Tangled: The Series (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Cassandra v. Eugene - full transcript

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(theme song playing)

♪ I got the wind in my hair
and a fire within ♪

♪ 'Cause there's something beginning ♪

♪ I got a mystery to solve
and excitement to spare ♪

♪ That beautiful breeze
blowing through ♪

♪ I'm ready to follow it
who knows where ♪

♪ I'll get there, I swear ♪

♪ With the wind in my hair... ♪

♪ ♪

Cassandra: Fitzherbert!


(sighs) Not again.

Eugene: I don't know what
you're so upset about!

Oh, wait, "know"
was the wrong choice of words.

I meant, I don't care
what you're so upset about.

(sighs deeply) Hey, guys!
Everything okay?

I couldn't help but overhear...

Not only did you take
my halberd without asking,

you got your disgusting
hair all over it!

How dare you!

First of all, I did not
touch your halberd.

Second of all, what is a halberd?

Oh! Oh, a halberd.

Okay, fine, you got me,

but check out this shave.

Smooth as a baby's bottom.

- Try a monkey's.
- Rapunzel: Okay.

Okay, everyone, let's take a deep,

calming, cleansing breath.

(inhales, exhales)

To be fair, I asked several times
if I could use that thing.

And I said, "No" every time.

Which shouldn't matter, because we
both know I don't listen to you.

Guys, come on.

This is ridiculous.

Eugene, a halberd should only be
handled by a skilled warrior.

Hello! Skilled warrior!

You forgot Flynn Rider
has handled plenty of weapons.

- (shatters)
- Oh.


Way to go, Eugene.

That... that's a faulty
halberd right there.

Let's not panic! I mean, it is...

was my dad's favorite, irreplaceable,

one of a kind,
most favorite vase, but...

Hey, I have an idea, Eugene.

Why not just steal him another one?

Oh! Oh, wait, wait.

You can't!

This is a one of a kind vase.


Of course you would pronounce
it "vahz," Cassandra.

Yeah, yeah, "vayce," "vahz."

Either way, it'll be
the first thing the king sees

when he sits down for dinner tonight,

or doesn't see.

You just love making me look like an
idiot in front of the king, don't ya?

Nope, you do a perfect job
of that all on your own.

Thank you.

Wait a minute!

Rapunzel: I can't take
it anymore, Pascal.

I mean, why can't Cass
and Eugene just get along?

They're both caring, supportive,
very considerate people...

who somehow got us
to clean up their mess.


I bet they would be great friends

if they just stopped
fighting long enough

to spend some quality time together.

- (grumbles)
- (Rapunzel gasps)

Wait a minute, wait a
minute, wait a minute!

That's it! That's it!

I will make them spend time together.

- Come on.
- (Pascal squeaks)

♪ ♪


(metal scraping)

What's this?


Eugene: I'm telling you, Stan!

The handlebar mustache is so passé.

Today, it's all about the goatee.

- You know what I mean?
- (Pascal chirps)

You see...

Just a second, frog, I'm making a point.

Oh! Hey, easy! What? What? What is it?

A note from Cassandra?

If this is another eviction letter,

I am going to lose it!

She does not have
the authority for that!

I checked!

Hmm, well, this ought to be interesting.

(rats squeaking)

Okay, it's a grim place
to offer an apology,

but then again, this is
Cassandra we're talking about.

- Cassandra: I'm sorry.
- (yelps)

Did you just say I was going
to offer you an apology?


You said in your note
you wanted to say sorry.

I didn't write you a note.

You wrote me a note.

- (door closes, locks)
- Huh?

Hey! What are you doing?

Time for the game to begin.

Game? What are you talking about?

Don't you see?

I wrote the letters.

They were merely a ruse
to lure you both down here.

What? You can't just lock us in here.


Oh, I can, and I have,

and I'm afraid your only way
to escape is to work together,

to solve a puzzle of my own design.

