Tangled: The Series (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 18 - You're Kidding Me! - full transcript

In search of a way out of the old estate, everyone but Rapunzel and Eugene turn into little children.

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Theme song playing... ...->

♪ I got the wind in my hair
and a fire within ♪

♪ 'Cause there's
something beginning ♪

♪ I got a mystery to solve
and excitement to spare ♪

♪ That beautiful breeze
blowing through ♪

♪ I'm ready to follow it
who knows where ♪

♪ I'll get there, I swear ♪

♪ With the wind in my hair ♪

*TANGLED:The Series*
Season 03 Episode 18

Episode Title :
" You're Kidding Me!"

Previously on

We are stuck.

Or maybe not...

Raps, I know
what you're thinking.

But that place
creeps me out.

Mr. Matthews,
what is this place?

It's called "The House
of Yesterday's Tomorrow."

The good news is you are welcome
to stay as long as you like.

Something's not right.

Why is this huge place just sitting
here in the middle of nowhere?

And that guy, or innkeeper,
or whatever he is,

just takes us in, offers us food
and a place to stay for the night

without asking
for a single coin?

Look, Cass,
I know this is weird,

but you gotta admit, this isn't the
weirdest thing we've seen on the road.


Good morning, Pascal!

You know, aside from the
fact that we were nearly replaced

by evil doppelgangers
last night,

the House of Yesterday's Tomorrow
offers a pretty good night's sleep!

Well, it's certainly
the coziest

seashell-shaped inn
I've ever slept in.

I've stayed
at a cozier one.

No, wait... that was a
seashell shaped like an inn.

- Five stars.
- Uh, wait a minute...

- ...the door.
- It was right here yesterday!

Now, everyone relax!

There's a solution
to every problem.

It's no use! We're trapped!
It's all over!

what's for breakfast?

Come on, guys!

There's gotta be
another way out of here.

Except in this case.



That's not an exit.

Dog, dog, dog, dog!

A dog kennel.
And why not, right?

Well, at least we can take
that door off the list.

Hey! I found
the way out!


this isn't a way out!

Well, not with
that attitude, it's not.

Well, look, the adults
would like to find a...

Oh, great.


My name is
Eugene Fitzher...

bear... rawr.

Wow, yeah, your teddy bear
voice could use some work.

Not to mention your
pun skills, Blondie.

Okay, fine, fine.
But isn't this crazy?!

Whoever all this belongs
to is one lucky kid.

One lucky
spoiled kid.

Oh, Eugene,
there's nothing wrong

with indulging a kid
every now and then.

Ah, ah, ah, now that's
a slippery slope.

Kids need

You gotta let them
know who's boss.

Ooh! Got
to let dem know who boss!


And he's gone.

Okay, playtime's over.

Aw, come on, Cass!
Lighten up.

When do we ever get
the chance to play

with amazing toy
swords like this?

You do realize we have
actual swords., right?

Yeah, but, uh, since
these are just toys...

they don't hurt.


Sure about that?

sword time's over.

Now, come on,
enough messing around.

We've gotta find an

No way!

I used to have a top
just like this!

I love these things!

Uh, Cassandra...
you like tops?

- Got a problem with that?
- No, by all means. Spin away.

Look at it go!

Does this seem weird
to anybody else?

Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa!

Well, we'd better keep
looking for a way out of here.

Are those...

...our friends?

You can't catch me!



Tag! You're it,

definitely them.

Best. Playtime. Ever!

Okay, okay, something in this house
has turned you all into children.

So if we're going
to turn you back,

we're gonna need


- Hey, you wanna play chase?
- What?!

Play chase? No!

We need to know
what happened!

So... speak up.

Uh, Eugene, maybe you'd
better let me talk to them.

Hi, Lance,

so, I see you're making
something very... tall.

Doesn't that
look fun?


So, Lance, sweetheart,

uh, can you tell us
how all this happened?

How what happened?

How you were turned into kids.

Who turned to kids?

How you were
turned into kids...

Why do you have
a bird in your hair?

- Oh, well, because I like birds...
- What kind of birds are they?

Well, um, it's not really
any kind of bird,

it's more of
a simple design.

Why's your hair
so long?

I bet it's because you're
really, really, old.

Well, no,
actually, it's...

Where do clouds
go at night?

What's your
favorite song?

What sound would zero make
if it wasn't a number?

What's for dinner?

Cass, you need to come
down from there right now,

and tell me
what's going on.


I've been wanting to tell
you something, anyway.

Ear flick!

Well, it's nice to see
that young Cassandra

is even more pleasant
than Cassandra Classic.

Why don't crabs
have eyebrows?

Because they have
an exoskeleton.

Do I have
an exoskeleton?

No, you have
an endoskeleton.

- Do fishes have a nose?
- They do not

have noses, but they
do have nostrils.

Now, can I ask you
a few questions...



that's not nice.

