Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 4, Episode 10 - Teen Wolf - full transcript

Meredith is brought in for questioning, but refuses to talk to anyone but Peter. Stiles and Malia head over to the lake house wherein lies the dead-pool. Scott, Derek, Kira and some others take a stand against the assassins out for blood.

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DEREK: Previously on "Teen Wolf"...

Say you're sorry
for leaving me to burn.

If you can hear me, I need
you to give me a sign.


LYDIA: My grandmother
found Meredith.

She was controlling me.

He wasn't on my list.

He was a bad person.




Get up, Lori.
Come on. Run!





Wait, wait!

Lori, stop!

Brett, what's happening?

Close your eyes.




Kira found Brett.

They're fine but
we've got to go.

More assassins?

Maybe a lot more. Different than the
ones who just tried to set us on fire?

I think so, yeah.

How about I take you home?

I'm not like you.

Not yet.

I don't mean I'm not strong

or I'm never gonna learn
how to be in control.

I mean everything else.

You and your friends try
to protect everyone.

Have you been doing
this the whole time?

I mean, how are you
all still alive?

Not all of us are.

Let me at least
take you home.


STILES: I'm completely
and totally fine.


You completely and totally

have a concussion, Stiles.

Lie back down.

The doctor said you're not
leaving without a CT scan.

We still haven't paid
for the last one.

Oh, no, no, no.

Meredith is at the station.

Your dad said it
could take some time

but he will get her to talk.

Even if I let you go,
what would you do?

Okay, fine.

Can you do me one
little favor?

Anything. Can you get
me a tape player?

Like cassettes?
Yes. Tapes.

Yeah, I'll see what I can do.

Okay, tapes, though,



What did she say?
Hard to tell.

There were words. I'm not sure
there were actual sentences.


I think we need a psychologist...

Or a medium.

Is she even competent enough
to be charged with something?

If Meredith is The Benefactor,

then that means she
was competent enough

to trick Kate into
opening the Hale Vault,

competent enough to blackmail
Brunski into helping her,

and competent enough
to create a hit list

and pay out money
for its completion.

This girl's practically
a criminal mastermind.

There's gotta be a reason

why she would do this.
I'm only interested

in the "why," if it
tells me the "how."

You mean how to stop it.

After what happened to Scott
tonight, this thing's still going.

The payments could
be automatic.

And as long as the killers
are getting paid,

and paid very well, that list
is gonna keep getting smaller.

We don't just need to
stop the dead pool.

We need to stop the money.

Is your mom...

She's okay. Healing.

What about you?

Are you okay?

Right now? Very.

Did you find him?
Did you find Brett?

Actually, I think
I found all of them.

Satomi, this is who I was
telling you about.

I know who Scott McCall is.

Are we safe here?

We're gonna need help.

A lot of help.



I thought I told you
to go home.

I thought I told you
I wasn't going anywhere.

Did they get
anything out of her?

Should have gone
with the medium.

We went through everything
in Brunski's office,

and so far everything amounts
to pretty much nothing.

Did you not go home yet?

Not until Meredith
starts talking.

I promise she'll talk,

and when she does,
I'll let you know.

Trust me on this.
Everybody talks eventually.

Then let me try.

No, we've already
discussed this.

I've gotten through to her before.
Just let me try.

You find a tape player?

But I found someone
looking for you.

I heard you
almost got killed.

I heard you
almost got killed.

You okay?

Brunski punched me
in the face.

Turns out he was
a serial killer.

Makes sense.

What about you?

We almost got set on fire.

Everyone okay?

You okay?

I'm fine.

I'm gonna go.

You don't have to.

I should go.

It's locked.

Why would
she lock the door?

Uh... Hey, Melissa?


Melissa. I could break it.
How about you not?

I already owe this
hospital enough money.

Why would she
lock the door?

Maybe she didn't mean to.

You don't just
accidentally lock a door.

Okay, well, maybe, she
wasn't thinking, exactly.

Or wasn't
thinking it through.

You know, people
sometimes do things

without thinking them

Then she's stupid. No, even smart
people can do stupid things.

You know, 'cause they think
that it's the right thing.

