Tears on Fire (2021): Season 1, Episode 6 - Tears on Fire - full transcript

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Luckily, Tzu-ling reacted quickly
and moved back when she noticed it.

I made ginger tea. Do you want some?

Hsu Tzu-ling!

My mom isn't the one
to take responsibility for this.

It's not the firefighters either.

It's that guy, Mr. Li!

You must've saved the world
in your last life.

I'll remind the controller

to list that in the budget for next year.

What about the turnout gear?

Or do you want turnout gear
instead of the transceivers?

Didn't we ask you
to fix it within the deadline?

I can only issue a fine
according to the law.

Lobbying won't work.

Watch what you say.

Don't worry.

We're very careful about fire safety.

There's a beehive on my terrace.

Can you remove it for us?

We're firefighters, not bee-catchers.

You're parasites!


Can you come and take a look?

The body is already stiff.

Ma'am, call the police.

Don't be rash. Calm down, Ms. Chien.
Okay, we won't go over there.


Ever since the suicide rescue last time,

you seemed gloomy.

Actually, after every failed rescue,

-I also...
-I told you I'm fine!

This is a work of fiction.
Any resemblance is purely coincidental.

I gave up my life

to look after my mom.

But all she cares about is her son.

Am I so unworthy of your love?

I have nothing left!

Why am I not the one lying
on the hospital bed?

Why did you save my mom?

Why not burn me to death instead?


The patient is in OHCA.

Report back to Control.
Tell Dayuan Hospital to get ready.

Hurry up!

Stick on the AED.

Bring the vacuum splint here.

Hurry up!

Thank you for talking to me for so long.

I'm fine now.

It's time to get down.

Are you going to jump too?

Shut up.

Did you say something wrong

that made her suddenly decide to jump?

If you ran over a little earlier,

could you have stopped her in time?

Shut your mouth.

Can you really avoid these questions

even if you don't answer me?

Shut your mouth!

Attention, all personnel.

-This is a fire alarm.
-It's just a fire inspection.

Please evacuate
to the emergency stairs immediately.

It's nothing.

This side is okay.

Problems still exist upon re-inspection.

I have to issue a fine.



Issue the fine here.

Give it to us when you're done.

It's so cold.

The air conditioner is too strong.


Is anyone there?

The battery is dead.



Answer if you hear me.


Sorry. I thought he left.

I didn't know someone was in there.

It's fine that you didn't know.

We waited at the door
for two to three hours.

How can you say you'll only open
the door tomorrow morning?

I'm here now.

I came all the way from home.
I'm showing a lot of sincerity already.

Right. If we hadn't said
we would break the door,

-you wouldn't have come.

Young man.

You don't have to be so rude.

Are you okay, Yi-yang?

It's so cold in here.

Thank goodness you brought a transceiver.

Young man.

Why didn't you tell us you were here?

You were the one who brought me here.
How could you not know?

-You scum!

Antelope, stop it.

-Let go of me!

-What the heck?

Your team member just hit me.

-Come here!
-That's enough.


That's enough, Antelope.

Are you okay?

Is it time to change shifts?

-What are you doing?
-Give me your hand.

It's fine. What are you doing?

I'm on rescue duty with you later.

Rescue, my foot.

You'll definitely infect
the patients like this.

I told you to take the day off,
but you refused.

Hey. Do we have enough people?

I'll take your rescue shift.

You can take the night duty desk.

It's okay. I can do it.

Han-cheng will also take over for you
for tonight's home visits.

Just get some rest.

Han-cheng has asked everyone
to cover your shifts.

Your shifts are all covered.

Just rest.

But don't you guys have...

All right, you owe me
a cup of bubble tea, okay?

I'll leave him to you.

Have some ginger tea first.

Thank you.

If you have to go to Amuz One
for safety checks again,

take someone with you
and don't go there alone.


After work tomorrow,
do you want to have breakfast together?

I'll pass for now.
I have something to do tomorrow morning.

I see.


Kuan-chung is hurt.

How did that happen?

They just reported that the alarm rang
in the middle of the night.

Everyone rushed down,

but Kuan-chung slipped.

He fell down and got hurt.

He's on his way here.

Fortunately, it's just a sprain.

You'll be able to go home in a bit.

The same thing happened to Meng
from the Tianxin branch.

The alarm went off at night
and he jumped from the top bunk.

He fell and hurt himself.

He had a bone fracture.

I'm fine. Don't worry.

I'll be fine after resting
for three to four days.

By the way, don't tell my wife.

I'll tell her our team
has been short-staffed lately.

I have to work a few more days,

so I can't go home.

Don't give me away.

It's not a good idea to lie to your wife.

