Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 2, Episode 2 - Teen Wolf - full transcript

When Isaac's dad is killed, Isaac is arrested and there's a full moon coming. Scott and Derek check out his house while the Argent's send someone to the jail to deal with what they suspect ...

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Previously on Teen Wolf...

I swear I won't see him again.

Never again.

He'll be gone, I promise.


What's happening?

Your body is fighting the bite.

Don't suppose I can assume
you'll call me "grandpa."

Need a hand?

What do you think she's gonna
do with a set of real claws?

We kill them.

We kill them all.

What are they doing?

Declaring war.

Um... so far it's an "A" in
French and a "B" minus in econ.


What about chemistry?

I'm not sure.

Uh, midterms are in a few
days so it could go up.

Well, what's it at now?

- The grade?
- Yes.

Uh, yeah.

Uh, I'm not sure.

But you just said
it could go up.

It's just... uh,
I meant generally.

You wouldn't be lying to
me, would you, Isaac?


Then tell me your grade.

I just told you, I don't know.

You wanna take this little
conversation downstairs?


Then tell me the grade, son.

Dad, this semester's
only half over.


- There's plenty of time...
- Isaac.

It's... it's a "D".


It's a "D".

I'm not angry.

You know I'm gonna have to find
a way to punish you though.

I have my responsibility
as a parent.

So we'll start with something
simple, like, uh...

Tell you what, you do the dishes
and clean up the kitchen, okay?



Because I'd really like to
see this place spotless.

[Cup shattering]

Know what I'm saying?

You know?

I mean this entire kitchen.



[Laughs] Yeah, absolutely...
[Glass shattering]


[Hushed grunt]

Well, that was your fault.

You could have blinded me.

Shut up!

It's a scratch!

It's hardly even...




[Engine starting]


[Thunder rumbling]

[Thunder rumbling]

[Tires screeching]






Okay, that's enough.

Let's go!

Isaac, grab your
bike and let's go!




No! No! No!




No! No!

[Metal clanging]

No! No!



[Intense instrumental music]

♪ Teen Wolf: "Shape Shifted" ♪
Season 2 Episode 2

Original Airdate June 3, 2012

[Sally Seltmann's
Dream About Changing]

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ Found some magician ♪

♪ it's late outside ♪

♪ to fake my own dreams ♪

♪ I'm lying in the back ♪

♪ of a smashed-up car ♪

♪ with a drum ♪

♪ and a guitar beside me ♪

[Owl hooting]

[Chuckles] Hey.

What are you doing?

Just trying to find you.

Did anyone see you leave?


No one, I was careful.

What's wrong?

Is it the full moon
tomorrow night?


No, it's not that.

Um, I just wanted to
ask you some things.

About your... um, your family.

Actually, your grandfather.

Okay, but I don't
really know him.

I mean, he's kind of just a guy
who sends a check in the mail

every year for my birthday.

Does he know about me?

About us?

No, my dad hasn't said a thing.

What is it?

Did something else happen?

We just need to be
a lot more careful now.

They're not gonna
split us apart.

Not us.

You're sure no one followed you?

Totally, absolutely, 100
million percent sure.

My parents are out, anyways.

[Owl hooting]


Yeah, it's a date night.

Can I help you?

Well, I hope so,
principal Thomas.

As a concerned parent, uh, I was
wondering... how long has it been

since your last
performance review?


We were wondering.

Are you aware there's been
an alarming drop in academic

achievement and test scores
over the past few semesters?

Excuse me?

It's led the parents of beacon
hills to the unfortunate

conclusion that you may no
longer be suited to the position

of school principal.

You can't fire me.


But we can torture you.



What's wrong?

My dad.

I think he's dead.

What did you do?

That's the thing.

It wasn't me.

I'm serious.

It's not like the
last full moon.

I don't feel the same.

Oh, does that include the urge
to maim and kill people like me?

I swear I don't have the
urge to maim and kill you.

You know, you say that now but
then the full moon goes up

and out come the fangs and the
claws and there's a lot of

howling and screaming and
running everywhere, okay?