What do you have
to say for yourself?

I have to say I love the "boom"
sound it made.

Ten out of ten.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Kids, kids, kids,
kids, kids!

The princess
is not a maypole!

Ooh, a lizard!

Oh! I wanna hold him!
I wanna hold him!

Okay Lance!
Be careful!

He's not
a squishy toy!

Lance always loved
animals as a kid.

A lizard...

You're so cute,
I wanna squish your face!

I wanna squish your belly and
your weird little lizard eyeballs!

You're a little green baby,
who's a little green baby?

Who's a fancy
little green baby?

Yes you are,
yes you are!

Little baby?

Oh, wait, wait,
where is baby Shorty?


Fancy this?

I see someone has got
into the nursery!

Ahh. The Ol' Top
of Time.

Ohh, look at
the baby!

Zut alor, that is
one ugly baby, oui?

Now, now, now, now,
would you look at this mess?

- He did it!
- She did it!

- He's lying!
- She's lying!

The older you are,
the younger it makes you.

This one must've been ancient.

Matthews, how do we
turn our friends back,

and get out
of this place?!

We want answers!

Well, is that what you want,
or what you need?

Stop that.

In many cases, they are
two very separate things.

Stop that.

However, in this case,

it's most likely
the same thing.

Will you stop that?!

You have the mustache
of your own!

Mr. Matthews,

Do you have any idea how
to change our friends back?

it's a cinch.

Simply find that top,
and spin it in reverse.

Okay... that seems...
easy enough.

Of course, you only
have one hour to do so,

or they'll remain
kids forever.

And why is it that there's only just
one hour to reverse these things?!

Or, you could leave
things as they are.

You know what
they say,

you know, "To be young
again is... good."

It's a poor saying, what
do you want from me, ou I?

I'll leave you
to it, then.

Now, now, now,
don't forget...

We know! One hour
to corral these kids

back in that nursery or
they'll be like this forever.

No. I was just
going to say:

went poopsies.

You know, it kills
me to agree with him,

but you are
an ugly baby.

Alright, let's get
back to that nursery...


Ugh. No!
Hey, get back here!

Now, Lance, Cass, even
though you're children,

your voices matter.

This is
a discussion.

So, whoever holds this gravy
boat gets to talk, okay?

- Ugh! This is...
- Oop, wait wait wait, wait wait...

I have the gravy boat.

Eugene and I only want to help
turn you back to normal, but...

we can't do that
if you keep running off.

So, I think
from now on,

we should stay

Alone we are strong,

together we are stronger.

Okay, okay.
Ha-ha-ha very funny,

now it's time to...

My gravy boat!

Can't talk without
the gravy boat!

Lance, over here!

Okay, guys...

we've only got
30 minutes left...

Blondie, look, if we're
gonna get this done,

we really should think
about being more firm.

Trust me, kids
respond to authority.

Uh, trust me,

Kids respond best when they
feel like they're being heard.

Give them the freedom
to express themselves

without talking
down to them,

and they might
just surprise you.

you listen up!

Here's the plan, kids:

we are all going to
go into the nursery,

find that top and turn
you back to normal.

We will not be
running off.

We will not be
breaking things.

And for the love of all
things big and small,

we will leave
that poor frog alone.

Is that clear?

Are there any questions?

Can I go to the bathroom?

Can't it wait?

C'mon, Eugene,
he's just a kid.


I'll take Lance
to the bathroom.

Raps, you take
the others to the nursery.

We'll be there
in five.

Let's go, Lancey!

You don't wanna
be a kid forever.

One-two, one-two.

Y'know, Cass?

Eugene shouldn't be so rigid
with Lance.

That's why I'm glad we approached
our relationship with a...

mutual respect,
and built a solid rapport...

And she's missing.

Okay then, alright.

Now, do you
wanna play chase?

No, I don't want
to play chase.

I thought you had to
go to the bathroom.

- What's that?
- That's a sculpture.

- What's it do?
- It doesn't do anything.

It's art. It's for
people to look at.

- What people?
- Just people.

Now, quit dillydallying.

- Can I have a piggy back ride?
- For the fourth time, no.

- What's that?
- That's another sculpture.

- What does it do?
- It does the same... ugh!

Look, can we please stop with
all these pointless questions?!

Because you are
killin' me here!

Oh, no no no no.

No, no, please don't cry!
Please don't cry!

I hate seeing kids cry.

It's gonna make me cry, and I
have a really ugly crying face.

Hey, how about
that piggyback ride?

Yay! Giddy up, giddy up!

Giddy up, giddy up!

- What's that?
- It's... another... sculpture.

What's it do?

Cass? Where are you?

Oh, sh-sh-sh-sh.


Okay, come on.

We're running out of time.

You can't touch
the floor!

It's made of lava!

You're burning!

Cassandra, we only
have about 15 more...

You're burning!


Aww, I thought
my voice "mattered."

