Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 5, Episode 17 - Teen Wolf - full transcript

Scott and the pack try to use a charity lacrosse game to figure out the identity of the Beast.

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Previously on Teen Wolf...

- What is it?
- It's just a kid underneath?

Someone like us.

You wield the sword,
but the fox wields you.

I should've stayed in
the desert with the Skinwalkers.

- You can stop it.
- I can't!

I was part of an
E-O-D team in Afghanistan.

It's called a Hellhound.

You've got a resistance to fire.

How flame retardant are you?

It happens every night.

I don't know when and I
don't know what triggers it,

but at some point every night, I leave.

When I come back, I find
burned clothes and blood.

If I didn't know certain
things, I'd call it sleepwalking.

But I'm not just wandering out the door.

I'm heading out with purpose.

I'm searching for something.

That's why I need you to follow me.

I need to know where I'm
going and what I'm doing.

If people are getting hurt because of me...

If I'm adding to the body count...

I have to know.

When I wake up at night,
when it takes over,

I want you to follow me.

And if you have to...

I want you to stop me.

He's headed to the school.

Why's Parrish headed to the school?

It's not Parrish. At least not right now.

Okay, why's a Hellhound
going to the school?

Cause he's got a yearning
for higher education.

Liam, Hellhound's at the school,
so, we're going to the school.



Where's Parrish?

I lost him. He's moving too fast.


That guy's not moving at all.


Help me.

It's a trap.


You can't help him.

That's big. No one said it was that big.

I did.

What the hell's happening?

It's getting smarter.

I'm headed in for my shift.

You guys think you'll
be okay for the night?

Do we really need to do this?

Deaton said the Desert Wolf
can't get her power back

unless she comes for me on a full moon.

Just because there are
rules to taking power

doesn't mean she plans to follow them.

Yeah, well, I've come up
with a rule of my own...

Never be too careful.

I can't believe we're supposed
to play a lacrosse game tomorrow.

I actually forgot until I saw the banner.

We're totally out of practice.

I know.

We're probably going to lose.

We're not going to lose.

So you're just going to leave?

What about your parents?

They barely noticed when
I died the first time.

Look at this...

This is life in Beacon Hills.

This is what happens.

It doesn't hurt.

It's just taking forever to heal.

But you are healing.

Maybe it's taking longer
because of how bad you were hurt,

but it's happening.

I mean, look at you.

You can make yourself invisible...

You're fast. You're strong.

People like me need people
like you to save our asses.

I need you.

No, you don't.

You're too smart to need anyone.

And it's the smart ones who always survive.

Then survive with me.

Look, Scott's going to have a plan.

They always do.

A couple of weeks ago, he brought
Hayden in here with cell phone jammers

to block the frequency
of the Dread Doctor...

Follow me.

It's frequency.

Every time the Beast shows up.

Liam and Hayden saw it at
the cell transmission towers.

The attack downtown happened right
near the radio astronomy observatory.

Uh, Deaton was attacked by
the Beast at an army base

which has huge radar arrays.

Still not getting it.

The Beast always shows up
near a transmission source.

What if that's how the
Dread Doctors are doing it?

By broadcasting a
high-frequency transmission.

So we should be looking for
some sort of transmission?

We don't have to look.

While tonight's game is a charity event,

we hear Devenford Prep and Beacon
Hills have a long-standing rivalry.

Devenford always plays to win,

but especially when it's for charity.

And especially when 100% of the proceeds

go to the winning team, isn't that right?

Which is why we'll be 100%
kicking Beacon Hills ass.

Tickets still available for purchase.

This is Kathleen Cassidy for KQNB.

The local news always covers the game.

There could be two, maybe three vans.

All of them transmitting.

Are you saying that thing's
going to be out there tonight?

I'm saying... People are going to die.

A lot of people.

Mason said it's not just to
transmit a frequency.

It's high powered.

Like it has to be
a really strong signal.

And that's causing it to shift?

No. I don't think it's just that.

Last night Argent said
that it's getting smarter.

What if the Dread Doctors are
trying to make the Beast grow faster?

- With frequencies?
- No, by shifting.

The frequency is just the trigger.

The important part is when
it shifts into the werewolf.

- Like Peter.
- Right.

Yeah, when Peter was an Alpha,

he got stronger every full moon.

Eventually, the burns healed
and he was back to normal.

So the Dread Doctors don't
want to wait for the full moon.

They want the Beast to be as strong
as possible, as fast as possible.

Because of Parrish.

So if this is happening tonight,

what are we going to do?

Uh, we've got one clue to go on.

