Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 4, Episode 7 - Weaponized - full transcript

A frantic call to the CDC has everyone paranoid, especially since it was designed to target werewolves. Scott, Malia and Kira lock themselves in the Hale vault, unaware of their salvation within their grasp.

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Previously on Teen Wolf...

I know a little
about this pack.

Their Alpha is a woman
named Satomi.

They have a kind of
secret meeting place
in the woods.


PARRISH: Meredith's gone.
They found her an hour ago
in her room.

Peter and Malia?
Father and daughter.

We should probably
count it.




entering the IP address,
you will be connected

through a Darknet portal
to an untraceable bank.

Once logged in, enter your
account number to receive
wire transfers.

The IP address will deactivate
with each transfer.

You will be assigned
a new IP address

if you choose to continue
down the list.

Remember, visual
confirmation is always
required for payment.

You ever made
a wire transfer?

Never had enough money.
So you didn't understand
a word of that either?

I don't understand
any of this.

Why would someone
use all this money
just to kill us?

Someone wants
you dead, dude.

Whoa, whoa,
what are you doing?

It's late. We've got
the PSATs in the morning.

No, I meant the money.

You know how much
money that is?

It's 500,000...
It's half a million
dollars. Scott.

What are you going
to do, just slide it
under your mattress?

I have to talk to Derek.
The money's his.

You mean
his and Peter's.

What does that mean?
It means maybe we should
proceed with caution.

You don't think
we should tell Derek?



(SIGHS) No, of course
we have to tell him.
I'm just...

I'm just saying,
some of that money's
Peter's, right?

Right? Peter.

Homicidal killer?
Remember? You want to
give $500,000 to him.

So we should give
Derek his money back.
But not Peter?

I didn't say that.

Stiles, what are you saying?


We found Satomi's pack.

Derek and I.
But they're dead.

All of them?
All the ones we found.

Then where's Derek?

She's been shot!
I think she's dying.

You could have called,
Satomi- san.


Where's Lydia?
She's took it her
freshman year.

Does that mean
I could have taken it
some other time?

Malia, you studied harder
for this than any of us.

Doesn't mean I'm gonna
do good.


Well, what?

It's do well, not good.

Okay, okay.

You're doing this,

because while
we're trying not to die,
we still need to live.

If I survive high school,
I'd like to go to college.
A good college.

It's only three hours.
We can survive three hours.


Cell phone in the envelope,
Scott. You'll get it back
after the test.

SIMON: Please do not open
the test booklet until you are
instructed to do so.

This test is two hours
and 10 minutes.

There will be two 25-minute
critical reading sections,

two 25-minute math sections
and an essay writing portion
that will last 30 minutes.

There are supposed
to be two teachers
monitoring this exam.

I know. It's Coach.
He's not exactly punctual.

Um, let me just
try him again.


Oh, no.

(WHISPERING) Hey, get up.


Oh, Bobby.

15 years sober and you
fall off the wagon at school?

Coach, look at me.
It's Natalie.

Forget it.

I'll bring you some coffee
during one of the breaks.

15 years, Bobby.

I can't find him, but
Mr. Yukimura is upstairs
grading papers.

Do you want me to try him?

We have to start.
We can ask for his assistance
during the first break.

You may now open
your test booklets
and begin.



Are you all right?

I'm okay. I just
got kind of dizzy.

Sydney, how long
have you had this?

I don't know.

Ms. Martin,
do I need to stop the test?

No, um, it's fine.

Everybody stay in
your seats. I'll, um,
be back in a minute.

Nobody leaves the room.




Get back! No!

Do not come in here!
Get back outside!

Back to your seats. Now.


I need the number of the CDC.

Yes, the Center for
Disease Control.

Excuse me.
Can anyone tell me what
we're dealing with here?

Hopefully a false alarm.
The details provided
have concerned us

and your local
health authorities enough
to order a quarantine.

We're going to need your help
ensuring that no one gets in
or out of the school.

My son is in there.

Is this gonna be
a conflict for you?

Conflict? No.

Stressful? Yeah.

All right.
What happens now?

We isolate the sick and
then we wait for instructions.

If I'm wrong,
they'll be out of here
pretty quickly,

and then I'm the crazy
biology teacher who
panicked for nothing.


Hey. You're gonna be okay.

It's not that.
The PSATs,
the qualifying tests

for the National
Merit Scholarship.

My parents can't afford
to send me to college
without it.

Well, I'm sure they'll
let you take it again.

Bet they're thinking smallpox.

Not likely.

Smallpox was eradicated
worldwide in 1979.

We've only managed
to completely eradicate
two viruses in history.

The other was rinderpest.

It killed cows.

So we should be
comforted by that, right?

Unless it's something worse.


Whatever it is,
they're taking it
pretty seriously.