This isn't considered a lie.

I'm just practicing telling stories.

Firefighters like you
sure love to lie to your family.

You never tell them
when you're hurt or sick.

You always say you're fine.

Why should I tell her?

They'll only get worried if we tell them.

My leg won't heal any faster.

Isn't that right?

Don't learn from your seniors.

They're a bad example.

Yes, Ya-mei.

Am I a bad example?

No, that's not it.

There was a fire at Qianhua Apartment
early this morning.

The fire at the old apartment spread fast.

The fire department sent 32 fire engines

and two quints to put out the fire.

-After four hours of rescue...
-Control, 36 is reporting.

The fire on the third floor is out.

The fire on the fourth and fifth floors
is contained.

Seventeen people have been rescued so far.
Ten have been sent to the hospital.

-Anyone? Please answer.
-Control, copy that.

Han-cheng, run a secondary search
on the third floor

to confirm that no civilians are trapped.

Yi-yang, Tzu-ling, go to the fourth floor.

-Assist the Guangrong Branch.

Copy that.

Hurry! Someone has suffered
an inhalation injury.

Be careful.

Give her oxygen first.

We've taken a look at her.

-There are no obvious injuries.

-I'll leave her to you.

Sergeant Sung, this is Han-cheng.
We're on the third floor.

We're getting ready to do a second search.

Copy that.

Be careful of the stairs.

The two for Kangrong Hospital
are both males.

-Okay, copy.
-We're back. Tong'an 91.

Okay. Stand by on the side.
Stand behind the Guangrong and Tianxin.

We found a female patient.

She's conscious and appears
to have dislocated her leg.

A possible dislocated leg. I got it.
Let's put her on the stretcher first.

My leg hurts.

Is anyone there?

Is anyone there?

Sergeant Sung, this is Han-cheng.

Sergeant Sung, this is Han-cheng.

It's broken.

Is anyone out there?

Is anyone there?

Little boy.

Can you give me your hand?



There's another child
on the 3rd floor, Unit 12-2.

How did a child get trapped?

Didn't you find him?

No one knew there was still a child.

Only an unconscious old lady
was brought out of that unit.

Tzu-ling! Give support
to the next OHCA patient.

Okay, got it.

Fire safety is everyone's responsibility

It's another OHCA.

OHCA! Hurry!

-Give him emergency treatment in the car.

All right. One, two, three.

Control! This is Tong'an 91.

This is Control.

We have an OHCA male patient
who's around ten years old.

He's being sent to Dayuan Hospital now.
We'll arrive in around ten minutes.

Roger that.

Chia-hsuan, what are you doing?


But we were told to stop at red lights.

Keep driving!

Sergeant Sung,
we're going to vent the smoke.

Okay, check the ventilation route first.


Put away the crowbar
and the rope lights first.


Check the third and fourth floors.
See if anything was left behind.

Remember to take photos.


Sergeant Sung, put away the hose.

Okay. Here.

And this too.

Good work today.

Thank you.

Sergeant Sung.

How are the two brothers?

The younger one should be fine.

Don't worry.

What about the older brother?

I should've brought them both out
at the same time.

That place was piled with things.

You couldn't have saved both at once.

You did your best.

Don't think too much.

Chia-hsuan, what are you doing? Go!

Keep driving!

Can you play with us?

Don't die.

Hurry up and wake up.

Hurry up and wake up.

Hurry up and wake up.

Don't die.

Wake up!

You can't die!



Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

You pulled the hose
into the house next door.

You wet their floor and furniture.

Of course, they'll be angry
and file a complaint.

If the water line doesn't go through
their house, it takes a huge detour.

So what?

Are you too lazy to do that?

No one wanted this to happen.

Hsiao-kao is still young.

As for the self-reflection report,
please go easy on him, Mr. Hsieh.

Besides, Mr. Hsieh, Hsiao-kao asked
for the owner's permission.

The owner let him in.

Luckily, Han-cheng was vigilant this time

and discovered the younger brother
and saved them.

Otherwise, I'd think your team
only knows how to cause trouble.

Since you saved two lives,

I'll do what I can
about the self-reflection report.

But I can't guarantee
what the Fire Chief will say.


Goodbye, Mr. Hsieh.

Don't talk so much
when a superior is talking.

Don't be so clueless.

Thank you, Sergeant Sung and Han-cheng.

Thank you for working so hard.

I want a hot latte. Thank you.

-I've got everything here.
-I'll have an Americano then.

Every time Little Chili is here,
we all get hot drinks from Dr. Chou.

That's right. It's great.

Stop talking nonsense.

Yes, don't talk nonsense.

Hurry and get your drinks.

I'll go and check on the patients.

