Tears on Fire (2021): Season 1, Episode 8 - Tears on Fire - full transcript

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There are new developments

with the bee sting death in Dayuan
that caused a sensation.

If the citizens of Dayuan need it,

we'll catch bees and snakes for everyone.

You said you wanted
to take responsibility.

Who in their right mind would believe you?

That person never even liked you.

It has nothing to do
with whether I'm a boy or girl.

I should've aborted you back then!

I shouldn't have given birth to you!

It's getting dark.

We can't go down the mountain tonight.

Let's set up camp here.

What's going on?
Why is it such a mess in here?

Do you know
that Chi-chi cried the whole night?

I have to handle everything by myself!

Let's congratulate Lin Yi-yang
from our Tong'an branch.

He successfully stole the heart
of our Tong'an heroine, Tzu-ling!

Dispatch Records

Why do you need anti-anxiety medication?

I'm not doing anything harmful.

Just help me out.

This is a work of fiction.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental.

This place is great, right?

I remember someone
drove the ambulance here

to look for a restroom back then.

It was a milestone
that marked your insubordination.

Cut the nonsense.

You were so cool that day.

I heard that the old lady

passed away a week later.

Fortunately, we brought her here that day.

That's right.

The old lady passed away just like that.

I wonder if her husband was heartbroken.

I hope we can be like them.

Now that we're hand-in-hand, it's forever.

You're so cheesy.

Let's take
two days off together next time.

I'll take you home, okay?


I want to introduce you to my mom.

I don't think that's a good idea.

We haven't been together that long,

but you already want me to meet your mom?

Don't say that.

Before we even started dating,

I already went to your house
and met your mom.

Lin Yi-yang, you're such a jerk.

You're terrible. I'm going home.

Mr. Pai.


Your chief especially came

to ask us to donate smoke detectors.

We did just that, didn't we?

Yes, we got them.

Thank you for your help, Mr. Shen.

You're welcome.

As long as you don't purposely
make things difficult for us

during safety checks,

we're already very grateful.

Of course we won't.

Our team members do the checks
according to the procedure.

It must be a misunderstanding.

Chief Wu, I also hope
it's a misunderstanding.

Five years ago,

when Amuz One was under construction,

the wiring all met the requirements.

Everything was fine.

Now, just because you say so,

we suddenly have to change
to fire-resistant wires.

Aren't you making things difficult for us?

I have to rewire the entire building.

That's over a million dollars.

Listen to me.

The central government amended the law.

They require us low-level employees
to execute it.

It's hard for us too.

Mr. Pai.

There's a problem with the law,
isn't there?

You're even asking us
to pay to change the wiring.

That's a disturbance to the people.

Speaking of the law,

Wanhe County knew not to inspect this.

Yet, you guys just had to choose
to inspect it.

We passed the safety check
in Wanhe County.

Why didn't we pass the check here?

No, it's because...


do you know that your team member who came

to do the check last time
had a very bad attitude?

Well, it's like this.
It's because our team member

was locked up at your place
for several hours.

It was an accident.

But your team member assaulted someone.
Was that an accident?

Mr. Pai.

He did this to me.

I was at the television station yesterday.
My friend asked me how I got hurt.

Mr. Pai, how do you want me to answer?

I'm sorry.

Our team member was too impulsive.

I apologize.

It's all right.
Just make sure you take care of it.

You have to do something.

What are you doing?

This is the turnout gear
that a retired senior gave me.

The last time I was in the field,

I realized there was a hole here.

I'm planning to tape it up.

Hey. Do you want to die?

You can't just tape it up
by yourself like that.

It'll ruin the fireproof material.

Plus, the tape will burn
when you're on the scene.

What should I do then?

You can apply for a new one.

-Can I?
-Of course.

Isn't this the old gear
of a retired senior?

Hurry up and request for one.

But superiors will tell you

that there's no new turnout gear,
so you'll have to wait.

Mine has a hole in the knee area,

but I've been waiting for years.

Won't you get burned
at the scene of a fire?

You're so stupid.

You can borrow a good one
from someone who's off.

Until a few firefighters die,

people will never value our lives.

Chang Chih-yuan.

Didn't I say I would treat you to a meal?

Why are we meeting here?

Are you trying
to get rid of me with one meal?

