Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003–2010): Season 5, Episode 4 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - full transcript

More Worlds Than One: The Turtles and company continue their training under the Ninja Tribunal, learning to fight in the physical as well as mental and spiritual worlds.

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The Ninja Tribunal calls me
Leonardo Splinter-san

and I feel honored that
they have chosen me as
one of their Acolytes.

But so far, it's been
a lot of work...

[ growling ]

...for very little payoff.

For what seems
like an eternity,

we've trained with
the Ninja Tribunal.

Learning their disciplines,

learning to fight with
our minds and spirits

so we can help prevent
the return of a great evil,

the original demon Shredder.

[ grunts ]

My brothers,
even my fellow Acolytes,

have all been mastering
their lessons.

They've all been granted
incredible weapons.

I haven't been so lucky.

Of course, I keep hoping that
all of this will get better.

But, really, that might be
hoping for a little too much.

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Turtles, count it off!

1, 2, 3, 4!

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ Mutant chain reaction

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ Never let us down

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ Ninjutsu action

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ It's a shell of a town

Turtles, count it off!

- One!
- ♪ Leonardo's always
in control ♪

- Two!
- ♪ The wise guy
is Michelangelo ♪

- Three!
- ♪ Donatello, he's
the brains of the bunch ♪

- Four!
- ♪ Count on Raphael
to throw the first punch ♪

- ♪ I love bein'
- ♪ I love bein'

♪ I love bein' a turtle

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Turtles, count it off!

1, 2, 3, 4!

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ There's no one better

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ Watch out for Shredder

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ They're like no others

- ♪ Turtles!
- ♪ Those teenage brothers

- 1, 2, 3, 4!
- 1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[ echoing ]
♪ Turtles, Turtles

Strength of body when
combined with strength

of mind and spirit,
can move mountains.

Alone, however,

the body shatters against
rock like a brittle twig.

Yeah, but paper beats rock and
rock beats scissors, right?

Of course, scissors beats
paper and paper beats, uh...


Isn't she dreamy?


[ grunts ]

Sure. Dreamy like
a Panzer tank.

Oh, I don't know.

Give her a shell,
add a touch of green,

you might have something.

Son of Splinter!



Now strike me with
all of your strength!

Um, this is gonna end
in me getting my shell
kicked, isn't it?


The body alone
shatters against rock.

[ grunts ]


[ growls ]




Nice work, Mikey.

I think you've got her
on the ropes.

[ laughs ]

Stand, Acolytes!


These Stone oni are
powerful and near impervious.

To defeat them will take
more than mere muscle.

It is time to see if you can
use what I have taught you.

Focus on your inner strength!

You ready to shatter
some mountains, Banrai?

I said inner strength!

No weapons.

Huh? You gotta be
kidding me!

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Oh, man, no weapons?

There's always a catch!

Fight, warriors!

[ grunting ]


[ grunting ]

Any ideas?

Oh, yeah.

It's shell-kicking time!

[ grunts ]

Coming about, Joi!



Okay, I'm focusing,



But I was focusing!

Come on! Come on!


[ grunts ]


I... I...

I just thought it
through and...


[ grunts ]


The lesson ends!

Raphael, Tora Yoshida,

Donatello, Joi Reynard.

You have all done well.

The rest of you,

your focus and discipline
are poor.

You will do well to meditate
on your utter failure here!

Hey! Don't I at least get
a gold star for good effort?

I stayed conscious!

Uh, how did I do?
Was Chikara impressed?

You did great, Adam.

Yeah, Chikara's probably
gonna ask you out now.





Do not let
Chikara-Shisho's beauty

or lack of yelling
deceive you.

She is one of
the harshest of the Shisho.

Ancient One, I'm not
sure the Tribunal

is happy
with my progress.

Yeah, Chikara wanted to
dropkick me off that mountain!

The Ninja Tribunal would
not waste their time

on students who
were not worthy.

You are both doing well.

You, Leonardo,
they are hardest on

for in you, they
see much potential.

They expect you to rise to
their challenge, as do I.

Thank you, Ancient One.

Yeah. I wish you were training
us instead of the Tribunal.

And who do you think
trained me, Michelangelo?

No! Not again!

Not again!

[ horse neighs ]

[ laughing ]



Night after night,
the same vision!