And it's very stressful on me and
so yes, I'm still locking you up.

Okay, fine.

But I do think I'm
in more control now.

Especially since things
are good with Allison.

Okay, I'm aware of how good
things are with Allison.

They're really good.

I... thank you, I know.

I mean, like, really good.

All right, I get it!

Just please shut the hell up before I
have the urge to maim and kill myself.

All right, did you get something
better than handcuffs this time?

Yeah, much better.

Part of me wants to ask.

The other part says knowing will
be more disturbing than anything

I could ever imagine.

So... I'm gonna walk away.

That's good.

That's a wise choice, coach.

You okay?


There's another.

In here, right now.

Another what?

Another werewolf.

You really don't
remember anything?

They called it a fugue state,
which is basically a way of

saying "We have no idea why you
can't remember running through

the woods naked for two days."

But personally, I don't care.

I lost nine pounds.

Are you ready for this?


It's not like my aunt's
a serial killer.

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I got lots of jealous lovers ♪

♪ that all wish ♪

♪ they had me back ♪

♪ got a pistol for a mouth ♪

♪ my own mama gave me that ♪

♪ so why the hell should I ♪

♪ I'm a bad woman to keep ♪

♪ make me mad ♪

♪ I'm not here to please ♪

Maybe it's the nine pounds.

♪ Once you go black ♪

♪ you never go back ♪

♪ I'm a black sheep ♪

♪ ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪

♪ I'm a black sheep ♪

It was kind of like a scent, but
I couldn't tell who it was.

What if you can get
him one-on-one?

Would that help?



I think I got an idea.

You need a digital camera?


And something that can
record in low light.

All night long.

What are you recording?

Something in low light.

All night long.

Do you have the camera or not?

You have 100 bucks?

I drive a Porsche.

What do you think?

I think your parents
have 100 bucks.

Just get me the camera.

I told coach you're switching
with Danny for the day.

But I hate playing goal.

Remember when I
said I had an idea?

This is the idea.


There we go.

What's the idea?

I seriously don't understand
how you survive without me


Let's go! Line it up!


Make daddy proud.

Here we go.

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ if you understood ♪

♪ when it rains down ♪

♪ then drop the hoods ♪

♪ end of the nightly ♪

♪ it's quite likely ♪


♪ We came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪

Let me help you up.



Usually the goalie stays
somewhere within the vicinity of

the actual goal.

Yes, coach.

Let's try it again.

♪ We came, we saw ♪

♪ a field full of ravers ♪

♪ with their ribs broken ♪

♪ bounce up ♪

♪ till their shins open ♪

♪ bones poking through ♪

♪ all beat up but a token few ♪

♪ was hoping you ♪

♪ would come to riot ♪


What the hell, man?

My bad, dude.


The position's goal keeper.

Not goal abandoner.

Sorry, coach.

Let's go!


Stilinski, what the hell
is wrong with your friend?

Uh, he's failing two classes.

He's a little socially awkward
and if you look close enough,

his jaw line's kind of uneven.

That's interesting.

Let's fire it up.

♪ We came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪

♪ we came, we saw ♪

It's Armani.


My aftershave. Armani.


It's nice.


You come out of that goal one
more time and you'll be doing

suicide runs till you die.

It'll be the first ever suicide
run that actually ends

in a suicide.

Got it?

Yes, coach.


Uh, coach, my
shoulder's hurting.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna
sit this one out.

♪ We came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪

♪ we came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪

♪ we came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪

♪ we came, we saw ♪

♪ we killed the crowd ♪


Don't tell them.

Please don't tell them.

His father's dead.

They think he was murdered.

Come on.

Are they saying he's a suspect?

I'm not sure, why?

Because they can lock him in
a holding cell for 24 hours.

Like, overnight?

During the full moon.

How good are these holding
cells at holding people?

People, good.

Werewolves, probably
not that good.

Stiles, remember when I said I don't
have the urge to maim and kill?


He does.

Why would Derek choose Isaac?

Peter told me that if the bite
doesn't turn you it could kill you.

And maybe teenagers have a
better chance of surviving.

Does being a teenager mean
your dad can't hold him?