Thank you.

Why are you giving this to me?

This isn't what I want.

Put it on.

You want me to wear these?

Are you telling me to rob a bank?

Go somewhere with me first.

I'll give it to you when we get there.

Let's go.

Where are we going?

Hurry up.

Where are we going?

We're almost there.

We're here.

Sunshine Psychiatric Clinic

This doctor is my friend.

He'll keep it confidential
no matter what you say.


If you don't want to leave a record,

he'll help you with that too.

I'll wait for you outside.

After you see the doctor,

he'll prescribe the medicine for you.

Let's go.

Come on.

I told you.

I'm not sick.

I'm just stressed from work.

I just need some anti-anxiety medicine.

That's all.

I've talked to my friend.

We don't even have to go to the reception.

We'll go straight to the examination room.

I don't want to go.

Don't be afraid.

No one will know who you are.

Don't force me, okay?

-I'm begging you.
-Listen to me for once.

Let go of me.

You need to see a doctor.
Listen to me just this once.

Let go of me!

Who do you think you are?

Who are you to decide for me?

Has Amuz One's fine been canceled?

Give me the ticket. I'll take care of it.

None of their wires are fire-resistant.

They have so many issues too.
How can their fine be canceled?

The higher-ups think there was a flaw
in the procedure.

What kind of flaw
was in my administrative procedure?

Don't worry about that.

-I said I'll take care of it.
-But I signed this ticket.

Aren't I responsible?

How do you want to take responsibility?

You hurt someone.

He went to Section Chief Pai
with an injury on his forehead.

How will you take responsibility for that?

So Mr. Shen went to complain, didn't he?

I didn't even hit him.

Plus, this is illegal lobbying!

They've already contacted the press.

Don't you think our branch
has been on the news enough?

Do you want to be famous that badly?

Do you think taking responsibility
is that easy?

What were you doing
when the journalists cornered Mr. Pai?

Where were you
when the fire chief was surrounded?

If you think I don't support you enough
as your chief,

you can transfer to another branch.

Pick one that you like.

I'll help you.

Bring your application over
and I'll sign it.

Are you spacing out?

I'm not.


Thank you, Dr. Chou.

Are you free this Saturday?

You seem stressed out lately.

Why don't we go for a walk in Dayuan Park?

Let me tell you.

Freud said

that a 30-minute walk

would help the brain
release 20% more dopamine.

It can relieve your stress.

Freud said that?

No, I did.


I'll pick you up on Saturday.

Why are you packing up your clothes?

I'm moving back to my mom's place.

You're moving back to your mom's?


What about Chi-chi and the baby?

I've already taken the baby there.

I'll pick Chi-chi up after school.

This is such an important matter.
Why didn't you discuss it with me first?

Is there a need to discuss this?

Would you listen?

If I don't move back,
would anyone help me?

Would I be able to go to work?

Your job is more important anyway.

My job is to save people.

The working hours are different
from everyone else.

-You knew this before we got married.

Your job is to save lives and help people.

Every time I'm about to break down,

I tell myself

that my husband is amazing.

He's doing something meaningful.

As a firefighter's wife,
I have to be strong and independent.

But I'm human too.

I need your help sometimes.

Why do you make me feel

like I'm the only one contributing
to this family?

All you know how to do is say sorry.

Why do other husbands get
to come home at a normal time,

but you can't?

The choice is yours.

Do you want our family,

or do you want to keep doing your job?

It's your call.

All right, stop packing.

Stop packing. I promise you.

Let me see if Tien-cheng's company
is suitable for me.

I didn't expect
this rescue would take so long.

Look at the time.

-Have you guys eaten?
-Yes. Look at how late it is.

Why don't you input the data first?
I'll get us some food.


I think there are scallion pancakes
in the fridge.

That's so sweet.

It's time for Tzu-ling to get married.

Why are you still making
your husband cook?

Like I said,
you girls are not suitable for this job.

What do you mean by that?

I don't mean anything by it.
I'm just concerned about you.

Why should a girl do such a rough job?

I'm telling you.
Firefighting isn't for girls.

Tzu-ling is a tactical paramedic.
Which level are you?

Are you more suitable than she is?

What is the meaning of that?

-That's enough.
-Which class were you in?

