Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003–2010): Season 5, Episode 10 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - full transcript

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After long, tortured years

in forced slumber,
I've awoken to find
this world wanting

this boisterous, filthy,

and worst of all,
a breeding ground for weakness.

The pathetic ruler
of this place, the mayor,
lives here.

A silly little public throttle,
he knows nothing of true power.

But it is my pleasure
to educate him.

[foreboding music]





New York,
as the natives call it,

is better suited
to fall into the ocean,

than to hold the throne
of the emperor.


[evil laughter]

[demon grunts]
[the mayor] Ah, help!


it does hold a unique appeal.

There is great power here,
power which I shall use

to remake this world
in my own image!

I shall change all of it.

The Shredder Dynasty
begins anew


[evil laughter]

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Turtles!
Mutant chain reaction ♪

♪ Turtles!
Never let us down ♪

♪ Turtles!
Ninjitsu action ♪

♪ Turtles!
It's a shell of a town ♪

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One!
Leonardo's always in control ♪

♪ Two!
The wise guy is Michelangelo ♪

♪ Three! Donatello,
He's the brains of the bunch ♪

♪ Four! Count on Raphael
To throw the first punch ♪


♪ I love being
[I love being] ♪

♪ I love being a turtle

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Turtles count it off

♪ One, two, three, four

♪ Turtles!
There's no one better ♪

[Karai] Watch out for Shredder!

♪ Turtles!
They're like no others ♪

♪ Turtles!
Those teenage brothers ♪

♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[lightning crashes]

Father-- no!

The Shredder is--

Where am I?

Am I your prisoner?

No, more like my patient.

We weren't too sure
if you were gonna make it.

You saved me?

But, why?

If it were up to me,
I might not have,

but four guys I care for
very, very much seem to think

there's something about you
that's worth saving.

But if you try anything,
I'll slam you so fast
it'll curl your hair, sister.

[both gasp]


Yo, April, I found this bozo
sneakin' around back
trying to break in.

Oh, mistress,
you're all right.

We have to get out of here,
out of this city,

maybe even off the planet.
The resurrected Shredder
has made his move,

and there doesn't seem to be
any way of stopping him.

Things are about to get
very bad here.

[ominous music]

My sons, terrible nightmares
have plagued me
for some time now.

Oh, is it the one where
you have a killer math test,

and you show up late,
and you're not wearing
your shell?


Better to be silent
and be but a fool,

than open your mouth
and be you.

In the dream it is always night.

The coldest night
I have ever felt.

The Shredder rides a demon horse
through a twisted woods
somewhere in ancient Japan.

We are his prey.

In the face of his might,
we can only run.


[evil laughter]

I am helpless to stop him

as he slays each one of you,
my sons.

As he comes for me,

my master Yoshi appears.

Master Yoshi?

But before he can act,
the Shredder attacks.

I had hoped the dreams
would stop,

but instead,
they are getting worse.

The dream is in Japan,

Well this is New York City,
so it's all good, right?


Help April,
everything okay?

No, Leo, it's not.
Better get over here right away.

What the shell is that?

It is the end of life
as we know it.

♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Shredder's dark magic
is enveloping the city.

we must get to April's.

Hit it, Donnie.

Anyone wanna tell me
what's happening?

[Ancient One]
The Ninja Tribunal always said

that the evil Shredder
long ago transformed this world


into a reflection of his own
dark soul.

A world full of demons
and the undead,

a world of chaos and pain.

So you see, the Shredder
has begun the dreaded
transformation of the city.

And it's a safe bet
he won't stop until he's changed
the entire planet.

Not without additional energy.

The Ancient One and I
have meditated on this.

We have felt
massive fluctuations
in the city's lay lines.

Lay lines?

Yes, you see,

lay lines are hidden conduits
of mystic energy

that run throughout the planet.
They are the essence
of the earth's very spirit.

An uncommon number
of those lines converge
in New York.

Here, here, and here.

The keystones.
Chaplin, tell them what
we've discovered.

When the mystic ninja's escaped
Karai's control,

we did a lot of research
into their magic and they'd been
up to on the sly.

We learned that for decades
the Shredder's mystics
blackmailed city officials

into installing three keystones
around the city.

One in the Statue of Liberty,
one in the United Nations

and one at Manny's meats
in Northern Manhattan.
Great chops.

These keystones are magic
amplifiers of solid elemental

But now seeing
that the keystones are set on
junctions of lay lines,

whoever controlled them
would have control over
the mystic energies

of the whole planet.

