems nice.

Oh, he's stupid rich.

Not that that's important.

But his family's, like,
fucking loaded. Hey!

Hey, Drew!

Move aside.

Clear the way.

- Oh!
- Oh.

Ow. Ow. Ow.

This is my little brother Drew.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Did you come by yourself?

Yeah. Yeah. You said I couldn't
bring my roommate, right?

Yeah, you can't. He's a freshman.

Wait, are freshmen not allowed here?

No. Freshmen guys aren't allowed.

Unless you're my little brother.


One of you should date him.

Dude, stop.

Oh, come on. He's the smarter brother.

He's going to go a
lot further than I am.


- Yeah.
- Do you want a shot?

Yeah. Yes. Immediately.


They literally only
invited freshman girls.

This is depressing.

I told you it would be.

I need to pee, and then
can we please leave?

I'm not hanging around a
bunch of 18-year-old whores

just so you can spy on your ex.

Just go pee. Then we can leave.

Sorry about the
18-year-old whores comment.

That's all good. I'm not a whore.

I'm Diana.

I'm Lucy.

So who invited you here?

Um, this guy Wrigley.

Oh God. Be careful with him.

Nice meeting you.

Yeah, you too.

You look really
uncomfortable in that dress.

I'm sorry.

I'm not saying you should be
uncomfortable in that dress.

You actually look very
good in it. Excuse me.

I'm just pointing out that you do
look uncomfortable in the dress.

Who are you?

I'm Stephen DeMarco. What's your name?

I'm Lucy Albright.

Lucy. Like my favorite song.

- What song?
- "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

"Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"?

That's your favorite song? Really?

It'd be really cute
if it was, wouldn't it?

I bet you'd fucking love that.

You're Wrigley's friend, right?

Yes. I'm, I'm Wrigley's friend.

Where are you from?

From Westchester?

- No, I'm not from Westchester.
- You're not?

- Why?
- Where then?

- Cold Spring Harbor.
- Okay.

Really? That's, that might
as well be Westchester.

No, no, it's very different.
It's very different.

Yeah. Cold Spring Harbor.

I know all about you.
That makes so much sense.

Cable knit sweaters.

Good at tennis.

You just described half the East Coast.

I'm assuming you borrowed that dress.

I actually hate Cold Spring Harbor.
I don't even really fit in there.

Yeah. You don't seem as
uptight as the girls there.

And I'm not just saying
that because you're gorgeous.

Right. Right.

- That's a compliment.
- Well...

- Relax.
- Not all the girls there are uptight.

But if you don't fit in with them,

then why does that
observation bother you?

- It doesn't bother me.
- Good.


Besides, I think uptight people,

are usually just people who
aren't getting fucked well.

How were you expecting
me to respond to that?

I actually make a good
point. Think about that.

Think about the first time
you finally had good sex.

That changes a person.

I'm sure you know
what I'm talking about.


Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you don't.

Is this, is this how you talk
to everyone you've just met?

- Pretty much, yeah.
- Wow.

Yeah, I know.

And what's the general reaction?

Like, what's people's
first impression of me?


I'm pretty polarizing.

Is that your real laugh?

Is that an actual... laugh?

That's the best laugh I've ever heard.

And I-I'm sure you know this already,

but you are killing me in that dress.

Stephen fucking DeMarco.

Hey. Macy.

- How are you?
- You guys know each other?

We're both from Bayville.

Macy's from the nicer part.

- I told you I know Cold Spring Harbor.
- Huh.

I'm Pippa, and this is Bree.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

I'm going to take off soon.

What? It's not even 12:00.

Well, I'll stay out.

Are there any other parties happening?

Yeah, actually, there's
something happening in my dorm.

My roommate's there but...

Yeah, if I wanted to hang out with
a bunch of freshmen dudes, then...

Well, I wouldn't want to
do that is the point, so.

I will go with you, Bree.

Me too. I'm down for whatever.

Guys, hanging out in the freshman dorm

your first night on campus is
like making an active decision

not to have a good time.



Be careful, okay.

You too.

I have to eat bread when I'm
hung over. Don't judge me.


We're totally going to be
roommates dating a pair of brothers.

- Very kinky.
- God. We didn't even kiss.

Yeah, but he was flirting with you.

Or at least I think he thought
he was flirting with you.

Lucy, that guy Stephen
is really into you.

He told Wrigley.

- He did?
- Mm-hmm.

I don't know if he's my type.

Uh, you don't know what your type is.

You said you've never been
excited about a guy before.

Okay. So what is he like, Macy?

I don't know him that well.
He went to public school.

He seems nice enough, I guess.

I don't know, he seems a little rude.

It's weird. I thought he was
cute when I was talking to him.

But now that he's not in front of me

and I'm, like, picturing
his face, I don't.

I don't really know.

Yeah, I think that's called charm.

I'm, I'm gonna go get a salad.

Why are you trying to make
me feel bad about myself?

I am not.

- Pippa's funny.
- Yeah.

