Ted Lasso (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Tan Lines - full transcript

Ted reunites with his wife and son. Ted makes a bold choice and takes Jamie out of the game.

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[pop music playing]



I'm sorry about this.

Don't you dare apologize. Thanks to you,
we can afford to get the other car fixed.

Tell him, boys.

- Bye, Dad.
- It's all right, Dad.



- Love you.
- Love you, darling.

Ooh, and... and tell your boss
I hope she gets heart disease.

Ooh. Oh.

- Morning, Ted.
- Hey, Higgins...

- [grunts]
- [boys] Ooh!

[boy] Is he dead?

[song fades]

I mean, you know, it's my fault
for staring at my phone.

I just can't stop
checking on my family's flight.

You know, I haven't shared this
with too many folks,

but, um, Michelle and I,
we've been having some marital issues.

Ted, you really don't have to
talk about this if you don't want to.

Oh, I don't mind.

Tried couples therapy.

Didn't like the other couple though.

- [laughs]
- [chuckles]

Oh, it feels good to laugh.

Yeah, you know, our therapist
gave us this code word to use.

So if either of us says "Oklahoma,"

the other one has to tell
the God's honest truth.

Yeah, you know, it's pretty helpful.

Did ruin the musical for me though.

So now every time I hear,
"Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin',"

or, uh... what...
"Surrey with the Fringe on Top," or...

- "Shall We Dance?"
- No, that's from King and I.

Anyway, if I hear any of those tunes,

I immediately think about
my wife telling me

that my constant optimism is too much.

And this... sharing of feelings

is 'cause I opened up to you
about my ex-husband at the gala.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, that's a lesson learned.

[Ted] Oh, come on now.

I bet deep down you kinda dig
we're getting so close, right?

I do.

- Oklahoma?
- I do not.


[theme music plays]


You up?


Is, uh, is Jamie here?

Oh, my God. You're Keeley Jones.

[chuckles] Yeah, I am.

Hi, Jamie.

No, no, no. No. You can't get mad.
You broke up with me.

Like, 24 hours ago.

How long's a man meant to be alone?

What am I supposed to do?
Shower by myself?

Sorry, can I just say,
I'm your biggest fan.

I follow your Insta,
your Snap, everything.

Wow, thank you.

And, Jamie, thank you.

Whenever I break up with someone,
I spend months questioning it,

wondering if I made
a huge fucking mistake.

But you have really helped me to feel good
about this decision, just by...

being you.

You're welcome.


You said I made you feel good
about your decision.

- Yeah.
- Did you mean it?

- Yes.
- Well, then you're welcome.

I like to make people feel good.

- Mm.
- [Jamie] Mm.

You still gonna be around
for the promo shoot later?

Oh, the promo shoot
that I've spent weeks setting up for you?


- [snaps fingers]
- [laughs]

It was nice to meet you.



[Sam] Yes, yes, yes! Here!

Yes, Jamie! Jamie, Jamie!

Jamie, I'm open. Jamie!

- What are you doing? That was going in.
- Well, we'll never know.

Jamie, how many times I gotta tell you
to make the extra pass?

Come on. Sam was more open than the jar
of peanut butter on my kitchen counter.

- [player] What? What's he talking about?
- [players murmur]

Oh, that's right. Y'all don't know
I like to keep the peanut butter open.

That way, whenever I walk by,
I can just stick my finger in there.


- It's a fucking good idea, to be fair.
- Yeah, it is.

Now look, when Sam is that open,
you gotta pass to him, okay?

But why?
Even when Sam's open, Sam is still shit.

I heard my name. What did he say?

- Don't worry about it.
- Oh, okay.

Guys, we gotta play like a team tomorrow.

Otherwise we're gonna
get our butts kicked. Extra passes.

We're gonna keep doing this
until we get it right. Let's go.

[Henry] Dad!

Practice is canceled.

That is a lot longer run
than he thinks, though.


- [Ted] Hey!
- Daddy!

I kinda thought y'all would meet me
halfway, but hey, that's all right.

- Hey, buddy!
- Helicopter!

Oh, you got it. [grunts] Two spins.
[chuckles] How about that?

