Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 1, Episode 4 - Magic Bullet - full transcript

Allison's aunt comes to town and shoots a shadowy werewolf figure with a special bullet that she estimates will kill it within 48 hours. Derek is the one hit and insists that Scott and Stiles help him.

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Don't you wanna fall asleep

Forget about tomorrow

Close your eyes, but not to weep

Forget about your sorrow

Nice driving, Kate. Nice.


Come on. Come on!

What's going on?

Your Aunt Kate just texted.
I'm heading out to pick her up.

It's 2:00 in the morning.
Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.
She's just having a little car trouble.

Not serious, is it?

No, just a flat tire.
Go back to bed, sweetheart.


- Get in.
- Not even, "Hello, nice to see you"?

All I've got at the moment is

"Please put the assault rifle away
before someone notices."

That's the brother I love.
Chris, there were two of them.

The Alpha?

I don't know.
But one of them tried to kill me.

One of them is gonna lead us to the other.
He can't do that if he's dead.

I can't help kill either of them
if one of them kills me first.

- How long will it take?
- I'd give him 48 hours.

If that.


I don't see you for a year,
and you turn into a freaking runway model?

Look at you. Oh! I hate you.

- I haven't even showered yet.
- Sweetie, you're a knockout. In fact,

I hope you have the boys knocking
each other's teeth out for your attention.

- I kind of have one.
- You kind of have one?

You should kind of have a million.

- Do you need some help unpacking?
- No, not that one.


See, you turn out beautiful,
and I end up with this kung fu death grip.

Sorry, sweetie,
I didn't mean to be so rough.

No worries.

- Hey, is everything okay with your car?
- Uh, yeah.

I just needed a jump-start. That's all.

A jump-start?

If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not
the one who bit you, then who did?

I don't know.

Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?

I don't know.

- Does Allison's dad know about the...
- I don't know!


Dude, you need to study more.

That was a joke. Scott, it's one test.
You're gonna make it up.

- Do you want help studying?
- No.

I'm studying with Allison
after school today.

- That's my boy.
- We're just studying.

- Uh-uh. No, you're not.
- I'm not?

Not if I'm forced to live
vicariously through you.

If you go to her house today
and squander that colossal opportunity,

- I swear to God I'll have you de-balled.
- Okay.

Just stop with the questions, man.

Done. No more questions.

No more talk about the Alpha or Derek.

Especially Derek, who still scares me.

Where's Scott McCall?

- Why should I tell you?
- Because I asked you politely.

- And I only do that once.
- Hmm. Okay, tough guy.

How about I help you find him
if you tell me what you're selling him?

What is it? Is it Dianabol?


- HGH?
- Steroids?

No, Girl Scout Cookies.

What the hell do you think
I'm talking about?

By the way, whatever it is you're selling,

I'd probably stop
sampling the merchandise.

You look wrecked.

- I'll find him myself.
- No, we're not done here.

I finish lacrosse practice at 5:00.
I'll be over after that.

- Scott's coming over, tonight?
- We're just studying together.

Just studying never ends
with just studying.

It's like getting into a hot tub.

- Somebody eventually cops a feel.
- So, what are you saying?

I'm just saying, you know,
make sure he covers up.

Hello, Snow White,
I'm talking about a condom.

Are you kidding?
After one date?

Don't be a total prude.
Give him a little taste.

Well, I mean, how much is a little taste?

Oh, God.
You really like him, don't you?

Well, he's just different.

When I first moved here I had a plan,
no boyfriends till college.

I just move too much.
But then I met him, and he was different.

I don't know. I can't explain it.

I can. It's your brain flooding
with phenylethylamine.


I'll tell you what to do.
When's he coming over?

- Right after school.
- Hmm.

Oh, my God.

No, no, no, no. Not here.

You gotta be kidding me.
This guy's everywhere.

What the hell? What are you doing here?

- I was shot.
- He's not looking so good, dude.

- Why aren't you healing?
- I can't.

- It was a different kind of bullet.
- A silver bullet?

No, you idiot.

Wait. That' what she meant
when she said you had 48 hours.