What puzzle?

Within these walls, you will find
a series of strategically placed,

increasingly difficult clues,

each one more unfathomably
perplexing than the last.

Put them together,
and you're free to go.


And this prison cell
will become your new home.

(cackles evilly)

Oh, and I made you guys cookies.

What are we, twelve?

Cassandra: Listen, this
is all your fault.

Eugene: Oh, please!

You know darn well that my only fault

is that I have no faults!

Recognize that voice?

Sounds like our old friend.



Say what you will, Pascal,

but sticking those two together
to work out their differences

has its advantages.

I mean, do you hear that?

That is the sound of peace and quiet.

Ha! I can finally hear myself think.

I think I want to paint something.

Ah! I like the way you think.



I'm sure Eugene and Cass
are doing just fine.

(grunts, groans)


(ticking, clinking)

So annoying!

I know! All these delicious
cookies, and no milk?

No, wait, she packed milk!



Did you eat all the cookies?

I'm not a pig, Cassandra.

I ate all of your cookies.

I'm saving mine for later.


You are nothing but a self-serving,

inconsiderate, arrogant freeloader.

Ah! You know I could
rattle off insulting adjectives

describing your personality too,

but to do so would imply that you
actually have a personality,

and I just wouldn't feel
right about doing that!

Hey, hold on, wait,
don't... don't eat that!

Oh! Go ahead, but it's got
my milk drool on it.

Quick! Let me see the others.

What are you doing?

Cassandra: X6? Y15?

I think these
are coordinates for a grid!

Rapunzel must have hidden the key
behind a loose brick in the wall,

and these cookies tell us which one.

So, just for clarification,

I can eat the cookies now or no?


That's it? That's just a rusty spring!

And on your first guess too.

Wait, there's more.

It's another clue.

"This one is easy.

"Just follow my lead."

Follow her lead? How?

She locked us in here,
this makes no sense.

That's because we're not
supposed to follow her "leed."

We're supposed to follow her "led."

Hmm, different words, same spelling.


Don't worry, kid.

You're not the first person
to match wits with this baby,

and come off looking like a total chump.


In fact, you might say making people

look like chumps
is kind of my spécialité.

- (grunts)
- Patience, brother.

Our time will come.


- Whoa. Whoa!
- Eugene: Ow!

Cassandra: Look! There's another clue.

I've been looking for this!

"This is your final clue,
so pick up the pace.

"You'll find the last treasure
in the same spot

"you find your face?"

Hey there, looking good.

Hey! I was using that!

Ugh, another useless item.

Ho, ho, ho.

Well done!

You've discovered
the castle's junk drawer.

Me? You were part of this too!

Oh, no! Don't stir me
into your failure stew!

I was fine to sit here eating
delicious X and Y cookies

until Rapunzel gave up and let us out.

And that's just like you, isn't it?

Sit back and let things
fall right into your lap.

What's that supposed to mean?

Oh, come on! You know
exactly what it means!

Inmate: Hey, Pretty Boy, Bowl Cut!

Why don't you two
scud buckets pipe down?

Why don't you mind your own business?


"Mind my own business."

Is that some kind of
comeback, Lady Frowns-A-Lot?

- (growls)
- Whoa, whoa, Cassandra.

Let me handle this.

Look at that!

Fancy Boots has got something to say!

Name calling? Come on, we're
better than that, aren't we?

Sure, we could sit here
and make fun of each other.

Tease Cassandra
for her chronic joylessness,

or me for my uncommonly good looks,

or you for your poor dental hygiene,

tragic fashion sense, robust body odor,

and what are clearly woefully misguided
life-decision-making skills,

but do you really want
to go down that road?

Mmm, I guess not.

Rapunzel: I can't believe
how much I can get done

with just a little quiet.

- Some game, huh?
- Yep.

So, Cass, let me ask you something.

- What's your deal?
- What do you mean?