You know, I actually taught tennis

in Cold Spring Harbor last summer.

- No way.
- I'm surprised we never met.

I am honestly terrible at tennis.

I'm bad at, like,

organized fun in general.

Well, if I'm there again next
summer, I'll give you a lesson.

Thanks. Actually, I'll
be in India next summer.

How have you already
planned your summer?

It's this trip I've
had planned for ages.

My dad went the summer
after his freshman year,

and he always talked about it as the
most formative summer of his life.

So I'm going to go and follow
the same itinerary as him

and go to all the same
places he told me about.

That thing you said last night, um,

how you have trouble
getting excited about stuff.

Oh yeah. I was drunk. I don't know.

I know what you meant, though.

Sometimes, it feels like I'm watching

other people experience things.


Yeah. Exactly.

I'm really glad you're my roommate.

Me too.


Can I tell you something
that's sort of secret

and sort of embarrassing?

Yeah, of course. What?


Sorry, I don't, I don't know
who this is. I'm gonna...

- Yeah.
- Hello.

Hey, how's your day going?

Who, who is this?

It's Stephen DeMarco.

Oh, hi.

Did you go to the
freshman thing? How was it?

Anyone bring their guitar?
Please tell me someone did.

Ho-how did you get my number?

Oh, Pippa gave it to Wrigley.

Listen, I was thinking we
should have dinner this week.

Wha-what, at, like, the dining hall?

No, Lucy. In an actual restaurant.

Like an actual date.

Ca-can I think about it?

It's not complicated.

It's, it's dinner.

O-okay, let's just,

let's play it by ear.

I have to go.

Okay. Yeah, me too.

- Bye, Lucy.
- Goodbye.

I mean, she's...

Oh my God.

Fuck off, you guys.

This is so exciting! We love you!

- Who's CJ?
- My mom.

Why do you call your mom CJ?

Uh, because it's her name,

and she lost the privilege
of being called Mom.

What happened?

It's a long story.

Hey, it's Mom. Uh, just
calling to check in.

I'm not sure why you got
so upset with me yesterday

but if it has to do with your dad,

I really wish you wouldn't
take that out on me.

He would hate seeing us fighting.

Anyway, um, I hope you're having fun.

And I love you so much.

I do not feel good.

What do you mean?

I don't know, I think I
just feel a little bit sick.

I think I'm going to
head back to the dorms.

- Are you serious?
- What's wrong?

I, uh, it's probably just like
a delayed hangover or something.

Um, I'm fine, though.

- I can come with.
- No, no, it's fine.

Just, uh, I'll see you
guys back at the dorm.



- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

What happened before?

Uh... I don't really
want to talk about it.


Well, do you want to come out?

There's a party off campus.

I have my car.

I'll be the boring designated driver.

Yeah, I think I'm just
going to stay in tonight.

Ah, come on. Don't make me go alone.

Wh-where are Bree and Pippa?

They ran off with boys.


I already said I'm staying in tonight.

It's not cool to guilt me, okay.

No, I, I didn't mean to guilt you.

It's fine.

Get some rest.

- I'll see you later.
- Yeah.

Thank you. Have fun.

Did you try calling her?

Yeah. She didn't respond.

She probably hooked up with
someone. It's still early.

Yeah, that's true.

- So you knew her?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I don't know what to say.

Yeah. There are so many options.

... Running around.

- No, we should do that.
- Yeah, that would be...

- Um, hey.
- Hey.

Hey, you guys.

What's going on?

Did you not hear what happened?

About Macy.

What, what are you talking about?

Macy got in an accident last night.

She was driving back from a party.

Oh my God. Is she okay?


Here you go.

Thank you.

So I guess somebody found
her body this morning.

She ran into a tree,

and they're saying she
might have been drunk.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah. Yeah. I just need
to breathe for a second.

Whose call are you screening?
Is that an ex or something?

Can you mind your own business?

- What is wrong with you?
- Yeah.

Are you sure you're okay
to sleep here tonight?

You could stay with us.

No, I-I just like...

How did she seem when you saw her last

before she went out?

She asked me to go to a
party with her. I said no.

Yeah, but that's not your fault.

- No, I know, I know.
- Here...

let me show you this trick.

It's this thing I learned
to calm your nervous system

when something bad happens.

It's a technique they teach
you in trauma recovery.

Sorry, I... I don't really
buy into the self-help stuff.

Uh, when were you in trauma recovery?

I wasn't.

Um, here.


Oh, they're turning the bonfire
tonight into, like, a vigil.

Uh, we'll only go if you want to.

No, we should go.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, we should go.


♪ Now that she's back
in the atmosphere ♪

♪ With drops of Jupiter ♪

Is she the first person
you know who's died?


Is this song even about somebody dying?

I... I don't know.

Dude, I didn't know Drew was here.

Uh, did you guys talk today?

Not really. I, I don't
know, I texted him though.

Okay. They made out yesterday.

Is your little brother
being a dick right now?

- Oh.
- What the hell.

Pippa, stop. It's not...