What? Who said 48 hours?

The one who shot you.

What are you doing? Stop that.

That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I can't.

Derek, get up.

Help me put him in your car.

I need you to find out
what kind of bullet they used.

How the hell am I supposed to do that?

- She's an Argent. She's with them.
- Why should I help you?

Because you need me.

Fine, I'll try.

- Hey, get him out of here.
- I hate you for this so much.

- Hey, what was he doing here?
- Stiles was just giving him a ride.

Uh, long story.

I thought you said
you weren't friends with him.

No. Not really.
Um, we're still studying together, right?

- So I'll meet you back at your place?
- Yeah.

- Okay, bye.
- See you there.

How did you...
You got here the same time I did.

Oh, yeah, I just took a shortcut.
A really short shortcut.

What is going on with you today?
You are acting all kinds of bizarre.

I'm just stressing about classes.

I'm not doing as good this year.

- Not doing as well.
- See? Exactly.

Maybe we should start with English?

Don't worry. Nobody's gonna
be home for hours. Come on.


I'm still unpacking.

Uh, haven't you been here for, like,
over a month?

I'm taking my time.

Hey, um...

So I figured that we'd start with history.

- What's wrong?
- Um... Nothing. I just...

I don't wanna make you feel like
you have to do something

you don't wanna do.

I'm not doing anything I don't want to do.
Are you?

You're seriously asking me that question?

- Are you going to answer that?
- Yeah, it's probably just Stiles.

It'll go to voice-mail. Eventually.



Uh, yeah, I should answer it now.

Come on.
Try not to bleed out on my seats, okay?

- We're almost there.
- Almost where?

- Your house.
- What? No, you can't take me there.

- I can't take you to your own house?
- Not when I can't protect myself.

What happens if Scott
doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm?

- Are you dying?
- Not yet. I have a last resort.

What do you mean? What last resort?

Oh, my God! What is that?

Oh, is that contagious? You know what,
you should probably just get out.

Start the car. Now.

I don't think you should be
barking orders with the way you look.

In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could
probably drag your little werewolf ass

out into the middle of the road
and leave you for dead.

Start the car, or I'm gonna rip
your throat out with my teeth.

It's off. Sorry about that.

- Who's this?
- That's my dad's sister, Kate.

Except she's more like my sister.
She got here last night.

- Uh, last night?
- Yep, she had some car trouble.

- I guess.
- She looks familiar.

Mmm. She actually used to live
in Beacon Hills. Maybe you saw her once.

- Did you take these?
- Back when I thought I was a photographer.

- They're good.
- No. They're not.

I stopped when I realized I was terrible
at it. Framing's off, bad lighting.

Believe me. Not good.

That was when I thought I was
into painting. Uh, terrible, too.

That's when I tried poetry.

"Terrible" doesn't even come close
to describing that.

What are you good at?

I'm gonna show you
if you promise not to laugh.

I was nationally ranked as a kid.

And my dad really wanted me to go on,
but I don't know, I didn't like it.

Promise you won't laugh?

I promise. What the hell is that?

It's a compound bow.

And I'm pretty sure it requires an arrow
to be harmful.

So that's what you're good at. Archery.

You said you wouldn't laugh.

Trust me. I'm not laughing.

So, I guess I should explain.

We're not some sort of separatist,
gun nut family.

My dad sells firearms
to the law enforcement.

Oh, that's good.

So you planning
on joining the family business?

I don't know. You tell me.
Would I look hot with a gun?

Hotter without.

Hey Chris, get your ass out of the '50s
and come help with the groceries.

Be right there.

You two mind helping?

- Sure.
- No problem.


Thank you.

- Do you still wanna study?
- She'll concentrate better on her own.


- Guess I'll see you later then?
- At school.

You, on your bike. You, inside.

Oh, come on, Chris, really?

They were making out in the garage,
not shooting amateur porn.

You, with the adorable brown eyes,
drop your bike.

You're staying for dinner.

You eat meat?

You don't mind?

Actually, no. Gives us a chance
to get to know each other.

Would you like something else
to drink besides water, Scott?

