Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003–2010): Season 5, Episode 12 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - full transcript

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[Splinter] We have fought
many battles before.

But the one ahead of us
is for nothing less than a fate
of the entire planet.

The original Shredder
has risen and

he has turned New York city
into a dark citadel

that swarms with
his vile minions.

It is here that the fate of the
world will be decided.

It is here that the final
confrontation has begun.


Fighting alongside my sons
are the forces we have gathered.

Miraculously, the Acolytes have
returned to fight for the cause.

The Justice Force,
our stalwart ally,
is here as well.

[hard thump]

The hour is so desperate, that
even former enemies are with us.

Stockman and Bishop.
Hun and the Purple Dragons.

Along with Chapman
and his magic weaponry.

We fought our way into the
Shredder's chamber.

But alas, the Dark One was able

to repel even "this"
mighty alliance.


We require a larger arena.

The Shredder transported
all of us.

And my sons and I were
separated, leaving me

deeply troubled.

For I have seen horrors come to
pass in my dreams.

And now, those dreams...

those nightmares
are becoming real!

[fighting grunt]

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Turtles!
Mutant chain reaction ♪

♪ Turtles!
Never let us down ♪

♪ Turtles!
Ninjitsu action ♪

♪ Turtles!
It's a shell of a town ♪

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One!
Leonardo's always in control ♪

♪ Two!
The wise guy is Michelangelo ♪

♪ Three! Donatello,
He's the brains of the bunch ♪

♪ Four! Count on Raphael
To throw the first punch ♪


♪ I love being
[I love being] ♪

♪ I love being a turtle

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Turtles!
There's no one better ♪

[Karai] Watch out for Shredder!

♪ Turtles!
They're like no others ♪

♪ Turtles!
Those teenage brothers ♪

♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[Shredder] Prepare, all of you.

For a slow, agonizing end
to your small and

worthless lives.

All right. Let's not give him
an easy target.

Spread out and get ready.

Your friends are right
beside you.

Till the very end.

Remember the plan. We have to
try and weaken him by

separating him from his
helmet and gauntlet.

It's our only chance.

There are no chances left.
[horse whinny]

Commandos. Hit them with
everything you've got.

We don't have to be nice.

Remember, these are
undead ghouls.


[man] No! Get away! Get away!



[groans in pain]

[fighting grunt]

[groans in pain]



[laser gunshots]

[objects smash]

[groans in pain]

Commandos. Rally to me.

[laser gunshots]


- [groans]
- [fighting grunt]

[groans in effort]

[grunts in effort]


Sentry, hang on!

[rocks clankling]

[metallic clanking]

Silver Sentry,
what's happening?

We're losing!

[ominous music plays]


[groans in pain]

Forget this nonsense.
Nothing is worth
fighting demons. Huh?

Nothing except this!

If I gotta to risk my life,

I might as well be
rewarded for it.

[ominous music plays]




Mistress Karai!


Thank goodness you're all right!

Let me help you.

Help me!

[electric current cracking]


on your feet.

There's work to do.

Why can't I ever be left alone
to expire in peace?

Karai, you're alive.

Now if you haven't noticed,
we're losing.

You've got to use
your link with the Shredder

and continue your assault.

Stand back.

[high pitched laser beam sound]

You two, protect her.

I need to see if we have
any other forces left.

Doctor Stockman!

This is so great!

You and I are a team again.

Isn't it just so awesome?

Thrilling beyond words.

This day couldn't possibly
get any worse.

[laser shots firing]

[laughs wildly]

Here he comes.
Everyone, focus!

[sound of a horse's hoofs]


Run! But you can't hide!

Yeah! Bring it on!


[fighting grunts]

[grunts in effort]


[high pitched laser beam sound]

[groans in pain]

No way!


Rush him all at once!

[grunts in effort]


Aahhh... the Mystical
Fangs of the Dragon.

Children should not be allowed
to play with such powerful toys.

The consequences could be...




My sons!


[gasping and panting]

Huh? No!


No! It cannot be!

Not my sons! Not my sons!


No. My nightmare has come true.

My children...

they have all been...

This can't be happening!


Ancient One...


[screaming in pain]

No! Not you too!

[laughs wildly]
[in awe]

[horse whinny]

And you're next!

♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[ominous music plays]

Now, it is your turn to perish,

[horse whinny]


[fire roaring up]


[huge spark of electricity]

Huh? Master Yoshi?

[sound of a horse s hoofs]



[grunts in effort]

[air whooshs]

I do not know who you are.
But know this.

You shall suffer greatly
by my--

[screaming in pain]


My sons!

This changes nothing!

[sound of wind and lasers]

He's re-concentrating all
of his powers!

[laser gunshots]

Hold the line man!
Hold the line!

What's happening?
Why are they retreating?


[snarling and grunts in pain]



[chimes and sound of wind]

[massive wheel sound]

What's happening?

The Tengu Shredder is pulling
his energy back into himself.




Aawww crud!

[high pitched sound of beams]

[grunts in effort]

Everything's changing back.

Do you think...
Do you think it's over?

[laughs wildly]

Not by a long shot.

[high pitched sound of beams]


♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles! Turtles! ♪

♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles! Turtles! ♪


Now my sons, reach deep
within yourselves.

Manifest your avatars and fight!

We can do this. Remember what
the tribunal said.

We have to work together.

[laser beam sound]

[music playing]



[snarling and roaring]


[sound of flames]



I feel it. I have linked with
the Shredder's energy.

And now he'll pay!



[glass scatter]

[roaring angrily]


I guess this day
could get worse.

Dr. Stockman!



♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles! Turtles! ♪

♪ One! Two! Three! Four!

♪Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Turtles! Turtles! ♪


What? No!



[metal cracking]

[grunts in effort]

[metal cracking]



[high pitched sound of light]

[clink and shatter]


I will fight you

to my very last breath!

This demon is your very last

[grunts in effort]


Master Yoshi...


Wow! That was beyond amazing!

- We totally kicked shell bros!
- Yeah!

[helicopter propeller sound]

Come along Dr. Stockman

that brain of yours is still

And I'm not finished with
you yet.

It seems the pain
will never end.

[ominous music plays]



Well, looks like you did it.

You turtles saved the world.

And I thought that was our job.

We all did it... together!

Man! Am I glad you guys made it!

You better be. You owe us!

You have all done well.

We are very proud
of our acolytes.

You have done great things.

Hello?! Where'd you guys
come from?

Didn't we see you get destroyed?

Have you so soon forgotten
your first lesson?

Perception is not always truth.
All you think you know--

About this world. About

Even about reality itself.

All this and more
will be challenged.


There! My back is killing me!


Ah! Honored ones. I felt you
were near.

If you were so near?

Why didn't you jump in while we
were getting our shells kicked?

We knew that the karmic wheel
of fate had to turn unhindered

by our interference.

We were forced to let events
unfold as they should.

Yoshi's demise was a part
of that.

As was his coming here to
New York

as a guardian of the Utrams.
For without that,

You, Splinter, would not exist.

Nor would your sons.

What will the tribunal do now?

It is time for us to move on.

We would be honored, young one,

if you would join us
on the tribunal.

The honor, would be all mine.

Splinter. You are family.
I will miss you.

And I you, old friend.

And I trust you four will stay
out of trouble?

Hey! It's us! We hate trouble!

Of course you do! Heh!

What now Mistress?

It is a new day Dr. Chapman.

Let us see what it brings.

So? Who's hungry?

Michelangelo. My sons. Whatever
you would like, it is on me.

All of you, come! Let us
celebrate... together!