-Is this how you talk to your seniors?
-So what if you're our senior?

Every time we put out a fire,
you laze around.

You walk around the fire engines
without entering the fire scenes.

Do you think we don't know that?

All you do is complain.

Do you think complaining
changes the situation?

If you're that annoyed,
why don't you just quit?

As if you don't complain yourself!

It's reasonable
when you complain and scold people.

When I complain a little,
I'm harming the world!

You're always annoyed about everything.

Why are you still working here?

All right.

That's just how Kuo-sheng is.

Don't fight with him.

My wife made them. Try them.

You're still busy at this hour?

You remind me of an old friend.

He is a firefighter too.

He was devoted and full of passion.

He was always the first to do anything.

But then, an incident changed him.

He had a close friend who was a colleague.

They were very good friends.

His friend got hurt
while on a fire mission.

He was paralyzed below the waist.

He got some insurance money later on,
but it wasn't much.

Hiring a caregiver costs a lot.

He spent all the money in a flash.

Because of this,

he also ended up losing his job.

His whole family struggled.
Their lives were hard.

My friend felt bad for him
and did everything he could for him.

But it was no use.

Not long after,

his friend passed away.

This incident

made him completely lose
his passion for work.

He became strange

and was hard to get along with.

He was a bit of a cynic.

One time, he went to catch a snake alone

and got bit.

It was a terrible bite.

He almost died.

It took a lot of antivenoms
to save his life.

He survived,

but he lost his finger.

One of his fingers was amputated.

It's Kuo-sheng.

Why won't he tell us when we ask him??

He has a lot of pride.

He doesn't like to talk about it.

He feels embarrassed.

I heard about your fight with him.

He might have his faults.

However, he just has a foul mouth,
but he has a good heart.

He has been firefighting all his life.

He also has problems with his spine.

You know he's retiring soon, right?

Since he's retiring soon,
don't mind him then.

Try to be more understanding.

He's your senior.

All right.

Eat the dumplings while they're hot.

Let me know if you like them.
I have more at home.


You said this is your...

Han-cheng is my brother-in-law.

He's a firefighter.

He's considering a career change.

A firefighter?

That's great.

If you join our company,

you'll definitely do fine.

I used to be an executive
in the tech industry,

but ever since my dad started
having problems with his liver,

I started looking
for nutritional supplements

to help him recover.

I looked at many brands,
but I wasn't satisfied with any of them

until a friend introduced me

to our company's products.

I realized how effective they are.

Our company's personnel procedures

take a little time,

but you should be able
to start your training next time.

Okay, I'll let Hsiao-ying know.

I know it's hard
to change careers at this age.

You also have to support your family.

The salary of a salesperson

is not as stable as you firefighters.

You need to rely on sales
to boost your income.

But you don't like socializing.

Don't worry.

You might not be used to it at first,

but it'll be fine as time passes.

Here, take this.

You often stay up late.
You need to take care of your health.

Thank you, Tien-cheng. I'll get going now.

Okay, good luck.


You're home.

Where's the baby?

He's asleep.

I bought the salad oil you asked for.

Dinner is ready. Come and eat.

Chi-chi made the curry today.

That's great.

-You even helped cut the radish, right?


Do you want some soup?


How was it when you went
to Tien-cheng's company today?

Not bad. They're all nice.

Mom, I want soup.


Thank you.

Do you want more radish or more tofu?


Don't just eat the curry.
Eat the vegetables too.


Chi-chi, you were awesome today.

I was busy, so you helped me
look after the baby.

Emergency rescue!

Sir, don't be nervous.
We'll take you to the hospital.

I'm going to help you up now.

All right. One, two, three.

Here, sir.

Relax your head and lean back.

-Kuo-sheng, I'll do it.
-It's okay.

Go down and keep watch for me.

Traditional Chinese Health Supplements

My goodness.

You can't even use a lighter.

My four fingers are better than your five.

I was so unlucky today.

After that case I had
with you this morning,

in the afternoon, I had to carry one
who was more than 100 kg.

Even the thought of it
makes my hands shake.


Why do you have even worse luck
than Kuan-chung now?

It's true.

-Thank you.

You're so great, Antelope.

I want one too.

Sure. Let me give you this good stuff.

Yi-yang, I want one too.

You too?