You haven't gotten your drink yet.

It's okay. I'll get it later.

Mom and I came here last time too.

Eat up.

How was the science fair today?

Did you get first place again?

Yi-yang, the results
don't come out that fast.

It's not like I've ever competed
at a science fair before.

How would I know
whether you've been in one before?

How are your preparations
for the General Scholastic Ability Test?

Have you decided
which college you want to attend?


Do I have to go to college?

What do you mean?

I want to join the police academy like you

and become a firefighter.

You're good at studying.

Why would you join the police academy
instead of going to college?

But there's no tuition
for the police academy.

I can start working once I turn 20.

That'll help lighten
our family's burden too.

Let me tell you.

I can handle the burden myself.

Just study hard.

It's a dangerous job.

One fireman in our family is enough.

Hurry up and eat.

I'm sure you don't eat properly
living out there.

Just focus on your studies.

Do you hear me?

Eat up.


Tong'an 91 has arrived at the scene.

Excuse me, can you please hurry up?

What's going on?

My grandpa just got stung by a bee.

How is he now?

He said he was in pain. I just called 911,

but he passed out when I got back.


Sir, can you hear me?


Can you hear me?

He suffered an OHCA. Hurry!

-Excuse us.
-Be careful.

-Hurry up.
-Excuse us.

-Excuse me. Please move aside.

Be careful.

Excuse us.

Excuse us. I'm sorry.

The patient got stung by a bee.
It's an anaphylactic shock.

CPR was done for ten minutes.
We gave him two doses of Bosmin.

Move aside.

Be careful.


Hurry up.

She sells clothes next door to me.

She was busy working

and then she passed out.

Does she have heart disease, diabetes,
or any special illness?

Yes, she's diabetic.


Ma'am, where do you feel unwell?

Can you hear me?

Did you have breakfast?

Ma'am, can you hear me?

Have you had breakfast?

Save her first!


Have you had breakfast?


Let me take your blood pressure.

Can I measure
the blood pressure of both arms?

Ma'am, I'll take your blood sugar level.

I'll check your oxygen saturation.

Just relax.

Have you had any allergies in the past?

Are you taking any medicine?

Are you still feeling unwell?

Take a deep breath.

Her blood pressure is 78 over 40.

Her heart rate is 100.
Her oxygen level is normal.

I'll prepare the IV.

Your blood sugar level is a bit low.
I'll give you a shot.

-Give her a D50 injection.


I'm fine now.

It's time to get down.


You do it.

Ma'am, I'm going
to give you a glucose injection now.

See if you feel better later.

Let us know if you don't feel well.

Here, take a deep breath.

Ma'am, we're at the hospital.

Can you move on your own?

You can, right?

Ma'am, give me
your health insurance card later.

Is there anyone you want us
to help you contact?

What's the case?

Antelope, take her
to get her wounds checked.

I'm going to the restroom.


The patient is hypoglycemic.

Her blood pressure is low.

She has a history of diabetes.

We just gave her two shots of D50.

Are you still thinking about the jumper?

It's none of your business.

It has been so long.

Why are Kuan-chung
and Hsiao-kao able to let it go,

yet you can't?

Are you done?

Chang Chih-yuan.

Antelope already filled out the form.

Did you fall into the toilet?

Why did you take so long in the bathroom?

Did I?

What's wrong?

You've been acting strange lately.

And you haven't been returning my calls.

I guess I have been too busy.


Thank you.


What happened to your hand?

Does it hurt?

It's nothing.

Then why are you shaking?

It's okay. It's nothing serious.

Don't be so anxious, okay?

You haven't been sleeping well lately.

There are sleeping pills
and alcohol in your room.

Why were you in my room?

Besides, how old am I now?
Why can't I drink?

A friend of mine is a doctor.

He's the chief physician
at Tianxin Hospital.

Why don't I make an appointment with him
to give you a health checkup?


I've just been under
a lot of stress at work lately.

It's just an illness of modern people.

If you're stressed from work,
why don't you take some time off?

Who doesn't get stressed out
at work these days?

Who takes a day off because of stress?

Your mom cares about you.

What's with your attitude?

I told you not to become a firefighter.

You just wouldn't listen.


Don't bottle your troubles up.

Call me anytime.


I'm with the fire department.

I'm scheduled to do a safety check
with the general manager.

The fire department?

Hold on.

I live in the alley
just behind the fire station.

Why won't they come
and remove the beehive?

How many days did they stall?

-Did you call 911?
-Hello, Executive Secretary?

Not only did I call 911,

-I asked them in person.
-The firefighter is here.

They still wouldn't come.

They told me

they are the firefighters,
not bee-catchers.