They're a lot of cars
and trucks out there.

Your dad's with them.

Hey, I should probably
call him.

Don't bother.

They would have shut off
any access to all outside
communication by now.

No cell service, no WiFi.
No one starting a panic.

Looks like we're all just
going to have to wait here
and see what happens.

How does it begin?
With fever.

Then shifting becomes

Fangs, claws, even full,
unwarranted transformations.

We moved into the woods
when that began.

Then it progressed
faster and faster.

They couldn't stand.

But worse than that
was this sudden blindness.

They couldn't see a thing.

From there, they had
only a few minutes left.

I'm going to be honest,
Satomi. We need to get him
to a hospital.

That's never really been
an option for our kind.

Unless you know
something I don't.

Not something,
but someone.




What's that?
We need to wake her up.

I thought you said
she needed to rest.

That was before I found out
the CDC just put the high
school under quarantine

with Scott and Stiles
still in there.



Braeden, look at me.

You were shot, but
you're in the hospital now
and you're fine.

Do you understand?

Good. Okay.

Last night you were
in the woods and you
came across another pack?

Do you know what
happened to them?

I told you,
they were poisoned.


No, they were infected.

It was a virus designed
to kill werewolves.

It did. It killed them all.

Scott? You've been in there
a long time, you all right?

Hey, you need to come back
with the others.



All right, Meredith.

I'm not sure how to do this.

I'm not a psychic.

And apparently I'm not
much of a banshee either.

But I'm trying to help
my friends.

I don't know if you
can hear me.

Or, uh,

what I'm supposed to ask you.

But if I have this thing,
it's got to work
some of the time.

It's gotta help someone.

Maybe what I really wanted
to say was...

I'm sorry.

I wish I could have
helped you.

I'm sorry.


Get Stiles.


Kira, do you ever
get the feeling that

Scott and Stiles
aren't telling you everything?

What do you mean?

Like they hide stuff.

I think if they did,
they probably have
a pretty good reason.

Do you know what
they're hiding in the bag
under Scott's bed?

What? No, I've never been
under Scott's bed.

Or in it. Just on it...
Wearing clothes.

Kira Yukimura.

You feeling
all right, Kira?

I don't like needles either.
I promise, it'll be fast.


Kira. Kira!

Excuse me.

Careful, Doctor. Slowly...

What happened in there?
I don't know, must have
been static electricity.

Any breach of the
interior layer, doctor?

It's okay,
it just broke the top layer.

Any verdict on what
we're dealing with yet?
My son's in there.

Your son and his son.
Great. You can debrief
each other.

I heard smallpox.
Any truth to that?

You want my opinion?

I don't think the Orphans
were the only professional
killers in Beacon Hills.

It's still happening.

I can't make them go back.

Obviously the virus is
affecting the two of you

in a way it won't hit
any human being.

You guys have to stay
out of sight. We have to
quarantine you

from the quarantine.

Yeah, but where?
I mean, what if
they get violent?

Like on a full moon.

We shouldn't stay in here.
Not in the locker room.

A classroom is not
going to hold us.

What about the basement?
Too many ways out.

We need something secure.
Somewhere nobody can find us.

The vault.

The Hale vault.
The Hales always have
an escape route.

Like their house.

There has to be
another way in.

This is where the school sign
is, so the vault's got to be
right about here.

I suppose if there's
a second entrance,

it would probably be
accessible from the basement.

It's probably somewhere
in this hallway.

Or this corridor.


It's happening to you too.

You're getting sick.
You all are.

I don't feel sick.

I think it's affecting
you differently,

I found your test answers here
in a pile with the others.


Hey, guys...

Over here.

Look at the cracks
in the wall.

Looks like the entrance
outside, it only opens
with claws.

Anyone's claws, right?


Malia, can you try?

Why me?

I don't have control.

Okay. I'll do it.

But first tell me
what you've been
hiding from me.


I know you think you're
trying to protect me,
but I can handle it.

I know I'm on the list.


So how much?
How much what?

How much am I worth?

Four million.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Scott's worth 25,

Kira, six.
They'll take you guys
out way before me.

(WHISPERING) Progress.


Okay. This isn't
happening at the
school, is it?

School? It's Saturday.

They're taking
the PSATs.

I think we need to hurry.




(ECHOING) You know,
this is where it
all started.

That's where the
money was.

117 million in
bearer bonds.

How do you even
change bearer bonds
into cash?

Bank, I guess.

They just let it
sit here the whole
time collecting dust.

You know bearer bonds
are basically extinct?

Why does it matter?

You know how many
problems that money
could solve?

For you?

Me. My dad...

The Eichen House and
MRI bills are crushing him.