- Oh... No, I'm good. Thanks.
- We can get you some beer?

- No, thanks.
- Shot of tequila?

Dad, really?

- You don't drink, Scott?
- I'm not old enough to.

That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers.

No, but it should.

Good answer.
A total lie, but well played, Scott.

You may yet survive the night.

You ever smoke pot?

Changing the channel to something
a little less conservative.

So, Scott, Allison tells us
you're on the lacrosse team.

I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that.
How do you play?

- Um, well, you know hockey?
- Mmm-hmm.

It's a lot like that,
only played on grass instead of ice.

Hockey on grass is called field hockey.

Oh, yeah.

So it's like field hockey,
except the sticks have nets.


And can you slap check like hockey?


Yeah. But it's only
the gloves and the sticks.

Sounds violent. I like it.

Scott's amazing, too. Dad came with me
to the first game. Wasn't he good?

- He was fine.
- He scored the last shot, the winning shot.

True. But he didn't score at all
until the last few minutes.

His last shot ripped a hole through
the goalie's net. It was incredible!

Well, I think the goalie was probably
playing with a defective stick, so...

You know, on second thought,
I think I'll take that shot of tequila.

- You were kidding, right?
- Yeah.

What am I supposed to do with him?

Take him somewhere. Anywhere!

And by the way,
he's starting to smell.

- Like what?
- Like death.

Okay. Take him to the animal clinic.

What about your boss?

He's gone by now. There's a spare key
in the box behind the dumpster.

You're not gonna believe
where he's telling me to take you.

- Did you find it?
- How am I supposed to find one bullet?

They have a million! This house
is like the freaking Walmart of guns!

If you don't find it,
then I'm dead, all right?

I'm starting to think
that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Then think about this.
The Alpha called you out against your will.

He's gonna do it again. Next time, you
either kill with him or you get killed.

So if want to stay alive, then you need me.
Find the bullet.

You look like a little lost puppy.


I'm just looking for the bathroom.

Bathroom? Does that look like a bathroom?

- No.
- No. Use the guest bedroom.

Okay. Thanks.

Does Nordic blue monkshood
mean anything to you?

It's a rare form of wolfsbane.
He has to bring me the bullet.

- Why?
- Because I'm gonna die without it.

Hey, I should get going.
Um, thanks for dinner.

Oh, no. You have to stay for dessert.
I want to know more about you. Sit down.


Allison was just telling us
that you work for a veterinarian.

I told them how you put the cast
on the dog I hit.

What does your boss think
of the animal attacks? Any theories?

Everyone's just saying
it's a mountain lion.

Have to be a pretty large mountain lion.

- What do you think, Scott?
- I don't know.

We usually get cats and dogs at the vet.
Nothing that vicious.

Never had to deal with a rabid dog?

Oh. I grew up with a lot of dogs.

I saw one get rabies from a bat.

It was transferred through the bite.

People think that a rabid dog
suddenly goes mad. It's a lot more gradual.

First stage is subtle changes in behavior.
They're restless, morose.

It's the second stage that people know.
The furious phase.

That's when they attack.
And we're talking any moving object.

Did you know that a caged, rabid dog will

break its own teeth
trying to chew through the bars?

It'll even rear back and
snap its own spine.

Can you imagine the amount of force
it would take to do that?

It's a complete character reversal.

This harmless animal
turned into a perfectly vicious killer.

And it all started with that one bite.

- But it died, didn't it?
- Yes, because your grandfather shot it.

Because he wanted to
put it out of its misery.

Because it was too dangerous.

Something that out of control
is better off dead.


You know, that really doesn't look like

anything some echinacea and
a good night's sleep couldn't take care of.

When the infection reaches my heart,
it'll kill me.

Positivity just isn't
in your vocabulary, is it?

If he doesn't get here with
the bullet in time, last resort...

Which is?

You're going to cut off my arm.

- I'm so incredibly sorry.
- For what?

For that being the worst,
most horribly awkward dinner ever

in the history of horribly awkward dinners.

No, it wasn't the worst.

There was this one dinner

where my parents told me
they were getting a divorce.