Oh no, the baby's headed
straight for the lava lake!

Oh, no!

No, that's lava!

Not bad, huh, Cass?


Hey, Cass.

I think the lava's
gone now.

Yeah, you know what?
You're right...

It's acid!


Yes... they
are a handful, aren't they?

But, uh,
motherhood suits you.

- What?!
- I'm just suggesting

that should you fail
to acquire the top in time,

it wouldn't be the worst
thing in the world. N'est pa?

After all, you make
a darling family,

and this place would
make quite the home...

for a family,
don't you agree?

Lance! Show
me some hustle!

Mr. Matthews, I...

Do not go jelly-legs
on me!

You stand up right now!

Blondie, why you
just hanging there?

Oh, you know,
the floor is acid.


- Acid, acid, acid!
- That's all I had to do?!

Oh, look,
there's the top!


- My turn!
- No, you get to play with the wagon!

Okay, okay, guys,
we only have, like,

five minutes,
so maybe we might...

Give me that top
right now, young lady!

One... two...

two and a half...
two and three quarters...

Gimme that top!

Eugene, yelling at them
won't get the top back!

Oh, what should I do?
Cuddle it out of them?

What's that
supposed to mean?

It means you let these
kids walk all over you.

And bossing them around seems
to have worked really well!

Let's go someplace
a little less... them.

Oh, hey, Lance
was doing just fine

until he was back
under Cass's influence!

Somehow I find that
hard to believe!

You know what?

Let's just spin
that top,

and get out
of this place!

- Fine!
- Fine.



And this is why
I'm a cat person.

You get Lance
and I'll get Cass!

We gotta get that top
before the dogs wake up!

Hey, Cass,

sweetie, I know you
want to get the top,

and I know you're very
brave, but you're in

an unsafe situation
right now, so...

I need you to please
exit the kennel.

Uh-huh, you're not
the boss of me.

No I-I-I'm not telling
you what to do.

But, I am strongly
suggesting you reconsider...

Wow, Eugene was right.

You do let us walk
all over you.

You guys are going to
be disasters as parents.

Lancey-poo, come with me,

- right now.
- Why this way?

Because that's
the way to the door,

- and we have to go bye-bye.
- Why?

- Hey, what are you...
- Okay, listen up, young lady.

Playtime is over!

You get your rear-end outta
this kennel right now!

And walk
on those tiptoes!

- No buts! Out! Tiptoes! Now!

Yes, ma'am.

Listen to me:
we have got to go!

Why can't you just do
what you're told?

Because... I'm a kid.

And kids need to feel
like they're being heard.

Okay, Lance,
what do you want to do?

Huh, buddy?
I'm listening.

I dunno.
Play chase?

I was hoping
you'd say that.

Tag! You're it!

No, no, no, you're
supposed to chase me!


Cass, Lance,
wait outside for us.

That is an order!

Easy... easy...


600 pounds of fur and
slobber headed our way!

Here boys, here you want
a treat? Huh?

Yeah, yeah, yeah
ya do! Go get it!

Alright, well, you're
smarter than you look.

And I apologize
for underestimating you.

Baby Lance!
The door! The door!

Uh... uhh...

Why would you...
I meant go out the door!

It's locked!

- Why would you...?!
- I'm a kid.

- Aww.
- Come here, come here.

Okay, it was fun
babysitting for the day,

but let's get you
guys back to normal.

Time to add
about 16 years.

Uh, well, in Shorty's
case, about 60 years?

How old is Shorty exactly?

45... 75...
I have no idea.

Hey, I'm still missing
a couple teeth!

You were always
missing a couple teeth.

We can keep
the puppies, right?

Still no way out.

And it's gonna take us forever
to check this whole place.

Ugh, well, I guess we'll just
have to stay here another night.

Today was really tough...

But you know, even though we
didn't always agree on everything,

I think our differing approaches
ended up being complementary

in a weird way.

I completely agree.

If we ever do decide to have
kids, assertiveness, compassion...

And a whole lot of love.

- Tag! You're it!
- You do not know who you're messing with!

Hey, hey, hey,
no running in the house!

Hey! Go easy on them.

The mirror failed.

The top failed.

But I promise you, Master,

I will keep the Sundrop
in this house.


Synchronized by srjanapala

Theme song playing...->
♪ Oh-whoa, oh-whoa, oh-yeah ♪

♪ Now I got my eyes
open and wide ♪

♪ My heart burnin'
like fire ♪

♪ Feels like I'm
so alive ♪

♪ I'm never goin'
back ♪

♪ Whatever I want now,
I'm gonna chase ♪

♪ Who I am,
I can't contain it ♪

♪ I'm not gonna
hold it innnn ♪

♪ 'Cause there's more of me
to give ♪

- ♪ Oh-whoa, oh-whoa ♪
- ♪ Oh-yeah ♪

♪ There's more of me
to give ♪