Boy, you're gonna be a dizzy fella there.

- Slower helicopter.
- No way. Come on now.

[both laughing]

[sighs] I missed you so much.

[Henry] Group hug.

Hey! There he is.

Hey, big guy. Look how tall you got.
What the heck?

And look at this. I mean, you, what...
You got teeth now?

- I already had teeth!
- And you can talk!

Also, Ms. Welton, sorry to report,

but this weekend's match
will not be completely sold out.

Not a surprise. We've lost four matches
in a row, and we're facing relegation.

But why be sorry?

I think it's all going rather smashingly.

- [door opens]
- Uh...

I'm happy to be the new brand ambassador
for Darsteiner.

The favorite beer of Jamie Tartt.

Oh, wait, wait, wait. Get my tats.

Get that one. It's very important to me.
Chinese for "arm."

- [snaps fingers] Jamie.
- What?

- [whispers] Just drink the beer.
- [Jamie] Yeah.

No judgment,
but are you back with that twat?

Bon appétit.

No. We're done.
God, I love that you care though.

I'll kiss you on the mouth
if I can reach those lips.

You know, I put this whole thing together.
I get 10%.

Hey, do you like mythology?

You've seen a unicorn.
You ever seen a brewnicorn?

[neighs, sputters]

- That's fucking funny.
- Oh, no.

What's that? It's my beerby.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Y'all getting all this for free.
Not even extra for that.

- Keeley.
- Hmm?

If any of the other players
needed some branding work done,

is that something you'd be interested in?

I don't want you to offer me a job

just 'cause I was nice to you
in the loo the other night.

Why not? Men give each other jobs
in toilets all the time.

[laughs] Yeah, they do.

- [laughs]
- I meant employment. Like job-jobs.

- So not hand, or blow, or foot?
- Foot?

Oh, you're right.
Technically it would be... feet, right?

[stammers] Just give it a thought.
Unless you want to carry on doing...

What is it you do again?

I'm sort of famous
for being almost famous.


- Maybe think of it as a plan B.
- Yeah.

Okay, now,
little tip for y'all, all right?

Fries are called "chips."
Chips are called "crisps."

And "bangers" aren't great songs,

but they do make you feel like dancing
'cause they're so darn tasty.

When you gonna win a game,
you fucking wanker?

Hey, Baz. Fellas.
Uh, this here... This is my wife, Michelle.

Absolute pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lasso.

Nice recovery. Well executed.

- Yeah, coach's wife. She's heard it all.
- Yeah.

Hi, Ted. Hello, young man.

Here are the darts. There's the board.
Try not to hit any regulars.

[Ted] Yeah, go have fun.

- Your table's this way.
- Go on. After you.

- Three fish-and-chips?
- Yes, please. And two pints.

- I like your style.
- [Ted] Yeah.

[both chuckle]

Look at this. [stammers]

Do they, um, wrap the fish-and-chips
in newspaper? I read they do that here.

No, no. I wish. Boy, I'd love that.
Having my food teach me stuff?

Yeah, that's your dream scenario, right?

A doughnut
that knows about Rosa Parks or something.

- Yeah. Exactly, yeah.
- Yeah.

- Can fit a lot of wisdom just in the hole.
- Mm.


Oh. You already done, bud?

Yeah, he probably should be.

Ooh. Well, I'm sorry about that.

Happens all the time.

- What are you doing?
- I'm just curious, yeah?

The photographer's gonna
send me over the pictures,

and I'll just kill the ones
where you look like shit.

Then I'll send them over to you.

Uh, firstly, babe, there won't be any
where I look like shit because...

And B, why don't you just
bring them over to my place

and we can look at them together?

Maybe we're naked.

Oh... [chuckles]

Hard no. Thank you again, Jamie.

Smart move.

Excuse me?

I have to hang out with that prick.

The fact that you would choose
to be with him is frankly mind-blowing.

I'm not with him. We broke up.

We're working together, actually.
And who asked you anyway, huh?


I didn't know that, so... apologies.

No, it's fine.
You should definitely weigh in on my life.

I'll make sure that I text you
anytime I have to make a decision, yeah?

It's just that in training,
Sam was wide open,

and Jamie wouldn't pass to him.

