Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 4, Episode 1 - Teen Wolf - full transcript

After the heartache of losing two of their own, Scott has an unexpected visit from an old friend. Does this mean they can reunite their pack or are there evil intentions at play?

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SCOTT: Previously on Teen Wolf...

I'm an Alpha now.

Have you ever heard of
something called a kitsune?

It's a fox spirit.

- SCOTT: Are you scared?
- KIRA: Not right now.


Are you sure that this is
a girl and not an animal?


- Peter and Malia?
- Father and daughter.

Was that your first kiss?

DEREK: You're the one who saved Isaac.

I'm the one who was hired to save Isaac.

You have no idea what you are, do you?

A Banshee.

It basically means that she can
sense when someone's close to death.


- Where is the She-Wolf?
- We don't know

- any She-Wolf.
- Who's this?

That's my dad's sister, Kate.

Kate Argent.

- Come on!
- Werewolf hunter.

Can you get turned by a scratch?

CHRIS: If the claws go deep enough.

- You're real.
- That's right, Derek.

And if seeing me is a surprise,

watch this.


This doesn't seem so bad.

It's not the town, it's the plan.

- What's wrong with the plan?
- Stiles.

This could be the stupidest plan

we've ever come up with.

You're aware of that, right?

I'm aware it's not our best.

We are going to die.

Are you saying that as a Banshee

or you're just being pessimistic?

I'm saying it as a person

who doesn't wanna die.

Okay. Would you just mind

restricting any talk of death
to actual Banshee predictions?

This plan is stupid and we're going to die.

- Oh, thank you.
- Mmm.








No. On the house.

Most American teenagers
don't cross the border

to refuse a drink.

We didn't come to drink.

Severo hates this music.


I've always loved the music of youth.

This kind, especially.

It has a savage energy.

We're here for Derek Hale.

Is that so?

We know you have him.

We've heard you can be bought.

It's 50,000 for Derek.


where does a teenage
boy get money like this?

Japanese mafia?


Not smart to come alone.

What makes you think we came alone?

You brought a wolf into my home?

We brought an Alpha.



Something's happening.

I know.

- What do we do?
- Blend in!

Dance with me, dumbass.



My friends... (SIGHS)

I don't think you're
aware of your poor timing.

Do you know what the dark moon is?

The part of the lunar phase

when the moon is least visible in the sky.

But do you know its meaning?

Some people say it's a time of reflection.

Or grief.

Grief and loss, mija.

I wonder why,

when you and your friends

have suffered so much loss,

you would risk it again
for someone like Derek Hale.

'Cause we don't like to lose.


EAST GUARD: (OVER RADIO) Front door clear.






Take 10 off the table.

Maybe you should just take the deal.


While I'm keen to follow

the warning of a Banshee,

I'm going to have to decline.


Just give us Derek.

You don't want him anyway.

Haven't you noticed what a downer he is?

No sense of humor, poor conversationalist.

Just come on, take the money.


Show them how the Calaveras negotiate.


Wolfsbane. It's wolfsbane!

Kira... Kira, get out of here!




Someone who has been an
Alpha only a few months

should be more careful

when facing a hunter of 40 years.

(PANTING) All we want is Derek.

My lobito,

you're a long way from home.

You don't know where he is either.



Ok, so how long has it been?

Weeks. He hasn't gotten
back to any of my texts.

Has Derek ever returned your texts?

Once. Definitely once.

But this time it felt different.

So I went to the loft. The alarm was on.

Everything looked okay.

But then I found these.

So I sent a picture of it to Deaton.

He said that it's the
mark of a family of hunters

based out of Mexico.

The Calaveras.

What would they want with Derek?

You don't think they killed him, do you?

I... I don't know.

That's why you're here.



Lydia, what? Is he dead?


But I'm not sure he's alive either.

What does that mean?

I don't know.

There's something not right.

I just... I don't know.

So if the Calaveras have him,

how do we find them?


He's awake. Guys, he's awake.

STILES: Scott, you okay?


They don't have him. They don't have Derek.

We know. But right now, they've got Lydia.

Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?

I have to admit

I don't have much experience with Banshees.

That makes two of us,

since I don't have much
experience being one.

I have a feeling you underestimate
your abilities, Lydia.

Trust me,

you'd have better luck with tarot cards.

Let's find out.