This comes in a close second.

- Your dad's watching.
- Good.

- Wait a second, guys.
- What is it?

- Uh, I have to ask Scott something.
- Me?

Yeah, you.



What did you take from my bag?

- What?
- My bag.

What did you take from it?

You need me to repeat the question?
Maybe enunciate more clearly?

What are you talking about?

My bag was open in the guest room,
and when I left, it was shut.

And Scott comes in to use the bathroom.
He leaves, my bag's open.

- He didn't take anything.
- Something was taken from my bag.

Now look, I hate to be
the accuser here, Scott,

because I really do love
those adorable brown eyes.

But I don't know if you're a klepto,
if you're curious,

or if you're just stupid,
but answer the question.

- What did you take?
- Nothing. I swear.

- You don't mind proving it, do you?
- Are you serious?

How about you show us
what's in your pocket?


Come on, Scott. Prove me wrong.

I'll prove you wrong.

Uh, it wasn't Scott going
through your bags. It was me.

- You?
- Mmm-hmm. Me.

This way is ours You can do it, do it

Won't be too hard Do it, do it

You can find a way

You can find a way

You can find a way

You can find a way

Oh, my God! What if you bleed to death?

It'll heal if it works.


- Look, I don't know if I can do this.
- Why not?

Well, because of the cutting
through the flesh,

the sawing of the bone,
and especially the blood!

You faint at the sight of blood?

No. But I might
at the sight of a chopped-off arm!

All right, fine. How about this?

Either you cut off my arm,
or I'm gonna cut off your head.

Okay, you know, I'm so not buying
your threats anymore.

Oh, my God! Okay. All right, bought,
sold, totally, I'll do it. I'll do it.

What are you doing?

Holy God! What the hell is that?

- It's my body, it is trying to heal itself.
- Well, it's not doing a very good job of it.

Now, you gotta do it now.

- Look, honestly, I don't think I can.
- Just do it!

Oh, my God. Okay. Oh, my God.
All right, here we go!

- Stiles?
- Scott?

What the hell are you doing?

Oh, you just prevented
a lifetime of nightmares.

Did you get it?

- What are you gonna do with it?
- I'm gonna...

No, don't. No, no, no!

Derek? Derek, come on. Wake up!

- Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?
- I don't know!

- I can't reach it.
- He's not waking up!

I think he's dying. I think he's dead.

Just hold on!

Come on.


I got it! I got it!

Please don't kill me for this!
Ugh! Ow! God!

Give me that.

- Up.
- God.


That was awesome! Yes!

- Are you okay?
- Except for the agonizing pain?

I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm
is a good sign of health.

Okay, we saved your life,
which means you're gonna leave us alone.

You got that?

And if you don't,
I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad,

and I'm gonna tell him everything.

You gonna trust them?
You think they can help you?

Why not?
They're a lot freaking nicer than you are!

Yeah, I can show you
exactly how nice they are.

What do you mean?

What are we doing here?

Who is he?

My uncle. Peter Hale.

Is he like you? A werewolf?

He was. Now he's barely even human.

Six years ago, my sister and I were
at school. Our house caught fire.

Eleven people were trapped inside.

He was the only survivor.

So what makes you so sure
that they set the fire?

'Cause they're the only ones
that knew about us.

Then they had a reason.

Like what?

You tell me what justifies this.

They say they'll only kill an adult
and only with absolute proof.

But there were people in my family
that were perfectly ordinary in that fire.

This is what they do.
And it's what Allison will do.

What are you doing?
How did you get in here?

We were just leaving.

Hey, um...

I just thought maybe I could catch you
before I went to sleep, but...

I wanted to say sorry again for tonight.

So call me.

The one that attacked me was big.
It had width and power.

But the one I shot was lean and fast.

Well, that would be Derek Hale.

- Are we sure?
- Mostly.

- How do we know it's just two of them?
- We don't yet.

But if Derek's still alive,
he will lead us to the Alpha.

Take the pack leader. Then take the pack.

- And we do it according to the code.
- You and the code.

- It's there for a reason, Kate.
- Of course.

I always play by the rules.