And I don't think we should
hold it against her,

you know,
for the rest of her life!

Especially because she's tried
apologizing hundreds of times

through texts and voicemails.

Is she gonna keep begging?

She might.

I don't have much practice
in things like forgiveness.

Some things I'm
picking up fast.

But other things are like...

Like math?

I hate math.

You hate me?

I like you, Stiles.

I like you a lot.

I can work with that.



Wait! Wait!

Brett! This is his place.
It's his.

CHRIS: Scott...

If you bring in guests,
you could have called.

SCOTT: I didn't have
anywhere else to take them.

I know this man.

He may not remember,
but we've met before.

SCOTT: You can trust him.

I trust him.

How do we know he's
not like the others?

What others? Last night, there
was a whole team after them.

And they used crossbows.

They're hunters,
aren't they?

Not if they're
killing for profit.

Not anymore.

Can they find us?

They might already
know you're here.

Maybe they're
waiting for dark.

So we're not safe here?

We're not safe anywhere.

We've been trying
to get out for days.

Everywhere we turn, we find
someone new trying to kill us.

If they're coming, Scott,

they're coming for you too.

You're still number one
on the dead pool.

I know.

I know Lydia can get the
answer from Meredith.

She just needs more time.

Then that's what she'll get.

Let's go, Lorraine.

Listen to me.

Please listen.

There's something
I have to do,

something I have to stop.

BRUNSKI: I have to take you
back to Eichen, Lorraine.



I don't think you're gonna
be taking me anywhere.

I can hear the recorder
in your pocket.

It's on now, isn't it?

You're making a tape.

Just like you
taped the others.

This didn't happen
at Eichen House.

But then where did she go?

That's what we
need to find out.

I think I'm getting an idea
of how all this happened.

You used Brunski, right?

You knew he'd
killed people,

and that he
would do it again.

He used my grandmother's
code for the dead pool.

He put it online.

He took the money
from the Hale Vault,

then turned the bearer
bonds into cash.

He made the payments.

Was it Brunski's idea
to fake your death?

Did he get nervous
because you helped us

with one of
the cipher keys?

I wanted to help.

All you ever
wanted to do was help.

Is that why you're here?

I know you wouldn't want to be
here if you didn't want to talk.

I do.

But only to one person.



Peter Hale.


Back to Eichen, Lorraine.


I don't think you're gonna
be taking me anywhere.

That's it.
That's where it is.

Play it again
and turn it up.


No. No. I don't think you're
gonna be taking me anywhere.

I can hear the recorder
in your pocket.

It's on now, isn't it?

You're making a tape.

Just like you taped
the others.


It's the record player.

What record player?

The one in the lake house,
in the study.

So she escaped
from Eichen House

to go back to listen
to a record player?

Well, she was
like Lydia, right?

She was a Banshee?

Yeah, but only once.

She predicted Maddy's
death and then just spent

decades trying to
predict something else.

Maybe she finally did.

And what if this time,

it wasn't just one death,
it was a lot of deaths?

Like the dead pool.

What if all those years ago,
Lorraine predicted it?

And she knew there was something
in the study that could stop it?

Then we're going to
the lake house.



They'll be okay.

They've got claws and fangs.
But they're not fighters.

That's why I called you.

Well, try to remember I don't have
claws and fangs anymore either.

That's why he called me.

Am I the only one still hoping
this is all just a false alarm?

I mean, it's possible

we could wait here
all night and nothing happens.

Right? Scott, you heard anything
from Stiles or Lydia yet?

Lydia's still talking
to Meredith.

Stiles and Malia are
headed to the lake house.

They're trying to stop it.

What if there is
no stopping it?

What if it doesn't end
until we're all dead?

Then let's send a message.

Let's make something perfectly clear
to anyone with a copy of that list.

It doesn't matter if they're
professional assassins,

hunters, or an amateur
who just picked up a gun.

Anyone who thinks they can
hunt and kill us for money,

is gonna be put
on another list.

Our list.

They get to be a name
on our dead pool.


That's the girl
that stole my money?

That girl is a Banshee.

They're more dangerous than you think.
Oh, I think

that girl's pilot light
went out a long time ago.