Tell me,

which one of these men is about to die?



We already looked for a way out.

I think a lot of people have.

I say when that door opens again,

we take out whoever's standing
in the way and run for it.

- What about Lydia?
- What about her?

We're not leaving without her.

Why not?

Because we don't leave without people.

Remember, we talked about this?

Rules of the wild kingdom
don't apply to friends.

Is that what you would do as a coyote,

leave her for dead?

If she was weak and injured, yeah.

If hunting had been bad
that season, I would eat her.

Then I'd leave.

Mmm. Believe it or not, that's progress.

All right, guys, we're not dead yet.

And that means Araya wants something.

But if the Calaveras
don't know where Derek is,

that means they didn't take
him from the loft. Right?

Maybe he left on his own.

Maybe someone else got to him.

How does it work?

Do you need to touch them?

Maybe I give you something they own.

Or is it just a... a feeling?

I told you I don't know.

Just how close to death

do they have to be?



What did you do that for?

He stole from me.

(WHISPERS) What do you want?

Right now?

I want to know about Scott McCall.

I want to know

what kind of Alpha he really is.




Let her go. Look... you've got me.

Just let the others go.


Your hand goes here.

So, let me explain

what's about to happen.

This one, the fox,

has an immunity to electricity.

So she's going to turn
the dial on the Alpha.

If she doesn't,

I turn the dial on the Banshee.

No. I'm not doing this.


Are you sure?

One of your friends has the power to heal.

The other?

Not so much.

What are you doing? Is this a game to you?

ARAYA: This is a test, lobito.

Let's see if you pass.

We're going to ask some questions.

You answer them, nobody gets hurt.

You don't answer, we turn on the dial.

Do what they say. Okay?

Whatever they want.

I can take it.


We don't know where Derek is.

We want to find him as well.

You know who took him.


How would I know that?

That doesn't sound like an answer to me.

We don't know.

Why do you think we came here?

Kira, turn the dial.

Should we turn the dial on Lydia instead?

No, no!

Do it, Kira.

Do it.

Let's start at one.


Do you hear them? Can you hear Scott?

Can you hear Kira, Lydia,
anybody? What are they saying?

I... I can't. I can't concentrate. I...

There's too many sounds

and voices.

Okay. It's okay. Well, just breathe.

Breathe with me, all right?

You practiced this with
Scott before, remember?

I'm trying.

It's okay, it's okay.
Just focus on something.

Here, look at my eyes. Very good.

Just focus on the sound of my voice.

All you have to do is try to
concentrate. Concentrate...


Tell me!

Who actually has Derek?

Who had a reason, a vendetta

particular to the Hales?

(PANTING) I said I don't know.

(WHISPERS) Oh, you don't know

because you haven't figured it out yet.

So think!

Who could've taken him?



It's okay.

Who had the power?

The power of a shapeshifter?

(GRUNTING) I don't know.

Oh! Someone who could have turned

without you knowing.

Turned, but not by a bite!

I don't know!




They're killing him.


Can you get turned by a scratch?

If the claws go deep enough.

Say the name, Scott.


That's impossible.

It's impossible. That
can't be what he said.

Why? Who... who's Kate?

She's a hunter.

An Argent.

So... you're just letting us go?

I sent four men out to where Kate
was rumored to have been seen.

None of them came back.

Let's see if you can do better.

You could've just told me she was alive.

You wouldn't have believed me.

Now I know what kind of Alpha you are.

And where your next step lies.

What next step?

When you take the bite of an innocent,

when you make a wolf of your own,

when you do that,

then, I will cross your border

and come knocking at your door.

So what now?

She thinks she knows
where we can find Derek.

She gonna tell us where?

Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide.


You know her?


KIRA: Who's Braeden?

She's a mercenary.

Right now, I'm the only
one who's gonna take you

to la iglesia.

The Church?

What's The Church?

It's not a place you'll find God.

Okay, I'll ask.

Who's Kate Argent?

Uh, I'd like to know, too.

Well, we were at her funeral.

So, I'd like to know how
she got out of a casket

that was buried six feet underground.

She was never in it.

She was Allison's aunt.

And a total sociopath.

You don't have to talk about
it now if you don't want to.

Um, yes, he does.

Yeah, she's right.

You guys should know. You need to know.

All right. Kate was
the one who set the fire

that killed most of Derek's family.