This came from the hospital.

Whoever's lurking inside the Beast

is wearing a size 10 of indeterminate make.


Means, it's a partial print.

Basically, it was all we were able to get

considering all the
fire, blood and carnage.

How many size 10s are out there?

Only one with Parrish's blood on the sole.

So are we going to try
to get the game canceled?

No, no, we're going to play,

but we're just going to hope really hard

that it doesn't turn into
a blood-soaked massacre.

Okay, but, um...

Aren't we kind of missing out
on a chance to catch this thing?

We don't have the "who,"

but we have the "where" and the "when."

There's too many people.

And we still don't actually
know if it's going to happen.

It just might end up being
a regular lacrosse game.

It's possible, right?

That's absolutely possible.

So we're still getting the game canceled?

We're getting the game canceled.


Stiles, I'm... I'm not so sure
I actually have that authority.

You're the County Sheriff. You can't
cancel a high school lacrosse game?

It's a charity game

which generates tens
of thousands of dollars.

I'd have to go to the school board

with evidence of a credible threat.

A giant werewolf might rampage
across the field killing people.

That's an incredible threat.

Look, we're going to have
a presence at the game already.

I'll double it, I'll triple it.

Triple... Dad, quadruple it.

Octuple it.

There's always a person who
could forfeit the game...

The Coach.

Not when you're stuck with a
substitute who's strictly by the book.

What about Finstock?

Rehab for the last seven months.

Maybe it's time to check on his progress.

Oh, my...


Hey, Coach,
it's Scott and Stiles.

Coach, You're in rehab.
You didn't have a lobotomy.


Don't you touch it.

I've got Nurse Gonzalez by the balls

of the last three moves
and she knows it.

Let it go. You're checking
out of this place now.

Not a chance.

Okay, Coach. But, we know you're fine.

I have a debilitating disease.

It's called "I'm not going to take
another arrow to my stomach-phobia."

Look it up.

Nobody's shooting arrows at anyone, okay?

We just need you to coach the charity game.


Charity? Not a chance.

How exactly have you been conning
them into letting you stay here?

I, uh... I have relapses.

It's... It's serious.

I've had seven of them.

So once a month?

Yeah, you see, uh, every time they
are just about to discharge me,

I relapse.

And no one's noticed that pattern?

I have phenomenal health insurance.

So why don't you guys
get the hell out of here.

I hate charity games.

They're meaningless.

I don't think the charities would agree.

What's it for this year? Cancer.

For or against? Against,
Coach. Deeply against.

Yeah, okay, well, I'm
deeply not interested.

Coach, we need you.

I will never coach there again.

That's okay. Because we don't
actually need you to coach the game.

We need you to forfeit.

Ah, he's healing.


Can you tell us what you remember?

Just bits and pieces.

Moments when I caught up with it.

What else do you remember?

I was losing.

You said you could help him.

We have an idea or two.

We've been wondering if resolving
this internal conflict you're having

could help resolve the external
one you're losing against the Beast.


it's time you and your alter ego,
all had a proper introduction.

How are you going to do that?

With this.

It'll bring your body
temperature down to a level

that would kill a normal human being.

Why down and not up?

Something happens to someone like you

when the body cools to
extreme temperatures.

Everything slows down. The heart, the mind.

It lets you consciously access a part
of you that's usually unconscious.

The supernatural part.

But that's dangerous, isn't it?

Well, it's far less dangerous

than if the Deputy can't
evolve to face the Beast.


Well, the Beast is not
just getting smarter.

Imagine it this way...

Each night, the teenage Chimera...

The success.

This teenager goes out into
the night and transforms.

Whether it's a young man or young woman,

they become a werewolf.

A very large, very powerful werewolf

the people of Gevaudan called The Beast.

Every night it transforms,

it remembers a little
more of who it used to be.

It yearns for its identity.

Its name.

Not just the Beast of
Gevaudan, but the man.

The Man of Gevaudan who wants to live too.

He wants to exist.

So imagine that one night

the teenager goes out and transforms again.

But when the Beast transforms back,

the Man of Gevaudan stands there instead.

Fully realized.

Alive once again.

That's what Valack meant.

He said, "When the Beast remembers,

"the teenager would be gone."


Like, no longer exists?
How's that even possible?

Forget I asked.

Mason you know your part...

Corey and I break into the
Devenford Bus and search their shoes.

I take out the TV vans.

Right before the whistle,
Coach forfeits the game.

The rest of us are looking for
a size 10 with a bloody sole.

Just out of curiosity...

What if it doesn't work?