But Sam was wide open.

Now that's what I'm dealing with.

[phone chimes]


- [Henry] Here it is.
- Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Okay. Now, hold on a second.

Think we might have missed a page.
Oh, boy.

Don't you wanna go
ride a real double-decker bus?

After we finish.

Mm-hmm. See? I like that.

First we gotta build it,
then we can ride it.

It's kind of a Field of Dreams paradigm.

[chuckles] Okay.

Well, six hands are better than four.

[soul music playing]

[song continues]

[song fades]

[Ted] Good morning.

Hey, how you doing?

- Hey, look at that scarf. I like it.
- Oi! Wanker.

Don't you fuck up the match.

I appreciate you.
We'll see what happens, huh?

Hey, check it out.

You never...
Never seen one of these before.

That right there, that's a scone, okay?

It's like a muffin, except
it sucks all the spit out of your mouth.

There's your breakfast. All right?
Hey! What do you say?

Thanks, Dad!

Okay. There you go.
Some people's kids, holy moly.

- It's pretty nice out there, isn't it?
- Oh. Yeah.

- Hey.
- I can make us some breakfast.

What's wrong?

Nothing. I think I'm just
a little jet-lagged is all.

I-I'm fine, Ted.

No, no, no, no. No.
Michelle, you gotta talk to me.

Okay? Hey, hey. Oklahoma.

Every day...

I wake up hoping that
I'll feel the way I felt in the beginning.

But... But maybe that's
just what marriage is, right?

I'll keep trying. You know I will.

Ready to go!

[clears throat, chuckles]

- I mean, you're gonna need pants, kiddo.
- [Michelle] Yeah.

- You know...
- Let's get some pants. Come on.


I mean, I don't know
what I'm supposed to do.

Just so, you know, so complicated.

So many different challenges and...

I think... I don't know. [stammers] Sorry.

You ever been married?


Yeah, Nate.
Coach's views on romantic relationships

are not too dissimilar
from his views on cooking steak.

You know, you spend any more than
five minutes on one, loses its flavor.

- That sound about right, Coach?
- Yeah.

Do you mind
if I ask you a personal question then?

Fire away.

If you were worried
about your relationship,

then why did you fly 4,438 miles away?

That is a very specific number
to know off the top of your head.

Oh, well, uh,
my dad used to be a cartographer.

Used to say I was .001 miles tall.


Yeah. Well, it's a good question.
Why do it?

I think at some point I realized

that me being around so much
was doing more harm than good.

Like, anytime I tried
to solve any of her problems, or...

do something sweet for her,
it just would backfire.

And then she and this therapist
we were working with

decided that maybe the best thing to do
would be to give her a little space.

And so, um...
well, I gave her 4,400 and, um...


Thirty-eight miles worth of it.


Sorry to interrupt.
I was told one of you had my phone.

Ah. Thank heavens.

I deleted some apps
to optimize performance.

Not Battleships, I hope.

Ah. Oh, well.
I was playing that too much anyway.

I'll leave you lads
to your match day planning.

Now, well, hold your horse there, amigo.

You mind if I get your take on something?

Wow, of course. Uh...

Very exciting to be, uh, invited
into the inner sanctum.

Um, Team Lasso, as it were.

You and the missus.
Y'all been together a while, yeah?

- Oh, yes, uh, 28 years.
- Oh.

Five boys, three dogs,

one 20-year-old cat whose impending death
will wreck me emotionally,

and, uh, one small house
that manages to fit us all in it.

Sounds like a full life right there.

But I assume y'all have had your
fair share of hard times though, yeah?

Did you not hear the five boys,
tiny house, dying cat part?



That's the thing though, isn't it?

If you're with the right person,
even the hard times are easy.

- Mm-hmm.
- [Ted whistles]

Someone call 911.
I want to report a truth bomb.

- I think... think they do 999 here.
- [Nathan] It is 999.

- [Higgins] Yes. It is, yeah.
- [Ted] For emergencies?

Boy, that seems troublesome to me.

You know,
toddlers and, just, butt dials and...

- Oh, 'cause it's one key.
- [Ted] Yeah.