Here, this is for you.

A bone?

-Come on, your favorite carrot.
-No, I don't want this.


You guys are so gross.

You're here to flaunt your love
even on your day off.

I'm about to go blind.

I only have one day off
and I live so far away.

It's not worth going home.

Tell your wife to come
and keep you company.

Forget it. I'd rather go blind.

I'm telling your wife.

Darn it! It stinks!

Kuan-chung just pooped
in that cubicle, Kuo-sheng.

Kuo-sheng, do you have a stomachache?

Yes, I've had diarrhea all day long.

It stinks in here.

Kuan-chung is full of bad luck.

He probably didn't poop before going out
to rescue and brought bad luck.

Someone else took the credit

and they had to stay with the stretcher.

What? That's so unlucky.

I have to tell the chief

to try not to schedule me with him.

Kuo-sheng, your poop stinks too.

I'm going out.


It stinks, yet you're still talking to me.

Do you think I want to have diarrhea?

Fire alarm!

Darn it!

Do you want me to cover for you?

It's my day off.

Just take the service vehicle later.

Thank you.

You owe me a drink.

All right.

Fire alarm!

Dispatching 11, 12, 16.

Why are you changing into your gear?
Isn't it your day off?

Kuo-sheng is taking a dump.
I'm covering for him for now.

It's so serious.

Darn it.

I knew trouble would hit
that place eventually.

Why don't I go into the scene first

and you can set up
the pump for me outside?

You're the driver today.

Just take care of your pump.

Send additional support.
The scene is narrow.

The backup should stay outside.
Don't come in.

We're on the Bravo side now!

Yes, thick smoke is coming
from the second and third floors.

The fire must be intense.

We're still searching for the fire source.

Hurry up! Set up the hose first.

Hurry up.

Be careful when you go in.

The layout is complicated
and the equipment is faulty.

It's fine. See you later.

-Bring the destructor set.


Bring the stretcher!

-Those in the back, hurry.
-Sergeant Sung.

Sergeant Sung.

Be careful inside.

Sergeant Sung.

Chia-hsuan, that's wrong.

This is for connecting the pump.

Tong'an 06.

This is Sergeant Sung.

Go for Tong'an 06.

The team has entered the scene.
The setup is complete.

-Roger that.

Get ready. Hurry!


Search the left side.


-Chih-yuan, there's a wounded victim.


Tong'an 06, this is Han-cheng.

We found a victim on the second floor
of the entertainment zone.

We're going to bring him out.
Please have the paramedics ready.

Okay, copy that.

The fire is spreading. Quick!

Han-cheng, help me.

The fire is very strong.
Follow me closely.


Move back a little. Crouch down.

Be careful of the right side.

The fire on the right is spreading.
Be careful.

Tzu-ling, are you all right?

I'm fine.

Tzu-ling, this is Tong'an 11.

Tzu-ling, this is Tong'an 11.

-Can you hear me?
-Chia-hsuan, what are you doing?

Tong'an 11, can you hear me?

Tong'an 11 copies.

I'll trade you.

Hold on.

Put on your gear. Go in with this junior
from the Anshui branch.

But I'm the driver for Tong'an 12.

Get someone to take care of it.
We can't let him go into the scene alone.

Okay, I'll go get an air tank.

-Get it.


Watch the pump of Tong'an 12 for me.
Pass it on to Kuo-sheng when he comes.


Hsiao-kao, what are you doing?

There's a hole in my turnout gear.
Water has seeped into it.

Did you wear a torn one?

I can still handle it, Tzu-ling.

Let's retreat first.

Tong'an 06, this is Tzu-ling.

Hsiao-kao has been burned.

We're retreating now.

Mr. Pai.

Search and rescue comes first.
People are trapped on the third floor.


Sergeant Sung.

He's a junior from the Anshui branch.
He came alone. I'm taking him inside.

Write "8:32 p.m." next to their names.

There are these people too.

When did Chih-yuan and the others go in?

Hurry up.

My wife is trapped inside.
Hurry and save my wife!

Sorry, we have a mission on hand.
Can you report to the command post?

Why do I need to report this?

What's more important than saving a life?

Hurry up! My wife will die in there
if you don't save her.

Hurry up. What are you doing here?

-Hurry up.
-Kuan-chung, let's go.