Now, my dad got stung to death by a bee.

-Who's going to take responsibility?
-Sure, okay.

Our tax money

-is raising useless leeches like this.

The fire department
is supposed to save lives,

yet, they've killed someone now.

-I'd like to ask
-Do you want to have a seat?

-the firefighter who refused that day.
-It's okay.

Where's your conscience?

Can you sleep at night?

According to the fire department,
that's a job for the Agriculture Bureau.

Whose job is it to catch bees?

The Agriculture Bureau is pushing
the responsibility to the fire department

while the fire department
is blaming the Agriculture Bureau.

They are just shifting blame!

I would like to ask

if such a ridiculous
municipal government like this

really serving the people?

This is practically a murder
by bureaucrats!

It's ridiculous!

The fire chief is here.


Chief, firefighters killed a man.
Do you have anything to explain?

The victim's family personally asked
the fire department to remove the beehive.

Is that true?

Regarding Mr. Sun's death,

we're very sorry.

But let me make one thing clear.

Catching bees and snakes
aren't what firefighters do.

I solemnly object to the accusations

that Councilor Wang has made against us.

Thank you.

Whose job is it
to catch bees and snakes then?

The fire chief's response
has caused a stir on the Internet.

Many netizens have expressed

that a man has died,

but the fire department
still won't admit their mistake.

Some also think that it's ridiculous.

If there was a beehive in your home,

would you wait so long to remove it?

Some netizens have launched
a petition campaign

against bureaucracy,

asking the fire chief to resign.

In just three hours,

over 100,000 signatures
have been collected on the petition.

The Dayuan mayor's approval rating

has even dropped by 12%.

Among all city mayors' approval ratings,
she is now ranked last.

Moreover, members
of the various political parties

criticized the bureaucracy
of the fire department

at the city council interpellation,

questioning the fire department
for refusing to catch bees for civilians.

-What do you have to say
-Coming through!

to the victim's family
after killing a life?

-Move aside.
-Why didn't you remove the beehive?

The Agriculture Bureau delayed things.
Why are you bothering her?

The taxpayers are paying you,
but you don't do your job.

Can you explain?

Shouldn't you explain yourself
after killing someone?

Does that count as negligence of duty?

Isn't this the duty of firefighters?

Isn't this the duty of firefighters?

Will you take responsibility
for delayed medical treatment?

Please explain.


Are you okay?

Catching bees and snakes
was never your job to begin with.

Besides, your chief has already announced

that the Agriculture Bureau
will take care of it.

But this is a matter of life and death.

The victim's family won't think that way.

The media doesn't care either.

Don't worry about what the media says.

They don't know anything.

When Han-cheng broke in last time,

he got scolded by them every day.

You're just like us medical workers.

We do all we can
to take good care of others,

but we get scolded all the time.

Remember to pay your credit card bill.


It's your college reunion.

Are you going?

No, I don't know them well.

Why are you always at home?

It's good to see your old classmates.

Why should I go? It's boring.

Do I have to go hear them brag
about their successful careers,

happy families, and their amazing kids?

Why don't you take this opportunity

to find another job?

I really think you're unlucky.

You work so hard,

but you're being criticized so much.

Look at the media.

Just quit.

Find a new job.

Look at how talented
your little brother is.

He's a pilot in the US.

What about you?

I'm full.

What's with you?

I'm concerned about you.
Why are you angry?

Mr. Hsieh, I know.

We didn't delay his treatment.

Our team followed the SOP.

Our team member gave him
the Agriculture Bureau's number.

We didn't brush him off.

We weren't bureaucratic.

Yes, Tzu-ling was the one
on duty that day.

But that civilian's death
is not her fault.

She did refuse
to remove the beehive that day,

but isn't this our new policy?

What do you mean she's partly responsible?

How can you say that?

It'll be fine.

There are new developments

with the bee sting death in Dayuan
that caused a sensation.

If the citizens of Dayuan need it,

we'll catch bees and snakes for everyone.


I think I'm just stressed out from work.

I don't need a therapist.

Why do you need anti-anxiety medication?

I'm not doing anything harmful.

It's not like I'm going to sell it.

Just help me out.

Future Dispatches


What are you doing?

How long have you been
stealing medication?

I'm not.

Hey, Mr. Chia!

Mr. Chia!

Mr. Chia!

It's getting dark.

We can't go down the mountain tonight.
Let's set up camp here.

-You need to take medicine to get better.
-I want Dad!

I want Dad!

Your dad isn't here.

Why did you lie to me?

Your dad just said whatever sounded good.

He doesn't want you.

Do you think lying is funny?

Do you think lying is funny?

Translated by Chloe Chow