You'd probably have
police cars and ambulances

- just zipping all over the place.
- [Coach Beard] Yeah.

- Well, that happens a lot, doesn't it?
- It does. Yeah, yeah.

- That explains it, actually.
- There you have it.

- [crowd cheering]
- Arlo White here with Chris Powell.

Live from Nelson Road Stadium,
the home of AFC Richmond.

All right, everyone!
Get in a fucking circle.

- Let's throw this down!
- [player] Come on, boys!

[Roy] Right, hands in.

On three. One, two, three...

- [all] Richmond!
- [Ted] Let's go!

[players shouting]

- [camera clicking]
- [Sam] Let's go! Let's go!

[shouting fades]

Jamie, you a germophobe?

'Cause I'm trying to think of a reason
you didn't put your hand in

with the rest of the team.

Didn't want to.


I gotta say, man, sometimes you remind me
of my grandma with the channel hopper.

You just push all the wrong buttons.

Well, then how's about
you and me make a deal?

Okay, I'm listening.

You get to keep on preaching
all of your yeehaw bullshit,

and in exchange, I'll keep ignoring you,
because this team is tragic.

I score all the goals,
and I'm the only one they come to see.

Does that sound fair? Hands in.

You know, I'd love to hash out
some of the nuances there,

but I'm not having the best of days...

Actually, it doesn't matter what you say.

'Cause in my head, I'm just
hearing the crowd cheer my name

after I score a goal tonight.

♪ Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo
Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo ♪

As undeniably catchy as that tune is,
I need you to cut the crap right now...


[chuckling] Hey, big guy.
There he is. Hey.

- Jamie Tartt?
- Hello, little lad.

Would you sign my shirt?

[Jamie] All right, turn around.

That's pretty cool, huh?

[Jamie] Now, next time I score a goal,
it won't just be for me.

It'll be for you too.

And for me. But... just for us.
[clicks tongue]

- [Henry] Cool.
- Good lad.

Good boy.

Come on, let's get out there.

♪ Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo
Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo ♪

- [man] Come on, goalie!
- [Arlo] Link finds space.

He rears back to shoot it.

Oh! A stunning goal
by the Canadian midfielder!

- Fuck's sake!
- I hate that poxy wanker! Fucking Lasso!

- Nice family though.
- Damn it, Paul! Don't humanize him!

Well, after only six minutes,
Richmond are 2-0 down.

[chanting] Wanker! Wanker!

[Arlo] And the Richmond supporters
are making their feelings known.

Wanker! Wanker!

Chris, you have to think,
if this continues,

Lasso's time with Richmond will be short
and not very sweet.

Tartt receives the ball. Clever there.

- Go on, Jamie.
- He finds space.

He has Obisanya on the right.

No, he's doing it himself.
And, oh, what a finish!

Jamie Tartt with an incredible solo goal!

Jamie Tartt, you fucking king!

♪ Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo
Jamie Tartt, doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo ♪

[Arlo] And thanks to budding superstar,
Jamie Tartt,

Richmond are right back in it at 2-1
in the 29th minute!

- Me!
- What's he yelling?

Um, "me." He's, uh, pointing at the name
on his back and repeatedly yelling "me."


Oh, I thought he was saying "meat."

But, yeah,
yours makes a lot more sense. Okay.

- [man] Come on!
- [Arlo] Obisanya joins the attack.

- Oh! The Nigerian is taken out!
- Bullshit!

- [whistle blows]
- Come on, ref! They gotta knock that off!

It'll be a yellow card here for Benson.

And you have to say he got off easy there.
And Obisanya is still down.

- He might be hurt.
- Yeah.

Excuse me, mate.

Oi! Check on your fucking teammate.

[Arlo] The captain dispensing some wisdom
to the young superstar.

Nothing wrong with that.

- Sam?
- Yeah?

I'm gonna have to move you there.
There you go.

- What is your fucking problem?
- [Arlo] Oh! What is this?

Kent and Tartt
are at each other's throats!

- Okay. Hey, guys! Come on! Knock it off!
- Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.

Fucking kill you!

Same team!

- [Chris] Unacceptable, Arlo.
- Chris, have you ever struck a teammate?

