Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003–2010): Season 5, Episode 7 - New World Order: Part 1 - full transcript

New World Order: Part 1: The original Shredder has been resurrected by the Foot Mystics, whose agenda is to destroy Karai-the "false Shredder."

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[lightning strikes]


[all chanting]

[ominous music]

[lightning strikes]


[choir singing]

[all] Master!

At last!

The Shredder,
The Shredder is risen.

I live.
Now let the world tremble!

[evil laugh]

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Turtles count it off ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Turtles!
Mutant chain reaction ♪

♪ Turtles!
Never let us down ♪

♪ Turtles!
Ninjitsu action ♪

♪ Turtles!
It's a shell of a town ♪

♪ Turtles count it off ♪

♪ One!
Leonardo's always in control ♪

♪ Two!
The wise guy is Michelangelo ♪

♪ Three! Donatello,
He's the brains of the bunch ♪

♪ Four! Count on Raphael
To throw the first punch ♪


♪ I love being
[I love being] ♪

♪ I love being a turtle ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ Turtles count it off ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Turtles!
There's no one better ♪

[Karai] Watch out for Shredder!

♪ Turtles!
They're like no others ♪

♪ Turtles!
Those teenage brothers ♪

♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

[suspenseful music]

[woman] Help!

Help! Help me!

[ground crackling]

Where are you?

- Karai!
- Help me, Leonardo.



[both groan]




[evil laughter]



What a nightmare.

I dreamed about Karai,
she was reaching out to me.

Yeah, that was my dream.

The city was cracking up
into a million pieces.

And then she was at the mercy
of the Shredder.

I saw that too,

and then New York transformed
into a horror show.

Sort of like an alternate
universe, but worse.

Yeah, and the Shredder
was there.

The ancient,
big, voodoo Shredder.

Acting all king of the world.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're telling me,
we all had the same dreams?

[Ancient One] Hmm...

Looks like you kumquats are
walking the Noori Yuku path.

Yes, it would seem that you
are connected

to forces
beyond time and space

through your subconscious.

Uh, in English, please,

Heh, and you four
are the hope of the world?

Your amulets, your weapons,
your training with the Tribunal,

it has all connected you
to the Shredder in some way.

After all, that was
the Tribunal's goal, was it not?

To take the four of you,

along with Adam, Joi,
Tora, and Faraji,

and transform you
from Acolytes...


[grunts of effort]

...into masters.

Wow, I did it.

[Splinter] The Ninja Tribunal
had hoped to forge you

into the ultimate warriors

capable of combatting evil

on both the physical
and the mystical beings.

Alas, the Shredder's
evil heralds put an end

to the Ninja Tribunal's plans.

All were destroyed, and your
training never finished.

We can only hope that
what you have learned already

will be enough.

After all, your nightmares
have confirmed

what the Ancient One
and I have dreaded.

Our meditations have
shown us terrible things.

The Ninja Tribunal's
worst fears come true.

We have seen the Shredder
brought back to life.

The Shredder? Back?

No way.

And soon he will reshape
the world into a dark chaos.

It will not be pretty.

But first, from what your dream
suggests, he will destroy Karai.

Well, at least we got
something to look forward to.

Maybe they'll do each other in.

Sounds good,

but would be bad.

Yes, there's something here,
something strange.

I sense that somehow
we must warn Karai.

Perhaps even try to rescue her.

But, sensei,
she'd sooner destroy us.

And yet your dreams
would indicate

that she is reaching out
to you,

We must not so readily turn
our backs on saving a life,

even an old rivals.

Come, slaves.

Let us venture forth,
and survey my new kingdom.

What a pleasure it will be
to hear the screams

when I remake the world
in my own image.

This island is
the perfect place to begin.

The moats on all sides
make it easy to defend.

Master, there is
the matter of the usurper.

She who dares to call herself,
the Shredder.

Her very existence
mocks you!

You must first deal with her.

I must?

[all cry]

I must do whatever I please.

Yes, okay, boss.

Yes, master.

Hmm. You amuse me,

And soon my destroying
this usurper as well...

once that sport
has been savored,

I will bring a reign of chaos
onto this world.

[lightning strikes]

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

[woman screams]


[panicked cries]


[brakes screech]
[cars crash]


[public confusion]



I'd forgotten
what an endless source

of entertainment
this world is.

What memories this brings back.

The fear, the destruction,
the agony.

I feel truly inspired.

Now, let us go give our regards
to this Karai.

[Donatello] Sorry, guys.

Still working some of the
kinks out of the turtle taxi.

No, problem, I wanted to see
my lunch again, anyway.

Remember the plan.

We're leaving one of our

at the Foot Building.

This is just a drop-and-go,
no fighting.

Right, then we call Karai up

and say, "Lady,
get out of town."