I mean, you know, other than
being a venomous cobra woman

who has to follow
my girlfriend everywhere,

- I don't know the first thing about you.
- So?

So, as I see it,

you always make fun of my past,

it's only fair I know
something about yours.

- Plus we have nothing but time.
- What do you wanna know?

I don't know, what are your hopes?

Your dreams? Is there a venomous
cobra man in your life?

(laughing) Cobra man, no.

Besides, I... I don't
have time for dreams.

"Don't have time for dreams?"

Honey, you are hanging out
with the wrong princess.

My dad taught me at a very young
age to focus on the here and now.

Yeah, wow.

Being raised by the Captain of the
Guards musta been a real treat.

He's a good man, and he taught me a lot.

He showed me how to defend myself,

how to take on responsibility,

how to earn my keep.

Besides, I don't remember
my real parents, so,

I got nothing to compare him to, anyway.

Yeah, I don't remember mine either.

I used to imagine they
were swashbuckling explorers

searching the world for treasure,
and once they found it

they'd... come back and get me.

It's dumb, I know. How about you?

I mean, you ever imagine
what your parents were like?

You know what? I don't really want
to discuss this with you, Eugene.

Okay, fine, I'll just shut up then.

You know, just when I think
I start to see a glimmer

of a speck of a pinprick of a soul,

you flip your ice switch back on.

Stop trying to pry into my life.

I wasn't prying.

Wait a minute, that's it, pry!

We're supposed to build a jack with
this stuff and pry the door open.

See, this piece faces upwards,

and then you add this part to the top.

Yes, brilliant!

Cass, oh, you made it!

See? Oh, I am so glad

you and Eugene found a way to work to...

(Pascal squeaks)

Whoa, Frideborg.

I am sorry.

Ah, I thought that you were Cassandra,

but not that I'm not happy
to see you, Frideborg.

I think you're terrific, by the way.

Did you... did you change your hair?

No? Nothing's different?


Well, I have to go over there now.

(Pascal squeaks)

Huh? Oh, relax, Pascal.

I can handle this.

Oh, yeah!

I see what all the fuss is about.

No, this is fun!


Duck! Spin!

- Thrust! Uh-oh.
- (thud)

Alright, that should do it.

Here, let me try.

No! No, no, no, that's too far!

Leverage, Cassandra.

It's all about the leverage.

I know what I'm doing.

No, you don't!

Cut it out!

You cut it out!

The jack was my idea!

Ugh, "my idea."

"Me, me, me."

It's always all about you.

Okay, let's make it about you than.

"I'm Cassandra,

"and I can't stand Eugene,

"because he's smarter than me,
has better teeth,

"and doesn't use the word 'vahz.'"

Ugh! You're making it about you again!

That's because I'm far more interesting!



Eugene: Oh, great!

You lost my comb!

- That was the first thing I ever stole.
- (snickering)

- I had it re-engraved and everything.
- Looks like it's our lucky day.


Take that to the rose garden!

Yeah, you're right.

It has been a long time.

We... we should check on them.

Don't give me that look.

This... absolutely doesn't mean
my plan didn't work, Pascal.


Worked like a charm.

(cell unlocks)

Sideburns: Time for a little payback.

Ah, Blondie.

Finally... oh!

Hello, Rider.

That's unfortunate.

- Friends of yours?
- Sideburns!

Long time, no sneer! You look good!

The moisture in the dungeon has done

wonders for your leathery skin.
Did you lose weight?

Prison food, am I right?


No, no, I guess not.

- (growling)
- (whistling blowing)

- Huh?
- Guard: The Stabbington's have escaped!

Guess we're gonna need
a couple of human shields,

if we wanna get outta here.

Ahh, thank goodness.

Wait a minute. (grunts)

(disgusted groan)

Eugene: Let's rethink
the sack thing, huh?

- It's wreaking havoc on my hair.
- Cassandra: Nice, Eugene.