- [Jamie] Are you mad? So what?
- [Chris] No, but I've wanted to.

- He's my own player.
- [Roy] Yeah, yeah.

- [Chris] I'm actually a bit jealous.
- You gotta be...

[Arlo] We haven't seen this
since 2001 in Newcastle.

And a season of lows for Richmond
sinks even further still.

You all right, Sam?

Honestly, it doesn't even hurt anymore.

But everyone was making such a fuss,
I thought I should just stay down.

No. Listen.

I'm gonna pull you up,
you're gonna pretend to limp very badly,

and you're gonna gesture
like you think you can bravely go on.

- They'll love it.
- Oh, okay.

[crowd applauds]

[Arlo] Obisanya is on his feet,
but can he continue?

Is he okay?

- [cheering, applauding]
- Looks like he'll play through the pain.

Such determination. You love to see it.

Attaboy, Sam!

Tartt steps up to take the free kick,
with an opportunity to tie the game.

Will he find a teammate or go for glory?

With Tartt, that's usually
a rhetorical question.

And he's done it!

That's two for Jamie Tartt,
and Richmond are level

in the 38th minute!

[Chris] He's a special player, Arlo.

- [crowd singing]
- Look at this.

[Arlo] And you have to wonder,
where would Richmond be without him.

I'll be right back.

[Jamie] Me! Me!

We certainly haven't seen this before.

Ted Lasso is running into the stands.

- Well, where the hell is he off to?
- [scoffs]

He's not slowing down on those steps.

That's some real impressive cardio
from Ted Lasso there.

[Arlo] Is he okay?

- [grunts] Hey, Rebecca.
- Hello, Ted.

- You're doing great, Dad.
- Yeah, you got this.

Thanks, guys.

Uh, I wanna bench Jamie.

But I didn't wanna do it
without checking with you first.

But, Ted, you're the manager.

So whatever you decide,
you have my full support.

Thanks, boss. All right.
Later, alligators.

Bye, Dad.

[Arlo] And it appears Coach Lasso
has decided

to rejoin the match already in progress.

Roberts, warm up. You're going in.
Let's go. Come on.

Hey, highlighter. We got ourselves a sub.

- Sixteen's going in for nine. Okay?
- Okay.

Appreciate you, sir. Thank you.

[clears throat]


Well, it looks like Lasso is
making an early substitution here.

He's bringing Roberts on,
and he's taking off...

- Jamie Tartt?
- [clamoring]

He's our best player!

- [crowd booing]
- Me?

You don't know what you're doing!

You don't know what you're doing!
You don't know what you're doing!

What on earth?

He's taking off his best player.

And with less than a minute remaining
in the half.

- Wanker! Wanker! Wanker!
- [announcer] Number 16, Robbie Roberts,

for number 9, Jamie Tartt.

Hey, way to play out there.
Way to get us back in.

Shut up. Fucking stupid twat.

[chanting continues]

[Arlo] The referee looks at his watch,
and that's halftime.

What kind of reception awaits Lasso
in his locker room?

[players murmuring]

Oi, sit down and listen.

[Ted] We got ourselves a tied game.

Nice work.

Fellas, we're broken. We need to change.

And, look, I know change can be scary.

One minute, you're playing freeze tag
out there at recess with all your buddies.

Next thing you know,
you're getting zits, your voice gets low.

And every time your art teacher,
Ms. Scanlon, leans over your desk

to check and see how your project's going,
you feel all squiggly inside.



She was a striking woman.
Not classically beautiful, but striking.

- First time I ever saw tan lines.
- [players chuckle]

Most of the time, change is a good thing.

Now, I think that's what it's all about.

Embracing change.

Being brave.

Doing whatever you have to,
so that everyone in your life...

can move forward with theirs.

'Cause maybe...

it's the only way
you can truly help her be happy.

Obviously by "her,"
I'm referring to Lady Football.

Good save.

Sam, we're gonna shift you to midfield
for the second half.

And Beard's gonna walk y'all
through the rest of the changes.

Oh, hey, hey, hey. One last thing.

And I want everyone's eyes on me
when I say this. Look at me.

[player claps hands]


- Never really liked Tartt.
- [Sam] We know, Roy.