Well, not unless they
have solid evidence.

Or a witness.



Where's Jackson?

In the principal's office
talking to your dad.

What? Why?

Maybe because he lives across
the street from Isaac.


We gotta get to the
principal's office.


Everyone please turn to page 73.

Who in the hell did that?

Wait, so are you telling me that you
knew Isaac's father was hitting him?

Hitting him? He was kicking
the crap out of him.

Did you ever say
anything to anyone?

A teacher, parents, anyone?


It's not my problem.

No, no, of course not.

You know, it's funny that the
kids getting beaten up are

always the ones who
least deserve it.


Wait, what?

I think we're done here.

Hi, Scott.



Come on in.

Scott McCall.

Academically not the most
accomplished, but I see you have

become quite the star athlete.

Mr. Stilinski.

Oh, perfect grades but little
to no extracurriculars.

Maybe you should try lacrosse.

Oh, actually I'm already...
Hold on.


You're the Scott that was
dating my granddaughter.

We were dating but not anymore.

Not dating, not seeing any of each other
or doing anything with each other...

At all.

Relax, Scott, you look like
you're about to crack a cyanide

pill with your teeth.

Just a hard breakup.

Oh, that's too bad.

You seem like a pretty
nice kid to me.

Now listen, guys.

Yes, I am the principal, but I
really don't want you to think

of me as the enemy.

Heh, is that so?

However, this being my first day,
I do need to support my teachers.

So unfortunately someone is
going to have to take the fall

and stay behind for detention.

It's just... we haven't really
talked since that night and

well... Jackson, can you, like,
look at me for half la second?

Listen if you hadn't found me and
carried me back, I could have died.

So I just... I wanted
to say thank you.

Lydia, we're not
getting back together.


And just because I kept you
from bleeding out on a field

once, don't expect me to come running
every time you start screaming.

I never said... I'm not
responsible for you.


But I will give you
one piece of advice.

If I were you, I'd
stay home tonight.

What does that mean?

What's tonight?

It's a full moon.

Get in.

Are you serious?

You did that.

That's your fault.

I know that.

Now get in the car and help me.

No, I've got a better idea.

I'm gonna call a lawyer.

Because a lawyer might actually
have a chance at getting him out

before the moon goes up.

Not when they do a real
search of the house.

What do you mean?

Whatever Jackson said to the cops,
what's in the house is worse.

A lot worse.

I'm not interested in whether
they locked up a 16-year-old kid.

I'm interested in what's going
to happen to that 16-year-old

when the moon hits
its peak tonight.

Do we have proof?

Is the next step killing him?

The next step is
eliminating the threat.

Do we have proof?

I haven't been in history
class for a while, but I'm

pretty sure straight-up genocide
hasn't worked out too often.

Do we have proof or not?

Not irrefutable.

But not insignificant.

The driver's side door of
Lahey's car was pried off.

Pried off?

Ripped off.

I'm starting to feel a
little weird about this.

No, no, no, no.

What you're feeling is $100


Give me the camera and go buy
yourself another fancy lens or

light meter or whatever gives
your photography geeks a hard-on.

This doesn't have anything
to do with Allison, does it?

I saw you two at the dance the
other night and I kind of

figured that you two were,
you know, together.

Aw, you have a little
thing for Allison, Matt?

A little... a little crush?


You think I'm gonna waste my
time by doing something as

unbelievably ordinary
as making a sex tape?

Then what are you doing?

Documenting history.

My history.

And I want to be able
to see it happening.

All of it.

You'll get it back tomorrow.

If Isaac didn't kill
his father, who did?

I don't know yet.

Then how do you know
he's telling the truth?

Because I trust my senses.

And it's a combination of them.

Not just your sense of smell.

You saw the lacrosse
thing today.


Did it look that bad?




Come in.

We'd like to talk to you.

I'm supposed to study with Lydia,
I really don't have time to chat.

Actually, that's who we want to
talk to you about, sweetheart.

You wanna learn?

Let's start now.

What's down there?


And what am I looking for?

Follow your senses.

What happened down here?