What if we have to go
up against this thing?

I mean, I hate to bring up bad memories

but Scott's still healing
from what Theo did to him.

No, he's not.

She's right.

It happened the night we got
Lydia out of Eichen House.

I healed.

When were all together again,

when we were a pack.

The Beast doesn't have a pack.

Not like us.

We can do this, guys.

No one dies tonight.

Hey, Coach, now is the, uh,
time to forfeit the game.

Now's the perfect time to forfeit the game.

You gotta... Coach.


I've never forfeited a
game and I never will.

Get on the field.

Okay, it's fine. Malia's still going to
take out the wiring on the TV vans.

And we have an hour and a half to try to
find someone with blood on their shoes.

One person out of 400.

What if we
call in a bomb threat?

You remember the bomb threat
at the airport three weeks ago?

Yeah, of course I do.
It was all over the news.

I see your point.


My sister's got the bleachers covered.

Okay, let's just try to do it quiet...


No blood.

You see a name on the bag?


"Martinez, B."

Well done!

You think she's playing a tad aggressive?

We might have a problem.

Is he okay?

Talk to him.

This part is for you, Lydia.

You're the one who can reach him.



Okay. Who am I talking to?

Cerberus. Garmr. Black Shuck.

I've had many names.

How about Jordan Parrish?

Do you know who I am?

The Banshee.

What about Jordan Parrish?

Why is it you and not him?

What happened to Parrish?

Jordan Parrish died.

There is no Jordan Parrish.

That girl is damn serious about charity.

Kira, maybe you should ease
up on the other players.

I'm trying to win.

But you didn't even have the ball.

Stay out of my way.

Go with the back-up plan?

Go with the back-up plan.

Down... Set...

Not so tough now, are you?

You! You're done. Get off the field!

That was perfect. Thanks, dude.



I prefer "Mom."




Okay Kira, maybe we
could just talk this out?

To be honest, I'm totally
up for killing you right now.

But I've got other priorities.

I can see that.

Got something against the local news?

Somebody about a broadcast you didn't like?

Somebody's about to.

And since I know you're not going to
try to kill me until there's a full moon,

get out of my way.

People are going to die.

People die every day, sweetheart.

Stop calling me that.

You don't get to call me sweetheart.

All right.

What if there's a compromise?

What if you come with me?

We can try to solve our little predicament

and maybe I start calling you "daughter."

I'm going to kill you.

You're definitely my daughter.

I thought we'd exhausted
all the possibilities?

According to Lydia, Valack
said there's got to be another.

Specifically another genetic Chimera?

Someone with two sets of DNA?

Someone we overlooked.

Someone with blood on a size 10 shoe.

25 pairs of shoes. No blood.

We should go.


What's wrong? Nothing.

I'm okay.

Come on.

We're getting crushed.

It's okay.

All we need to do is give
the others enough time.

Like I said. No one's getting hurt.

Except for us.



Won't you stop? What are you doing?

Friend of yours? Girlfriend.






Oh, my God.

What did I do?

Time out.

We need more time. You got to stop scoring.

You don't think I've been trying?

You guys suck. You suck so bad,

it's impossible to lose against you.

So what are we supposed to do?

Try not sucking.



I'm with you.


I'm with you. All of you.

Because you're right about Scott.

Whatever happens next...

I want to be with you.

Let's go.

Something's wrong. I don't
think Malia's got all the vans.

Then we'll get her more time.

How the hell are we going to do that?

We'll even up the score.

Once again... How the hell
are we going to do that?

Just get me the ball.


You really think you're going
to make a difference, don't you?

Who are you trying to save out here?

A bunch of random people?

Your little high school friends?


This is a good start.



What are you talking about?

How is Parrish dead?

He's a body. A means to an end.

I am beyond life and death. I am infinite.

I have no use for your Deputy.

But we do. We need him.

Your Deputy won't kill the Beast.

Neither will you.

I'm a harbinger of death too.

I know people are going to die.

And if you do not let Parrish in,

he will die too.

You'll die!

You have a chance with Parrish.

You need him.

Lydia, tell him to remember.


Tell him to remember
the moment Parrish died.

When did he die?

When I was born.

Are you all right?

I know who I am.

I know what I have to do.

I have to leave.

That's overtime!

Get up, idiot.

We could win this thing.

You want to do this now? Fine.

It's him, isn't it?

That's the one.

We're back up.

Perfect. This thing's a nail-biter.

Let's roll tape.

Should've stayed in rehab.

Oh God, what was that?

Something bad. Very bad.

Liam. Liam, wait!

What... What was that?