Teen Titans Go! (2013–…): Season 5, Episode 9 - Real Orangins - full transcript

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♪ T E E N T I T A N S ♪

♪ Teen Titans let's go ♪


♪ Teen Titans, go! ♪

- What is it, friend Robin?
- No!

Tell us what's wrong, bro?



Now that
I have your attention,

I have a story I'd like to share.

- Ah...
- Really?

That is the crying of the wolf.

Why didn't you
just start with that?

Because, you would
have just ignored me.

It's true.
We like ignoring you.

This better be good, fool!

Oh, it's good!
Very good!

I'm going to tell you the story
of how I formed...

the Teen Titans!

Didn't we do that already?

Yes, I remember it very clearly.

- We's definitely did that.
- I think, like, twice.

Then this will be the third time!

- Just relax.
- Think about them good origins.

Besides, you told those other
versions, this will be my version.

And it will be...


So, don't expect a lot
of laughs from this story.

Just a whole lot of...

- That ain't cool, bro.
- Yes, it is!

Now, let me set the stage!

I was just a sidekick
working for Batman,

but I wanted to
make a name for myself.

And I wasn't sure I'd ever
get out of his shadow.

The city of Gotham is in
your debt once again, Batman.

All in a night's work, Jim.

But, I can't take all the credit.

Robin was a big help out there.

Oh, don't tell me I missed him!
Was he here, too?

- I still am, Commissioner.
- Who said that!

- I think it was a ghost!
- Not a ghost... Just me.

Robin? Where are you?

- Just... a little to your left.
- Where?!

Ah, there he is.
In your shadow.

Well, once again, Gotham City
thanks you, caped crusaders.

Now, Robin...
Robin, where are you!

- Still in your shadow!
- Oh.

It's always going to be this way.

Shadows are my thing.

I think it's time
I stepped out of yours.

You're... leaving?
It's the short shorts, isn't it?

I can get you longer shorts,
if that'll make a difference.

It's not the shorts.
No, maybe, a little.

I need to find my own city,
and be my own hero!

Good luck, Robin...
wherever you are.

- I'm still here.
- Who said that!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I know you going for "cool," but
no one's gonna believe this story!

Yeah! Who's ever heard
of a grim and gritty Batman!


That's why he's called
The Dark Knight!

This guy?

If you are going to want
the people to believe you,

we suggest the tale of
your story be not as tall.

This is my tale! And it
will be as tall as I want!

Now, let me continue.

Crime fighter's log.

Jump City is a cesspool.

I can't bring justice to the
streets alone. I need a sidekick.

Preferably, several sidekicks.

I'll call them teammates
to be polite.

But everyone will
know they're sidekicks.

Networking apps...

Welcome, RobDog_747

Let's put together a team.

Team assemble mode.

Uh... Not older than me...

Boring... Boring.

Too cool. Ooh!

The Cyborg.

I doubt anyone will be
breaking your rushing records

anytime soon.

Who are you?

I'm looking for a few team players.

I'll never be part of a team again.

- Doesn't have to be that way.
- Oh, yeah? Look at me!

What team could I play for, huh?

What team would have me!

- A team of heroes!
- Oh, my goodness...

Are you from the Justice League?

I always wanted
to join the Justice League!

- Well...
- Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash!

Those guys are awesome!
Where do I sign up?

You are about to make
all my dreams come true!

- It's not...
- Justice League, baby!


Grandma, the Justice
League wants me to join!

Yeah, the Justice League!

- It's not the Justice League!
- Oh... I'll call you back later, Grandma.

It's a new team.
For new heroes.

A fresh start.

Think about it.

And I need a wild card.

Huh! Beast Boy.










Need some brains after those two.

Says she has demons.

Don't we all?

Join us!

I will never join you!


Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

You're not scared?

- Of course I am.
- So, you know I'm dangerous.

I know you want to do what's right.

With your power,
you can do a lot of good.

You need to leave!

- You don't have to be alone anymore.
- I said leave!

You can show the world
you're not a monster!

No, I mean, leave, my favorite
show is about to start.

Oh, sorry.

Seen it. Seen it.

The Princess of Tamaran.
Comfortable, I hope?

Clorbag rockshow warblarg!

Such a formidable spirit!

Your sister was wise
to hand you over.


Lord varblernelk!

I've come a long way to find you.

Security is offline for now,
but we don't have much tim...

You're welcome. I didn't
realize I was so irresistible.

You are the completely resistible.
Tamaraneans have

the ability to learn languages
through the lip contact.

- Now we can communicate.
- Oh... Okay.

But, you felt something, right?

- A spark, maybe?
- No.

But I did detect the strong
odor coming from the mouth hole.

I... I had tuna for lunch.

- I want you to join my team!
- But, what help would I be to you?

My own sister has stolen my throne
and sold me into the slavery.

I have nothing.
I am the alone.

You don't have to be.

Hopefully, they'll join me
at a dramatic moment

when I need them most.

Guess I'm going to have
to do this on my own.

- You are the not on your own.
- None of us are.

Nots ever again.

- What you guys waiting for?
- Your command.

Let's do this, Titans!

No! Wait.
Titans, go!

And, that's the true story of
how the Titans came together.

- That was so cool!
- It's got that good drama.

And it was so emotional.

A very satisfying tale, friend Robin.

So, do you think
people will believe it?

- Don't know.
- No.

- Oh, no. You crazy?
- Of course, not.