It's an OHCA! Paramedics!


Hurry up.

Chest compression.

Tong'an 06, this is Chih-yuan.

Go for Tong'an 06.

The victim on the second floor
has been rescued.

He's receiving emergency treatment now.

The smoke ventilation system
on the second floor is useless.

Okay, I got it.
There are too many people trapped inside.

Take a break first.

Then, search for more people
on the second floor.

Copy that.
We'll go in after we change our air tanks.

Come on, keep up.


Run a water line for me.

-Follow this water line later.


I forgot to check the air tank.




-Paramedic support!
-What's wrong?

-Hsiao-kao's left arm got burned.

-It's his upper left arm.
-Okay, be careful.

Be careful.

Come this way.

We'll take off your clothes now

and help you cool down.

-Bear with it.
-Be careful.


All right. Hang in there.

Get ready to search the rooms.

Copy that.

Chih-yuan, there's no one here.
Let's go to the next room.

Sir, the second floor is burning
and the third floor is smoke-filled.

People are trapped inside.

-We've set up eight hoses to enter...
-I'm sorry. Excuse me.

-to carry out the rescue.
-Fire chief!

-Chief Han.
-Chief Han.

Chief Han, how is it? Are things okay?

Don't worry, Mr. Sun.
We're doing everything we can.

Explain the setup of the hoses to me.

There's nine million dollars in the safe.
We can't get it out.

We entered the Bravo side
through the side door

and the Charlie side through the center.

So we've gotten to all four sides.

Chia-hsuan, why is it you?

Where's Lin Yi-yang?

I'm not sure.

He just asked me to watch the pump.

Tong'an 11, this is Tong'an 08.

Go for Tong'an 11.

Please increase the pressure.

Reporting from Control Two.

Our principle for the rescue scene

is to focus on search and rescue.

Chiefs, please send more people
to expedite the search.

Chief Han.

It has been hours.

Why isn't the fire under control?

If the fire keeps burning,
our whole building is going to burn down.

Mr. Sun, we have our procedures
and strategies for putting out fires.

All of our valuables
are on the third floor.

You have a quint. Why don't you use it?

Yes, why won't you use
the quint when you have one?

Why aren't you spraying water at the fire?

Don't interfere with our work. Thank you.

Please answer our question.

Please trust that we'll put out the fire
as soon as possible.

Then hurry up and ask them to spray water.
What are you waiting for?

Is there a problem?

Hello, Mayor. Yes.

I'm Sun Cheng-hung.

You know there's a fire
at Amuz One, right?

It has been hours,
but the fire still isn't under control.

What should we do?

Chief Han, please answer the question!



I'm here!

I'm here!

Over here!

Tong'an 06, this is Yi-yang!

Tong'an 06, this is Yi-yang...

Darn it!

I'm here!

Why did you come out alone?

The smoke on the third floor
was too thick. I lost Yi-yang.

So he's in there alone right now?

How could you leave him in there alone?

You two, put your gear on.

A team member got left on the third floor.
You two go in and look for him.

Tell them where he is!

It's stuck.

Get ready to search the rooms.

Copy that.

Thank you.

It's time to get down.

Ms. Chien!



Ms. Chien!

Ms. Chien!

Ms. Chien!

Stay close to me.

Do you understand?

-Do you understand?

Come on!

Are you okay?

-I'm fine.
-Let's back up.

Let's go over there. Hurry.

What should we do now?

Over here!

Don't move. I'm coming up to save you!

Future Dispatches


Chih-yuan fell to level B1
of the freight shaft. Requesting backup.

Chih-yuan fell into the B1 shaft.

I think he's unconscious.
Requesting for backup!


Chih-yuan, can you hear me?

Guangrong 31 is ready.

What are you still waiting for?

The fire will only get worse.
Will you take responsibility?

Give me your foot!

-I'm afraid of heights.
-What are you afraid of?

It's going to be too late!

Have you found them?

Sergeant Sung, please hurry.

They modified the passage here.

There is a lot of thick smoke.

We're still searching!

Chang Chih-yuan!

Chih-yuan, get up!

Get up, Chih-yuan!

You're all grown up.
You don't need to practice anymore.

But there are some mistakes

that you can never make up for.

Translated by Chloe Chow