Teen Titans Go! (2013–…): Season 4, Episode 15 - Titan Saving Time - full transcript

The Titans are determined to find out what happened to the missing two o'clock hour during Daylight Saving Time.

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♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go

Ice cream.


Oh, why must we eat
this vanilla bean slurry?

(GROANS) It's so cold
and gross.

Well, if you don't finish
your ice cream

then there will be
no vegetables for any of you.

What? No vegetables?

(GASPS) You cannot do that!

Vegetables are only for people
who eat their ice cream.

Oh, do I have
to eat the cherry?

Yes, and the whipped cream,
and the chocolate syrup,

and the nuts too, young lady.
Every last bit.





I see what you're doing.

Pushing that ice cream around
so it looks like you ate some.

-It's not gonna work.
-No fair.

I don't want any more dessert.

I want vegetables right now!

No vegetables until your bowls
are empty. Simple as that.




(GULPS) Ugh!

Okay, let's see those bowls.

Very good.

I hope you saved room for...

♪ Vegetables, vegetables
sweet delicious vegetables

♪ Broccoli, cabbage
collard greens

♪ Sweet potato, lima beans

♪ Cauliflower, water-crest
spinach, kale, asparagus

♪ Vegetables, vegetables
sweet delicious vegetables ♪

(GROANS) That was so good.

The collard greens
were the exquisite.

And those sweet,
sweet potatoes. Mmm.

I do love me some
good vegetables.

Titans, it's time for bed.


Bed time's not
for an hour, dude.

Have you all forgotten?

Tonight is daylight
saving time.


Who is the dastardly villain

from whom daylight
must save the time?

No, Star.

Daylight saving time
is the completely
pointless practice

of adjusting our clocks
one hour forward

during the summer months

so that the sun stays up
an hour longer in the evening.

Then in the fall, we set
our clocks back an hour.

Hence the terms
"spring forward"

and "fall back."

Oh, man, one less hour
to sleep tonight?

Daylight savings time
is the worst.

It's actually
"daylight saving time."

That's what I said.

No, you said,
"Daylight savings time."

It's "daylight saving time."

I don't hear the difference.

Listen closely.

Daylight saving time.

Exactly as friend
Cyborg said it.

No, daylight saving time.

Yeah, daylight savings time.
That's what I said.

We just keep saying
the same thing.

No! You are saying "savings"!
It's not "savings"!

It's singular! Saving!

A daylight saving time!

Oh, you means
dayslights saving times.

-My concern remains
with the lost time

that must be saved
by the daylights.

It's not really lost.

The clock just leaps forward

between 2:00 a.m.
and 3:00 a.m.

The hour must go
the somewhere, Robin.

The hour doesn't go anywhere.
It's an hour.

Yo, you know what?
I bet a farmer took it.

Oh, yeah, farmers.

Wasn't daylight savings time
their idea?

That's a common misconception.

Farmers have nothing to do
with daylight saving time.

Oh, yeah, they do.

Those dirty farmers.

You know what?
They probablys
wanna steal our time

and ruin our sleeps
because we eats up

all the vegetables they grows
on their farms.

Of course.

That must be why the daylight
must save the time.

Because of the farmers.

Farmers are not ruining
our sleep schedules

because we eat
their vegetables!

(GASPS) Friends,
I have just realized.
It is the night time.

And so it will be impossible
for daylight to save the time.

She's right, there's no
daylight at night time.

Guys, you're taking
the phrase too literally.

If daylight is not here
to save the time,

then I will take up the duty.

We're with you, Star.

Ain'ts no farmers
gonna get up in here.


The time is about
to spring the forward.



It went from 1:59 to 3:00.

I can't believe it!

The clocked
skipped of the 2:00

and went directly to the 3:00!

I'm freaking out!

It happened right
under our noses!

Guys, most clocks adjust

for daylight
saving time automatically.

Oh, yeah, then how
do you explain this?

What? A messy room?

This place is always a mess.

I thoughts you was
a detective, fool!

This is a crime scene.



BEAST BOY: Mmm-hmm.

I thinks I sees
what's going on here.

That dirty farmer came in here
through that ceiling vent.

As a farmer is wont to do.

CYBORG: And that's when he
grabbed my dude Two O'Clock.

Just when he was
about to start his shift.

RAVEN: And it looks like
Two O'Clock put up a fight.

STARFIRE: But the farmer
overpowered the Two O'Clock

with his pitching fork
and took him away.

Or, the clock moved
forward automatically.

Since daylight is not here
to save the time,

the burden is upon us.

You can't save something
that doesn't physically exist!

Those farmers about
to buy the farm, yo!

Let us save the Two O'Clock.

This is where
we will find the lost hour.

Please don't harass
some poor farmer.

Ohs, we's about to harass!
What's the plan, mama?

Based on my knowledge
or the agrarian life styles

the farmer is no doubt
holding the Two O'Clock

in the field of the corns.

We should really be in bed,
not on some wild goose chase.

If you wanna chase
that gooses, they over there.


We's chasing time.

The one other thing.

This farmer has the dog.

And Bingo is his name-o.




And Bingo is his name-o.

We have the one chance
to save the Two O'Clock.

Follow me.


-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh
-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh


♪ Uh-huh, huh, huh

♪ Ah, ah

♪ Oh, oh, oh, yeah
yeah, yeah

♪ Ah, ah, unh
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh


♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Ah, ah, ah, ah

♪ Yeah, yeah


♪ Come on, yeah, yeah

Look at all that good corn.

Friends, stay the focused.

The Two O'Clock is close,
I can feel the it.

This is ridiculous.

And hour is not
a physical object.

What would it even look like?

-It looks like Two O'Clock,
you little goof.

2:00 doesn't
look like anything.

There he is!

Oh. I've been wrong
this whole time.

I can't believe
I trusted farmers!

Happens to the best of us.

What are you doing here?

Savings the time, friend.

Now let's get you back
to where you belong.

Just one little ear of corns
for the roads.



Well, well.
Rats in the field, eh?

So, you are the farmer?

That's right.
Old MacDonald's my name.


We farmers created
daylight saving time

to ruin everyone's sleep.

An act of revenge
for eating all our vegetables.

We grow these crops.

Takes months, you know.
And then people just eat them.


It's deplorable.

We are putting an end
to this cycle of hours lost.

The here and the now!


You think you can defeat me?

I'm Old MacDonald, you fool.

And on this farm,
I have an army.


-With an oink, oink here.

-And a moo, moo there.

-Here a cluck.

-There a cluck.

Everywhere a cluck, cluck.

Let's show
these here intruders

how we gets down on the farm!

Get them!










It is the over!

Give us the hour back!

What's he doing?


He's calling his dog.


-And Bingo was his name-o!




Nice try, city slickers.

But this hour is mine.

Finish them, Bingo!



I was the fool to think
we could take the job

of the daylight
and save the time.




My old enemy!

Oh, my gosh, it's happening.

ALL: Daylight saving time!


What a wonderful conclusion.

I'm sorry
I didn't believe you guys.

I mean, the whole thing
sounded so... So stupid.

But I guess at this point,
I should know

that the dumber
something sounds,

the more real it is.