Sheriff, not to question
the unquestionably

sterling reputation
of your department,

but are you absolutely sure

you got the one?

How about you
just go in there

and see what
she has to say?

Okay... Meredith,

where's my money?

Or more correctly,
what's left of it.

Let her go.

Let her go.

Why did you do that?

They're all gone.

LYDIA: Oh, my God.

They have met before.

MEREDITH: The burns.

They're all... gone.

I remember meeting you,

but you weren't
a Buddhist back then.

And you weren't
protecting werewolves.

You were hunting them.

Three things cannot
long be hidden...

The sun.

The moon.

The truth.

What exactly
does that mean?

The truth cannot
stay hidden.

I know what
the saying means.

What does it mean for you?

The truth for me

is that we,

my kind,

are violent creatures,

who eventually will not
be able to control

their violent impulses.

The mantra helps us
subdue our nature.

But you're still
violent creatures.

Aren't we all?


They're coming.

PETER: Meredith,
you put everyone,

including my nephew
and my daughter

on a death list.

Don't you think you owe us

the slightest
explanation of why?

You said it had
to be kept secret.

I said?

I said that to you?

You said it.

Allow me to remind you
yet again,

we have never met...

What is he doing?

You don't remember?

No. But maybe you do.

No, don't!


Get back!


Don't! Don't touch them.

If you break the bond you could kill them.
Both of them.

What are we supposed to do?

I, uh...

I don't know.

What the hell
is he doing to her?



Patient has been

non-responsive for
several weeks.

No sign of physical trauma, no
response to external stimuli.

Our feeling is the damage
is primarily psychological.


Do you hear that?

She's saying something.

Can you understand that?

I can.

I can hear perfectly.


She was in the hospital.

The same hospital.

Same as who?


Here we have a rather
extraordinary case.

Near fatal burn victim.

The interesting part is that
typically in a situation like this,

the coma is induced
medically as the pain is

normally too much for
the patient to bear.

We're not sure how Mr. Hale
became comatose, however.

His survival is honestly a mystery
we're still trying to solve.

Moving on.


LYDIA: It was
right after the fire.

Meredith could hear him.

Hear what?


She was hearing every
thought in his head,

like they'd somehow
found the same wavelength.

And now everything
going through his mind

was also going
right into hers.

STILINSKI: For how long?

LYDIA: Weeks.
Maybe even months.

It was almost like he was
standing right over her bed

talking about the fire.

About getting revenge.


I predicted this.

I told...

I told Talia this
was going to happen.

Something like this
was going to happen.

I said that they were
gonna come for us.

The Argents.
They're gonna come for us.

They are gonna
burn us to the ground.

Burn us to the ground.
Did she listen?

Of course not.

Did anyone listen?

They listened to her.

Yes! Say that everything
was going to be fine.

That we were all
perfectly safe.

(WHISPERS) Perfectly safe.

But she made us weak!
She made us weak.

And what happens
to the weakest in the herd?

They get picked off
by the predators!

We used to be
the apex predators.

Until Talia
turned us into sheep.

But I'll start over.

Like a vengeful God,

I will raze this earth
to the ground!

I will take out
all of them!

Not just the wolves,

but the Wendigos,

the Banshees,
every shape shifter.

I will obliterate the weak

and I will remake the
supernatural of Beacon Hills

in my image.

I won't have to do
any of it myself.

Because I'll hire people.

Professional killers.

People like The Mute.

The Chemist. Even...

Someone like the Desert Wolf.

I'll use the money
in the vault.

The bearer bonds.

I'll use every penny
if I have to.

I'll start with
the professionals,

and then maybe I'll
disseminate the list further.

No. No.

Not a list.

A dead pool.

Eventually everybody
will want a chance.

Anyone can become
a killer for the right price

because when it
comes down to it,

everyone can be
corrupted by money!


It was your idea
and you don't even remember.



What are we doing? This room
wasn't even made for us.

No, we need someone
like Lydia or Meredith,

and we're just sitting here

listening to a stupid
record player

play a record that
doesn't play anything.

Come on. There's
plenty of other things

we can be totally
useless doing.