In our training with
the ninja tribunal,

we learned that energy
is neither good, nor evil.

If the Shredder could make use
of the keystones,
then couldn't we?

Hmm. If we were to access
the keystones before
the Shredder,

and focus our energy into them,
perhaps we can reverse the spell

and cripple Shredder
in the process.

Whatever we're doin',
we better start doin' it.

And fast.

All right,
we've three procurement teams,
one for each keystone.

Now let's sound off
to make sure we're all online.

Check-- Mikey and I
are on the way.

Donnie here with Splinter.
Wish we could give you
more data on

what these keystones look like,

but we just don't have any.

However, we do know this,
when we find them,

we've got to blast them
with everything we've got
at the same time.

Roger that Donatello.

Chaplin and I are online
and ready to coordinate
the timing from here.


We're in the U.N. April,
we'll let you know when
we locate the keystone.

We're almost at
the Statue of Liberty, April.

We'll call in once we've found
the keystone.

I am still unsure as to why
I am here.

First and foremost,
so I can keep an eye on you.

After what you've done
to me and my family,

I'm not exactly
in a trusting mood.

I've had a dream about you.

It made me think that
Master Splinter was right

when he says that all Shredders
are connected on some level
of energy.

I don't pretend
to understand it, Karai,

but if you can help us
fight the demon Shredder,

then you're going to help us.
We're going to need every
advantage we can get.

Do you sense it as well,

The reptiles,
the old one, and the rat

and that wretched Karai

all approach the keystones.
Shall we tell the master?

And suffer his wrath
from disturbing him?

Yes we must deal with it

Then let us awaken
the wardens.

Okay, we're uptown,
we're almost at Manny's Meats.

Yo, April, we're comin' up
on the third keystone.

Or, at least we're supposed
to be.

[sniffs and grimaces]

I've heard of black magic,
but this is "blech!" magic.

Whoa, what a stench.

More like Manny's Moldy Meats.

I think I'm gonna go vegetarian.

Well the Ancient One said
when we got close enough,
we'd feel it.


and I think it's feeling us too.
This was a piece of cake.

This was gonna be so easy.

[both groan]

You and your big mouth!


♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Well, here we are.
Gotta find that keystone.

There's nothing here.

At least nothing
out of the ordinary.


[Ancient One]
I think you spoke too soon,

And I think we're about to have
company as well.


[all gasp]

That keystone should be around
here someplace.

Whoa. I'm guessing this is it.

Now to harness it's energy.

Hurry, I sense--

Donatello, move!



Um, sensei, any advice?

Yes my son, hit it.

Very, very hard.

How are we doing on time,

If my calculations are correct,

we have one minute
and 42.5 seconds until

the Shredder's dark energy
reaches the keystones.

That's not long.

Guys, guys-- we've only got
a minute and a half to do this.
Is everyone in place?

Yeah, in place and about
to be slammed by a wind warden!




Well, guess the good news
is I'm back to where
the keystone is.

Outta the way!

Of course, the bad news is
we're gonna get crushed

if we stand still long enough
to start the magic energy

That's nice-- move!


[fighting efforts]







The furnace!
We have to get past
and extinguish it's inner fire.





Finishing mood time,
if I could just get a two second

I will distract the beast.
Donatello, get ready.



Yes, that is right.
Over here.

Donatello, now!

Unleash the cleaving wind!

[suspenseful music]

Now, Mikey,
give 'em your finishing move!

Go, go!



Give 'em shell!


High three Raphy, boy.


Not good.
He's got us cornered.

♪ One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

♪ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[both scream]


I am so glad we have a truce.

A temporary truce.

Fight with the fire
of the dragon king!



Guys, hurry.

The Shredder's dark energy
is going to reach you
in 16 seconds.

When I say go,
focus everything you have
into the keystone.

[magical ringing]

Go, go, now!

Don, it's almost at the U.N.

It's now, or never.
You've got to do exactly
what Leo did.


Mikey, Raph, you're up.




You did it!
It's working.

Way to go, everyone.


What have you done?
Somebody's blocking my power.

What is happening?

We did not wish to disturb you.

The turtles,
they found the keystones, and--

They discovered the keystones
and you chose not to tell me?




I shall punish you later,

but first, my power's
being threatened--
this will not stand.





Master Splinter,
what just happened?

We have lost this battle.

Come, let us regroup.

We must find another way
to fight the Shredder.

Fools, to think that they
could actually stand against me.

Do they not realize who I am?

This city is mine.
And soon, the world.

[evil laughter]