Everybody, come on.

[Arlo] Two minutes
of added time remaining.

Still level at two goals apiece.

Richmond have played well,
even without Jamie Tartt.

[Ted] Here we go.

Oh, he's open. He's open. He's open.
There you go.

[Arlo] A through ball from Cockburn.
And Kent is off to the races!

Come on!

Kent has only one man to beat.

He could take it himself,

but he makes the extra pass
to a wide open Obisanya!

- Oh! And he buries it!
- [cheering]

Oh, my God! Whoo!

[Arlo] Richmond take the lead with
barely a minute of stoppage time left.

[announcer] Scorer for Richmond's
third goal, number 24, Sam Obisanya.

- [whistle blows]
- [cheering]

[Ted] Yeah!

- I'm so sorry! I'm just so happy!
- No, I love it! I love this energy!

- Here, Coach. Take this guy from me.
- Oh, yeah!

[cheering, applause]

[Ted] That's the way you do it!

Nicely done, gentlemen! Nicely done!
Way to do it! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Took balls, what you did.

[announcer, indistinct]

That's all we got is balls, Roy.
It's all we got.

All right! Yeah!
There you go. Way to play.

- [crowd chanting, clapping]
- How about that, Coach?

You hear that, Coach?

- [chanting] Wanker! Wanker!
- [rhythmic clapping]

[Ted] Well, same word, ain't it?

- [Coach Beard] Yeah, but different.
- [chanting, clapping continues]

Yeah, kinda like back in the '80s
when bad meant good, right?

Who was president back then?

- Ronald Reagan.
- "Ronald Reagan? The actor?"

Oh, man. I love it when you do Doc Brown.
You walked me right into that.

[chanting, clapping continues]

Daddy! Dad!

Hey! There he is!


How about that, huh? We won one.

- Daddy?
- Yeah?

What's a wanker?

Well, kiddo. That is a, uh...

That's a man that likes to be alone
with his thoughts. Make sense?

Let's give you a better view
of all this. Ready? [grunts]

- Get up there, kiddo. Look at that.
- [crowd cheering]

Wave to the people. That's it.
Let them know. Let them see, huh?

[cheering continues]

Oh, shit.

[girl] Yeah.

One touch.

I just keep thinking about
the first time we met, back at school.

[Michelle chuckles]

Us being the only two people in that big
old parking lot at the exact same time.

[Ted chuckles]

So random.

No way for us to know that it was going
to be the start of something.

[shouts] Oh!

- Hey.
- Did I scare you?

You snuck up on a woman
in a parking lot at night. [chuckles]

Yeah, Roy, well done. [chuckles]

I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.
I was also an idiot yesterday, so...

It's okay.

Good night, Keeley.

Good night, Roy.

[Ted] I look back at everything
we've been through,

and I wouldn't change a single thing.

Even now.

What are you saying?

Michelle, if there is something
I could... do

or something I could say
that would make you be happy...

just being with me, I'd do it.

I'd do it in a nanosecond.

But I ain't got no control
over any of that.


You don't have to keep trying anymore.

It's okay.

I'm gonna be okay. Yeah?


[Henry, girl laughing]

[girl] Okay, quick feet. There we go.

[Ted] Shoot.


I promised myself
I would never quit anything in my life.

But you're not quitting, Ted.

You're just letting me go.

[sniffles, exhales]


[girl laughs] Come on.

- Oh.
- [Michelle clears throat]

[girl] You ready?

- [Ted] Yeah.
- [Michelle] Yes. Thank you.

- It's all right.
- I appreciate you, Shannon. Thank you.

Hey, buddy. I'm gonna see you
the second after the season's over, okay?

And we're gonna talk every day?

Absolutely. Just like we do, big guy.
You know it. Okay?

Well, gimme a hug, please. Yeah.

Okay now, okay.

- Hey, I love you. Go ahead, get on.
- [Michelle chuckles]

[pop music playing]

- [taxi door closes]
- [engine starts]

[song continues]

[song continues]


Oi, wanker. Good job tonight.

Thank you, sir.

Keep an eye on us.
We might be turning this thing around.

[song continues]

[Ted sighs]

[song continues]