- Hey, what's up?
- Oh, what's up, Tim?

Yo. Buddy.

Tim's in our year.

Nice to meet you.

You're pretty.

- So dark, right?
- Yeah.

We're going to Copeland
after this. Wanna come?

Uh, I don't know, is it weird
going to a party after this?

I'd go.

What? It's 8:00 p.m.

We can still be sad and
not go straight to bed.

Yeah. Honestly, I
would love to get drunk.

♪ So if you like, like to party ♪

♪ Come on, come on get it started ♪

♪ Come on let's get it started ♪

♪ Let's get this party started ♪

♪ You gotta keep it rockin' ♪

♪ Come on let's keep it rockin' ♪

Hey there.

You all right?

Okay. So no, then.

Get you home?

Yeah? All right.

Up. Up.

All right.

I'm not going to have sex with you.

Yeah, I'm completely aware
that's not in the cards tonight.

You can just do that in the morning.

I'm brushing my fucking teeth.

Yeah, you're definitely
from Cold Spring Harbor.

You're from Cold Spring Harbor.

I'm not.

This happens to everyone.


You're okay.

It's okay.


Hey. Hey. Hey.

People don't think I'm nice anymore.

People don't think you're nice anymore.

People don't always think I'm nice.

Let's get you under the covers.

There we go.

Will you stay with me?

Just to sleep. I, I really don't...

I really don't want to be in here alone.

Are you sure that you want me to?


- Thank you.
- Yeah. Of course.


I'm so sorry. This is so mortifying.

You don't have to worry about it.

I'm just glad some
creep didn't find you.

Oh, honestly, just fucking kill me.

That's a little dramatic.

It's Welcome Week. This
is actually very routine.


- Relax.
- I'm, I'm sorry I was a bitch yesterday.


I was really fucked up about Macy.

I... I didn't know,
I didn't know how to...

I know I barely knew her,
but I still, I just...

Oh yeah, I, I saw her
around town sometimes.

I didn't know much about
her. She seemed cool though.

Yeah. I was sort of mean to
her the last time I saw her.

Who, who was calling you yesterday?

That was my mom.

- Your mom?
- Yeah.

You seemed pretty upset.

Yeah, she's, uh, she's upsetting.

How so?

She's just... not a good person.

She did something really fucked up,

and I, I can't really
forgive her for it.

I've tried.


My mom's difficult too.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

I, I don't even talk to my dad.

Uh, he left when I was six.

Didn't want to take care of a family.

And my mom was so broke
that we got evicted from

three places in two years.

Um, yeah, he's, he
doesn't talk to us anymore.

I'm sorry. That's...

You know what would
probably make me feel better

is if you let me take you to dinner.

- God.
- It will ease the pain.

You still want to take me
to dinner? Are you sure?

After watching me puke in a bush?

Yeah. You cried hysterically, too.

Oh no.

You puked and cried.

But I, yeah, I think I can get over it.

- God.
- You're insanely pretty.


And I guess your personality seems

kind of cool too.

Should we lock the door?

Um, actually, can we...

Sorry, do you mind if we just, uh...

Can we just leave it there for today?

If that's okay.


- Yeah.
- I was gonna say the same... thing.


Thank you for... helping me.

Oh yeah.

Of course.

Get rest.


And hydrate.


Can we talk?

Yeah, of course we can talk.

I've been trying to
talk to you all week.

Where are you coming from?

I passed out at Wrigley's.

You can ask him.

I smoked too much, fell asleep.

That's what happens when I don't
do blow. You should be happy.

I don't know what I'm doing here.

Maybe you miss me.

I know I miss you. I'm
still fucking mad at you.

And seeing you flirt
with all these freshmen

makes me want to stab my eyes out.

Oh God. You broke up with me.

I spent the last two months
telling you that I love you.

The ball's in your court.

I don't trust you. You fucked it up.

I don't want to have to constantly worry

that you're going to cheat again.

I told you so many times.
That was a one-time thing.

I was completely wasted.

You know that I would
never do that again.

I don't understand. Throwing
away two years over one night.

That makes no sense to me.

Have you hooked up with
anyone else since we broke up?

I haven't wanted to. No.

I wish I wanted to.

Are you still on the pill?

Oh wait.

We shouldn't do this.

Are you, are you kidding?

No. Okay.



Sorry. I, um... wasn't expecting that.

I have to... go meet Susie.

Please don't tell anyone about this.


I'm just, I'm in a weird headspace.

Everything feels super
bleak since that girl died.

Yeah, it's... pretty fucking bizarre.

I want to trust you again.

But it's just going to take me a minute.

I understand.

You know I love you.

Oh, come on.

- What?
- Hey, dude.

Can you get over here right now?

Drew's freaking out, and I don't
even know what the fuck is happening.

- It's a mess.
- Okay.

It's about that girl that died, Macy.

Oh, hold on.

Can you just get over here, please?

All right, I'll... Yeah,
I-I'll be right there.


Tell me what happened.

I think I really fucked up.



You ready?