Master Yoshi, please tell me
how to protect my sons

from this coming darkness.

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[ panting ]

Chasing Hisomi isn't exactly
boosting my morale!

I'm getting tired
of failing!

Ah, my friend, so am I.

What are you
talking about, Faraji?

You're doing great.

You were given one of
the Fangs of the Dragon.

You're the most
skilled warrior here.

Ah, but I am not.

I failed Chikara-Shisho's

As I am failing
Hisomi-Shisho's right now.

You're kidding!

You're gonna put
missiles in it?

That's great!

Oh, I know. It'll have
armor plating.

A communications center and
be fully remote accessible.

Man, that's awesome!

You could make
the trunk pop open

and have a rocket
engine back there.

You should call it...

Turtle Taxi.

Good idea!

Um, we're not gonna
catch Hisomi today, are we?

I don't see that happening.

Move it or lose it, slowpokes!

How does he do it?

Okay, Tora, you and me!

We're gonna figure this out
and we're gonna catch him!

Perhaps if you ran as fast as
you talk, you would do better!


We just have to remember
what Hisomi said about
stealth and movement.

Well, what he mimed
about them anyway.

See it happen!

Picture myself there!

And Chikara said,
if I focus my chi...



[ laughs ]

I am never gonna hear
the end of this!

While you walk on this earth,

your spirit walks
in another world.

What you see with your eyes is
only one plane of existence.

What you feel with
your heart and chi,

that is the world
of the spirit.

To truly combat
the coming evil,

you must be able to manifest
your spirit as an avatar.

A what now?

The spirit avatar taps into
a warrior's deepest soul,

manifesting a true totem of
each warrior's inner being.

Each of the members of
the Ninja Tribunal manifest

a dragon, the ancient symbol
for wisdom and strength.

The Dragon is
a very rare avatar.

The Dragon.

Let us see what lies hidden
in your hearts, young warriors.

Meditate on your
inner spirit.

Make it manifest.

Oh, more meditation!

Ah! Who invented this pose?

I think I'd meditate
better lying down!

[ grunts ]

Quiet your mind
to unleash your spirit!

Observe Tora-Yoshida.

His avatar manifests.

[ growls ]

The Wolf represents
ferocity and speed.

Behold Adam's avatar.

The Bear
represents strength.

Well done, Joi Reynard.

The Hawk represents

and Faraji Ngala
manifests the Lion.

Symbol of honor and courage.

Well, I'm feeling
like a dud.

With concentration and training,

you will soon
be able to meld

your worldly form
with your spirit totem.

You will actually
become your...

[ gasps ]

A Dragon!

for one so young!

It seems we were
right about you.

- All right!
- Yeah!

There is more to you
and your brothers

than at first seems
apparent to the eye.

Kon, ready the Acolytes!

The second artifact
has been found!

Heed me well, Acolytes!

It is of the utmost
importance that you secure

this second artifact.

If it is returned safely
here to the Lap of the Gods,

the Shredder's minions
will be unable to
resurrect their master.

But be warned.

I sense that an
ever-shifting evil awaits you.

Great. No pressure or nothing!

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

1, 2, 3, 4!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Ah, there, the passageway
to the second artifact.

We must secure it
at any cost.

But beware.

This is the warren
of the Nezumi.

Nezumi? A rat?

We have to fight rats?

Dude, your sensei
is a Nezumi.

The Nezumi is
a shape-changing Tengu with
a taste for living flesh.

So, remember
your training!

There! Is that
the second artifact?

What gave it away?

The freaky altar or
the mountain of skulls?

[ squeaking ]

This is a trap!

Trap? I hate traps!

[ growling ]


[ squealing ]

We should bring Hisomi
with us more often!

Rise again, my brothers!

Engulf the Tribunal
in our darkness!

Acolytes, attack!

[ shouting ]

Byakko, go!

I'm a mean, green
beat-down machine!

It's shell-kicking time!


Inazuma, attack!

I love being a turtle!

[ grunts ]


[ growls ]

Now you become food!

The Master will reward me!

I don't think so, Tengu.

[ screaming ]

[ gasps ]

Is that...?

The Shredder's gauntlet!
The second artifact!

You have done well.

Perhaps there is hope yet.

All is ready.


Soon the Master will be free!