The kind of thing that
leaves an impression.

Open it.

Hey, sorry, Harris literally
just let me out of detention.


And he had my phone the
whole frickin' time.

Well, we need to do
something right now.

They were asking me all these
questions about Lydia and how

she was bitten by Peter, and
then they sent this guy out.

Wait, what guy?

He was dressed as a
Sherriff's deputy.

They're sending him to
the station for Isaac.

He was also carrying this box
with something on it, like, um,

like a carving or something.

What was it?

Hold on, hold on.

It's in one of these books.

I'm taking a picture.

Did you get it?

Yeah, wolfsbane.

What does that mean?

It means they're gonna kill him.

This is why he said yes to you.

Everyone wants power.

If we help you, then
you have to stop.

You can't just go around turning
people into werewolves.

I can if they're willing.

Did you tell Isaac
about the Argents?

About being hunted?

Yes, and he still asked.

Then he's an idiot.

And you're the idiot
dating Argent's daughter.


I know you're little secret.

And if I know, how long do you
think it's gonna take for them

to find out?

You saw what happens
to an omega.

With me, you learn how to
use all of your senses.

With me, you learn control.

Even on a full moon.

If I'm with you, I lose her.

You're gonna lose her anyway.

You know that.


I'm not part of your pack.

But I want him out.

He's my responsibility too.


Because he's one of us?

Because he's innocent.

♪ Yes ♪

♪ Rizzle Kicks ♪

♪ talkin' now a bit ♪

♪ yo, you might hear me ♪

♪ make a racket like Wilson ♪

♪ 'cause I love summer ♪

♪ not Rachel Bilson ♪

♪ yes ♪

♪ the winter will come ♪

♪ we just have parties inside ♪

♪ it's still fun ♪

♪ we're jammin' ♪

♪ pump this ♪

♪ we're bangin' ♪

♪ chase your boyfriend ♪

♪ let's have him ♪

♪ we're rowdy ♪

♪ girls make ♪

♪ our judgment cloudy ♪

♪ but when the sun comes out ♪

♪ we're still alkies ♪

♪ we don't want to be lousy ♪

♪ or shameless ♪

♪ but we're running around ♪

♪ like we're brainless ♪

♪ now I've got grass stains ♪

♪ on my brand-new ♪

♪ white trainers ♪

♪ on my brand-new ♪

♪ white trainers ♪

♪ um, I know a few ♪

♪ guys who hate us ♪

♪ they're as compelling ♪

♪ as neighbors ♪

♪ so laters, it's blaters ♪

♪ we got our own style ♪

♪ you know now ♪

♪ so go wild ♪

♪ and get hosed down ♪



Hey, did you slow him down?

You could say that.

All right, well, uh, I'm headed
to the station right now.

Where's Scott?


Does he have a plan?

Yeah, but not a very good one.

And unfortunately we don't really have
time to come up with anything better.


Are you sure we have to do this?




I don't want to hurt you.

Okay, now the keys to every cell
are in a password protected

lockbox in my father's office.

The problem is getting
past the front desk.

I'll distract her.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... you?

You're not going in there.

I'm taking my hand off.

I was exonerated.

You're still a
person of interest.

An innocent person.

An... you?

Yeah, right!

Okay, fine. What's your plan?

To distract her.

Uh-huh. How?

By punching her in the face?


Heh, by talking to her.

Okay, all right.

Give me a sample.

What are you gonna open with?

Dead silence.

That should work beautifully.

Any other ideas?

I'm thinking about
punching you in the face.

Good evening, how
can I help... you?



Um, I had a question.

Um, sorry I'm a little... a
little thrown.

I wasn't really expecting someone...
Like me?

Oh, I was gonna say "so
incredibly beautiful" but, yeah,

I guess that'd be
the same thing.

It's done.

It's locked.


Scott, I can't... just go!

Oh, no.


Uh, just looking,
um... Oh, sh...





How did you do that?

I'm the Alpha.


Come on.

Come on!


What the hell was that?

I don't know.

Uh, he did it.

Jackson, what is it?
What happened?

Nothing happened.

Nothing at all.