Some of them survived,
like Cora, and Peter.

A very angry Peter.


Yeah, he's the one who bit and turned me.

And the one who finally caught up

to Kate and killed her.


And we saw her buried.


We saw a casket, remember?

She wasn't in it.

The Calaveras heard
that Kate had been killed

by an Alpha's claws.

They wanted to make
sure she was really dead.

Her body was healing.

More and more, as she
got closer to a full moon.

She was coming back.

So they switched out the bodies.

If a hunter is bit, they
have to take their own life

before they change.

The Calaveras, they
treat the code like law.

They make it their
responsibility to enforce it.

Good for her. I wouldn't do it either.

Would you kill half a
dozen people to get out?

Because that's what she did.

So Kate's a werewolf now?

I don't know.

You know, there's a saying,

sometimes the shape you take
reflects the person you are.

What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?

What happened?

I don't know. It felt
like we hit something.

Scott, we need to get there by night.

It's too dangerous otherwise.


Not without you.

Dude, someone needs to find Derek.

We'll figure something
out. We always do. Just go.

(SIGHS) Okay.


I can't think of anything else to say

except for be careful.

And... and I know "Be
careful" sounds kind of lame

and I'm totally sure the second you're gone

I'm gonna think of something
much better, but I...

Uh, "Be careful" works for me.


Scott, the sun's going down.

Hey, I gotta go.


(GRUNTS) I don't think we hit something.

I think something hit us.

La iglesia.

SCOTT: What happened here?

An earthquake.

It leveled the town.

Then why is The Church still standing?

The locals think it's
because of what's underneath.

Do I wanna know?

The Church was built over the ruins

of an Aztec temple.

It belonged to a people called the nagual.



So Derek and Kate are somewhere in there?

I don't know.

Never gotten this far before.

Maybe we should just walk.

Hey, I will never abandon this jeep.

You understand me? Ever. Ever.


Work faster, Stiles.

There's something out here with us.

If you find Kate in here,
what are you gonna do with her?

Bring her back to the Calaveras.

That's what they paid me for.

What happens after that?

Not my problem.

You don't care?

Do you?

She's a mass murderer.

And you're a mercenary.

Girl's gotta eat.

If you were paid enough,
would you kill her?

If the money was good,

I'd kill you.

BRAEDEN: Can you catch Derek's scent?

SCOTT: Yeah. I already got it.



There's something else in here.

Something like what?

Something not human.

Lydia, could you please hold
the light still for a second?

It's really hard to see anything

if you keep shaking it like that.

I'm shaking it like this

because we're in the middle of nowhere

with your broken down jeep

and we're being attacked by yet another

razor-clawed monster.

And I'm terrified.

Well, just be slightly less terrified.

And hold this.

What's this?

I don't know. I'm hoping
it's not important.

Oh, God.


It's too hard to see.

We should've brought another flashlight.

Did you see that?


Malia, wait!

Hey, Malia!

Kira, go! You. Fix the jeep.

Stiles, focus!





(YELLS) It's me!

Uh, it's me, it's me.

What happened? What's out there?

I don't know, but it is big and fast.

And it cuts deep.


So, how come you didn't kiss her?


How come you didn't kiss your girlfriend?

You mean, Kira?

Whatever her name is.

Well, she's not really, uh...

I mean, we've never actually...

She's not my girlfriend.

So if you die down here,

are you gonna regret not kissing her?

You should've kissed your girlfriend.


Just had a feeling like
something was behind us.


You hear that?

Is this why you never get that far?



Get ready!

You... you please don't do that ever again!

Do what?

I... I thought you just took off.

I thought you were running.

I was running.

No, I mean,

like, I thought you were leaving.

I wouldn't leave without you.


I would never leave without you.

Them I would leave.

Yeah. Uh, it's progress.

That doesn't look good.

It's okay.

Are you sure? It looks deep.

I can feel it healing.

You didn't see anything?


It had a strong scent, though.

Like what?

Like death.

Where is it? Do you see it?

No, I don't know! I can't see anything!

Where is this thing?



(WHISPERS) Scott, get behind me.

Scott, get behind me!



I think I scared it.

I think you scared everything.


What is that?


The nagual jaguar God.

I think we found Derek.

Stand back.

Oh, my God.

Is that him? Is that Derek?

Uh, sort of.