[all gasp]

Please tell me that's not
who I think it is.

That's exactly who you think
it is-- the original Shredder.

And he's got those mystics

that destroyed the Tribunal
with him.

They're heading for Karai's.

It's too late to warn her now,
they'll be there in minutes.

Can we go around?
Pass him somehow?

[Donatello] Maybe, if I can
clear a path from this wreckage.

And I think I might have
just the thing. Hang on.

Try that way, Donnie!

Don't be a backseat turtle,

[electronic noise]

You the turtle, Donnie.

Uh, guys, I may be the turtle,
but he's the Shredder.

[all gasp]

What an annoying
horseless carriage.


Someone should squash it
like a bug.

And I think it will be me.

Aw, shell!


♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

[suspenseful music]

Hang on!

Jet Engines in the trunk?

Never leave home without 'em.

Where's big, ugly and evil?

He's already forgotten about us.

And he's almost at Karai's.
We'll never get past him.

Which means no warning Karai.

Wait, maybe we still can.

Karai has a surveillance van

parked outside April's place,

Yeah, it's keeping tabs
on April's

in case
we happen to drop by.

Maybe it's time for a visit.

[foreboding music]


[both groan]

The classic hit-and-stun!

I hope this is a good idea.

The turtles--

You have a lot of nerve
using this line.

Your insolence is just
one more reason

that I will hunt you down.

Karai, cut the tough talk
for a minute and listen.

We're trying to warn you.

- There's a--
- A what?

A ghost coming to get me?
A bogeyman?

I am fully aware of
the old relic that approaches.

And I am prepared to fight him.

You can't fight him.

You don't understand,
you've got to run.

He's not just some old relic,
he's mister mondo bad evil guy.

A very powerful demon.

There ain't no way
you can take him.

Do you forget
to whom you speak?

I am the daughter
of Oroku Saki.

I am the Shredder.

And the next time I see you,

I will be your doom!

That went well.

patch us into the lair.

[electronic chimes]

How do I access
this idiotic contraption?

You already did, Ancient One.


[Leo] Master Splinter,
Karai isn't listening.

She's going to fight
the Shredder.

Well, that's the end of her.

Then we must try to save her
from her own folly.

She has some karmic role
to play in all of this.

I am sure of it.

Continue as we planned,
we must get her out of there.

Ancient One and I will meet
you at the appointed place.

Avoid confronting
the Shredder,

and be careful,
my sons.

"Avoid confronting
the Shredder," he says.


[thunder and lightning]

This is the usurper's fortress.



I expected to find warriors
here, not school children.

Go home to your mothers,
little ninja.

[foreboding music]

At last, a chance to display
some real power.

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles ♪

Hold the line, these demons
must not be allowed to pass.

This tries my patience.

Is there no one here

that can present
even the slightest challenge?

He's through
our initial defenses, mistress.

Deploy the tech ninja

with Chaplin's new mystic
defense armaments.

We shall attempt
to slow him a little.

the mayor is on Line 3.

Connect us.

I can't keep my people back
much longer, Miss Saki.

It's mayhem over at your place.

I will sort out my own affairs,
but I need more time.

I am counting on you,
Mr. Mayor.

There will be an extra deposit
in your Swiss account.

Oh. Well, take as much time
as you need.

I'll think of something.

[brakes screech]

Whoa, this looks worse
than your room, Mikey.

[Leo] Karai's forces
have been crushed.

Time is running out.
Let's move.


Karai, it is time to face
the one true Shredder.



Today's pleasures are mine.

[shimmering magical noise]

[all groan]

Surrender, and I may spare
some of your pathetic lives.

[electronic blast]

[supernatural blasting]
[groaning in pain]


Parlor tricks,

but it won't be nearly enough
to stop me.

Commence containment.

Set all inter-plasmic
generators at max power.





Show yourself, Karai.

Get me Doctor Chaplin.

Status report, Doctor.

I'm just making some
last minute calibrations

on the weaponry, mistress.

we have had months to prepare.

You should be finished.

This is delicate work.

Nobody's ever tried
this kind of magic tech before.

It's taking some time.

Time is one thing
we do not have.

Ready your men and get here.

The fight is upon us.

Will you hide forever, Karai?

I hide from no one, relic.

Your time passed long ago.

Go crawl back into the grave
where you belong.

With every word,

you call upon yourself
an evermore terrible fate.

My fate will not
be determined by you.

[Leo] Karai, wait!

Don't fight him, run!

Dispose of those creatures.

[battle music]

I have business
with the imposter.

[magical glowing noise]

[sword swings]



[evil laughter]

Tell me again why saving Karai
is such a good idea.

To be honest, Raph, I'm not so
sure that it is anymore.

Now, Acolytes,

join your beloved Tribunal
in the afterlife!