I can still hear it.

But it's not on.

Then it's something else.

Something spinning.


What is this?

The dead pool.





How many are there?

Too many!

Are you kidding me?

Hands where I can see them.

How the hell was I supposed
to remember any of that?

She got it from you.


I was out of my mind.

Do you know what it's like for
one of us to be in a coma?

Paralyzed but cognizant?

You try not going crazy.

She was listening to you.

PETER: She was listening

to the ranting
and raving of a lunatic.

A former lunatic.
I'm much healthier now.

I had nothing
to do with this.

If she was following
your lead on this,

then how do we know
there isn't more?

Stealing my own money?


going to use it anyway.


Stop it.
This is what she wants.

It's why she's here.

Look around, Sheriff. There's
three people in here right now.

Three people still
on the dead pool.

Me, Parrish...

And Meredith.

- But not him.
PETER: Lydia's right.

We don't want to
kill each other.

The only person I'm
pointing a gun at is you.

Then you better make it
a perfect shot, Sheriff,

because I don't
go down easy.

I'm willing to bet

that a bullet
between the eyes

doesn't heal real fast...

- Not even for your kind.
LYDIA: Stop.

Please, stop.

PETER: This department's getting
more corrupted by the second.

What are you going
to charge me with, Sheriff?

How are you going to
explain this to a judge?

Telepathic girl

overhears thoughts
of comatose werewolf

and decides to enact
his plans for retribution?


They're gonna be pointing a gun at
your head and asking you to go quietly.


Let him go.
You have to let him go.

I'd take the word
of a Banshee, Sheriff.

I leave.
No triggers pulled.

No blood shed.

That's twice, Peter.

There's not gonna
be a third.


It's not finished.

No, it's not finished!

No! It's not done.

It's not finished!


You can't just
smash it to pieces.


If this thing's being used to
disseminate the list, then

it's probably gonna keep
going until everyone's dead.

MALIA: Then what do we do?

It needs some
kind of prompt

or command
or something, right?

No, no, no.

What about a key?


Get the others back.
Tell them to hide.

Kira! Kira!

You see it?

There's got to be a way
to turn it off, right?

I don't know. I don't know anything
about computers from the 1970s.

Neither do we.

Okay, where's the monitor?

Lydia, there is no monitor. There are
buttons, knobs, spindles, no monitor.

Wait, turn the phone back.
Point it at the carpet.

The what?

The floor!
Just show me the floor.

Where's the stain?

There should be red blotches,
a wine stain.

There's nothing.

That doesn't make sense.

I gave the $500 I was supposed to
use to hire cleaners to Brunski.

Lydia, what the hell does wine
have to do with anything?

Red wine doesn't
just disappear.

Unless it wasn't wine.

What? What do you mean?
The ashes weren't ashes.

The study isn't a study.

The record player
isn't a record player.

So... So maybe
the wine wasn't wine.

Stiles, you have to find the wine.
Find the bottle.

There could be
something about it.

What kind?
What's it called?

It's a 1982 Cotes du Rhone.

(RATTLING) I think there's
something inside.

Do you have, like,
a wine opener or...




Brett, where are you?






Is it over?

Really over?

Are you okay?

I guess you are,
aren't you?


For someone who'd put
their own name on a hit list.

I had to.


Because I heard you.

I heard you scream in the
tunnels at Oak Creek.


That's why I knew
it was the right time...

To start over.


But with Peter?

He's the alpha.

He's always been the alpha.

He'll make it right.

It never was with us.

Too many people
died because of us.

We're the monsters.

Even Banshees.

Even me.

I don't believe that.

Not all monsters
do monstrous things.

Like who?

Like Scott.

Like you.


What have I done?

You look nervous.
I'm not nervous.

I'm rattled.

I don't like being rattled.

KATE: But it's over.

The dead pool's done.

And if you need
to be reminded,

everything else
is going exactly your way.

Not exactly my way.

Maybe every little
piece in your game

didn't move
just as predicted,

but they still moved
perfectly into place.


You wanna bail on the plan.

Of course not.

Not when I'm this close.

Not when I'm this close
to killing Scott McCall.