Mom does this thing,

she writes down
all the items
in our budget,

and how much they cost,

then she adds them all up
and figures out how long
we have until...

We'd lose the house.

LYDIA: Sheriff!

Whoa, hey! I know this girl,
let her in.

(EXHALES) My mom's in there.
What's happening?

We're working on it.


They're looking for us.

Someone's going to
have to go out there.

We need to tell her
the truth about Peter.

She's going to see
the rest of the dead pool

Try to remember that
Peter is the one name
missing on that list.

Which either makes him
incredibly lucky with a

she finds out about him
she's going to go to him,
you know she is.

And then he's going to
twist his way into her head
like he does with everyone.

Including us.

We let him walk around
like nothing ever happened,

like he's one of the
good guys...

Scott, he's not
one of the good guys.

If she finds out
about him,
she's gone.

That's probably what he's
waiting for and if he wins,
we lose.

We're already losing.



I think I know
what this is.

Unfortunately, if I'm right,
and Scott and the rest
are infected, it's not good.

They're going to die
without an antidote.




I gotta leave
for a few, okay?

Where are you going?

Whatever's happening,
it's worse for you guys.

That means it's not
just people getting sick,

it's another assassin.





You're coming back, right?


Yeah, I'd never
leave you behind.



What are you
still doing here?

I'm protecting my

Got a lot of money
riding on you.


I think there's someone here
you've been trying to find.

As all this is still
very new to me,

and I don't know
how it works,
I still have to ask.

Do you have any kind of...


Any kind of
feeling about this?

Is someone in there
going to die?


And it's not just
a feeling.

It's a variant of
canine distemper.

A few years ago,
an outbreak in

killed 40%
of the wolf population.

What's it going to do
to our wolf population?

Well, it's been altered to
infect quite a bit faster.

You mean it's been weaponized?
It infected my whole pack.

Everyone except for you.

That's the real question.
Did you not get infected?

Or are you immune?

Stiles, you're not looking
so good, maybe you
ought to lie down.

It's okay, have you seen
Mr. Yukimura?

Yeah, he's fine, he's
helping the other students.


Is Coach the only adult
who got sick today?

As far as I know.

Why is he...


I think you should lie down.

Yeah, no, it's okay.
I'll be back,
I'll be right back.

DEREK: If your pack
was infected,

then who was doing all
the shooting at the entrance
to the woods?

Apparently another assassin.

Personally, I'd rather
face a gun than a
variant of smallpox.

Sounds like you're
going to get plenty
of chances.


I just noticed
how much you remind
me of Talia.

I used to visit
her a lot, you know.

Do you remember me?
I remember the tea.

You always brought that
tea that smelled terrible.

I brought that tea
as a gift.

Your mother loved it.

What kind of tea?

The tea with the smell,
what kind was it?

Reishi. Wild purple reishi.

It's very rare.

It's also a very
powerful remedy
for sickness.

Satomi, you didn't
get infected because
you've been inoculated.

Okay, okay.
How rare is it?

Can we find it?
We don't have to.

My mother kept
some of it.

It's in our vault.





I can't see.

I can't see anything.


SIMON: I was wondering
how that idiot
got sick.

I'm also wondering
where your friends are.

Since in order to get
paid by the benefactor,

I need to have proof
they're dead.

Visual confirmation.



(PANTING) What the hell
is going on?

The lesions are gone.
Can I take the test again now?


They're getting better.

They're all getting better.



What's happening to us?

Scott? I can't...

I can't see...

Still a bit feverish,
Mr. Stilinski.

But you should know something,

the virus doesn't kill humans,
you'll get better.

So don't you think
you should tell me
where they are?

Shouldn't one of you
get to live?

I think I saw them
in the library.

Or it might've been
the cafeteria. It was
definitely one of those two.

I'm going to count to three,

and then I'm going
to kill you.

Think you can
scare me?

No, I think
I can kill you.

I just thought the
countdown would
make it more exciting.







Where the hell
did you come from?

Stiles, listen. I got
a call from Melissa.

I don't know
what it means.

She said there's
an antidote.

It's in a vault,
reishi mushrooms.

Wait, what in a vault?
It's in a jar on one
of the shelves.

She said to tell Scott,
it's in the vault.

I have to get to the school.

What about the others
at Lookout Point?


I may have learned
to control my anger,

but I still know
when to use it.

STILES: Hey, Scott? Scotty?

In the vault,
in there with you.

Reishi mushrooms.

Scott, open the door!

It's in there with you.
It's in a jar,
it's on one of the shelves.


Scott, can you hear me?


Scott, I saw it.

In a jar on one
of the shelves.

(WHISPERING) Reishi...






Excuse us, excuse us.
Pardon me.

Mom. Mom!


I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry.

I was just

trying to get a
little overtime.


Hey, you all right?