Hold it right there! Don't move.


- Dad.
- Hmm, Dad.

I'd call your men off if you know what's
good for your precious daughter...


I hear voices.

Sounds like my plan worked!

Cass! Eugene!

How did this happen?

Stay back, Princess.

Guards, lower your weapons.

It's okay, Blondie,
I'm working on a plan.

Okay, Eugene, let's hear it.

Uh, I-I-I can't say it now,
cause they can still hear us.

Captain, they're getting away.

Captain: Come on!

Rapunzel: We'll never catch up to them.

Wait, but thanks to Cass,

I know where the corridor empties.
Come on, Pascal!

Captain: Over here! They went this way.


Ho, hey!

Probably not the best idea.

Time to get rid of the extra baggage.

(both grunting)

Say, "Sayonara."

(Patch grunts)

Actually, I just got a much better idea.

- (yelps)
- Let's snuff out Rider,

but keep the Captain's daughter
as a bargaining chip.

You just sit there
like a good little girl.

This will just take a second.

- (yelps)
- Hey!

Where do you think you're going?


We've got a little score to settle.

Guys, guys, hold on!

You clearly have no idea
what you're talking about.

Cassandra is useless.

(mutters) Right there.

I'm the princess' boyfriend.

I come with a lot more leverage.

Sideburns: It ain't about
leverage with you, Rider.

It's about revenge.

We've been waiting a long time for this.
Say goodnight.

(clears throat)



Now that's how you use a halberd.

Yep, it's all about the leverage.

- (rumbling intensifies)
- (gasps)

Eugene! Come on, let's get outta here.


(both panting)

Rapunzel: Hello?

Are you guys down there?


(grunting, panting)


Oh! I am so glad you're both okay.

Guard: There they are.


Cassandra, you okay?

I am now.


I am so sorry.

I had no idea my game
would lead to such a disaster.

I really thought
you guys would have fun.

Oh, look, you've had better ideas,

but you don't have to apologize.

It must be hard with both of us going
at each other's throats all the time,

so from now on,

even though I have
no idea what you see in her,

I'll try to be nice
to the dragon lady...

I mean, Cassandra.

(inhales, exhales deeply)

You ready?

Uh, yeah, yeah.

Okay, I can do this.
I just gotta walk in there,

and tell the scariest most
intimidating man in the world

that I broke his favorite vase.

He's gonna kill me.

My dad's not gonna kill you!

Hey, do you remember last month

when the royal tailor
accidentally tore his robe?

My dad didn't kill him.

Of course, he's got
like a million of those robes,

and only one of those vases
exists in the entire world,

and come to think of it, I remember
seeing the tailor locked in the stockade.

Blondie, not helping.

Yeah, sorry.

All right.

I just gotta face...

the music?

Hey, you got a sec?

I guess.

I just wanted to say that I
really appreciate what you did.

I figured if you got
kicked out of the castle,

Rapunzel would be all mopey,

and... I don't really do mope.

Ha ha, so...

does this mean I can
borrow your halberd?


No halberd, okay,
yeah, I'm okay with that.

- (happy squeak)
- Yes!

By the way, where is my halberd?

- Eugene: I don't know.
- Cassandra: Well, you had it last.

Eugene: I did not.

Cassandra: Oh, here we go again.

I can't believe you're
gonna lie to my face.

Eugene: I can't even look at your face.

- Cassandra: Why you...
- (vase shatters)

Eugene: Hahaha, missed me!

You broke it this time! Ha!

(vocalizing music)

♪ Now I got my eyes opening wider ♪

♪ My heart burning like fire ♪

♪ Feels like I'm so alive ♪

♪ I'm never going back ♪

♪ Whatever I want now,
I'm gonna chase it ♪

♪ Who I am I can't contain it ♪

♪ I'm not gonna hold it in ♪

♪ Cause there's more of me to give ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ There's more of me to give ♪